Read the plot for a man's bed. Strong bed spells for male power

In the relationship of any couple, especially a married couple, sooner or later there comes a period when physical attraction in bed weakens. Feelings are all right, the couple rarely quarrels, but intimate life cooled down because both partners (husband and wife) studied each other completely. If you want something new, you don’t have to run “to the left.” It is enough to refresh your life with your loved one, and this can be done with the help of simple magical rituals. This article describes several ways to carry out a bed spell at home.

Preparing for the ritual

A magical ritual represents actions of a pagan nature aimed at achieving the desired by appealing to otherworldly forces. The combination consists of certain actions and the reading of the words of the spell, usually in poetic form. There are such types of love spells as love spells, bindings, attraction, witchcraft to enhance feelings.

Below are a number of recommendations for conducting the sacrament, but the main guarantor of success is the energy and power of faith invested in the process. Otherwise, your actions will turn out to be just mere vanity, and your prayer will turn out to be a bunch of words. So, let's get ready for the ceremony. What conditions must be met?

  1. Choose the day of the week depending on the gender of your partner. The days to attract a man are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday, and the days for women are Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
  2. Don't cast magic in church holidays and on Sundays.
  3. A ritual to increase passion is performed on the waxing moon.
  4. Before starting the process, cleanse yourself mentally and physically: get rid of extraneous thoughts from your head, take a shower.
  5. The room in which the action will take place also needs preparation. Carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of the bed, because it is a key image of the conspiracy.
  6. Act alone and don’t let anyone in on your plans.
  7. It is advisable to choose late evening as the time for the ritual.

A ritual to attract a partner is not the same as love spells. Used in relationships where there is already passion.

Burning candle

The most effective conspiracy, which is aimed at inciting passion between a man and a woman after a cooling period. You will need a church candle. Light it and place it at the head of the bed you share with a friend of your heart.

While the flame burns, read the following words:

“Let the candle fire burn, inflame our feelings. I will add fire to them - for you and for me. We, my love, are forever: man craves happiness. I conjure passion to burn, indifference not to be known! Always want love, never pull away. Love spells are somewhere out there and someone has them: for me the flame is glowing - this is your earthly passion. My husband (my wife) will rush to me, the fairy tale will come true. Amen".

Wait for the candle to go out. After that, cover her with a scarlet blanket and go to bed. The coals on the fire of your love are lit.

Salt spell

To perform, you will need a plate, a handful of table salt, water and a photograph of your loved one. Sit at the table and place the image in front of you. Gently pour water over it and sprinkle with salt so that it sticks to the photo. Moving your hand over it and smearing the slurry, read the necessary words, trusting in God’s providence.

“Like a spice, I rub in passion so that our feelings do not disappear. Love spells for love, blood boils hot. Bonfire, desire, fire - everything will light up, you just touch it. Husband (wife), you are my passionate love, love me, want me! I conjure!

Fiery Fervor

The basis of this ritual is contact with fire - be it a fire, fireplace or candle light. Stand as close to the heat as possible without being exposed to danger. Read the words in a whisper. It will be better if you memorize them.

“Hot air, heat-fire, so that it burns in you the same way. My Slave (name) wanted me alone, and didn’t even look at others! You will always want me, whether you are hungry or when you are full. Amen".

Put out the source of the fire and go to sleep. Before going to bed, think about your other half, remembering the most passionate moments of your relationship.

Red ribbon

If you want to create desire in your heartmate for as long as possible, this method is the best option. All you need is a red satin ribbon and a box, preferably an antique one. Take a strip of fabric in your hands and slowly tie a knot on it, while reading the spell:

All of the above conspiracy methods are suitable not only for women to sexually attract a man, but also vice versa. Rituals have nothing to do with black magic and are not occult, since the process does not use human hair/nails/blood; it is possible to use a man's underwear. Do not confuse love spells and bindings with prayers for the return of intimate relationships. The presented methods are focused on existing relationships and do not work with the goal of creating new ones. Ideal for married couples, husband and wife. Do not forget that magic is only an auxiliary tool that gives confidence in your abilities. Listen to your heart!

