Memo for tuition fees. How to write a memo: examples and rules for drafting

Memos may have positive character, if it is necessary to highlight the work achievements of an employee of the organization, as well as negative, in order to punish the offender who caused offense, insult, assault or boorish behavior.

The document is compiled by an employee of the enterprise, including management, and is formed on the basis of an appeal to a person of higher position.

Reasons for registration may be related to complaints or reports on work performed. Often the reasons are offensive expressions at the enterprise during work, boorish actions, which are taken into account with special attention when creating it.

Varieties and forms

According to the content they are divided into:

According to the addressee, the notes are:

  1. Internal: address issues related to unpleasant situations at work.
  2. External: intended for higher authorities.

Legislative framework

According to the law, various information of an official nature is not distinguished, so mention of the memorandum does not appear in the sections Labor Code and regulations. It is compared with an internal code used for the purpose of conveniently transmitting information to various officials of one enterprise, as well as explanatory or official notes.

By All-Russian classifier management documentation It has number 0286041.

Report - document, which provides proprietary information in comparison with other papers, is sent specifically to persons occupying high positions, their representatives, heads of departments, and everyone who is authorized to take significant actions.

A memorandum differs from an official memorandum purpose. The first transmits information from a subordinate to the manager, the second informs employees of equal status. Another difference between official ones is that they do not belong to the all-Russian classifier of management activities, and therefore are issued in free form.

Compared to an explanatory report, it does not explain the event that happened to accuse or justify the employee’s actions, although both are intended for management. The documents imply encouraging management to take appropriate decisions on disciplinary violations. The notes are assigned an OKUD code and are compiled at the request of the boss.

A document on an employee’s behavior performs the main function of conveying information to a higher-ranking official, stimulating him to make an appropriate decision. With its help you can:

  • solve existing production, administrative or economic difficulties;
  • improve recommendations related to improving the production process;
  • convey ideas to the manager in accordance with by decision, often the employee expresses his disagreement;
  • explain your own opinion if a conflict situation arises between employees or with the head of the relevant department;
  • regularly provide reports on the activities of the enterprise;
  • complain about an employee who fails to follow the instructions of a manager;
  • deal with improper delegation of obligations;
  • notify the manager about violation of discipline by employees when performing labor responsibilities and work routine;
  • provide information regarding incidents that caused financial losses or physical harm;
  • present favorable information that requires a management response.

Classification and authorship

According to the facts, information addressed to the manager requires urgent decision-making. They are usually negative, but can be positive if the employee has performed well at work and management needs to be notified. Persons in higher positions take incentive measures towards the employee in material or other ways.

Exist types related to:

  • violation of work order and discipline;
  • failure to fulfill or poor fulfillment of labor obligations;
  • allowing the use of offensive phrases by another employee, unacceptable behavior, provoking conflict situations;
  • work achievements worthy of awards.

Everyone has the right to write notes reporting on the merits or demerits of employees. executive enterprises. Often it is submitted by subordinates to the boss, observing the chain of command. He, in turn, decides to communicate information to the general director.

The head of a certain department, when drawing up a document, can address it to CEO . An employee has the opportunity to draw up a report directly to the head of the company, but before handing it over, it must be signed by the head of the department.

As an exception, papers of an informational nature are drawn up in the form complaints against the head of the department. The employee sends a note with complaints directly to the general director.

In registration it is necessary to comply mandatory requirements . Typically the document consists of three independent parts.

  1. Events, facts, reasons. Disclosure of the essence of the event.
  2. The compiler’s ideas regarding the current circumstances, what he proposes, what solutions he sees.
  3. Summing up and recommendations.

Memorandum - official and business document, therefore, it is compiled in accordance with the requirements established state standard №6.30-2003 on unified document systems, including organizational and administrative papers.

The design of an internal note consists of using an A4 sheet, while handwritten or printed text is allowed. There is no special form provided here. Be sure to indicate:

  • at the top, left and in the corner the name of the structural unit, data of the compiler;
  • on the right, above and in the corner the surname, first name, patronymic, position of the addressee;
  • the name of the official paper, using capital letters, placing it in the center of the sheet, sometimes it is placed in the left margin of the sheet, along the edge;
  • labeled with the date, month and year of signing, using Arabic numerals;
  • brief information about the content;
  • text from separate blocks.

The last line consists of the originator’s signature, as well as the surname, initials and position next to each other.

An external memorandum is considered outgoing official paper , compiled using the company’s letterhead. In addition to basic information, the document contains:

  • name, contact information about the compiler company;
  • number;
  • the name of the city where it was formed;
  • heading located under the title of the document, for example, “On violation of discipline.”

