Traffic rules unregulated pedestrian crossing. Traffic rules - pedestrian crossing and car driver

Pedestrians in Russia are run over for no reason. Both their own carelessness and poor road lighting, non-compliance with speed limits and the general low discipline of drivers are to blame for this. Therefore, we are in no way calling for stopping pedestrians. This article will discuss whether traffic police officers lawfully issue fines for failure to allow a pedestrian to pass in the case when a pedestrian walks several lanes away from your car and your trajectories do not intersect.

To begin with, let us remind you that the obligation to allow pedestrians to pass at uncontrolled crossings is regulated by clause 14.1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, which reads:

14.1 Driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing<*>, is obliged to reduce speed or stop before the crossing in order to let pedestrians cross the roadway or enter it to make the crossing.

So, according to the text, there is an obligation to skip. Traffic police officers use this when they charge drivers for not allowing a pedestrian to pass, even if their trajectories do not intersect, but the pedestrian is already at a pedestrian crossing. This opinion has been replicated by the media: if a pedestrian is walking along a crosswalk, you need to stop and let them pass.

And everything would have been smooth if not for one important document. This decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation N AKPI12-205 dated April 17, 2012. A certain citizen appealed to the Court, who, among other things, challenged the need to let a pedestrian pass if the passage of traffic does not interfere with him. Here is what the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation establishes on this appeal:

Clause 14.1 of the Rules stipulates that the driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to reduce speed or stop before the crossing in order to allow pedestrians crossing the roadway or entering it to make the crossing. Speaking about the contradiction of the contested provision with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Convention on Road Traffic, Ch. indicated in a statement that it prohibits drivers from continuing to move through an unregulated pedestrian crossing if there are pedestrians on it, even if this does not interfere with the movement of these pedestrians and danger to their life and health. This statement is based on an incorrect interpretation of clause 11.4 of the Rules. The obligation of the driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing to reduce speed or stop before the crossing is made dependent precisely on the need to let pedestrians cross the roadway or enter it to make the crossing. This obligation does not arise in cases where there is no need to give way to pedestrians (for example, when the trajectories of a vehicle and a pedestrian do not intersect).
Thus, the contested norm is consistent with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Convention on Road Traffic, which establishes that if the movement of vehicles at a pedestrian crossing is not regulated either by light road signals or by a traffic controller, drivers must, when approaching this crossing, properly reduce speed so as not to endanger pedestrians entering or entering the crossing; If necessary, you must stop and let pedestrians pass.

The most important phrase in the context of the article is highlighted in bold.
Thus, Supreme Court The Russian Federation confirmed that pedestrians need to pass only if vehicle creates an obstacle for the latter, i.e. their trajectories intersect. We advise you to print out this paragraph of the Decision and carry it with you in your car so that you can present it to the traffic police inspector if necessary.
The fact is that in the event of an illegal accusation, it is better to prove your case to the inspector on the spot, because he saw the position of the pedestrian at the crossing, the commission and the court will rely only on the completed protocol. It will also be useful

Traffic at pedestrian crossings has become as bad as possible hot topic for discussion since November 2014, when some changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and traffic rules. Today the situation has not become too clear, however, discussing the topic necessary actions driver, you can build on the judicial practice developed during this time in similar cases.

Changes in traffic rules

According to the rules included traffic changes, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing the roadway at a pedestrian crossing. It is this formulation that has become a popular topic for discussion. The fact is that the concept of “give way” is clearly stated in the current traffic regulations and literally means the following: the driver should not continue, resume or change the mode of movement if this will force the pedestrian to change the speed or trajectory of his movement.

The dispute is that, based on the above wording, the driver does not seem to be obliged to stop in front of a pedestrian crossing. It is enough to reduce the speed, allowing the pedestrian to cross the road. In cases where a person is crossing a multi-lane road from the opposite end, the driver does not even have to slow down when crossing the pedestrian crossing zone.

