Additional agreement introducing new clauses. Additional agreement to the contract


on changes and additions to the terms of the purchase and sale agreement

N _____ from “__”_________ _____ g.

g. __________ “___”________ ____ g.

This agreement was concluded between the parties to the purchase and sale agreement No. _____ dated “__”_____ ____ (hereinafter referred to as the “agreement”) in ___ copies having the same legal force, _____ for each side.

We refer to__ hereinafter as the Seller, represented by ___________________________, (position, surname, name, patronymic) acting___ on the basis of ______________________________, (Charter, regulations, power of attorney) on the one hand, and ________________________________, hereinafter referred to as__

The Buyer, represented by ____________________________, (position, surname, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ___________________________, (Charter, regulations, power of attorney)

on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. In connection with __________________________________ (indicate the reasons that led to the change in the agreement), the parties who entered into the agreement dated “___”_________ _____ on _________________

2. Paragraph ____ of the agreement should be stated as follows: “_____________________________________________”.

3. In clause ___ of the agreement, between the words “______________” and “____________”, include the words: “____________________”.

4. Clause ________ of the contract should be deleted from the text, changing the numbering of the clauses of the contract accordingly.

5. The text of the agreement should be supplemented with clause __________, stating it as follows: “_______________________”.

6. The obligations of the parties, as amended by this agreement, are to be fulfilled

which the parties have already begun, are subject to execution as follows: _______________________. (indicate in what order and how their execution should be continued)

7. This additional agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the parties.

8. This additional agreement is an integral part of agreement No. ______ dated “___”_________ ____ between the parties, and all issues related to it will be resolved by the parties to the agreement in pursuance and in accordance with the rules and provisions of the amended agreement.

9. Details of the parties:

Seller: __________________ (full name)

Address: _____________________

Mailing address and index: _________________________

Taxpayer Identification Number: _________

Current account N ________________

in the bank ______________________

Corr. account N _______________________

BIC: ___________________________________

Phone fax: ___________________________

Buyer: ___________________________________ (full name)

Address: _____________________

Postal address and zip code: _______________

Taxpayer Identification Number: ______________

Current account N _________________________________

in the bank ______________

Corr. account N _____________________

BIC: ____________________

Phone fax: _________________________




________________________ __________________

(manager position) (signature) (full name)


No. 3 on amendments and additions to the terms of the purchase and sale agreement No. 453 dated January 11, 2018.

This agreement was concluded between the parties to the purchase and sale agreement No. 453 dated January 11, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the “agreement”) in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

LLC "ZhilTorg", hereinafter referred to as

Seller, represented by general director Artem Pavlovich Zolotarev, acting on the basis of the LLC charter dated 02/11/2001, on the one hand, and CosmeticsGroup LLC, hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, represented by General Director Fedor Arkadyevich Poddubny, acting on the basis of the LLC charter dated 10/05/2007. , on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. In connection with the renaming of the street. Kaluzhskaya in st. V. Vysotsky, and by agreement, the parties who entered into agreement No. 453 dated January 11, 2018 on the purchase and sale of an apartment (hereinafter referred to as the “parties”) agreed to make the following changes and additions to the above-mentioned agreement No. 453.

2. Clause 1.4. the agreement should be stated in the following wording: “The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the Buyer under the terms of the agreement and for the fee established by him, apartment No. 3 on the street. V. Vysotsky, St. Petersburg.”

3. In clause 3.5 of the agreement, between the words “Buyer” and “transfers”, include the words: “within 30 calendar days.”

4. Clause 5.1. exclude the agreement from the text, changing the numbering of the clauses of the agreement accordingly.

5. The text of the agreement should be supplemented with clause 6.2.4, stating it as follows: “If disputes arise between the parties regarding the subject of the agreement, they must take measures to resolve the differences voluntarily. If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties, the dispute must be referred to court.”

6. The obligations of the parties, amended by this agreement, the fulfillment of which the parties have already begun, are subject to fulfillment as follows: part of the amount not paid by the Buyer is distributed for the period specified in the additional agreement and is transferred to the Seller’s account according to the approved payment scheme. (indicate in what order and how their execution should be continued)

Conclusion additional agreement To employment contract carried out at any stage of cooperation. This event is necessary to make changes to the first document: costs, validity period, transfer of responsibility, etc.

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In this case, there is no need to terminate the contract, and an additional agreement is drawn up with the written consent of both parties.

What it is

Additional agreement to the contract - a document in which amendments are made to change clauses labor contract. This could be an extension of the work period, an increase wages, work in a different edition, etc. All information about the employer and employee is recorded on the paper.

