Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are dating. The divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: a chronicle of the family life of the most beautiful couple in the world (infidelity, children, cancer, prenuptial agreement)

On the evening of September 20, it became known that Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. Rumors that everything was not well with the couple had been circulating for a long time. But until the very end we believed in Brangelina’s love and that they would go through all the difficulties and grow old together. The news of the divorce shocked – without exaggeration – the whole world. Let's try to figure out what happened.

The beginning of the novel

A short excursion for those who are not in the know. The actors met on the set of the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” which tells about the everyday life of a married couple who work as hired killers. The on-screen relationships of the film's characters smoothly flowed into real life. It is worth noting that at that time Brad was married to actress Jennifer Aniston. There were rumors that their marriage was already cracking. Brad wanted children, but Jennifer, alas, could not get pregnant. At the time she met Pitt, Angelina already had one adopted son, a Cambodian boy named Maddox. Then the actors adopted baby Zahara, and then their daughter Shiloh was born. A little later they adopted Pax Tien, a boy from Vietnam. Jolie also gave birth to twins: Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. By the way, before Angelina met Pitt, she did not want to have children of her own, but after their fateful meeting, the actress changed her mind. Despite the fact that Jolie and Pitt's romance began in 2004, it was only in 2014 that the couple officially legalized their relationship. Their marriage lasted 2 years...

Rumors of divorce

Rumors that the celebrity couple is on the verge of breaking up have been circulating on the Internet for a year now. Photos have been repeatedly leaked online that show the star couple quarreling. They gossiped that Angelina allegedly adopted a seventh child without obtaining her husband’s consent. But this news was never confirmed. It was rumored that Jolie often suspected Pitt of cheating, which tormented herself. The result was a large weight loss - fans wondered why the actress had become so thin? There are rumors that Jolie even fired her children's nanny, who was molesting Pitt. In addition, many suspect Brad of having an affair with Marion Cotillard, with whom he starred in the film Allied. It is the French actress that journalists consider a homewrecker - the same as Jolie herself once acted, destroying Pitt’s marriage to Aniston.

Reason for divorce

According to TMZ, the actress cited disagreements with her husband regarding raising children as the reason for the divorce. According to sources close to the couple, Pitt wanted the children to grow up in conditions of strict discipline and could sometimes yell at them, while Jolie never raised her voice. In court, the actress plans to seek full custody of the children, but Pitt will be allowed to visit them. At the same time, Angelina says that her decision has nothing to do with suspicions about her husband’s infidelity.

Comments from Brad and Jolie's father

“I am very saddened by this, but the most important thing right now is the well-being of the children. I kindly ask the press not to disturb them during this difficult time,” Brad wrote in his official statement to the press.

But, as we know, this will have the opposite effect on the media. The actress's father, 77-year-old Oscar winner Jon Voight, also spoke about the divorce. He said something really serious must have happened for his daughter to file for divorce. He's very worried. So do we all! Agree, no one expected that the story of the strongest couple in Hollywood would end so sadly.

Of course, there were some jokes about Jennifer Aniston

After Pitt left for Jolie, the world was divided into two camps: Team Angelina and Team Jennifer. The current situation for the Jolie-Pitt family has given netizens an excellent reason to practice gloating. That’s what they did, accompanying their tweets regarding the famous couple’s divorce with GIFs of Jen Aniston.

Many people regret their separation. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were the most beautiful couple in Hollywood. They were affectionately called "Brangelina". Many fans, of course, want the spouses to reunite again.

And recently, to the delight of such well-wishers, news appeared in the press that the divorce process had been suspended. Allegedly, the couple, who were in a serious quarrel, suddenly made peace. Everyone wants to know if the rumor is true.

Angelina Jolie

This amazing actress captivated the audience not only with her charming appearance and incredible femininity, but also with her remarkable willpower and the secret hidden throughout her image. Angelina's mysterious smile captivates fans. She was given a lot - the artistic talent that this woman was able to fully reveal made her a Hollywood star in a short time.

However, few people know that at the beginning of her life, Angelina considered herself a failure and tried to commit suicide several times. She was born into a creative family in 1975 in Los Angeles.

Her dad is the popular actor Jon Voight, who was loved by viewers in the films “National Treasure”, “Mission Impossible”, etc. Her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, was also an artist at first, but after the birth of her son and daughter, she decided to leave her favorite job and devote her whole life to children. She died at the age of 56 from cancer.

