Property acquired through budget financing: tax consequences. Acquisition of fixed assets from two sources Acquisition of fixed assets source of financing

It is impossible to accept a fixed asset for accounting for different types of activities. The procedure for accounting for fixed assets acquired through various sources of financing is not established by law. There are no official explanations from regulatory agencies on this matter. Therefore, an institution can independently develop a procedure for accounting for such assets and approve it in its accounting policies. Agree on the developed procedure with the founder. The procedure for recording transactions for the acquisition of fixed assets from several sources of financial support depends on the activity in which the fixed asset is planned to be used. The proposed correspondence of accounts is given in the answer.

It should be borne in mind that an institution can reimburse the costs of purchasing OS through targeted subsidies only if this is specified in the subsidy agreement.

1. Situation: How can a budgetary and autonomous institution reflect in accounting the acquisition of fixed assets from two sources: partly from subsidies and partly from funds from income-generating activities.

It is impossible to accept a fixed asset for accounting for different types of activities. This is due to the fact that a fixed asset object is an object with all its fixtures and fittings. Consequently, one fixed asset cannot represent separate inventory objects, recorded with different characteristics of financial support . This conclusion follows from points 41 , 45 Instructions for the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n.*

The procedure for accounting for fixed assets acquired (created) from various sources of financing, legislation (in particular, Instructions for the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n, instructions 174n , 183n) not installed. There are no official explanations from regulatory agencies on this matter. Therefore, an institution can independently develop a procedure for accounting for such assets and approve it in its accounting policies ( P. 6 Instructions for the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n).

The chief accountant advises: due to the lack of clarifications related to the accounting of property acquired through various sources of financial support, agree on the developed procedure with the founder.*

It should be noted that in private explanations, employees of regulatory agencies express the following position.

It is possible to pay for goods, work, and services (including fixed assets) using subsidies (in whole or in part) provided that they are necessary to fulfill the state task and their purchase is provided for in the financial and economic activity plan. Accordingly, such goods (works, services) must be taken into account according to the type of financial support code 4 - “subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks.”

It is not possible to pay for goods (work, services) that are planned to be used in business activities using subsidies. This is explained by the fact that subsidies are provided to the institution for specific purposes (in particular, the fulfillment of government tasks, the maintenance of real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to the institution by the founder or acquired at the expense of the founder). This conclusion follows from paragraph 1 Article 78.1 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 6 Article 9.2 of the Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ, parts 3 , 4 Article 4 of the Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ.

Therefore, if subsidies were used to pay for goods (works, services) that are intended for use in business activities (for example, if there are no funds from income-generating activities in the account), the balance in the subsidies account must be restored after funds from paid activities. And the goods (work, services) should be taken into account according to the code of type of financial support 2 - “income-generating activity (institution’s own income).” To restore the balance of subsidies (or another source of financing), it is provided account 0.304.06.000“Settlements with other creditors” ( P. 145-147 Instructions No. 174n , P. 173-175 Instructions No. 183n).*

The procedure for recording in accounting transactions related to the acquisition of fixed assets from several sources depends on the type of institution.

In accounting for budgetary institutions:

The procedure for recording transactions for the acquisition of fixed assets from several sources of financial support depends on the activity in which the fixed asset is planned to be used.

OS is planned to be used as part of income-generating activities

If the fixed asset is planned to be used as part of an income-generating activity, and at the time of payment there are insufficient funds in the personal account for this type of financial security, make the following entries in accounting:

Debit 2.302.31.830 Credit
- payment of part of the cost of fixed assets from funds from income-generating activities is reflected;

Credit 18(KOSGU code 310)

Debit 4.304.06.830 Credit
- payment of part of the cost of fixed assets at the expense of subsidies is reflected (acceptance for accounting of receivables in terms of payment for the cost of fixed assets at the expense of subsidies) (based on a certificate from form no. 0504833 and personal account statements);

Credit 18(KOSGU code 310)
- the withdrawal of funds from the institution’s account is reflected;

Debit 2.302.31.830 Credit 2.304.06.730
- the acceptance for accounting of accounts payable is reflected in the amount of funds received by the institution through subsidies and aimed at fulfilling obligations assumed within the framework of business activities (based on a certificate form no. 0504833 );

Debit (, Credit 2.302.31.730
- the costs of acquiring fixed assets are reflected;

Debit (, Credit (,
- fixed assets are accepted for accounting at their original cost.

