What does technician qualification mean? Senior technician (special communications)Job description

Next, we will consider the use of ETKS and EKS. Assigning a qualification rank to a worker The Qualification Commission assigns or increases the rank if the enterprise requires specialists of a specific rank. The assignment of a rank is made on the basis of a worker’s application and a presentation from the head of the relevant department (foreman, site manager, etc.). The qualification commission conducts an initial test of the worker’s theoretical knowledge and practical skills that meet the requirements of the ETKS. The work of the qualification commission can be regulated either in a separate local regulatory document, for example, in the Regulations on the Qualification Commission or within the Regulations on Certification.

Training and development of personnel

GOA Belarus, Minsk #6 February 1, 2012, 10:46 Hello, can anyone help me with an electrical technician. I can’t come to a common denominator. We had a 5th category electrician on staff for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. came to us from the energy supervision department and said that the worker cannot be held responsible for the electrical equipment. “Call him” a regular ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN and give us a copy of the order to transfer him to an electrical technician and an order to... (this is no longer important). I started looking at qualification reference books, because in accordance with the Labor Code Scroll: Article 19 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus Contents and terms of the employment contract 3) labor function (work in one or more professions, specialties, positions indicating qualifications in accordance with the employer’s staffing table, functional duties, job description).

We assign the employee a qualification category

Restoration of the category is carried out in the manner established for the assignment of qualifications. The issue of assigning or increasing a rank to a worker is considered by the qualification commission of the enterprise based on the worker’s application. Assignment of qualification categories to managers, specialists and employees Assignment of qualification categories to managers, specialists and employees is carried out on the basis of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees and is regulated by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulations.

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The qualifications of certain groups of workers (for example, vehicle drivers) are established not using ranks, but by assigning a certain class to the employee. Next, using an example, we will trace the algorithm for assigning (increasing) a rank to a specific worker. Example 1. Electromechanic for elevators, 2nd category, Zhilstroy LLC Krasovitsky A.E.

applied for an increase in his qualification level. To the Chairman of the Qualification Commission, S.M. Karapetov, from E.A. Krasovitsky, Electrical Mechanic for Elevators, Level 2, Electrical Installation Section Application Please allow me to take the qualification exam to increase the level. May 10, 2007 Krasovitsky E.A. Krasovitsky I agree Chairman of the Qualification Commission Karapetov S.M. Karapetov May 12, 2007
Category I) - higher professional education and work experience as a document specialist of category II for at least 3 years; 1st category (leading document specialist) - higher professional education and work experience in the position of document specialist of category I for at least 3 years. Engineer categories): 6th category (engineer) - higher professional education without requirements for work experience; 7 - 8th categories (engineer category II) - higher professional education and work experience as an engineer for at least 3 years; 8 - 9th category (engineer of category I) - higher professional education and work experience as an engineer of category II for at least 3 years; 1st category (leading engineer) - higher professional education and work experience as an engineer of category I for at least 3 years.

What level of technician qualification?

As trial work, those selected are those that correspond to certain parameters, the level of declared qualifications, production standards adopted at the enterprise, are characteristic of a given enterprise, do not exceed one shift in duration, etc. When passing tests (samples) for a category, the worker must answer all the questions provided for in the sections of the tariff and qualification reference book “job characteristics” and “must know” of the category for which the worker is applying. Based on the results of checking the exams and passing the test, the commission makes a decision by voting: to assign or not to assign a new rank.
The decision of the commission is communicated to the employee immediately after voting. The secretary of the commission draws up a protocol in one copy, in which the assessment is given and a recommendation is made on assigning or not assigning a rank to the employee.
No. 11 of the employee’s work book. The rank was assigned in the manner described in this article in the section “Assignment of a qualification rank to a worker.” ¬¦INFORMATION ABOUT JOB N 8604301¦+ T T T +¦N¦Date¦Information about hiring, transfer¦Name,¦¦for-+ T T +for another permanent job, qualifications,¦date and document number, ¦¦pi- ¦day¦month¦year¦of dismissal (indicating the reasons and reference¦on the basis of which¦¦and ¦¦¦¦to the article, paragraph of the law)¦an entry was made¦+ + + + + + +¦ 1 ¦2¦3¦4 ¦+ + T T + + +¦¦¦¦¦Open Joint Stock Company "Time"¦¦+ + + + + + +¦8¦11 ¦05 ¦2003¦Hired as a mechanic of the 2nd category ¦Order dated 05/11/2003 N 52-K¦+ + + + + + +¦9¦12 ¦08 ¦2007¦Dismissed at his own request, paragraph 3¦Order dated 08/12/2007 N 43-K¦+ + + + + + +¦¦¦¦ ¦Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation¦¦+ + + + + + +¦¦¦¦¦OKZhilina Inspector O.P.

