Russians are not in the constitution. Why there are no Russians in Russia: analysis of the constitution, logic and common sense

For a long time now, and regularly, patriots of our Fatherland have been voicing the idea consolidation in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the state-forming status of the Russian people .

And every time, in response to this proposal, there are a few, but loud voices broadcast by the leading media of cosmopolitans of various persuasions (from Yeltsinists to Trotskyists), who confidently talk about the threat of “Russian fascism”, vainly mention “internationalism” and, as a rule, add, that we are supposedly a “multinational country”, there is no need to highlight one people among others and, supposedly, in general, the fact that Russians are singled out in the Constitution will not change anything except increase interethnic tension.

In fact, everything these arguments are complete nonsense.

Let us turn, for example, to the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan ( We open this interesting document and read, as they say, “in the first lines”: “This Constitution, expressing the will of the multinational people of the Republic of Tatarstan and Tatar people... " So, in a subject of the Russian Federation (which, by the way, calls itself a sovereign state), a separate people is distinguished from the rest by constitutional law. At the same time, Tatars in Tatarstan make up 53.24% of the total population ( %D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%A2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0 %B0).

The Constitution of the Republic of Bashkortostan distinguishes the Bashkir people separately: “the Bashkir people voluntarily joined Russia in the 16th century” ( In Bashkortostan - 29.49% Bashkirs with 36% Russians ( BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82% D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0).

But the Constitution of the Udmurt Republic ( “In the Udmurt Republic the preservation and development of the language and culture of the Udmurt people is guaranteed.” In Udmurtia there are 28% Udmurts and 62% Russians ( %D1%8F).

There are many such examples.

In Russia, about 80% are Russians( D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1% 81%D0%B8%D0%B8)!

At this point the liberals must decide: either Tatarstan with Udmurtia, Bashkortostan, etc. - fascist states, trampling on the principles of internationalism, or something is wrong with the state of the Russian Federation, in the preamble of the Basic Law it is modestly written: “We, the multinational people Russian Federation“, and nothing is said at all about the existence of the titular nation, which makes up 4/5 of the population.

Because if on the territory of the Russian Federation Tatars, Udmurts, Bashkirs are allowed and not prohibited Constitutional Court Russia should emphasize the special role of the corresponding nations and cultures for the state, then why, in principle, cannot the Russians do this? Where are the protests of “human rights activists” about the state of affairs in national republics? Where is Liya Akhedzhakova, who declares, let’s say, that she is “ashamed” for this or that small nation?

And since there are no protests, then let us consider it established that on the territory of Russia, it is not forbidden to single out the state-forming people in the Constitutions. This means that this also applies to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. . And such status of the Russian people should not and cannot offend any other peoples, just as the similar status of the Tatars does not offend Russians living in Tatarstan (33% of the total population) and representatives of other nationalities.

But why? - the liberals, not at all embarrassed, will ask once again, as usual. What, they say, is the point? The meaning is very significant.

Firstly, Russians are dying out in Russia (, and only in Lately, after the return of Crimea and the appearance of the heroes of Novorossiya, the situation began to change (, because women want to give birth to real men. A demographic boom begins not with economic prosperity (dying Europe is evidence of this), but when the people (nation) respect themselves.

Therefore, the appearance in the Basic Law of the State of the concept of “Russian people” (say, “We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, historically united by the Russian people”) will become a powerful and long-term spiritual and psychological incentive for the revival of the Fatherland.

Secondly, the inclusion of a mention of a particular people in the Constitution entails very real practical consequences for this people and their state.

