What is a town planning plan for a land plot and how to get one. Obtaining a town planning plan for a land plot List of documents for obtaining a town plan

Before obtaining a GPZU in Moscow, it is important to understand the main nuances of the process - who has the right to issue the service, what documentation is required, how much time is allocated for issuance urban plan, and what the applicant receives from the documentation. Let's look at the secrets of registering a GPZU in the capital of the Russian Federation and highlight the features of obtaining it for various categories of clients - ordinary citizens, companies (legal entities) and individual entrepreneurs. Knowing these nuances allows you to quickly prepare documents and speed up the process of obtaining a town planning plan.

The following persons have the right to count on receiving GPZU:

  • Ordinary citizens (individuals). The main condition is the existence of rights to the land plot (PL) for which the plan is being drawn up. Obtaining documentation is possible in person or with the help of a trusted person (involving an individual for this purpose is prohibited).
  • Companies (legal entities). The second category of applicants is a legal entity, which must also have rights to land plots. Representatives of companies also have the right to involve a proxy to obtain a GPZU in Moscow.
  • IP. If a citizen (individual) has registered as an individual entrepreneur, he can receive a town planning plan. The interests of such citizens have the right to be represented by other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Documents for obtaining GPZU in Moscow

To draw up an urban development plan in the capital of the Russian Federation, you will need the following papers:

  • Application (1 copy). This mandatory document, which includes data about those located on the site capital facilities, cadastral number and directly the request for the provision of services. When ordering a GPZU through the official platform of the Mayor and the Moscow Government, the paper is filled out in an interactive form. The cadastral number is entered taking into account information from cadastral registration, indicating all symbols. A mandatory attribute of the application is electronic signature. If the applicant is an individual, the use of an electronic signature is not necessary.
  • Power of attorney. This document indicates that an individual entrepreneur or legal entity has the right to represent the interests of the applicant when receiving a State Property Fund. The electronic version of the documentation is sent in the form of documents archived in ZIP format.
  • Title papers for land plots, objects and premises. This is a mandatory document that is reviewed by representatives of the authorized body before providing the service. It is necessary if the Unified State Register of Real Estate does not contain information about rights to real estate, as well as if the rights to structures do not require registration in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

The presence of these documents is sufficient to obtain a GPZU in Moscow. Wherein authorized body has the right to nominate Additional requirements if there are doubts about the ownership of the land plot to the applicant or other controversial issues.

Deadline for obtaining GPZU in Moscow

From the beginning of July 2017, up to 20 working days are allocated for processing documentation. Suspension of the provision of services is not provided for by law. This means that within the specified period the authorized body issues the necessary package of papers or refuses to provide the plan.

How to order a GPZU in Moscow - instructions

The best way to obtain a city planning plan is through the mos.ru website.

For individuals

To order a GPZU for individuals in Moscow, you need to take the following steps:

  • Let's go to the official site mos.ru.
  • On the left side we find the services section, and then select the “Business” section. Next we move on to the construction, reconstruction and repair section.
  • We choose the service of preparing GPZU in Moscow.
  • We study the conditions for issuing the plan (documents, deadlines, etc.).
  • Click on the “Get service” button at the top right.
  • Log in to the site and fill out the proposed forms in several steps. At the first stage, personal information about the applicant is indicated, namely full name, birthday, phone number and e-mail. Data from the applicant’s passport is also recorded (number and series, day of issue, and who issued the document).
  • On the second, we indicate data on land legal relations (we pay special attention to the correctness of the cadastral number). The latter must contain all numbers and symbols (including separators). In addition, the type of address, county, location landmark and area are specified. If the property is leased, indicate the type of document, the number of the lease agreement and the date until which it is valid.
  • We indicate information about the rights to capital construction objects (if they occur within the territory of the land plot). If there are none, check the “No” box.
  • We attach the documentation that is necessary to obtain a GPZU in Moscow (listed above) and provide additional information (if required).
  • We choose the option of obtaining a town planning plan.
  • We control the process of implementing the application through the user’s personal account.