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory (hereinafter referred to as UTKS) contains tariff and qualification characteristics of workers' professions by type of work and production, depending on their complexity and the corresponding tariff categories; requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of workers; work examples. So, to understand what a qualification category is, let’s look at what is written in labor legislation. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a qualification category is a value that reflects the level of professional training of an employee.

This definition is given within the framework of the tariff system of remuneration. Document fragment. Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Tariff wage systems are wage systems based on a tariff system of differentiation of wages for workers of different categories.
Must know: typing; spelling and punctuation rules; standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation; the order of material arrangement when printing various documents; rules for printing business letters using standard forms; rules for operating typewriters, dictaphones, tape recorders; basics of labor organization; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety. Qualification requirements. Typist of the 1st qualification category: general secondary education and special training according to the established program, typing at a speed of over 200 beats per minute. Typist of the 2nd qualification category: general secondary education and special training according to the established program , printing at speeds up to 200 beats per minute.

The compliance of the actual duties performed and the qualifications of employees with the requirements of job characteristics is determined by the certification commission in accordance with the current regulations on the procedure for certification of managers, specialists and employees. Certification is of great importance for both the employer and the employee. For the employer, this is an opportunity to optimize the use of labor resources, form a personnel reserve, create additional incentives to improve the skills of employees, strengthen responsibility and performance discipline, and provide the opportunity to terminate an employment contract with employees who do not meet the requirements.

And employees, having undergone certification, have the opportunity to establish themselves as qualified, proactive employees, ensure an increase in wages, and move up the career ladder.

Average salary: 25,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


A technician is a specialist in the field of equipment and mechanisms who knows the structure of various devices, their operating principles and operating rules. The prototype of the profession appeared back in Antiquity. Over time, technology improved, mechanisms and devices became more complex, the need for specialists to service and repair them grew and reached its peak in the 19th century, when a scientific and technological revolution took place that turned the world upside down. Thanks to rapid progress, the profession of a technician has become in demand and remains so to this day.


Technology is a general direction that brings together specialists from completely different fields:

  • Dental Technician- creates dental prostheses. A doctor who does not have contact with patients, but is only responsible for the production process.
  • Technician-programmer- is responsible for the stable operation of the software, develops simple programs and algorithms. In fact, the same programmer, only with secondary specialized education.
  • - engages in maintenance and repair of electrical networks, works with high voltage.
  • Heating engineer- maintains heating networks: checks the serviceability of equipment, repairs it.
  • - repairs pipelines, eliminates blockages and leaks. Usually works in the housing and communal services sector.
  • Aviation technician- maintains aircraft: deals with pre-flight preparations, checks flights after landing.
  • Mechanical technician- understands the structure of various types of mechanisms, restores and maintains them.
  • - monitors the production process, monitors compliance with technological standards, and identifies defects.

The range of professions related to technology is huge, and the requirements for training specialists vary greatly: for some specialties it is enough to graduate from college or technical school, while others require higher education.

Where to study

You can get a technician diploma in many universities and colleges of various profiles. Examples of educational institutions:

  • Moscow State Technical University named after. H. E. Bauman;
  • St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University;
  • Tyumen Industrial University;
  • Moscow Aviation Institute;
  • Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University).
  • Petrovsky College (St. Petersburg);
  • Ural Polytechnic College (Ekaterinburg).

