SanPin. Sanitary norms and rules

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Resolution of the Chief State sanitary doctor RF
dated April 26, 2010 No. 36
"On approval of SP "Prevention of salmonellosis"

In accordance with Federal law dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650; 2002, No. 1 (part 1), art. 2; 2003, No. 2, art. 167; 2003, No. 27 (part 1), art. 2700; 2004, No. 35, art. 3607; 2005, No. 19, Art. 1752; 2006, No. 1, art. 10; 2006, No. 52 (part 1) art. 5498; 2007 No. 1 (part 1) art. 21; 2007, No. 1 (part 1) art. 29; 2007, No. 27, Art. 3213; 2007, No. 46, Art. 5554; 2007, No. 49, art. 6070; 2008, No. 24, Art. 2801; 2008, No. 29 (part 1), art. 3418; 2008, No. 30 (part 2), art. 3616; 2008, No. 44, art. 4984; 2008, No. 52 (part 1), art. 6223; 2009, No. 1, art. 17) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295; 2004, No. 8, art. 663; 2004, no. 4666; 2005, no. 3953)

1. Approve sanitary and epidemiological rules SP “Prevention of salmonellosis” (appendix)

2. Put the specified sanitary rules into effect from the moment of official publication.


Sanitary and epidemiological rules
"Prevention of salmonellosis"

(approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2010 No. 36)

I. Scope of application

1.1. Sanitary rules establish the basic requirements for a set of organizational, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of salmonellosis cases among the population.

1.2 Compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules is mandatory for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, regardless of their legal form and form of ownership.

1.3. Control over the implementation of these sanitary rules is entrusted to the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

II. General provisions

2.1 Salmonellosis is a widespread infection of humans and animals caused by various representatives of the genus Salmonella enterica.

2.2 Salmonella pathogens have the ability to survive significantly on environmental objects, depending on temperature, humidity and the severity of infection.

2.3 The main sources of the infectious agent are farm animals and birds. The most epidemically significant sources of the pathogen are currently chickens, cattle and pigs. In certain areas characterized by national characteristics food, small cattle and horses can act as sources. Rodents, primarily rats and mice, also represent a massive reservoir of Salmonella infection. The role of humans as a source of infectious agents in salmonellosis has been proven. In these cases, it poses the greatest danger to young children and the elderly, as well as persons with weakened immune systems. An infected person (especially an asymptomatic carrier) poses a particular danger if he is involved in the preparation and distribution of food, as well as the sale of food products.

2.4 The mechanism of transmission of the pathogen is realized primarily through the food (alimentary) route. In this case, the factors of transmission of the pathogen are food products, primarily such as meat and meat products, eggs and cream products. Of particular danger in connection with possible transovarial transmission of the pathogen are chicken eggs, infected before laying, as well as products made from them, including mayonnaise and dried egg powder. Salmonellosis diseases are known to be associated with the consumption of cheeses, feta cheese, fish, including smoked fish, and seafood.

Water as a factor in the transmission of infectious agents is of secondary importance. The real epidemic danger is represented by water from open reservoirs contaminated with sewage emissions (sewage discharges, wastewater discharges from meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, as well as poultry and livestock farming facilities).

The contact route of transmission of the pathogen is most often realized in hospital settings, where transmission factors are household items, hands of service personnel, linen, cleaning equipment, medicinal solutions and other transmission factors.

Transmission of the pathogen is possible through dust when inhaling air containing an aerosol contaminated with the pathogen.

2.5 The incubation period ranges from 2 - 6 hours to 2 - 3 days. With household transmission, it can increase to 4 - 7 days.

III. Laboratory diagnostics

3.1 Laboratory studies aimed at detecting and identifying salmonella, as well as conducting serological tests, are carried out by laboratories accredited to work with pathogens of pathogenicity groups III - IV, regardless of organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership in accordance with current regulatory legal acts.

3.2 The main method for confirming the presence of salmonella is bacteriological (isolation and identification of the pathogen using culture media and biochemical tests).

The material for research can be feces, vomit, gastric lavage, and, if necessary, urine, blood, bile and other secretions from the affected organs of patients.

3.3 Serological research methods (Passive Hemagglutination Test (RPHA), if necessary, with separate determination of IGM and IGG antibodies and others) and molecular genetic methods (Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and others) are used as auxiliary methods.

3.4 The main criterion indicating that the isolated pathogen belongs to the Salmonella genus is its antigenic structure. The basis for determining the antigenic formula of Salmonella is the Kauffman-White scheme, which essentially represents a catalog of antigens that have primary diagnostic value.

The latest published scheme by Kauffman-White (2001) includes 450 groups comprising 2501 serovars.

3.5 Etiological decoding of salmonellosis cases should be carried out no later than the 4th - 5th day from the moment the samples were taken.

IV. Detection of salmonellosis cases in humans

4.1 Identification of cases of salmonellosis in humans, as well as bacteria carriers, is carried out by medical workers of treatment and prevention organizations (TPO), regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation during outpatient appointments, home visits, medical examinations, medical examination and other events.

4.2 Persons with intestinal dysfunctions, those who have had salmonellosis, as well as those entering work in the food industry, trade, etc. are subject to examination for the presence of salmonellosis pathogens. Catering, water use facilities, to children's institutions, as well as to medical institutions.

4.3 A medical worker who has established a diagnosis of salmonellosis (or if it is suspected, taking into account clinical and epidemiological data), collects clinical material from the patient (feces, blood, vomit, gastric lavage, urine, if necessary) on the day of treatment and before the onset of etiotropic treatment.

