What to take to the prenatal ward. The most complete list of things to take to the maternity hospital

IN recent months pregnancy, starting from the 36th week, a woman, as they say, should be in full combat readiness. At any moment, the little one can “knock” and “ask to be born.” Contractions, after which they almost always begin suddenly, and the expectant mother must grab the things she collected earlier and run to the maternity hospital.

From personal experience

The first fees for the maternity hospital followed a strict list, which was announced in antenatal clinic. I don’t remember what it included, but the package was modest, and as a result, my husband ran to the maternity hospital, now with a spoon, now with a pacifier, now with pads...

The second time I became smarter and “downloaded” the list from the Internet. My husband looked at me getting ready for the maternity hospital, to put it mildly, with surprise. “Are you moving?” - he asked when I packed a huge bag and placed it next to three bags. Otherwise! A set of bed linen, a small electric kettle, a hairdryer, books, magazines and even an MP3 player is already a rather large package. And a lot of things for the baby, for the doctor, and for yourself, your beloved. Well, I didn’t forget about him (they were going to give birth together). Where would he be without slippers, a robe and a razor?

As a result, I went to the maternity hospital with a “mini-kit”, and my husband supplied everything else as needed. Thank God that he had the patience to convince me that I wouldn’t need everything in the maternity hospital. I can imagine how the maternity hospital workers would greet me. The third time I will definitely get ready without unnecessary things, but with everything necessary.

In the meantime, let’s discuss what should be taken to the maternity hospital and what should not be taken.

Traditional list

Each maternity hospital has its own characteristics, and the lists of necessary things are very different. For example, if in the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth, hot water by the hour, otherwise there is none at all, then you will simply need an electric kettle. Therefore, be sure to take into account the conditions of the maternity hospital.

But still, the main set is traditional things, which you cannot do without even in the most modern maternity hospital with all the amenities.


  • Passport (without it they will not be discharged from the maternity hospital);
  • Exchange card (without it they will be sent to the observation department);
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital (if any);
  • Insurance policy (if any);
  • Passport, sterile clothing for the accompanying person (for partner childbirth);
  • Money.

Personal care products

  • Soap. Some maternity hospitals require liquid soap and disposable towels;
  • Toothpaste and brush;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Towels;
  • Disposable diapers (useful for both baby and mother);
  • Pads (special postpartum pads are sold, but some doctors advise using regular torn sheets);
  • Underwear (comfortable panties (several pieces), nursing bras, and breast pads);
  • Cloth. Preferably two nightgowns with a comfortable top for feeding, a dressing gown for the season, slippers (must be washable);
  • Cosmetics (for those times when you can’t do without face and hand cream).

Things for the baby

This list is the most pleasant and is worth paying the most attention to.

  • Diapers (it is best to take a whole pack of diapers for newborns, because you will not have the opportunity to wash the diapers if you are determined to use them in the future);
  • Wet wipes (however, to avoid allergic reactions, it is better to wash the baby clean boiled water using ordinary cotton wool);
  • Baby skin care products (powder, diaper rash cream, lotion);
  • First aid kit (belly button care products are a must, ask your pediatrician about everything else);
  • Disposable diapers.

Pacifiers, bottles and formula cause a lot of controversy.

Baby clothes

Choose clothes based on the season. The number of things should be sufficient, but not excessive. Size - from 56 to 62. Pre-wash and iron clothes. You will need:

  • Hats;
  • Bodysuit or vest;
  • Knitted blouses;
  • Diapers (thin and flannel);
  • Socks, thin mittens;
  • Blanket.

Prenatal and postnatal first aid kit

Agree on the list of medical supplies with your doctor. Each maternity hospital requires certain medications, and some offer their own, or ask you to buy them as needed. However, it wouldn’t hurt to buy some pharmaceutical “remedies”:

  • Bandage and cotton wool;
  • Syringes, vein catheter, dropper;
  • Oxytocin;
  • Kedgood;
  • Sterile medical gloves;
  • Glycerin-based laxative suppositories;
  • Ointment for cracked nipples;
  • Digital Thermometer;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Zelenka;
  • Tincture of calendula.

Items to be checked out

You don’t have to take a bag with these things with you to the maternity hospital. It will be brought to you immediately before discharge. It should contain elegant things for the baby and mother. Please note that the things you wore to the maternity hospital will not fit you when you leave.