A sex conspiracy has nothing to do with a classic love spell. It allows you to achieve only the physical aspect of love, without affecting the feelings and mind. You will be able to have sex with the person you like and nothing else. Most likely, you will not be able to create a family with the person for whom you cast a sex spell. But this is a good option that allows you to have a good time with someone you are interested in.

In the article:

How do sex spells work?

A sex spell awakens passion and sexual attraction towards you in the object of your interest. The ritual affects his attitude, desires associated with you and the sexual activity of the one you like in general.

As mentioned above, even a strong conspiracy for sex cannot be compared with a love spell. The effect of these conspiracies lies only in the physical side of the relationship; they will not affect feelings and other aspects of a person’s life.

Who needs sex spells? For those who want to join sexual intercourse With specific person. Thanks to magic, you will be able to have short-term relationships based solely on physical attraction. Such spells also help those who have been married for a long time, if the couple’s sex life has become insipid and desire has dried up. A sex spell will not bring your husband back from your homewrecker and will not help you win your wife away from your lover. But the most common reason Cheating is a lack of sex in a marriage. Therefore, sometimes these can help. In addition, they help get rid of physiological and psychological problems associated with sex.

Conspiracies of this kind work very quickly. Literally a few hours after performing the ritual, its object may experience sexual attraction to you. They don't last long - maximum term is about a year, and the minimum is a few days or even hours. At the same time, the quality of intimacy, as a rule, turns out to be excellent, regardless of your experience or the experience of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such conspiracies. It does not suppress the will of a person, which distinguishes them from love spells. But this does not free you from the consequences that may occur without conspiracies. If you are going to seduce a person who is not in a relationship, and you yourself are not married, of course there will be none.

These magical techniques also have disadvantages. If a person experiences strong antipathy or hatred towards you, sexual desire on his part may not be achieved. A conspiracy to have sex with a girl can have a much weaker effect than one that would be used against a man.

Women are more often bound by moral principles and personal considerations than men. In addition, magic only makes you feel attraction, but does not always free a woman from her reluctance to take the first step towards rapprochement.

Spell for sex for spouses

This spell is only suitable if you are in a civil or official marriage with your loved one.

You need a common bed - this is where you need to pronounce the spell words. If you have different beds, choose a different ritual.

Helps rekindle the flame of passion again, several years after marriage or life together. To read it you need to buy a wax candle in the church.

It is better to practice sex magic shortly before your husband or wife arrives from work. The closer to night the ceremony is carried out, the better. Place a candle near the head of the bed where you and your partner sleep. You can put it on the bedside table or the floor - it doesn't matter. The spell is read three, seven or twenty-one times:

Just as I light a candle, so I release passion in God’s servants (names)! I awaken strong and uncontrollable feelings. Let passion overshadow their minds, let them intoxicate, let them intoxicate! So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry out, and the hands themselves are drawn to the servant of God (name). So that I become the greatest passion for him, so that the desire for me, like a dream, is the strongest! Amen.

The candle should burn out completely. The spell works very quickly, so you can tune in to intimacy already on the same night.

You can read it to yourself while meeting or talking with a woman whom you see very rarely and do not even have a friendly relationship with. You are also allowed to go away to read the plot, leaving your companion for a while. Remember that using these charm words will not necessarily free you from having to take the first step. They only ignite the flame of passion, and everything else is up to you.

But sometimes with the help of these words it is possible to obtain initiative from a woman when meeting her. Conspiracy text:

I am dreaming of you. I want to own you and hug you, (name). We met not by chance, but to give each other passion. You will not refuse my eyes, you will not run away from my call. Be mine, random beauty, but do not refuse when I demand your body from you.

A conspiracy to increase your libido

What should you do if there are no problems in your marriage other than those related to not wanting sex? If a wife does not want her husband, and there are no objective reasons for this: he is attractive and well-groomed, then you can try turning to magic.

