Search traffic police fines by driver's license number. How traffic police fines are checked online

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Decree on administrative offense- one of the types of procedural documents that is issued when the driver violates the rules traffic.

Every driver who has received at least once held in his hands this document. However, despite the widespread adoption of the regulations, there are several popular issues associated with them.

In this article you will learn:

Let's get started.

In what cases is a decision on an administrative offense made?

The grounds for issuing a decision on an administrative offense are listed in paragraph 156 administrative regulations Traffic police:

156. The grounds for issuing a decision in a case of an administrative offense are:

  • assignment by an employee to an individual directly at the site of the commission of an administrative offense of an administrative punishment in the form of a warning or an administrative fine;
  • consideration by an employee of an initiated case of an administrative offense within his competence, subject to compliance with the rights of the person held administratively liable as provided for in Article 25.1 of the Code.

Firstly, the resolution may be issued at the scene of the offense. This is the most common situation. Many drivers stopped after violating traffic rules agree with the arguments of the traffic police officer. In this case, a resolution is drawn up, and the driver receives a copy of it.

Secondly, the resolution may be issued during the hearing of the case about an administrative offense. This means that for one reason or another, a resolution was not drawn up at the site of the violation. Instead, a protocol was drawn up (this document is discussed in). On its basis, a decision on an administrative offense is subsequently issued.

Once again I want to draw attention to the first point. It states that a traffic police officer can issue a decision only if a warning or an administrative fine is imposed. If an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a more severe punishment, for example, then in any case a protocol must be drawn up.

157. If individual directly at the place of commission of an administrative offense, after the initiation of a case of an administrative offense, disputes the existence of an event of an administrative offense or the administrative punishment assigned to it, including by refusing the corresponding signature in the resolution, a protocol on the administrative offense is drawn up, which is attached to the resolution in the case of an administrative offense issued in accordance with Part 1 of Article 28.6 of the Code.

If the driver does not agree with the violation of traffic rules charged to him, then an administrative violation report is drawn up.

If a driver simultaneously violates several points of traffic rules, only one decision is issued:

164. If it is revealed that a person has committed one action (inaction) containing elements of administrative offenses, liability for which is provided for by two or more articles (parts of articles) of the Code and the consideration of cases of which is within the jurisdiction of the employee, one resolution is issued in the case of an administrative offense, which indicates all committed offenses. Administrative punishment is assigned within the limits of the sanction, the application of which may impose the greatest administrative penalty.

At the same time, information about all committed offenses is included in a single resolution.

Resolution on an administrative offense in electronic form

The traditional form of resolutions is paper. However, it is possible to make a decision and in the shape of electronic document , signed by a strengthened qualified electronic signature. Article 29.10 of the Administrative Code:

6. In the cases provided for in Part 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code, a resolution in a case of an administrative offense with the attachment of materials obtained using automatic special technical means, having the functions of photography and filming, video recording, or means of photography and filming, video recording, is drawn up in the form of an electronic document signed by the official who made the decision, enhanced by a qualified electronic signature in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation.

We are talking about violations recorded automatically.

In this case, to send a “chain letter”, a copy of the document is created on paper:

7. A copy of the decision in the case of an administrative offense with the attachment of materials obtained using special technical means operating automatically, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording, is prepared by converting an electronic document into a paper document .

Search for a fine by resolution number

To check the traffic police fine according to the decree, use the following service:

Attention! For the fines checking service to work correctly, enable JavaScript support in your browser.

The search for fines is underway!

the process may take several minutes

On the "By Decree" tab, enter the document number and click the "Search!" button. The search will last some time, after which you will receive information on this fine.

Please note that if the data on the resolution is not in the GIS GMP, then most likely the employees simply did not have time to enter it into the database.

If the fine is not received within several days, I recommend calling the traffic police and clarifying this issue over the phone. IN in this case 2 options are possible:

1. The resolution number was entered into the database with an error.

2. You received a fake resolution by mail and you do not need to pay for it.

Once information on the violation has been found, you can pay a traffic fine as ordered by the traffic police. The payment process was discussed step by step in the article "", so I will not describe it again.

