Transit plates - how long are you allowed to drive on them? Transit numbers - what are they, how long can you travel on transit? How much do transit numbers cost?

The number of cars on the country's roads is growing every day. Some of them were bought new at a car dealership, and some change their owners. Everyone knows that, according to current legislation, a vehicle is subject to mandatory registration.

That is, every car must have numbers. Moreover, these numbers must meet the requirements and be set to clearly certain places, which are provided for by the design of the car. Note that previously it was possible to put the license plates under the glass and drive without worrying about anything, but now the first traffic police officer will stop the car and reasonably explain that you are wrong. Numbers attached to the radiator grille will also be considered a violation. Well, driving a car onto the road without any license plates at all is, of course, considered illegal. The owner of such a car will be subject to administrative punishment. The driver will be charged a fine of 5,000 rubles. In some cases, the punishment may be increased (up to a penalty parking lot and confiscation driver's license for up to 3 months).

When purchasing a car that has already been used, the question arises of re-registering it from one owner to another. That is, the seller must deregister his car with the traffic police and obtain transit numbers. It used to be prerequisite sales, but now the requirements have changed a little. Now the car is deregistered either at the request of the owner, or if the car is sold to another region.

In this case, transit numbers are necessary so that the car can “get” from its former owner to the present one and be registered in a new place.

The procedure for obtaining this type of number is quite simple. The owner writes a request and submits the car for inspection. A traffic police officer checks compliance technical characteristics this car is what is stated in the documents. If everything matches, then transit numbers are issued. But it is necessary to remember that avato should not have any “innovations” that are prohibited by law. For example, tinting the front windows.

The issuance of license plates occurs after which is set at 1000 rubles for plates on a metal or plastic base.

Many drivers ask how long transit numbers are valid and what can be done if they are expired. The law clearly answers these questions and refers to the Code of Administrative Offences. According to current legislation, the transit number is valid for 20 days and cannot be extended. It turns out that during this time the owner of the car is obliged to register it. If this procedure was not completed within the allotted period, then it is necessary to obtain new transit numbers. That is, simply repeat the procedure described above. It is necessary to do this, because for overdue transits you will be subject to

Theoretically, driving a car without license plates is prohibited. Such an action is legal only on the day of registration, when moving the car from the registration place to the parking lot. In other cases, before receiving permanent license plates, the vehicle must be equipped with transit plates. This requirement stems from the need to identify the owner in case he commits violations.

Validity period and conditions

Currently, to transport a vehicle or chassis that needs modification or completion to the place of registration, as well as in connection with export outside Russian Federation on permanent stay, the owner is obliged to receive special “TRANSIT” signs of the appropriate types established by state standards of the Russian Federation from the registration department at the location of the vehicle within 10 days.

The validity period of transit signs, during which it is necessary to register a vehicle with the traffic police, is 20 days.

Those. when asked how long you can drive transit numbers, you can answer - no more than 20 days.

Required documents

Transit numbers can be issued to the State Traffic Inspectorate unit by presenting the following package of documents:

  • application for obtaining transit numbers;
  • original from the owner's organization for receiving "TRANSIT" signs;
  • passport for motor vehicles and (semi-trailers) for them;
  • contract of sale.

To register your equipment you will need:

  • application for registration;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • MTPL policy for 1 year;
  • presence of a blue seal in the PTS.

Obtaining transit numbers

There are some nuances and rules that you need to know and take into account when registering license plates for a new car.

If the transit license plates expire and the vehicle is not delivered to the location permanent registration, you need to exchange your old numbers for new ones. The exchange procedure is similar to receiving.

Penalty for expired numbers

The new law on the abolition of transport tax is still under consideration. Despite this, the fine for expired transit license plates has already been raised from 300 to 800 rubles.

Board of Directors of the Yaroslavl Regional public organization for the protection of rights and legitimate interests Citizens' Shield boils down to the following:

  • The new owner can safely drive transit license plates for an unlimited time. As stated, you are given only 10 days to register your rooms, but you can carry hundreds of copies of the contract with you with an undelivered date or change the contract itself every 10 days, remaining absolutely clean before the law.
  • There is a risk of getting caught by one of the fantastic cameras in the database, where your transit number is already stored, or by a meticulous traffic police inspector who has the right to issue a fine, but it is negligible.

Facts about fines, transit numbers and amendments to laws are announced in the video below.

Experience has shown that for self-receipt transit license plates in the traffic police - you need to spend the whole day. In this regard, we recall that the owner has the right to contact any traffic police department he likes.