4.4 When treating a patient at home, the collection of material for research is carried out by the staff of medical institutions.

4.5 Delivery of clinical material to the laboratory in order to establish the etiology of the pathogen and its biological properties is carried out within 24 hours.

4.6 The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical signs of the disease, laboratory test results, and epidemiological history.

4.7 According to the degree of reliability of the diagnosis, cases of salmonellosis are classified as suspicious, probable or confirmed.

4.7.1 Suspicious case of salmonellosis - fever over 38 °C, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

4.7.2 A probable case of salmonellosis is the connection of the disease with the consumption of products that are epidemically significant for salmonellosis.

4.7.3 Confirmed sporadic case of salmonellosis - isolation of a specific Salmonella serovar from clinical material.

4.8 In case of an epidemiologically proven outbreak, the diagnosis is made based on the clinical and epidemiological history.

Serological examination data (in paired sera, an increase in antibody titer of at least 4 times against salmonella of a certain group in the RPGA reaction) or a positive PCR result are used as auxiliary methods for laboratory confirmation of cases or to establish the source of infection.

V. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision

5.1 State sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of salmonellosis is a dynamic surveillance of the epidemic process, including monitoring the morbidity of the population, the biological properties and ecology of pathogens isolated from people, animals, in raw materials and food products, in water and other objects environment, for risks associated with the safety of food, water and other environmental objects, forecasting and assessing the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

5.2 The purpose of epidemiological surveillance of salmonellosis is to assess the epidemiological situation, taking into account forecasts and dynamics of the epidemic process in order to develop adequate sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

5.3 Monitoring of the incidence of the population is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, and includes an analysis of the incidence of salmonellosis and carriage by territory, age and socio-professional groups of the population, and risk factors.

5.4 Monitoring of the biological properties and ecology of salmonella pathogens is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Monitoring includes identification of salmonellosis pathogens, typing and determination of antimicrobial resistance of pathogens isolated:

From people (patients and bacteria carriers),


From food raw materials,

Finished products,

Water (including wastewater),

Washouts from environmental objects.

VI. Anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak of salmonellosis

6.1 A medical and preventive institution, regardless of its form of ownership, that has identified a patient or carrier of salmonellosis is obliged to send an emergency notification to in the prescribed manner V territorial body, carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

6.2 An epidemiological examination of an epidemic outbreak of salmonellosis is carried out by state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities in order to establish the boundaries of the outbreak, identify the source of the causative agent of salmonellosis, contact persons, as well as persons at risk of infection, determine the routes and factors of transmission of the pathogen, as well as the conditions that contributed to the occurrence of the outbreak.

6.3 Patients suspected of salmonellosis are isolated from organized groups.

6.4 Hospitalization of identified patients (patients with suspected salmonellosis) with salmonellosis and bacteria carriers is carried out according to clinical and epidemiological indications.

6.5 Identified patients with symptoms, persons who communicated with patients, and workers in certain professions associated with the production, storage, and transportation of food products and individual products are subject to mandatory laboratory testing for salmonellosis in an epidemic outbreak.

6.6 In an epidemic outbreak, in order to identify routes and factors of transmission of the pathogen, a laboratory study of food residues or dishes suspected of being a factor in the transmission of infectious agents, examination of food raw materials, swabs from eggs, equipment, hands, utensils, and other environmental objects are also carried out.

6.7 Monitoring of persons exposed to the risk of infection in epidemic outbreaks is carried out by medical workers of institutions where the outbreak is registered or territorial treatment and preventive institutions.

Duration medical supervision is 7 days and includes a survey, examination, observation of stool character, thermometry.

6.8 Routine disinfection in the apartment fireplace is carried out by family members after instructions given by medical workers.

6.9 Final disinfection is carried out by specialists from organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities.

6.10 Persons at risk of infection are given emergency prophylaxis with a bacteriophage.

VII. Anti-epidemic measures in foci of nosocomial salmonellosis

7.1 In health care facilities medical workers should conduct prompt surveillance and timely identification of cases of importation or nosocomial infection of acute intestinal infection (AEI) among patients, staff or caregivers.

7.2 If a patient suspected of salmonellosis is identified, the following is carried out:

7.2.1 immediate sending of an emergency notification to the territorial body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision;

7.2.2 immediate isolation, transfer of the patient to the infectious diseases department or diagnostic boxes (half-boxes) in the specialized department;

7.2.3 prohibition of admitting new patients to the ward with an identified patient for 7 days;

7.2.4 medical observation for 7 days from the moment the patient is identified and a one-time laboratory examination (to identify carriage or asymptomatic disease) for persons at risk of infection;

7.2.5 specific prevention of salmonellosis among patients and personnel with bacteriophage;

7.2.6 final disinfection;

7.2.7 epidemiological investigation of the case(s) of introduction or nosocomial infection of patients, staff or persons caring for patients with salmonellosis, identifying factors and routes of transmission of the infectious agent; information analysis, administrative decision making.

7.3 In the event of a group incidence of salmonellosis in one or more departments of a health care facility or when salmonella are detected in the air and other environmental objects, the following is carried out:

7.3.1 isolation of sick people and bacteria carriers in the infectious diseases department;

7.3.2 stop admitting patients to the department(s) where group morbidity is registered and conduct medical observation of contacts within 7 days from the moment of isolation of the last sick person.

