Registration of SNI through government services. Methods for replacing snils: in what cases and how to do it? Where to change your insurance certificate

One of the most important documents for a Russian citizen is SNILS or an insurance certificate issued by the state pension insurance authority. There are situations when a person needs to change his last name. In such situations, the natural question arises: “Does SNILS need to be replaced?” In this article we will look at everything related to replacing this document.

To figure out whether it is necessary to replace SNILS after changing your last name, you need to clearly know what this document means.

SNILS is an insurance number that is assigned to an individual personal account citizen of the Russian Federation. Externally, SNILS looks like a green plastic card. This card contains the following information:

It is necessary to calculate pensions for all working citizens of the country. Also, all information about enrollments and insurance premiums paid by the employer throughout the entire period is entered into this account. labor activity specific person. All this information will be taken into account when a person retires and determines its size. In addition, it is the main document included in the documentation system, which is actively being implemented by the Russian government.

Thus, SNILS number a is a unique personal account that can belong to only one person (two people with the same number simply do not exist). This number remains unchanged for the entire life of a person. You should know that the insurance number is assigned not only to working citizens, but also to minors, military personnel, and non-working citizens.

But, when changing your last name, this document should be replaced with a new SNILS. This fact is also relevant when other data that was entered on the card changes.

As a result of the replacement, the insurance certificate number remains the same, and only the last name or any other data changes.

Documents for replacement

To replace SNILS, you need to collect a certain package of documents. The list of documentation needed in this situation:

With this list, you must go to the Pension Fund, but no later than two weeks have passed from the date of receipt of the new passport.

Replacement procedure

If you change your SNILS number, you need to go through a certain procedure. It, compared to replacing other documents, is relatively simple. To make a replacement of this document the following steps must be completed:

  1. replace your passport;
  2. collect necessary list documentation;
  3. contact the territorial department of the Pension Fund.

If a person does not work or pays for his own insurance premiums, with the above-described list of documentation you need to contact the territorial office of the MFC or the Pension Fund of Russia. You can also use the government servants website.

If a person works under a civil law contract or employment contract, then in order to receive remuneration (according to current legislation), in such a situation you need to write a statement and contact your employer with it.

The list of documentation must be submitted to the Pension Fund within 14 days. After you have completed all the above actions, the Pension Fund reviews the application and makes the necessary changes to the person’s individual personal account. When all changes have been made, you will become the owner of a new certificate. A new insurance certificate is issued within 10 days.

Since the old certificate will be destroyed, when receiving a new certificate, you should compare its number with the old one (it is advisable to write the certificate number on a separate piece of paper), which must match (the main code is nine digits, the checksum is two digits). However, all other information should remain unchanged. If there is a discrepancy, you must immediately contact the Pension Fund to replace the insurance certificate again.

It is also necessary to save the number of the old certificate from a practical point of view, because during the time when a new certificate is being made, you may need its number for various insurance-related procedures.

Working citizens, with the same list of documentation and within these deadlines, must contact their employer, since he is in the system compulsory insurance your personal insurer. Nothing more is required from you, since your employer will have to perform all the necessary manipulations independently.

After you have been issued a new insurance certificate, it must be submitted to the following institutions:

  • employer;
  • to medical institutions;
  • non-state pension funds and the Pension Fund. In the latter, a new certificate will be issued after 14 days;
  • in organizations that carry out social protection and registration of benefits.

This procedure must be completed within two weeks. If at some stage you did not meet the allotted deadlines, then do not be upset, since the law does not establish any penalties in this situation. But do not forget that delay in changing SNILS can cause certain difficulties. They will be associated with a discrepancy between the information about you provided by the employer and the information entered in the register. As a result, your insurance premiums may not be paid correctly.

Thus, it will take you from 14 days to one month to change your SNILS. If you have collected all the required documentation, met the deadlines and submitted the new certificate to the necessary institutions, as a result you will avoid possible problems, both with the payment of insurance premiums and with the calculation of the size of the pension in the future.