Important! The additional agreement cannot be current (loses legal force) in the event of termination of the main agreement.

The document comes into force if both parties agree and sign or through the court if there is a reason for this. The paper is voluntary.

The law does not provide for any mandatory style of supplementary agreement. But the document must contain the following points:

  • name of add. agreements with the name of the employment contract;
  • Full name, personal data of the parties;
  • reasons for changes;
  • the transformations themselves;
  • start date of the amendments;
  • requisites;
  • signatures of the parties specified in the agreement;
  • number of copies (usually one for each party);
  • at the estate - a seal.

This information must be specified in the agreement in mandatory.

How to compose

There is no requirement to formalize an agreement. But according to Article 452 of the Civil Code of Russia, the document is drawn up similarly to the main one.

Clause 2 art. 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the procedure for changing any item. It includes:

  • at the moment of a fundamental change in circumstances, one of the parties that is interested in transforming the contract price is obliged to send a proposal to the other party to change the contract price;
  • the party receiving the proposal must inform the other party about the refusal or consent to the change within the period of time specified in the proposal or within a month;
  • If a refusal is received or there is no response within the time period written in the offer, or within a 30-day period, then the first party may go to court to change the price.

The parties must exchange offers using the method specified in the contract or by mail.

About extending the validity period

This document will be needed in the case when there is no need to change any points, but it is necessary to extend the employment relationship. This paper is drawn up if the parties do not plan long-term cooperation.

For long term labor relations It would be better to stipulate automatic renewal of the contract in the main contract. It can be canceled by written notice.

An example of a phrase about automatic extension of the contract term: “The duration of the main employment contract will be automatically extended by 6 months if neither party sends the other written notice of termination of the employment contract 30 days before the expiration of this contract.”

Additional sample contract extension agreements:

Do not forget to indicate that other clauses not written in the agreement must be looked at in the main contract.

About changing the amount

An agreement to change the contract price has a similar form. It indicates the new cost, for example, of rent for a premises.

This document is completed when financial regulations change for the better or for the worse...

About changing details

An additional agreement on changing details is concluded to make changes to cash accounts. As a rule, incorrect indication of details in the main contract is not a reason for its termination. The law allows such mistakes.

Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that a contract becomes valid when the parties have reached mutual understanding on the essential terms of the contract. These include price, terms, and procedure for fulfilling obligations.

Also, the parties may, in the absence of claims from each other, recognize some conditions as essential. But the details will still not appear as such.

If spelled incorrectly cash accounts There may be problems with registration primary documents and according to calculations.

Also, an error in the details may become a reason for legal proceedings for the recovery of illegal enrichment. In order to prevent these legal troubles, the parties formulate additional documents in advance. agreement on changing details.

Points No. 2,3,4 are present in each type of agreement.

About additional work

In some cases, the customer needs to increase the scope of work. Then the agreement must include the following:

  • amount of additional work;
  • value of surcharge;
  • implementation time.

It is important to remember that the contractor may not agree to the condition and not sign anything.

Changing an item

The additional agreement to amend the clause must have a style similar to the main agreement. Sometimes agreement has to be reached through court. These are cases such as:

  1. Material failure of one party to fulfill obligations.
  2. Another case, which is prescribed in the contract or in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Significant change in circumstances.

All cases are spelled out in Articles 450 and 451 of the Civil Code of Russia.

Price changes

The price conversion agreement is no different from the additional amount change form. The procedure is the same. First, one party needs to notify the other about a change in some point. Next, the recipient must decide whether to agree or not within the time specified in the contract. If refused, the applicant may sue.

Important! If the parties draw up several agreements for one thing (for example, a change in the price of rent), then the main and only valid document becomes the document with a later conclusion date.

This resolution was introduced by the Federal Arbitration Court West Siberian District September 30, 2013.

Extension of work period

Before forming an agreement to extend the work period, the two parties need to agree on how long the cooperation will be extended.

Parties in primary agreement may prescribe an automatic increase in the terms of work in the absence of claims 30 days before the end of the contract.

Registration additional agreements

Registration of the lease agreement is mandatory. Make changes at the expense of additional document it is possible if the main contract was concluded for a period of more than 1 year and if it is registered. Typically, an agreement is concluded when the tenant changes the price of the premises or the characteristics of the room change.

Registration of the agreement proceeds in the same way as the formation of the main contract. Required documents for official registration of an additional form:

  • 3 lease agreement agreements;
  • paper confirming payment of the duty;
  • labor documents confirming the rights of both parties (protocols, orders);
  • notarised power of attorney;
  • a copy of the registered lease agreement.