7.3.3 final disinfection in the department(s), cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems;

7.3.4 bacteriological examination of contact personnel, serological examination of persons to determine the source of infection;

7.3.5 carrying out specific prophylaxis with bacteriophage;

7.3.6 prohibition of moving patients from ward to ward, as well as reducing the number of patients through early discharge, taking into account the general condition of the patients.

7.3.7 closure of the department (departments) by order of the body exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

7.4 The opening of the department (departments) is carried out after carrying out a set of anti-epidemic measures and completing medical observation of contact persons.

VIII. Preventive actions

8.1 Bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision monitor compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, aimed at preventing Salmonella contamination of food products, both during their storage and production, and at all stages of sale to the population, and also to prevent the entry of pathogens into finished food products and the accumulation of microorganisms in them.

8.2 The manufacturer is responsible for the safety of the product. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and carry out production control, including using laboratory tests.

8.3 The objects of production control at enterprises are raw materials, products and environmental objects that may be contaminated with salmonellosis pathogens.

8.4 The production control program is drawn up by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur and approved by the head of the enterprise or authorized persons.

The production control program should include:

8.4.1 Determination of risks of contamination of raw materials and food products by infectious disease agents.

8.4.2 Identification of critical control points in the production process at which laboratory control is required to prevent or eliminate the risk of contamination of raw materials or food products.

8.4.3 Keeping records and analyzing indicators recorded at critical control points.

8.5 Entity, individual entrepreneur when violations of sanitary rules are detected at the production control facility, he must take measures aimed at eliminating the identified violations.

8.6 All cases of salmonella isolation are reported to the body exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Isolated salmonella strains are transferred to the same organs for confirmation.

8.7 Production control divided into input control and control finished products.

8.8 Production incoming control using laboratory research methods is carried out upon receipt of raw materials. Samples are selectively taken for microbiological testing to detect salmonella. When receiving raw materials from a new supplier or from farms located in regions that are epizootologically or epidemiologically unfavorable, enhanced incoming microbiological control is introduced, which involves analyzing each batch of raw materials for the presence of salmonella.

8.9 Production control of finished products, including products of animal origin, is carried out in accordance with the requirements for product safety.

8.10 The frequency of industrial microbiological control in the production of meat and meat products depends on their epidemiological significance:

8.10.1 meat of all types of slaughtered animals is examined once every 15 days;

8.10.2 semi-finished meat products, including minced meat, offal, sausages, smoked products, culinary meat products, including those vacuum-packed in polymer films, meat products, boiled, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, frozen products from meat - once every 10 days;

8.10.3 cooked meat products using offal are examined once every 7 days;

8.10.4 when producing canned meat, including meat and vegetable products, freeze-dried products, each batch of manufactured products is examined;

8.10.5 eggs are examined at least once a month, egg powder, melange, yolk, white, mayonnaise and other products using eggs are checked for the presence of salmonella in each batch of these products.

8.11 Production control at dairy processing enterprises must include microbiological control, which includes analysis of each batch of product produced for the presence of salmonella. Milk, cream, fermented milk and fermented liquid products are examined once every 10 days. When studying starter cultures, the contents of each container are analyzed.

8.12 At public catering establishments, as part of production control, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is determined once every 6 months, and 30% of each type of food is subject to inspection.

8.13 In objects retail food products the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is checked in perishable food products at the stage of their sale once a year using 1 sample from each product group according to the assortment list.

8.14 In objects wholesale trade food products, similar studies are carried out to the same extent.

8.15 The study of water, washouts from equipment and workers’ hands is carried out according to epidemic indications by decision of the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

IX. Preventive measures to prevent salmonellosis in hospitals

9.1 The basis for the prevention of nosocomial infection with salmonella in medical and preventive organizations is compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, as well as the anti-epidemic regime in accordance with current regulatory legal acts.

9.2 Monitoring and assessment of compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, as well as the state of the anti-epidemic regime in healthcare facilities, is carried out by the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as by the epidemiologist of the healthcare facility.

9.3 To carry out pre-epidemic diagnostics in hospitals, the circulation of “hospital” strains of Salmonella is monitored, taking into account their antibiotic resistance and some pathogenicity factors (persistent characteristics of strains - antilysozyme, antiinterferon and other activity).

9.4 In order to prevent hospital-acquired Salmonella infection of patients and staff in healthcare facilities, the following measures must be taken:

9.4.1 allocation of diagnostic wards (boxes) in non-infectious departments (reception department) for hospitalization of patients with unstable stool;

9.4.2 examination of certain categories of patients, mothers and other caregivers upon admission to hospital;

9.4.3 removal from work of personnel identified as salmonella carriers, treatment and dispensary observation.

9.4.4 transfer to work not related to nutrition, as well as serving children and patients requiring continuous care, of hospital staff with chronic carriage of salmonella;

9.4.5 control over the completeness of the examination, timely access to work and dynamic dispensary observation of employees who have suffered salmonellosis;

9.4.6 compliance with established requirements for preventive disinfection, hygienic treatment of the skin of the hands and body of patients, hygienic and antiseptic treatment of the skin of the hands of personnel, disinsection and deratization;

9.4.7 control over the organization of nutrition and food quality in accordance with regulatory and methodological documents, including enteral nutrition, nutrition of newborns and young children;

9.4.8 monitoring the operation of supply and exhaust ventilation, the condition of basements and attics;

9.4.9 control over compliance with the assortment, storage rules and deadlines for the sale of products allowed to be given to sick visitors.