If you have lost interest in your spouse and want to fix it, try reading this plot:

God's servant (name) is standing on a damp thread, looking under her hem, so that just as the red poppy blossoms in the field, so does female lust ignite itself. So that like food for a hungry man, like a bull for a heifer, like a man for a widow, my husband would be desired in my womb. So that it itched, smoldered, and burned like a flame, did not give me peace, sought intimacy with my betrothed. Whoever wants to break my female lust will bark like a dog and howl at the moon like a wolf! Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After reading this plot, you can get rid of psychological problems in your sex life. This does not mean that you will rush at every man, as happens with some types of damage. With the help of this plot you can establish sex life in the family, refresh your feelings for your husband and get full pleasure from sexual relations with him. None negative consequences it won’t, you only affect yourself.

The plot is well suited for women who love their husband, but do not want sex with him. It often happens that wives are the first to lose sexual desire in marriage, and magic copes well with such problems. This conspiracy is read from time to time; determine the time of reading it and the number of times you need to pronounce it intuitively. It is very easy to understand when he began to act.

When performing such a spell on water, it does not matter who you are going to seduce - a guy or a girl. The text contains the words of a slander against a man, but if you desire a woman, change slave for slave when pronouncing. Its action is based on the transfer of your energy of lust through water, which, as you know, absorbs any energy well.

To perform the ritual you need to pour clean water into a glass. The glass can be anything, and the water can be taken from the tap. If you have a well, use well water for this purpose. Mineral is also suitable, but non-carbonated is best.

You need to do this witchcraft before going to bed. Pick up a glass of water and try to surrender to visualization. Visualize what you want to achieve. Feel what you think the person on whom the sex spell is being cast should feel. Imagine how your sexual energy saturates the water. Then say the spell words into the water:

Animal passion of slave (name), wake up, fixate on me

A glass of water should be left near your bed all night, at the head of the bed. You can put it on the floor, under the bed, on the nightstand - it doesn't matter. The next morning, use some of the water to wash your face or simply apply to your face. The remainder should be poured into any container convenient for you and managed to spill on someone you are interested in. The person on whom you performed the ritual for sex must come into contact with this water. You should not mix it with food or drink, but you should not noticeably wet your clothes or simply “accidentally” spill water from a bottle from mineral water Can.

A strong spell for intimacy with a girl

Below is described not the easiest, but quite reliable way to get almost any girl into bed. It awakens passion, but does not suppress the will of a person. As a result, you will get a relationship based only on mutual sexual attraction. How long they will be is up to you to decide.

The ritual can be repeated from time to time when needed. The time of the ritual is Friday, before midnight, but after sunset. A good time is from 20 to 23 pm.

Electric lighting is not allowed; any candles should be lit. They are not needed for the ritual itself, but will be useful so that you can navigate in a dark room.

You will need soap that no one has used except the woman you desire. You can invite her to visit and send her to wash her hands, putting a new bar of soap in the bathroom in advance. If this is not possible, get any item she used. The closer the item was to the body, the better.

You also need red pepper, which is sold in any grocery store. This means packaged ground seasoning, and you only need one pinch.

Prepare a plate in advance with very cold water. You can put it in the freezer for a while, since you need water colder than what usually flows from the tap.

Another ingredient is a drop of your sweat. It doesn’t matter how you get it. You can do several physical exercise right before the ritual, then it will not be difficult. Objects like a ruler or a dull knife are good for scraping sweat from the body. What is needed is sweat; neither saliva nor blood are suitable here.

So, prepare a plate of water, pepper and soap that was used by the one you like. Get a drop of your sweat and add it to a plate of water. Do the same with the pepper, and carefully place the soap on the bottom of the plate. Stroke it with your fingertips and read:

I'll burn you, cool you, please you. You will melt so much in my hands that you will forget your father, mother, and God. Key, lock, damn rent.

When reciting a spell and stroking soap or an object that belongs to the girl you desire, imagine as clearly as possible what you want to achieve with this ritual.

Whispers for love will help you find a lover, attract a couple, cope with unhappy love, ward off a rival, and even protect your marriage from cheating. There are many spell words for love witchcraft that will be useful to every woman.