We remember the appeal to the highest political leadership of Russia by the deceased brigade commander Mozgovoy and his comrade-in-arms Pavel Dremov. This appeal contains the following words: “Providing armed resistance to the genocide of the Russian people on the territory former Ukraine, we feel the absence like no one else legal norms against the world's largest divided nation,<...>And, despite the difference in the phrases “damned Muscovite” and “Russian-speaking population,” the tendency is the same - depersonalization and disintegration of the Russian people” (

Let us again focus on the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan. It says, in particular: “The Republic of Tatarstan provides assistance in the development of national culture, language, and preservation of the identity of Tatars living outside the Republic of Tatarstan.” Are there such formulations in relation to the largest divided people in the world - the Russians - in the Russian Constitution? Unfortunately no. And, naturally, the Constitution of Tatarstan stipulates in a special way the responsibilities of the state in relation to Tatar culture: “The Republic of Tatarstan ensures the preservation and protection of the intellectual and artistic heritage, the preservation and development of the culture of the Tatar people, the national cultures of representatives of other peoples living on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan.” Is there such a thing in the Constitution of Russia, a country where Russians are the overwhelming majority, and whose very fate as a state depends on the revival and preservation of the Russian people and Russian civilization? And again, no, we have to admit.

But in 1978 the Constitution of the RSFSR said: “ Soviet authority guaranteed equality and free self-determination to all peoples of Russia, and provided workers with truly democratic rights and freedoms. The formation of the RSFSR provided to the Russian people“, all nations and nationalities of the Russian Federation have favorable conditions for comprehensive economic, social and cultural development, taking into account their national characteristics in the fraternal family of Soviet peoples.”

We see that the Soviet government, unconditionally committed to the principle of friendship of peoples (internationalism), nevertheless, singled out the Russian people in the Basic Law of the multinational RSFSR.

So, on the issue of introducing into the Constitution of the Russian Federation a clause on the state-forming Russian people and on the protection of Russian culture, everything is extremely obvious. And only administrative levers, still held in the hands of Russophobes and enemies of Russia, and the psycho-information war, the purpose of which is to cloud our national consciousness, prevent a fair and state-responsible solution to this issue.

Alexey Bogachev

Updated 08/17. 7527 from the Creation of the World ( = 2019 RH) Solar Calendar of Rus'

There is no place for Russians in Russia

Exactly this way and not otherwise follows from Constitution of the Russian Federation. This fact has long been noticed not only in Russia, but and in the West.

There is Russia, but there are no Russians.

This is how Russians live in Russiain a semi-legal position.

They remember the Russians when the authorities need to fight for their interests.

Only Article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation indirectly reminds us of the Russian trace in Russia:

“Article 68 1. State language The Russian language is the Russian language throughout its entire territory."

On January 17, 2017 (at 01.30) on V. Solovyov’s next TV show, we were very surprised to hear how film director (and State Duma deputy) Vladimir Bortko unexpectedly uttered words about the absence of even a mention of the Russian people in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

We are pleased to know that many people come up with the idea of ​​viewing the Constitution of the Russian Federation from precisely this angle.

Of course, the topic proposed by V. Bortko was not supported in that audience. It couldn't be any other way.

However, it seems important that this idea was voiced and given new life.

Against the backdrop of a worldwide campaign of Rossophobia (=fear of Russia) and Russophobia, sponsored by England, the USA and Germany (See "Masks have been dropped: RUSSIANS MUST BE KILLED!"), Russophobic sentiments in Russia itself also became the norm after the destruction of the USSR.

This is the reality that Russians face in Russia systematically. And this fact must be taken into account by the Erafi authorities when developing a more subtle anti-Russian policy in the future. IN otherwise(if the policy of obvious and crude anti-Russian speeches and statements continues), the authorities may face very big problems. You can't harass the Russians for long. There may be a rebellion that is NEVER senseless, but always merciless.

And this situation was partly reflected in Peter Tolstoy’s program “Time will tell” on April 2 2015 of the year. The "Russian question" was touched upon there.

It is characteristic that on Russian TV channel (TV channel 1) the “Russian question” was raised after discussion main topic transfer of the draft law “On funeral business”. Funny? Already Yes. This is exactly the place given to this topic. Russian MASS MEDIA. “Russian” means Russian, but by no means Russian.

There are no Russian media in the Russian Federation at all.

Everyone can think about a national state, but Russians cannot, because... It is enough that the country is called Russia, which means it is a country of Russians. This is the logic of Russophobes.

As soon as it was proposed to make at least a mention of the Russian people in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all sorts of verbiage began, in which the most Active participation Baburin, Shevchenko and others like them. Unexpectedly for us, Ukrainian Maxim Shevchenko turned out to be an evil Russophobe. Apparently, I read a lot of “Ekaterina” by Taras Shevchenk A (Ukrainian). ( True, if necessary, promising him benefits, M. Shevchenko calls himself “Russian to the core.”)