  • Water without gas;
  • Herb tea;
  • Cookie.

You may also need the following things:

  • Breast pump;
  • Dishes;
  • Electric kettle or boiler;
  • Thermos.

However, do not rush to pack everything into bags for the maternity hospital. These things should be in a visible place so that, if necessary, your husband can see them and bring them to you at the maternity hospital.

List of "absurdities"

You can find fault with all of the above. For example, why use a breast pump when in the first days there is no milk at all, but only colostrum, which, as it seems to every mother, is not enough for the baby, so they rush to feed the baby with formula.

Or cosmetics. It’s hard to believe that a new mother will have time to paint her lips and eyelids immediately after giving birth. But, to each his own. When you are discharged, you want to be in full swing.

However, there are more absurd things in the proposed lists:

  • Watch;
  • Knitting;
  • Books;
  • MP3 player;
  • A cheese sandwich;
  • Washing powder;
  • Basin;
  • Baby monitor;
  • Pillow;
  • Night lamp;
  • Elegant dress;
  • Limousine and others.

However, if you see the meaning in these things, then feel free to take them to the maternity hospital. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable. Good luck!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Pregnancy is the most exciting and happiest period in the life of every girl. At this time, we are preparing for a new stage that will change our understanding of the world. However, in order not to add unnecessary problems and hassle to yourself, prepare for childbirth in advance. In addition to routine examinations, changes in diet and daily routine, it is necessary to collect in advance “ alarm case"(this is what young mothers call the minimum set of items for themselves and the baby in the maternity hospital). Even if there are no concerns or complications, it is advisable that everything is ready by the 7th month. After all, running around and trying to collect things is not the easiest thing to do. What should you take for childbirth? In this article we will tell you about all the nuances of staying in the maternity hospital, give useful and harmful tips, and also describe the most detailed list necessary things for the maternity hospital for mother and baby.

Things for mom in the maternity hospital

Documents are the first thing you need to take care of when packing your bag for the maternity hospital. They may differ slightly depending on where you are giving birth and what country you live in. If you have agreed on a pair birth, do not forget to get test results for your husband in advance.

List of documents

  • Completed exchange card.
  • Your passport.
  • Medical insurance.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Referral to the maternity hospital (if available).
  • Insurance certificate pension fund(if there is no birth certificate).
  • Childbirth contract (in case of paid labor).
  • Results of unscheduled analyzes and examinations.
  • Husband's passport (for paired births).
  • Analysis of the husband for paired births.
  • Doctor's contact telephone number (for contractual births).
  • Dengin has different needs.

Separately, I would like to talk about money. They will be needed for everything: buy water, vitamins, a different size of diaper, a different formula for the baby, pads, medicines, send a nurse to the store or pharmacy, thank the doctor, etc. You must understand that, unfortunately, this is a necessity and a given. And since you can’t do without expenses, then stock up on cash of different denominations (for all occasions and take more small ones).


Oddly enough, sometimes doctors ask to bring medicines and medical supplies. This list may include:

  • Syringes 5.0 and 10.0;
  • Surgical gloves (disposable, sterile);
  • Sterile cotton wool;
  • Adhesive plasters;
  • Gauze bandages and sterile medical gauze;
  • Bandages;
  • Medical disposable kit for childbirth;
  • A bag of disposable shoe covers;
  • Sterile caps;
  • Medical gown (disposable, sterile);
  • Diapers, disposable;
  • Urine catheter;
  • Blood transfusion system;
  • Umbilical clip;
  • A bottle of medical alcohol;
  • Iodine 5%;
  • Saline solution (NaCI 0.9%);
  • Cleansing saline hypotonic enema, etc.

IN last years, it is rare that you are required to carry medications yourself. Most likely, you will be asked for cash “for the missing funds” or you will not have to spend anything at all. You may also need money to buy medications after childbirth, because depending on your health, you may be prescribed various vaginal and rectal suppositories, tablets or drops to increase hemoglobin, tinctures to increase milk production, etc. You can't predict this in advance.