In the article:

Whispers for love - how to attract a guy

Many girls are embarrassed to meet guys own initiative. Most ladies simply dream that the guy they like will initiate an acquaintance. This can also be done through witchcraft. You won't have to feel awkward if the guy is busy or just not in the mood for dating. To get his attention, whisper into his back:

Look back at me, fall in love forever, never leave, be mine, be with me.

If at this time the young man looks at you, it means the witchcraft has worked. You can use this knowledge anywhere - on the street, in a cafe, in a club, and even at work, if you like your employee. The more often whispering is used on the same person, the more powerful its effect will be.

There is another whisper in the back for love, which, as you might guess, is read after the departing person. It doesn't matter how well you know each other, but if the young man doesn't even know you exist, the magic is unlikely to work as it should. The text is:

As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will spread before me.

These love whispers are great to use after a successful first date, if you want the next meeting to happen as soon as possible.

Read along with this article:

Whispers for a man's love - how to save a family

Whispers to your loved one can help save the family. If your husband leaves you after a quarrel, whisper behind his back:

Just as water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me.

After this, your spouse will definitely return to you as soon as his emotions cool down a little. Our great-grandmothers did the same if they got a wandering husband who decided to go to his rival. After reading the spell words, the husbands always returned home. You can also use a stronger whisper, which will take away masculine power from a person who has decided to leave the family:

Go where you went, you will still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Smoke, stove, ash, my business. Amen.

True, such conspiracies and whispers to take away male power do not allow those who read them to change. Cheating women are deprived of the opportunity to speak and whisper their married life from deception.

You are a lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything else. Amen.

You can say these words to yourself during bedtime, so that your spouse does not understand what you are doing.

Whispering to the melancholy of a loved one - how to achieve reciprocal feelings

You can read this drying whisper in bed, ruffling the hair of your loved one. You can read while he sleeps, because even a quiet whisper is quite possible to hear. It is believed that you can whisper in a car or while traveling together on any transport, especially if the ride is fast enough. The text is:

I don’t breathe, I cast a spell.
Exhale from me,
And a breath comes into you.
So that you can dry without me.

During the feast, you can pour the person you like any drink from your glass and whisper at this time:

Drink, finish, love, don't forget.

If meeting not only in the same bed, but even at the same table with your object of affection is impossible, you can whisper love words through the window, they are spoken nine times in a row:

Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.

After this, the guy will most likely begin to take initiative towards you. It may not be easy to get rid of him later. Whispers of love from a distance work quite well, but you need to keep the image of your loved one in mind.

Whispers against a rival and against betrayal

In the old days, many girls knew whispers about their rival, and no one could interfere with their happiness. If your boyfriend or spouse has begun to become interested in an old or new acquaintance, and you don’t like it too much, there is no need to make scenes of jealousy. There are more effective ways to ward off a potential homewrecker.

This witchcraft is perfect for those who only know the name of their rival, but meeting her seems to be a very problematic matter. You will need garlic. It is placed in the pocket of any loved one’s clothing with the following words spoken in a whisper:

If you throw away the garlic, you’ll also throw (the name of your rival) out of your heart.

When your man finds garlic, he will most likely throw it away, and then the witchcraft will work correctly. Instead of garlic, you can take any other unnecessary thing that will most likely be thrown into the trash. In this case, you will have to change the text of the whisper. For example, instead of garlic, you can use a candy wrapper.

It is not difficult to insure yourself against betrayal using magic. When you make any drink for your husband, take three sips of milk, tea, coffee or anything else - it doesn't matter. After each sip you should whisper:

If I drink, you finish your drink, don’t hang out with any woman except me.

There are many ways to braid beer and other foamy drinks. To do this, you need to spit three times into the drink intended for your spouse, and after each spit, whisper:

Foam, saliva, you are mine, I am yours. Saliva is a wall; other people's blood is not needed. Amen.

This is not just love magic. Such a whisper of love for a husband can protect against, if you suspect that such magic can be used by your rival. It won’t be difficult to protect yourself from her spell, but you should repeat this beer whisper as often as possible. It is not necessary to drink beer every day; kvass, cappuccino, and many other drinks can be foamy.

