Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: Animals. Zoological lotto methodological development in biology (grade 7) on the topic Zoological lotto game

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Zoological lotto quiz in the World of Wild Animals will introduce your child to various animals inhabiting our planet and their habitats. The game helps develop attention, memory, the ability to follow rules, and also broadens one’s horizons.

Number of players: 2-6 people.
Package size: 23x35x4 cm.

The set includes:

  • playing field,
  • game cube,
  • cards - 56 pcs.,
  • rules of the game in Russian.

Rules of the game:

Before the game, you need to look at all the cards with animals, get acquainted with their names (the application contains all the names of the animals). At the beginning of the game, all cards are shuffled and laid out face down on designated areas of the field in random order. Having received the right to move, the player rolls the dice, after which he takes as many cards from the field as the number of dots that appear on the top side of the cube. If the side ends up without points, then the move passes to the next player. Next, the player finds in the vacated areas of the field the same images of animals as on the selected cards (as we can see, this is the lotto principle). Then he must remember the names of these animals and place the cards on the matching parts of the field with the pictures facing up (and this is the principle of the quiz). If the illustrations on the open areas of the field do not match the images on the cards that the player has, then the move is transferred to the next player.
The winner is the one who is the first to correctly place all his cards on the playing field.

You can buy a zoological lotto quiz in the World of Wild Animals with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region right now, just click on the icon - “Buy” and “Proceed to checkout”.


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biology teacher, gymnasium No. 82, Ufa

Zoological lotto

I play this game in the fourth quarter in the 7th grade after studying the biology course “Animals”. 2 teams are invited from each class (6 teams in total).

There are six signs posted on the board with the word ANIMALS. Each word must be a certain color: red, orange, brown, green, blue, purple; it must consist of individual letters so that they can be removed. There is a question written on the back of each letter plate.

ANIMALS – red letters
ANIMALS – orange letters
ANIMALS – brown letters
ANIMALS – green letters
L I V O T N Y E – blue letters
ANIMALS – purple letters

The team chooses any letter of any color. The presenter reads out the question. If the team answers the question correctly, it takes the letter, but if the answer was incorrect, the letter remains on the board. The winner is the team that collects the word L I V O T N Y E the fastest (the letters can be different colors). The teams answer in turn, and some other team, knowing the correct answer to already asked question, can again choose the same letter as the previous team (if they need that letter).

The number of lines with the word LIVE can be one more than the number of commands.

Once one of the teams wins, the game does not end. The guys continue to fight for 2nd and 3rd places.

There may be several answers to the same question. It worked out in such a way that the guys, hearing that their comrades’ answers were wrong, eventually found the correct answer and were very happy about it.


For many centuries, people believed that the cry of this poultry could disperse any evil spirits. Name it.

(Rooster. )

The ancient Egyptians deified this beetle, rolling balls of dung, and considered it a symbol of the sun. His image could be seen on amulets and jewelry. What is it called?


In the East, this animal is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. According to ancient legend, this animal was the first to respond to the Buddha's call to visit him and pay respect to him on the first day of the new year. Name it.

(Rat. )

The Arabs considered these animals cursed by Allah, and the Hindus built temples in their honor. Who is this?

(Monkey. )

Describing the temple dedicated to this sacred animal, one of the ancient travelers noted: “These animals always have food in abundance, believers bring it in such quantities that the priestesses of the temple have the opportunity to live no worse than the gods themselves.” What animals were so revered?


In this order of birds you can find both an emperor and a king.

(Penguin squad.)

In ancient times, these animals were believed to have magical powers. They did everything they could with them to prepare various potions - burned, crushed, dried, boiled with various herbs. And in our time, this animal has become the name and symbol of the largest Western European shoe company. Who is this?


It was this bird that became a symbol of goodness and happiness. Who is this?



Olives, cypres, nassa - all these gastropods were united in the history of mankind by one very important quality. They served... What?

(With money.)

Abroad, in a restaurant you will be served regular mackerel, but on the menu they will call it differently. How?


Kostya the sailor from the famous song successfully fished for this particular fish.


It was with them that Pushkin wrote poetry, music by Mozart and Beethoven, and philosophical treatises by Descartes. With what?

(Goose feathers.)

Greek triremes, Venetian galleys, Dutch dams - everything was destroyed by billions of hordes of this mollusk. What is it called?

(Shipworm, or hornworm.)

For medieval knights, this bird of the gallinaceous order became a symbol of fidelity, for Chinese painters - a wish for a successful career.


According to French belief, they purify the air and water of toxic substances; rats are afraid of them, and therefore sailors take them on board the ship. Who are they?


The first Russian person to become acquainted with protozoa was probably Tsar Peter I. During his trip to Holland, while in the city of Delft, he invited the discoverer of protozoa to his ship, and he showed the king a microscope and the protozoa seen with it, which brought Peter into indescribable delight. Who did Peter I meet?

(A. Levenguk.)


This is the name of one of the varieties of crocodiles and a river in Australia. How exactly?


Venezuela, Canada, Nigeria, Uruguay - all these states are united by the fact that the coats of arms of their countries depict... Who?

(Horse. )

Outstanding Austrian biologist, Nobel Prize laureate, one of the founders of ethology - the science of animal behavior. You've probably read his books “The Ring of King Solomon” and “A Man Finds a Friend”. Who is he?

(Konrad Lorenz.)

These birds are depicted on the coat of arms of New Zealand, they are protected by the state, and we willingly feast on fruits with the same name.


The name of these islands is translated from Spanish as “turtle”. It was them that in 1835, while circumnavigating the world on the ship Bingle, the young Charles Darwin visited. What are these islands?

