Where to plant ferns in the country. How to grow a wonderful fern in your own garden? Main problems when growing

It is called creeping hop, beer hop, climbing hop, bitter... This powerful and beautiful vine has everything to be useful to a person. Hops is revered by many peoples of the world; it is a symbol of fertility, strong economy, prowess, happiness and longevity; it is depicted on coats of arms and coins. But many summer residents are not at all happy with him. Hops tend to grow rapidly, suppressing the growth of cultivated plants around them. But is it really necessary to fight it?

Pork with eggplant - a delicious stew with vegetables and spicy rice, easy and simple to prepare for dinner or lunch. It will take about half an hour to prepare, so this recipe can be classified as “if you need dinner quickly.” The dish turns out nourishing, aromatic, piquant. Turmeric gives the ingredients a beautiful golden-yellow color, while cloves, cardamom, garlic and chili add a piquant touch to the dish. For this recipe, choose lean meat.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are accustomed to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Despite the confusion with the name “Christmas cactus” that has accumulated over the past decades, one of the most recognizable and colorful forest cacti, epiphyllums, remains everyone’s favorites. Leafless, with flattened stems, flowering amazingly profusely, hybrid epiphyllums with their hanging shoots and delicate flowers do not require particularly complex care from their owners. They can become the most striking flowering succulent plant in any collection.

Merchant style buckwheat with meat and pumpkin is an easy recipe for a delicious dinner or lunch. I recommend finishing it in the oven, although you can also cook it on the stove. Firstly, it tastes better in the oven, as the buckwheat steams, becomes very tasty, and the meat turns out tender. Secondly, the hour that it languishes in the oven can be spent on yourself or communicating with loved ones. Perhaps many will decide that buckwheat with meat is an ordinary dish, but try cooking it according to this recipe.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing complicated in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. She demands special conditions contents in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Decorative fern in own garden will become a real highlight of your home flower bed. It is not difficult to grow it; the main thing is to consider in advance the basic rules for selecting and planting ferns. Consider the key recommendations and feel free to start purchasing seedlings or seed material.

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Planting a garden fern is a responsible process. To grow it on your own personal plot, you need to take seriously the choice of a suitable variety. If flower growers purchase exotic varieties for indoor cultivation that require a lot of attention, then it is better to root cold-resistant, unpretentious specimens in the garden.

Most often, domestic gardeners prefer to plant asplenium, low-growing woodsia, kochededzhnik, osmunda or chistoust near the house.

With their help, you can decorate almost any flower bed, as well as create an alpine slide.

Video “Planting and growing ferns”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant, propagate and care for the plant.

Preparatory stage

Garden ferns should be planted on the site based on the recommendations of experts. But before you root a fern in your own dacha, carefully prepare for this procedure. First of all, you need to select high-quality planting material, determine the optimal place for its rooting, and also study the basic requirements for soil composition.

Selecting a location Planting ferns correctly in the garden is not difficult. The first thing you need to do is choose a good place

for a plant. Most fern varieties do not tolerate direct sunlight, and this must be taken into account. That is why select a shaded place for this flower, where moisture will remain in the soil for a long time.

Soil requirements

Further care Even a novice gardener can care for an unpretentious garden fern. If you follow the basic recommendations, you will be able to use this green copy for decoration landscape design

in the country. Complete care includes fertilizing the soil, regularly moistening it, as well as loosening the soil and protecting it from insects and diseases.

To grow ferns in the garden, it is advisable to focus on moistening the substrate. It must be done regularly, at least once every 5–7 days. With the onset of autumn, the frequency of watering can be reduced, since during this period the plant will not need as much moisture.

Do not forget that the features and frequency of irrigation of the substrate will also depend on what type of fern you prefer. You should not over-moisten the soil, because if the water stagnates in it, this will lead to rotting of the roots.