The requirements for the remaining elements - the name of this paper, information about the recipient, the text and signature of the originator - remain the same as when writing internal reports.


The bonus report has an incentive direction, in order to encourage a person higher in position to reward an employee for fulfilled work duties or other merits.


The document represents the charge for the violation labor order with its own design features, because it sets out the behavior of a certain employee who may be at risk of dismissal due to absence on work days.

The following points are important for proper paper formation:

  1. Absenteeism includes failure to appear at the place of performance labor activity more than three hours. When an employee is absent for less than the specified time, even for minutes, the violation will not be considered absenteeism, and the employee justifies the actions in the form of an explanatory note.
  2. To begin compiling, they receive an explanation from the offender in writing or other supporting documentation. The compiler indicates the listed papers in the report. As a result, it ends with demands to apply punishment to the offender or a request for mitigation.

Sales department

General Director of Slava LLC

V.S. Lapin


from 03/11/2016

about absence from work

I hereby bring to the attention of management that yesterday, March 10, 2016, sales manager Ilya Sergeevich Klimov was not at the place of work duties throughout the entire work shift, namely from 10.00 to 19.00 hours.

Klimov I.S. did not provide information to confirm valid justifications for his action.

I ask you to take action against sales manager I.S. Klimov. disciplinary action.

Boss commercial department/ Sovtsov / V.P. Sovtsov


Theft in the performance of official duties is considered a direct cause for termination of cooperation with the employee. The document is generated for the purpose of dismissing the guilty employee. Carrying out the procedure on legally accompanied by:

  • receiving a written request from an employee, where he admits to having committed an offense;
  • providing the necessary documentation confirming the actions taken.

Sometimes law enforcement agencies are involved in the case, which is why theft is serious offense.

Security department

To the Director of Rodnik LLC

Belov I.S.


from 06/07/2017

about theft of property

On June 1, 2017, at 16:40, the loader of the finished products warehouse, Nikolay Stepanovich Savelyev, tried to take a coffee machine out of the territory of Rodnik LLC. This fact was revealed by the boss security service Gorkikh L.A.

Savelyev N.S. could not explain this act, refusing to testify.

I ask you to appoint a commission and carry out an inventory warehouse where it is stored finished products, and remove Nikolai Stepanovich Savelyev from work until the circumstances are clarified and the degree of his guilt is determined.

Head of the security department / signature / L.A. Gorkikh

Violation of discipline

The report is generated to convey information regarding labor violations and refers to internal documentation that does not go beyond the boundaries of a particular company. It must accurately describe the employee's violations, mentioning whether appropriate justifications are required from him or her.

Important points in design:

  • informational character without emotional statements, absolutely neutral style;
  • notifies the management of the enterprise, including going beyond its borders (certain registration conditions are accepted for each option).

The memorandum is drawn up for the reasons of transmitting information, expressing one's own disagreement, providing recommendations to the recipient, depending on the situation.

Purchase department

General Director of Skala LLC

B.L. Voronov


from 08/07/2017

about violation of labor discipline

I would like to bring to your attention that on August 5, 2017, an employee of the supply department, Elena Mikhailovna Kudryashova, made a serious deviation from the labor procedure.

At the end of the lunch break, which ends at 13:00, Elena Mikhailovna did not return to her place of work and was not present until the end of the work shift, namely, until 17:00. Employee at this moment did not present documents that could justify and explain her action.

In view of the gross violations of labor order, I submit my proposal to reprimand Elena Mikhailovna Kudryashova and enter the information into her personal card details.

Head of Supply Department / signature / A.L. Gradov

Failure by an employee to fulfill official duties

A memorandum of this nature allows notify the manager about non-fulfillment or improper implementation job functions employee, according to professional duties.

The document ends with a request to take disciplinary action on the employee. It is permissible to apply punitive measures, recognizing them as justified.

Accounting department

General Director of Voskhod LLC

Kulikov V. A.


from 04/13/2017

about failure to fulfill official duties

Please take into account that an employee of the accounting department, Dragunina Katerina Petrovna, made a serious mistake when drawing up the quarterly report, according to the indicators of the previous quarter. Without checking the generated report, I submitted it to tax service, as a result, the tax inspector fined the organization in the amount of 500 rubles.

Due to the violation, I demand that E.P. Dragunina a strict warning, followed by indicating it in her personal card, and also deprive the employee bonus payment according to the amount of the penalty imposed by the tax authority.