For legal entities

If the applicant is a legal entity, you can order a GPZU in Moscow as follows:

  • Follow the link mos.ru.
  • On the left we find the “Services and Services” section, go to it. Next we go to the business section, and after that - construction, reconstruction and repair. At the final stage, we select the option of preparing the GPZU in Moscow.
  • We are studying the conditions for submitting an urban development plan. To place an order, click on the service receipt button at the top right.
  • We authorize using an electronic signature. After this, the system transfers to the application form for the provision of public services.
  • We indicate information about the legal entity (first stage). Here you need to indicate whether the person is the copyright holder or is engaging the applicant, TIN, telephone number, e-mail address, OGRN, company name (full and abbreviated). Here you also need to indicate what function the applicant performs in the organization - whether he is the first person or has the authority to submit the application. If the order for GPZU in Moscow is carried out by a trusted person, a power of attorney will be required (attached to electronic form). The power of attorney contains the person’s full name, contact number and e-mail. The representative of the owner of the rights to the land will be required to provide files with documentation confirming the authority of the company. Here the following fields are filled in: company name (full and abbreviated), OGRN and INN, telephone number and e-mail. After the mark necessary information Click on the continue key.
  • We register data on land legal relations. As for individuals, special attention is paid to the cadastre number. It specifies all signs, symbols and separators. When filling out the fields, you must note whether the site is owned or leased, the cadastral number itself, the type of address, district, district and landmark. It is also worth indicating whether the land plot is registered with Rosreestr or not.
  • We enter information about the rights to capital construction projects, if they are located within the site. If there are no capital construction objects within the boundaries of the land plot, the corresponding “No” mark is placed.
  • We attach the documentation that is necessary to obtain a GPZU in Moscow, as well as additional information (if required).
  • We review and sign the request. After sending the latter, he receives a general request number, and information about the status of processing the application is sent to his personal account.

What is the result?

The final stage of providing the service for registration of a State Budgetary Institution in Moscow is the issuance of the required package of papers. The applicant receives the following documentation:

  • Notification that the GPZU allotment is ready (in one copy). The paper is provided in a situation where the document contains information about state secrets. Information is provided by sending a notification to Personal Area applicant.
  • GPZU (1 unit). The paper is issued when a warrant is issued for further engineering and geological surveys. Such documentation is necessary if the plan is planned to be used to carry out geological and engineering activities. The GPZU is sent directly if it does not contain information containing state secrets.


It doesn’t take much time to get a GPZU in Moscow. The easiest way is to order documentation through the mos.ru website, which avoids wasting time and the need to hand over papers in person. At the same time, the production time remains unchanged - up to 20 days.

Residents of the Moscow region, before building or renovating houses, bathhouses, garages on their personal property, must draw up a town planning plan land plot(GPZU). This procedure is mandatory and free of charge. How to obtain a GPZU, what documents will be needed for this and when to expect results, read the material on the portal website.


An urban planning plan for a land plot is required for the construction or reconstruction of any objects on the site (bathhouse, greenhouse, barn, garage, etc.), except for the construction of linear objects (power lines, communication lines, line-cable structures, pipelines, highways, railway lines, etc.).

The GPZU contains information about the location of the future or existing object, the distance from it to neighboring objects, laid networks or their availability, etc.

In order to obtain a GPZU, residents of the Moscow region must submit an application. They can do this online through state and municipal services.

Who can apply

Source: RIAMO

A citizen or legal entity that has a plot of land in the Moscow region can apply for a GPZU. He has the right to do this on the basis of ownership, lease, inheritance or free use.

The owner's representative can also receive the service. In this case, the authorized person must present a document certifying his authority.

How to get the service

Source: , press service of the Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region Dmitry Pestov

Only registered users can submit an application on the public services portal. Therefore, first you need to go through the authorization procedure. After successful registration, you will be provided with a list of all available services, including “Preparation of urban planning plans land plots for the construction or reconstruction of facilities."

To fill out the application, you must provide personal information (full name, SNILS, residential address), contact information, your status (legal entity or individual), address for issuing the service results, and also attach the following documents:

Identification document of the applicant;

A copy of territorial planning and urban zoning documents;

Approved documentation on territory planning (planning project, land surveying project);

Topographical survey of a plot of land on which ground, above-ground and underground communications should be marked;

A document certifying the authority of the representative (power of attorney). The full name of the person who issued the power of attorney must be indicated; Full name of the person authorized by power of attorney; passport details; the scope of powers of the representative, including the right to sign and submit an application for the provision of services; date of issue of the power of attorney; signature of the person who issued the power of attorney;

Extract (information) from the Unified state register legal entities (when applying from legal entities) or from the Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs(when applying from individual entrepreneurs);

Technical connection conditions ( technological connection) capital construction projects to engineering and technical support networks.

To address Email You will receive a notification about registration of your application; as a rule, this takes one business day. The letter will indicate the date of the procedure.

Reasons for refusal

Since 2017, the urban development plan has been a reference and information document, obtained independently or as a result.