Interrupted constantly Mikhail Remizov, who tried to showRussophobes on documents and even"on fingers" (many were unable to perceive complex thoughts differently)the illogicality of their behavior. USELESS! They didn’t let me come to an agreement.

And all the screams were for the sake of deny Russians the right to even be mentioned in the constitution.

About mentioning Russians as state-forming people Russia should be out of the question, from their point of view.

It is well known that it was with the help of the Russians that national states were created on the territory of Russia and the USSR. Many peoples were saved from degeneration and extinction. The Bolsheviks successfully used the Russians to form national states of small nations in the name of INTERNATIONALISM.

This internationalism ultimately backfired on the Russians. Having received national states, the small peoples of Russia opposed the Russians. After the collapse of the USSR, pogroms of Russians began in many republics. By the way, the first of these republics was the homeland of the current Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - Tuva.

In Kalmykia, after the collapse of the USSR, Kalmyk nationalists who fought against the USSR on the side of Hitler began to be revered. These include Basang Burunovich Ogdono c, awarded the Order of the Iron Cross 2nd class for service to Germany. In Kalmykia he is considered a hero. The song “Ogda Basang” was written about him. Popular among Kalmyk youth as a hero who “fought against the Soviets” (=Russians).

Therefore, the behavior of a guest from Kalmykia, Sangadzhi Torbaev, on Peter Tolstoy’s television program was quite natural. When Sangadzhi Torbaev given the floor, he joked: “I thought that non-Russians weren’t allowed to speak in this studio.” That's exactly how he joked, and not otherwise. This is a very significant example aggressive relations of small nations to Russians. Let us remind you that the action took place in Moscow, on TV channel 1. Why he joked like that becomes clear later, when he joined the Russophobic chorus.

How to fight for subsoil and resources, then the Russians - go ahead! How to help with knowledge and labor - Russians. But how can Russians be given rights in Russia equal to Kalmyks and Tatars?

All non-Russian and Russian-speaking Russians in this program acted as a united front against the Russians!!!

This is the Russian “brotherhood” of peoples, based on Russophobia. And this fact was wonderfully presented in this program! Open and clear.

"Russia" And "Russian" - it's been a long time trade brands that can sell well in the market.

So what should the Russians do now? This is exactly what the authorities are afraid of - THINKING!

In the Basic Law of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is identified as Russia. "The names Russian Federation and Russia are equivalent"

However, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, There are no Russian people in Russia. And therefore it is natural that formally there is no Russian subject of the Russian Federation in Russia.

The modern structure of the Russian Federation copies the practice of the “Marxists-Leninists” in absolutely ignoring the rights of the Russian people to their own state.

The Bolshevik cause lives and triumphs in national issue! That's how it works. Here all the oligarchs and politicians of the Russian Federation love Lenin and respect him as a teacher.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia consists of federal subjects.

The Circassians and Chuvash, Mordovians and Jews have federal subjects. Russians - NO

And the people seem to be not small. COMPLETELY COMPARABLE TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED.

But the Russian authorities do not see it legally. This is how it works according to the constitution. Since in Russia, from the point of view of the Constitution, from the Russians only the Russian language remains, then it is quite logical that there is NO provision for Russians public education - “Russian Republic”, for example.

By definition, there should be such a republic, but there is nothing like it and there will NEVER be, because... For the authorities, the Russians were “the dung of history” and remain so.

The monarchy was smarter in that it tried not to separate nationalities into separate state entities.

If everyone is to be equal, then it is necessary to divide the country into “states”, “provinces”, “lands” or regions with a mixed national composition (No. 1, No. 2, etc.) And, of course, it is necessary to eliminate ALL republics and autonomous national formations.

Then, however, all small nations and nationalities will immediately remember Lenin and Stalin...


To be continued...