Chief accountant / signature / S.I. Popova

Incorrect employee behavior

In order to provide information to management regarding the offensive actions of a certain employee towards another during the performance of work duties, an official document is generated and handed over to the boss. Management, according to the report received, is taking appropriate measures regarding the punishment of the perpetrator in order to prevent similar behavior in the future.

Production Department

General Director of Pyramid LLC

Stolbovoy L.N.


from 06/07/2017

about inappropriate behavior of an employee

I would like to inform you that on June 06, 2016, technologist E.S. Zuev committed inappropriate actions towards the deputy chief production department Klyueva Nina Vasilievna. Zuev E.S. made tactless remarks about the external image of N.V. Klyueva, adding obscene phrases of an offensive nature.

I would like to emphasize that this is not the first time that Evgeniy Semenovich Zuev, an employee of the production department, has used rude language when addressing other employees, while violating labor discipline and provoking conflict in the work team.

In this regard, I propose to conduct a meeting with E.S. Zuev. educational conversation and reprimand due to unacceptable behavior at the place of employment.

Head of production department / signature / Grishaev K.I.

Recipient's reactions

After receiving a document with information regarding the actions of a certain employee, the addressee, taking into account the listed events, applies appropriate measures.

The manager presents the intentions in the form of a resolution drawn up on the sheet where the text of the report is located. In accordance with the stated resolution, measures are being implemented in accordance with the decision taken.


The memorandum allows the head of the organization to keep abreast of events, interact with the work team and maintain labor discipline. The decision made by the head of the company regarding a certain official depends on competent and accurate registration.

The difference from the memo is presented in the video.

Many employees know about the internal documents of the organization only by hearsay - memos are confused with official documents and compiled incorrectly. This disrupts the main function of such documents - official communication within the team, which leads to the impossibility of coordinated work. That's why it becomes topical issue drafting a memo, its differences and similarities with other papers, writing specifications.


A means of communication between officials and structural units. Sometimes defined as a document about the completion of some task/work, although it may have a different nature. The samples that will be discussed in this article precisely reflect the possible contents of the memo.

Official classifier management documents does not contain information about such paper as a memo. An example of how to write it is not provided, but this does not change the fact that similar document widespread in the workplace for a number of reasons.

Reasons for using

A memo is known as a frequently used supporting document. She has the responsibility to ensure communication between the elements of the work system, that is, employees. Why is such a document so popular? Many work issues can and should be resolved without the intervention of management positions - this proves the independence and efficiency of departments autonomously and as a system as a whole.


The difference from the above-mentioned memo is that the latter implies an appeal to higher ranks, and a memo, an example of which will be discussed below, forms a connection at the horizontal level. This may be an appeal to the administrator of another department or the head of another division. In any of the cases, as long as the persons mentioned have equivalent positions, we can talk about a memo. When inequality occurs, some of the examples presented here may be ambiguous in definition, the reasons for this will be discussed later.

Subject of memos

Typically, memos are written on issues of support: informational, economic, logistical or organizational. Often, a note may contain some kind of request or suggestion. For each of the structural elements, usually one of the topics is a priority and correlates with the area in which the element itself operates.


The preparation of a memo is carried out in the same way as the preparation of a report. Therefore, only the content changes. Decor memos regulated by GOST. This allows you to maintain uniformity in the design of all management documents.

An example of how to write a memo:

Information and technical department ( at the top of the page, on the left side)

Head of Security Service ( top, right side) Lyubchenko R. L.


14.09.2015 № 11

On Friday 17.09.2015 the material and technical base will be replaced. In this regard, I ask you to provide access to the following employees of the organization PE “AMIR” to perform these works:

  1. Andeenko Sergey Gennadievich.
  2. Mishkov Lev Georgievich.

Department head ( From the left side) _painting_ Antipov R. D. ( on the right side)

The design of a memo assumes a typical sheet format - A4.


Essentially analogous voice message, a memo has a number of advantages over usual work communication:

  • preservation in writing;
  • official documentation;
  • convenience in the case of transferring complex information;
  • the ability to transmit one message to several people at once.

The logical consequences of this are:

  • the ability to confirm/refute a statement;
  • clear statement of the task and its precise implementation;
  • timely execution;
  • efficiency.


Writing a memo can be of the following nature:

  • informational (message, notice, instruction, etc.);
  • proactive (request);
  • reporting.

The memo, an example of which was provided above, is of an informational nature, since the head of one department notifies another about the upcoming work, in addition, he gives simple instructions on what he is obliged to do.

The last two points are often side by side: the reporting note is a response to the initiative (request).


Let's look at how to correctly write a memo based on the example given. So, this document must contain:

  • addressee details (in in this case this role was played by the head of security);
  • name of the document (the corresponding inscription was immediately before the text);
  • document date;
  • text;
  • details and signature of the addressee (head of the information department).