What is GPZU?

GPZU(stands for urban planning plan of a land plot) - this document is the basis for issuing a permit for the construction of a real estate property or reconstruction of an existing one, indicating the proximity of other buildings and structures.

There is also information about the availability of communications, as well as other information according to which the building can be most successfully located on the available site.

The first stage of preparation for construction can be considered obtaining permits based on the urban planning plan. The construction of a property without permission is considered a gross violation of the law and building regulations. The lack of documents may result in the punishment of the owner of the site, followed by the demolition of the unauthorized structure.

An urban development plan for a land plot can only be developed under the following conditions:

  • placing the site on;
  • existing construction project.

The Department of Architecture and Urban Planning is responsible for the coordination and approval of the urban plan.

This document is required for plots for individual housing construction and any other type of use that does not prohibit the construction of a permanent structure. Following the introduction of building notices for holiday properties, development now requires a town plan.

The form of the document was developed by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services and approved by Order No. 741/pr dated April 25, 2017. It is issued on a special form. Filling out the form is subject to certain instructions, which indicate the structure of the document and the presence of all the necessary data.

The GPZU must contain information:

  • site boundaries;
  • minimum setbacks along the entire perimeter of the site, within which construction with permanent buildings and structures is possible;
  • maximum parameters of the structure being constructed or reconstructed, in accordance with urban planning regulations;
  • if there are public easements, they must be indicated;
  • category of intended purpose of the land plot, main, auxiliary and conditionally permitted types of use;
  • availability of connections to utility networks or planned connection indicating the distance from the networks;
  • are there cultural heritage sites on the site;
  • red lines are drawn;
  • Is it permissible to divide the plot into several smaller areas?

An example of a sample GPZU Moscow

The urban planning plan of the land plot includes a number of mandatory details:

  • date and number under which the document is registered with the authorized body;
  • applicant data: for legal entities - name, for individuals - full name;
  • brief information about the site indicating the area and address;
  • information about the authorized person who prepared the plan;
  • an accurate drawing of the site with a schematic drawing on a topographic basis. This should contain the boundaries of the plot with the placement of points along the coordinates, the presence of capital objects, and the zone of possible placement of future buildings.

New conditions for registration of GPZU

Since 2018, changes have been made to the GPZU format, as well as new conditions for obtaining the following content:

  1. After the signing of the law on the need to notify the administration about the start of construction, the procedure for ordering a GPZU changed; now it is not necessary to submit a topographic plan to the list of documents.
  2. As of July 1, 2017, only the copyright holder can request a plan. Previously, such a right was granted to any interested party.
  3. The GP of the land plot must indicate the boundaries of the plot with cadastral registration coordinates and information about town planning regulations.
  4. A new term has been introduced into the Town Planning Code - integrated and sustainable development of the territory. This means providing a given territory with a full range of engineering, transport and social infrastructure and addresses this provision to objects of any purpose, not just residential. Such territories must be designated in the rules of land use and development of settlements, and for them, when preparing an urban planning plan, information must be indicated that is extracted from urban planning standards.

These requirements and format are established and reinforced, in addition to the Town Planning Code, by order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, effective in 2020.

Documents for obtaining GPZU

Full list The documents required to obtain a town planning plan are not established by law. Therefore, there is no unambiguous list and the territorial authority has the right to establish it independently.

Documents for obtaining GPZU in Moscow: passport (if available, power of attorney) and title documents for land plot and house. To apply, you will need to go to mos.ru and fill out an application in the online form.

Instructions on how to obtain a town planning plan in Moscow and the Moscow region for legal entities and individuals -.

An approximate set of documents for other regions includes:

  • application of the interested person in the form approved by the administration;
  • applicant's passport or authorized person, acting under a notarized power of attorney;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Land Registers for the land plot;
  • topographic plan - a snapshot of the plot with all ground, underground and above-ground objects, including communications;
  • special technical conditions for a capital construction project;
  • boundary plan;
  • If there is a permanent structure on the site, in order to draw up an urban planning plan for the plot of land, you will need to provide a technical passport of the structure.
  • topographical photograph of the allotment with all ground, underground and above-ground objects, including communications.

The list of documents can be supplemented by order of the authority local government to clarify data on the land plot.

Often, an application form is used on the city administration website, in which you need to enter all the necessary data. The document is drawn up in two copies, one of the copies with a mark remains in the hands of the applicant.