(Galapagos Islands.)

This sea predator adorns the coat of arms of the Solomon Islands.

(Shark. )

It is unlikely that any of you know the language of the indigenous people of Australia. And an Australian aborigine, having heard our language, would probably also say: “I don’t understand you.” By the way, how does it sound in his language?

(“Kangoo-ru” - “I don’t understand you.”)

What animal's fur is used to trim Monomakh's hat - one of the symbols of autocracy in Russia?

(Sable fur.)


The famous Spanish folk dance, named after the spider, has survived to this day. What are the names of the dance and the spider?

(Tarantella - tarantula.)

A frog that thrives in water gave birth to a style of swimming known in the sports world as...


We admire the ballroom dance that owes its name to the fox. What kind of dance is this and what does the fox have to do with it?

(Foxtrot - “fox step”.)

Which country's footballers' jerseys are decorated with a cockerel?


There is a poisonous black snake in Africa. It got its name from a famous African dance because the movements of a person running away from this snake through the jungle resemble the movements of this dance. What was the name of the snake and what is the name of the dance?

(The black mamba is a mamba.)


On Latin the name of this animal sounds like “wakka” (the word “Vaccine” comes from it). However, we call it differently. How?

(Cow. )

The image of this cute and very rare animal has become the emblem of the World Fund for Animal Welfare.

(Big panda. )


At the New York Zoo, a sign hangs near a cage made of thick metal rods: “The most dangerous predator on earth.” Looking into the cage, you can see... Who?

(A mirror, and in it yourself.)

This animal was the favorite of both the Prophet Mohammed and Cardinal Richelieu. Who is it?

(Cat. )

With the help of the poison of this particular snake, Queen Cleopatra took her own life. What is this snake called?

(Egyptian cobra - Gaia.)

Ancient Greek mythology says that Hercules destroyed the Lernaean hydra. Who did Perseus kill?

(Medusa Gargon.)

According to Horace, the ancient Romans were great lovers of the meat of this particular fish. These monsters were bred in special pools, throwing obstinate slaves at them to be devoured. What kind of fish are these?

(Moray eels.)

Stories about these arachnids can be found in myths Ancient Greece and Egypt. In alchemist manuscripts this animal is mentioned as a magical attribute for transforming lead into gold. And among Christians it is a typical representative of the “fauna” of the underworld. Who is this?

(Scorpion. )

In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus, in order to get closer to the gullible Leda, chose the image of this bird, which is a symbol of nobility, purity and fidelity.


What English navigator and traveler in the 70s of the 18th century. was the first European to write about the existence of tuateria?

(J. Cook.)


It is believed that when the last of these “employees” of the Tower dies, England will also perish.

(Crow. )

In Europe, this insect is called the sun calf. What do we call him?

(Ladybug. )

For what purpose did the noble ladies of Europe in the 16th century. wore animal skins suspended on a chain from their belt?

(These skins were supposed to collect fleas, of which there were many in the folds of the fluffy dresses.)

Which European country's banknotes have a watermark with a bee on them?


This insect was known even before our era in Ancient Greece and Rome. It came to other European countries only in the 10th century. and immediately received the name “nightmare”. Who is this?


As their power increased, German tanks during World War II were called "Panther", "Tiger", and "Royal Tiger". And the most powerful one was called... What?

("Mouse". )

Watercolor artists prefer brushes made from the fur of this predator.


It was they who accompanied Hannibal's army on the campaign against Rome.


Riddles about animals, a fascinating zoological lotto about the animal world, for children from 6 years old, 2006.


I Option. Players are dealt large cards and asked to identify the ecosystem (habitat area) depicted on them. The child must choose the ones he needs from the proposed names (suitable for his cards). For example, this is a desert, and this is a steppe, etc. Then the presenter takes one by one small cards with the inhabitants of the Earth and reads brief descriptions animals. If after reading the animal is not guessed, then the presenter shows its image. If the player who has the card with the habitat zone of this animal guesses who he is talking about, then he takes the card for himself and places it on the large card in the appropriate place. If the animal is guessed only from the description without a picture, then a prize token is issued. These tokens can be used to cover empty spaces on maps. The first one to fill out their ecosystem cards wins.
II Option. Small cards with pictures of animals are shuffled and distributed among the players. The first player lays out any card, and the next one can only put a card next to it that is similar in some way. For example: "seal" and "arctic fox" - live in the tundra, "hare" and "fox" - the fox hunts the hare, "peacock" and "bearded vulture" - birds, "squirrel" and "badger" - begin with " b" etc. The next player continues the logical chain. If there is no option, then the move is skipped (or you can put the prize token earned in the first version of the game). The one who runs out of cards first wins.
III Option. The cards are shuffled and distributed equally among the players. First, they lay out everything one by one, for example, birds, then mammals, reptiles, insects. The player who runs out of cards wins.

Polar owl.
There is even white feathering on the toes, something like mittens. Unlike its southern relatives, it hunts during daylight hours.

Polar bear.
The most famous polar inhabitant. Its thick white fur and thick layer of subcutaneous fat retain heat well.

The only large herbivore in the tundra. Domesticated by people, it serves not only vehicle, clothing is made from its skins, and medicine is made from its horns.

A thick layer of subcutaneous fat protects it from hypothermia. Newborn squirrels have thick and warm fur, invisible in the snow.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Riddles about Animals, a fascinating zoological lotto about the animal world, for children from 6 years old, 2006 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Physiology of farm animals, Nikitin Yu.I., 2006
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