Soil care

Every gardener can grow varieties of forest fern. But you certainly cannot do without careful care of the soil composition. First of all, think about regularly feeding the substrate. It is best to saturate it with organic mixtures. However, for variety, add complex mineral fertilizer in liquid form. It won't hurt to loosen the soil from time to time either.

Take care of your ferns and they will delight you with their lush greenery for a long time.

When arranging a local area or a courtyard at the dacha, many people wonder: is it possible to plant a fern near the house? Do signs consider this plant to be a protector or, conversely, a real magnet for trouble? And you wouldn’t even think about it, because our people have created so many legends, myths and fairy tales about this plant! But in legends it is forest... Is it worth “registering” it in a residential area?

  • If you start it in your apartment (house), it turns out that the plant will begin to correct the microclimate in the room. There will be fewer arguments in the family, outbursts of rage or anger will gradually fade away. And the larger your family (and therefore, the more “cockroaches” clash every day, arguing about everyday topics), the more you need such a pet.
  • Do you have a hot temperament, and your spouse is a typical phlegmatic (or vice versa)? You cannot do without a fern: it will help you find compromises.
  • In addition, this plant can become an assistant to businessmen and business people. Esotericists talk about how people whose business had not been successful for a long time planted a fern in a flowerpot - and suddenly earned big money. And all thanks to the adventurous “spark” that this plant generates in the soul of a business person.
  • This “green friend” is also used by players hoping to hit the jackpot in a casino or card games. But in this case it does not always help. The fact is that the plant knows how to warn its owner against thoughtless spending. But this is exactly what buying chips in a casino is considered to be!
  • Modern magicians say: in the garden, near the house, this modest bush is a living amulet. It protects the yard and house from evil spirits and the tricks of evil witches. If it grows near your home, a malicious person will not be able to cast a black spell on it (and you).
  • If a bush (even despite care and regular watering) began to wither and eventually withered, it died for a reason. This means that damage has already been sent to you, and he took it upon himself.

  • Opponents of fern are sure: this plant is a real energy vampire. And the larger and juicier the fern grows, the more mental strength it stole from the people around it.

However, in this regard, the plant can be neutralized! If it grows in a house (apartment), place it close to the TV, let it be fed by the “News” program.

  • You cannot place a flowerpot with this plant in a hospital. Although it “drinks” a person’s negative energy, sick people are already exhausted, the green “vampire” will tire them even more.
  • There is also an opinion that this forest dweller is too complex in mystical terms, so it is better to leave him where he grew up, that is, in the “bear corner”. Otherwise, the house (yard) can be filled with complete failures.
  • Esotericists say: for some people, indoor fern causes rapid fatigue, as well as frequent illness.

But doctors have already found a pragmatic answer to this mystical question! The fact is that the plant absorbs a lot of oxygen, so you shouldn’t keep it in the bedroom overnight - it will end in headaches. And besides, it is contraindicated for allergy sufferers due to the spores secreted by the leaves.

Plant in legends of the peoples of the world

  • The Slavs believe that this plant blooms on Kupala night (once a year), and this flower helps to see treasures buried deep underground.
  • Modern Slavs (who already know well what the “flowers” ​​of most ferns actually look like) say: if you tell your pet about your cherished wish during the period of spore production, it may well come true.
  • For the British, this plant is a love talisman. It is often started by romantic couples. Most of all, this “green friend” helps a man in love, so a guy from Foggy Albion can buy (plant) a fern at home, even if his chosen one does not reciprocate his feelings yet.
  • Also, the ancient English (like the Russians, for that matter) believed that if you find a fern flower, you can make yourself invisible at will.
  • In many Western European countries they believed that these leaves could protect the yard or house from a thunderstorm. If there was no rain in the villages for a long time, they tried to cause it by cutting and burning fern leaves. At the same time, superstitions warned: you should not uproot the bush, nature will take revenge for this with a storm.