Transit numbers: what are they and how can I get them?

Transit numbers are intended to be installed on a car after deregistration until its future fate is decided. They are necessary when transporting a car for a new registration, for recycling, etc.

After the adoption on October 15, 2013 of a new administrative regulation concerning the issues of registering and deregistering a car, all registration actions have become much easier.

The biggest surprise for car enthusiasts was that now it is possible to register a car and deregister it in any subject of the Russian Federation. But the regulations themselves stipulated the following conditions: it is necessary that in each subject there is at least one traffic police unit that could accept citizens from other regions for car registration. So far, such branches have not been created in all regions.

Considering the fact that even when selling a car, the former owner may not deregister it, it turns out that transit numbers are a thing of the past. That is, if previously the buyer of a car received transits from the previous owner, now he is given full license plates.

Thus, if you deregistered a car, you will need transits in order, for example, to get to the border, if you are going to transport the car to another country, or to hand over the car for recycling.

The validity period of transits is exactly 30 days. New term actions installed new Administrative regulations providing public services on registration of vehicles approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated December 21, 2019 No. 950 (clause 153).

The state duty for issuing metal transits is 1,600 rubles; for motor vehicles and trailers - 800 rubles. If you still want paper transits, they cost 200 rubles regardless of the type of transport.

Transit numbers are not extended. For example, if your car broke down and you were unable to get to your destination, and the transit period has expired, you will need to pay the state fee again and receive new transits.

In order to obtain transit numbers, we come to the traffic police department with the following documents:

  • application in a standard form (the form can be obtained from the traffic police);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • PTS and certificate of state registration car;
  • old license plates for disposal by the traffic police.

You hand over the documents and wait. No MTPL policy is required.

But in order to drive a car from one region to another, you will still need an MTPL policy. It is issued for 30 days, that is, for the duration of the transits.

After the transits are issued, the corresponding mark TRANSIT is placed in the PTS, the series, number and region of issue of the transits are indicated. The date of issue and expiration date are also indicated. They could be extended until April 2011. Not now, just get new ones.

Penalty for late transits

The fine for overdue transits is provided for in Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

  1. Control vehicle, which is not registered in established by law procedure, entails a fine for overdue transits in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles.
  2. Repeated commission of the same offense entails a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Subject administrative offense, provided for in Article 12.1, is the person driving the vehicle, regardless of whether he has the rights of the corresponding category or not. Citizens who learn to drive and drive training cars are considered such persons.

Don't know your rights?

But if the offense is recorded by CCTV cameras, then the subject of the offense will be the owner of the vehicle, regardless of who was driving.

Now let's look at an option in which you can avoid paying a fine for expired transit numbers. For example, you have entered into a purchase and sale agreement for a car that has already been deregistered. Accordingly, within 10 days after the purchase and sale transaction is completed, you must register this car.

Circumstances vary, including unforeseen ones. In order not to pay for transit numbers, you can re-sign the purchase and sale agreement every 5 days. Then the registration date will be counted from the date of conclusion of the agreement.

Back in 2013 in State Duma The LDPR faction introduced a bill that would increase the fine for violating car registration rules to 10,000 rubles.

In addition, this project proposes to reduce the validity period of transits to 15. The developers considered that in 2 weeks you can get to the traffic police department and register a car in the manner prescribed by law.

But this bill was not adopted. According to experts, increasing the fine will not lead to vehicles being registered faster and of “better quality.” This may lead to an increase in fines, and, accordingly, car owners who will have a hard time paying this fine. And the scammers who are still circumventing the law on car registration will continue to find loopholes in the future.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you are not punished twice for the same offense. Therefore, if you have already been stopped once and given a fine, then when you are stopped again for the same reason, present the report from the “first” scene of the offense.

Nuances of punishment for expired transit numbers

When you come to the traffic police to register your car and it turns out that you have overdue transits, the punishment will be different.

The provisions of Article 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses will apply to you. Part 1 of this article establishes that violation of the rules of state registration of vehicles of all types (with the exception of sea vessels and mixed river-sea vessels), mechanisms and installations, if registration is mandatory, is punishable by a fine of 1,500 to 2 000 rubles (individuals).

Some traffic police inspectors “replace” articles for late transit numbers. Instead of Part 1 of Article 12.1, Part 2 of Article 12.2 may be applied to you, which establishes liability for driving a car without state license plates. The sanction of the article is more severe - a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Let's figure it out. Yes, transit numbers after 30 days of use are considered expired, that is, on the 31st day you may already be fined. But who said that expired transit numbers become invalid?

