List of organizations carrying out special assessment of working conditions. Register of organizations

Only organizations accredited by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation can conduct a special assessment of working conditions. There is a special register of SOUT organizations, which includes all Russian companies without exception that have the right to conduct a special assessment. What is this registry? How to find it and how to use it? The answers to these and other questions are in our material.

Register of SOUT organizations

The register was created to help legal entities that will have to undergo a set of measures to identify unfavorable factors in the labor process and determine the level of their influence on workers. It greatly facilitates the search for an expert organization based on the required parameters and provides users with brief information about each of them.

The register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions is located on the specialized web resource of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. In order to visit it, you need to follow the ]]> link ]]>. The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the register.

The main regulatory act regulating the procedure for registering companies in a special register is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2014 No. 599.

The information on the site is updated periodically. Companies that have been deprived of accreditation and liquidated entities are removed from the list. An organization will be able to enter the register only if it meets the requirements specified in Art. 19 of Law No. 426-FZ.

Once on the website, users will be given the opportunity to:

  • set search parameters for the desired company or expert;
  • familiarize yourself with all organizations included in the register;
  • familiarize yourself with the list of organizations that are registered in a particular region of the Russian Federation;
  • download the necessary information to a file in Excel format.

Registry search

An entry about any organization entered into the SOUT register is confirmation of its right to carry out activities related to the special assessment of working conditions. In order to find out which organization provides services in the desired region and whether it has the appropriate accreditation, users can use a special search form posted on the website.

You can search using the following parameters:

  • Company name;
  • OGRN;
  • district;
  • date of entry into the register;
  • date of suspension of activity;
  • date of termination of activity;
  • status of the organization.

In the register of SOUT experts, you can “drive” the following parameters into the search bar:

  • FULL NAME. expert;
  • certificate number;
  • date of issue of the certificate and expiration date of its validity.

In total, the register includes about 5,000 experts who have the right to conduct special assessments.

Requirements for companies and experts

Organizations conducting special assessments of working conditions must meet certain requirements. This:

  • presence of an accredited testing laboratory;
  • existence of a concluded employment contract with at least 5 certified experts;
  • As the main type of activity, the statutory documents must indicate the conduct of special operational activities.

Persons who meet the following requirements will be included in the register of experts:

  • presence of higher education;
  • availability of a document confirming advanced training in the relevant SUT programs (if there is no specialized education);
  • ability to assess working conditions and at least 3 years of experience in the field of labor protection.

Information about the organization will be entered into the register within three days from the date of such a decision. In some cases, it is possible to extend the period for consideration of an application for inclusion in the register to 20 working days.

An organization will be excluded from the register in the following cases:

  • if its activities have been terminated (including through liquidation and reorganization);
  • if the accreditation of a laboratory that is part of the organization has expired.

Openness of the registry

The register of organizations conducting SOUT is an open web resource. The information included in it is available for everyone to review. There is no charge for viewing information on a specialized website. Maintaining the register of SOUT is regulated by Art. 21 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ.

Look at the most current register of Russian organizations and experts providing special labor assessment services (SAL), which is published on the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. To go to the Ministry of Labor website, click one of the buttons:

Why do you need a SOUT registry?

The register is needed to search for organizations or experts providing SOUT services, as well as to check any organization to find out whether it has the right to provide such services or not.

Previously, we wrote that companies that have jobs must conduct a special assessment of working conditions when creating a job, and then, once every 5 years. At the same time, according to Russian legislation, the assessment cannot be carried out independently. To do this, you need to contact a specialized organization that has the right to provide SOUT services. Such organizations are subject to control and accounting by the state. Accounting for all SOUT organizations is carried out in the register on the website of the Ministry of Labor. You can use the Ministry of Labor's SOUT registry to find any of them.

On the website you can find a list of organizations that conduct special assessments of working conditions, as well as view the register of accredited labor protection organizations that perform the functions of a labor protection service or a labor protection specialist for an employer whose number of employees does not exceed 50 people.

Requirements for organizations included in the register

According to Resolution No. 599 of June 30, 2014, firms that meet the following requirements are placed in the register of accredited labor protection organizations:

— the company has a testing laboratory, which is necessarily accredited by the Federal Accreditation Service;
— the company employs at least five experts who have been certified to conduct SOUT. An employment contract must be concluded with each expert. At least one of the experts must have a higher education as a doctor in the field of occupational hygiene.