"Chapter 3. Federal structure

1. The Russian Federation includes subjects Russian Federation:

Republic of Adygea (Adygea), Republic of Altai, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Republic of Crimea, Mari El Republic, Mordovia Republic, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), Republic of Tyva, Udmurt republic, Republic of Khakassia, Chechen Republic, Chuvash Republic- Chuvashia;

Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Krasnodar region, Krasnoyarsk region, Perm region, Primorsky Territory, Stavropol Territory, Khabarovsk Territory;

Amur region, Arkhangelsk region, Astrakhan region, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Volgograd region, Vologda region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Irkutsk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Kemerovo region, Kirov region, Kostroma region, Kurgan region, Kursk region, Leningrad region, Lipetsk region, Magadan region, Moscow region, Murmansk region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novgorod region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Orenburg region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region, Rostov region, Ryazan region, Samara region, Saratov region, Sakhalin region, Sverdlovsk region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tomsk region, Tula region, Tyumen region, Ulyanovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Yaroslavl region;


1. Constitutional legal status Russian people in the Russian Federation

A lot is said about the position of the Russian people in the state of the Russian Federation, mostly in an emotional way. This article explains the legal status of the Russian people in the Russian Federation briefly, unemotionally and clearly.


First of all, it is necessary to understand a simple but fundamental fact: there is reality as such, and there is an image (model) of this reality in the constitution and laws of any state. The state of the Russian Federation, created in 1991 on part of the territory of Russia (within the contour of the Soviet republic of the RSFSR version of 1957), is no exception.

The constitutional and legal system of the Russian Federation formulates its model of reality and, of course, does this in accordance with the ideological guidelines of the state of the Russian Federation, its goals and objectives, as it sees them ruling class.

Russian people and the state of the Russian Federation

What is the place of the Russian people in the constitutional and legal system of the Russian Federation? The answer to this question is simple: in the model of reality set by the constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, the Russian people do not exist . Or, to put it another way:

  • the state of the Russian Federation denies the Russian people legal subjectivity,
  • Russian national identity is outside the constitutional and legal field of the Russian Federation.
Who then are the Russians from the point of view of the Russian Federation? Answer: nationalless ordinary Russians, that is, simply some kind of bipedal object that has a Russian passport. And that’s all, ordinary Russians have no other identity within the framework of the constitutional and legal system of the Russian Federation.

Some are smoother

Do all citizens of the Russian Federation have the legal status of a nationless common Russian? No, that's not true. In addition to the nationalless ordinary Russians, the constitutional and legal system of the Russian Federation includes multinational elite Russians. Unlike ordinary Russians, the state of the Russian Federation recognizes that elite Russians have their own national identity, independent of the state of the Russian Federation. That is, an elite Russian is not just a non-national holder of a Russian passport, but also a Chechen, Bashkir or Azerbaijani. Unlike the Russian people, in the model of reality set by the constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, there are Chechen, Bashkir and Azerbaijani peoples.

Can't you explain it in a simpler way?

Simply put, at present the Russian people do not have their own state, but the Chechens, Bashkirs and Azerbaijanis do. The Russian Federation recognizes these states and concludes treaties and agreements with them. And here it is completely irrelevant whether such an ethnic state is part of the Russian Federation (such as Chechnya) or not (for example, Azerbaijan).

And how does this affect me?

This affects you in the most direct way - all decisions made by the state of the Russian Federation, all agreements that the Russian Federation concludes with ethno-states are made at the expense of the Russian people. This is a universal principle of all systems, both physical, biological and social - the principle of least resistance. Since the Russian people do not have their own state, that means everything will be done at their expense.
  • After secession from the USSR, expulsion and murder of the Russian population, Tajikistan plunged into total poverty and devastation, and at the same time the population continues to multiply. To stay in power, the Tajik authorities need somewhere to house the excess population. And the Russian authorities need low-paid, powerless slaves.
  • The Russian Federation and Tajikistan agree among themselves that the Russian Federation will receive surplus Tajiks and replace the Russian population with them. All this is officially called “replacement migration”. Everyone is happy, except the Russians.

    2.Who are the Russians? Analysis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    The word “Russian” has been ubiquitous since 1990 in newspapers, on television, in online media, in comments, blogs and forums. However, few people think about what exactly it means, what meaning is put into it by the Russian authorities. This gap needs to be closed and complete clarity established.