Often the driver wants to find out by the order number, what was the fine for?. Those. find out which clause was violated. In 2020, for most fines, the GIS GMP contains detailed information. To receive it, you need to hover your mouse over the line with the fine. Additional information will appear in a pop-up window.

In addition, there is another way that allows you to “calculate” the origin of the fine yourself.

Let's say the driver discovered an unpaid fine of 800 rubles. However, he does not remember its origin. This is only possible if the violation is recorded by automatic video cameras. Let's turn to. There are only 4 articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, providing for a fine of 800 rubles (12.1 part 1, 12.1 part 2, 12.12 part 2, 12.37 part 2).

The first two articles can be discarded, because they provide for a fine of 500 - 800 rubles. When violations are detected automatically, the smaller fine is selected.

As for Article 12.37, there are no fines for this in automatic mode yet.

As a result, it can be understood that the fine was received for violating Part 2 of Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses -.

By analogy, you can try to identify violations with other fine amounts. I note, however, that this is not always possible. For example, if the decree specifies the amount of 500 rubles, then in the end there will be quite a lot of options.

Validity period of the resolution

This question interests drivers from the point of view. The resolution ceases to be in effect 2 years after entry into force. Therefore, some drivers try not to pay fines in order to avoid them after 2 years.

I would like to remind you that if fines amount to 10,000 rubles or more, the driver may be...

Appealing a decision on an administrative offense of the traffic police

If the driver does not agree with the charge against him, he can appeal the administrative violation decision.

For example, if you received a photo of someone else's car with a similar license plate.

If you just want to find fault with some nonsense, then the situation will be more complicated. And the result is not guaranteed.

However, to begin with, I suggest checking whether the resolution contains all the necessary information. Article 29.10 of the Administrative Code:

1. The resolution in a case of an administrative offense must indicate:

1) position, surname, name, patronymic of the judge, official, name and composition of the collegial body that made the decision, their address;

2) date and place of consideration of the case;

3) information about the person in respect of whom the case was considered;

4) circumstances established during the consideration of the case;

5) article of this Code or the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, providing administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense, or grounds for termination of proceedings;

6) a reasoned decision on the case;

7) the period and procedure for appealing the decision.

If any of the things listed are not specified in the resolution, then it makes sense to file an appeal.

If all the information is in place, you can look for any inaccuracies or clerical errors in the resolution. For example, errors in dates.

After this, you can proceed to.. Here I just want to remind you once again that the text must be drawn up indicating the points of regulatory legal documents.

Where to file a complaint against the decision?

In this case, 2 options are possible. A complaint can be submitted either to a superior person in the traffic police, or to district court. Article 30.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

1. A decision in a case of an administrative offense may be appealed by the persons specified in Articles 25.1 - 25.5.1 of this Code:
3) issued by an official - in higher authority, superior official or to the district court at the place of consideration of the case;

I note that when considering a complaint against administrative decree National tax not paid. Those. The driver can go to court completely free of charge.

However, I would like to emphasize once again that before filing a complaint, you need to assess its feasibility. For example, it may be cheaper to pay a fine of 500 rubles than to go to court several times by public transport.

If you have any questions about the traffic police decisions and their appeal, write them in the comments to this article. By the way, I recommend listening to the free audio course "". It covers several basic rules that have helped thousands of drivers avoid illegal actions by police officers.

Good luck on the roads!

Sometimes updating the GIS GMP takes several days. However, if the fine still remains, write to support.

Good luck on the roads!


I received a letter to the bailiffs for a fine of 1000 rubles, but there was no order from the bailiffs immediately) why and what to do) on that day the car did not drive at all)

Vitaly, first of all, contact the bailiffs. They need to find out who imposed the fine. After this, contact the appropriate traffic police department. You can get more from them detailed information about violation.

Good luck on the roads!


I received an SMS about a fine of 500 rubles, and the protocol number consists of 18 digits, so what should I do?

Olga, Hello.

Only some regions provide detailed information about fines. Use the form provided in the text of the article to search. After completing the search, hover your mouse over the line with the penalty. A tooltip will provide additional information. If this information is not enough, you will have to contact the traffic police for clarification about the fine.

