Removing damage from life's roads. Damage and evil eye

There are ways to literally damage the road. Having learned that the enemy is preparing to travel, the magician can cause severe damage to the road, so that the enemy does not find good luck on the road, so that he will be empty. It’s done like this: tie nine magical knots – nauzs – on a rope, reading a spell for each of them – putting obstacles on the road. In conclusion, a real magician says: “As the knots are strong, so is my word.” Rope.

However, in magic there are other types of damage to the closure of the road of life, which blocks all life paths, all roads, wherever a person goes, he will not see good luck.

Damage to road closures - what is it?

A strong black curse on road closures closes any projects that could bring a person closer to success; the carriers of this negativity do not get what they want.

Each of you has 12 paths in life - material wealth, health, love, family, children, etc. The blocking of any road affects the general condition of a person, the course of events in his life. If you make a curse to close several roads at once, it can kill a person.

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They light candles and read the “Our Father” prayer three times. Then you need to light the coal and burn the incense. They pronounce a magic spell to remove damage to road closures 4 times, to all four cardinal directions. Start from the eastern side, in the direction of the sun. Before reading the words of the conspiracy, a full-length sign of the cross is made with a censer at arm's length.

A conspiracy that removes evil witchcraft damage to close the roads of life, good luck and success:

“Damage, aches, failures, an evil word, a slander, a black slander, a slander from the Holy Cross turned to dust, fell off the paths of my life. My ways are pure, my roads are smooth and wide. The Lord Almighty helps me, the Mother of God delivers me from trouble, Archangel Michael protects me on the roads of life all the days and all the nights, in the clear morning and in the blue evening. I’m walking along a wide, smooth road, I won’t trip over a stone, I won’t fall into a hole. Get away, black corruption, from my path in life, from my wide, smooth road. Amen".

Today I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, I will tell you what damage to a person’s destiny is, how it closes the roads of life and leads to constant troubles. Any induced magical program falls as damage to a bad life, so with its influence it slows down or does not allow happy events to come into a person’s life.
  • makes the healthy sick
  • successful - failure,
  • turns someone happy in love into a lonely hermit,
  • and the one who is destined to become rich is ruined by black corruption and sent around the world.

Here is the answer to the question: how does damage affect a person’s destiny? Damage has different strengths and periods of impact. But there are those whose power a sorcerer can take away a happy destiny and give a bad life. Such damage caused to a person is called black substitutes; there is also damage to closing roads. Wherever the victim goes, there is a dead end, everywhere there are obstacles, everywhere. And no matter how much the damned person works, he will not become happy and rich until he removes the spell on the bad fate that his enemies brought on him independently or through the help of a magician.

How does a person’s fate change after a strong curse is removed?

In the old tradition of magic there are many different types of damage. Of the main ones that are constantly heard, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • damage to illness
  • damage to ruin and poverty
  • damage to infertility
  • damage to loneliness and bitter fate
  • drunken spoiling
  • damage to death
  • damage to the house
  • damage to the family
  • damage to fornication

They do damage through Christian Forces, a cemetery egregor, with the call of Dark Forces, and, of course, many rituals are performed on the personal, witchcraft power of the magician. Each sorcerer, if he really is one, has accumulated personal power, and therefore, unlike the average person, is capable of performing witchcraft rituals and changing his own life, as well as the reality of others, at his own discretion.

By casting a spell on the enemy into trouble, the magician sets the task of ruining the life of the victim of the influence of witchcraft, without distorting fate, but only slightly complicating his life, creating unpleasant situations and difficult conditions, overcoming which the person will spend a lot of mental strength and energy. But there are impacts that are much more threatening and severe.

For example, a magician can bring a bad life to a person by making a spell to close the paths. This ritual is not easy, it is done through the dark assistants of the sorcerer. The victim, being in power, does not live his own life, but drags out a miserable existence, unable to become what he should become, and the soul cannot fulfill its obligations. It is very important to identify and remove damage to road closures– both life and ordinary ones. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk to you about this further.
There are countless amounts of damage through the lining; various church and energy effects are known. Many magicians conduct destructive rituals using volts - magic dolls. There are also such types of damage as lessons for evil deeds, which cause severe continuous headaches in the victim. In ancient rituals, flashes are known - strong damage - curses made for dementia, epilepsy, schizophrenia.

Such influences are inherited, become generic, and are very, very dangerous for all people of this kind. There are influences that create spiritual emptiness in a person. There is damage to emptiness in relationships, which results in cooling or breakup. This is how strong married couples can be cursed and forever separate people in love along the roads of life. So, in different ways make a bad life, use different magical rituals, depending on what result is needed.

Each magical ritual has its own signs. For example, there is damage called the “Black Cap,” which manifests itself in the fact that a person carrying such a program plunges into a pool of bad, dreary, destructive thoughts, ceases to distinguish good from bad, and ceases to trust people. In the end, if the witchcraft curse is not lifted, only sadness, despondency and indifference to everything will remain in the life of the victim.

