Certificates of average earnings using the new form. Filling out a certificate of average salary


A certificate of income to social security is necessary in order to find out reliable information about the real salary of a certain person.

After all, only low-income people can apply for state financial assistance and benefits to resolve any everyday issues, and such a document can indicate their low income.

In what case is the form drawn up?

A salary certificate can be drawn up for submission to social security in many life situations.

For example, it is necessary to apply for a pension or subsidy, as well as to open maternity payments and benefits.

The employment center also requests from its visitors the original of this document with a wet stamp -.

To a citizen of Russia in case of filing statement of claim You will also need to provide certified information about your income to court or when traveling abroad.

Even if any funds are taken from the bank for certain needs, individual is obliged to present to the financial institution a document that officially reflects the amount of all his official earnings.

Procedure and deadline for issuing the form at the place of work

Organs social protection They demand that certificates of citizens’ incomes be prepared for them in the form of a table.

But the work itself on its registration begins only when a person has written the corresponding letter to the enterprise or any organization where he works.

According to the law, he must receive a salary certificate at his place of work within 3 working days from the date of submission of the application.

The income certificate must be provided to the individual in printed form. A duplicate of the document can also be sent by email.

In some exceptional cases, upon agreement of the parties, a document can be sent only via electronic media.

According to the registration procedure, the form must indicate the month, the total amount of wage payments and the amount of funds withheld for taxes (all information in rubles).

The final column indicates the size cash payments, which a person received in his hands.

also in mandatory For social protection, the full details of the employer, his telephone number and postal address must be specified. Indicated registration number and the date of issue of the original certificate itself.

The head of a certain organization, as well as its chief accountant, has the right to sign the form. It is issued to an individual for submission to social security only with all the necessary signatures, as well as with wet seals.

How to prepare information about average earnings for SZN?

A certificate of income for social security authorities must be prepared in accordance with the requirements approved at the legislative level.

First of all, you need to ensure that this form was prepared taking into account the existing generally accepted form 2-NDFL.

No deviations from its standards in this matter are simply unacceptable.

Important! The head of the enterprise where facts of non-compliance with generally accepted rules were identified is directly responsible for any violations during the execution of the document.

Download a sample of income for the last 3 months

A salary certificate for 3 months is very often necessary for unemployed citizens who submit their documents to employment centers.

But to a greater extent this applies to those people who, for some reason, have lost their jobs, and not to young people who are only planning to get a job for the first time and do not have the appropriate records in work book.

Employment centers may request from their clients information about their income for the last 3 months before the layoff.

This is necessary so that in the future it will be possible to accrue cash benefits to them based on the average salary for the specified period.

Of course, a salary certificate for 3 months may be required for other categories of socially vulnerable persons. These include retirees and students.

The latter can contact the dean’s office to obtain this document, but pensioners should visit the Pension Fund with a similar question.

Also, a 3-month certificate is needed for social protection to apply for various benefits, including children’s benefits.

Download a free sample certificate of income for the last 3 months -.

Example of salary for 12 months

A certificate of annual income of citizens is needed to receive various social security benefits.

Then information about wages for 12 months is needed when a person takes out any large loan from a bank.

In this case banking institution has the right to demand from an individual a document confirming his annual income.

You may also need a certificate of income for 12 months and when filing tax deductions.

Very often this social benefit used by parents of students who study at universities on a paid basis.

When recalculating pensions and even when adopting a child, you may also need a certificate of income for 12 months. Even when filing a claim in court, a person is required to provide Form 2-NDFL about his income.

Download a sample certificate of income for 12 months -.

Features of drawing up for receiving child benefits

In order to qualify for child benefit, one of the parents must prepare a standard application according to the established template.

In this case, a certificate of family composition must be submitted at the place of registration of the child.

In order to correctly fill out an application for child benefits, there is a reason to contact the department of social protection of the population, which is located in the area at the address of residence of a particular family.

Child benefits are issued only when the social security service has already verified the authenticity of all submitted documents for this assistance.

If, as a result of this check, any inconsistencies in the documents or completely false data were discovered, the person who submitted them will have to reimburse the state for wasted money.

Validity periods

A person who needs to provide a certificate of income to the social security department must clearly understand that it is legally valid for a certain time period.

And if it ends, then this document completely loses its legal force.

Therefore, an individual should make sure to provide a certificate of income to the social security authorities no later than thirty days from the date of receipt.


A salary certificate for social security authorities performs a very important function - it clearly shows financial situation a certain person and his degree of social security.

If a person or his family really needs financial assistance from the state, then there is a reason to take advantage of the situation and ensure that budget money is directed to solving personal financial problems.

It is worth understanding that if false data is submitted, the individual who allows this will be forced to pay all financial costs incurred by the state.

Certificate of average salary (form and sample)

Dismissed workers often ask their employers to give them a certificate of average earnings for the last 3 months. It is needed to recognize a former employee as unemployed and, as a result, assign him unemployment benefits if he decides to register at the labor exchange, i.e., contact the employment service (clause 1, 2, article 3, clause 1, art. 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1).