The text, in turn, can also be distributed according to the structure. True, it is much more conditional:

  1. The first part defines the basis and motive for writing. The memo, a sample of which was presented above, explains the request in the very first sentence.
  2. The second part reflects the essence: in the example it comes after the words “in connection with...”.
  3. The third part is the final one. It may contain a statement of fact, a proposal or a request.

An internal memo, an example of which helps us understand the rules of registration, combines the second and third parts into one. The division becomes more noticeable in complex memos. The third part necessarily appears in response documents.


Although a free format is allowed for this paper, as well as for all other management papers, in order to know how to write a memo correctly, you need to freely express your thoughts in business style, because when compiling any kind of documentation, it is he who is used.


Office memos do not have a clear classification, but at the same time they can be roughly divided into types.

For example, there is a memo:

  • about promotion;
  • for purchase;
  • about write-off, etc.

Each type has its own writing specification. For a better understanding of how to write a memo, examples will also be given.

About promotion

A memo about increasing wages may be needed by employees who believe that they are receiving insufficient monetary remuneration for their work. It is logical that first of all they will turn to their boss - they will write a memo.

A memo of this type is written by the head of the employee’s department addressed to the head of the department. Sometimes the HR department also does this. Then initially we are talking about communication between the department of the employee who wants to receive a higher salary and the HR department. The reasons for the increase in wages (changes in the volume of work, employee qualifications, etc.) must be included in the memo.

A sample is presented below.

Material Accounting Department

General Director of Private Enterprise “Agro Darina” Aninnikov G.L.


09.04.2013 № 45

Saint Petersburg

On increasing wages Furmanets G.V.

Furmanets Galina Viktorovna has been working at the private enterprise “Agro Darina” since March 4, 2011 as a leading specialist in the material assets accounting department. She is a qualified master of her craft, showing high productivity, punctual, obliging and diligent. During her work she did not receive a single disciplinary sanction. In connection with the above, I ask you to increase wages Furmanets to Galina Viktorovna from 23,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles.

Head of the material assets accounting department_signature_Galkin S. A.

A promotion does not only mean an increase in pay; it may also mean a transition to a higher position. The memo regarding promotion is also written by the head of the department.

This is an important note: the same memo to the director, that is, a note from a subordinate to the boss is considered a memo.

  • improving his qualifications;
  • receiving higher education(first/second);
  • length of service and work experience;
  • for outstanding services.

The reasons must be stated directly in the memo. For example, the next one.

Logistics Department

General Director of PP Netflix Lyashenko S. Yu.


19.02.2001 № 15

About the promotion of Yu. O. Belousova.

Yulia Olegovna Belousova has been working at Netflix since January 7, 1999 as an administrator of the logistics department. She is a qualified specialist in her field. The employee is efficient and responsible, characterized by high efficiency and endurance in stressful situations. On February 15, 2001, she received a master’s degree in “Accounting and Audit”. In connection with the above, I recommend Yulia Olegovna Belousova for promotion to the position of senior administrator.

Head of the logistics department_signature_Elchaninov P.L.

For purchase

Purchasing means repairing or replacing any equipment. An internal memorandum for acquisition is written by a department that needs to update its material and technical base.

The memo, a sample of which is presented below, was drawn up for the purchase of a computer.

Human Resources Department

To the head of the IT department of Epam LLC, D. M. Penkov.


12.11.2009 № 4

About computer repair (replacement)

I would like to inform you that starting from November 6, 2009, HR department employee Tatyana Evgenievna Mashkina, senior administrator, has been experiencing regular crashes on her personal computer.

Due to the above reason, I ask you to repair or replace this PC as quickly as possible.

Head of HR Department _signature_ Chistenko V.T.


The memo here means vacation not in the sense of going on a well-deserved rest, but of calling an employee back from vacation, written by the head of the department in which the corresponding employee is registered. It indicates the reason for the revocation. The document is submitted to the head of the company/organization, he, in turn, must write a response - consent or refusal.

Below is an example of such a memo along with the response.

I don't mind

HR department to prepare the necessary documents__Sergeev 03/21/2014

General Director of PE “Aukro” Sergeev V.P.


21.03.2014 № 1

Considering the illness of the senior accountant of the accounting and audit department, Tatyana Viktorovna Morozova, I make a proposal to call accountant Pavel Sergeevna Matveychuk from vacation from March 22, 2014.

Head of the Accounting and Audit Department _signature_ Marinina R. A.