From point of view common sense, such statements are completely justified. Indeed, why is it necessary to stop if the pedestrian has not yet even reached the middle of the road from the opposite end? No interference is created for him. So no and traffic violations. However, the opinions of traffic police inspectors and judges differ significantly from this point of view. Arbitrage practice shows that these arguments are not accepted by the authorities as a reason for making an acquittal decision. It is not clear what causes this, but the fact remains. From the point of view of the internal affairs bodies, a pedestrian may be frightened by cars moving on the other side of the road and refuse to cross the road. Following similar logic, one can come to the conclusion that cars should stop 500 meters before the crossing so that the pedestrian is definitely not scared. It gets ridiculous, but the fact remains a fact. It is almost impossible to prove otherwise to the inspector and the court. The fine for violating the rules for allowing pedestrians to pass in an area where they are allowed to cross the road is one and a half thousand rubles. At the same time, an innovation applies to such fines, so the amount of the fine can be reduced by half if it is paid later than the fifth, but no later than the twentieth day from the date of entry into force.

Let's consider the measures taken by the driver to allow a pedestrian to pass in various situations:

  • Pedestrian crosses the road in in the wrong place. It is not only not necessary to let a pedestrian pass in this situation, but it is also categorically not recommended. Firstly, such actions contribute to the emergence among people who do not drive a car that everyone, everywhere should let them pass. Secondly, there is a high chance that such a pedestrian will fall under the wheels of a car moving in the left lane and seeing no reason to slow down. In addition, there is a risk of passing traffic accidents from cars moving behind and not expecting the vehicle in front to brake on a flat road for no apparent reason.

Of course, in situations where a pedestrian grossly violates traffic rules and goes directly onto the roadway, under the wheels of moving cars, all measures should be taken to avoid a collision with him. Unfortunately, the laws of the Russian Federation are such that the driver can suffer financially even in cases when he is completely not to blame for hitting a pedestrian.

  • A pedestrian crosses the road at an unregulated pedestrian crossing. When approaching a pedestrian crossing, the driver must slow down and make sure there are no pedestrians. If there are pedestrians, the driver is recommended to stop without entering the zebra crossing, preferably directly at the level of the pedestrian crossing sign. In general, the driver has the right to simply reduce the speed, but entering the crossing while a person is on it should not be allowed.

It is worth noting that some pedestrians enter the crossing at the moment when the vehicle has almost entered it. At the same time, the driver cannot always see the pedestrian in advance due to the presence of roadside bushes, buildings, and improperly parked cars. There is no point in attempting emergency braking in such cases. These actions can lead to serious consequences. It is better to finish the crossing. To justify such actions to a police officer, you can use the traffic rules clause, which states that before starting to cross the roadway, the pedestrian must make sure that he is being allowed through, and the driver has the right to complete the maneuver he has started. However, even a fine of 1,500 rubles, although not entirely fair, is more preferable than an accident with a car moving behind or a vehicle skidding on a public road.

  • A pedestrian crosses the road at a controlled pedestrian crossing. Everything here is quite simple, and, as a rule, there is no reason for disputes. Drivers on both sides of the road are required to stop at a red traffic light or time their approach so that at the moment they appear near the stop line, the traffic light turns on. green light. It is worth considering the fact that the pedestrian must be allowed to complete the crossing even if the red light has already turned on, but he has not yet managed to cross the roadway.

In cases where a pedestrian crosses the road at a crossing, but at a red light, he should not be allowed to pass. This situation is interpreted in almost the same way as crossing the road outside the pedestrian crossing zone.

  • A pedestrian crosses the road along the edge of the roadway at an intersection. As it became clear from practice, few drivers know about this point of the traffic rules. However, according to the Rules, a pedestrian, if there is no signpost in the visibility zone, has the right to cross the roadway along its edge at an uncontrolled intersection. Drivers driving straight and turning right or left must give way to such a pedestrian.

Read: 533

New pedestrian crossing rules (traffic rules) have been in effect since October 29, 2014. This year, the relationship between motorists and pedestrians has undergone changes. In fact, there are not many changes, but there are new things. For example, a number of situations that were not considered such in the earlier version of the rules were considered violations.

If you study the traffic rules, you can note several new changes. It is worth listing the following:

  1. It was clarified what should be understood by “pedestrian crossing”.
  2. It is prohibited to overtake vehicles at the zebra crossing.
  3. Rules were changed regarding how drivers should allow pedestrians to pass.
  4. If you have a bicycle, it's worth paying attention. Passing through the pedestrian crossing is prohibited.

Pedestrians and trams

It is worth talking in more detail about the definition. In the previous edition, a section of the road marked with special markings and signs was called a pedestrian crossing. If you look at the new rules, the concept of “pedestrian crossing” has spread not only to the roadway, but also to tram tracks, which they often pass right along the dividing strip.

