Paintings on the theme of profession. Different professions for children with pictures

To make it easier for a teenager, when he grows up, to decide what kind of work he will do, it is important to tell him in childhood about the diverse world of crafts.

Children begin to be told in detail about professions only in high school, so that they can decide where to go to study next. It turns out that the school years, the time when the main stock of skills and knowledge is formed, pass aimlessly.

Parents can show profession cards to their child as early as two years old. You can buy them in a store or download them online and print them. Such upbringing will broaden children's horizons and improve social adaptation.

Determining your vocation will make it possible to consciously approach the choice of specialty in the future. This is very important for a person’s full existence, since work occupies most of his conscious life.

How to talk about professions

There are many ways to learn about the world of different crafts with your children: coloring books, cartoons, books, conversations on a topic that interests the child.

It is important to remember that when describing a specialty you cannot express a negative attitude towards it. Your task is to make your stories interesting, understandable, and informative. Allow preschool children to draw their own conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of different callings.

A story about the work of a mother, father or grandmother will be interesting to the child. Walking on the street you can see representatives of various professions: builders, janitor, driver, salesman, etc. The story about the peculiarities of the work of these people can be accompanied by a clear example.

An object of children's curiosity can also be some object made by a master: a beautiful carved stool, a forged candlestick or a glass vase. This beginning of the story, driven by a child's question, ensures that you will be listened to carefully.

Do not abuse time and convey the most interesting information. To justify such curiosity, it’s a good idea for parents to learn more about different specialties themselves. For children, information can be provided not only by their parents’ story, but also by other sources.

  • Cartoons. Children of older preschool age will be interested in watching cartoons. You can download children's cartoons on the Internet containing descriptions of professions.

In them, kind fairy-tale characters will introduce preschoolers to people’s specialties in a playful way. Good cartoons with poetry were made back in Soviet times.

  • Coloring pages. You can use coloring books from the age of four. While coloring pictures with your child, tell him about the work that is depicted. There are coloring books with poems.

  • Images. Preschool children can be taught about crafts using themed pictures. The pictures may contain images of people of various specialties. The pictures can depict the workplace and tools of work of representatives of different professions.

  • Games. For preschool children, games are the main means of familiarizing themselves with the surrounding reality. From about three years old, children are interested in playing, trying on different roles.

This can be used by supplementing stories about professions with game elements. You can play board games with children of senior preschool age: lotto, pictures linked to the alphabet, drawing puzzles, etc.

  • Books. There are many great books for kids about different professions. These could be children's fairy tales or poems. Many of them can be downloaded for free on the Internet.

How to talk about professions in kindergarten

Classes can be started with children two years old. To do this, use a story in pictures. Children are given the simplest and most accessible knowledge. For example:

  • a doctor in a white coat works in a hospital, he treats people;
  • a teacher works at a school, he teaches schoolchildren;
  • a barber cuts people's hair in a barbershop;
  • a sailor sails on a ship;
  • the driver drives the cars;
  • a pilot flies airplanes;
  • a policeman protects from criminals;
  • a janitor with a broom sweeps the yard;
  • the seller sells in a store, etc.

The teacher talks about all professions as necessary, important and respected. Children learn more about what the work of different people is like by playing games, watching cartoons, and coloring in coloring books at an older age.

Cards of professions will help to conduct classes with children in older groups of preschool education. Using them you can perform small performances.

Each child, without looking, draws a card containing a description of some specialty. He must depict in front of other children what the person in his picture is doing. The one whose improvisation the children guess the fastest will be the winner.

A lesson with children of the senior group of preschool age can be conducted as an interesting exhibition of professions. Parents' help will be needed to prepare this event.

They must take photographs of their workplace and write a few sentences describing the work they do. During a lesson in kindergarten, children will be able to tell everyone about what their mothers and fathers do.

Mom, brother, friends -
The products are excellent
With decent styles.

I write on a typewriter,
I want to sew a dress for a doll,
I sewed the bodice to the hem,
It turned out very nice
I stitched the collar smartly,
Everyone told me:...