The register of SOUT experts includes persons who meet the following requirements:

— the expert must have higher education;
— in the absence of specialized education, the expert must have confirmation of advanced training in relevant training programs for assessing working conditions lasting at least 72 hours.
— the expert must be able to assess working conditions and have at least 3 years of work experience in the field of labor protection, including in the labor protection system.

How to use the SOUT registry?

After going to the official website of the Ministry of Labor, you have the opportunity to:

set search criteria for the desired organization (expert), for example, if you know the name of the organization, TIN or number of the organization (expert) in the register. To do this, enter the desired value in the appropriate field and click "FIND".

view all organizations (all experts) in the register, providing SOUT services. To do this, just scroll down the page and familiarize yourself with the list of companies (experts). This method is not very convenient, because... requires endless scrolling of the list until the desired company is found. It is also possible to download all organizations into an Excel file. To download click on the button "Export tocsv» .

view organizations registered in a specific region of Russia. To do this, scroll down the page a little and find the field “Subject (number of organizations)”. Select the desired region and click the button "FIND". We recommend this one a way to search for organizations and experts, because in this case, you can see all organizations in your region of residence and select one of them to receive SOUT services.

What information does the Ministry of Labor's register on SOUT contain?

According to the Rules for the admission of organizations to carry out special assessments of working conditions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2014 N 599 The following information is entered into the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions:

— the name of the organization and its location, as well as the name and location of its branches (additional offices);
— TIN;
— company registration number;
— the date when the company is entered into the register of the Ministry of Labor according to SOUT;
- the date from which the company suspended its activities under the SOUT. (The suspension of activities can be carried out by the organization independently, but most often at the request of state supervision authorities, in the event that such a company does not meet the requirements of the law);
- the date from which the company resumed its activities in providing SOUT services based on the decision of state authorities. supervision;
— date of termination of the company’s activities in the field of SOUT. Despite the fact that the company is on the list, it does not have the right to provide SOUT services.

The following information is entered into the register of SOUT experts:

— full name of the expert;
— details of the expert certificate (certificate number, validity period, issue date and expiration date);
— area of ​​activity;
— date of termination of the SOUT expert certificate.

What law requires maintaining a register of SOUT?

The register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions is formed on the basis of Article 21 of the Law on Special Assessment of Working Conditions N 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ.

The article says that information about organizations conducting special assessments should be posted on the Internet in an open manner so that anyone can obtain information. The list should be available on the official website of the government body responsible for policy in the field of labor legislation (website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation).

Let's summarize. You have received a complete understanding of the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions and the register of SOUT experts who work in these companies. You learned how the register can be useful to you, how to go to the official website where the register is located and how to use it, what the register contains and what law requires its maintenance.

From January 1, 2014, all Russian organizations and individual entrepreneurs with hired employees are required to conduct a special assessment of working conditions once every 5 years. They can entrust this event to specialized accredited companies (Article 19 of the Federal Law-426). Below is information about organizations that comply with legal requirements and have extensive experience in conducting SOUT.

Register of organizations (laboratories) conducting SOUT in Moscow

Choose a laboratory yourself or seek professional help.

Register number Name Address

115088, Moscow, Yuzhnoportovaya, building 5, building 8

125252, Moscow, Berezovaya Roshchi passage, building 4, office 201

Consulting Center SEARCH

Moscow, 1st Avtozavodskoy pr., 4, bldg. 1

Interregional Committee for Labor and Life Safety

Moscow, Bolshoi Starodanilovsky Lane, 2, building 7, room. 7202

Center for Occupational Health and Safety

Moscow, Kulakov lane, 9A, building 1

Autonomous non-profit organization Center for Research on Occupational Safety and Health Problems

Moscow, Murmansky proezd, 14

Moscow, Budyonny Ave., 31

Interregional center for labor protection "Expertise"

Moscow, st. Barrikadnaya, 8, building 5A

Analytical Center ECO-Expert

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 14


Moscow, st. Gorbunova, 2, building 204, floor 5, room. II, room 37


Moscow, st. Menzhinskogo, 3


Moscow, st. Nagatinskaya, 1, building 2

Labor laboratory

Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 31/7, bldg. 22, room 8

Federal State Budgetary Institution Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory

Moscow, st. Oranzhereynaya, 23

Certification center "Special assessment of working conditions

Moscow, st. Selskhozyaystvennaya, 17, building 7

Autonomous non-profit organization Legal company "PROGRESS"

Moscow, st. Trofimova, 21, bldg. 1


Moscow, st. Ugreshskaya, 31, bldg. 1, floor 6, room. 46

Federal budgetary healthcare institution Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow

Moscow, Grafsky Lane, 4/9


Moscow, Nauchny proezd, 8, building 1, room. XIX, room No. 14-17

Moscow, Pakgauznoe highway, 1 building 1


Moscow, st. Rechnikov, 7, building 14

What stages does the SOUT procedure include?

Special assessment of working conditions (SOUT)– a set of measures to identify harmful and dangerous factors, production sites, places of work, as well as their description and classification.

Conducting an SOUT includes several important stages that every Russian employer must understand.


On the basis of the company, a commission on SOUT is created, which generates a list of jobs on the basis of which the assessment procedure will be carried out. A schedule of activities is drawn up, after which the employer enters into an agreement with the selected specialized organization to conduct a special assessment.

Identification of harmful and dangerous production factors

Certified experts from the appraiser organization examine all workplaces included in the assessment list, identify hazardous and hazardous areas, and draw up a declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements.

Study of harmful and dangerous factors

If harmful and dangerous factors were identified during the special assessment, then additional measurements and calculations are carried out. The hazard and danger classes of the identified conditions are established.

Final analysis

The employer is obliged to provide the expert with information about benefits and compensation, training and the use of personal protective equipment.

Compilation of a report

Based on the results of the assessment, the appraising company provides the employer with a report that reflects:

  • information about the appraiser;
  • a list of inspected workplaces indicating the identified harmful and dangerous working conditions;
  • SOUT maps indicating classes of working conditions at individual workplaces;
  • protocols for studying harmful and dangerous conditions, the effectiveness of personal protective equipment, etc.;
  • summary statement based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions;
  • list of measures to improve working conditions;
  • final conclusion from the appraiser company.

Reference! According to the law, SAS must be carried out at all workplaces without exception. In practice, if these places are absolutely similar, then measurements are carried out on 20% of them so as not to interrupt the production process. If violations are detected, each workplace will be inspected separately.

What requirements are put forward for the organization conducting the SOUT?

Specialized organizations that are authorized to conduct a special assessment of working conditions are required to meet a number of requirements (Article 19 of Federal Law-426):

  • the constituent documents indicate that SOUT is its main activity;
  • The staff consists of at least 5 specialists with an SOUT expert certificate;
  • at least 1 expert must have a higher education in the field of “General Hygiene”, “Occupational Hygiene” or “Sanitary and Hygienic Laboratory Research”;
  • the presence in the company structure of an equipped laboratory accredited by the national accreditation body of the Russian Federation.

Reference! The laboratory must be accredited to carry out tests and measurements of harmful and dangerous production factors: noise, infrasound, ultrasound, vibration, electrostatic field, constant magnetic field, hypogeomagnetic field, electromagnetic fields 50 Hz, alternating electromagnetic fields, including radio frequency range, ultraviolet radiation, infrared, laser, ionizing radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, air speed, illumination of the working surface, concentration of harmful chemicals, including substances of biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations), biological factors, as well as the severity and intensity of the labor process.

What requirements must certified experts meet?

Experts who have a certificate for conducting a special assessment of working conditions usually meet the following requirements (Article 20 of Federal Law-426):

  • higher education;
  • additional professional education or advanced training courses on assessing working conditions (at least 72 training hours);
  • practical experience in assessing working conditions and certifying workplaces for at least 3 years.

Important point! Russian legislation allows the organization to involve other accredited laboratories in the field of environmental protection in terms of measuring the energy exposure of laser radiation, the level of radioactive contamination of production premises, personal protective equipment and the skin of workers, X-ray and neutron radiation, and biological factors. This is due to the fact that not all testing centers have permission to measure these types of factors, moreover, the purchase of equipment for them is one of the most expensive.

When choosing an organization that will assess working conditions to identify hazards, the employer must understand that not all companies have the right to conduct such an examination. For this purpose, a register of organizations was created at the official level, which is regulated by the state.