X. Hygienic education of the population

10.1 Hygienic education of the population is one of the methods for preventing salmonellosis.

10.2 Food service workers and persons equivalent to them are required to know basic information about salmonellosis, which must be included in the hygienic training program.

10.3 Hygienic education of the population includes: presentation to the population detailed information about salmonellosis, the main symptoms of the disease and preventive measures using the media, leaflets, bulletin posters, conducting an individual conversation with the patient and other methods.

Registration N 17526

Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP “Prevention of salmonellosis” have been developed.

Salmonellosis is a widespread infection of humans and animals caused by various members of the genus Salmonella enterica.

The main sources are rats, farm animals and birds. The transmission mechanism is food (alimentary). The role of humans as a source of infectious agents has been proven. Young children, elderly people, and those with weakened immune systems are most at risk.

The incubation period ranges from 2-6 hours to 2-3 days. With household transmission, it can increase to 4-7 days.

Procedures for identifying infection and laboratory diagnostics are provided. Patients suspected of having salmonellosis are isolated from organized groups.

Anti-epidemic and preventive measures are listed. These include monitoring, disinfection of premises, and production control. Hygienic education of the population is organized.

Sanitary rules come into force from the moment of official publication.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2010 N 36 “On approval of SP”

Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 N 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295; 2004, N 8, Art. 663; 2004, No. 4666; 2005, No. 3953)

Sanitary and epidemiological rules
"Prevention of salmonellosis"
(approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2010 N 36)

1.1. Sanitary rules establish the basic requirements for a set of organizational, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of salmonellosis cases among the population.

1.3. Control over the implementation of these sanitary rules is entrusted to the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

2.1. Salmonellosis is a widespread infection of humans and animals caused by various representatives of the genus Salmonella enterica.

2.2. The causative agents of salmonellosis have the ability to survive significantly on environmental objects, depending on temperature, humidity and the severity of infection.

2.3. The main sources of the infectious agent are farm animals and birds. The most epidemically significant sources of the pathogen are currently chickens, cattle and pigs. In certain areas characterized by national nutritional characteristics, small cattle and horses can act as sources. Rodents, primarily rats and mice, also represent a massive reservoir of Salmonella infection. The role of humans as a source of infectious agents in salmonellosis has been proven. In these cases, it poses the greatest danger to young children and the elderly, as well as persons with weakened immune systems. An infected person (especially an asymptomatic carrier) poses a particular danger if he is involved in the preparation and distribution of food, as well as the sale of food products.

2.4. The mechanism of transmission of the pathogen is realized primarily through the food (alimentary) route. In this case, the factors of transmission of the pathogen are food products, primarily meat and meat products, eggs and cream products. Of particular danger due to possible transovarial transmission of the pathogen are chicken eggs infected before laying, as well as products prepared from them, including mayonnaise and dried egg powder. Salmonellosis diseases are known to be associated with the consumption of cheeses, feta cheese, fish, including smoked fish, and seafood.

Water as a factor in the transmission of infectious agents is of secondary importance. The real epidemic danger is represented by water from open reservoirs contaminated with sewage emissions (sewage discharges, wastewater discharges from meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, as well as poultry and livestock farming facilities).

The contact route of transmission of the pathogen is most often realized in hospital settings, where transmission factors are household items, hands of service personnel, linen, cleaning equipment, medicinal solutions and other transmission factors.

3.1. Laboratory studies aimed at detecting and identifying salmonella, as well as conducting serological tests, are carried out by laboratories accredited to work with pathogens of pathogenicity groups III-IV, regardless of organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership in accordance with current regulatory legal acts.

3.2. The main method for confirming the presence of salmonella is bacteriological (isolation and identification of the pathogen using culture media and biochemical tests).

The material for research can be feces, vomit, gastric lavage, and, if necessary, urine, blood, bile and other secretions from the affected organs of patients.

3.3. Serological research methods (Passive Hemagglutination Reaction (RPHA), if necessary, with separate determination of IGM and IGG antibodies and others) and molecular genetic methods (Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and others) are used as auxiliary methods.

3.4. The main criterion indicating that the isolated pathogen belongs to the Salmonella genus is its antigenic structure. The basis for determining the antigenic formula of Salmonella is the Kauffman-White scheme, which essentially represents a catalog of antigens that have primary diagnostic value.

4.1. Identification of cases of salmonellosis in humans, as well as bacteria carriers, is carried out by medical workers of treatment and preventive organizations (TPO), regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, during outpatient appointments, home visits, during medical examinations, medical examinations and other events.

4.2. Persons with intestinal dysfunctions, who have recovered from salmonellosis, as well as those entering work in the food industry, trade, public catering, water use facilities, children's institutions, as well as medical institutions are subject to examination for the presence of salmonellosis pathogens.

4.3. A medical worker who has established a diagnosis of salmonellosis (or if it is suspected, taking into account clinical and epidemiological data), collects clinical material from the patient (feces, blood, vomit, gastric lavage, urine, if necessary) on the day of treatment and before the start of etiotropic treatment .

4.5. Delivery of clinical material to the laboratory in order to establish the etiology of the pathogen and its biological properties is carried out within 24 hours.

4.6. The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical signs of the disease, laboratory test results, and epidemiological history.

Russian Federation Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation

On approval of SP

set bookmark

set bookmark

1. Approve the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP “Prevention of salmonellosis” (appendix).

2. Put the specified sanitary rules into effect from the moment of official publication.

G. Onishchenko

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
June 8, 2010,
registration N 17526


by resolution of the Chief
state sanitary
doctor of the Russian Federation
dated April 26, 2010 N 36

Prevention of salmonellosis

Sanitary and epidemiological rules

I. Scope of application

1.1. Sanitary rules establish the basic requirements for a set of organizational, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of salmonellosis cases among the population.