When funds are received from paid activities, restore to the account the amount of subsidies spent on the purchase of fixed assets (based on a certificate form no. 0504833 ). In this case, there is no movement of funds in the personal account. Make the following entries in your accounting:

Debit Credit 4.304.06.730
- the restoration of the amount of subsidies raised for the purchase of fixed assets is reflected in the account;

Debit 18(KOSGU code 310)
- the restoration of cash expenses is reflected in the subsidies account;

- a decrease in debt is reflected in the amount of subsidies raised for the purchase of fixed assets, at the expense of funds received into the personal account from paid activities;

Credit 18(KOSGU code 310)
- the withdrawal of funds from the account for accounting for funds from paid activities is reflected.

The OS is planned to be used as part of government assignments

If the fixed asset is planned to be used as part of the execution of a government task, and at the time of payment there are insufficient funds in the personal account for this type of financial security, make the following entries in accounting:

Debit 4.302.31.830 Credit
- payment of part of the cost of fixed assets from subsidies is reflected;

Credit 18(KOSGU code 310)
- the withdrawal of funds from the institution’s account is reflected;

Debit 2.304.06.830 Credit
- payment of part of the cost of fixed assets at the expense of funds from paid activities is reflected (acceptance for accounting of receivables in terms of payment for the cost of fixed assets at the expense of funds from paid activities) (based on a certificate form no. 0504833 ) and personal account statements);

Credit 18(KOSGU code 310)
- the withdrawal of funds from the institution’s account is reflected;

Debit 4.302.31.830 Credit 4.304.06.730
- the acceptance for accounting of accounts payable is reflected in the amount of funds received by the institution from funds from paid activities and aimed at fulfilling obligations assumed as part of the implementation of government assignments (based on a certificate

"Russian Tax Courier", 2004, No. 12

Many enterprises receive funds from the federal, regional or local budgets to perform various socio-economic tasks. The article discusses the tax consequences that arise for commercial enterprises in connection with the acquisition of property at the expense of targeted budget revenues.

In the current civil legislation there is no interpretation of the terms “targeted financing” and “targeted revenues”. In practice, they mean the transfer of funds or other property to recipients to be used for specific purposes. In the Tax Code, the interpretation of these concepts for tax purposes is given in Article 251.

According to paragraph 14 of clause 1 of this article, funds of targeted financing include property received by the taxpayer and used by him for the purpose determined by the organization (individual) - the source of targeted financing or federal laws:

  • in the form of funds from budgets of all levels, state extra-budgetary funds allocated to budgetary institutions according to the estimate of income and expenses of the budgetary institution;
  • in the form of received grants.

The definition of target revenues is given in paragraph 2 of Article 251. These are targeted revenues from the budget to budget recipients, as well as targeted revenues for the maintenance of non-profit organizations and the conduct of their statutory activities, received free of charge from other organizations and (or) individuals, used by these recipients for their intended purpose. Clause 2 of Article 251 of the Code contains a closed list of income recognized as targeted receipts for the maintenance of non-profit organizations and the conduct of their statutory activities.

In this article, we will consider the features of accounting and taxation of transactions with property acquired by commercial organizations at the expense of targeted budget funds.

Targeted revenues as a source of property acquisition

Let us determine who can be the recipient of targeted revenues and in what form they can be provided.