Good luck on the roads!

Good luck on the roads!


checking fines


Hello! Please tell me, my situation is this: I served a prison term for 3.6 years, I was recently released and went to find out how I could pick up my driver’s license since I was deprived of it in the summer of 2014. DECISION DATED 07/29/2014. FINALLY, the traffic police gave me a receipt to pay a fine of 30,000 thousand. IS IT POSSIBLE TO SOMETHING AVOID PAYMENT IN MY CASE. I REALLY NEED A DRIVING LICENSE, AND WITH FINANCES AFTER PRISON, I ARE COMPLETELY BAD. THANKS FOR THE REPLY.

Vladimir, Hello.

If the decision on the deprivation of rights and the imposition of a fine was made in 2014, then the fine was issued and you are not obliged to pay it. If the traffic police refuse to issue a license, ask them for a written refusal and write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon, please tell me, a protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up (violation of sign 3,2 - overtaking is prohibited), that is, I started the maneuver at a sign where overtaking is allowed, and finished the maneuver at sign 3,2 - overtaking is prohibited. I signed the protocol, What is the punishment for this? Can they deprive me of my rights, the first violation. And the employees told me that the protocol is being reviewed by the head of the traffic police and I will be notified by SMS about the decision, no notification was received, I can’t get through by phone, where can I find out about my future fate? There was a violation made in Orlov, Kirov region, and I live in Kostroma. Thanks in advance

Catherine, Hello.

Please indicate which article of the Code of Administrative Offenses a protocol was drawn up.



A report was drawn up against me for driving into oncoming traffic through a solid lane. On a section of 98 km +200m of the A108 highway. I was driving towards Dmitrov. The area is not marked with a "No Overtaking" sign. Solid length approximately 3 meters. When driving along the highway, I did not perceive this line as solid. At the place where the protocol was drawn up, the inspector convinced me that it was a solid one and I signed everywhere in the protocol that I agreed. Now, having studied the current GOST R 52289 - 2004, which says that the solid length is >40 m, I am now completely convinced of illegal actions inspectors. At the specified site, inspectors collected two more cars during the preparation of the protocol. And this is only for the specified time. How should I proceed?

Alexander, Hello.

If you study GOST R 51256-2018, you will see that this marking may well be marking 1.6 (intermittent), which can be crossed. For marking 1.6, the length of the strokes can be 3, 6 and 9 m. You can try to appeal the decision based on this fact.

Good luck on the roads!

I am a pensioner, I live in the Moscow Region, I brought a disabled child to Moscow for treatment, I put the car in a place for disabled people, I put a certificate of disability under the windshield, and a “disabled person” sign on the glass, and after a while I received a fine of 2500, are they really disabled? Shouldn't you park your vehicle for free?

Regarding a similar situation in the future, the following information will be useful to you. In Moscow, you must obtain a parking permit for a disabled person. If you have such a document, you will not receive fines.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello. got caught again on a solid one. for the first offense they gave a fine of 5000. There was no trial for 1. They issued a receipt to the traffic police. Is my violation repeated? The magistrate gave a sentence of imprisonment for 1 year. Another nuance is the intermittent one, the marking line 1.6 was missing before the solid one.


Hello, I need help - I paid the fine by mistake, I had to pay an administrative fine for an offense (judicial) part 1 of Article 14.17.1 in the amount of 30,000 rubles, but I sent it as a fine and the payment went to the traffic police. Today I received a notice to arrest the car due to failure to pay a fine to the court. How to get this money back now, what to rely on when contacting the traffic police. Thanks in advance



I usually receive letters with a resolution on adm. legal, I pay them on time with a 50% discount. There have been no letters for a long time, I accidentally checked the fines on the government services website, there were two: from June and October 2018. I was not notified in a timely manner, more than 20 days have passed since the determination was made. What should I do? Can I pay now with a 50% discount, what do I need for this?

Where can I get it by email? a copy of the payment receipt?

Set up notifications on the government services website. I receive SMS messages on my phone about all incoming messages from the site. Very comfortably. You won't miss anything.