Video “What is SNILS?”

In the recording, a lawyer talks about the nuances of registering and replacing SNILS. After watching the recording, you will find out what SNILS is.

SNILS and how to replace it

The abbreviation SNILS stands for insurance number of an individual personal account. The definition of this term is given in paragraph. 3 tbsp. 1 of the Law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system” dated 04/01/1996 No. 27-FZ. SNILS is a unique number assigned to an individual upon registration in the compulsory pension insurance system.

The number is assigned once and does not change throughout your life. Therefore, the SNILS (the number itself) was never replaced, even when the last name was changed. Only the pension insurance certificate (green laminated document), which contained the insurance number, was subject to replacement.

On April 1, 2019, the Law “On Amendments...” dated April 1, 2019 No. 48-FZ came into force, which abolished such certificates. In Art. 7 of this law states that previously issued certificates remain valid and are used along with new form document. But how to change SNILS when changing your last name? This will not be possible: a new laminated document will not be issued, they are no longer printed. However, updated information about the change of name will have to be entered into the electronic state system.

Actions when changing your last name

Despite the cancellation of the SNILS certificate, when changing your last name, you will still need to inform the Pension Fund about this, since your full name in accordance with subparagraph. 2 p. 2 art. 6 of Law No. 27-FZ is indicated in the general part of the individual insurance account.

The citizen’s obligation to inform the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the change of surname by sending a corresponding application is enshrined in paragraph 2 of Art. 14 of the said law.

But you don't have to do it yourself. Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 9 of Law No. 27-FZ, you can do this through your employer. By virtue of this norm, organizations are required to submit information about employees to the Pension Fund of Russia, including when a number of information changes, including a change in last name, first name and/or patronymic.

How to confirm SNILS

Don't know your rights?

According to Part 2 of Art. 16 of Law No. 27-FZ, such a document can be obtained both in the form of an electronic document and on a tangible medium (in the form of a printed document).

The possibility of obtaining a printed form is also confirmed by the Ministry of Labor in its information “On the issuance of an insurance number for an individual personal account in electronic form.”

This can be done online in your personal account on the Pension Fund website as follows:

  1. Go to the official website of the pension department.
  2. Go to Personal Area citizen (button on the left side of the site).
  3. In the “Individual personal account” section, select “Submit an application for a duplicate insurance certificate” (as of the end of 2019, this service is called in the old way).
  4. If necessary, check the box to send notification by email.
  5. Click the “Request” button.

The document will be generated, you can study it on the website, save it to your computer or print it. The notification contains the actual SNILS number, full name of the registered person, his gender, date and place of birth, as well as the date of registration in the system.

Thus, from April 1, 2019, there was no longer a need to replace the insurance pension certificate when changing the surname due to the cancellation of the laminated document. However, it is necessary to report changes in personal data to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in order to update the information on the individual personal account and receive notification of the change in SNILS.

Citizens Russian Federation in some cases it is allowed to change last names, first names and patronymics. The documents of these persons also need to be replaced. Specifically, this article will discuss the procedure for changing SNILS.

We will also answer the following common questions in society:

  • why in mandatory, if your full name changes, you need to change your documents;
  • Is it possible to replace a “green card” through the “State Services” portal;
  • how to do it ( step-by-step instruction with illustrations);
  • what documentation needs to be prepared and submitted;
  • how long will it take and Money;
  • What are the nuances of replacing SNILS when getting married?

What is it for?

After the moment of birth of a citizen, all data is recorded and entered into the register. A document is a carrier of one or another reliable information about the identity of a citizen, his rights, health, status, and so on.

The insurance certificate is used to identify the pension entity. It includes data about the person, his work history and contributions of funds to the Pension Fund.

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Any documentation is valid only if it contains reliable information. If a citizen legally acquires a new last name, first name and patronymic, then the old information in the documents of this plan is not correct.

