Maternity capital will be paid in cash. Monthly payments from maternity capital

Maternity capital - financial state support for improvement living conditions, as well as for the formation of pensions, training and treatment. Getting the program is quite simple. In 2017, only a family that has had a second child can use a family certificate. To register mat capital, you must visit the Pension Fund.

The mat capital program was adopted by Putin in 2017. This was further stated in writing in the Federal Law. Only citizens of the Russian Federation who have adopted or given birth to a second child have the right to receive. To register, citizens will need to come to the Russian Pension Fund and write an application in the prescribed form.

There is an opportunity to get additional payments, but of a regional type. These include:

  1. 50 thousand for the second child;
  2. addition to mat capital 250,000.

Such payments are stipulated only regional law. These funds can already be spent on family needs or other occasions. The Federal Law stipulates that you should contact the Pension Fund for maternity capital if this regional payment, then you need to communicate in social protection. Payment is made in a lump sum.

Mat capital 2017: lump sum payment (latest news)

It is not possible to withdraw funds in cash. Recent news suggests that maternity capital will remain at the same level. Payment indexation is not expected. As such, there are no changes in the terms of provision or other requirements for maternity capital.

In accordance with the Government resolution, maternity capital has existed for a long time and has proven itself well. And this positive note indicates the possibility of prolonging such an offer. With the help of this financial support, families were able to improve conditions and repay loan obligations in the form of mortgage lending.

They also gave children the opportunity to study for free. The family certificate is essentially valid until the end of 2018. No one can guess what will happen next. Putin is considering using maternity capital funds to purchase vehicle. On this moment Certificate holders will still have the opportunity to receive a one-time payment.

To process the payment you will need a certain package of documents. The exact list should be checked in multifunctional center or the Pension Fund.

Maternity capital 2017: one-time payment of 25,000

On June 23, 2017, a bill was signed that allows for one-time cash issuance. The payment amount is 25,000 rubles. The legislative act came into force from the date of signing. But in fact, not many have been able to receive this amount yet.

In accordance with this legislative act, every family that has maternity capital has the right to receive a one-time payment. In fact, such a payment was present in the previous year, and almost everyone who received a certificate took advantage of it. Money was especially needed to compensate for expenses incurred during the birth of a baby.

The right to receive payment exists for everyone who has a certificate no later than September 30, 2016. To receive the amount, you need to submit an application of the established form to the Pension Fund of Russia. Additionally, you need to provide a certain package of documents.

You can find out in detail at the MFC how exactly to receive the payment. Samples of documents and correct completion of documents are presented there.

Initially, the Ministry of Labor did not want to prepare a bill that outlined the possibility of providing funds from maternity capital in cash. There were many contradictions here, for example, an increase in this amount, since there are statistics where family expenses increase every month.

But despite many contradictions, representatives were still able to prepare a bill. But other authorities were also able to provide arguments that said payments of this type were unprofitable. After all, anti-crisis policy should increase the financial profit of the state, and not, on the contrary, reduce it.

There are also new bills that have not yet been accepted for consideration:

  • For now, cash can be obtained, but in order to take anti-crisis measures, the procedure may be lifted no earlier than the fall of 2017. This is due to the fact that the law on payment of compensation was adopted less than three months ago;
  • To ensure the possibility of applying to the Pension Fund for money, a period of 6 months was set. That is, you can get these funds before spring.

Is it possible to withdraw money from maternity capital?

At the moment, you can withdraw funds from maternity capital. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund and write a statement in the prescribed form. Additionally, it is worth providing a complete package of documents.

Until the fall of 2017, the Government allowed people to take advantage of the program to support young families and withdraw funds for their own needs. As practice shows, more than half of the families who received a family certificate after October 2016 have already used this service.

How much can you withdraw from maternity capital?

At the moment, the bill talks about the possibility of withdrawing funds in the amount of 25,000 rubles. This amount can be used for any purpose, including paying for treatment of the mother and child, purchasing equipment and a car.

To register, you need to contact the Pension Fund and write an application indicating the need to receive a specific amount. Now the law will still be in force until the fall. The offer will not be extended into the next year.

Documents for payment of a lump sum payment from maternity capital

Registration of part of maternity capital for cash receipt is possible only if you have a complete package of documents. Compared to the previous year, the procedure has become somewhat simpler. Collecting documentation from those wishing to receive cash will take no more than a day.

Registration at the Pension Fund and at the MFC is no different. But may be requested additional documents, which will confirm the identity of the applicant and the certificate holder.

To apply you will need to provide:

  1. Identification document of the certificate holder. Basically they require you to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The application of the established image involves entering data from the passport into the appropriate columns.
  2. Documents confirming the existence of a bank account. IN mandatory it must be a Russian passport. And of course, you need to provide details for the transfer.