Hygiene products

To feel comfortable, be sure to stock up on everything necessary means to ensure personal hygiene. These include:

  • Toothbrush.
  • Breast pads.
  • Antibacterial soap.
  • Soft toilet paper (wet).
  • Towels for face and hands.
  • Shaving machine (for the antenatal department).
  • Shampoo.
  • Nipple cream (special or neutral, for children).
  • Foam or shaving gel (if you go to bed early).
  • Toothpaste.
  • Soft, dry and wet wipes.
  • Hygienic, regular and night (for heavy discharge) pads.
  • Shower gel or liquid soap.
  • Comb.
  • Several soft hair ties.
  • A bath towel.
  • Garbage and dirty laundry bags.
  • Diapers for gynecological examinations.
  • Bed linen (2 sets).
  • A little cosmetics (to look normal in the photo at the time of discharge).

These are the basic hygiene products you will need. But, it is also necessary to take into account personal characteristics. For example, if you have very dry skin on your hands, do not neglect the cream, take it with you (it is advisable that it be neutral, for children).

Clothes for mom

Clothes for a young mother may vary slightly depending on the time of year. For example, in the summer you will probably need woolen socks, but in the winter you will not need cotton nighties.

For winter time:

  • Long, soft robe (terry, insulated).
  • Loose T-shirts made of natural fabric.
  • Warm sports suit with soft elastic.
  • Warm cotton socks.
  • Terry or wool socks.
  • Spare bras (including for nursing).
  • Lots of cotton panties with a loose elastic band.
  • Rubber slippers (for myself and my husband).
  • A blanket or warm blanket.
  • Anti-varicose stockings (if necessary).
  • Postpartum or postoperative bandage (after cesarean section).

For the summer period:

  • Bathrobe (lightweight, made of natural material).
  • Long T-shirts with large sleeves (cotton).
  • Sundress made of natural fabric.
  • Loose cotton dress.
  • Nightgowns are of thin material (must breathe).
  • Bandage.
  • Thin cotton socks.
  • Sweatpants with soft elastic band.
  • Several bras (including nursing bras).
  • Lots of replacement panties.
  • Anti-varicose stockings (if necessary).

For off-season:

  • Comfortable, sports suit with soft elastic.
  • Long, loose robe made of thick fabric.
  • Loose-fitting nightgowns made of thick, floor-length material.
  • Nursing bra.
  • Replacement sets of underwear.
  • Several pairs of thick, cotton socks.
  • Rubber slippers (for myself and my husband).
  • Loose T-shirts.
  • Anti-varicose stockings (as intended).
  • Bandage postoperative (caesarean) or postpartum.

I would also like to say the slippers. Why rubber ones? They are hygienic, you can wash them (and you can also shower in them). Just be careful not to slip.

Various little things

Today, it is impossible to do without many items: mobile phone, ready-made hygiene products and personal items. What else is important that a pregnant woman should take with her to the maternity hospital? Let's try not to forget anything:

  • Breast pump (a very useful thing, buy it if possible).
  • Mobile phone (top up your account in advance).
  • Chargers for all gadgets.
  • An electronic or paper book (with a positive scenario).
  • Dishes (plates, spoons, forks, mugs, glasses, etc.).
  • Still water (several bottles of different sizes).
  • Wet wipes for different purposes.
  • Baby cream (universal, for all areas of the skin).
  • Allowed food (due to fatigue or lack of sleep, you can skip breakfast, lunch and dinner).
  • Warm blanket, blanket or blanket (for the cold season).
  • 1.5 bedroom bedding sets.
  • A large but light sports bag, 1 or 2 pieces (this is the same suitcase where we will put everything).

The list of little things can include any things without which you cannot imagine your life. Think in advance about what you will really miss.

Things for the baby in the maternity hospital

For the baby, you also need to prepare an impressive package of things. Let's figure out which of them are required.

Hygiene products for newborns

  • Hypoallergenic powder.
  • Wet baby wipes (without alcohol or fragrances).
  • Flannelette and cotton diapers (4-5 pieces each or disposable).
  • Pampers according to size (1 pack).
  • Baby soap (not only for the baby, but also for things).
  • Cream diaper for diaper rash.
  • Pacifier (if you will teach it).

Baby clothes

For winter time:

  • Baby vest.
  • A pair of warm bodysuits.
  • Bike hats.
  • Loose pants, 2 pcs.
  • Cotton socks.
  • Terry socks.
  • Overalls, made of thick fabric, 2 pcs.
  • Diapers for wrapping, flannelette.
  • Hypoallergenic blanket or blanket.
  • Terry hat and overalls for discharge.
  • Warm, winter envelope for discharge.

