How to confirm the coastal origin of a product. Documents certifying the origin of goods from a given country

The insurance system is a tool for achieving certain goals facing the company in the new market conditions characterized by increased competitiveness of markets and consumer demands for quality of services. However, restrictions may be imposed on the insurer related, for example, to the social role of insurance. The subject is the insurance system in the Russian Federation and the prospects for its development. The appearance in Europe at the end of the 15th century of a mutual insurance society of the so-called Brngilden fire partnerships.

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In all developed countries insurance is, as already noted, a strategic sector of the economy. The volume of reserves and the terms for which funds are placed turn Insurance companies to the most powerful financial lending institutions. Through their activities they concentrate enormous financial power in their hands. For example, in 1989, insurance companies in Europe, Japan and the USA managed a total investment volume of $4,000 billion. More than 80% of these investments were provided by life insurance operations. 50% of this financial mass was placed in private or public debt, 21% in bonds and 15% in mortgages. 14

Development prospects insurance market in Russia it is difficult to predict, since they largely depend on the state of the country’s economy, the level of its development, the well-being and insurance culture of the population. It would be naive to believe that in a country with an unpredictable economic course, the poor population, living on the needs of one day, will take care of accumulating capital that is depreciating every day. In such economic conditions, long-term savings insurance programs do not work. It is proposed to consider the prospects for the development of the domestic insurance market based on documents adopted at the state level.

The main document defining the development of insurance in Russia is intended to be the Federal Program for the Development of the Domestic Insurance Market. This document contains a number of theses that the government intends to guide in the development of the domestic insurance market.

As one of the priority steps to improve the reliability of insurance companies, the program puts forward requirements for increasing the authorized capital of insurers. In this regard, the state will welcome possible mergers and mergers of existing insurance companies that do not have enough funds to replenish their authorized capital. The development of the national insurance market should be facilitated by the introduction of a number of new compulsory types of insurance. These include motor vehicle liability insurance, employers' liability insurance, compulsory home insurance and certain types of property.

The implementation of the program will increase the investment potential of the insurance market.

The insurance documents recently adopted and proposed for adoption allow us to say with some confidence that some types of compulsory insurance will be developed. These include insurance provided by law (mandatory). Among those currently practiced are compulsory passenger insurance, civil liability insurance for organizations operating hazardous production facilities, and others. Compulsory passenger insurance is carried out for passenger transportation by air and rail, as well as on intercity bus routes. This type of insurance does not require the consent of the policyholder and is carried out unnoticed by him, since the insurance rate is included in the cost of travel without being highlighted as a separate line. Civil liability insurance for organizations operating hazardous production facilities is carried out in accordance with Federal law No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” and also does not leave the right of choice to the insured, since one of the conditions for licensing certain types of activities provides for the obligation to provide insurance policy

for this type of insurance (operation of cranes, steam boilers, mobile fuel filling stations and other high-risk objects).

With the development of the security services market, the development of insurance for private detectives and security guards is expected. It is characteristic that the products being developed today in this direction by insurance organizations provide insurance protection not only for the life and health of private detectives and security guards, but also insurance protection against damage caused by their actions during the performance of their duties.

With a sufficiently favorable combination of obligations (stability economy, high level of income and legal culture of the population), we can assume the development of such types of insurance as insurance of personal property of citizens and property of legal entities. The prospects for this type of insurance are determined by the observed trend towards expansion and growth in the volume of property insurance. Partial growth property insurance can be explained by an increase in the value of fixed assets and other property. However, there are other objective reasons. For example, today a self-respecting lessor, when renting out property in will include in the lease agreement a provision for insurance of the transferred property. In many cities today, standard lease agreements municipal property it is mandatory to include a clause on compulsory insurance the specified property. Naturally, with the very high cost of property in large cities, such voluntary compulsory insurance contributes to an increase in the volume of property insurance.

However, the level of insurance protection for numerous risks associated with production, operation of fixed assets, and fire protection remains extremely low today. A conditional comparison shows that insurance covers no more than 9.5% of the total property of legal entities. This is despite the fact that losses from fires, natural disasters, and accidents amount to huge sums.

One of the main reasons for the slow development of property insurance for legal entities is the lack of legal regulation. Until recently, property insurance costs were not recognized by society and were not included in the cost structure or production costs. In addition, the stereotype of thinking continues to affect. “If trouble happens, the state will help.” In the insurance market, insurance services, meanwhile, could provide protection for numerous risks in the field of production, transportation, product sales, property safety, fire prevention, equipment breakdowns and other risks.

The prospects for the development of the Russian insurance market can also be traced using the example of a specific type of insurance – life insurance.