Fern and zodiac signs

  • Astrologers consider this plant to be the talisman of Gemini. They are sure: if this “guest from antiquity” is planted in his home (garden, yard) by a person born from May 21 to June 20, the bush will be an excellent assistant in business, as well as a personal “harmonizer” (it will balance a person’s desires and needs).
  • As for other zodiac signs, fern is not harmful to them either. “Green Pet” cleanses the soul of unnecessary desires and experiences, directing thoughts from unimportant things to truly necessary and important things.
  • If speak about Chinese horoscope, then this plant is best suited for people born in the year of the Snake and Dragon.
  • Well, if you believe the calendar of the ancient Druids, it turns out that these sages almost completely agree with modern astrologers. Yes, the Druids also believed that the fern was a lucky talisman for people born on the 20th of June. This bush gives them joy, relieving them of chaos and mental “mess”.

What can an experienced herbalist, that is, a herbalist, tell you about this plant? Everything is in this video.

Mysterious openwork fronds growing in the depths of the forest have always become characters in various legends, mystical stories and fairy tales.

A long time ago, a fern settled in the garden. Planting and caring for it require certain conditions of placement and moisture, otherwise the forest dweller is not picky.

Many nationalities still believe that once a year on the night of Ivan Kupala, an amazing flower blooms, bringing happiness to those who see it, or pointing out where the treasure is buried.

Alas, the lover of thick thickets does not bloom.

Due to their ability to reproduce by spores, the famous botanist Carl Linnaeus nicknamed ferns secretagogous plants.

They live in shady forests at the foot of tree trunks.

Some grow like epiphytes on the branches of large giants, adapt to cling to rock ledges, prefer wet banks of rivers and lakes, swamp hummocks, and even manage to perch on the walls of city buildings.

Ferns live everywhere, but their greatest diversity is in the humid tropics and subtropics.

However, there are many species that grow in temperate climates. Many of them are used in cultural cultivation. Among gardeners they are known under the common name - garden fern.

Botanical portrait

The oldest plants on the planet, ferns are extremely diverse and differ in their shapes, sizes, structural features and life cycle.

They don't have true leaves. What everyone calls leaves is more correctly called flat branches, or fronds, which are a whole system of pagons located in the same plane.

There are no flowers; they reproduce by spores or vegetatively - using fragments of rhizomes, fronds, buds, aphlebia (leaf-like processes at the base of the frond) and other methods, in particular by sexual reproduction in some varieties.

The spores, which are mistaken for fern seeds, are usually located on the underside of the frond.

Types of ferns grown in the garden

In temperate latitudes, plants with short stems buried in the soil are common. Fronds forming from the buds of the rhizome unfold above the ground surface.

They are characterized by apical growth, and their main purpose is sporulation and photosynthesis.

The following take root most readily in the shady areas of the middle zone: garden species:

Ostrich fern (Matteucia struthiopteris)

A graceful plant with aerial fronds one and a half meters high and approximately 1 m in circumference of the bush. It easily adapts to any conditions, is not picky about the composition of the soil, and is resistant to cold.

Its only whim is high soil moisture.

It prefers shade, in an open place it will grow shorter, and the fronds will be much lighter than those of the ostrich bird grown under the canopy of trees.

In August, sporophylls form in the center of the rosette - brown, feathery and leathery.

Adiantum pedatum

An extremely frost-resistant species, it is not afraid of temperatures of 35 degrees below zero. It loves moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water.

The bush is round, with pinnately dissected fronds of light emerald color, cut along the edges, and bend in an arc.

Female stumpweed (Athyrium filix-femina)

An unpretentious species that will tolerate even stagnant water.

Many varieties have been bred that are distinguished by their decorative properties; flower growers especially love LadyinRed - with red petioles and openwork dissected fronds.

However, at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, after sporulation, they turn brown and look undecorative.

Japanese stumpweed (Athyrium niponicum)

Well suited for growing in the middle zone, it loves moist, nutritious forest soil and shade, and copes with low winter temperatures.

There are beautiful varieties of Metallica and Ursula’s Red, which have fronds with a silver tint and purple veins.