The father left the family early. Angelina, her brother James Haven, who also became a popular artist, and her mother moved to New York. Marcheline later married again. She yearned for the world of cinema, so she often took her children with her to watch various films. Angelina fell in love with them since childhood and began to show acting abilities early. At the age of 11 she already attended film school. Then she studied in Beverly Hills.

Angelina had an exceptional appearance from birth, but considered herself ugly. After an unsuccessful attempt to get a job as a model, she finally fell into despair. She became an outsider, tried drugs, sometimes stabbed herself and felt a certain satisfaction from this.

Later, the girl admitted that it was only by miracle that she survived. It is terrible to realize that an accident could deprive the audience of such a magnificent actress.

Angelina had a strong dislike for her dad. I carried the resentment that he abandoned him and his mother throughout my entire life. However, she starred with him in some films, for example, “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.”

Angelina started working in cinema quite early. She first appeared on screen as a seven-year-old girl in the film “Looking for a Way Out” (her dad played the main role). At the age of fourteen she became a model.

In 1993, a film with her participation, “Cyborg 2: Shadow of Glass,” was made, but it did not bring much success. The role in “Hackers” was much more successful. Then her career took off noticeably - after filming the film “George Wallace”, Angelina received her first major award: the “Golden Globe”.

Her role in the film “Gia” is interesting, which was a success due to her internal similarity with the main character. No less talented was her participation in the film Girl, Interrupted, where Jolie played a rebel, a permanent resident of a psychiatric hospital. For this performance she was again awarded the Golden Globe.

Then she took part in the filming of the following films:

  • "The Power of Fear";
  • "The Vicissitudes of Love";
  • "Gone in 60 seconds";
  • "Life or something";
  • "Temptation";
  • “Taking Lives”, etc.

But participation in them did not cause much success, but the role of Lara Croft brought enormous fame. Both films about the brave heroine aroused admiration among viewers, but criticism among professionals. By the way, Jolie did not use the services of stuntmen during filming.

In 2004, the actress starred in four films at once, which became popular:

  • "Shark Tale";
  • "Alexander";
  • "Sky Captain and the World of the Future";
  • "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".

In the latter, as you know, she became close to Brad. This meeting turned out to be fateful. The film was a huge success thanks to the true feelings of the main characters. A year and a half later, she starred in the film “False Temptation.” Then after giving birth in the drama "Her Heart".

  • "Extremely dangerous";
  • "Substitution";
  • "Salt";
  • "Tourist".

The actress’s performance has been appreciated by various awards (“Oscar”, “Golden Globe”). Her acting work in films was no less talented:

  • "Cleopatra";
  • "Maleficent";
  • "Côte d'Azur".

In the latter, Angelina also acted as a director. There are also her other directorial works (“Unbroken,” “In the Land of Blood and Honey,” “A Place in Time,” “First They Killed My Father”). This year, a continuation of the story about Maleficent was filmed.

Angelina Jolie has been awarded the title of “Best Actress” more than once. Its popularity is not diminishing, but, on the contrary, growing every year.

On a personal note, Jolie has been married several times. She began living with her first boyfriend at the age of fourteen in her father's house. But the guy ran away from her two years later, unable to bear the sight of the wounds that his beloved constantly inflicted on herself.

During the filming of Hackers, Angelina became close to Jonny Lee Miller. Their friendship grew into a passionate romance, and in 1996 a relationship was formalized. However, a year passed, and the couple unexpectedly divorced. The actress commented on the separation by the difference in temperament and the too young age of both.

Angelina married for the second time in 2000 to Billy Bob Thornton. They started dating after working together on the film Flight Control. The lovers made tattoos with each other's names on their bodies and also exchanged vessels with blood. But the rituals did not bring longevity to the relationship; three years later there was a divorce. The tattoos had to be removed.

Then the gossips' tongues were loosened by hints from the actress herself about a change of orientation. Everyone was hotly discussing Angelina's romance with Jenny Shimizu, who starred with her in the film "False Fire."

In 2013, Jolie decided to have a mastectomy of both mammary glands because she discovered a genetic likelihood of developing cancer (about 80%). Her mother and grandmother died at the age of 56 from this disease.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt (real name William Bradley Pitt) is a popular actor, one of the most expensive in Hollywood. However, he was not always lucky, and he built a brilliant career only through his own efforts.