For the summer period:

  • Calico vest.
  • Shorts and pants made of thin, natural material.
  • Caps, 2 pcs.
  • Scratches.
  • Thin cotton socks, 2 pcs.
  • Overalls (made of natural, breathable fabric).
  • Calico diapers for wrapping.
  • Summer envelope for discharge (not hot).

For off-season:

  • Calico and flannelette vests.
  • Loose pants, 2-3 pcs.
  • Bodysuits made from natural materials, 2-3 pcs.
  • Scratches (so that the baby does not hurt himself).
  • Flannelette hats.
  • Terry socks and a cap for discharge.
  • Flannelette and cotton diapers for wrapping.
  • Cotton socks, 2 pcs.
  • Warm envelope for discharge.

Necessary little things

  • The blanket was placed in a duvet cover.
  • Powder and cream (baby's skin may be sensitive to diapers).
  • Pacifier (if you will teach it).
  • Car seat (upon discharge from the hospital).
  • Soft towel.
  • (to avoid stress in the baby).
  1. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights in the maternity hospital, ask questions or simply ask for something. In such cases, silence can only harm you.
  2. Diapers can cause allergies in your baby, so first purchase several from different manufacturers to try.
  3. Don't be nervous, you are in a specialized establishment and you are surrounded by professionals. Excessive anxiety can complicate the birth process.
  4. Ask your husband or relatives to prepare the baby's room for discharge. You will not have the energy and time to do this yourself. Tell them to purchase bedding with protective edges and. In addition, you will need a pencil desk, a bathtub and hanging toys for the bassinet.
  5. If you have a car, be sure to purchase an infant car seat. If not, make sure that it is present in the taxi when you check out.
  6. Another good option for the baby to relax and quickly adapt to environment– . It is especially recommended for premature babies, as well as for intermittent, restless sleep.
  7. Do not hesitate to call relatives and friends for help after discharge. A little help in the form of an hour on duty, rocking a child or cooking will give you the opportunity to sleep and relax. And your psycho-emotional state directly affects the baby.

  1. Swear, insult and humiliate the medical staff. They will be afraid of you, and will not give you any advice or help if necessary. You yourself know and can do everything.
  2. Buy large jars of baby oils, powders and creams at once. It’s okay if your child is allergic – use it yourself.
  3. Bring a lot of food, especially junk food (chocolate bars, coffee, sausage, mayonnaise, etc.) - your child will have digestive problems and sleepless nights.
  4. A large pack of diapers is much more economical than a small one, and is there a discount for 5 pieces at all? Take it without hesitation. And it’s okay that the baby can grow out of size 1 very quickly or become covered with terrible dermatitis from the wrong brand of product.
  5. 20 vests, 40 rompers, 30 overalls and bodysuits – that’s not a lot for the first month, is it? Of course not, the main thing is not to go broke.
  6. When deciding any serious issues, rely only on your own opinion. Learning from other people's experiences and mistakes is not our way.
  7. Avoid meeting with friends and relatives, you can catch the virus from them, and this is deadly for your family. Communicate with them only by phone. Tell them at 7 am about the color of the baby's poop, how you felt an hour ago and what time you woke up. Share your concerns and complain about life. This is very interesting to everyone.

What to take with you to the maternity hospital? This question is probably asked by every expectant mother.

My gynecologist said that the bag for the maternity hospital should be collected at 35 weeks, explaining that even if the pregnancy is going well, labor can begin at any time at 36-42 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to her... During my first pregnancy, I put off packing my bag for the maternity hospital for a long time, buying a dowry for my daughter.

As a result, I had to pack my bag urgently just before leaving for the maternity hospital (I gave birth to Alice at exactly 38 weeks). It’s good that I already bought everything I needed. But even collecting all the things and putting them into bags took me a lot of time.
During my second pregnancy, my main bag was ready at 33 weeks, I didn’t want to risk it)

How to know what to take with you to the hospital

Surely, the maternity hospital you have chosen has an official website, where, as a rule, you can find a list of necessary things. Some maternity hospitals have a very general one, while some maternity hospitals provide a detailed list with recommendations and even requirements.

It will be great if you have the opportunity to go to the maternity hospital for reconnaissance. Usually, in the reception department there is always a list of necessary things, which you can photograph on your phone. Or, ask the nurse working in the emergency department for a list.

In general, rely on the list offered by your maternity hospital. But, of course, this does not mean that you cannot take something additional (what, in your opinion, you may still need in the maternity hospital).