Now on such sections of the road the tram driver is obliged to let people walking along the crossing pass. Of course, pedestrians still need to be careful, because the vehicle has a huge mass and cannot brake instantly.

Overtaking on a zebra crossing is prohibited

Overtaking vehicles at a pedestrian crossing is now prohibited, and the same rule applies to overtaking. You must remember that in the previous edition, overtaking was prohibited only if the pedestrian was on a zebra crossing. This was a significant addition contained in clause 11.4, but has now been removed from the rules. Overtaking is now prohibited at any crossing.

Another rule has been introduced. If previously one vehicle slowed down or stopped in front of a zebra crossing, then other drivers could move in adjacent lanes. Of course, this was only allowed if there were no pedestrians. Now all cars that are moving in one direction must slow down, or stop if one of them has done so.

What to pay attention to

Not all drivers correctly understand what the expression “yield to a pedestrian” means. This is explained in detail in the traffic rules, paragraph 14.1. Now the driver must let a person pass not only when he is already walking along a zebra crossing, but also when he is just setting foot on the road.

It is worth noting that a new term has been introduced. The expression “yield to a pedestrian”, familiar to many drivers, has been replaced by another term. The rules now say “give way.” In addition, it is worth noting an important innovation. The point is that it is now necessary to give way to pedestrians even if the markings also run along tram tracks. Do this at a bus stop too.

The driver must give way correctly. You cannot perform actions that could force you to change speed or change direction. We are talking about those traffic participants who have an advantage.

You can get clarification from the traffic police on what cyclists should do in this situation. If you are going to cross a zebra crossing, you must dismount. Only after this can you cross the pedestrian crossing.

Now if it arises emergency situation, the driver must indicate in the documents information about whether clause 24.8 was observed by the cyclist, or whether this rule was ignored by the person.

What are the possible fines?

If you do not allow a person to cross a zebra crossing, then be prepared to pay a fine. Today its size is 1.5 thousand rubles. You can appeal it. This cannot be done only if the traffic police officers have a video recording. It must be done with a DVR or using a camera.

You can appeal the decision if there were cars moving in front of you and your visibility was poor. In this case, you might simply not see the person walking along the zebra crossing. Of course, if the review was good, then the fine will still have to be paid.

Video: Rules for crossing a pedestrian crossing


Pay close attention to the signs. Always give way to pedestrians, even if they are just crossing a zebra crossing. Let people pass at the crossing that runs along the tram tracks.

Pedestrians are also road users. Certain areas of the roadway are specially designated for them. These areas are pedestrian crossings.

A pedestrian crossing or “Zebra” is a part of the road that is designed for pedestrians to cross to the other side of the road. It, like any other sign, has its own designation: equal horizontal white stripes that run across the roadway.

Also, the marking of the pedestrian crossing is accompanied by a road sign, which depicts a man in a white triangle, and all this on a blue background. Now this sign is still clad in reflective edges yellow color. This is done so that at night the light from the car’s headlights is reflected, and the driver sees the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign from afar.

The pedestrian crossing ensures the safety of crossing the road for adults, pensioners and children. Usually it is also accompanied by a traffic light, which tells drivers when it is time to stop and let pedestrians who need to go to the other side of the road pass.

But not only vehicle drivers need to know the rules of the road. Pedestrians are also required to know the basic points of the rules that were created specifically for them. And the rules regarding crossing the road are no exception. It is important to teach all children from a very young age how to cross the road correctly and safely. This will keep them alive and will not harm the people around him.

Types of transitions

There are 6 types of pedestrian crossings:

  1. Ground. The most common crossing option, which is usually designated by the familiar “Zebra”. Its distinctive feature is that this crossing is located on the road itself.
  2. Underground. This crossing is located underground, with the help of which you can safely cross the desired section of the road.
  3. Overground. Usually this type The crossing is built in the form of a bridge that hangs over the road and is located parallel to it.
  4. Adjustable pedestrian crossing. There is always a working traffic light next to such crossings, which stops the flow of cars and allows pedestrians to cross the roadway calmly and safely.
  5. Unregulated transition. Such crossings are usually made on lightly busy streets, where it is assumed that drivers themselves will let pedestrians pass in accordance with the traffic rules. Nowadays it is actively used at uncontrolled crossings to place traffic signs “Pedestrian Crossing” with light and flashing lights to draw the attention of drivers to it.