1.2. Compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

1.3. Control over the implementation of these sanitary rules is entrusted to the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

II. General provisions

2.1. Salmonellosis is a widespread infection of humans and animals caused by various representatives of the genus Salmonella enterica.

2.2. The causative agents of salmonellosis have the ability to survive significantly on environmental objects, depending on temperature, humidity and the severity of infection.

2.3. The main sources of the infectious agent are farm animals and birds. The most epidemically significant sources of the pathogen are currently chickens, cattle and pigs. In certain areas characterized by national nutritional characteristics, small cattle and horses can act as sources. Rodents, primarily rats and mice, also represent a massive reservoir of Salmonella infection. The role of humans as a source of infectious agents in salmonellosis has been proven. In these cases, it poses the greatest danger to young children and the elderly, as well as persons with weakened immune systems. An infected person (especially an asymptomatic carrier) poses a particular danger if he is involved in the preparation and distribution of food, as well as the sale of food products.

2.4. The mechanism of transmission of the pathogen is realized primarily through the food (alimentary) route. In this case, the factors of transmission of the pathogen are food products, primarily meat and meat products, eggs and cream products. Of particular danger due to possible transovarial transmission of the pathogen are chicken eggs infected before laying, as well as products prepared from them, including mayonnaise and dried egg powder. Salmonellosis diseases are known to be associated with the consumption of cheeses, feta cheese, fish, including smoked fish, and seafood.

Water as a factor in the transmission of infectious agents is of secondary importance. The real epidemic danger is represented by water from open reservoirs contaminated with sewage emissions (sewage discharges, wastewater discharges from meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, as well as poultry and livestock farming facilities).

The contact route of transmission of the pathogen is most often realized in hospital settings, where transmission factors are household items, hands of service personnel, linen, cleaning equipment, medicinal solutions and other transmission factors.

Transmission of the pathogen is possible through dust when inhaling air containing an aerosol contaminated with the pathogen.

2.5. The incubation period ranges from 2-6 hours to 2-3 days. With household transmission, it can increase to 4-7 days.

III. Laboratory diagnostics

3.1. Laboratory studies aimed at detecting and identifying salmonella, as well as conducting serological tests, are carried out by laboratories accredited to work with pathogens of pathogenicity groups III-IV, regardless of organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership in accordance with current regulatory legal acts.

3.2. The main method for confirming the presence of salmonella is bacteriological (isolation and identification of the pathogen using culture media and biochemical tests).

The material for research can be feces, vomit, gastric lavage, and, if necessary, urine, blood, bile and other secretions from the affected organs of patients.

3.3. Serological research methods (Passive Hemagglutination Reaction (RPHA), if necessary, with separate determination of IGM and IGG antibodies and others) and molecular genetic methods (Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and others) are used as auxiliary methods.

3.4. The main criterion indicating that the isolated pathogen belongs to the Salmonella genus is its antigenic structure. The basis for determining the antigenic formula of Salmonella is the Kauffman-White scheme, which essentially represents a catalog of antigens that have primary diagnostic value.

The most recently published Kauffman-White scheme (2001) includes 450 groups comprising 2501 serovars.

3.5. Etiological deciphering of salmonellosis cases should be carried out no later than the 4-5th day from the moment of sampling.

IV. Detection of salmonellosis cases in humans

4.1. Identification of cases of salmonellosis in humans, as well as bacteria carriers, is carried out by medical workers of treatment and preventive organizations (TPO), regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, during outpatient appointments, home visits, during medical examinations, medical examinations and other events.

4.2. Persons with intestinal dysfunctions, who have recovered from salmonellosis, as well as those entering work in the food industry, trade, public catering, water use facilities, children's institutions, as well as medical institutions are subject to examination for the presence of salmonellosis pathogens.

4.3. A medical worker who has established a diagnosis of salmonellosis (or if it is suspected, taking into account clinical and epidemiological data), collects clinical material from the patient (feces, blood, vomit, gastric lavage, urine, if necessary) on the day of treatment and before the start of etiotropic treatment .

4.4. When treating a patient at home, the collection of material for research is carried out by the staff of medical institutions.

4.5. Delivery of clinical material to the laboratory in order to establish the etiology of the pathogen and its biological properties is carried out within 24 hours.

4.6. The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical signs of the disease, laboratory test results, and epidemiological history.

4.7. According to the degree of reliability of the diagnosis, cases of salmonellosis are classified as suspicious, probable or confirmed.

4.7.1. Suspicious case of salmonellosis - fever over 38°C, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

4.7.2. A probable case of salmonellosis is the connection of the disease with the consumption of products that are epidemically significant for salmonellosis.

4.7.3. A confirmed sporadic case of salmonellosis is the isolation of a specific serovar of Salmonella from clinical material.

4.8. In case of an epidemiologically proven outbreak, the diagnosis is made based on the clinical and epidemiological history.

Serological examination data (in paired sera, an increase in antibody titer of at least 4 times against salmonella of a certain group in the RPGA reaction) or a positive PCR result are used as auxiliary methods for laboratory confirmation of cases or to establish the source of infection.

V. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision

5.1. State sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of salmonellosis is a dynamic monitoring of the epidemic process, including monitoring the morbidity of the population, the biological properties and ecology of pathogens isolated from people, animals, in raw materials and food products, in water and other environmental objects, and risks related to the safety of food, water and other environmental objects, forecasting and assessing the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

5.2. The purpose of epidemiological surveillance of salmonellosis is to assess the epidemiological situation, taking into account forecasts and dynamics of the epidemic process in order to develop adequate sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

5.3. Monitoring of the incidence of the population is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, and includes an analysis of the incidence of salmonellosis and carriage by territory, age and socio-professional groups of the population, and risk factors.

5.4. Monitoring of the biological properties and ecology of salmonellosis pathogens is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Monitoring includes identification of salmonellosis pathogens, typing and determination of antimicrobial resistance of pathogens isolated:

  • from people (patients and bacteria carriers),
  • animals,
  • feed,
  • from food raw materials,
  • finished products,
  • water (including wastewater),
  • washouts from environmental objects.

VI. Anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak of salmonellosis

6.1. A medical and preventive institution, regardless of its form of ownership, that has identified a patient or bacteria carrier of salmonellosis is obliged to send an emergency notification in the prescribed manner to the territorial body that carries out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

6.2. An epidemiological examination of an epidemic outbreak of salmonellosis is carried out by state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities in order to establish the boundaries of the outbreak, identify the source of the causative agent of salmonellosis, contact persons, as well as persons at risk of infection, determine the routes and factors of transmission of the pathogen, as well as the conditions that contributed to the occurrence of the outbreak.

6.3. Patients suspected of salmonellosis are isolated from organized groups.

6.4. Hospitalization of identified patients (patients with suspected salmonellosis) with salmonellosis and bacteria carriers is carried out according to clinical and epidemiological indications.

6.5. Identified patients with symptoms, persons who communicated with patients, and workers in certain professions associated with the production, storage, and transportation of food products and individual products are subject to mandatory laboratory testing for salmonellosis in an epidemic outbreak.

6.6. In an epidemic outbreak, in order to identify the routes and factors of transmission of the pathogen, laboratory research is also carried out on the remains of a food product or dishes suspected of being a factor in the transmission of infectious agents, examination of food raw materials, swabs from eggs, equipment, hands, utensils and other environmental objects.

6.7. Monitoring of persons exposed to the risk of infection in epidemic outbreaks is carried out by medical workers of institutions where the outbreak is registered, or territorial treatment and preventive institutions.

The duration of medical observation is 7 days and includes a survey, examination, observation of stool characteristics, and thermometry.

6.8. Current disinfection in the apartment hearth is carried out by family members after instructions given by medical workers.

6.9. Final disinfection is carried out by specialists from organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities.

6.10. Persons at risk of infection are given emergency prophylaxis with a bacteriophage.

VII. Anti-epidemic measures in foci of nosocomial salmonellosis

7.1. In healthcare facilities, medical workers must conduct prompt monitoring and timely identification of cases of importation or nosocomial infection of acute intestinal infection (AEI) among patients, staff or caregivers.

7.2. If a patient suspected of salmonellosis is identified, the following is carried out:

7.2.1. immediate sending of an emergency notification to the territorial body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision;

7.2.2. immediate isolation, transfer of the patient to the infectious diseases department or diagnostic boxes (half-boxes) in the specialized department;

7.2.3. prohibition of admitting new patients to the ward with an identified patient for 7 days;

7.2.4. medical observation for 7 days from the moment the patient is identified and a one-time laboratory examination (to identify carriage or asymptomatic disease) for persons at risk of infection;

7.2.5. specific prevention of salmonellosis among patients and personnel with bacteriophage;

7.2.6. final disinfection;

7.2.7. epidemiological investigation of the case (cases) of introduction or nosocomial infection of patients, staff or persons caring for patients with salmonellosis with identification of factors and routes of transmission of the infectious agent; information analysis, administrative decision making.

7.3. In case of a group incidence of salmonellosis in one or several departments of a health care facility or when salmonella are detected in the air and other environmental objects, the following is carried out:

7.3.1. isolation of sick people and bacteria carriers in the infectious diseases department;

7.3.2. stop admitting patients to the department(s) where group morbidity is registered, and conduct medical observation of contacts within 7 days from the moment of isolation of the last sick person.

7.3.3. final disinfection in the department(s), cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems;

7.3.4. bacteriological examination of contact personnel, serological examination of persons to determine the source of infection;

7.3.5. carrying out specific prophylaxis with bacteriophage;

7.3.6. prohibition of moving patients from ward to ward, as well as reducing the number of patients through early discharge, taking into account the general condition of the patients;

7.3.7. closure of the department (departments) by order of the body exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

7.4. The opening of the department (departments) is carried out after carrying out a set of anti-epidemic measures and completing medical observation of contact persons.

VIII. Preventive actions

8.1. Bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision monitor compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, aimed at preventing Salmonella contamination of food products both during their storage and production, and at all stages of sale to the population, as well as to prevent the entry of pathogens into finished food products and the accumulation of microorganisms in them.

8.2. The manufacturer is responsible for the safety of the product. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and carry out production control, including using laboratory tests.

8.3. The objects of production control at enterprises are raw materials, products and environmental objects that can be contaminated with salmonellosis pathogens.

8.4. The production control program is drawn up by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur and approved by the head of the enterprise or authorized persons.

The production control program should include:

8.4.1. Determining the risks of contamination of raw materials and food products with pathogens of infectious diseases.

8.4.2. Identification of critical control points in the production process at which laboratory control is required to prevent or eliminate the risk of contamination of raw materials or food products.