Legislative acts

All the main regulatory provisions for conducting labor assessment are reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to these norms, an additional law was adopted, where all the nuances of the implementation and results were discussed in more detail (December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ).

The Ministry of Labor, in turn, approved Order No. 33n, which regulated several documents:

  • methodology for conducting assessment;
  • classification of hazardous production factors;
  • assessment report form;
  • detailed instructions for filling out this form.

Why do you need a SOUT registry?

This register is necessary to facilitate the search for companies or specialists who provide SOUT services. It will help in verifying the organization to determine whether it has the right to provide such services.

It is legally established that enterprises that have places for employees must authorize a special assessment of working conditions at intervals once every five years.

It is also regulated that this process cannot be carried out on its own. For this you need formally contact the organization, which provides such services and has the right to do so. It, in turn, is constantly controlled by the state.

Accounting for all enterprises involved in special labor conditions is carried out in the register on the website of the Ministry of Labor On it you can familiarize yourself in detail with the presented list of companies that conduct SOUT. In addition, it will be possible to find out the register of accredited enterprises specializing in labor protection.

How to use

After you have made the transition to the official website of the Ministry of Labor, you need to:

  1. Enter criteria to search for the required company (specialist). If known, the name of the company, its tax identification number or registration number. To search, enter the required value in the appropriate field, then click “FIND”.
  2. Conduct an inspection of the register of all companies and experts that provide SOUT services. To do this, you need to go to the bottom of the page and accordingly familiarize yourself with the list of organizations. Although it is worth noting that this method is very uncomfortable due to the almost endless scrolling in search of the required company. In addition, it is possible to download a list of all organizations in Excel format. To do this, click on the “Export to csv” button.
  3. Get acquainted with companies that are registered in the desired region of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to scroll down the page to the “Subject” field. Then select the required region and click the “FIND” button. This method is extremely convenient, as it will allow you to find organizations in a selected area closer to the location of the enterprise.

What information does it contain?

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2014 No. 599, the register of organizations engaged in SOUT must be included following information:

As a rule, the SOUT specialists database includes: series of following data:

  • Full name of the specialist;
  • information about the specialist’s certificate;
  • field of work;
  • expiration date of the certificate issued to the SOUT specialist.

Requirements for organizations

This provision is regulated by Resolution No. 599, according to which organizations that meet the requirements are placed in the accredited register of labor protection companies a number of requirements:

  1. The organization must have a special laboratory that is officially accredited.
  2. The company must employ at least five specialists who have passed certification and can carry out SOUT. In this case, an employment contract must be signed with each specialist. In addition, one of the experts must have a higher medical education (specialization in occupational health).

The register of SOUT specialists displays persons who meet the following requirements:

  1. The specialist must have a higher education.
  2. In the absence of specialized education, the specialist is obliged to have documents confirming advanced training in educational institutions with a program lasting at least three days.
  3. The specialist must have at least three years of experience in the field of occupational safety and health, this also includes experience in the labor protection system.

Order of conduct

Inspection of working conditions at enterprises is carried out, as a rule, in in a strictly regulated manner:

  1. Identification of potentially harmful and dangerous production factors.
  2. Conducting research on identified factors (laboratory tests, measurements, etc.).
  3. Setting the hazard class.
  4. Summing up and presenting results.

A protocol on the studies and measurements carried out must be drawn up in relation to each identified dangerous factor, after which the report is signed by all participants of the special commission and certified by its chairman.

If at least one member of the commission does not agree with the results, he can put his opinion in writing and attach it to the report.

Expert level assessment results

According to the results of the audit, the company that conducted the expert assessment, is obliged to indicate classes of current conditions. At the moment there is only four classes:

  1. Optimal (lowest level of exposure to harmful factors).
  2. Valid.
  3. Harmful.
  4. Dangerous.

The employer must arrange for employees to familiarize themselves with the report of the SOUT commission at their places of work, against personal signature within 30 calendar days. This period does not include the period of temporary incapacity for work of a specialist, stay on vacation and business trips.

After which the data obtained as a result of checking the SOUT, in accordance with legal requirements, must be transferred to Federal State Information Accounting System.

In turn, the organization that conducted the SOUT within 10 calendar days from the moment the report is certified, must also submit it to the appropriate Federal database. The report must be sent electronically with a certified certified electronic signature of the manager.