Royal Osmunda (Osmunda regalis)

One of the most spectacular ferns with large, often almost two-meter leaves.

It is quite frost-resistant, but gardeners with experience in growing it still advise mulching the soil around it.

Osmunda requires regular watering; its spores, like ostrich, quickly lose their viability; they must be sown only when freshly collected.

Bracken Fern (Pteridium aguillinum)

It is distinguished by graceful double- and triple-pinnate fronds on long petioles, rigid, triangular-ovate in shape.

Bracken is characterized by rapid growth, which turns into a disorderly cover.

The peculiarity of the plant is that its spore sacs are hidden in the folded edges of the leaves, and not like other ferns - simply attached to the underside. Used for food and folk medicine.

Phyllitis sclopendrium

The popular synonym is “deer tongue.” It has fronds without dissection, which makes it different from other ferns.

It grows up to 50 cm, is thermophilic, requires shelter for the winter.

Polystichum fern– several species from a large genus are grown in the garden - Brown (Polystichum braunii), top-fruited (Polystichumacrostichoides), spiny (Polistichumaculeatum) and other herbaceous plants with leathery dense fronds growing from an obliquely growing rhizome. They are characterized by slow growth.

Ground cover ferns include several low and very showy plants:

Linnaean's shieldweed (Dryopteris Linnaeana) – the root system of the fern is highly branched and rapidly growing. The fronds are openwork, light green in color, triangular in outline, with twice pinnately dissected lobes. The spores ripen in June.

Woodsia ilvensis

The plant is only 10-20 cm tall, can withstand both frost and drought, but suffers greatly from direct sunlight, so it is planted only on the north side of buildings.

Hair-like bone (Asplenium trichomanes) - the same low species as the previous one, growing no more than 20 cm in height. Prefers to grow in alkaline soil.

Centipede fern (Polypodium vulgare)

It forms a dense, beautiful canvas, which is often used for landscaping the roofs of high-rise buildings.

Salvinia natans

The most common fern for ponds is considered to be floating salvinia - an annual plant with pale green fronds, collected in pairs in whorls and drifting on the surface of the water. With the arrival of autumn, it sinks to the bottom, only spores overwinter.

Conditions for growing ferns in the garden

The most suitable place for perennials in the garden is a corner protected from direct rays on the north side of buildings located on an area where shade remains most of the day.

Most of them do not like the sun, but if you provide good watering, then in an open, illuminated place you can plant female kochedednik, osmunda, and onoclea.

Polygonum, shieldweed and telipteris do not tolerate bright light at all.

Ferns prefer light and nutritious garden soil that is constantly moist. They feel good near bodies of water.

Slightly acidic soil is suitable for ostrich, nocturnal, Linnaeus, and onoclea; male shield and telipteris marsh grow on swampy acidic soil.

Features of fern propagation

Of all the possible methods in garden floriculture, propagation by spores and division of overgrown bushes is usually used.

Growing fern from spores

The spores ripen in August - from yellowish-green to brown.

They look very small and delicate, are incredibly afraid of drying out and sunlight.

They are sown in containers filled with peat, and the crops are covered with glass on top or the entire container is placed in a transparent plastic bag.

The substrate inside is constantly kept moist.

Shoots appear after 2 weeks or a month.

Young seedlings are planted twice, grown for at least 2 years and only then transplanted into open ground.

Plants grown in this way are distinguished by powerful bushes and resistance to unfavorable conditions environment.

Dividing the bush

Most garden ferns are propagated by fragments of rhizomes or by dividing the bush into several parts.

Use sections of rhizome 20-25 cm long; they should have at least 2 buds.

Those species that have a short rhizome and a rosette growth form are divided if small daughter rosettes have formed next to the adult specimen.

It is best to divide the bush in early spring in cool, cloudy weather, before the fronds have yet developed.

They dig up the bush, cut it between the rosettes with a sharp knife so that well-developed roots in sufficient quantity remain on each section.