The job of a seamstress (or tailor, if it is a man) is to sew and repair products from various materials. She can do this manually: using a needle, scissors, pins or a special sewing machine. A seamstress works with fabrics, buttons, fasteners and other materials. With the help of patterns, threads and a sewing machine, these items are turned into clothes: blouses, dresses, trousers, skirts, jackets, etc.


Once upon a time there lived a skilled tailor,

He knew his business very well:

Chose fabrics for us -

Cotton, chintz and satin.

And then he took measurements,

I made a pattern, fitting,

I swept away the fabric with white thread,

I sewed everything together on a typewriter.

And for the guys' holiday

The outfit was always new.

S. Vasilyeva

According to the structure, each part necessarily contains: riddles about the profession, pictures of a person at work, poems about work, images of objects that are needed in the specialization and a brief description of the profession.

For kids, we chose those types of activities that are easy to understand at this age: doctor, cook, driver, postman, builder, pilot, fireman, hairdresser, artist, salesman, artist/actor and seamstress. No programmers, engineers or managers.

Although I caught myself thinking that some job names are already outdated: hairdresser = stylist, salesperson = cashier or consultant, seamstress = clothing designer. And the profession of a postman will soon disappear with the advent of courier delivery. Oh, and I loved the poem when I was a child: “It’s him, It’s him, the Leningrad postman.”

P.S.: all the images and most of the text were taken from the Internet, where I found the authors of the poems and signed them.

Nadezhda Kravchenko

During the theme week" Professions"The children and I had conversations about parents' professions, about how important and useful their work is for society. Played role-playing games based on the knowledge gained from studying professions, had fun. Colored coloring pages on the theme " Professions"and, of course, they drew. It was very interesting to talk with the children about who they see themselves in future, which they will choose a profession and how they will draw it. The children's works pleased both us and their parents. For parents we organized exhibition of drawings.

Here are some drawings and children's statements

D. Karina "I" will work on an ambulance and treat all people. "

P. Ilya "I want to become an astronaut."

V. Dasha "I will fly an airplane and transport passengers to different cities. "

P. Ira "I I will be a doctor and treat children. "

G. Andrey "I want to become a policeman and protect everyone."

K. Nastya "I want to be a hairdresser to blow-dry and cut hair."

T. Sonya "And I I'll be a cook and I'll cook food for children in kindergarten. "

This is how children relate their hobbies and talents to the work of adults.

Publications on the topic:

"My favorite letter." Exhibition of drawings. Dear colleagues! I present to your attention a photo report from the exhibition of drawings “Mine.

Healthy teeth are the key to health. Dentists are important! Everyone needs teeth. They will relieve you of pain in an instant. They will put in an eternal filling. Once a tooth...

It is very pleasant and touching that our women are congratulated on the holiday not only in spring, but also in autumn. when the sun and warmth are so lacking! A.

We already have a tradition in our kindergarten. On New Year's Eve, thank all the parents who participate in family exhibitions.

Last week was significant in that all of Russia celebrated Victory Day in honor of the Second World War. In our group "Droplets" we are with.

Just recently a wonderful spring holiday took place - March 8th! A holiday for all mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and just all girls. On this day, everything is prepared.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April. How it swept through people's hearts It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder, shocked by its victory.

Every little toddler dreams of becoming someone in this life, whether an astronaut, a doctor or an airplane pilot, but in addition to these most popular activities, there are many others, very important and complex. To make it easier for toddlers to understand new, sometimes very important purposes in people’s lives, pictures of professions were invented for kindergarten and preschool children.

These story pictures depicting people engaged in a certain field of activity help the little ones expand their horizons. The world of professions is very large and diverse. Remember yourself as a child, how did you answer the question about your future? Probably, when you grow up, you will become an astronaut, a cook, a veterinarian, a pilot, a rescuer, a policeman, a doctor, etc.