8.4.3. Maintaining records and analysis of indicators recorded at critical control points.

8.5. A legal entity or individual entrepreneur, when violations of sanitary rules are identified at a production control facility, must take measures aimed at eliminating the identified violations.

8.6. All cases of salmonella isolation are reported to the body exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Isolated salmonella strains are transferred to the same organs for confirmation.

8.7. Production control is divided into incoming control and control of finished products.

8.8. Production incoming control using laboratory research methods is carried out upon receipt of raw materials. Samples are selectively taken for microbiological testing to detect salmonella. When receiving raw materials from a new supplier or from farms located in regions that are epizootologically or epidemiologically unfavorable, enhanced incoming microbiological control is introduced, which involves analyzing each batch of raw materials for the presence of salmonella.

8.9. Production control of finished products, including products of animal origin, is carried out in accordance with the requirements for product safety.

8.10. The frequency of industrial microbiological control in the production of meat and meat products depends on their epidemiological significance:

8.10.1. meat of all types of slaughtered animals is examined once every 15 days;

8.10.2. semi-finished meat products, including minced meat, offal, sausages, smoked meats, culinary meat products, including those vacuum-packed in polymer films, boiled meat products, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, quick-frozen meat products - 1 time every 10 days;

8.10.3. cooked meat products using offal are examined once every 7 days;

8.10.4. in the production of canned meat, including freeze-dried meat and vegetable products, each batch of products is examined;

8.10.5. eggs are examined at least once a month, egg powder, melange, yolk, white, mayonnaise and other products using eggs are checked for the presence of salmonella in each batch of these products.

8.11. Production control at dairy processing enterprises should include microbiological control, which includes analysis of each batch of product produced for the presence of salmonella. Milk, cream, fermented milk and fermented liquid products are examined once every 10 days. When studying starter cultures, the contents of each container are analyzed.

8.12. At catering establishments, as part of production control, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is determined once every 6 months, and 30% of each type of food is subject to inspection.

8.13. In food retail facilities, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is checked in perishable food products at the stage of their sale once a year, 1 sample from each product group according to the assortment list.

8.14. In food wholesale trade facilities, similar studies are carried out to the same extent.

8.15. The study of water, washouts from equipment and workers’ hands is carried out according to epidemic indications by decision of the authorities exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

IX. Preventive measures to prevent salmonellosis in hospitals

9.1. The basis for the prevention of nosocomial infection with Salmonella in health care organizations is compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, as well as the anti-epidemic regime in accordance with current regulatory legal acts.

9.2. Monitoring and assessment of compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, as well as the state of the anti-epidemic regime in health care facilities, is carried out by the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as by the health care epidemiologist.

9.3. To carry out pre-epidemic diagnostics in hospitals, the circulation of “hospital” strains of Salmonella is monitored, taking into account their antibiotic resistance and some pathogenicity factors (persistent characteristics of strains - antilysozyme, antiinterferon and other activity).

9.4. In order to prevent hospital-acquired Salmonella infection of patients and staff in healthcare facilities, the following measures must be taken:

9.4.1. allocation of diagnostic wards (boxes) in non-infectious departments (reception department) for hospitalization of patients with unstable stool;

9.4.2. examination of certain categories of patients, mothers and other caregivers upon admission to the hospital;

9.4.3. removal from work of personnel identified as salmonella carriers, treatment and dispensary observation;

9.4.4. transfer to work not related to nutrition, as well as serving children and patients requiring continuous care, of hospital staff with chronic carriage of salmonella;

9.4.5. control over the completeness of the examination, timely access to work and dynamic dispensary observation of employees who have suffered salmonellosis;

9.4.6. compliance with established requirements for preventive disinfection, hygienic treatment of the skin of the hands and body of patients, hygienic and antiseptic treatment of the skin of personnel, disinsection and deratization;

9.4.7. control over the organization of nutrition and food quality in accordance with regulatory and methodological documents, including enteral nutrition, nutrition of newborns and young children;

9.4.8. monitoring the operation of supply and exhaust ventilation, the condition of basements and attics;

9.4.9. control over compliance with the assortment, storage rules and deadlines for the sale of products allowed to be given to sick visitors.

X. Hygienic education of the population

10.1. Hygienic education of the population is one of the methods for preventing salmonellosis.

10.2. Food service workers and persons equivalent to them are required to know basic information about salmonellosis, which should be included in the hygienic training program.

10.3. Hygienic education of the population includes: providing the population with detailed information about salmonellosis, the main symptoms of the disease and preventive measures using the media, leaflets, posters, bulletins, conducting an individual conversation with the patient and other methods.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2011 N 10, Moscow "On approval of SP "Changes and additions N 1 to SP "Prevention of salmonellosis""

Registration N 20089

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, N 2, Art. 167; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 1752; (Part 1), Article 5498; 2007, Article 21; Article 29; Article 3213; N 49, art. 6070; 24, art. 1, art. 3418; art. Part 1), Art. 6223; 2009, N 17; 2010, N 40, Art. 4969) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 “On approval of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295; 2004, N 8, Art. 663; N 47, Art. 4666; 2005, N 39, Art. 3953) I decide :

Approve the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP "Changes and additions No. 1 to the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP "Prevention of salmonellosis"* (appendix).

G. Onishchenko

* Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 06/08/2010, registration N 17526.