There are several ways to apply for a plan. Just choose the most convenient one from the following:

  • personal appeal of the applicant;
  • through an authorized representative;
  • by postal mail with a package of documents attached according to the inventory and sent by registered mail with notification (it contains a receipt mark, which will be evidence of receipt of the papers by the authorized body);
  • transfer a package of documents through the multifunctional center;
  • submit through the government services portal (not all territorial authorities have yet joined the electronic services system in terms of receiving urban planning plans).

To prepare the GPZU, the territorial authority, within 7 days from the date of receipt of the documents, sends requests to operating organizations about the possibility of connecting the planned construction or reconstruction facility to the utility networks. Technical specifications are prepared and submitted to the department.

Issuance of an urban development plan for a land plot

The regulatory framework for issuing a town planning plan to an applicant is fixed Town Planning Code RF N 190-FZ Article 55. All information about how the service is provided and the result is produced must be present on the administration’s website or a stand on its premises. To legal or to an individual To obtain the document, you will need to contact the local government authority (the administration of the settlement to which the land plot belongs) with an application and a package of documents.

Deadline for issuing GPZU

The regulations specify a period for the preparation, coordination and approval of the plan; it is no more than:

  • 30 working days - in the regions;
  • 20 days - in Moscow.

A similar procedure applies to land under individual housing construction. In this case, the type of permitted use is indicated in a certain column of the document form:

  • for individual housing construction;
  • for running private household plots, if there is the possibility of constructing a residential building.


There is no fee charged to the applicant for the preparation and issuance of an urban development plan. The law establishes that local authorities provide this service free of charge.


Refusal to issue a plan occurs extremely rarely and for good reasons. This may happen if not the entire list of documents required for this procedure is provided, or if it is impossible to read the text of the documents. Therefore, you should first carefully select and check all the papers.


The information contained in the GPZU can be used for three years for:

  • obtaining a construction permit;
  • preparation of project documentation.

To build a house on a plot of land for individual housing construction, you need an official permit, which is not issued without a GPZU, therefore it is important to know how to obtain a town planning plan.

To obtain an urban planning plan, you should contact your local authorities. You must have documents with you. The period for providing a response to the applicant's request is one month. The rules are established by Art. 46 of the Town Planning Code.

5 options for sending an application:

  1. Deliver in person.
  2. Send by post.
  3. Send through the government services portal.
  4. Send by email.
  5. Submit through a representative. You will need to issue a power of attorney and have it notarized.

The time begins to count from the day following the registration of the application.

The form of the document is determined by the Ministry of Regional Development. A separate column indicates the purpose of use of the land plot: occupation agriculture or construction. There is no fee to get the plan.

What documents are needed

It is better to clarify in advance what documents will be needed in local authorities self-government, because the requirements may differ.

The list of basic documents looks like this:

  1. Statement. The document form is issued by the local administration.
  2. Passport, power of attorney. Notarised power of attorney required when documents are submitted by an authorized person on behalf of a citizen. The power of attorney is replaced by another document confirming the powers of the citizen. For example, an order that allows you to act on behalf of the organization.
  3. Extract on land allotment. To obtain the document, you should contact the cadastral service.
  4. Technical documentation. This document issued when permanent buildings are present on the site. You need to immediately clarify the validity period of the document. The maximum validity period is set by the administration and is two years.
  5. Topographic surveys. They contain information about communications available on the lands.

It may be necessary to provide additional information. The requirements will be voiced by authorized employees of the registration authorities.

How to fill out an application correctly

To avoid refusal to provide public services, the application must be filled out correctly.

7 information to be indicated in the application:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • cadastral number of the object;
  • exact location address;
  • date of origin of ownership;
  • site category;
  • permitted uses;
  • technical features of buildings located on the land plot.

If there is a plan for major changes to an existing building, then information about it should be indicated: material of construction, number of floors.

The applicant indicates his full name and then certifies the application with his signature. It is necessary to write legibly so that there is no doubt when checking the document. The completed form must be submitted to the office of the institution. An incoming stamp and registration date are placed on it. The second copy is accepted for execution.

What is needed to obtain the document

The property should be registered in the cadastral register and land surveying carried out. If cadastral registration has not been completed, then you do not have to submit an application at all. Will still be received official refusal.

The form of the document was approved by the Ministry of Regional Development (order No. 207 of May 10, 2011). GPZU includes several standard details:

  • Date of preparation;
  • serial number;
  • Full name of the applicant;
  • clarifying data on the land plot: location address, as well as total area;
  • information about the specialist who prepared the plan;
  • a drawing based on a topographical diagram;
  • information about how the plot is permitted to be used;
  • instructions on what objects are allowed to be built and where to place them.