Checking documents and concluding an agreement

All responsibility for timely SOUTH in the organization rests with the employer.

The full set of documentation that will be required to verify the SOUT is established on an individual basis and largely depends on the characteristics of the company. Legislatively established minimum list of documents, which are needed for the commission.

The process of preparing documentation for SOUT occurs during the organizational stage. Before concluding an agreement with a company that will conduct an inspection of the organization, the employer must:

  1. Create a commission on SOUT.
  2. Confirm the composition of this commission.
  3. Develop a work schedule.

Documentation required by laboratories to conduct special assessments:

  • company details;
  • order to create a commission;
  • SNILS of employees;
  • staffing table to certify the list of jobs;
  • a number of industry documents.

Additionally the following may be requested:

  • job descriptions of employees;
  • safety log.

You can learn how to carry out SOUT at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund from this video.

Employers need to complete a special assessment by the end of 2018. The Ministry of Labor maintains a special register, which contains data on organizations accredited to conduct special labor assessments. What can you find out in the registry?

The list of accredited organizations for SOUT is in the register of the Ministry of Labor

According to labor legislation, employers must conduct a special assessment of working conditions, abbreviated as SOUT (). The law on this issue states that special assessments are not carried out in relation to people:

  • working from home or remotely;
  • working for other citizens who do not have the status of an individual entrepreneur (clause 3 of article 3).

Thus, in relation to all other employees, employers (companies and individual entrepreneurs) must conduct a special assessment. December 31, 2018:

  1. The time allotted for fulfilling this requirement will expire. We need to do it before the end of the year (Part 6, Article 27 of Law No. 426-F).
  2. Organizations that provide SOUT services and received accreditation before Law No. 426-FZ came into force will lose the right to conduct this activity (Part 1, Article 27 of Law No. 426-FZ).

The employer must, up to and including the specified date, complete a special assessment for jobs that do not fall into the following categories:

  • with early assignment of old-age insurance pension;
  • with harmful or dangerous working conditions (Part 6, Article 10 of Law No. 426-FZ).

In the Ministry of Labor register you can find information about experts from companies with accreditation

In one of the sections of its official website, the Russian Ministry of Labor enters into thematic registers:

  • accredited organizations conducting SOUT in the Russian Federation;
  • experts from such organizations;
  • organizations that provide services in the field of labor protection.

It makes sense to use the first two registers if the employing company wants to be confident in the counterparty it has invited to conduct a special assessment. If inspectors are listed in the register, this indicates that they have qualifications and official approvals. The executing organization receives access to activities under the Specialized Labor Regulations from the date the Ministry of Labor makes a decision on registration in the register (clause 2 of the Rules, approved). It is not prohibited to involve several organizations at the same time.

The customer can make sure that the organization that offered its services and once received accreditation has not lost it or ceased its activities. If the special assessment was carried out by a company that is not accredited, the employer will have problems with government agencies (fines, etc.).

In fact, by maintaining these registers, the Ministry of Labor guarantees that:

  • in any case, the customer will find an organization to perform the services;
  • such an organization has the right to provide them, and the customer can use the results of its work to confirm the fulfillment of its obligations as an employer.

The customer can be sure that the contractor has:

  • SOUT is one of the main activities;
  • there are at least 5 employees with certificates to conduct assessments;
  • there is a special laboratory with separate accreditation (Clause 1, Article 19 of Law No. 426-FZ).

The Ministry of Labor does not require special access to registers of accredited organizations for special labor conditions and experts. The data is publicly available on the Internet and is provided free of charge. Information on the site is stored indefinitely.

How to use the registry

To find on the website the register of organizations accredited by the Russian Ministry of Labor to conduct special labor assessments, you must:

  • find the “Registers” section;
  • select the desired subsection and follow the link.
  • Federal District;
  • region (subject of the Russian Federation);
  • address;
  • Name;
  • TIN, etc.

By default, the site provides a complete list of all accredited organizations.

The SOUT Register provides the following information about each company:

  • serial number and date of entry of the company into the register;
  • name and location;
  • TIN and OGRN;
  • additional information on the suspension, resumption and termination of special assessment activities.

In the register of experts, you can find out whether the certificate of a given specialist is current.

You can also find out on the website:

  • which civil servant is responsible for the register;
  • how to contact him;
  • When was the registry last updated and how often does it happen.