It should be noted that in addition to writing and receiving a resolution for the memo, it is also necessary to obtain the consent of the employee himself to recall from leave. This must also be officially documented. Therefore, the memo is only the first stage of this process.

About bonuses

A bonus memo is written when the boss wants to reward an employee for productive work. From the employee’s point of view, the bonus process is simple, but for the boss, especially if the organization does not have a bonus provision and prefers to do without it, it becomes much more labor-intensive. But one of the stages of this process in any case will be writing a memo.

First of all, you need to study the specification of the enterprise in this regard - each company has its own bonus conditions. These may be specified cases when an employee cannot be awarded a bonus (disciplinary sanctions, administrative violations etc.), sources of bonuses and the like. After careful study, you can proceed directly to writing.

The memorandum of bonuses must necessarily contain the reasons why the head of the department believes that the employee should be rewarded. If the bonus clause has clear clauses that indicate what kind of incentive is due for what, the process is much simplified. The boss can only notify the director about the implementation of such and such points. Then this is a notice. In another case, the head of the department only offers to reward the employee and determines the size of the bonus himself - again, taking into account the organization’s material incentive system.

It is interesting that memos about bonuses are often classified as reports - since they are written in the name of a higher rank. A similar dilemma arises with notes about recall from vacation, promotion, etc.

For write-off

Service notes are not necessary when the property is damaged or the material and technical base is outdated. This type of document is closely related to acquisition notes and is similar in specification: for example, the head of a department with the above problem writes a similar note to the department that works with damaged property (as in the example about the computer: the appeal went to the information department).

Below is a sample of such a memo.

Information and technical department

To the head of the control and audit department of Troyanda LLC, D. D. Sukhorukov.


22.01.2006 № 42

About decommissioning of computers

I would like to inform you that at present the electronic computer owned by the information technology department is outdated and is not capable of performing calculations with a capacity sufficient for the full functionality of this department.

In connection with the above reason, I ask you to write off the above property as obsolete and notify us of the need to replenish the material and technical base.

Head of the information and technical department _signature_ Chashchenko V.T.

Dividing memos by type

All of the above examples can be divided into two types:

  • memo to the employee, director;
  • memo to any department.

The dilemma the first point causes has already been mentioned in this article. Despite the fact that there is plenty of information on how to write a memo to the director, as well as examples and writing samples, essentially this is not entirely correct. This principle can only operate in corporate organizations where all departments are equal and there is no main boss. Then writing notes between departments automatically becomes an official function, not a report. In all other cases, it is strongly recommended that when writing notes about recalling an employee from vacation, about his bonuses, dismissal, promotion, use the title of the document “Memorandum”. Other writing requirements remain the same.

All other samples are classified as internal memos to departments - about write-offs, acquisitions, etc. They give a more correct idea of ​​the essence of internal memos: communication between equivalent departments that does not require management intervention.


Office notes related directly to individual employees are stored in their personal files. All others are sent to the company archives.

Original memos may be needed when checking an organization by higher authorities: they give detailed information O internal activities firms, interaction of structural elements.

Also memos like official documents, can be evidence or refutation in the proceedings of any case.

Like other supporting documents, memos can be considered a kind of annex to the company’s external documentation.

Frequent use of memos serves as a criterion for assessing the general mood of the company and its employees for sociologists, marketers, and psychologists workers' organization frames.

The half-business, half-free style of writing memos clearly reflects the situational relationships within the work team. Documentation is especially interesting not between departments, but between specific employees of departments - it is less common and therefore more visual.

A formality that takes time and effort - this is how many people treat reports, official and explanatory notes and often do not see the difference between them. It is generally accepted that reports and explanatory notes are associated with the application of disciplinary sanctions. In fact, they are used not only for this. We will tell you in what situation it is appropriate to draw up a particular note and how to do it correctly.

Why are notes needed?

First of all, all notes are information and reference documents for operational management. With their help, information is exchanged within the company (for example, between different departments or between branches, representative offices and the head office). The information in the notes does not contain orders, but may become the basis for the adoption of some management decision, but can only be taken into account.

But writing them is not at all easy. After all, there are neither definitions of concepts nor rules for compiling notes in the normative legal acts. Let's try to formulate them ourselves.

How do notes differ from each other?

For clarity, we show the main differences in the table.