Job responsibilities

The responsibilities of a technician depend on their specialization and field of activity and therefore vary greatly. Nevertheless, several general tasks can be identified:

  • preparing new equipment for operation, setting up;
  • creation of technical descriptions and instructions for personnel;
  • identifying the causes of malfunctions and repairing equipment in case of breakdowns;
  • equipment modernization, modification and replacement;
  • design of new equipment (for specialists with higher education).

Demand, earnings and professional prospects

People who enter the profession have a technical mindset, developed analytical thinking, and at the same time know how to work with their hands. Considering the popularity of humanities specialties among modern applicants, professional technicians are in great demand, so a graduate of the relevant university or college will quickly find a job. This usually happens before graduation, during practice, especially if it takes place in production. As for earnings, it greatly depends on the field of activity, position held, region and education of the employee. To build a career, you need to graduate from college. Having become an engineer, you can apply for the position of production manager and subsequently rise to the head of a department or even the head of an enterprise, having received additional education in the field of management.

Domestic technicians are highly valued abroad, so graduates of relevant universities build a career not only in Russia. Having received education and work experience in your homeland, with due diligence you will be able to leave on a work visa to Europe or even America, where the salary level is significantly higher.

Regardless of what kind of education he has - a technician or an engineer, in order to succeed in this profession, he needs a set of some special personal qualities. First of all, he must be able to think logically and calculate events many moves ahead. He will also need attentiveness, perseverance and the ability to do not only creative work, but also rather routine work. Sometimes, in order to bring a creative idea to life, he will need to spend more than 90% of his time on its implementation and debugging of the program. Of course, one cannot do without determination and perseverance in this profession, as well as without developed intelligence, the ability to master the exact sciences and the ability to concentrate.

To get a job as a software technician, a person must have a secondary vocational education; it is very good if he also has work experience in this specialty.

What are the job responsibilities of a software engineer?

Of course, what the job of a software technician will consist of largely depends on what area he will work in and what type of activity the company is engaged in. But there are, of course, general requirements and knowledge that will be useful to him in any workplace. First of all, he needs to have a perfect knowledge of computers and the devices used in conjunction with them, as well as devices for collecting, processing and transmitting information, the rules for their maintenance and operation. You will need knowledge of methods and technologies for automated information processing, basic programming languages, and specialized software products used in the work of this enterprise.

The job responsibilities of a software technician usually include work to ensure the uninterrupted operation of computer systems and equipment installed at user workstations. He will need to perform preparatory operations related to the operation of local computer networks, monitor how workstations operate, and provide technical assistance.

He may be required to develop simple utilities and work programs to optimize the production process; he must debug and test them. In some cases, he may be entrusted with drawing up simple diagrams of technological processes for processing various information flows in an enterprise or individual algorithms for solving those problems that the IT department faces. At many enterprises, software engineers are involved in maintaining databases, filling them, storing them, and processing them. A software engineer at any enterprise must be able to work with large amounts of data, know the rules for archiving and storing them, he must have an idea of

7 (40141) 4 26 74 5 years

There are different techniques - black, white, red.
there are technicians, for example, heating systems, and my first specialty is a dental technician
there are pipes, there are teeth! nothing in common)))))