It is advisable to open an account with Sberbank of Russia for transfers. This will make the enumeration somewhat easier Money. The Pension Fund cooperates with Sberbank. If other details are provided, an interbank transfer is made.

It is also necessary to provide:

  1. Certificate of pension insurance. It is considered optional, but the application indicates the data from this document. Representatives authorized body has the right to request an original or a copy to verify information on maternity capital.
  2. If the representative Pension Fund confirms the authenticity of the documentation, then the recipient has the right to fill out an application for receipt. The form can be obtained from the presented institution or downloaded from the appropriate website.

An application for receipt can be obtained from the Pension Fund, multifunctional center or downloaded from the relevant websites. The information is filled in there:

  • about the holder;
  • amount;
  • purpose of receipt;
  • other necessary information.

It is mandatory to affix the signature of the applicant receiving the document and the seal of the organization.

It is easy to receive funds from maternity capital. You must take and fill out an application and provide documents.


Quite often, parents ask questions that they cannot find answers to on the Internet. That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the features in advance so that no additional questions arise.

  1. What's happened ? Funds are provided for the rehabilitation and adaptation of a disabled child. The parent can also take advantage of additional federal and regional programs regarding the recovery of a disabled person.
  2. ? This question is still difficult to answer. So far, it is worth noting that the program gives fairly good results. Accordingly, the state will make a positive decision on prolongation of the offer.
  3. How is it issued? Regardless of the number of children born, the amount of 453,000 rubles is issued. You can direct some or all of the funds to a specific target program. To register, you need to contact the Russian Pension Fund.
  4. Can I spend it? The federal law does not restrict the actions of citizens and allows money to be spent on the education of an older child as in in full, and in partial. For this educational institution must comply with the parameters specified in the current Federal Law.
  5. How does maternity capital pay for tuition? To begin with, the parent collects a complete package of documents, submits them to the Pension Fund, then the Pension Fund transfers funds to the training organization by bank transfer.

One-time payments from maternity capital have been practiced in Russia over the past couple of years and have become a real salvation for many families in the difficult times that all of us are experiencing due to the economic crisis. Of course, many holders of a maternity capital certificate are concerned about the question of whether lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017 - we’ll find out what last news about this and whether they exist at all.

What is a lump sum payment from maternity capital?

Let us remind you what lump sum payments from maternity capital are.

The fact is that according to the law on maternity capital it cannot be obtained with money. That relatively large amount - 453,026 rubles - which is equal to maternity capital today, initially lies somewhere in state accounts, and parents who have a second child have the right only to a certificate that allows them to manage this amount of money strictly stipulated in the law goals:

  • improvement of living conditions,
  • funded pension of the mother of the child,
  • education for children,
  • purchase special goods for adaptation in society of a disabled child.

In practice, it turns out that parents either choose to expand their housing and use the capital as a mortgage contribution, or the certificate lies as a dead weight “just in case.” For those who did not manage their maternity capital funds, the state allowed them to withdraw a small amount of cash in 2015 and 2016.

The one-time payment from maternity capital in 2015 amounted to 20 thousand rubles, in 2016 – 25 thousand rubles.

Money was not automatically given to everyone who had a sufficient balance on their certificate; in order to receive a one-time payment from maternity capital, they had to write an application.

Will there be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017: latest news

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to answer the question whether there will be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017 and what its amount will be if the payment does take place.

According to the practice of how this happened in previous years, lump sum payments are always an exceptional and one-time thing. It was produced based on the real possibilities of the budget at the moment, as well as from a certain necessity that officials from the government’s social block still needed to defend before the supreme power.

Two things speak in favor of the fact that there will still be one-time payments from maternity capital in 2017. Firstly, the price of oil on world markets, and secondly, political expediency.

Russia's budget for 2017 is set at an oil price of $40 per barrel. As you know, in practice, throughout the first half of the year the price remains stable at about $50 per barrel, and at the beginning of the year the price was even higher. Thus, the budget receives unplanned surpluses, which the government can use, among other things, to implement additional social programs.

It is also important for the authorities to remember their own rating the day before important elections. Thus, in the fall of 2017, many regions Russian Federation will elect governors, and in March 2018, the most important for the current political regime elections are presidential. There is obviously an increase in discontent in the country, protest rallies are taking place in an increasing number of cities, and it is important for the authorities to specifically extinguish discontent where it could potentially ripen. The category of young parents who do not know what to feed their children is a very important electorate in this sense.