In accordance with sanitary standards, it is prohibited to bring things into maternity hospitals in bags made of fabric, leather or other dense materials.
Therefore, as a rule, things are put in ordinary plastic bags with handles. It is recommended to sign the packages (for example, write your full name on a piece of paper in large block letters and stick it to the packages with tape).
You shouldn’t take many packages, usually you take 2 packages. So, you can take one bag for the birth itself, and in the second you can put things that will be useful to you after the birth, in the ward.

Ideally, the packages (bags) for the maternity hospital will be transparent.
This way, all the contents of the bag will be visible and you won’t have to rummage around for a long time to find the right thing. You will definitely appreciate such a bag when you urgently need to get something from there during childbirth.
By the way, you can view and purchase transparent bags for the maternity hospital at a low price

My list (for example)
Package No. 1 (for childbirth):
  1. Documentation:

– passport (original + copy)
compulsory medical insurance policy(original + copy)
— SNILS (original + copy)
— exchange card
- birth certificate
— Ultrasound, doctors’ reports

  1. Slippers (washable slippers)
  2. Bottle drinking water without gas 0.5 l.
  3. Phone, charger
  4. Disposable absorbent diapers size 60x90 (10 pcs.)
Package No. 2 (after childbirth):

1. Clothes (robe, nightgown, nursing bra or top, socks)

The shirt should be such that you can easily free the breasts for feeding the baby. It is not at all necessary to buy a special nursing shirt; as a rule, they are very expensive. You can buy a regular cotton shirt with a wrap or with thin straps.

Nursing bra or top
I bought a special nursing bra, but, unfortunately, I didn’t get the right size and, even before giving birth, it turned out to be too small for me. It’s good that I tried on in advance and managed to buy a nursing top. More precisely, I wanted to order such a top in an online store, but, by a lucky coincidence, I remembered that I had seen a similar top in the Magnit-Cosmetics store in the underwear department. I bought a few of them there different color, because the price for them was five times lower than a special top for feeding. Later, in a maternity store, I looked at these nursing tops and saw no difference in quality with those I bought at Magnit.

Such tops provide good support for the breasts, do not compress them and are practically not felt on the body. And, what is very important, they stretch, i.e. you can easily choose your size and not worry that it will become too small for you later (after childbirth, your breasts can increase by a whole size, or even two). You can free your breasts for feeding in this top very quickly and easily.

I am attaching a photo of this top from Magnit Cosmetics:

2. Breast pads

What are they needed for.
After childbirth, almost all women face the problem of milk leaking from the breast. The reason for this is hot flashes during the period of lactation, because. A lot of milk is produced. Usually, hot flashes go away a month after the birth of the child, when lactation is already beginning to improve and milk is released as much as the baby needs.

Also, some people, including me, have a problem with reflex milk release - i.e. When a baby sucks on one breast, milk leaks from the other at the same time. Reflex milk secretion may persist throughout the entire period breastfeeding. With Alisa, my milk leaked until the end of breastfeeding (a year and a month). Faya is now 10 months old and I still use breast pads - they turned out to be a lifesaver for me.

There are disposable and reusable pads.
At first I bought disposable ones. And they were very expensive for me, for example, such pads of the Babyline brand (pack of 60 pieces) cost from 300 rubles. During the first month after giving birth, I needed 3-4 pairs a day, i.e. One package lasted me about a week.

Then I learned about the existence of reusable pads. And, since then, I have only used them.

3. Postpartum pads (2 packs) + regular night pads with maximum absorbency (2 packs)

Postpartum pads.
For the first birth I took postpartum pads “Hartmann Samu”, for the second I took “Peligrin” (review). Postpartum pads will come in handy immediately after childbirth, when there is very heavy discharge. They must be used with mesh panties.

Night pads.
I bought “Libresse goodnight”, two packages were enough for me. Then, at home, I already used the usual “Libresse Normal”.

Stock up on pads in advance that you usually use on menstrual days, because... After childbirth, discharge lasts for an average of 2-3 weeks.

4. Postpartum disposable mesh panties (5 pcs.) + regular cotton panties (2 pcs.)

Mesh panties are made of soft mesh fabric, due to which their “breathable effect” is manifested. Therefore, it is recommended to wear such panties in the first days after childbirth, especially after childbirth with complications (cesarean section, ruptures), because They don’t press or rub anywhere, we can say that they are not felt at all.
Both my first and second births went without complications, so after 2 days I was already using cotton panties and regular night pads.