An employee who, before dismissal, asked to be provided with a certificate of average monthly earnings, it must be issued on the day of dismissal (Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And if a former employee came for a certificate and wrote a written statement about this, then it must be completed and issued within 3 working days (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The form of a certificate of average earnings is given in one of the letters of the Ministry of Labor (Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated August 15, 2016 N 16-5/B-421). Of course, it can be used as a form for a certificate of average earnings. But in the same letter it is noted that if the certificate is drawn up in any form, and it contains all the data that is needed to determine the amount of the benefit and the timing of payment, it will also have to be accepted by the employment service authorities.

Calculation for reference of average monthly salary

The amount of average earnings for a certificate submitted to the employment service authority is calculated according to its own rules (Appendix to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 12, 2003 N 62). At the same time, the procedure for calculating this average earnings largely coincides with that used when calculating vacation pay, payment for days on a business trip, etc. But, of course, there are differences.

Firstly, the average earnings for the employment service are calculated for the last 3 months (clause 3 of the Procedure, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of August 12, 2003 N 62), and not for 12 months. Secondly, the “set” of payments taken into account in the calculation is somewhat different. Therefore, you cannot simply use the old calculation that you did, for example, to determine the amount of severance pay upon dismissal, and on its basis fill out a certificate for the employment service.

An example of a completed certificate of average salary (filling sample) is given on the page.

This material will tell you about a certificate from the employment center about non-receipt. You can get acquainted with brief information on this topic.


A person who has lost his job can contact the Employment Center to find a new one. This organization:

  • Pays unemployment benefits.
  • Engaged in employment of citizens.
  • Refers for retraining.

Obtaining a certificate is a free public service.

Unemployment benefits are two-time payments every month to citizens who register and re-register in the system once every thirty days.

However, not only those who need a new job can turn to the Employment Center for help. This organization also issues certificates to those categories of citizens who do not have unemployed status.

You can apply for this document:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Foreign citizens.
  • Stateless persons.

The main condition will be the provision of all official papers.

You should come for this document on the days when citizens are received, so it would be better to find out the Center’s work schedule in advance.

Where to get it


  • A certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits is issued by employees of the Employment Center located.
  • The receipt period should not be more than four working days.

You should write your information legibly if you are filling out the application by hand. This will help to avoid mistakes when drawing up the document.

Documents to be received

In order for you to be issued such a paper, you must collect the following:

  • Statement of the established form.
  • A document identifying your identity ().
  • Work record book (read how to obtain an extract from the work record).

No more documents are needed.

You can order this paper only by applying in person with the documents. It is not possible to place an order through the website.

Where you might need it. Filling Features

Help required:

In order to be eligible for any government assessments, this document is required.

You might be interested. Certificate of average earnings:

Filling Features

A certificate confirming the lack of registration as unemployed and non-receipt of benefits is drawn up on the letterhead of the Employment Center. This document should contain the following information:

  • Full address and name of the Employment Center.
  • Name of the official paper.
  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen to whom the document is issued.
  • His date of birth.
  • Passport details.
  • Home address (read about actual address).
  • The text of the document confirming that the citizen is not registered with the Employment Center and does not receive benefits.
  • Where is the document submitted?
  • Position, surname, name, patronymic and signature of the person who issued the certificate.
  • Date of issue.

There are no clear instructions regarding the form for filling out this document, so some details may change.

Filling example

To obtain a certificate, a citizen should write an application addressed to the director of the Employment Center, here is a sample.

Results, a certificate from the Employment Center confirms the fact that you have not received assistance from the state in the form of monthly payments.

Employment centers (labor exchanges) operate in each of the districts of Moscow and in the regions. Their task is to provide intermediary public services between employer and applicant. In order to register with the labor exchange, it is necessary to recognize a citizen as legally unemployed. Only after this does the citizen have the right to receive unemployment benefits from the state. To register with the Employment Center, you must provide a set of documents. Among them: passport, diploma, TIN, insurance certificate and a certificate of income from the last place of work for the previous three months.

Certificate of employment: form and content

The certificate form can be filled out in a standardized or free form. In any case, it must contain the information necessary for registration. The contents of this document must include the following details:

  1. Legal address of the company. It can be inscribed or stamped using an angular stamp.
  2. Round stamp. It must also be present on the document.
  3. TIN of the company as identifying entity sign.
  4. Signatures of the chief accountant of the enterprise, manager. Signatures must be decrypted.
  5. Last name, first name, patronymic of the employee (in full).
  6. Date of hiring, dismissal.
  7. Number of working days per week, type of employment.

To avoid errors in filling out the certificate, it is better to take the appropriate form from the Employment Center. If the certificate is filled out incorrectly, you will have to return to work again until the deficiencies in the document are corrected.

One of the important points when paying out sums of money former employee is the validity period of the contract with it employment contract. Salary for 3 months is calculated taking into account various factors, including work schedule, absenteeism (if any), etc. For employees of the Employment Center, the amount of wages for the last 3 months is related to the calculation of unemployment benefits.