Alexei, Hello.

Restoring the payment period with a discount is possible if a copy of the decision was received by the driver later than 20 days after the violation. To do this, you must register (for each fine).

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon. I purchased a car, at the time of the transaction I checked for any registration restrictions - there were none. A couple of days later, before registering, I decided to check the car again using the traffic police databases and it turned out that the car was prohibited from registering actions by order of the bailiff court. Moreover, the decision on an administrative offense is not of the last owner, but of the previous one. By the time the decision was issued, another citizen had owned this car for more than 6 months, which is confirmed by the DCP. Is this resolution banning the registration of a car that has already been sold legal and is it possible to appeal it and register the car without paying the fines specified in the ban.

Vladimir, Hello.

In the described situation, only the bailiff who imposed it can lift the ban. First of all, contact him and explain the situation. It is quite possible that this will be enough for the restriction to be lifted.

Also find out the date the restrictions were imposed. If the ban was imposed after the car was sold by the previous owner to the previous one, then it makes sense to challenge it.

Good luck on the roads!

Vladimir-345, how I got out of the same situation: I took him to the bailiff who made the arrest, showed me the DCP and the ban was lifted in a day or two

agrael09, thanks for the info!

Hello! Help me to understand! I always pay on time and check fines on the traffic police website so as not to miss the payment deadline. But by chance, on the same website, the traffic police discovered that the bailiffs had imposed a ban on registration of cars due to non-payment of some fine of 3,000 rubles, which is not on the traffic police website. Then I started looking at the bailiffs’ website - everything there is very laconic and confusing - the resolution is called an act and the number of this act begins with 035, that is, not like in ordinary fines at 188 - then I just thought of putting this number on your website as the number of the resolution - and here it popped up that this was definitely an unpaid fine from the Moscow administrative road inspection. I didn’t understand why this fine was not on the traffic police website, then they told me on the Internet that fines with the number 035... (and there are other numbers there) are not indicated on the traffic police website. That is, this was apparently done on purpose - to scatter traffic fines on different resources so that they would not be found. While I was sorting this out, I looked at the bailiffs’ website and they wrote a new “act”, but the amount of 6,000 rubles was already indicated. and the number of the magistrate's precinct is indicated. Since on the bailiffs website you can’t understand what the fine is for and you can’t read a single document there at all - everything is hidden and it’s impossible to get through to them, you had to look through the magistrate’s court section - here (though the text is also incomplete - there are no numbers of decisions, but there are at least the dates) we managed to find out something about this mythical fine. It turned out that the judge’s ruling said that I was notified of everything at the place of registration and that I was personally handed a notice of this fine, and due to the fact that I was allegedly notified, but did not pay 3,000 rubles, now I have again violated everything and I wasn’t in court, and now the fine is 6,000 rubles. and in the same resolution threats are written; arrest 15 days, deprivation of rights, etc. I definitely didn’t receive anything and didn’t sign anywhere, but the trial nevertheless went “successfully” without me. On the contrary, I want to receive a photo of the violation and documents - but I can’t find them so I can print them out and understand that this is definitely my violation. I wanted to go to these bailiffs and somehow get at least some explanations from them, but after reading your forum I decided that I needed to first study my rights, otherwise they had already deceived me - they wrote that I received everything and filled me up with fines.

Help me understand my rights in this situation -

3) on your website it is written that if the fine is from cameras (and mine is probably from cameras), then they do not have the right to deprive me of my license and also do not have the right to deprive me of 15 days?

Thank you in advance for your answer, sorry for being so detailed, I wanted it to be clear.

1) what should I do in this situation? What else can bailiffs do without my knowledge?

just issue a fine

2) to what amount do they have the right to increase my fine? the fine has already been doubled;

According to Article 3.5, the fine cannot exceed 5tr, taking into account Art. 20.25 you should have been given 5tr

4) the decision of the magistrate with the fine already doubled was issued in October 2018. The bailiff imposed the same double fine - in January 2019, and the ban on registration of actions with cars - the bailiff imposed in February 2019 - if I still don’t find the truth, I don’t find photos and documents regarding this fine, then from what point should I count 2 years and 10 days statute of limitations? from October 2018? from January 2019? from February 2019?


moderators, why don’t the functions work for me: quote, font format, etc.?