Either the tenant or the landlord can register a rental agreement. The Russian Real Estate Register requires compliance with the main condition - payment of tax from the applicant. Registration takes 10 working days. The register assigns a record number for the agreement.

After the registration period expires, the applicant is given 2 agreements, one of which he must give to the other party.

The following agreements do not require registration:

  • changes in rent;
  • rental contracts for up to 1 year;
  • change of details;

The rest must be registered without fail, including the purchase and sale agreement.


The additional agreement is invalid in the following cases:

  1. If the main contract is declared invalid.
  2. When the agreement is not certified by a notary (if the main agreement is certified, then this point is no longer valid).
  3. If 1 or 2 signatures are missing.
  4. When the tenant violated the terms of the contract.

To avoid problems in court, it is necessary not to violate the requirements of the contract.

An additional agreement is necessary to amend the main agreement. You can change the contract price, bank details, increase the duration of work or its volume.

The agreement must have a similar style to the main agreement and contain the data of the two parties, the start date of the agreement and signing, amended clauses and the transformations themselves, signatures.

Each additional form must be registered in the register. Exceptions are agreements on changes in rent, details, lease agreements for a period of up to 12 months.

Reading time: 23 minutes. Published 01/29/2020

Preamble to the treaty (in 2018) – what is it in simple words?


From the moment of signing this additional agreement, all obligations of the “Parties” under agreement No. dated “ “ 201 are terminated.4. The parties have no claims against each other.5.

Additional agreement on amendments to the contract

The counterparty reads the document and, if the proposed conditions suit him, signs the agreement.

If he agrees to the change, but on different terms, he makes his own amendments to the agreement and sends them for consideration to the initiator of the amendment to the agreement (amendments to the agreement can be formalized by drawing up a new draft agreement or a protocol of disagreements).

In case of disagreement with changes to the original contract, the counterparty responds with a letter of refusal, but has the right to simply remain silent (it is appropriate when such silence does not constitute acceptance).

Art. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of changing a previously concluded agreement, subject to the consent of both parties. The subject and terms of the agreement, as well as other parameters that are important for counterparties, may change. You can read about the specifics of the contract extension agreement in the article “Additional agreement to extend the contract period.”

Bashkirs are an ethnic group, and Russians are occupiers of ethnic groups. No one invited them to Tatarstan, Siberia, Smolensk, Bryansk, or the Caucasus (except Georgia); they themselves invaded and conquered with the help of escaped convicts and state criminals, who were later rehabilitated for these occupations.

I doubt that you will recruit a sufficient number of those who would agree to take part in something like this. there will be plenty of those who want to correct your brains, that’s for sure. Of course you'll excuse me. but any uprising is always an act of destruction. And regardless of the goals that are set.

Moreover, it is far from a fact that destruction will be quickly followed by something constructive. Usually it is extremely difficult to stop and the mess only grows and grows. So it can only be justified in one case. when there is nothing left to lose. it will not be worse. and literally tomorrow. and not figuratively death.

In all others, this is a crime against the same people. Exactly.

However, the example of Ukraine. I think we have set the brains of many dreamers. not everyone of course. as you can see here. there are enough of those who believe in utopian fantasies. as well as those who are trying to earn political or more material capital from them.

But there are still not many of them. I just don’t understand if you’re one of the first or second

Preamble to the treaty

The main thing is not to forget that if, in addition to the date, the preamble also provides an indication of the dates on which the agreement was signed by each of the parties, then in this case the date indicated in the header will have absolutely no meaning, because the date of conclusion of the agreement represents is the one when the contract was signed by the last party.

  • It is necessary to indicate the type of contract in its name.
  • The freedom of contract, which is spelled out in Article 421 of the Civil Code, must be used very carefully and not enter into any agreements on your own that are not provided for by the Civil Code or that combine several types in one, unless absolutely necessary.

In order to completely secure the procedure for conducting business and to be completely confident in the second party’s strict compliance with the terms of the agreement, any transactions and agreements must be formalized in in writing. The same rule applies to additional agreements between the parties.

The additional agreement drawn up between the parties has legal force, comparable to the main agreement, and can be used in the event of any kind of conflict situations between the parties, including when submitting a dispute for consideration to court.

So, before concluding a serious agreement, do not be lazy to explain the counterparty in detail: ask him for certified copies of documents (constituent, bank card with sample signatures, the powers of the person signing the agreement, licenses, etc.