As for what the specific amount will be if there is a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017, then one can only guess about this for now. There is a tendency for the amount to increase year by year, but you probably shouldn’t count on those 50 thousand rubles that are rumored and about which many people dream. The amount of 25-30 thousand rubles looks more realistic.

We will follow this topic, and as soon as anything becomes known about whether there will be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017, we will immediately report all the latest news on this matter.

In the first spring month of 2017, the state maternity capital program in Russia underwent a number of changes, in particular, the innovations affected the timing of payments, assignment, and the duration of the program. Read the latest news about maternity capital 2017 in the article below.

The term for maternity capital payments has been shortened

One of the important news regarding state program. - reduction of the payment period from 30 to 10 working days, the countdown begins from the moment the decision is made to satisfy the application for the disposal of state support funds. This change became possible after the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, signed Resolution No. 253 of March 3, 2017. Also, a period of 10 days was set for sending funds from the first payment of maternity capital to the education of a child and related expenses (remember, this period was previously 2 months). The resolution establishes the obligation of the Russian Pension Fund to consider an application for the allocation of maternity capital funds for the education of a child within 1 month (previously certain period was not installed). Clause 3 of the above-mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation sets a 10-day period during which the transfer of funds must be completed, which are compensation for the costs of purchasing services and goods for integration and social adaptation to the society of disabled children. Other changes affected the list of documents required in order to properly manage maternity capital funds. Now, to issue a certificate for the purpose of improving housing conditions (reconstruction or construction of housing), instead of a copy of the certificate of ownership of a residential property, an extract from the Unified State Register is provided (in accordance with the new law on privatization and the norms of Federal Law No. 256 "On additional measures state support families with children" dated December 29, 2006). This change came into force on January 1, 2017 (relevant for 2018).

Maternity capital in 2017: changes by purpose

The Russian Ministry of Construction has developed new bill, aimed at allowing holders of a state support certificate to make monthly payments under a mortgage loan agreement from maternity capital funds. Let us remind you that until the bill is adopted, maternity capital funds can be used to pay the initial mortgage payment, or used to repay the principal debt and pay interest (Part 6, Article 10 Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”). With this initiative, the department proposes to introduce a procedure for using maternity capital funds not at once, but monthly, which will allow you to easily make regular mortgage payments even when one parent is on parental leave. In addition, it is planned that this change will involve a reduction interest rate up to 0% on a mortgage loan for up to 3 years. To date, this bill has not been adopted.

The amount of maternity capital will not increase in 2018

The Russian Government has approved a bill that defines the features of changing sizes social payments, in particular, this issue concerns maternity capital. Thus, on January 1, 2018, it entered into legal force a norm according to which the size of maternity capital will not be revised taking into account the rate of inflation. It is assumed that this order the issuance of state support funds to families with children will remain in effect until January 1, 2020 (Federal Law No. 444-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of changing the procedure for indexing payments, benefits and compensation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and suspending Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On additional measures of state support for families with children” dated December 19, 2016).

Today, the amount of maternity capital is 453,026 rubles and will not be changed until 2020.

New rules for issuing an electronic certificate for receiving maternity capital

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has determined new order obtaining a maternity capital certificate in electronic form(Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 5, 2016 No. 490n “On amendments to the Rules for filing an application for the issuance of state certificate for maternal (family) capital and issuance of a state certificate for maternal (family) capital (its duplicate) and forms of a state certificate for maternal (family) capital, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2011 No. 1180n") The new rules were approved and came into force on September 25, 2016. You can receive an electronic certificate today through the Unified Portal of State and Government Affairs. municipal services or through information system Pension Fund " Personal Area the insured person." To do this, you must send in electronic format application to the relevant portal.

Important! Receipt rules electronic certificate on maternity capital apply to persons who have received the right to own maternity capital in connection with the birth of their second and subsequent children, as well as their legal representatives or persons acting on behalf of the applicant under a notarized power of attorney.

The submitted application is registered on the resource automatically with mandatory electronic notification to the applicant of receipt. The notification must also indicate a list of documents required to obtain an electronic certificate, and the deadline for submitting them to the Pension Fund - no more than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application by the relevant authority. If all documents are provided on time, the applicant is sent a notification receipt. If the applicant does not provide documents in a timely manner, he will be notified within 1 business day that the application will be withdrawn from consideration. The deadline for consideration of an application with a package of documents is PFR body is 1 month. The decision to issue a certificate or to refuse it is provided to the applicant in writing. In case of a positive decision, the certificate of issuance of maternity capital must be certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature official.