For every child, “my future profession” seems to be something very important and responsible. Therefore, it is very important for children in kindergarten, and even for schoolchildren, to explain the importance of work, goals and purpose in life, which every person must choose for themselves.

“My future profession” or “what will I become when I grow up” are considered the most popular question and answer for children in kindergarten. Each child makes his own choice depending on how his parents or teacher give him the initial impression and knowledge about the profession. Children should know that people are not only astronauts and pilots, but that there is such an important profession as a teacher, architect, engineer, driver, dispatcher and even salesman.

  1. To begin with, you can simply tell the children about all the activities that people do in the modern world, and then hand out coloring books and see how the little ones imagine the work of such people. Such coloring books illustrate the type of human activity; they are dressed in special clothes and have certain attributes and tools necessary for work. These coloring pages are very good at helping kids develop their creative abilities, but in turn, you can guide them in the right direction.
  2. Each picture of the “my future profession” coloring book introduces the child to the world around him, and your task is to tell in as much detail as possible what this person does, what contribution he makes to the development of the world, what tools and objects he uses, what color the uniform of a certain worker is, etc. .d. Pictures of workers can be depicted in both female and male guise. Indeed, in the modern world, the profession of an artist or the profession of a teacher has no gender.
  3. You, as a teacher or parent, must explain to your child that in order to achieve a certain skill, for example, hairdressing, legal, scientific, creative, etc. you need to work and study, and also set certain goals for yourself, which you need to go towards gradually and gain experience. Because “my future profession” is not just words, but what the baby will become and will do all his life. And not only his future depends on this choice, but the future of his children and those around him.

Didactic game on the topic of profession

Pictures of professions for kindergarten children not only introduce children to the world of professions, but also develop speech, associative thinking and adapt to life in society. The didactic game is that, by showing pictures of workers in some field, the children can accurately name the specialty of this person, what equipment he uses for his work, how important this calling is, etc.

  • You can give preschoolers a task, compose and orally tell a short story on the topic “my future profession.” To make it easier for the little ones, you can give them cards that depict the vocation that they choose.
  • You can also name your specialty yourself, and the children will have to point to the desired picture. Then ask to see pictures of the tools needed for that specialty. When the baby says that my future specialty will be, for example, the profession of hairdresser. Then, when talking about it, ask them to tell you why this work is important? What does a hairdresser need for successful work, besides tools, etc.

List of professions

The list of specialties is very large; even a doctor or a designer can be different. Everyone needs to tell children about this. They should know that the profession of a doctor is not only a general concept; a doctor can be a surgeon, dentist, traumatologist, veterinarian, therapist, etc.

You can make notes for yourself that you will tell the kids about. Or download cards with a brief description of the specialty on the back. Let's look at several options for a person's activities that you can tell the little ones about.

  • The profession of a cook is a human craft that feeds us all. A cook needs a lot of equipment to work, these include pots, knives, spoons, a mixer, a food processor, a stove, an oven, food, spices, etc. To become a chef, you need to cook and practice a lot. The cook can be general or specialize in certain types of products (hot food, salads, pastry chef, etc.).
  • The profession of an engineer is a very important job. Engineers design roads, subways, buildings and structures, underground communications. To become an engineer you need to study very well and know mathematics, drawing and many other exact sciences. An engineer requires precise special instruments, a computer and drawing tools.
  • The profession of designer is the most creative specialty. Designers can be different, decorator, clothing designer, landscape designer, animator, etc. The profession of an artist and a designer are connected in many ways; in most cases, they need paints and an easel to work. But modern designers and artists need a computer.
  • Profession lawyer - these people defend other people in court or engage in other types of legal activities. Lawyers are lawyers, prosecutors, investigators, notaries, judges, etc.
  • A salesperson is a person engaged in sales. Sellers can be different, they can sell food in markets and supermarkets, they can offer and advise clothes to their visitors in fashion boutiques, they can be realtors and sell real estate (houses, cars, apartments, factories).

We study professions. Educational cartoon for children aged 1 year and older.