Characteristics Memorandum Service memo Explanatory letter
The essence of the note
  • informs about the current situation, the phenomenon or fact that took place, the work performed;
  • contains the conclusions and suggestions of the compiler
  • <или>informs about the need to resolve operational issues. In this case, there is no need to include in the note questions that can be resolved orally and that do not require documentation;
  • <или>contains a request, information on the request, clarification of the task, clarification, request, proposal
Explains the reasons for any event, fact, action, incident, including violation of labor discipline, failure to fulfill instructions, deviations from established work rules, the occurrence of emergency situations (accident, accident, theft, etc.).
If desired, written explanations that are required to be drawn up to impose a disciplinary sanction on an employee can also be drawn up as explanatory notes and Art. 192, part 1 art. 193 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Letter of Rostrud dated 06/01/2011 No. 1493-6-1
Focus Address to management:
  • <или>from employee to department head;
  • <или>from the head of the department to the head of the company;
  • <или>from the head of the branch to the head of the head office
Correspondence between managers or employees one management level, not subordinate to each other by position, on issues within their competence Explanation (explanation) of a subordinate official to a superior
Types of notes by purpose
  • <или>initiating decision making;
  • <или>purely informative;
  • <или>reporting
  • <или>explaining the actions of a specific employee (unit);
  • <или>describing an event
Structure Section I- a statement of the reasons, facts or events that served as the reason for its writing;
Section II- if necessary, analyze the current situation and bring possible options problem solving;
Section III- a description of specific findings, opinions, requests or proposals for specific actions that, in the opinion of the originator, should be taken
Section I- a statement of the facts that served as the reason for its writing;
Section II- description of the reasons explaining the current situation.
Does not contain conclusions and proposals
Types of notes by degree of accessibility
  • <или>open document;
  • <или>confidential document
Examples of notes Proposal for bonuses for a specific employee Information to the security service about the need to allow employees who will work on a day off to enter the building Explanation to the production and technical department about the reasons for the overconsumption of basic materials against production standards (attachment to form No. M-29) approved Instruction of the Central Statistical Office of the USSR dated November 24, 1982 No. 613

For tax purposes, all kinds of notes are important.

In some cases, a note, along with other documents, can act as a primary document for substantiating and documenting expenses in tax accounting. clause 1 art. 252 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, For example:

  • memo own service advertising, according to which the period of actual use of advertising videos did not exceed 12 months, helped the company prove that the videos were not intangible assets, and write off expenses as a lump sum Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region dated March 16, 2012 No. A40-100845/10-4-498;
  • to confirm the car's mileage using GPS navigator readings (instead of the odometer) and recognizing fuel costs, you need memo to the head of the transport department from the foreman that pre-trip inspection the odometer showed a fault clause 1 art. 252, sub. 5 p. 1 art. 254 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Based on this report (or other document), an order will be issued on the need to operate the car with the navigator turned on and fix it in waybill his testimony Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated July 16, 2010 No. ШС-37-3/6848;
  • explanatory letter It can be useful:
  • <или>to receive a personal income tax deduction for a child subp. 4 paragraphs 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if there is no 2-NDFL certificate from your previous place of work. When a person for a long time did not work and is getting a job again, we need his explanation about the lack of income, employment history and a written application for deduction Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated July 30, 2009 No. 3-5-04/1133@;
  • <или>to resolve the issue of paying the cost of travel on vacation. If an employee conducts it in several places or passes through stopping points while passing through, an explanatory note from the employee and his travel documents are needed. Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated February 20, 2009 No. 194-13.

It is clear that if the note is primary document, then it must contain all the details of such a document clause 2 art. 9 of the Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ.

How to write notes correctly

Many employees find it difficult to write notes, because this is an unusual job for them. To make the task easier, provide drafting rules, as well as note forms in the local normative act, for example, in the office management instructions, and familiarize employees with it. A fragment of an instruction might look like this, for example.

Approved by order for Alpha LLC
dated December 27, 2011 No. 123

Instructions for office management of Alpha LLC

4.10. Notes (reports, official, explanatory)

4.10.4. Each note is drawn up indicating the following details:

  • name of the structural unit - the author of the note;
  • name of the type of document - report, official or explanatory note;
  • date of the document - date of signing (in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day, month, year);
  • addressee - f. And. O. and the position of the person to whom the note is addressed (in dative case);
  • title to the text, which should begin with the preposition “O” or “About”;
  • a note about the presence of the application (if there is one), for example: “Attachment: 1 copy. for 3 l.”;
  • signature of the compiler (position of the compiler; personal signature and its transcript (full name)).

4.10.5. The text is written in the first person singular.

The text of the note should not contain greetings or final wishes.

4.10.6. Forms for report, service and explanatory notes are given in appendices No. 15, 16, 17 to the Instructions.

When an employee needs to write a note, give him a ready-made form, and better sample. Let's give examples of the design of different notes.