In accordance with the provisions of the Laws of the Russian Federation, they can no longer be used to carry out certain operations. A person who has not replaced the pension certificate after changing his full name will not be able to confirm the status of payments to the budget of the pension authorities and prove the presence of work experience.

The same applies to other documents, for example, a passport (cannot be presented during employment) or a driving license (it is prohibited to drive).

SNILS is replaced after citizens reach the age of 14 years. If the person is younger, the consent of his parents is required.

Full name can be changed for the following reasons established by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • surname, name or patronymic are offensive to a person;
  • a citizen officially registers a relationship with another person;
  • the process of divorce has been completed - reverse change.

All of the above circumstances may apply to both women and men. Often male representatives do not “give” their last name to their spouse, preferring to change theirs to hers. There are cases when both spouses create a double marriage, for example, the Petrov-Sidorovs.

Upon divorce, the parties either leave their last names or return the old ones.

Is it possible to replace through the portal?

There are five ways to replace a person's insurance certificate:

  • visit to the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • through the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia –, in the “personal account”;
  • at the place of work;
  • contacting the department of the Multifunctional Center - MFC;
  • through the portal ru.

The service specified in the last paragraph provides all citizens of the country with the opportunity to replace SNILS. Registered persons with verified (confirmed) profiles have the right to freely use this function.

Users who do not have an account on the portal need to complete full registration:

  • go to the website;
  • click on the “Register” link, confirming the creation of your account;
  • enter all the data required by the service, following the instructions;
  • Log in to your “personal account” using your username and password.

After completing all these actions, the user gets the opportunity to use all the services of the electronic service.

Step-by-step instructions on how to change SNILS when changing your last name through State Services

On the portal, an application for replacing a pension certificate is left as follows, read the instructions:

  • We are looking for a section called “Authorities”;
  • A list of organizations opens. You need a Pension Fund. Let's go;
  • on new page electronic resource, look for the “All services” section;
  • further – “Acceptance of applications from policyholders”;
  • A questionnaire form ADV - 2 will appear in front of you. We carefully fill it out, entering reliable data;
  • we sign it, use an electronic digital signature.

If a person does not have an ES:

  • download and print the application form;
  • place your personal signature with a fountain pen where necessary;
  • convert the paper application into electronic document using a scanner.

Structure of the ADV – 2 ():

  1. Personal data of the applicant, old and new.
  2. Registration number of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Title (in our case – “Replacing a pension certificate when changing your full name”).
  4. List of attached documentation.
  5. Location.
  6. OKUD code.
  7. Contact information – phone numbers.

The list is needed to quickly resolve problems if documents are lost.

A sample of filling out the application form looks like this:

What documents are required

A citizen is required to prepare and submit the following documentation:

  • pension certificate, which indicates the old data about the person (full name before its change);
  • a statement containing the citizen’s request to replace SNILS;
  • passport with a new surname. Another identification document is also suitable, provided that it also contains a changed full name (foreign passport, car owner’s license or residence permit);
  • paper indicating the fact and reason for changing the surname (for example, a certificate of marriage or divorce).

The following are also accepted as identification documents:

  • military ID;
  • seafarer's passport;
  • diplomat's book;
  • officer's military ID;
  • certificate from the place of serving a sentence for criminal offenses.

The registration conditions are as follows:

  • the citizen must have an old insurance certificate in hand;
  • correspond to the basis for obtaining the document;
  • collect and submit the necessary papers for the operation;
  • fill out and submit the appropriate application without errors;
  • his passport details must contain his new full name.

If a person has changed his last name, but does not have the old SNILS, then the citizen will need to obtain it.

Duration and cost

The provisions of the Laws of the Russian Federation indicate that a citizen must begin replacing the old SNILS with a new one no later than 14 days from the date of changing the last name, first name or patronymic. There is no penalty for late registration, but there is another nuance.