Other information that has meaning for the object will also be placed. A drawing is a diagram of the location of an object.

8 information that the drawing contains:

  • schematic representation of the object;
  • boundaries indicating the coordinates of turning points;
  • capital buildings;
  • indentations from the boundaries of the allotment for the placement of capital objects;
  • places for placing objects for government needs;
  • designation of places where placement of capital objects is allowed;
  • easements and restrictions;
  • permissible type of use of the site.

Grounds for refusal

There are cases when the issuance of a document may simply be refused. The list of grounds for refusal is established by law.

3 grounds for refusal:

  • There are not enough certificates;
  • documents are filled out incorrectly;
  • the meaning of the documents cannot be read.

Therefore, the application must be filled out correctly, and errors and corrections must be avoided.

Refusal can be avoided if you check the documentation yourself. Have you discovered that your documents are filled out incorrectly or are damaged? Throw them out and replace them with new ones without waiting for government officials to refuse.

When the refusal is due to objective reasons, a claim should be filed to receive compensation for the land plot. For example, this should be done when the object is cultural heritage and cannot be changed. Statement of claim submitted if the administration refused to transfer the refund.

Changes have been made to the law regarding what the GPZU looks like.

3 additional document details:

  • technical conditions for connecting communications and capital networks;
  • clarified boundaries of communications that already exist at the site;
  • projects that have already been made on the basis of the GPZU, which was issued no more than three years ago.

The essence of the changes is to change the status of the GPZU. Previously, the document served as the basis for territory planning. Individual housing construction must be carried out in the manner indicated in the scheme. Now this is informational and reference material.

The information material contains a brief summary of what construction work is allowed to be carried out on the land.

4 main changes to the urban planning scheme:

  1. Red lines are shown on the property, as well as information about the special use of the area.
  2. Buildings should be placed on the site according to the layout indicated in the diagram.
  3. Detailed information about capital objects is indicated: type of use, number of floors. The information allows us to conclude whether urban planning requirements are met or not.
  4. It is imperative to agree on a location for future residential construction.

The minimum number of infrastructure facilities and the availability of infrastructure for the population are indicated.

To obtain a scheme there are 2 conditions:

  1. The land has passed cadastral registration.
  2. The owner or tenant of the property applies for public services.

Issued by GPZU to individuals, legal entities, as well as private entrepreneurs.

Sources for preparing an urban plan

There are 4 sources of information that the administration uses when preparing the plan:

  • data on construction planning on the territory;
  • design standards;
  • information about the real estate cadastre;
  • conditions for connecting objects to engineering infrastructure.

After receiving the application, the administration makes a request to connect the facilities to utility networks.

How long is the document valid?

The maximum validity period of the document is three years. Upon receipt of a construction permit, the received plan also ends in force.

Documents received before July 2020 have a maximum validity period of eight years. The maximum period is determined by the local administration.

If the scheme is received before 2020, it can be used as a basis for construction, but within the maximum validity period, which is eight years.

GPZU for individual construction

If you own a plot of land, this does not mean that you can build a house in any convenient place. To build a house, you must obtain the approval of the administration. Approval is issued only if the necessary documentation is provided:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate confirming the rights to the land plot;
  • urban planning scheme of the object;
  • schematic representation of future objects;
  • description appearance future building, when development is planned in places of historical and cultural significance.

It is necessary to decide how to obtain an official urban planning plan for a land plot for individual housing construction before starting construction.

3 organizations where you can apply:

  1. Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg can contact the committee dealing with architecture and urban planning.
  2. District executive committees issue schemes for lands that fall under the jurisdiction of the administration.
  3. The administration of rural settlements is in charge of issuing documents on lands related to the rural settlement.

The decision to issue a document or refuse is made by the head of the organization.

Responsibility for unauthorized construction

You cannot build in our country without permission. The structure is recognized as unauthorized, and the violator of urban planning is punished under Art. 7.1 of the Code of administrative offenses. The amount of recovery depends on the cadastral price of the land. Maximum amount the penalty is 5 thousand rubles.

Why do you need to order a town planning plan?

You need to obtain a diagram in order to obtain official permission to construct a building. The diagram contains information on how to apply urban planning rules during construction and connect to communications. Approval for connection must be issued separately.

Bottom line

Now you can’t just build a house on your own plot; you have to collect a lot of paperwork. Among them is GPZU. The land owner is required to register the plot of land, collect Required documents and contact the administration to obtain a diagram.