Article 162 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the recipient of budget funds is a budget organization or another organization that has the right to receive budget funds in accordance with the budget schedule for the corresponding year. The budget schedule is a document on the quarterly distribution of budget income and expenses and receipts from sources of financing the budget deficit, establishing the distribution of budget allocations between recipients of budget funds and compiled in accordance with the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

Article 69 of the Budget Code establishes the following forms of providing budget funds to commercial organizations:

  • funds to pay for goods, works and services performed by individuals and legal entities under state or municipal contracts;
  • budget loans to legal entities (including tax credits, deferments and installments for the payment of taxes and payments and other obligations);
  • subventions and subsidies to individuals and legal entities;
  • investments in the authorized capital of existing or newly created legal entities.

Do not confuse government orders and targeted revenues!

For the purposes of both tax and accounting, it is important to distinguish funds in the form of targeted revenues received from the corresponding budget from those received as payment for goods (works, services), the customer of which is the Russian Federation, its constituent entities or municipalities.

In the first case, funds are provided by the state free of charge. But these revenues are of a targeted nature and are one of the sources of financing the economic activities of an economic entity, along with its own and borrowed funds.

In the second case, the state acts as a customer to whom the enterprise is obliged to supply goods (perform work or provide a service) for state needs. Accordingly, the enterprise must reflect funds received from the budget as part of the proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services).

Thus, for tax purposes, a budget recipient is any legal entity that receives budget allocations (including subventions and subsidies) provided for in the budget schedule for the corresponding year.

The recipient of budget funds is obliged to use them strictly for their intended purpose, which is determined by the transferring party. In addition, the budget recipient must promptly submit a report and other information on the use of these funds. This is established by paragraph 2 of Article 163 of the Budget Code.

What if the funds received from the relevant budget are not spent for their intended purpose or are not used within the established time frame? Then, on the basis of Article 289 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, they are subject to indisputable seizure. A fine is imposed on the leaders of such organizations, and if there is a crime, they will be held accountable in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Accounting for target revenues

The rules for the formation in accounting of information on the receipt and use of budget funds provided to commercial organizations are established by PBU 13/2000 “Accounting for State Aid.”

Upon receipt of a notification of budgetary allocations in accordance with the budget schedule, the taxpayer reflects in accounting the budget's obligations to transfer funds in the form of targeted revenues.

According to clause 5 of PBU 13/2000, budget funds are accepted for accounting if there is confidence that:

  • the conditions for the provision of these funds by organizations will be fulfilled, as evidenced by contracts for the performance of work, adopted and publicly announced decisions, feasibility studies, approved design and estimate documentation, etc.;
  • the specified funds will be received, as evidenced by the budget receipt, notification of budget allocations, limits of budget obligations, acts of acceptance and transfer of resources and other relevant documents.

In accordance with clause 7 of PBU 13/2000 and the Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts, budget funds accepted for accounting are reflected in the credit of account 86 “Targeted financing” in correspondence with account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” as the occurrence of targeted financing and debts on these funds. As funds are actually received, the corresponding amounts reduce the debt and increase the cash accounts.

The use of targeted budget funds for the acquisition of non-current assets subject to depreciation is reflected in accordance with clause 9 of PBU 13/2000 and the Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts by debiting account 86 “Targeted financing” in correspondence with the credit of account 98 “Deferred income”. This entry is made when non-current assets are put into operation. Subsequently, during the useful life of these objects, the amount recorded on account 98 is written off in the amount of accrued depreciation to the financial results of the organization on the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” as non-operating income.

Some municipal, regional and federal target programs provide that material assets acquired (created) through targeted revenues are the property of the relevant state entity (city, constituent entity of the Russian Federation, etc.). In this case, material assets are subject to off-balance sheet accounting.

Tax accounting of budget revenues

Targeted revenues (with the exception of targeted revenues in the form of excisable goods) are not taken into account when determining the tax base for income tax. This is established by clause 2 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, for this, the budget recipient is required to keep separate records of income (expenses) received (produced) within the framework of targeted revenues.

At the end of the tax period, the organization that is the recipient of targeted budget revenues, in accordance with clause 14 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is obliged to submit a report to the tax authorities on the intended use of the funds received. The form of the report on the intended use of property (including funds), work, services received as part of charitable activities, targeted income, targeted financing is included in the income tax return (sheet 10). This declaration was approved by Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated November 11, 2003 N BG-3-02/614. The procedure for filling out sheet 10 is given in paragraph 17 of the Instructions for filling out the Income Tax Declaration, approved by Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated December 29, 2001 N BG-3-02/585.