If a person is engaged in official work, changes his full name, but does not change his document, then pension contributions from the employer will be sent according to the old data. This will lead to loss of funds.

The time frame for obtaining a new insurance certificate depends on the organization that received the citizen’s application. For example, if he submitted documentation to the Pension Fund office, then 2 - 3 weeks.

Through the employer – approximately 1 month. As for authorized electronic resources, it all depends on the workload of services, the number of applicants for replacement, and so on.

In accordance with the provisions of these Laws of the Russian Federation, the fee for replacing SNILS is not charged in cases of change of full name or loss of the document.

Features after marriage

There is only one nuance here: the appropriate paper is required, a “Marriage Certificate”. In most cases, women either take on their husband's surname or make it double.

The same data will be contained in the insurance certificate. Sometimes permission is required to change personal data. Such a certificate is issued by the civil registry office, which registered relations between citizens.

The Federal Law “On Individual Accounting in the Compulsory Pension Insurance System” states that a person has every right replace an insurance certificate at the place of work anywhere in the Russian Federation, regardless of permanent registration.

If a citizen pays contributions to pension authority independently, then he can only replace SNILS locality, in which he is permanently registered.

When replacing an insurance certificate, only personal data (full name) changes, and the personal account number remains the same.

Citizens of Russia are issued SNILS. An insurance certificate allows you to identify a person, have information about length of service, place of official employment and the status of pension contributions.

When changing your last name, first name or patronymic, a replacement “green card” is required. To do this, you need to submit the appropriate application and documents using one of the methods provided.

Many are tormented by doubts of this kind: change SNILS when changing surname– is this a right or a necessity? Or maybe inevitability? Let's dispel all doubts.

First thing

When changing your last name, you must make sure that SNILS is also changed. It is very important. The fact is that SNILS after name change will remain tied to the old data. And this may affect your ability to authenticate yourself in any state system. That is why you should not delay changing your insurance number. How to do this and where to go? Is it possible to use the Internet in this case? Let's look at the answers to these questions in detail.

Where to begin

What does changing SNILS imply in this case? This is not a change in insurance number, as it may at first seem. A person receives the number only once. It is assigned for life.

In this regard, changing SNILS means adjusting the data about a person in the pension certificate. All information must match what is indicated in the passport.

And here a completely logical question arises: where to change SNILS when changing your last name? Where should a girl who got married, for example, turn?

You can change your SNILS at the branch of the Russian Pension Fund located at your place of residence. Or by contacting your employer. In any case, to enter new data you will need the following documents:

  • your pension certificate ( green card), which needs to be replaced;
  • any document confirming the change of surname (this may be a marriage certificate);
  • a document proving your identity, which already contains the changed data - a new last name.

The question is what documents are needed to change SNILS, however, has not yet been fully resolved. You will need to fill out form ADV-2. This is an application to change a pension certificate. This can be done either at the Pension Fund or at the workplace, if you prefer to draw up documents with the help of the organization in which you are employed. Pension fund employee, accountant (or perhaps employee HR department your company) will help you fill out this form correctly.

Yet again: If you decide to entrust the paperwork to your employer, then all actions will take a slightly longer period of time. The fact is that the papers will be sent to the Pension Fund, and it, in turn, will send a completed copy of the certificate to the company where you work. And within a week they will be obliged to hand it over to you. You will need to sign for a new certificate.

It also happens that when changing SNILS after marriage An employee receives a coveted green card from her employer, which contains her information incorrectly. For example, the Pension Fund may have made a mistake when writing new name. In this case, the employer must fill out form ADV-9. This is a special correction sheet. It should be sent to the Pension Fund to replace the certificate with one containing the correct information.