Olga, Hello.

If I understood the situation correctly, then at first a fine of 3,000 rubles was issued for some kind of violation related to cars. After this, a fine was issued at double the amount of the first fine. That is, now there are 2 fines in the amount of 9,000 rubles.

1. Action driver's license they cannot suspend, because the amount is not enough for this.

2. The amount should not be increased any further.

3. The first fine from cameras (3,000 rubles), for which they cannot be deprived of their rights or arrested. The second fine is for non-payment, in which case arrest or compulsory work. However, a double fine has already been imposed, so arrest or forced labor should not be expected.

4. The statute of limitations for the second fine is counted from October 2018. According to the first - from the moment the relevant decision is made.

Due to its loss/loss.

Good luck on the roads!

Fines belong to the category of material compensation for violations of traffic rules committed by the driver, recorded by employees of the traffic police service or by specialized video and photo recording systems.

The size of the fine is directly proportional to the severity of the offense committed.

How to find a fine by resolution number

With the development of the network of traffic recorders, drivers’ offenses began to be recorded automatically, with an overlay minimum size fine provided for one or another type of offense.

Very often, the driver learns that he has come into the field of view of the fixing device after receiving a notification that penalties have been applied to him.

The notice contains the following information:

  • Full name of the violator,
  • date and time of the offense,
  • scene of the incident
  • composition and circumstances of the offense,
  • amount of the fine,
  • if the violation was recorded by a video camera or photo recording device - a photograph of the car with a clear state registration number.

A receipt for payment of the fine is attached to the notice.

Data from the “letter of happiness” can be checked by the resolution number:

  1. On ,
  2. On the portal (pre-registration required),
  3. You can also find out about the presence of penalties by calling the number driver's license and according to state registration number car on the traffic police website.

You can contact the traffic police department directly, where you are required to provide necessary information.

The resolution number is indicated here.

How and where to pay the fine

The fine receipt form contains payment details, so to pay you just need to choose any convenient method:

  1. Through bank terminals - installed in most ATMs software, allowing you to perform various financial transactions. This includes paying fines.
  2. Post office– for payment you will need a receipt or a decree on the imposition of a penalty.
  3. Through Internet banking - funds are debited from the violator’s current account online after filling out the appropriate fields of the payment order.
  4. Using the virtual wallet WebMoney or Yandex-money.
  5. By contacting the bank branch directly and depositing Money through the cash register.
  6. From your mobile phone balance.

The legislation provided a 50% discount for violators who repay the debt within 20 days period from the date of the decision.

How to check if the fine has been paid

Since the database is not updated immediately, your payment may not be reflected in the accounting system, and you will be listed as a debtor. Failures in the system are also likely, and the human factor has not been canceled.

Payment of the fine can be controlled as follows:

  1. Contact the traffic police department at your place of residence.
  2. Register on the Unified State Services Portal and obtain the necessary information.
  3. Using the official website of the traffic police by filling out the appropriate request form.
  4. Through Sberbank online, selecting the section “Payments and transfers” – “Staff Police” – “Payment of fines” – “Search for fines”. If there is no information about the repayment of a previously paid fine, the search engine will issue a fine for payment.
  5. Service "Payment for government services". Information is provided by the order number or by driver’s license.
  6. Websites: www.
  7. In some regions, the service of checking for a fine via SMS is available, but for each existing fine, 5 rubles will be deducted from the phone balance.
  8. You can check the fine through the service bailiffs

To avoid misunderstandings, receipts with a note indicating payment of the fine should be kept for at least two years.

Liability for failure to pay a fine for traffic violations

Based on Part 1 of Art. 32.2. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the driver is obliged to pay the full amount of the fine within 60 days after the decision on traffic violations will enter into legal force.

Failure to comply with this requirement, as well as payment of a fine not in full, is the basis for applying one of the types of fines to the debtor administrative penalty or certain actions on the part of bailiffs.

The law provides for a period of 10 days to appeal the decision.