), find out what tax system he uses, order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It would be a good idea to look at the passport (or some other significant document with a photo) of the person signing the contract with you, but few people have the courage to do this, and sometimes in vain.

Study everything you have obtained carefully and, if there are no questions, carefully fill in the last gaps in the preamble and sign the agreement.

2. This Agreement is an integral part of agreement No. ____ dated _________.

3. In all other respects that are not specified in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the provisions of agreement No. _________ dated _____________.

4. This Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.


Changing the parties in the preamble of the agreement, sample how to write an additional agreement

The name of the introductory part of the normative act comes from the Greek word “praeambulus”, which means “going ahead”, “preceding”.

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The preamble contains general information about the document and its parties. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have strict requirements for the design of the introductory part, and there are also no recommendations on its composition.

However, there are the following norms that have developed over many years:

  1. Indicated by the name. For example, “Purchase and Sale Agreement”, “Work Acceptance Certificate” and so on.
  2. This part must indicate the number that was assigned to the document.
  3. The date of signing is also included in the introductory part.
  4. Information about the place of detention, if required by the type of document.
  5. Name of the parties to the agreement being concluded. At the same time, we note that for legal entities this is the full name of the organization, individual entrepreneur and individuals– full name, passport details, if necessary, indicate the individual entrepreneur number.
  6. You should also indicate names and positions, if participating. legal entity, those who sign the document. In this case, it would be useful to indicate on what basis the present employee from the legal entity is concluding the agreement (for example, on the basis of a power of attorney or the Charter of the enterprise).

Such information must be indicated in almost all agreements concluded.

Preamble example

for rent

metalworking machines

An additional agreement to a contract is a special type of documentation that provides for changes to the terms of an existing contract. Let's figure out how to draw up a document correctly and what to look for close attention. Current sample Additional agreements to the contract can be downloaded for free at the end of the article.

The essence of the document

An additional agreement is a written decision of the parties to change existing agreements. The key purpose of the document is to adjust the essential provisions of the contract or completely terminate or terminate them. However Civil Code The Russian Federation does not contain a specific definition of this term. Despite this, numerous regulations contain references to this category of documentation.

Since the additional agreement is aimed at changing the provisions of the original agreement, therefore, the procedure for its preparation is subject to the rules on transactions and obligations (Articles 153, 420, 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, an additional agreement is determined by three key features:

  1. Only applies to a valid agreement. In simple words, it is impossible to draw up an additional agreement to extend the term of the contract under an already “closed” contract. Only a valid document can be renewed. If the contract has already expired, a new government contract will have to be concluded; in this case, drawing up an additional agreement is pointless.
  2. It is considered invalid if it is drawn up in connection with an invalid contract. So, if the original contract was declared invalid, regardless of the reasons, drawing up an additional agreement does not grant it legal grounds. However, if the additional agreement is declared invalid, then this circumstance does not apply to the provisions of the main contract.
  3. The document adjusts only those conditions and agreements that are described in it. In other words, from the moment the additional agreement comes into force, new provisions begin to apply, but only in relation to the circumstances that were specified in the new document. But the conditions that have not been adjusted continue to operate in the old, original order. For example, an additional agreement on the extension of the contract only adjusts the terms, but the calculation procedure and the rules for determining the value of the contract do not change, since such adjustments were not made to the additional agreement.

Please note that the document itself is recognized as a transaction, but at the same time is an integral part of the original contract. It should also be taken into account that if there is an additional agreement, it will be valid for the entire duration of the original contract. For example, if an additional agreement was concluded to the main contract, which changed the settlement procedure, then when the main agreement is extended, the additional agreement will also be valid for the entire period.

In what cases will it be necessary to draw up an additional agreement?

Quite often, existing agreements between the parties lose their relevance for numerous reasons. These include legislative adjustments, an unstable economic situation, a systematic rise in prices, and much more. Consequently, partners often have to adjust the terms of agreements and contracts. Even a minor change in the company’s details requires timely changes to the concluded contracts.