    Is the community of “Russians” a people or is it a fictitious entity that cannot exist separately from the state of the Russian Federation? “Russians” are the real source of power, as declared by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or the “Russians” are assigned a role employee

    , who can always be replaced by someone else with a lower salary?

    These questions will be answered in this material.

    A little theory
    • It is obvious that not every set of people is a people; for example, the following sets cannot be called a people:
    • all black tea lovers;
    • people who like Sergei Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2;
    all bald people.

    Now we need to find out exactly why all this is not a people, that is, to establish a clear and understandable criterion with the help of which it will be possible to test human communities for the right to be called a people. To do this, we will take any full-fledged, developed people, for example, our Russian people, and we will highlight the qualities due to which the Russians are a people and which distinguish them from formal human communities and underdeveloped tribes. 1. The Russian people exist on their own, independent of any state. For example, if the Russian state is liquidated tomorrow, the Russian people will not go anywhere.

    2. The Russian people have a strong sense of their land and a clear understanding of which territories are Russian land. This is the territory of the historical emergence and settlement of the Russian people, that is Russian empire within the borders of 1914, with the exception of the Kingdom of Poland, Finland, Transcaucasia and the native bands of Central Asia.

    3. The Russian people have repeatedly demonstrated an iron determination to defend their land and their freedom in numerous wars, including with the most powerful enemies: the Golden Horde, the Ottoman Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Napoleon's Empire, the Third Reich.

    4. The Russian people have a strong state-forming will. Even if the state collapses, as for example, the Rurikovich state collapsed during the Time of Troubles, the Russian people create a new state.

    5. Belonging to the Russian people is determined by the Russian people themselves and is not at the mercy of outside foreign forces - a Russian person can only be born into a Russian family. Actually, this is where the name naROD itself comes from.

    It is clearly seen that formal sets of people, such as “all lovers of large-leaf black tea on planet Earth,” do not possess these five qualities.

    Autopsy of a Russian

    But let’s return to our sheep, that is, to the “Russians”. The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains very little information about who the Russians are. It is only said that Russians are a kind of “multinational people”.

    Let us examine the phrase “multinational people” in detail. This formulation imposes only one limitation - it is required that in this human community there be people of more than one nationality. And that's it, there are no other restrictions. Nationality here is used in the sense of ethnicity, therefore the formulation “multinational people” is satisfied by an absolutely arbitrary sample from among the inhabitants of the Earth, with the only condition that in this sample not all people are from the same ethnic group.

    For example, a set of people consisting of one Zulu, two Tajiks, one Jew and three Chinese fully meets the definition of a “multinational people”.

    Thus, it has been established that the “multinational people” itself is not a real, but a purely speculative entity, the same as, for example, “all the people who snore in their sleep.” In order for the “multinational people” not to be a purely speculative entity, it is necessary to introduce the Russian Federation passport into the equation. That is, “multinational people” are everyone who has a Russian passport.

    This leads to the conclusion that it is not the “Russians” who form the state of the Russian Federation, but the state of the Russian Federation that forms the “Russians”. In the Russian Federation, state institutions, the ruling class, and the bureaucracy are primary, and the “Russians” are secondary and are just a derivative of the state of the Russian Federation, created in 1991.

    Having found out who the “Russians” are, we can determine whether they are a people. Let’s test the “Russians” with five criteria obtained earlier:

    1. Russians, by definition, do not exist separately from the state of the Russian Federation. When the state of the Russian Federation ceases to exist, Russian passports will lose all meaning, and therefore the Russians themselves will disappear.

    2. A Russian, by definition, does not have his own land, since a Russian is a derivative of the state of the Russian Federation. The Russian is not the owner of the territory of the Russian Federation - it is owned by the ruling class.

    3. The Russians not only did not pass the test of a major war, but also fought and are fighting among themselves.

    4. Russians, by definition, do not have a state-forming will - it was not the Russians who created the state of the Russian Federation, but the state of the Russian Federation created the Russians.

    5. Belonging to the Russians is determined not by the Russians themselves, but by the state of the Russian Federation, since it is the latter that issues Russian passports. For 50 thousand rubles, any Tajik becomes a Russian.