5. Large towel (for shower) + small (for face)

6. For the shower(washing gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, balm, liquid baby soap with dispenser)

In order not to carry large bottles to the maternity hospital, I took 3 small bottles (I bought them at Fix Price for my trip to Turkey) and poured shampoo, conditioner and cleansing gel into them.

Also, to save space in my bag and ease of use, I took liquid baby soap with a dispenser. I washed my hands with it and used it instead of shower gel.

7. Cosmetic bag(mirror, comb, hair elastic, day and night cream, pencil, mascara, foundation, lipstick, cotton swabs, nail file!

8. Dishes(cup, large + small spoon, fork, plate)

9. Drinking water 0.5 l.

10. Cookies 1 package. I took Maria cookies

11. Wet wipes

12. Paper towels

13. Toilet paper

What should you take to the maternity hospital for your baby?

It is necessary to note such an important point - in our maternity hospitals we still practice separate stays, i.e. The babies are kept separate from their mothers and are brought in only for feeding. Baby care is provided by nurses in the children's department.

We were asked to bring diapers (I took Huggies Elite Soft No. 1, pack of 27) and baby wipes (large pack). They may also be asked to bring a package of cotton swabs, baby soap, or something else to care for the child. The maternity hospital provided diapers for the babies.

If your maternity hospital practices sharing a stay with a child, then you need to take everything on the list from the maternity hospital to care for the newborn.

One more thing about getting ready for the maternity hospital

If your husband or relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring you something you need to the maternity hospital, you don’t need to take a lot of things with you.
But, nevertheless, it is better to buy in advance and store at home what you may need, for example, Bepanthen cream (may be required for breast care) and a breast pump.
If you are not so lucky, you will give birth 100 km away. from home (this also happens) - then, of course, you need to immediately take with you as much as possible all the things that may be useful in the maternity hospital.

Do I need a breast pump?

I bought a breast pump in advance and took it with me to the maternity hospital when I gave birth to Alice. As it turned out, it was not in vain - it was very useful to me both in the maternity hospital and after discharge, because... I had to pump frequently.
When I gave birth to Faya, I decided not to use a breast pump. In the maternity hospital I expressed by hand and I didn’t need it.

Whether you need it, you will find out only after giving birth.
But still, if possible, buy at least the most inexpensive one in advance. If your relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring it to you at the maternity hospital, leave it at home in the package (so you can sell it later if you don’t need it). Or don’t buy, but look at a pharmacy or store where they are always in stock. So that, in case you need it, your relatives or husband can buy the right model and bring it to you at the maternity hospital.

I bought a World of Childhood breast pump, I was completely satisfied with it:

Also, good feedback about breast pumps of the brands “Philips Avent”, “Pigeon”, “Canpol”. In principle, you can choose any of these brands.

Also, you need to collect a package of things at home in advance, which your relatives will bring to you on the day of discharge.

Package for discharge

— clothes for you + outerwear (if it’s cold outside) + shoes!!!
— clothes for the baby for discharge
— a camera – you must definitely capture such an important moment!
- gifts for nurses/doctor - at your discretion.

Do I need to bring gifts for the nurses/doctor at discharge?

Usually, upon discharge, we bring small gifts for the nurses who dress and carry the child. This is understandable - many want to thank the nurses of the children's department for caring for the babies.
We were no exception and brought small gifts to the nurses of the children's department upon discharge.

What can you give?
Nurses are often given flowers and chocolates. I don't think nurses need flowers. If you want to thank them, it’s better to buy something that they will definitely need. For example, good tea or coffee.
You can give sweets in addition to coffee or tea, but it seems to me that they already have too much of this goodness) Better - good tasty cookies. Or cheese and delicious sausage - as we brought for our niece’s discharge - the nurses were very happy)

I repeat, whether to thank the maternity hospital staff or not is a personal matter (desire, capabilities) of everyone. After all, they don't work there for free. And if you don’t give anything, no one will blame you for it.

All expectant mothers are trying to prepare as best as possible for childbirth, and all women who have given birth unanimously repeat: “I couldn’t even imagine that it would be like this”!