When to change SNILS

As already mentioned, this should not be delayed. The Pension Fund also recommends the same. It is better to replace your green insurance card within two weeks after you were issued new passport. However, there are no penalties for late payments. That's why changing SNILS upon marriage in fact, it is possible in a month or two.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation sooner or later registers with the pension fund and receives an individual personal account insurance number (SNILS). The certificate of compulsory pension insurance contains a unique number and personal information. The insurance number is provided once and for all, while the plastic green card itself can be replaced. Such a need may arise if a document is lost or personal data changes. It is often necessary to replace SNILS when changing your last name after marriage. If your passport details have been changed, you must make appropriate changes to your insurance certificate.

The procedure for replacing a certificate of compulsory pension insurance is practically no different from the initial application for this document. with current personal data, you can through your employer, the MFC or the Pension Fund. The service is provided free of charge, and when contacting Pension Fund SNILS will be replaced on the same day.

  • Multifunctional centers act as intermediaries, so when contacting this department, you will have to wait up to 5 days for the insurance certificate to be ready. in this or that situation, we described in detail in a separate article.
  • Important

What is needed to replace SNILS when changing your last name

First of all, you need to force it out, with a changed surname. In principle, you don’t need anything special. Plastic bag necessary documents and the application for cancellation of the insurance certificate will be identical regardless of where exactly the SNILS will be replaced when changing the last name.

To replace SNILS you will need the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Old SNILS;
  • Marriage certificate (if the surname was changed after marriage);
  • Application for cancellation of insurance certificate.

It is important that you have an old certificate of insurance. If for some reason it is not there, for example, it was lost, then you will have to. In this case, another statement is written. The corresponding instructions are in a separate article. Here we will talk about how to change SNILS when changing your last name. As for filling out the application, this can be done when visiting the department or in advance. If the second option is preferable for you, then use the tips below.

Application for cancellation of insurance certificate

The personal data indicated on the certificate of compulsory pension insurance must match the passport data. If your last name, first name or patronymic has been changed for one reason or another, you need to replace your SNILS. Or rather, it will not be the insurance number of the individual personal account that will be changed, but the plastic card itself. To replace the insurance certificate, you must write a corresponding application. To save time, you can do this in advance. Although, it is allowed to fill out an application at the MFC or Pension Fund.

The application for cancellation of the insurance certificate shall indicate the following data:

  • Insurance number;
  • Full name indicated on the insurance certificate;
  • Current full name;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Citizenship;
  • Address permanent place residence;
  • Registration address;
  • Telephone;
  • Passport details.

In principle, there should not be any difficulties when filling out the form. The application must be completed in block letters. You can download the form from our website. All you have to do is print it out and fill it out. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Where can I replace SNILS after changing my last name?

It should be understood that the insurance number of an individual personal account cannot be changed directly, because it is issued once and forever. Only the green card itself, namely the full name indicated on it, is subject to change. Most often, a change in SNILS is required when changing your last name after marriage. This procedure can be performed in several ways. We have listed all the available options, you just need to choose the one that is most convenient for you.

You can replace SNILS when changing your last name in the following ways:

  • Through the employer;
  • By contacting the Russian pension fund at your place of residence;
  • In the nearest multifunctional center (MFC);
  • Through the registry office (if an agreement has been signed with them).

If you are officially employed, you can entrust the replacement of the insurance certificate to your employer. In other cases, you will have to deal with this issue yourself. You can choose absolutely any option, but we recommend contacting the pension fund straight away. Why? The fact is that only in this case is it possible to replace SNILS immediately. That is, you will not have to visit the Pension Fund again. Replacing SNILS when changing your last name through the MFC takes up to 5 days. This is explained by Multifunctional Center is an intermediary and needs time to interact with the Pension Fund. If you are worried about queues, then avoiding them will help. As for the actual procedure for replacing SNILS, everything here is extremely simple. Take the documents provided earlier and go to the Pension Fund or MFC. Next, submit the documents, fill out the application and pick up a new insurance certificate. If the application is submitted to the MFC, then you will have to wait five days.