VAT on purchased property

Funds in the form of targeted revenues from budgets of various levels for the purchase of goods (works, services), including fixed assets and intangible assets, are not taken into account when determining the VAT tax base. The amount of VAT paid to suppliers when purchasing property with budget funds is covered by targeted budget revenues and is not subject to deduction. This is stated in clause 32.1 of the Methodological Recommendations for the application of Chapter 21 “Value Added Tax” of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated December 20, 2000 N BG-3-03/447 (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations).

Since the organization does not determine the amount of VAT to be deducted when purchasing such property, there is no need to register invoices in the purchase book. The basis is clause 7 of section II “Maintaining a purchase book by the buyer” of the Rules for maintaining logs of received and issued invoices, purchase books and sales books when calculating value added tax. These Rules were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2000 N 914. The organization registers the supplier's invoice only in the journal of received invoices.

Accordingly, the amount of VAT reflected in accounting on account 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets” is not reimbursed. Therefore, it cannot be written off to the debit of account 68, subaccount “Calculations with the budget for value added tax”. VAT amounts are repaid at the expense of the source of financing, that is, they are debited to account 86 “Targeted financing”.

Let's look at the example of accounting for “input” VAT on goods purchased using targeted budget revenues.

Example 1. On March 1, 2004, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "New Technologies" received a notification of budgetary allocations in the amount of 600,000 rubles.

On March 2, 600,000 rubles were transferred to the company’s current account from the regional budget. in the form of targeted revenues for the purchase of equipment.

On March 20, the equipment supplier was paid in the amount of 600,000 rubles. (including VAT - 91,525.42 rubles).

On April 1, the equipment was received at the enterprise warehouse, and on April 11, it was put into operation.

These transactions are reflected in the accounting records of the enterprise with the following entries:

March 1, 2004
Debit 76 Credit 86
- 600,000 rub. - the debt on budget revenues is reflected;

March 20, 2004
Debit 60 Credit 51
- 600,000 rub. - advance payment was made to the equipment supplier;

April 1, 2004
Debit 08 Credit 60
- 508,474.58 rub. (RUB 600,000 - RUB 91,525.42) - reflects the initial cost of the purchased equipment;
Debit 19 Credit 60
- 91,525.42 rub. - the amount of VAT on purchased equipment is reflected;

April 11, 2004
Debit 01 Credit 08
- 508,474.58 rub. - the purchased equipment was put into operation;
Debit 86 Credit 98
- 508,474.58 rub. - reflects the use of targeted budget revenues;
Debit 86 Credit 19
- 91,525.42 rub. - the amount of VAT paid to the supplier is written off from targeted budget revenues.

If the organization installs equipment purchased using targeted budget revenues on its own, then two accounting options are possible depending on the sources from which installation costs are incurred.

1. Installation of equipment is carried out at our own expense.

Carrying out construction and installation work for one’s own consumption is recognized as an object of VAT taxation on the basis of paragraph 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The tax base is defined as the cost of work performed, calculated on the basis of all actual expenses of the taxpayer for their implementation (clause 2 of Article 159 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The actual costs of carrying out construction work on one's own are the estimated cost of the work carried out in an economic way, including the cost of the materials used.

Thus, the organization will charge VAT on the cost of construction and installation work for its own consumption, and then deduct it on the basis of clause 6 of Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The deduction of the amount of VAT calculated when performing construction and installation work for one’s own consumption is made as the VAT calculated by the taxpayer for these works is paid to the budget (Clause 5 of Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

2. Installation of equipment is carried out at the expense of targeted revenues.

If construction and installation work was carried out by the organization receiving the budget on its own, but at the expense of targeted revenues, then VAT is charged on the cost of such work in accordance with paragraph 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, this amount of VAT cannot be deducted on the basis of paragraph 2, paragraph 6, Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in this case. This is due to the fact that the cost of construction and installation work is paid from budget funds and VAT is written off from the source of financing.