An expired transit plate remains a state registration plate, and accordingly, the application of the provisions of Article 12.2 is unacceptable. Therefore, the maximum fine is 800 rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.1.

But! And here you can “puncture yourself”. According to the requirements of Part 2 of Article 12.2, state registration marks must be in in the right place. And many car enthusiasts secure transits so as not to create extra work for themselves. Therefore, if an inspector stops you and accuses you of violating Article 12.2, appeal the decision if you are sure that you are right.

So, if you have received transits, remember that they are valid for only 30 days from the date of issue. If for some reason you do not have time to register your car, transits cannot be extended, they can only be replaced. Remember that for a repeated violation of Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences, you will no longer get off with a fine of 800 rubles; here we are talking about a fine of 5,000 rubles or the prospect of becoming a pedestrian for a period of 1 to 3 months. Better yet, don’t bother with transit numbers, but register the car right away!

Many drivers are still not familiar with the legislative changes that occurred in April 2011.

They talk about why transit numbers can be useful in general, and in what cases a fine may be imposed. Let's look at these questions in our article.

What are transit numbers?

If you bought a car, you have the right to receive temporary plates. But they need to be exchanged deadlines for state registration plates.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • purchase and sale agreement or certificate of invoice;
  • PTS for a car.
Transit numbers are temporary plates that are issued until permanent registration is received.

In what cases are they needed?

New car, which has not yet been registered, as well as used ones, must be equipped with transit numbers when crossing the border of another country. After their validity expires, these signs need to be replaced with permanent state ones.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2008 No. 1001 determines that if an unregistered vehicle is located outside the territory where its registration authority is located, the owner or possessor of the vehicle is obliged to receive transit within 5 days for transportation to the place of registration.

The document that certifies ownership of the vehicle contains a mark indicating the issuance of temporary signs, and also indicates the period of their validity, date of issue, document data, signature official who issued these signs, seal.

Transit signs allow a vehicle to temporarily participate in traffic

How to get transit numbers?

To do this you need:

  • submit an application to the traffic police;
  • pay the bill;
  • install a transit sign on your car.

Purchasing a transit number when purchasing a used or new car will allow you to temporarily use it without registering it at your place of registration. To obtain new state signs or extend their validity, you must contact your nearest territorial body The traffic police, which has the necessary powers.


The main document for receiving “transits” from the traffic police is an invoice certificate, which is issued when purchasing a car.

After receiving temporary numbers, you must pay a receipt for issue. The law regulates the driver’s obligation to pay only for new transit plates; when extending their validity, no fee is charged.

All that remains is to attach the sign in place of the state signs using bolts. Modern metal transits have replaced paper numbers.

Registration cost

Transit numbers are issued on a metal, paper or plastic basis. Paper signs cost about 100 rubles, plastic and metal ones cost about 1 thousand rubles.

When buying a car at a car market or car dealership, transits can be issued directly at the place of the transaction, but this procedure is paid


The validity period of transit signs can be from 5 to 20 days. If the traffic police does not stipulate this period, inspectors secretly believe that it is equal to 20 days.

To obtain new transit signs, submit a written application. If a car breaks down and the temporary license plate expires due to repair work, the head of the traffic police or his deputy can extend the validity of the state sign.

Penalty for expired transit numbers

According to Art. 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for expired transit plates, the driver may be fined from 500 to 800 rubles.

Is it possible to extend transit numbers?

If their period has expired, it is advisable to renew them at the same traffic police department where you received state signs, since this is possible without writing an application at an oral request. The employee who issued the transit will affix a stamp and enter a new date.

In order to drive a purchased car to your place of registration or sell it, you must also take out MTPL transit insurance, a temporary document that allows you to receive money as compensation when insured event

Taking out a temporary policy is necessary when traveling long distances if you encounter a traffic police post along the way. An agreement with an insurance company can be concluded not only by the owner of the car, but also by his representative by power of attorney.

If necessary for certain period remove the car from registration with the traffic police, for example, for the purpose of sale, in this case, transit insurance is issued, the validity of which is 20 days. This period is usually sufficient to move the car to the location new registration.

But for foreign drivers and special equipment, temporary insurance is provided to the driver for a period of no more than 5-15 days. If the owner of special equipment or a foreigner does not meet the deadline, he will have to pay a fine in the amount of 300-800 rubles. for every day of delay.

For the duration of such insurance, special numbers are issued. After their expiration date, transits will be replaced with permanent signs when the time comes for registration.