The sections are sprinkled with cinnamon or crushed charcoal. After transplanting, the plants are well watered.

It is permissible to divide the bush in the fall at the beginning of September or even at the end of summer - in the last days of August.

The main thing is that the weather on the day of transplantation and for several days after is cool.

Those ferns that grow with only one growth point and do not form rosettes reproduce exclusively with the help of spores.

Features of planting ferns in the garden

Having chosen a suitable place, plant the plant in a shallow hole commensurate with the root system of the plant.

The holes are placed at a distance of 30-50 cm from one another, guided by the expected size of an adult perennial.

A mixture of peat, compost and sand, taken in equal quantities, is poured into the bottom of the hole.

The perennial is positioned so that the base of the frond is not too buried in the ground, watered thoroughly and sprinkled with soil dug out from the hole.

Planting a fern is completed by mulching the soil around the plant to retain moisture with last year's dry leaves or pine needles.

Emerging issues related to landing

The question often asked by flower growers is whether it is possible to plant ferns near the house.

Having rejected all mystical warnings, experts boldly answer them - as many as they like, only from the north side and in the shade.

Similar doubts arise in connection with statements about the energy vampirism of the plant.

They arose due to the ability of the fern to absorb a lot of oxygen at night, so in a living room where people sleep, you cannot place a pot with an indoor fern - the next morning you will get a migraine.

However, this does not apply to garden ferns, because they grow in open spaces, and the amount of oxygen they absorb will not affect those around them.

Another question arises - how often can a fern be transplanted? The less often the better.

Plants don't like to be disturbed root system, especially division.

Powerful, beautiful bushes take several years to form; any intervention in this process stops their development.

Best tips for caring for ferns outdoors

The main care measures involve regular watering of plants, especially in hot summer weather.

The amount of water is not particularly limited if the surrounding air is dry - the plants are also sprayed using spray nozzles for a hose or watering can.

The soil for ferns should be constantly moist.

After drying, it is carefully loosened so as not to catch the root system of the plant, and weeds are removed.

At the beginning of the growing season, perennials are fed once every three weeks with complex mineral fertilizers, and organic matter is added in early spring.

Preparing the fern for winter involves mulching the root space with peat, as well as covering it with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

For frost-resistant species, it is enough to sprinkle the center of the bush with dry leaves, although many plants can do without this.

Diseases and pests of ferns

The decorative appearance of fern plantings is seriously spoiled by slugs and snails that live in humid environments.

They are collected by hand; if the colony is numerous, metaldehyde preparations are scattered between the bushes.

Serious problem for plants they represent bacterial and fungal infections that cause rotting of the rhizomes and, as a result, the death of the entire bush.

The appearance of brown spots on the fronds is a signal for immediate action.

The affected fronds are cut off and burned, and the entire plant is treated with a fungicide, for example, Maxim.

To prevent diseases, they try to water so that the stream of water does not fall into the center of the bush.

Ferns in garden design with other plants (photo)

Spectacular forest aliens add the natural mystery of a virgin corner of nature to the atmosphere of any garden.

The plant looks great on the shore of a reservoir, along garden paths, in the tree trunks, ideal for creating rutariums or rockeries, for decorating the northern shaded slopes of alpine hills.

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We recommend you find out:

It can be found from coniferous forests to the tropics, in almost all natural and climatic zones. The garden fern is most often a native inhabitant of the same area where the garden plot is located.

This selection of crops allows you not to worry about acclimatization of plants and creating for them special conditions content. In addition, ferns growing in Russia are no less decorative and attractive than tropical species, but they are much easier to care for.

Which garden ferns should you choose? Are there species in our forests that are worthy of decorating a flower bed or group planting of conifers?

Ferns in the garden: unpretentious species

If at home gardeners often grow exotic species, then in the garden there is a perfect place for plants that are more adapted to frosty winters, hot summers, cold autumn rains and other vicissitudes of the Russian climate. And there are many such species of ferns that adapt to planting and caring for the dacha.