If in allotted time the amount of the fine does not go to the treasury, then the first attentive inspector, stopping the car to check documents, will reveal the fact of delay with all the ensuing consequences:

  1. Failure to comply with the decision entails doubling the previously assigned fine, and new fine cannot be less than 1 thousand rubles.
  2. Involvement in mandatory compliance public works up to 50 hours.
  3. Conclusion under administrative arrest up to 15 days.

Arrest is not applied in cases where a violation is detected by traffic recorder cameras.

The traffic police inspector has every right to detain the violator and take him to court for a decision on additional administrative penalties or to the police department (on weekends), where a “forgetful” citizen can spend up to 48 hours in a preliminary detention cell, waiting for the court to begin work. The violator's car will be sent to the impound lot.

Another scenario is that information about non-payment of a fine is sent to the FSSP. The bailiff issues a decision to collect the debt and takes appropriate measures:

  • forecloses on the debtor's property, funds, securities;
  • if the total amount of unpaid fines is 10 thousand rubles or more, the bailiff may establish a restriction on the debtor’s travel outside the country.

In case of failure to pay a fine after initiation enforcement proceedings, the amount increases by 7% of the performance fee (at least 500 rubles).

If two years have passed since the resolution entered into legal force, the fine is canceled (Part 1 of Article 39.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation as amended by the Federal Law of April 21, 2011 No. 71-FZ).

The check takes place online in real time using selected parameters and may take some time. Fines data comes from official source: State information system on state and municipal payments (GIS GMP). The search is free and does not require entering the user's email.

How to pay a traffic police fine online

To pay fines online, you must enter information about the vehicle and the Payer, as well as enter an email to which a receipt with a bank mark will be sent. Further payments are made on the side of a certified system for making secure payments on the Internet - the money transfer operator NPO MONETA.RU (LLC), payment service A 3.

Proof of payment

After payment, you will automatically be sent a receipt with a bank mark to the specified email. If the email on our website was entered incorrectly by the user, we will send a receipt and a link to .

How long does it take to repay a traffic police fine paid online?

By law, information about payments is transferred by the credit institution through which the payment was made to the database Federal Treasury(GIS GMP system) immediately. However, the average period for repaying a fine in the GIS GMP can range from several hours to several days or more.

Why do you need to keep receipts for payment of fines?

A printed receipt confirms that you have actually made the payment and can be presented at any government agency. Keep receipts (paper or in electronic format) is recommended for at least 2 years. Although information about payments made online is received immediately state system GIS GMP, but the data in the system itself is not updated immediately - it is advisable to print out a receipt and carry it in the glove compartment of the car. You can also provide payment information on the traffic police website. To do this, you need to go to the official appeals page, select the region to which you are addressing the appeal and fill out the data, attaching an electronic receipt file.

Payment of traffic fines with a 50% discount

In accordance with Federal law dated December 22, 2014 No. 437-FZ, which entered into force on January 1, 2016, drivers have the right to pay 50% of the fine if they do this no later than 20 days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine. It should be borne in mind that the period of 20 days is counted not from the moment of actual receipt of the notification, but from the date of the Resolution.

Traffic police fines that are not eligible for the 50% discount: The car is not registered (for a repeated offense) - a fine of 5,000 rubles;
12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver - a fine of 30,000 rubles;
12.9.6 Exceeding the established speed (repeated commission of an offense provided for in Part 3 of this article) - a fine of 2000-2500 rubles;
12.9.7 Exceeding the established speed (repeated commission of an offense provided for in parts 4 and 5 of this article) - a fine of 5,000 rubles, deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year;
12.12.3 Driving through a prohibiting signal (repeated offense) - a fine of 5,000 rubles;
12.15.5 Repeated departure on oncoming lane- fine 5000 rubles;
12.24 Causing easy or moderate severity harm to health - a fine of 2500-25000 rubles;
12.26 Refusal to pass medical examination for alcohol - a fine of 30,000 rubles;
12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident in which the driver was involved - a fine of 30,000 rubles.

What parameters are used to check?

The check is carried out using any of the following parameters:
By vehicle (vehicle);
By Resolution number;
By document index (UIN).