Maternity capital in 2017: one-time payment again

The Government of the Russian Federation provided holders of maternity capital certificates with the opportunity re-receipt a one-time payment from state support funds in the amount of 25 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the deadline for submitting an application for a repeated lump sum payment in 2017 was reduced: the repeated payment could be scheduled no later than November 30, 2017, and the acceptance of applications by Pension Fund employees began on July 1, 2016. Thus, total term for accepting applications and considering them was only 5 months (previously 11 months). In 2017, families had the opportunity to simultaneously complete and submit two applications for consideration: to receive a maternity capital certificate and to receive a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles. If the family had previously received a maternity capital certificate, a second lump sum payment could be made within 1 month from the date of submission of the full package of documents. In 2018, the program of one-time payments from maternity capital is not valid.

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It is known that a feature of the maternity capital program is that money under this program is issued only in the form of a certificate, and not in cash or money in a bank account for free disposal. However, in previous years, payment of part of the capital in cash was tried. Of course, those expecting a new addition to the family are interested in whether a one-time payment from maternity capital is planned in 2017.

Despite the fact that the issuance of maternity capital funds in cash is not provided for by the program, the government has begun to practice issuing a small part of it in the form of “real” money.

As is well known, maternity capital is issued to parents or adoptive parents of the second, third or any of the following children (but only one) in the form of a certificate for an amount specified by law. Starting from 2016, this amount has been frozen and is equal to 453,026 rubles; it will remain this way until at least 2020. The certificate can only be used for a very limited list of purposes, and, unfortunately, many parents often simply keep it and cannot use it.

These goals are:

Improving living conditions - many people manage their capital funds in this way, but 400 thousand cannot be called a sufficient amount to completely close a mortgage or purchase a home, so if parents simply do not have the funds to cover the remaining cost of housing, they cannot do anything. Regarding recent questions, of those who nevertheless decided to use maternity capital, 73% will use it for this purpose.
Education for a child is a good option, but you need to wait until the child grows up and you can send him to study at a paid university. The problem is that over these years the funds will be eaten up by inflation. However, 25.5% still chose this option.
Pension for the mother - parents rightly do not trust the country’s pension system, and the government’s actions in relation to citizens’ savings accounts confirm that they are right. Only 0.5% chose this option.
Purchasing goods and services for a disabled child - fortunately, the list of acceptable expenditures of capital has been expanded by this item, and it will be a little easier for parents who find themselves in such a difficult situation to cope with it. But, fortunately, they are a minority - 1.5%.

Four out of five certificate holders have made their choice, and every fifth does not yet know what to do with it. Thus, it turns out that the program does not work as we would like, but parents always need money. Based on this, especially given the deteriorating economic situation, the government decided to make one-time payments from maternity capital. In 2015 it was 20,000, in 2016 - 25,000.

How does the system of lump sum payments from maternity capital work?

Let's look at the example of a law adopted in the summer of 2016. According to this law, all parents who have a fully unused certificate for maternity capital, as well as all those who will receive the right to it before September 30, 2016 (that is, those who will have a second or third child before that time), can up to 30 November, submit an application with a request to give them a lump sum payment, and after a positive decision, they will receive 25 thousand, which will be written off from the remaining amount of maternity capital. If the balance is less than this amount, then the payment will be in the amount of the balance and the certificate will be closed.

This is approximately how a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles from maternity capital worked; another such law may be signed in 2017, but this is not a fact at all.

Will there be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017?

A one-time payment of 25 thousand or more from maternity capital in 2017 will have to occur only after the possible adoption and signing of the relevant law. Obviously, every year the government calculates whether the budget can allow such a payment and in what volume. So in 2016 the amount was even increased - in 2015 it was 20 thousand. Before the parliamentary elections, some deputies made proposals that were completely pleasant for the voter - for example, fixing the annual issuance of 50 thousand rubles from capital funds, then it would be possible to cash out the certificate in 9 years and spend these funds on anything. On the one hand, this would be nice and would consistently help parents with the purchase of things necessary for the child, even just getting their children ready for school every year. But on the other hand, not all parents would approach this money responsibly enough, and the idea of ​​maternity capital is that, first of all, the benefit should be for the child. However, in any case, the bill was not even submitted for consideration by parliamentarians, since it did not pass the examination and was declared legally illiterate.

In principle, the law on payments is signed by Russian President, and he is painfully concerned about his rating, especially since he has another re-election soon, so it is likely that there will again be a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles from maternity capital in 2017, the timing of signing such a law and the duration of its validity will probably remain approximately the same , as a year earlier. That is, the law will be extended to parents of children born before the fall of 2017, and the payment will need to be received by the end of the year. Perhaps the amount will be higher - if not 50 thousand, then at least 30.

But this is nothing more than a guess, exact information does not yet exist, and, apparently, everything will depend on the state of the budget.