If there is an opportunity to walk down the street after your rival and whisper conspiracy words in her back, you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity. For this case the text is:

You are scary to him, I am red to him.
You are a snake to him, I am a berry to him.
You are dirt to him, I am honey to him.
No one will reprimand or interrupt my words.
I knit in knots and whisper words.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Whisper for your loved one to call

Not every girl agrees to call a guy first. Many consider this even a reprehensible activity for the fair sex. However, no one says that you don’t want to hear a phone call from a famous person. There are special whispers for your loved one to call. You don’t have to get in touch first; he will call you himself, believing that he did it of his own free will.

So, imagine as vividly as possible the image of the person who interests you. You may be able to remember the aroma of his favorite eau de toilette and other details - this is very good. Once you're ready, start whispering words until you realize that's enough:

My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a stately, pretty girl, good for everyone and everything, and for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen.

All rituals, conspiracies and whispers on a phone call are considered safe. They do not make any adjustments to your destiny and the life of the person you like. This kind of magic will only make a person dial your number. His attitude towards you will not change, your future relationship will depend only on you - this is not a love spell and not after a quarrel, but only a way to get in touch and not be humiliated after calling a person who is no longer interested in you.

In this article:

Happy newlyweds love each other and do not always think about the future. There are many temptations in the world. So that your husband does not want another woman, does not take a mistress, you need to become the most desirable. It may not just be about the other woman. Often, over the years, the novelty of marriage wears off, and the husband ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. Stormy nights end, passion goes away, sex becomes less and less. In order for a husband to want his wife, and even regularly, it is necessary to make a village conspiracy. It will awaken passion and return your relationship to its former degree.

Village conspiracies for sex

In the villages, ancient conspiracies are not forgotten. They are actively used and passed on from generation to generation. While ignorant women gnaw at their elbows because their husbands walk to the left, those who know make a simple conspiracy. After him, your man, husband, boyfriend will be yours only.

But the main condition is that you must also be a faithful wife from now on.

It's easy to apply because you don't need anything special. This is white magic, everyday and simple. Any woman can thus throw thoughts about others out of her lover’s head.

If you for a long time together, understandable satiety sets in. The fire of passion can be rekindled. Your spouse will look at you with different eyes. It is very important that your husband does not know anything about the ritual. You will need some of his personal items and underwear. Be sure to try this method if you have been married for a long time. The conspiracy works quickly. This is a special sexual love spell that helps if you are married or just in a relationship. A man stops noticing others, and looks with desire only at his wife.

Sad marriage statistics

Already after 2-3 years of marriage, interest in the wife begins to fade. Nature created men so fickle. He begins to literally look for a partner for his friend. Some are stopped by spiritual intimacy with their wife, others are simply lazy. And someone goes “to the left”. Women put a lot of effort into maintaining their spouse's attraction. Sports, cosmetologist, cosmetics, sexy lingerie. But even this can soon become boring. A conspiracy will come to your aid. Sexual attractions are a special section of love magic. This method can instill in your spouse a passionate desire for you for a long time. Happy couples meet. They live in perfect harmony for many years. What is their secret? Everyone has their own, and many have a sexual attachment.

Simple home love spell

For this plot, you will need to prepare your husband’s favorite meat dish. As much delicious spicy meat as possible. It is he who you will persuade so that your husband only wants you. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach - you don't need to teach your wife this.

It is important to consider:

  • Buy good fresh meat at the market. You can't bargain;
  • During the conspiracy, the woman must be naked;
  • This ritual is performed on the full moon on Friday.

They talk about raw meat. You need to apply it to your bare chest and say the spell three times:

“Under the gravestone is Domovin, and there is an old devil. I will not fear the devil, I will not bend in bow before him. I will stand straight, glowing with righteous heat. So my husband is not afraid of me, he does not bend before my flesh. Key. Lock".

Prepare the meat according to your choice. This evening, make sure your husband or boyfriend eats as much of this meat as possible. It cannot be left for another time - everything uneaten will have to be thrown away.

Such rituals do not cause any harm to either party.