Yes, perhaps, it is simply impossible to be 100% emotionally and physically prepared for childbirth. Reality always exceeds our expectations. But it is all the more important to provide for all everyday and material issues, so as not to be distracted by all sorts of little things, but to focus on what is really important.

Don’t want to explain to your husband or mother over the phone what kind of panties to bring you? Collect all the necessary things for the maternity hospital in advance, put them in a convenient bag and put them in a visible place.

And in order not to forget anything and not to add too much, just follow our list:


  • Exchange card
  • Passport
  • Compulsory health insurance policy
  • Birth certificate
  • Referral from the antenatal clinic at the place of observation (if hospitalized in the pathology department)
  • Pension fund insurance certificate (if there is no birth certificate)
  • Contract for childbirth (if childbirth is paid)
  • Results of additional examinations and tests (if any)

What to take to the antenatal department

If for some reason you go to the maternity hospital early, you should do everything possible to feel as comfortable as possible until X hour. You will need:

  • Nightgown
  • Robe or tracksuit (whatever you feel comfortable in)
  • Socks
  • Slippers (preferably rubber ones so they don't get wet in the shower)
  • Phone with charger
  • Toothbrush and paste, shampoo, shower gel, washcloth, razor
  • A book, a player, magazines - everything that will help you not get bored

What to take with you to the hospital

Directly to maternity ward you will most likely be allowed to take only the essentials. They can bring you everything else later.

  • Still water (2 bottles, 0.75 l)
  • Rubber slippers (if your husband will be present at the birth, he will also need slippers)
  • Mobile phone with charger
  • Soft paper napkins
  • Anti-varicose stockings (if there is evidence from a phlebologist)

What to take to the postpartum ward

Close the bag with your things, put it in a visible place at home and instruct your husband or one of your relatives to bring it to you at the appointed time.

What you will need:

  • Mesh disposable panties (2-3 pcs. per day) or reusable (2 pcs.)
  • Sanitary pads (2-3 packs), for example, Always Ultra Super Plus or Night
  • Breast pads
  • Nursing bra
  • Shampoo
  • Baby cream (to avoid taking a bunch of tubes with you, take a universal baby cream that is suitable for both you, for example, nipples, and the baby)
  • Antibacterial soap
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Comb and soft hair elastic
  • Bag for dirty laundry
  • Robe and nightgowns with clasp (if you don't want to wear hospital clothes)
  • Postpartum bandage (if you had a cesarean section, then postoperative is better)
  • Breast pump ( necessary thing, but don’t be upset if you can’t purchase it - they’ll tell you how to cope without it)
  • Dishes: plate, mug, spoon, fork (if you prefer to eat from your own dishes)
  • Wet toilet paper
  • Towel (if you don't want to use sick leave)

What your child will need:

  • Disposable diapers (5-6 pieces per day). When choosing a size, be guided by the weight that was given to you at the last ultrasound. If the baby is expected to be very small (less than 2.5 kg), you need size 0, and if from 2.5 to 5 kg, take Pampers size 1.
  • Unscented wet wipes, for example.
  • Diapers or clothes: cap (2 pcs.), socks (2 pairs), vest, bodysuit or overalls (2-3 pcs.) and mittens. In some maternity hospitals, they can give you both clothes and diapers, teaching you how to properly swaddle your baby so that he is comfortable and comfortable.
  • Dummy. If you're planning to wean your baby into a pacifier, bring a few different options with you. Kids can be very picky about this. Experiment with in different forms and materials.

What to take for discharge

These things should also be prepared in advance and asked to be brought to you on the day of discharge.

What you will need:

  • Clothes and shoes for the season
  • Cosmetics (if you want to dress up for photos)
  • What your child will need:
  • Bodysuit/jumpsuit
  • Cap
  • Socks
  • Hat (light or warm depending on the weather)
  • Envelope (light or warm depending on the weather)
  • Car seat (if you order a taxi, be sure to have one there)

We wish you a safe birth and happy motherhood!

No matter how much a young mother prepares for childbirth, she will never feel absolutely confident. The event is so exciting that it seems like you are bound to forget something. It is indeed very difficult to collect and calm down, but it is much easier to collect if you first make an exhaustive list.

Essential things: what you can’t give birth without

At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers begin to run around pharmacies and stores, buying everything that seems suitable to them for the maternity hospital. Many people make this mistake. And unscrupulous manufacturers profit from the natural feeling of anxiety of a pregnant woman, trying to slip expensive and, most importantly, unnecessary things to an inexperienced mother.