Limited Liability Company "Alpha"


to CEO
Alpha LLC
I.I. Stasov

Head of HR Department
S.V. Klimova
The reasons specified in the explanatory note,
be considered disrespectful.
Apply disciplinary action
in the form of a comment to T.I. Bogdanova

Chief accountant
HELL. Zharova
Take measures to restore the gas turbine engine


dated 30.08.2012 No. 12

On the reasons for the loss of the original gas customs declaration

The loss on 08/29/2012 of the original customs declaration for the supply under Contract with Bonduelle, France, dated 04/20/2012 No. 0007/5 of a batch of green peas (Customs post Gatchinsky) occurred when photocopying this document.

An office copier is not designed for automatic copying of documents of light paper density. The original GTD, having a tracing paper density, was automatically copied together with other documents with a higher paper density. As a result, a jam occurred and the original gas turbine engine was jammed between the copier rollers. When trying to extract it, the document was torn into small, irreplaceable and unreadable parts.

The following have been familiarized with the document:


Chief Accountant

Many people treat memos as a formality that takes up time and nerves. But there are situations when this formality can protect the employee from unfair claims from management. Documented requests will protect you from trouble at any time, which cannot be said about requests made orally, which are not always given importance. Thus, these documents confirm the fact of the relationship and are registered as outgoing documentation.

Writing a memo

What is a memo?

A memo is an important internal communication document., not a single influential institution can do without it. For the normal functioning of the organization, a sample memorandum should be at hand for almost all employees. Its difference from a memo is that it has a hierarchical orientation, that is, it always comes from a subordinate to higher management. The note is an informational document, which is written in order to promptly inform the authorities of a higher authority or another structural department about events affecting the stability of the management system at the enterprise.

The report has legal force, because its goal is not only to inform the management of the organization, but also to encourage them to make a certain decision on the announced situation. The document is drawn up on the personal initiative of the employee or at the request of the manager. The note code according to the management documentation classifier is 0286041 according to OKUD. The document must clearly describe the problem that has arisen, and since it has legal force, it must be free of spelling and legal errors.

Definition of a memo

The document not only sets out the incident in detail, but also writes a conclusion outlining options for resolving the situation. After this, the manager is obliged to study the document and impose his resolution. Subsequently, this resolution serves as the basis for the approval and implementation of various measures (imposition of penalties, issuance of incentives, etc.). Thus, a memorandum is an element feedback between a leader and a subordinate.

Purposes of memos

The main goals pursued in the formation of this document:

  • Increase the efficiency of personal performance. When something bothers an employee, and he suggests ways to solve this problem.
  • Rectify the situation. When an employee knows certain facts that do not concern him personally, but, in his opinion, interfere with the stable and efficient work. A report is written to management so that the situation is resolved as soon as possible.
  • Relieve responsibility. If an employee has conveyed some information to superiors and wants to relieve himself of responsibility for correcting the incident. After this, there should be no complaints against the compiler.
  • Protect yourself when rights are violated. Here the note is an attempt to peacefully resolve the incident.

One of the goals of the memo is to relieve oneself of responsibility

Types of memos

They come in two types:

  1. Internal- written at the request of the employee or his boss in order to increase the efficiency of the company. The author signs here. Since the document is considered internal, then registration is carried out on A4 paper.
  2. External- heading to higher authorities. This type is signed only by the head of the company, and it is printed on company letterhead.

In both cases, the date is set on the day of writing and signing.

  • Information - As a rule, they are compiled regularly; they provide detailed information about the methods and features of the work. They can also be used to convey ideas for improving the work process to management.
  • Reporting- report the results of the executed order in a specific period. They are usually composed of the lowest level employees.
  • Initiative - those where the employee proposes to the management to make a certain decision in connection with specific events - violations, downtime, etc.

Internal memo

Often, among the reports, you have to write “repressive” notes to your superiors, calling out employees as boors and lazy people. They should be drawn up especially carefully, because even the slightest flaw can lead to trouble in the future. Violation of discipline is grounds for financial penalties; only for this purpose, compelling arguments must be given in the document. An incorrectly formulated document can be filed in court, complaining that management is maliciously infringing on the rights of a specialist. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a memo correctly.

Document structure

The memorandum includes two or three semantic sections:

  1. Actual the part where the reasons for the incident that prompted its formation are stated, with a detailed statement of the accompanying circumstances.
  2. Analytical - presents an analysis of the situation with the potential consequences of the incident and various options for eliminating the problem.
  3. Summarizing the part where the speaker describes his opinion, gives convincing arguments and recommends taking some specific actions to resolve the incident. And then the leader himself decides what sanctions to take. Since the authorities do not have time for investigations, most often they agree with the author’s proposals without delving into the details.