So how does damage affect a person’s destiny?

Always only negative. This is its meaning. What is done by a sorcerer for the sake of punishment or revenge, for the sake of taking away life’s well-being or to change fate, cannot be good, cannot carry positive energy.

After the damage to the closure of a person’s life is removed, everything gradually changes. A person, freed from the magical oppression of a bad life, begins to move forward. How quickly depends on the specific case, the time the curse affects the person and the strength of the magician. If the situation has not been started, things get better pretty quickly. If the influence of black magic on a person’s fate lasted for many years, the recovery period will be long. Positive and healing rituals will be needed, and not just one, not two, with mandatory intermediate diagnostics.

After removing damage to closing the road of life or other magical influence on fate, it is necessary to pay attention to magical protections. There should be several types of protection that do not conflict with each other, which will be periodically updated and strengthened.

How can you remove the curse of closing roads on a person?

The fiery flame is filled with witchcraft power. Yes, with this power you can do evil and bring your destiny to good. So the black damage that was done to block roads by a strong sorcerer can be removed. Not every damage to fate will be removed by prayer, not every water will wash away. But you can burn it out with fire. And here is a proven ritual, effective, according to the reviews of those who have done it themselves, even for beginners. It can only be done on odd numbers, and you can choose the day you want, on which day your soul decides to perform the ritual of removing damage to a bad life with the help of fire.

We need to build a fire from aspen wood. Lay the logs crosswise, and read the words of the conspiracy to remove damage to the emptiness of life, failures and blocked paths:

“The tree cursed with fire is burning, and thirteen devils are dancing, then the outcome will turn into a spark of incense, and a heavenly flame dance. Either they separate, they compare themselves, then they are fed by people’s bad food, but they are strengthened by their ruinous sins. If something is consumed by fire, then all the bad things will subside, and then they will be taken over by those devils, and they will faint, they will subside, and they will become pure. Amen".

After reading conspiracy to remove damage to a bad life, remove all clothing that was in direct contact with the body and throw it into the fire.

When the clothes catch fire, read the text of the conspiracy to remove damage to fate:

“It was thrown off my body, but the filth was accepted by the devils, the fire danced out, and the black allotment went away. What has been done, attached, decreed with a black psalter, miled by the forest herald, and trusted to my destruction, has been taken away by fire and taken away by the devils. They will accept everything, yes, the filth is quenched by fire, but my path is different, death is renounced. If anyone asks, then the devil is a witness, and fire is a calmer, a black allotment is an acceptor. I was measured well, and the black allotment was trimmed. Amen".

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When you have read everything correctly, you need to leave without looking back. Take clean clothes with you so that you can get dressed at the end of the ritual, so you don’t have to go home naked :). The next day, come to the place where they removed a strong spell to destroy a happy life, collect the ashes, and take them to the cemetery, and leave them there on an unmarked grave. Here are the words you need to read:

The signs are unambiguous, so do the cleaning on yourself.
On any day of the waning moon at dawn, light a thin wax candle in the center of the table. And to the left of it you need to place a glass with soil taken from the threshold of the house in which you live.
Sit down at the table, looking at everything placed, so that your face is directed to the West. In each hand you need to take a new knife with a wooden handle and make movements, as if sharpening the blades against each other, say:
“From the hour of the evil dark ebb, what was sealed up and by whom, flew off to the true West! What was brought was carried to the red West, what flew, flew away to the gray West, settled under the black ripple of Mother Earth, sat down and died there. Truly!”
The spell must be repeated three times.
Now connect the blades of the knives so that they take a crosswise position and hold them over the candle flame for 6 minutes.
Then stick the knives into a glass of soil and make rotational movements. Moreover, both knives must be rotated simultaneously: the left one counterclockwise, and the right one clockwise. At the same time say:
“Three times according to this work of mine! Truly!”
Extinguish the candle, but do not blow it out. Wrap the candle stub, knives, glass with earth in black cloth, tie it with a black cord and bury it all in the ground at sunset of the same day. It is necessary to bury it away from roads (pedestrian and automobile) to a depth of at least 30 cm. They do not say anything.

If it turns out that you do not see any changes after carrying out this method, then you will need to do a more thorough cleaning, for which you will need:
Icons: “Lord Pantocrator”, Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles”, “Michael the Archangel”.
A candle in a candlestick in front of each icon. Its own candle. Black prayer cloth. Coal. Incense. Censer. Matches.
Place the icons in a triangle on a table covered with a white linen tablecloth. Place a candle in a candlestick in front of each icon. Place a ritual candle, a censer, in the center of the triangle. Place charcoal and incense in the censer. Lay a black prayer cloth on the floor. Stand in the center of the prayer cloth. Call upon the Lord Almighty, the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles,” and Michael the Archangel for help.
Light a candle. Read the “Our Father” prayer 3 times. Light the coal and light the incense. Take the censer in your hands. Stand in the center of the canvas.
Read the plot 4 times to the four cardinal directions, starting from the eastern side, in the direction of the sun. Before reading the plot with a censer at arm's length, make the sign of the cross in front of you at your height.
“Corruption, cramps, aches, failures, vanity, an evil word, a slander, a black mark and a slander from the holy cross turned to dust, they fell from my paths in life, my paths are pure, my paths are smooth, my roads are wide. The Lord Almighty helps me. , The Mother of God delivers me from trouble, Archangel Michael protects me on the roads of life during the days and in the night, in the blue evening I walk along the wide road, I will not stumble over a stone, I will not fall into a hole, fall, writhing, tossing, from the path of life. , from my wide path. Amen.