Unemployed citizens recognized in this capacity in in the prescribed manner, receive benefits from the state. And the starting point for the amount of benefits is wage, which the citizen received for former place work.

Benefit amount

In 2018, as in previous years, the amount of the benefit depended on the citizen’s salary. In the first quarter, the unemployed person receives 75% of their former wages; after 3 months, the amount decreases to 60%. For the remaining time, until the end of the required 12 months, the amount of unemployment benefits is 45% of the citizen’s salary.

Maximum unlimited sum of money will not be paid to the citizen. You shouldn't count on it. If the salary at the previous place of work was high, a citizen can count on maximum size benefits.


You can download a sample certificate of average salary for the Employment Center in .doc format

This article will focus on a certificate for the labor exchange. We will find out in what cases it is issued, how it is issued and by whom. Also at the end of the article you can download a sample certificate for the labor exchange, which is relevant for 2015. So, let's start with the situation in which a certificate is issued.

Help for the labor exchange

In what cases is a certificate issued and executed? Let's imagine a situation: your organization has experienced a staff reduction and many employees find themselves “on the street.” Or, let’s say, they quit because at will. Naturally, due to the rapidly changing situation, the employees were unable to prepare an “exit plan” in advance, that is, they could not find new job. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that former employees will join the labor exchange in order to get at least some money before finding a new job. But how much money can an unemployed person receive in benefits? Good question. In general, the final amount of unemployment benefits is calculated by the employee’s average earnings for the last 3 months that he worked in the organization. Of course, if your organization was last place the work of this employee. Based on the above, we can conclude that the employee has every right upon dismissal, ask your organization for a certificate from the labor exchange, that is, a certificate of average earnings. To do this, ask him to write a statement and issue a certificate. Please remember that an organization cannot refuse to provide of this document, because financial and life well-being depends on it former employee. If you are interested in reading about these processes in official sources, then open the Labor Code Russian Federation on article number 62 and number 3 from 1991 “On employment of the population of the Russian Federation. Let’s make a reservation right away in order to protect you from annoying mistakes: the document for the employment service does not indicate the average salary figure, which turned out to be monetary compensation for unused vacation time and severance pay. The average monthly earnings figure is calculated differently, we will tell you what to do.

How to prepare a certificate for the labor exchange?

Let's now look at how a certificate for the labor exchange is issued. Let us warn you right away that there are no standards when preparing this document. You have the right to issue such a certificate arbitrarily, based only on some mandatory items. By the way, we recommend that you download a sample of filling out a certificate for the labor exchange, which you can find at the end of the article. A clear example will make your task much easier. The main and most important point that is present in the certificate for the labor exchange is the details of your organization. This fact is confirmed by representatives of Rostrud in a published appeal dated November 8, 2010. The certificate for the labor exchange must indicate the data of the organization, information about the employee, as well as the period of time that he worked in the organization. Well, as we have already said, you should write down the employee’s average earnings for the last three months. Don’t forget to write down exactly which three months are included in your calculations, because this information is also required by the employment service due to the fact that there are often cases when this period does not coincide with the last three months. In the case of obtaining a certificate for the labor exchange, you can safely forget about the 2NDFL format - it will not be useful to you, since the Employment Law implies other formats. Let's now draw up step-by-step instructions for filling out a certificate for the labor exchange. What do we need for this: Labor Code Russian Federation, calculator, organization details, employee documents, personnel certificates and papers, company seal, blank form issued by the employment service, the employee’s payroll Last year work.

How to obtain a certificate for the labor exchange?

Your organization probably has a company seal, so you can put it in the top left corner. On the right side we enter the individual tax number of the company, which is indicated in the certificate. We do this so that there are no contradictions with tax service, because during the audit she will discover that the amounts of the employee’s benefit transfers do not add up. Next, fill in the column “Grade issued.” There we enter information about the employee who was registered in your organization. Do not forget to write down the time period that the employee worked in your organization, based on the dates of admission and dismissal recorded in the work book. After this, we will begin to calculate the average monthly salary of an employee. We add up all the money that was transferred to the employee over the last year. We exclude the time when the employee took administrative leave, that is, unpaid. Next, divide the total amount of money by the total number of working days for the last year. To make calculations easier, use the working day calendar.

So, we got the amount that the employee received on average per day. Next, we multiply the resulting number by the number of days the employee worked in the month we need. We enter the final figure in the certificate column for the labor exchange. We enter all periods when an employee took administrative leave, absenteeism, or unpaid study leave in the required column and specify specific reasons. After all of the above, we collect the signatures of the chief executive and the head of the organization for reference. At the same time, do not forget to indicate their full names and positions. We put the seal of the organization. Remember that in case of fraud or provision of false information to the labor exchange, the persons specified in the certificate will be responsible.

So, we figured out how to draw up a certificate for the labor exchange. We have established in what cases it is issued and by whom. Remember that drafting this document is very important for your former employee. To see clearly how it is filled out, download the sample from the link below.