    0 2

7 (29895) 9 27 130 5 years

The profession of a technician is very diverse. They are different:
The profession of a technician is multifaceted and widespread. Representatives with technical specialties can be either builders or automotive specialists. But not only that, specialists in this field can have a wide profile, engaging in both power supply and welding work.
As a rule, specialists with this profession include skilled workers who are capable of servicing various equipment.
Profession "computer technician".
Today, not a single large company can do without modern office equipment. Each employee has a workstation and a personal computer. The profession of “computer technician” appeared precisely so that a breakdown of equipment would not cause the work of the entire enterprise to stop. The main responsibilities of specialists in this profession:
1. Ensuring the correct operation of computer networks;
2. Installation and connection of additional computer equipment;
3. Computer maintenance;
4. Software installation;
5. Troubleshooting the system;
6. Ensuring information security in the company;
7. Modernization of equipment and replacement of obsolete elements.
Maintenance Specialist
What qualities does a young man who wants to connect his life with a technical profession need to have? A maintenance specialist must have logical thinking, good memory, mathematical ability, patience, creative thinking and perseverance. If a future student has all of the above qualities, then studying at a technical college will allow him, firstly, to find a job and, secondly, to become a highly qualified specialist in his field.
The technician is a professional, capable of ensuring the serviceability and smooth functioning of the equipment, regardless of the type and size (clock mechanism, Boeing engine).
According to many, with reasonable use of equipment, the possibility of its breakdown can be eliminated, which is why specialists in this field are underestimated. But according to statistics, we see that with the technical serviceability of the mechanism, the percentage of the user making any mistake decreases.
The profession of a technician is a welder and its general characteristics.
A qualified specialist who ensures the technological process, namely its implementation, carries out welding work.
Job responsibilities of a welding technician:
1. Carrying out the necessary calculations and preparing technical documentation;
2. Identifying the causes of product defects;
3. Development of measures to prevent it, and, if necessary, eliminate it;
4. Engaged in drawing up repair schedules for welding equipment (preventive and overhaul).
A specialist in this field must have the necessary knowledge, have an understanding not only of the design of welding equipment, but also apply the rules of its operation, adjustment, and others.
People with such a profession must be attentive, careful, responsible, and have an accurate eye.
Not everyone will be able to master the skills of a welding technician due to medical contraindications: poor hearing and vision, diseases associated with allergies, nervous and mental illnesses.
Related professions for a welding technician: construction technician, technical editor, process technician, electrician technician.
Profession: Mechanical technician, specialist in car repair and maintenance.
The job description for a mechanic technician lists the following requirements:
1. Planning and organization of work related to maintenance;
2. Installation and repair work of trucks, cars, buses;
3. Adjustment of individual components and assemblies;
4. Carrying out the necessary calculations and preparing technical documentation;
5. Identification of various causes of malfunction.
A person with this profession must be distinguished by technical and logical thinking, be responsible, neat and attentive.
Related professions for a technician - mechanic for car repair and maintenance are the following professions: technician - welder, technician - builder, technician - technologist, technician - electrician.


The word "technology", derived from "technike" in Greek, translates as "art". Initially, it meant everything that was made by hand. Researchers attribute the beginning of a more thorough approach to technical activity to the contemporaries of the Renaissance. During this period, the role of inventors of various mechanisms and devices in society is increasingly increasing. People had a need for mass production of household items: the manual work of artisans was no longer enough. Thus, manufactories and representatives of various technical professions began to appear.

Demand for the profession

Very in demand

Currently, profession Technique considered to be in high demand in the labor market. Many firms and many enterprises need qualified specialists in this field, because the industry is developing rapidly, and specialists are still receiving education.

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Description of activity

The activities of a technician involve the use of various equipment. Such an employee installs it and configures the necessary options. He also monitors the quality of operation and serviceability of the device and, if necessary, is able to repair it. In addition, there are specialists who create their own equipment. Representatives of this profession have universal professional skills, which allows some of them to be simultaneously mechanics, technologists, and electricians. The work of technicians is indispensable in such areas as aviation, construction, electricity supply, manufacturing of automobiles, production equipment, and household appliances.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Technique cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Technique, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Technique You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Technician(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Technician.

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Job responsibilities

The technician must participate in the development of projects, laboratory research of equipment, its installation, and configuration. He needs to monitor the condition of technical equipment, ensure safety and proper operation. To do this, this specialist must regularly inspect the serviceability of all parts and make repairs if necessary. He should spend time monitoring whether workers are using the equipment correctly. The responsibility of such an employee is also to maintain paperwork. He draws up instructions for equipment, fills out reports on working with devices and other technical documentation.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Technique- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Technique the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

Depending on his specialization, a technician can work at various manufacturing enterprises, design bureaus, construction and airline companies, and car service centers. The level of his salary will depend on the level of his professional skills, length of service and place of work.

Career Opportunities

Good conditions for a career

According to the majority of respondents, the profession Technique has good conditions for a career. Having taken the position of a simple worker in this field, you can quickly climb the career ladder, but, of course, if you have interest and personal efforts.

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