    As we see, the “Russians” failed all the tests, which means the “Russians” are not a people, but are just an annex to the state of the Russian Federation. In fact constitutional status"Russian" does not differ from the status
    hired worker. For example, the state of the Russian Federation has the constitutional right to “fire” Russians and recruit “new” Russians - all this is called “replacement migration”.

    Elito-Russians and ordinary Russians

    A more detailed study of the constitutional and legal system of the Russian Federation reveals the heterogeneity of the mass of Russians. The state of the Russian Federation divides its citizens into two classes based on ethnicity, which we will call the terms “elite-Russians” and “ordinary Russians.”

    Elito-Russians belong to those ethnic groups and tribes that have their own ethnic statehood both within the Russian Federation - Bashkirs, Chechens, Yakuts, Ingush, Tatars, and outside - Azerbaijanis, Jews, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Armenians, Kyrgyz. That is, the state of the Russian Federation recognizes the following rights for elite Russians:

    • the right to one's own territory;
    • the right to own statehood;
    • the right to one’s own identity, independent of the Russian state.

    Thus, elite Russians are separate political subjects for the Russian state, with whom negotiations are conducted and treaties and agreements are concluded.

    Simply Russians are those citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have their own ethnic statehood. These are primarily Russian citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as Roma and some other micro-nationalities. Contrary to the elite Russians, the state of the Russian Federation does not recognize for ordinary Russians political subjectivity, the right to their own identity, the right to their own statehood and their own territory. Ordinary Russians have nothing of their own.

    3. Putin admitted that Russians in the Russian Federation are second-class citizens

    The remaining two points are trivial consequences of the first:

    2. the state of the Russian Federation does not recognize that it is located on the lands of the Russian people, that is, the Russian Federation claims that the Russian people do not have their own land;

    3. The state of the Russian Federation postulates that it bears absolutely no obligations to the Russian people.

    V. Putin warmly agrees with these three points and he fully supports them. Let's remember this.

    Now to the question about the diversity of the population of the Russian Federation along ethnic lines. Everyone knows that the so-called “Federal subjects” are divided into two classes: the first class are regions with the official status of a state, the second class are ordinary regions and territories. First-class regions are precisely states with all the attributes: a constitution, their own state languages, etc. These regions conclude interstate agreements with the Russian Federation on the “sharing of powers”, etc.

    The question is, why do these special regions exist if in the Russian Federation, according to V. Putin, “all citizens have equal rights”? The answer is simple: V. Putin is lying. All first-class “federal subjects” are national states with a corresponding “host” ethnic group: in Tatarstan they are Tatars, in Bashkiria they are Bashkirs, in Chechnya they are Chechens. We open the Constitution of Tatarstan and see that they don’t even try to cover it up somehow: “This Constitution, expressing the will of the multinational people of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Tatar people...”. This is how the Tatars caught V. Putin outright lying.

    Not all constitutions of ethnic states within the Russian Federation are as frank as the constitution of Tatarstan. For example, in the constitution of the Chechen state there is no phrase “Chechen people”, but the Chechen language is mentioned as the state language. The question is, why is it there? separate state, and not the usual Grozny region? For whom does this state exist? The answer is obvious - it’s Chechen nation state and in fact it’s not really hidden either. The head of Chechnya heads the “World Congress of the Chechen People”, the representative offices of Chechnya in the regions of the Russian Federation are strongholds of the local so-called. “Chechen diasporas”, January 9 in Chechnya is the official date of “Day of Restoration of Statehood of the Chechen People”, etc. However, just look at the sign and everything will become clear:

    Thus, we found out that citizens of the Russian Federation are divided into two classes: . Unlike ordinary Russians, the state of the Russian Federation recognizes that elite Russians have their own national identity, independent of the state of the Russian Federation. That is, an elite Russian is not just a non-national holder of a Russian passport, but also a Chechen, Bashkir, Tatar. Simply put, at present the Russian people do not have their own state, but the Chechens, Bashkirs and Tatars do, the Russian Federation recognizes these states and concludes treaties and agreements with them.