If an accident occurs and transit insurance is not issued, financial compensation not paid. The traffic police can take the car to the impound lot, since it is prohibited:

  • move a car in the absence of a document;
  • use the car for a period not specified in the contract.

The cost of transit insurance is influenced by:

  • the region to which the car is being transported;
  • car engine power;
  • driving experience and age of the driver.


Temporary transit insurance does not protect against car theft.


Transits are needed for:

  • a new car that has not yet been registered;
  • used cars if you cross the border of the country.

The service for obtaining state signs is paid. There is a fine for traveling without them.

If you still have questions, our experienced lawyers are ready to answer them. Contact us by phone or through the form on the website.

Traffic police officers often accept an expired “transit” sign for driving without license plates and fine you 5,000 rubles or deprive your license for 1-3 months, classifying this violation under Part 2 of Art. 12.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

“Driving a vehicle in violation of the rules for installing state registration plates on it.” Part 2. Driving a vehicle without state registration plates entails:

  • overlay administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

After all transit number expired, therefore, according to some employees, there is none. But isn’t it really there, when there it is... lovingly screwed on and hanging in its rightful place. It’s legal, we don’t want to receive a fine of 5,000 rubles or even lose our rights for a period of 1 to 3 months. Yes Yes! This is exactly the fine that motorists now face for license plates under the windshield under Part 2 of Art. 12.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

“Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in the designated places.." entails:
(edited) Federal Law dated July 23, 2010 N 175-FZ)

  • shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Transit number passenger car refers to registration plate type 15, and according to the new rules it must be installed in the standard mount of the license plate, the previous paper ones transit numbers(type 16), which were placed under glass, are cancelled.:

Types, main sizes, as well as technical requirements to state registration plates installed on vehicles are defined in State standard RF GOST R 50577-93 (adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 1993 * N * 165) with Amendment N * 3, put into effect by the order of the State Standard of Russia dated May 22, 2009 *:
3.2 Types of registration plates
3.2.4 Vehicles of the 4th group
The following types of registration plates are established:
15 - for cars, trucks, utility vehicles, buses, car trailers and semi-trailers;

RF GOST R 50577-93 Amendment N*164-st, entered into force on November 1, 2009*. add paragraph - I.7:

  • "I.7 Type 15 registration plates must be installed on passenger cars, trucks, buses (one in front and one in back) and trailers (one in back) to the regular installation locations for the registration plates of these vehicles.
    Type 15 registration plates must be securely attached throughout their entire period of validity, using, if necessary, frames or other transitional structural elements
  • 4.3 Registration plates of types 1-10, 19-22 are made of aluminum alloys by stamping and coated with reflective and paint materials. For the manufacture of registration plates of types 3, 5-8, the use of ferrous metals is allowed. Type 15 registration plates are made of paper and covered on both sides with a special film (laminated). The thickness of registration plates type 15 must be at least 400 microns.

So, our expired transit number is installed in its rightful place. But is overdue transit a number? The same GOST R 50577-93, which defines the technical requirements for state registration marks, recognizes it as a registration mark, and this document does not indicate that upon expiration the transit number becomes invalid. The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation speaks about this dated November 24, 2008 No. 1001 (As amended on August 27, 2010 No. 626)“On the procedure for registering vehicles.”

Within the meaning of these provisions, "TRANSIT" signs are registration marks of temporary validity, the issuance of which is a necessary condition to allow a vehicle to participate in road traffic. Therefore, if it is physically present on our car, and even in a place established by law, then we cannot be punished in any way for driving without license plates. And the expiration of the transit number does not mean the complete absence of registration plates on the vehicle.

Thus, driving a car with “TRANSIT” registration plates, which have expired, does not constitute an administrative offense under Part 2 of Art. 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, but contain signs of an administrative offense provided for Part 1 of Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for driving a vehicle not registered in in the prescribed manner. And entails a fine in the amount of 300 to 800 rubles.

Article 12.1. Part 1 Driving a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner: entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three hundred to eight hundred rubles.
(as amended by Federal Law dated April 5, 2010 N 47-FZ)

If, nevertheless, you are faced with a misunderstanding of the traffic police inspector (almost the police), you should not go into conflict with the inspector. Even if his opinion on expired transit numbers differs from yours, and even more so from the opinion Supreme Court Russia, which came to the conclusion that “The expiration of the Transit registration plates installed on a car does not mean a complete absence of registration plates”. Write in the protocol that “I do not agree with the violation, the TRANSIT registration plates are installed.” The decision will then be overturned in court.

Ksenia Korneeva

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