External memo

You can compose a memorandum in both text and tabular format. The analytical section in the document may be missing depending on the type of issue. In this case, the document has only the factual part and the conclusion with solutions to the problem. Using it, you can make not only proposals for improving some production processes, but also to express their dissatisfaction with measures taken. Before you start writing a report, you need to clearly formulate the problem or your point of view and only then begin to present it on paper.

To solve various production and organizational issues there is internal official correspondence. In the process of maintaining documentation, various memos are compiled.

These may also be reports, orders, etc. In most cases, these internal documents are very close in nature of writing, only depending on the final goal and reason for writing they have a different organizational and legal nature.

If the memo has a specific purpose or records expenses financial resources, then she's in mandatory attached to the total financial statements(based on a specific fact, accounting records and performs income and expense transactions).

Office memos of various types help to quickly resolve various current issues and are a supporting document of specific facts.

Depending on its type and nature of writing, official memos must be stored for a certain number of years (the terms can be from 1 year, 3, 5 years, or they can be stored permanently).

Requirements for preparing a memo

According to the legislative framework (GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems” Unified system organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements") the memo must have:

  1. indication to whom the document is directed (official, structural subdivision or a specific organization);
  2. name of the addressee (specifically to whom the document is sent);
  3. title of the document (in this case, “Official Memo” is indicated);
  4. service note registration number;
  5. date of writing;
  6. title to the text (example: “On the purchase of stationery for the department”, “On disciplinary action”, etc.);
  7. the text itself;
  8. date and signature of who compiled the memo (the position must be indicated);

When writing a memo, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • correct indication of all details;
  • strictly adhere to the official writing style;
  • draw up the document in the correct sequence;

Who can write a memo

A memo can be drawn up by both ordinary workers and management team organizations. This is a document that regulates connection of objects with horizontal control.

Electronic document management

The main goals of writing memos are to solve current organizational problems associated with economic management, material and technical base, information support, disciplinary action etc.

Often leading organizations use the system electronic document management to record various data and facts: programmers develop a special program, the organization’s work is registered using a login and password (these are provided by the HR department) and, having entered a certain section of the document flow program, the employee selects the “Internal Note” section and fills in the missing fields.

The ease of use of electronic document management has been appreciated by many companies because:

  • the document number (its card) is automatically assigned;
  • all documents are stored in electronic archive(mostly by year);
  • to search for a specific document, it is enough to know a minimum set of information;
  • savings on paper and storage rental, etc.;

But many organizations still use paper media when writing memos.

The HR department often has ready-made examples of memos for various purposes, and the employee only needs to contact the responsible HR officer and indicate the reason for writing his memo.

Procedure for considering a memo

After writing a memo, it is registered by the responsible employees, then goes to the responsible persons for consideration (who note the fact that they have read it and put the appropriate notes) and after all this it is sent to the addressee. The addressee has already put his resolution (“Agreed”, “Rejected”, “Considered”, “Completed”, etc. Depending on the purpose of writing the memo and the final result of the action after the request by the company employee).

Strict requirements from legislative framework no to writing memos, but you still need to indicate all points correctly (according to general requirements document flow).

Example of writing a memo

To the Director of Rostock LLC
Samelyuk Anatoly Petrovich
sales manager of Rostok LLC
Kuznetsova Oksana Ivanovna
(you can indicate passport details, residential or work address, employee personnel number, which is assigned upon hiring)
dated December 25, 2014
No. 31 dated December 25, 2014 (registration number)

Service memo

In connection with the extension of the business trip to Moscow, according to document No. 27 dated December 15, 2014: the duration of the business trip was supposed to be from December 17, 2014 to December 20, 2014, but the actual duration of the business trip: from December 17, 2014 to December 23, 2014 year, in connection with the solution of relevant organizational issues. A report on the work done was provided to the head of the sales department of Rostock LLC, Nikolai Nikolaevich Kramar.
Departure and arrival tickets are included. I ask you to allocate the appropriate amount of travel allowances - in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

Sales Manager at Rostok LLC
Kuznetsova O.I. (and personal signature).

If the memo occupies several A4 sheets, then each of them is numbered.


By issuing a memo to on paper, you must adhere to the following indentations:

  • left indent (margin) - from 2.5 to 3.5 cm (place of document filing);
  • right indentation - from 1.25 to 2.5 cm;
  • upper indentation - at least 2 cm;
  • bottom indent - at least 2 cm;

If we consider general principles writing a memo, then this document is of an exclusively auxiliary nature, specific information and thereby initiates a certain management decision.