    V. Putin officially admitted that this situation suits him completely and he does not intend to change anything.

nestormahno2015 in Why the Russian people do not have their own state

The Russian people do not have their own state

speech by V. Bortko at the plenary meeting of the State Duma, November 2016

Really, why? The Tatars have, in the constitution, the source of power is explicitly stated as “the Tatar people”. The Bashkirs have it, Bashkiria, according to their constitution, is the implementation of the sovereign right of the Bashkirs. The Chuvash have it. The status of their federal subjects is republics (i.e. states), with names coinciding with the name of the titular nation. That is, all the signs of a subject are on the face international law, although located in a “foreign” federation. Why can't the Russians?

There is an opinion among Russian nationalists that it is because “the authorities hate Russians.” Any sane person understands that the people there are extremely far from both the Russians and the French. They have completely different ethics and morals. If necessary, with a slight movement of the hand the Dudayevs turn into the Surkovs, and the Valtsmans into Poroshenkos.

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Gref threatened to leave if Sberbank’s strategy changed. President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref said that he would leave his post if “the bank’s strategy has to be changed after a change in the main shareholder.” The main shareholder of Sberbank is the Bank of Russia (50% plus one share). “I hope not,” said Mr. Gref. So he will answer...

New government, amendments to the constitution...? Complete crap, friends, a scam for losers. Asset owners and beneficiaries of financial flows are not touched; there is no talk about them at all in loud statements

Sberbank told how, due to a fake, 250 billion rubles were withdrawn from its ATMs in half a day. Deputy Chairman of the Bank's Board Stanislav Kuznetsov said that such a reaction was caused by fake news that Visa cards would stop working at 00:00 in December 2014. DAVOS /SWITZERLAND/, January 22. /TASS/. Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov told the journalist...

Hmm, and Hitler, when he was bent over, made skates and wanted to escape to New Swabia - Antarctica! Before the resignation, the Medvedev government allocated 127 billion rubles for the icebreaker Leader)))

Medvedev allocated 127 billion rubles before leaving. for a nuclear icebreaker. According to the document, Leader should be put into operation in 2027. The vessel will provide year-round navigation along the Northern Sea Route 3D model of the icebreaker "Leader" (Photo: Rosatom) The government will allocate from 2020 to 2027 federal budget RUB 127 billion for construction...

He's finally back, our affectionate Teddy Bear! So what are Leps’ songs about, the music for which was written by the new Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin?

Zola My old friend knew no fear, He was looking for gold in the mountains, And finally he was very lucky - He found the treasured treasure And was winged with joy, But with gold he also found evil! There is everything he dreamed of, As if he was reaching to heaven with his hand got it! A bird in the clouds called the guy, Gold in his hands, but ash in his soul! There is ash in my soul... He was like a brother to me, But he traded him for this...

Bugbear. Well, the 2024 contender has emerged. There was MedveD, but he became just Misha-Mishus. VVP offered Mishustin M.V. the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Putin nominated the head of the Federal Tax Service for the post of Prime Minister. Mikhail Mishustin headed the Federal tax service from April 2010 MOSCOW, January 15. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted to the State Duma the candidacy of the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin, for the post of Prime Minister. The Kremlin press service reported this. "President Vladimir Putin held a working...

Hey, the Kremlin, GDP... who else is there, this is the vertical of power, is it constitutional, legal, or hello, ala Dudayev!? Kadyrov appointed the acting head of Chechnya!!!

The question is, who appoints the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, who has such powers? Kadyrov temporarily transferred the powers of the head of Chechnya. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced his “temporary incapacity for work.” He transferred his powers to the Chairman of the Government, Muslim Khuchiev, according to the website of the head of the republic. From the published document it follows that Kadyro...

The dwarves were simply filming a video using their sophisticated gadgets. Dismissals from the FSB began after the Lubyanka massacre

The FSB fired employees who filmed the Lubyanka shooting. According to sources, we are talking about department employees who filmed during the Lubyanka shooting at the end of December. From the central office of the FSB, 16 people from the “P” department were fired, involved in filming the events during the Lubyanka shooting . A source close to the FSB told RBC about this. In turn,...