Changes and additions No. 1 to SP
Prevention of salmonellosis
Sanitary and epidemiological rules


Make changes and additions to the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP “Prevention of Salmonellosis”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 8, 2010, registration N 17526:

1. In clause 6.5. At the end of the paragraph add a sentence with the following wording:

“The number of persons examined and the volume of research carried out is determined by the specialist responsible for organizing the epidemiological investigation.”

2. In clause 8.6. At the end of the paragraph add a sentence with the following wording:

“Indication of Salmonella in food and environmental objects can be carried out using the classical microbiological method, express analysis methods (polymerase chain reaction), industrial microbiology methods - using instruments and test systems approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner ".

3. clause 8.7. rephrase in a new edition:

8.7. Production control at meat and poultry processing enterprises.

8.7.1. Production control is divided into incoming control and control of finished products. It is carried out in accordance with the requirements for product safety.

8.7.2. During control, meat products are divided into 2 categories: high and low risk of contamination with bacteria of the genus Salmonella.

The category of high risk of contamination includes chilled and frozen raw meat (meat in carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters and cuts, meat in blocks, poultry meat, mechanically separated meat, offal), semi-finished products, as well as uncooked smoked (dried) products.

8.7.3. Products high category risk received at a meat processing plant is examined for the presence of salmonella once every 15 days, taking into account the following:

When delivering raw materials from epizootic or epidemiologically unfavorable regions, enhanced incoming control is carried out, which includes analyzing each batch of raw materials for the presence of salmonella;

Edible blood and mechanically separated poultry meat (before deboning) are monitored for the presence of salmonella in each batch.

Features of sampling from high-risk products:

Chopped, lump and other semi-finished products are processed without surface firing;

Blocks of frozen meat and mechanically deboned meat (before deboning) are carried out without burning the surface from different areas using the method of selecting point samples and an average sample is compiled.

8.7.4. Low-risk products are monitored once every 20 days.

When selecting samples from this category of products, it is allowed to group the assortment list by types of products, depending on the raw materials used and production technology. For example, sausages are grouped into boiled sausages, wieners, frankfurters and others.

8.7.5. Sterilized canned meat and vegetable products are not controlled for the presence of salmonella.

8.7.6. The product manufacturer examines edible chicken eggs for the presence of salmonella at least once a month; egg powder, melange, yolk, white, mayonnaise and other products using eggs - in each batch.

8.7.7. To control the risk of contamination of manufactured products with salmonella, washes from equipment, utensils (cutting boards, knives, floor carts, conveyor belt) and personnel hands are examined once every 20 days at the end of the work shift before sanitization.

If salmonella is detected, general cleaning is carried out using disinfectants with subsequent quality control.

4. clauses 8.8., 8.9, 8.10 - deleted.

Change the numbering and paragraph 8.11 specified in the sanitary and epidemiological rules. consider clause 8.8.

5. clause 8.8. rephrase in a new edition:

“Milk and dairy products, regulated for the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, must be subject to microbiological control, which includes testing for the presence (indication) of salmonella in each type of product produced at least once a month.

Flushes from equipment (baths, containers, auxiliary materials and equipment, etc.), sourdough is examined for the presence of salmonella at least once a quarter.”

6. clause 9.4.2. rephrase in a new edition:

"examination of certain categories of patients upon admission to hospital: children under 2 years of age, mothers and other persons hospitalized to care for the sick, persons admitted to psychoneurological hospitals. As well as examination of persons upon admission to specialized institutions social services elderly and disabled citizens and children under 2 years of age upon admission to orphanages."

7. Supplement the sanitary and epidemiological rules with Chapter XI and state it in the following wording:

XI. Rules for discharge and dispensary observation of convalescents after salmonellosis

Workers of certain professions, industries and organizations, as well as children attending nurseries educational institutions(DOW), boarding schools, summer health institutions, adults and children in other types of closed institutions with round-the-clock stay, must be discharged after clinical recovery and a single laboratory examination with a negative result, carried out 1-2 days after the end of treatment in a hospital or at home.

The remaining persons who have had salmonellosis and do not belong to the above-mentioned groups are discharged after clinical recovery. The need for their bacteriological examination before discharge is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the clinical course of the disease.

If the laboratory tests performed before discharge are positive, the course of treatment is repeated.

If the results of a control laboratory examination of workers in certain professions, industries and organizations, carried out after a second course of treatment, are subject to dispensary observation with a temporary transfer to another job for 15 days, not related to the production, preparation, storage, transportation and sale of food products, as well as work on water supply facilities, direct service to children, the elderly and disabled people in hospitals and round-the-clock institutions. During these 15 days, a one-time laboratory examination for salmonellosis is carried out. If the result is negative, the person is allowed to return to work; if the result is positive, the tests continue at intervals of every 15 days. If salmonella is isolated within 3 months, these persons are suspended from their main work for a period of at least 1 year. After this period, stool and bile are examined 3 times for the presence of salmonella with an interval of 1-2 days. If they receive negative results, these persons are allowed to return to work. If they receive at least one positive result, they are considered to be chronic bacteria carriers and are removed from work, where they may pose an epidemic danger.

Workers of certain professions, industries and organizations, children attending preschool educational institutions, boarding schools, summer health institutions, as well as adults and children staying in closed institutions with round-the-clock stay, who have had acute forms of salmonellosis, are allowed to work and visit these institutions after discharge from a hospital or treatment at home on the basis of a doctor’s certificate of recovery and in the presence of a negative result of a laboratory test for salmonellosis.

Children of general education institutions, summer health institutions, boarding schools and for a month after an illness are not allowed to be on duty in the dining room.