Remember: you will be admitted to the maternity hospital in any case. Even if you get there “from the street” without having anything with you. The hospital is obliged to provide you and your baby with everything you need. You will have a bed, food, and sterile clothes. Yes, these things will not best quality, and of course, you want your child to be provided with the best. But in a pinch, free healthcare will help you out.

There are things that will make your admission to the hospital easier. But this is not a family bag and not a big concert with money. The most important thing is the documents. Collect them in a folder, put them in a visible place, or always carry them with you, even if you just went out to buy bread or are returning from work. It should contain:

  • passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • (this is the “medical history” kept by your gynecologist);

Get your birth certificate no matter what. Its presence will be looked at first. This piece of paper determines whether the maternity hospital will receive money for the services it provided to you. medical services. Therefore, doctors usually get very nervous if a woman in labor is not given it.

If you have already decided which maternity hospital you want to give birth in, don’t be lazy to call or come there to ask what they require upon admission. Usually the lists are different. Some take copies of all documents from the expectant mother, others require a fluorography of the expectant father. By the way, if a young dad plans to attend, he needs a separate list of necessary things.

What to take a mother to the maternity hospital: less is more

Some women tend to pack their entire home into a birthing bag, hoping it will make them feel more comfortable in the hospital. But remember that after your husband takes you to the emergency room, you will have to carry the heavy trunk yourself. Narrow down your list of things you need to what you really need.

The best adviser in this matter is your maternity hospital. Different hospitals have different requirements for the list of things for the maternity hospital. Some do not allow you to bring clothes for mothers and children, arguing that they are not sterile enough. Others require a clean nightie and disposable underwear for women in labor.

Any list of what the baby and mother need in the hospital is individual. But most often you need to bring the following:

  1. transformable slates made of washable material;
  2. medical products for childbirth and the postpartum period (compression stockings);
  3. daily hygiene products: toothbrush and paste, comb, baby soap, towel;
  4. disposable briefs, suitable postpartum pads. Sometimes it takes up to 11 pads per day;
  5. a phone with a camera and a charger for it (if you plan to take photos of the child in the maternity hospital);
  6. toilet paper (the softest, but not scented);
  7. personal utensils: mug, plate, spoon, fork; if possible - a knife.

Many require that a woman have a disposable razor with her. Other maternity hospitals equate it almost to a bladed weapon. It is good to have a cream with dexpanthenol. It can be used by both mother and baby immediately after birth. But find out if you can have creams and medications with you that are not prescribed by your doctor.

First clothes for newborns: what to take to the maternity hospital for your baby

Newborn babies do not require a large wardrobe. The most necessary thing is diapers, and they will be given to you at the maternity hospital. Most often, mothers bring several hats and socks, wet wipes for children (at least 20 pieces) and a large package of diapers.

Newborns can go to the toilet every hour, so diapers go through quickly. A pack containing 50 diapers can run out in 5 days. When you get home, you can experiment with reusable or gauze diapers. But in the maternity hospital, only disposable ones are needed.

Newborn at home: how to dress for discharge

So, the painful period of stay in the hospital is coming to an end. Birth of a baby - an important event, so all your relatives will come to meet you. Prepare your clothes for this occasion in advance. But it’s better for a woman not to take all this to the maternity hospital at once. Ask someone at home to bring a ready-made package the day before discharge.

But what to prepare for discharge for a newborn? Clothing should be appropriate for the season and comfortable. Here is a basic list of things for a newborn to be discharged for the warm season:

  • diaper (babies grow quickly, make sure that diapers do not become small);
  • bodysuit (this is better than a regular shirt, because the bodysuit prevents clothes from sliding down, even if the baby fidgets);
  • tights, rompers or panties (preferably even for girls, it’s too cold outside to wear dresses);
  • socks and a hat (depending on the weather, the child is dressed in wool or cotton);
  • mittens without fingers (so that the baby does not scratch himself);
  • an envelope or blanket (to make it convenient to carry the child outside).

Don't buy too many clothes. Children grow up quickly. Give relatives the opportunity to give a birthday gift. It will be good if they know exactly what things to give you.

Caring for a baby is a difficult task for a woman who has just given birth. The ones you have collected should make it easier. Your bag should contain only useful things and a minimum of medications.