Speak the marriage bed

To prevent your husband from lying in bed with his mistress, you need to talk to your marriage bed. If you have good reason to think that a rival has appeared, quickly do everything necessary. This method works quickly. So that the husband does not want other women and forgets the homewrecker forever, this method is ideal.
Undress, lie on the bed, spread your arms to the sides. Clap your hands on the bed three times, say:

“So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry out, and the hands reach only to the servant of God (name).”

Now the visit to your mistress is closed for your husband. He can only make love with you. To make everything work out, cast a spell in bed on Wednesday evening for the waxing Moon. Do not wash this linen that you have been lying on for as long as possible. To ensure that your spouse still wants you after many years, repeat the ritual periodically. Practitioners recommend doing this every year.

Drying on underwear

This drying should be done on your husband's underwear. You will need his underpants, which he will wear that day. Panties must be black. You will need a church candle.

To perform the ceremony you need to consider:

  • Day: Monday, Wednesday or Friday;
  • Moon phase: Waxing;
  • Time: Early morning, sunrise.

You can't do drying if you're on your period right now! While your husband is sleeping, take his underpants and go to the window. IN left hand take the LIT CANDLE. Say three times:

“Behind the forests, the water is thick - not earthen, but woman’s interior. In the middle of that water there stands an island, and on the island a pillar does not bend, but rises high to the sky. The sun came out bright. Let it also warm up the waist vein of the Servant of God (name), and lift my white body. Words - turnkey, padlocked."

Cross yourself, kiss the candle and extinguish it. Return the underwear to your husband, make sure he wears exactly these panties. For strong practitioners, the effect occurs very quickly - in the evening. If you are just starting magical practices, then you will have to wait 2-5 days. Your husband will suddenly begin to show very strong sexual desire for you. If he had contacts with other women, then very soon they will stop. He simply cannot be with another woman in bed. Some people begin to have an aversion to their mistress, others have problems with erections.

Your husband will be yours only in life and in bed. It's possible and very simple. Absolutely any woman at any age can make this conspiracy. If the guy starts looking to the left, urgent action needs to be taken. Nobody wants to share the man they love. A simple village plot will help you regain your passion and desire. Sex will be simply amazing. Be sure to try this method and forget about all your rivals.

Who doesn't want to be loved and love? Every girl dreams of love and a strong, prosperous family. But not everyone is lucky in this life, some get married quickly, everything goes well for them, while others, even if they find a couple, then various troubles happen.

And there are also girls who just can’t get married, even though they are beautiful and smart. In such cases, our grandmothers said that we need to “whisper”, and then you’ll see, and everything will work out.

Some people call the whispers village magic, others don’t believe in it at all, and there are those who received help in the powers of love in this way.

There are various small conspiracies that will help you return your lover, find your husband, and make sure that there is harmony, peace and warmth in the house.

If the meeting has not yet taken place and the girl has not met the only one with whom she would like to go through life next, then to attract love, you can whisper when the evening dawns in the sky:

“The roads wind and wind, and then converge into one. So let my fate meet another fate. What is planned will come true, what is planned will come true.”

If there is a person dear to your heart, but he just doesn’t pay attention, his gaze slides past, does not linger on you, then for such a case there are magic words, effective and magical that will help attract his interest. But to pronounce them, you first need to buy a beautiful scarlet ribbon, go to any body of water and, throwing the ribbon onto the water, say:

“My ribbon floats and turns red, and (name)’s heart burns for me.”

Who doesn’t want to celebrate a wedding, but with the person who is the sweetest in the world?! But how to do it if the beloved is in no hurry to propose, if everything goes around as they say. And here a whispered spell can help, which is pronounced on a crust of bread that is pre-salted. Here is this whisper that love evokes and promises a quick wedding:

“Let the guests gather in my house, eat bread and salt at an honest peace, at a wedding feast. Not in ten years, but this year.”

Dreams of love

Whisper for my darling to call

It often happens that after several meetings a young man suddenly stops showing up for no reason, doesn’t invite you on dates anymore, or doesn’t even call. And I really want him to call and come visit again.

There is a fairly simple conspiracy to get a man to call you. The words must be pronounced on your handkerchief, but only if it is made of linen or cotton.