Date of birth: December 18, 1963. He was born in the American city of Shawnee. My parents were far from the world of art: my mother was a teacher, my father was a manager. But the boy had a craving for acting since childhood.

However, after graduating from school, Brad entered the university to study journalism. Although he did not work in his specialty, he instead went to Hollywood. At first, he got a job as a driver and dreamed of one day seeing himself on the screen. After enrolling in an acting course, Brad worked part-time in a restaurant - dressed as a chicken, he invited visitors.

The young man’s dream came true in 1987, when he appeared in an episode of the film “No Exit.”

Then there were several more minor roles in films:

  • "Less than zero";
  • "Neutral Band";
  • "Growth problems."

Then the aspiring actor starred in soap operas (“Dallas”, “Another World”, “21 Jump Street”). Brad got his first notable role in the film " Dark side The Sun,” released in 1988. The actor first attracted the attention of viewers in the film “Skipping Classes.” His work in the drama “Too Young to Die” was no less successful.

An attractive young man with bright charisma, a charming smile and an excellent physique, he immediately fell in love with the audience, especially the fairer sex. And after the release of the film “Thelma and Louise,” where the actor starred in a sex scene, he literally won women’s hearts.

His role in the science fiction film Interview with the Vampire brought the young actor enormous popularity. Subsequent works were no less talented (“Legends of Autumn”, “Seven”). The actor was awarded an Oscar for his performance as a madman in the film Twelve Monkeys.

After the release of Seven Years in Tibet, Brad became a sex symbol. The actor also showed off his charm in the film “Meet Joe Black” (1998). The following year, films were released that added to Brad’s popularity: “Fight Club” and “Snatch.”

The beginning of the century was marked by the release of the famous trilogy about Ocean's Friends with Pitt's participation. His unsurpassed acting talent was demonstrated in the gripping drama Troy, where he played the courageous Achilles. In 2008, the melodrama “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” was released, where Brad starred in the main, not entirely ordinary role.

The actor has been awarded many times (Oscar, Golden Globe) for his outstanding abilities. Viewers remember the films with his participation: “Twelve Years a Slave”, “World War Z”, “Côte d’Azur”, etc.

In 2016, together with the charming Frenchwoman Marion Cotillard, he starred in the touching wartime love story “Allies.” Until the end of the film, I can’t believe that the main character’s wife will actually turn out to be a secret German agent.

This year, the actor starred in the continuation of the story about Deadpool, and in the future a film with his participation, “Ad Astra,” will be released. Brad Pitt is also involved in producing activities.

Of course, such an attractive man had many affairs with women. The actor’s first famous one took place with his partner in the film “Too Young to Die,” Juliet Lewis. But three years later he left his beloved, unable to bear her constant scenes of jealousy. According to some reports, Juliet even tried to commit suicide.

During the filming of the film “Seven,” Brad became involved with actress Gwyneth Paltrow. They lived together for more than a year, got engaged, but the wedding was cancelled. The lovers broke up for unknown reasons. At the beginning of the 2000s, Brad married the famous artist Jennifer Aniston. The divorce occurred five years later.

Development of a relationship

In 2005, during the filming of the exciting comedy Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Brad met Angelina. The actor was still married to Jennifer Aniston at the time. A whirlwind romance began between the partners on the set. This often happens - actors playing a couple in love get into character and begin to experience real feelings for each other.

They hid their relationship for about a year, but soon everyone learned the news about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. In 2006, the actress admitted that she was expecting a child with Brad. The abandoned wife had long suspected her husband's infidelity. When the rumors were confirmed, many fans were outraged by Brad's behavior and felt sorry for Jennifer.

Interestingly, Angelina's first impression of Brad was not the best. She admitted that she found him very unpleasant and arrogant.


It is known that the couple has six children, half of them are biological. Back in 2002, Angelina took custody of a boy named Maddox. She found him in Cambodia, at the time he was only a year old.

In 2005, the actress in Ethiopia met a six-month-old girl named Zahara, who was suffering from dehydration and hunger. Angelina decided to adopt her too. She later gave her adopted children the surname Jolie-Pitt because Brad also took custody of them.

Then the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt began to be born. In 2006 - daughter Shiloh, and two years later - twins Knox and Vivienne (boy and girl). All children were born by caesarean section.