All kinds of professions are important for people: teacher, accountant, hairdresser, cook, builder, fireman, driver, engineer, veterinarian salesman - they all benefit humanity, and without them it would be very difficult for us.

Already in childhood, children know exactly what they want to become in the future. They imagine themselves as astronauts, pilots, and dream of a beautiful and necessary business in their life. Subsequently, this passion passes, and the child can choose a completely different profession. But it is very important for children to know what its representatives do and what difficulties they will encounter.

Pictures for children will help tell children about professions.

How to work with the material?

Here you can download free pictures of various professions for children. They are suitable for thematic classes, both at home and in early development clubs, in junior schools. Your child will get to know such professions as: secretary, carpenter, cook, reporter, tour guide, policeman, director, welder, courier, nun, psychic, inspector, dentist, pharmacist, drummer, driver, artist, stylist, district police officer, waiter, nurse, flight attendant, bellhop, pilot, architect, nanny, doctor, singer, guide, cashier, musician, ceramic artist, fireman, hairdresser, photographer, salesman, engineer, veterinarian, teacher, accountant, builder.


Consider with your children the people depicted on the cards. Tell us what this or that person does, what his profession is. If the child knows the professions, then let him first tell what he knows about these jobs, and then you will complement him. Help your child tell stories about professions in pictures.

Pictures and discussions on the topic of professions for children as a whole can be downloaded here:

What do crafts smell like?


Answer questions about professions.
Read the words and connect with a line, who is in what profession, what does they do?

Questions for conversation

Ask leading questions about professions, such as:

  1. What is the name of the person in this profession in the picture?
  2. What is a person wearing at work?
  3. Does it have a special form?
  4. What does he do at this job?
  5. Where he works?
  6. What does he need for work (tools, special devices)?
  7. Why is this profession needed?
  8. How does it benefit people?

What's the best way to tell it? (With examples)

  1. For example, let's talk about the profession of a doctor. A doctor is a very necessary profession. The doctor is dressed in a white coat and has a special cap on his head. This is a doctor's form. The doctor treats children and adults from diseases. The doctor works in the hospital. For his work, he needs special tools, such as a phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, etc. The profession of a doctor is needed in order to protect and treat people from various diseases. With the help of these profession cards in pictures, your child will expand his horizons, learn a lot of new things, develop speech, especially important for 3 years old, and memory. You can download professions in pictures here completely free of charge - click on the image below to download for free:
  2. A seller, for example, sells goods in a store. This profession requires communication skills and accuracy. The seller must also be able to count well, and the child’s attention should be focused on this.
  3. An engineer is a complex technical profession that requires good knowledge of mathematics and technology. An engineer can find use in a factory when creating new technical developments.
  4. A driver is needed everywhere. This is not just a person who drives a taxi. Drivers are required at enterprises, at construction sites, for intercity cargo transportation, etc. This profession requires endurance, attention and, of course, the ability to drive a car.
  5. A veterinarian treats animals. He must have a medical education. And, of course, the veterinarian must love our little brothers.
  6. The cook loves to cook, but he does it according to culinary standards and requirements. A cook is needed not only in canteens or restaurants, but also in organizations, schools, and kindergartens.
  7. The builder participates in the construction of houses. This profession requires physical strength. Construction is a very necessary profession.
  8. The hairdresser does our hair. A hairdresser must have dexterous hands and a subtle artistic taste.
  9. An accountant calculates costs and profits at enterprises, firms, and organizations. An accountant must have an economic education and have mathematical abilities.
  10. A teacher is a rather difficult profession. It is necessary not only to be able to present the material in an interesting way, but also to organize the children’s work. The teacher must have moral restraint and tact, and know his subject well.

Pictures for children on our website will help children learn more about professions and feel what their future recognition will be. The main thing is to instill respect in children for any type of activity. Whoever it is - a fireman, a teacher, a doctor, a builder, a driver - the work of any person must be treated with care.


Whom I want to become?