It is important! A knot is tied at one of the ends of the scarf. And these words are said three times:

“I tied the scarf in a knot, and tied my desire with it. Help me, higher powers, help the young man (name) remember me, feel sad, dial my phone number. I tied the scarf in a knot and told you my wish. Soon everything will come true, my phone will wake up from the long-awaited call, from a sweet voice in the receiver.”

The scarf must be carefully folded and carried with you until the wish is fulfilled, and then burned.

The girl herself must carry out this ritual. First you need to mentally imagine the image of your loved one, concentrate on it, discard all unnecessary thoughts and think only about this person. You can close your eyes, you can look at the photo, if available, you can even light a candle and, looking at the flame, say the following words:

Spell to call your loved one

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a stately, pretty girl, good for everyone and everything, and for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

This is an effective whisper of love. This ritual becomes stronger and more effective if your willpower and desire are sincere, comprehensive, touching the very essence of your being.

There is also a ritual for a guy to call. It is also carried out independently. To perform this ritual you will need:

  • photo of your boyfriend;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pen or pencil.

It is better to perform the ritual in the evening, before you go to bed. Place the photo on the table and write your phone number on a piece of paper. The piece of paper with the phone number written down must be small in size, because it must be placed in the photo so that the entry is at the level of the man’s head. The following spell is recited three times:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! Remember how good it was for us, open your heart and soul. Quickly remember my number, make a date soon!”

We leave the photograph and piece of paper overnight in the same position as they were when reading the plot. In the morning, we remove the leaf and burn it, and the ashes scatter in the wind.

Your loved one will definitely call

We must not forget that during the ceremony the image of the desired person must be “before your eyes”; you must mentally imagine him clearly and clearly. This is very important condition and a lot depends on this, so that the person you want calls you as soon as possible.

There is also such a simple conspiracy that does not impose any responsibility on those who carry it out, because there are no negative consequences after it. It is simply aimed at getting the right person to call. Speak with confidence:

“There is a city in Russian land, and in that city there is a stately house. My beloved lives in the house (name of the young man), he calls himself. One (name of the young man) is bored, does not know happiness and fun at all. He will take his phone in his hand and dial my number by heart. He will invite me on a date and find happiness with me alone.”

Whispers for a man's love

There is such a simple whisper to excite love, which is said while sitting with a man at the table. From your glass you need to add a little beer or wine to the one you like and say:

“Drink, finish, love, don’t forget.”

Whispers during dinner for a man's love

“The foam is yours, the saliva is mine. Like foam and saliva mixed, I forced myself on you,”

but before that you need to discreetly spit a little into the glass.

You can also whisper the following words through the window 3 times:

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

When you kiss, be sure to say quietly to yourself:

Whispers can be said during a kiss

“My breath is yours, There are no people without drool, There are no eyes without eyebrows, There are no heads without ears. So don’t live without me. Amen".

And the next love spell will not only help you kiss again, but also make the guy fall deeply in love with you. This should also be done during a kiss. Find an opportunity to innocently kiss the object of your love, on a birthday or other occasion, and say quietly:

“My spirit, your soul. Love me more than yourself. Amen".

This plot can be used to return your husband’s love.

Whisper in the back for love

If you notice that your husband’s heart has cooled towards you, then you can say to him behind him when he crosses the threshold:

“Go where you went, you’ll still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen".

The conspiracy comes into force when the man crosses the threshold again. Therefore, be careful that no man crosses it before your spouse.

There is also a whisper that is uttered in the back:

“Little devils, stand behind the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper into his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Footprint after footstep, step by step, don’t lag behind and don’t leave behind, remind me of me. So that he knows and remembers my name and never forgets. Amen".

“Dry, body, dry, soul. I, the servant of God (name), are dear and good to you. For now, forever, indefinitely. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Whispers in bed

“Body to body is a labor of love. My blood, your love. Love me more than yourself. The rod is bending in the forest, I know where it will stick.” Or say such a whisper in bed: “You are a lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything else. Amen".

Whispers will help you find happiness and attract a person’s attention, but the main thing is not to cross the line and not perform rituals that can have negative consequences.