If you disagree with the fines imposed on you, you have the right to appeal this Resolution to the established by law ok. .

You can also obtain information about fines from the traffic police departments.

Publication date: 11/13/2017. Last update: 02/16/2019
© All rights to the site materials belong to Sozidatel LLC. Full or partial copying of the article without written permission is prohibited.

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The search for fines is underway!

the process may take several minutes

How to pay a traffic police fine online?

Paying a traffic police fine online is quite simple. The procedure will only take a few minutes; you will not need to enter your traffic police details or print out a payment receipt.

To pay you need one of the following documents:

  • Driver's license.
  • Registration certificate vehicle.
  • Resolution on the imposition of an administrative fine.

You can pay an administrative fine online bank cards any Russian banks:

  • Visa;
  • Mastercard;

Payment of a fine on a driver's license without a vehicle

1. To find traffic police fines based on your driver’s license, use the “By Driver” tab.

2. Enter the series and number of your driver's license. The series and number usually consist of 10 characters in one of the following formats CCBBCCCCCCCC or CCCCCCCCCCCC, where C is a number and B is a letter. For example:

  • 12AA123456
  • 1234987654

When entering, you can use both Russian and English characters.

The search time can range from several seconds to several minutes.

This method allows you to find fines received by the driver while driving various cars. So if you drive several cars in turn, then I recommend looking for fines using your driver’s license number.

Payment of fines on the vehicle registration certificate

1. To find traffic police fines by registration certificate number, use the “By Vehicle” tab.

2. Enter the series and number of the vehicle registration certificate. The series and number usually consist of 10 characters in one of the following formats CCBBCCCCCCCC or CCCCCCCCCCCC, where C is a number and B is a letter. For example:

  • 12AA123456
  • 1234987654

3. Click on the "Find!" button and wait until the search is completed.

This method allows you to find fines received by different drivers while driving the same car. If your car is used by several drivers, for example, employees of one organization or members of one family, then use this method search.

In addition, fines for unpaid parking can also be found by vehicle registration certificate number.

Payment of traffic police fines by resolution number

1. To find traffic police fines by the number of the resolution imposing an administrative fine, use the “By resolution” tab.

2. Enter the series and number of the traffic police resolution. Decree numbers usually consist of 20 or 25 digits. For example:

  • 12345678900987654321
  • 1234567890123210987654321

3. Click on the "Find!" button and wait until the search is completed.

This method can be used to pay fines one by one if you have the appropriate regulations.

If the driver has lost the order, he can obtain information about fines using one of the above methods.

How to pay a traffic police fine online?

If the information entered by the driver is found unpaid fines, the following form will appear on the screen:

1. Select the fines you want to pay in the table (check the appropriate boxes).

2. Enter the driver’s details (Last name, First name, Patronymic, email address).

3. Confirm that the entered data is correct by checking the appropriate box. After this, the “Pay!” button will appear.

4. Click on the "Pay!" button.

You will find yourself on the payment page:

Fill in the fields provided with the following information:

1. Card number - 16 digits on the front of the card.

2. Owner's name - first and last name indicated on the front side of the card (in Latin).

3. Valid until - month and year on the front side.

4. CVV/CVC - the last three digits on the back of the card, to the right of the signature.

Receiving a payment receipt

A receipt for payment of the fine will be automatically sent to your email address.

If you did not receive a receipt or made a mistake in your email, you can get a receipt at the support service - [email protected].

How much time is given to pay a traffic fine?

In 2019 and 2020, the administrative fine must be paid within 70 days of receipt.

How to pay a traffic fine with a 50 percent discount?

The discount when paying a traffic police fine applies only to fines received by drivers starting from January 1, 2016. To receive a discount on fines, you must pay them within 20 days from the date of the decision. Moreover, when searching for a fine, you will immediately see it taking into account the discount.

In conclusion, I suggest you download the current one.

Module for checking fines for the site

If you want to install a module for checking traffic police fines on your website, then use the following html code:

This code can be installed on any html page. The recommended width for installing the module is 620 pixels.

Good luck on the roads!