Depreciation of property acquired using earmarked proceeds

In accordance with the Tax Code, non-current assets acquired at the expense of targeted revenues are not subject to depreciation only from budgetary (clause 1, clause 2, article 256) and non-profit organizations (clause 2, clause 2, article 256). The Code does not establish restrictions on depreciation of similar property acquired by budget recipients - commercial organizations.

However, in the author’s opinion, property acquired by commercial organizations at the expense of targeted revenues should not be depreciated in the same way as property acquired through targeted budget financing (see paragraphs 3 and 7 of paragraph 2 of Article 256 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Indeed, in both cases, the source of property acquisition is budgetary funds.

What if part of the property was paid for from the organization’s own funds? Then such property is subject to depreciation for profit tax purposes in part of its cost paid from the organization’s own funds. In this situation, budget recipients - commercial organizations, in the author's opinion, can be guided by clause 5.3 of the Methodological Recommendations for the Application of Chapter 25 "Organizational Income Tax" of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This paragraph explains that when acquiring (creating) property using budget funds from targeted financing, depreciation is charged on the cost of property acquired (created) by the taxpayer at his own expense.

In accounting, depreciation is charged for fixed assets acquired using targeted budget revenues. This is stated in paragraph 8 of PBU 13/2000. The following entries are made:

Debit 20 (25, 26, 44) Credit 02
- depreciation accrued;
Debit 98 subaccount "Gratuitous receipts" Credit 91 subaccount "Other income"
- deferred income is written off in the amount of accrued depreciation.

That is, in accounting for property acquired with budget funds, both non-operating income and expenses in the amount of depreciation are reflected.

When determining the tax base for income tax, income and expenses on such property are not taken into account at all. In this regard, it should be noted that no permanent or temporary differences arise in the light of the application of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”. This follows from Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 14, 2003 N 16-00-14/220, according to which PBU 18/02 applies only to those types of economic activities (as well as related income and expenses), as a result of which the organization becomes a payer income tax.

Disposal of property acquired using targeted budget revenues

The procedure for assessing VAT on disposals of property acquired from targeted budget revenues depends on when such an asset was acquired.

Chapter 21 of the Tax Code does not provide special rules for taxation of transactions with such property. When sold, it is subject to VAT in accordance with the generally established procedure. But this applies only to objects acquired after January 1, 2001. Before this date, VAT amounts paid to suppliers on fixed assets and intangible assets acquired through budgetary allocations were attributed to the increase in their book value (see paragraph 48 of the Instructions of the State Tax Service of Russia dated 11.10.1995 N 39). Therefore, when selling property acquired using targeted budget funds before Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation came into force, the accountant needs to check whether VAT was included in the price of this property.

The procedure for determining the tax base when selling property subject to VAT accounting has its own specifics. Thus, the VAT tax base is defined as the difference between the price of the property being sold, determined taking into account the provisions of Article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account VAT and excise taxes paid, and the cost of the property being sold (residual value taking into account revaluations). This is stated in paragraph 3 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Let's look at an example of the procedure for determining the tax base for VAT when selling property acquired from targeted budget revenues.

Example 2. On March 10, 2004, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "New Technologies" decided to sell equipment purchased in 2000 using targeted budget revenues. Sale price - 118,000 rubles. (including VAT - 18,000 rubles). This price corresponds to the market value. The residual value of the property being sold is 90,000 rubles.

The equipment was purchased in 2000, and according to the rules in force at that time, VAT was included in the cost of the fixed asset. In accordance with clause 3 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax base for VAT in this case will be 28,000 rubles. (RUB 118,000 - RUB 90,000). The amount of tax to be paid is 5040 rubles. (RUB 28,000 x 18%).

Is it necessary to impose income tax on the cost of sold property acquired using targeted budget revenues?