Put out the coal in the censer. Wash the censer clean. When the candles burn out, read a prayer of gratitude.

Damage to the closure of paths - roads in life

Damage to closing roads is intended to create a barrier around a person that will not allow him progress in his career or personal life. The victim will fail in all his endeavors, even the smallest ones.

Agree that if day after day you are late for the bus, for important meetings, quarrel with family, colleagues and just random people, then after a while such constant bad luck will break a person. By making a spell to close the path, you will forever deprive the victim of good luck.

Cross on things - cross on life

To put an insurmountable barrier to luck, you need a curse to close roads.

This will require a human insole. Naturally, trampled by him. As a last resort, you can take his photograph or some other thing, but the closer it was to the body, the better.

Take the insole and tie it tightly crosswise, saying to it:

As I wind this thread, I cover you from the white light with a cross, I rewind your life. I will wrap all your deeds and thoughts around this cross and break your whole life. Just as my cross can never be removed and untied, so you will never see happiness and good luck. Let it be so.

The words of damage to life's roads are repeated three times. Then bury that bandaged insole in the northern corner of the cemetery, and first make an offering to the Mistress. And now the victim will not be able to take a straight step, everything will interfere with her, the cross will block the way.

There is a grave on the way - no one can pass!

This is a very strong version of damage to road closures. It can be used for:

  • installing barriers on the roads of life so that failure accompanies a person throughout life;
  • a stop for someone who is going on a journey. This way you can prevent a person from leaving or even returning home;
  • keeping wandering daughters, sons or lovers from going to their lovers (mistresses).

To spoil the closing of the path, take a handful of earthen soil from the grave of the namesake of the one who needs to be stopped. Remember - the deceased should be given a payoff for services and trouble.

Then go to the target’s house and throw this earth backhand on the door or gate with the following words:

Young lady, you can’t sit at home. You are young, young, don’t go anywhere. Just as a dog sits on a chain, so you guard the house. Countryman, countrywoman, keep the young lady behind the fence. Don’t let them leave the outskirts, drive away the good guys. Brace, you bracket, don’t let the girl go anywhere. Don't let him in in the morning, guard him in the afternoon, leave him in the house in the evening.

If you are casting a spell on a man, change “good girl” to “well done.”

If you protect an unmarried woman from active communication with the opposite sex, do not forget later, when the time comes, to remove this damage: otherwise she (he) will never get married.

How to open paths-roads if the obstacle on them was not simple - magical

You should carefully prepare for this ritual. You will need:

1 - Icons:

  • Lord Almighty;
  • Most Holy Theotokos, Deliverer from troubles;
  • Michael the Archangel;

2 – three candles, each of them should be installed in its own candlestick;

3 – black prayer cloth;

4 – linen tablecloth;

5 - coal;

6 - matches;

7 – incense;

8 - three censers.

Cover the table with a tablecloth and arrange the icons in a triangle. Place a candle in front of each face. Place coal and incense in the censer.

Lay a black cloth on the floor. You need to stand clearly in the center of matter and seek the intercession of our Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and Michael the Archangel.

Light the candles and read “Our Father!” three times. Now light the charcoal and burn the incense.

Take the censer in your hands, cross yourself tall and, starting from the east, read 4 times (to each cardinal direction):

Damage, cramps, aches, failures, vanity, an evil word, a slander, a black slander and a slander from the Holy Cross turned to dust, they fell from my paths in life, my paths are clear, my paths are smooth, my roads are wide.
The Lord Almighty helps me, the Mother of God delivers me from trouble, Archangel Michael protects me on the roads of life during the days and nights, in the blue evening. I walk along a wide road, I won’t trip over a stone, I won’t fall into a hole.
Get away, writhing, damage, tossing, from the path of life, from my wide road. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Wait. Think about yourself, about God. Put out the coal, wash the censer clean and wait for the candles to burn out. Now read a prayer of gratitude: simply but sincerely thank those whom you called for help.

So you have removed the obstacle from your path, and to open it and call on good luck, you need to read three times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
From the servant of God (name), her threshold, new roads begin!
May the angels cover you with their wings and protect God’s servant (name) from your enemies.
Come along those paths and roads, money and luck,
Bring some happiness with you to boot.
All roads, all roads open!
Unlock all doors and locks!
My word is quick and urgent.
And whoever blocks these roads will take all the troubles and misfortunes upon himself!
Amen. Amen. Amen.