Underground and overground crossings are very difficult to build, so they are installed only on heavily congested roads, where the presence of a ground crossing can create large traffic jams.

Today's pedestrians do not bother to follow traffic rules. Therefore, to the question: “When should a driver give way to a pedestrian?”, the most relevant answer would be: “Always, if this guarantees the safety of the pedestrian, the driver and all other road users.” If a pedestrian enters the road and crosses it in the wrong place, then it is better to stop and let him pass.

In accordance with the traffic rules, the driver is obliged to give way to:

  • blind people with a white cane, despite the section of the road that a pedestrian is crossing;
  • pedestrians who entered the roadway on their way to the tram stop. Sometimes the tram may stop at a stop that is located in the middle of the roadway;
  • children who cross the road with a red flag;
  • pedestrians who entered the Zebra crossing;
  • in the courtyards of houses, that is, in the residential part of the city, the driver is obliged to comply speed mode and give way to all pedestrians;
  • even if you are maneuvering on the road, and a pedestrian, breaking the rules, crosses the roadway at a red light, you are obliged to let him through.

In order to be sure not to violate traffic rules, it is advisable, when approaching a pedestrian crossing, to slow down and look carefully on both sides of the street to make sure that there are no potential pedestrians.

Where to stop according to traffic rules?

According to traffic rules, drivers are required to stop at a pedestrian crossing in front of the stop line. This guarantees good visibility and safety for pedestrians who step on the Zebra crossing.

Preventing Congestion

The driver does not have the right to stop at a pedestrian crossing, as this will prevent pedestrians from crossing the road safely, and other cars may not see the people behind the stationary car on the Zebra crossing and start moving.

Before you start driving, you should anticipate the possibility of stopping at a pedestrian crossing, and if there is one, it is better not to cross the stop line when starting to move. If you stop at a crossing, then you are obliged to clear it for pedestrians.

Traffic rules prohibit drivers from performing any maneuvers on a Zebra crossing:

  • park at pedestrian crossings;
  • make a turn.

If your stop at a pedestrian crossing is caused by a breakdown, then you are obliged to put up an emergency sign and try to tow the car to the side of the road.

Zebra crossing on tram tracks

Previously, if a Zebra was on the tram tracks, then all pedestrians had to let the tram pass. According to the new changes, the pedestrian crossing has become a preferential section of the road for pedestrians.

That is, when a pedestrian crosses the Zebra, the tram must also allow him to pass. But in turn, the pedestrian must make sure that the crossing is safe and not throw himself under the wheels of this heavy vehicle.

Parking near the pedestrian crossing sign

In accordance with the traffic rules, stopping before a pedestrian crossing must be made 5 meters before and 5 meters after the Zebra crossing.

If you stop your car closer than the established limit, then crossing the road citizens will not be able to see approaching cars, and this may provoke an accident.

It is important for drivers not to confuse the concepts of “stopping” and “parking” a car. Stopping means stopping movement for no more than five minutes. And parking means a longer stay in a standing position.


For traffic violations related to a pedestrian crossing, the driver will be punished with a fine:

  1. Parking or hitting a pedestrian crossing – 1000 rubles + detaining the car and sending it to the impound lot.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules of giving way to a pedestrian - 1,500 rubles.

In addition to the responsibility of the driver of the car, pedestrians can also be punished for failure to comply with traffic rules and interfering with the movement of vehicles:

  1. Violation of pedestrian traffic rules – 500 rubles or a warning.
  2. Violation of traffic rules, which resulted in interference with the movement of cars - 1000 rubles.
  3. Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian, which resulted in interference with traffic or causing minor or moderate harm to health to an individual– from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

The most serious consequence for violating the zebra crossing rules is. Read about liability for such an offense on our website.


A pedestrian crossing is a special place reserved for pedestrians to cross roads. To ensure the safety and security of citizens' lives, rules regarding crossing the roadway and strict sanctions for violating them have been introduced. Passing a pedestrian crossing is a maneuver that requires the driver's full attention. Owners of cars and other two-wheeled vehicles are required to follow the main rule of the Zebra crossing - only pedestrians have priority at a pedestrian crossing. As soon as he steps onto the Zebra, everyone must stop and let him pass. But the latter is also obliged to follow the rules and not go ahead under the pretext “I’m a pedestrian.”