In 2007, the couple adopted another child - a boy from Vietnam, who was named Pax. For several years, the lovers lived without registration, and in August 2013, magnificent wedding. It was attended by all their children, who had their own in the ceremony own task. Many guests arrived, including relatives and famous actors. The bride's dress was beautiful and at the same time simple.

Both spouses turned out to be caring parents. Angelina was especially zealous about raising children. For several years the family enjoyed the idyll, when suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, everyone was struck by the news of the divorce.

Sudden divorce


Close friends have long noticed discord in the spouses’ relationship. Quite jealous Angelina often suspected her husband of having affairs on the side. She lost a lot of weight after the death of her mother, and also due to the development of cancer.

Because of the operation, she felt insecure about her feminine attractiveness. Quarrels often arose between the spouses, and relations became noticeably tense. In addition, Angelina was irritated by her husband’s addiction to alcohol, which intensified every year.

She began to notice that Brad was spending less and less time raising his children. Sometimes he even lashed out at them, which unsettled Angelina, who simply adored all six of them. Some argue that the rumor that Brad had an affair with Marion during the filming of Allied played a big role.

As it turned out, he repeatedly “went to the left” during their life together. It is known that even one of the nannies was fired because of an affair with Brad.

Attempts to improve relations formed the basis for the spouses’ work on the joint film “Côte d’Azur”. The main characters in the film have similar problems after many years of marriage. They thought that working together would help reconcile and save the marriage. But this turned out to be a mistake, and in September 2016, Angelina filed for divorce.

Spouses' reaction to divorce

This was a shock not only for the fans, but also for Brad himself. He, not suspecting anything, was preparing to travel with his whole family to England. And during the trip I had to talk with lawyers. He was simply furious: his wife decided everything for him and presented him with a rather unpleasant surprise.

Meanwhile, Angelina took the children away from their father to the sea. In a remote mansion, she was going to calm her nerves and think about her further course of action.

Property division

The couple is currently dividing their property. It is known that Brad lent a large sum to his ex-wife to purchase a mansion. Angelina asks the court for custody of the children, but is not against her father visiting them. She also began accusing her ex-husband of refusing to pay alimony, which Brad denied.

Who will the children stay with?

The news of the star couple's divorce shocked many, even lawyers. The matter is complicated by the fact that the couple has six children. It became known that according to the marriage contract, in case of infidelity, Brad cannot take custody of the children. However, the elders expressed a desire to live with their father.

The court is still deciding who the Jolie-Pitt children will stay with, but the actress was warned that she could lose custody if her father does not comply with a clear schedule for their meetings. She was forbidden to monitor his calls and SMS.

Stars' plans for the future

It recently became known that Angelina intends to adopt another child. This is a boy from Syria. However, the news was later denied. Currently, the actress is completely absorbed in caring for her children. She even postponed filming in England.

Brad, according to some reports, started a new romance with a charming woman professor Neri Oxman. They had a common hobby - archaeology. But whether the actor is going to make a serious decision about this is unknown.

See you later, Angie,” Brad said. - Tell the children that I love them.

He put down the phone and put his head in his hands. Conversations with Angelina about his schedule with his children still brought on migraines and the urge to drink, although given the circumstances, Pitt could not afford anything stronger than aspirin. This time it was about the winter holidays. Angelina chose home education for her children because she believed that she herself had not been taught practically anything useful in a regular school. This gave the actress the opportunity to take her children on trips and give them vacations at any time convenient for her. She freed them up to start the new year with joy and fun, which Brad would love to share with them.

He liked that he and Angelina were talking directly again, and not through lawyers, but mutual understanding was difficult. Brad was mistaken in thinking that over 12 years of marriage he understood Angelina’s logic and learned to predict her decisions and actions. No, communicating with this woman is like catching a tornado with a butterfly net.

Take plans for Christmas, for example. The couple agreed that the children would spend it with their father - here, in the former family home. Brad waited impatiently for the area to once again be filled with the stomping and screaming of six energetic young creatures. But soon Angelina announced that he would not see the children at Christmas. According to her, the younger generation of Jolie-Pitts was tired of sitting in Los Angeles, they accumulated a lot of energy and became uncontrollable.

Angelina with daughters Zahara and Shiloh (2015). Photo: Global Look Press

A year ago, at such a moment, Brad would have started yelling at his wife or smashed the phone against the wall, only to immediately find another one and call the lawyers. This was not the first time she had violated a court order regarding Brad's rights to communicate with children. In addition, he was always against Angelina’s desire to drag children with her across countries and continents, including war zones. I thought that they needed a regime, discipline, but they could do without a stray bullet or kidnapping for ransom. Angelina made a “concession”: now male bodyguards looked after the children on trips.