Today, we can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that there are objective prerequisites for the emergence of insurable interest in life insurance, since there is a possibility of a decrease in the family’s standard of living due to the death of the breadwinner, retirement due to age or disability. Factors influencing the emergence of insurable interest include the existence of a risk of additional expenses in connection with the education of children and youth in colleges and universities in the country and abroad, as well as the obligation to provide financial guarantees for the fulfillment of obligations when carrying out transactions with payment on credit. The influence of the listed factors on the emergence of insurable interest in life insurance especially increases in modern conditions, when state social guarantees for providing for those disabled by age and health, for the loss of a breadwinner have been significantly reduced, when various forms of paid education appear, purchases on credit are becoming widespread.

If we talk about who is interested in creating conditions for the implementation of this insurance interest, then these are, first of all, potential policyholders - individuals and legal entities. Moreover, individuals are potential policyholders for the entire range of types of life insurance: death insurance; for survival to the age or period specified in the contract, as well as insurance for education expenses; pension (annuity) insurance; credit life insurance. Legal entities, if appropriate conditions exist, may be interested in acting as policyholders, most likely for death insurance; pension (annuity) insurance and, to a lesser extent, life insurance.

Interested in creating conditions for the realization of interests in the development of life insurance is such a subject of the personal insurance market as the insurer. Life insurance companies around the world are financial institutions that effectively problem solvers individual insurers to organize reliable insurance protection and the state, but to find, first of all, internal reserves to attract credit resources. The decline in the life insurance market will lead to the need to reorient to other types or leave the insurance market altogether.

Today, the most interested party in the personal insurance market in Russia, in our opinion, is the state. Firstly, because the problem of finding funds to solve national problems is a problem of paramount importance. And life insurance, as you know, allows you to attract funds that are a source of long-term credit resources.

Secondly, life insurance compensates for the lack of state social guarantees. Thus, it, being one of the forms of organizing insurance protection for the population, contributes to the organization in the country of an integrated, most complete system of providing citizens with the occurrence of various events related to their life, health and ability to work, leading to a decrease in the standard of living and/or additional expenses.

Thirdly, the development of life insurance as one of the most labor-intensive and knowledge-intensive branches of insurance leads to the creation of new jobs. And this, from the point of view of the state, is an important point, helping to ease social tension in the country.

However, in addition to the presence of an insurable interest, means and tools are needed to ensure that the interest in question is realized. We are talking about the availability of funds from potential policyholders and, no less important, trust in the life insurance institute.

If we talk about availability Money, then, according to various experts, by August 1998 the population had at least 30 billion US dollars in its hands. The amounts are not small, some of which could well have been used to pay insurance premiums to realize the insurable interest in life insurance. However, the funds of individual policyholders allocated for the payment of insurance premiums after taxation, having formed life insurance reserves, are subject to taxation a second time, already as insurance payments upon the occurrence of an insured event. This “second” taxation is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Income Tax on Individuals” dated January 10, 1997. No. 11-FZ, according to which material benefit in the form of the difference between the amounts of insurance payments and the amounts insurance premiums paid by an individual policyholder and increased by insurers by the amount calculated at the refinancing rate established by the Bank of Russia at the time of concluding the insurance contract are subject to taxation at the source of payments separately from other types of income of this person at a rate of 15%. , so-called long-term life insurance and pensions concluded for a period of more than 5 years.

As for trust in the life insurance institute, the situation here is not at all encouraging. The population of the country has been familiar with long-term life insurance for many years. Since 1956, life insurance, represented by mixed insurance, children's insurance (until the insured child reaches 18 years of age), and marriage insurance, has developed rapidly. The loss of life insurance reserves by Gosstrakh in 1991 and the inability of the insurer to fulfill obligations in an amount adequate to the terms of the insurance contract led to a sharp outflow of the population from the life insurance sector.

For a short period, since 1992. Until August 1998, insurers worked painstakingly with clients to regain lost trust. This work began to yield positive results. The growth of prosperity, the stabilization of the country's economy, the opportunity to choose a reliable financial partner-insurer in the last three to four years, despite the restraining role of tax legislation, have contributed to the emergence, primarily among the population, of an economically justified interest in maintaining the standard of living and the need for its implementation through the conclusion of contracts life insurance and pensions. However, this process was abruptly stopped on August 17, 1998. The financial crisis that paralyzed the country had a profound impact on insurance in general and long-term life insurance in particular.

As is known, the necessary prerequisites for the development of long-term insurance are a stable political and economic situation and the absence of hyperinflation. Currently, without these two prerequisites, as well as taking into account the freezing of part of the assets of insurers placed in state bonds, and the inability in this regard to fulfill their obligations, insurance turns into a financial institution that is unable to realize its main function - providing guaranteed insurance protection not only for the long term, but also for the short term.

From the material presented above, it follows that the prospects for the Russian insurance market can only be favorable if the state actually demonstrates its support in the development of insurance.