It all depends on whether the organization has fully completed the tasks for which it was allocated targeted budget funds (specific tasks and deadlines for their implementation are determined by the terms of the contract for the allocation of budget funds). If an organization sells property without completing its tasks, then there is misuse of budget funds. But in this case, the organization does not generate non-operating income (Clause 14, Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). As already noted, in relation to budget funds used for purposes other than their intended purpose, the norms of budget legislation are applied. And Article 78 of the Budget Code establishes that budget funds spent for other purposes are subject to return. Thus, an organization, having sold property acquired with budget funds, and not having fulfilled the tasks assigned to it, is obliged to transfer funds from the sale of this property to the budget.

What if the organization fulfilled its obligations to use such property? Then the ownership of the property remains with the organization receiving the budget. She has the right to dispose of this property at her own discretion. In such a situation, proceeds from the sale of property acquired at the expense of targeted budget revenues, in accordance with Article 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are recognized as income from sales for profit tax purposes.

Please note: if property was acquired (created) exclusively from budget funds, it is not depreciated in tax accounting. When selling such property, the organization does not have the right to reduce the proceeds from the sale by its residual value (in this case it will be equal to the original value), since it did not incur costs for its acquisition.

Example 3. In 2002, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "New Technologies" acquired fixed assets for conducting a nationwide population census. This equipment costs 100,000 rubles. purchased using targeted budget funds. After paying for the equipment, the company became its owner. In 2004 (that is, after the census was completed and the intended use of the property was confirmed), the organization decided to sell the equipment at market value for 82,600 rubles. (including VAT at the rate of 18% - 12,600 rubles).

The income tax accrued for payment to the budget for this operation will be 16,800 rubles. ((RUB 82,600 - RUB 12,600) x 24%).

In conclusion, we note that budget recipients, in order to avoid undesirable tax consequences, must be very careful when qualifying received budget funds. In addition, when carrying out transactions with property acquired using earmarked proceeds, it is necessary to take into account the time of its acquisition (and the taxation procedure in force at that time), as well as the share of own funds in the initial cost of the asset.

Andrey Viktorovich Komarov
Director of ACF "Central Federal District"

(OS) may be different. Let's look at what they are and in what situations each of them is used.

Ways of getting OS into the organization

Sources of financing of fixed assets are determined not only by the origin of the money invested in them, but also by the characteristics of the ways in which the assets enter the organization. A legal entity may experience the following:

  • as a contribution to the management company;
  • free of charge (as a result of discovery or donation);
  • at the time of buying;
  • when renting;
  • under a barter agreement;
  • due to creation (construction).

If in the first 4 ways the organization is involved individually, then the creation (construction) can be shared, that is, joint for several participants in this process.

Types of funding sources

Sources of financing of fixed assets are divided into:

  • internal;
  • external.

Internal (own) include:

  • depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • capital (both capital and profit).

External sources are third party tools:

  • borrowed (credits, loans);
  • attracted.

During the financing process, sources of funds can be combined. The organization has the right to independently determine the share of participation of each of them in paying for fixed assets. It is more preferable to assess the financial position of a legal entity from the point of view of financial stability is the predominance of its own sources over external ones.

Using your own sources

The use of exclusively its own sources indicates the financial independence of the organization and allows it to:

  • promptly resolve issues related to the acquisition (creation) of an OS;
  • do not spend money on paying expenses that accompany the use of credits (loans).

Of these, the most important:

  • depreciation, which allows you to gradually transfer the cost of operating operating systems to expenses, thereby giving the legal entity the opportunity to obtain additional working capital for the ongoing replacement of worn-out assets (simple reproduction) or bringing them to modern requirements through modernization (reconstruction);
  • net profit, at the expense of which expensive acquisitions are made and equipment for new types of activities is purchased (expanded reproduction).

Features of borrowed sources

Borrowed sources are resorted to when there is insufficient own funds to purchase (create) OS. They are distinguished by the presence of additional costs associated with fees for the provision (use) of these funds, and the existence of deadlines for repaying the borrowed money. Receiving large sums usually requires the issuance of security in the form of guarantees or collateral of property.