He did not repeat the objections on the hundredth circle, he restrained himself - his voice remained even and calm. A year ago, Brad Pitt was a completely different person, a functioning alcoholic who turned a blind eye to his problem just as tightly as Angelina did to the fact that her system of free upbringing was bearing ugly fruits. He was indignant when his wife, after his spree, did not allow him near the children, depending on the degree of intoxication, she sent him to sleep either on the couch or on the street. Over the years of their marriage, Brad spent many nights on the beach closest to home, looking at the stars and wondering where this world was coming to if a man could not properly relax after work. He was proud of his ability to “outdrink a Russian peasant” and believed that in any condition he kept his head on his shoulders.

Brad decided to seek treatment after the breakup, still believing in his heart that he didn’t need it. But when a psychologist began working with him at the clinic, Brad was struck like thunder. First, they found out that since graduating from college there had not been a day in his life without alcohol or, let’s be honest, a joint. Or even according to Winnie the Pooh’s recipe: “both, and you can do it without bread.” Then the actor was forced to keep a diary, recalling his drunken exploits from a sober point of view. “What was I doing? - Brad was horrified, rereading what he had written. “How could you even live with me?”

Brad with Maddox and Zahara for a walk in the park (New York, 2007). Photo: Global Look Press

At that moment, he forgave Angelina for the accusation of domestic violence and the humiliating investigation carried out by the FBI and social services. If Brad had been sober during the fight on board the plane that ended their marriage, he would have praised his adopted son Maddox. The guy was not afraid to stand up for his mother. When scenes like this are shown in movies, the audience weeps. Of course, Brad would never hit his son - that push was an accident, the plane shook. Nevertheless, the boy acted like a man, which cannot be said about his father, who, with drunken eyes, thought that Maddox was getting into the squabbles of adults with the aplomb of an overly spoiled child.

All this made Brad try to politely persuade Angelina into a Christmas compromise. She admitted that the children missed their father and meeting him could replace their trip abroad. Since the couple now live in the same suburb, Brad was offered to spend the evening at her house, spend the night at his place, return in the morning for breakfast and give the children a cultural program.

He then thought for a long time about her proposal. Angelina, almost for the first time since the day of separation, went to meet him halfway; it was impossible to refuse. On the other hand, although they managed to move from nuclear war to cold war, world peace was still a long way off. He was wondering whether he was ready to endure a family celebration without a drop of alcohol to strengthen his spirit, or whether he and Angie shouldn’t spend a long time in the same room, at the same table?

Angelina. Strength is running out

December 2017. Los Feliz

Smiling, Angelina put the phone down, leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes. She was not afraid to fall asleep: the screams of the children playing in the yard even though the windows did not fly out. Neighbors have already come to complain. Previously, Brad dealt with them, but now Angelina had to apologize for the noise at regular and odd hours. She had not yet figured out how to get the children into bed before midnight; she consoled herself with the fact that Brad had not always succeeded in doing this either. After the separation, all his household responsibilities fell on Angelina’s shoulders. She was just learning to clean up after the dog, read to the children at night, and cook breakfast. I even signed up for cooking classes, which have not yet produced edible results. It’s good that daughter Shiloh increasingly replaced her mother at the stove. The most "daddy" of all the children, Shiloh learned a lot from Brad. She even looked like a miniature father. Angelina knew that the girl secretly called him every evening.

Brad with Pax, Shiloh and Maddox at the premiere of Unbroken (2014). Photo: Global Look Press

And help was needed. Angelina was beginning to understand what Brad meant when he talked about discipline. It seemed to her that this word reeked of barracks, of coercion, she rushed at Brad like an angry eagle for every remark made to the children. And now I realized with amazement that my father’s strictness was returning to him not with fear, but with respect. The children obeyed Brad, something she couldn’t boast about. Angelina increasingly found herself raising her voice, trying to shout down the domestic democracy that she herself had established.

She tried to involve her father Jon Voight in maintaining order, but he did not have much experience in raising children. He did not raise her and her brother, so Angelina refused to communicate with her father for most of her adult life. After the breakup, she needed any support, any way to prove to Brad that she could cope without him. However, the children were just beginning to get to know Grandfather John, and he did not yet enjoy authority among them.