One of the first can be called. Although many ferns belonging to this genus are quite thermophilic, there are varieties whose openwork leaves tolerate wintering well in the middle zone. Plants prefer partial shade, where they readily form rosettes of medium-sized but very attractive leaves that remain decorative from early spring until snow falls.

Low-growing woodsia is a medium-sized garden fern that in nature prefers to settle on rocky ledges and even on old walls. The height of the crown of small fluffy leaves, depending on the species, reaches only 5–20 centimeters. Moreover, the plant belongs to the long-growing ferns, and in one place it exists perfectly for up to three decades.

Kochedyzhnik forms a dense bush up to a meter high. The peculiarity of this fern growing in the garden is the constant formation of new foliage.

Bracken is rightfully considered one of the most widespread ferns in the world. Its clumps can be found in the Arctic lands and in Australia. For the middle zone, this native species is perfect as a garden crop. The trifoliate carved leaves rise high above the ground level and can become a refuge for early bulbous plants. When planting a fern in the garden and caring for it, bracken is able to grow quickly. Therefore, it is important to immediately take measures to ensure that the crop does not go beyond the boundaries of the area allocated to it.

Osmunda or Chistoust is the largest representative of the family in central Russia and the south of Russia. In nature, it can only be found in the forest zone of the Caucasus and eastern Asia. And in a garden where a fern grows, it will become the center of a plant located in a damp corner.

Another unpretentious garden fern will find a place on the alpine hills. This is a bladderwort - a small shade-tolerant plant with graceful foliage that disappears in the winter.

Planting and caring for garden ferns

To decorate the garden with ferns, plants from the neighboring grove and from the garden center are suitable.

But if in the first case, a carefully dug bush falls into the ground almost instantly, and the gardener may not take measures to additionally protect the roots, then the fern brought from afar is in danger of drying out and dying.

To protect the plant from loss of moisture, which is critical for the crop, before transporting the rhizomes, wrap them in damp cloth or moss, without disturbing the remaining earthen lump. If the leaves droop before planting, they will not regain their elasticity even after watering. To simplify further care, garden ferns are planted immediately.

The location is chosen so that the greenery does not suffer from direct sunlight, and the soil retains low moisture as long as possible. Plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil, the main thing is that the substrate is loose. Sandy loam mixtures with a high humus content are well suited.

If the plant is taken from the forest, it is useful to collect soil here and fill the planting hole with it. This will speed up the acclimatization of the fern in the garden.

In the future, it is important to water the plant regularly every 5–7 days. And fertilize using complex products that include both organic matter and mineral supplements.

The optimal temperature for garden ferns is 15–25 °C. On summer days, especially in well-lit areas, plants require more moisture, and they respond well to watering with foliage.

If a fern planted in the garden grows quickly, then after three years it may become overgrown and require thinning and limitation. This is done in early spring, carefully removing old specimens and dividing the bushes. At the same time, you should delineate the boundaries of the area intended for garden ferns by digging a special mesh, geotextile, slate or boards to a depth of at least 20 cm.

Features of the structure and reproduction of ferns

In addition to dividing adult bushes, some ferns can be propagated by budding. This should be done in early autumn. A developed, healthy leaf blade is bent to the ground and sprinkled along the edges with moist soil so that the central vein remains exposed to the air.

A leaf of a garden fern that has overwintered in this way in the spring will give the gardener several tiny daughter rosettes. They should be separated very carefully, trying not to damage either the above-ground part or the root primordia. Plant small ferns in the garden.

If you use the structural features of ferns and their reproduction, you can wait until the spores on the back of the leaves mature.

First, the spores are dried well in paper envelopes, then, in the middle of winter, they are sown on top of the substrate collected where the fern grows. The spores will have to remain in moist soil for up to a month until the first signs of the emergence of new plants become noticeable. In February, the rosettes are transferred to a greenhouse, and when warmer weather arrives, they are transplanted into the ground to a permanent place.

Video about fern in the garden