Two types of borrowed funds can be used to purchase (create) OS:

  • Received without specifying the purpose of their use, which allows them to be spent without special control of the party that issued these funds, and only a part of them can be invested in the operating system. Interest paid on such borrowings will not affect the initial book value of the fixed asset.
  • Targeted, i.e. intended for the acquisition of a specific OS. In this case, the party providing these funds will require a report on their expenditure. The interest paid for them until the OS is put into operation will form the initial cost of the object in accounting.

A type of borrowed source for the formation of fixed assets is leasing, which involves the subsequent repurchase of the received property.

Nuances of attracted financing

Funds raised are always targeted, require mandatory reporting to the authority that provided them and are divided into:

  • irrevocable, which should include budget funds for special purposes;
  • repayable, provided for a time by the budget or any trust fund;
  • equity, forming that part of the investment in the value of the fixed assets that will belong to other legal entities or individuals.


Financing the acquisition (creation) of fixed assets can be based on different sources: own, borrowed or attracted. The choice of any particular one or their combination in certain proportions is determined by the organization itself, depending on its financial situation.

In the practice of budgetary and autonomous institutions, there are cases when organizations use funds from various types of activities to purchase expensive non-financial assets. For example, the founder allocated a targeted subsidy for the purchase of OS, which does not fully cover the costs. In this case, the institution uses its own funds received from income-generating activities for payment. There is no prohibition for such operations in the budget legislation of the Russian Federation. It should be understood that without restoration of expenditures, budget funds cannot be used for borrowing. If such expenses are not restored, then a violation of Art. 306.4 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation on the misuse of budget funds.

Accounting for payment of fixed assets from various sources and the capitalization of such assets is currently not regulated by law. However, there are a number of established expert approaches. First of all, this is that fixed assets are always taken into account for one type of activity (KFO) and are accounted for under one accounting account number (KPS). This follows from paragraph 45 of Instruction 157n, which establishes that the unit of accounting for fixed assets is an inventory object, and even if it is a complex of structurally articulated objects, it is still characterized as a single whole intended to perform a specific job. Violation of this principle will cause serious difficulties in accounting and tax accounting of asset movements (depreciation, write-off, internal movement, etc.). Secondly, to account for assets on a single CFO, it is advisable to use “transit” account 30406 “Settlements with other creditors”. In particular, paragraph 146 of Instruction 174n states that “...acceptance of investments in non-financial assets during the acquisition (creation) of an object at the expense of various sources of financial support is reflected in account 430406730 “Increase with other creditors” and in the debit of the corresponding accounts of the analytical accounting account 410600000 "Investments in non-financial assets."

Let's look at purchasing an OS using a specific example. The Education Department purchases a school bus for 760,000 rubles. The institution is allocated a targeted subsidy for the purchase in the amount of 700,000 rubles, the remaining 60,000 is recommended to be paid through income-generating activities. The school bus is indicated to be taken into account as particularly valuable. The accounting entries for this example are shown in the table. To simplify the operations, obligations were not considered in this example.

Read also

  • Review of changes in accounting of budgetary organizations since 2016


A comment

Subsidy income accrued for other purposes

Subsidy received for other purposes

Increased score 17 from KOSGU=180

Investments in fixed assets were formed according to KFO=5

Paid to the supplier according to KFO=5

Increased score 18 from KOSGU=610

Investments in fixed assets were formed according to KFO=2

Paid to the supplier according to KFO=2

Increased score 18 from KOSGU=610

Investments under KFO=5 were transferred to “transit” account 30406

Investments under KFO=2 were transferred to “transit” account 30406

The total investments were transferred from the “transit” account to KFO=4

NFA(OS) was accepted for accounting with KFO=4

Settlements with the founder have been adjusted, because OS refers to

Unclosed accounts X 30406 must be closed to the financial result (40130) at the end of the year. In conclusion, we note that due to the lack of elaboration on the part of budget legislation, it is recommended to consolidate the used procurement method in your accounting

KOSGU non-financial assets subsidies