So, let’s determine the circumstances under which the execution of an additional agreement is necessary:

  1. The existing agreements are no longer relevant, and the parties decided to update them. In this case, specific clauses or even sections of the current contract are adjusted. The new conditions come into effect from the moment the document is signed.
  2. Carrying out a transaction requires the introduction of additions, instructions, and requirements that were omitted in the original version of the contract. For example, it is necessary to introduce conditions regarding the requirements for the quality of goods that were omitted when concluding the transaction.
  3. There is a need to exclude certain provisions from the contract. For example, according to the terms of the transaction, the supplier can ship the goods in only one batch, but now the shipment can be divided into several parts.
  4. The details of the parties have been changed. For example, one of the parties changed organizationally legal form, name, or the current account or servicing bank has changed. In this case, an additional supplement is simply necessary. It is permissible to draw up new details as an appendix to the additional agreement to the contract.
  5. Changing the contract price, as well as adjusting the settlement procedure, also requires documentation. You will also have to draw up an additional document if the term of the contract changes.
  6. There is a need to terminate existing arrangements or, in simple words, terminate the existing contract. In this case, you will have to enter into an agreement to terminate the state contract.

Please note that in terms of labor relations between the employer and the employee, similar requirements for drawing up additional agreements apply. So, if the terms of employment are changed or terminated by agreement of the parties, then it is simply necessary to draw up a sample additional agreement to the employment contract.

Document requirements

Updated agreements must be formalized accordingly, that is, documented. It is not possible to change the terms of a written agreement orally. Consequently, the additional contract must be prepared, drawn up, and executed in exactly the order and sequence in which the original contract was created.

Please note that if the execution of the transaction required state registration with the relevant authorities, then the additional agreement will have to be registered with in the prescribed manner in Rosreestr. IN otherwise the new terms and conditions will be deemed invalid.

If the original terms of the transaction required official publication in the media or other sources of information, or it was necessary to notify a circle of interested parties, then changing the conditions requires similar actions. That is, the additional agreement should be published in the media or on the Internet or a notification should be sent to interested parties.

The new conditions begin to apply from the moment the form of the additional agreement to the contract is signed, unless otherwise provided by its provisions. For example, it is permissible to indicate in the document a specific date from which the updated agreements begin to apply. If you want to state registration, then the new interpretation comes into force for the parties to the transaction from the moment of signing, and for third parties - from the moment of official registration.

Please note that it is permissible to change the terms of the state contract backdating. To do this, indicate in the additional agreement that the new agreements apply to relations that arose earlier. A similar right exists to terminate the agreement retroactively. However, such a document cannot violate legal norms, nor infringe the rights of the parties.

Instructions for compilation

There is no unified form, as well as established rules for drawing up documentation. After all, in each situation a specific condition changes, which means it is necessary to act in accordance with individually.

But it should be taken into account that there are required details, which must be included in the supplementary document. These include:

  1. Place of drawing up and/or signing. Name required settlement or the city in which new agreements were reached.
  2. The date of conclusion of the new document, that is, the specific calendar day on which the parties entered into a new deal.
  3. Details of the original contract are a prerequisite. If you do not provide a link to the document being changed, the new one will be considered invalid.
  4. It is necessary to identify the parties (their full names, addresses, details) who are adjusting or terminating the transaction.
  5. Determine in as much detail and detail as possible all changes, adjustments, additions and obligations that are subject to updates.

Having marked everything prerequisites and agreements, determine at what point the new provisions come into effect. This procedure applies if the parties were able to agree among themselves.

If you are just planning to change the contract, then you need to prepare an additional agreement, including all the same mandatory details. Then make two copies at once and sign them. Send both documents to your partner with a request to sign and return one copy to you. Please note that the partner has the right to refuse to sign the supplementary document by drawing up a reasoned refusal. That is, indicating for what reasons a change or termination of an existing transaction is considered illegal, unlawful, unnecessary, and so on.

Samples of additional agreements

An example of an additional agreement to a contract to extend its validity (general form):

To change the details of the parties:

Features for employment contracts

As you know, an employment contract is signed only once - when you are hired by a new employer. However, after certain period Over time, the conditions specified in the employment contract may become outdated. Therefore, they need to be documented. This is precisely why an addendum to an employment contract is drawn up.

There is no unified form; everything is determined individually. A sample additional agreement to a contract with an employee must contain all aspects that should be interpreted in new edition. The document must be signed when changing essential conditions TD. These conditions are named in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Please note that you cannot terminate the old contract - it is illegal without substantial grounds for doing so. However, there are situations when an employee has been working for a company for quite a long time, and there are so many additional agreements signed that one can get confused in them. What to do in this case?

Even in such a situation, it is impossible to terminate the old contract and re-enter a new one. To avoid confusion, it is permissible to prepare a new supplementary document, in which it should be stated that: “the current employment contract should be stated in a new edition.” And attach new option contract between employee and employer. Otherwise, follow the generally accepted rules for drawing up additional agreements.

Sample additional agreement to an employment contract

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