Angelina should have admitted earlier that she overestimated her strength. After a year of single-handedly raising six children, her hypertension worsened, and due to stress and lack of sleep, she suffered facial paralysis. She was unable to find time to treat varicose veins, because of which the actress could not appear in public with bare legs for a long time. She was warned that constant flights are contraindicated for people with this disease; if surgery is not performed, blood clots will begin to form. But after the operation, Angelina will need a month of bed rest. She would like to know how doctors imagine this...

Writer Lun Un, Vivienne Marcheline, Maddox, Pax, child actor Kim Hak Moon, Knox, Shiloh, Angelina Jolie, Zahara and actress Sarum Shrey Moh at the premiere of Jolie's film “First They Killed My Father” (Toronto, September 11, 2017). Photo: Global Look Press

She understood that her manipulations with the visitation schedule did not cause positive emotions in Brad, but leaving him alone with the children - especially with Maddox and Pax - was, in her opinion, risky. Immediately after the breakup, Angelina was overwhelmed with emotions; Brad seemed to her like a fiend of hell and the closest deputy of the green serpent on earth. She said and did a lot of things in front of the children that she now regretted. When things got better between her and Brad, the younger children quickly forgot her angry tirades, but the older sons still behaved coolly, warily towards their father. Confrontation seemed inevitable, and Angelina felt it was best for her to be there at that moment.

The biggest problem was with Maddox. He appeared in Angelina’s life before Brad, and in his heart he always considered himself the main man in her life, an assistant, a protector. He understood better than all his brothers and sisters how Brad tormented his wife with drunkenness, and most often witnessed ugly family quarrels. When Angelina filed for divorce, Maddox said that he did not consider Brad a father and never wanted to see him again. Since then the guy has softened a little, but who knows if jealousy and anger will flare up with new strength, if he realizes that Brad might come back?

Angelina pulled herself together, reminding her that it was too early to think about this. Over the past year, both spouses admitted their mistakes and tried to correct them, pretending that the change in habits had nothing to do with the mutual claims that destroyed their marriage.

Photo: Global Look Press

They have already taken the first step by talking openly about rumors regarding their personal lives. At one time, Angelina liked to tease her husband with evasive answers to questions about the British billionaire of Arab origin, whom she was supposedly going to marry. Thoughts that ex-wife would take the children overseas to her new husband, drove Brad crazy, Jolie knew that for sure. In particular, by how unpleasant she herself was by the messages about his “romances” with all unmarried Hollywood actresses aged 21 to 41. But recently they both decided that enough was enough.

Angelina pointed out to Brad that she has neither the time nor the energy for any British billionaires. In case he hasn't noticed, she educates six children, does charity work, and just made a film, First They Killed My Father, which she's now performing at festivals. The remaining minutes in the day are spent on eating, sleeping and trying to somehow monitor your health. Brad, for his part, said that he shows respect and courtesy to his female colleagues, nothing more. And he hasn’t seen or spoken to Kate Hudson, whom they persistently suggested was his friend, for four years.

A pained cry was heard from the street. Angelina jumped up and rushed out into the street, straightening the black robe as she went, in which, to save time, she slept and took the children to football, dance and martial arts sections. It was necessary at all costs to separate the children before they gave each other bruises and abrasions. The last time someone hit his youngest daughter, Vivienne, in the forehead with a rock, Brad became so worried that he demanded that the girl be x-rayed and publicly called Angelina an irresponsible mother when she refused. Such stories clearly did not benefit their already difficult relationship, so the actress intended to make sure that the young gang showed up safe and sound at the next meeting with their father.

Santa Claus does not exist. All the chocolate bunnies, plastic dolls and even warm thick underpants were folded under the Christmas tree by the caring hands of the parents. The realization that Santa Claus was a fiction for many growing children turned out to be a real shock, dividing life into before and after.

For many adults, the happy Hollywood couple was a kind of romantic Santa Claus from childhood, in whom they wanted to believe. Looking at how the beautiful Angelina glows with happiness when her beloved man is next to her, both fans of the couple, and even complete cynics, were sure that this was true love. Like in the fairy tale, when “they lived happily ever after.”

And now, the fairy tale that the whole world has managed to believe in over these eleven years is collapsing. Moreover, it collapses with a deafening roar, leaving no hope behind. Santa Claus-2. Everything is repeating itself, there is deception all around...

Not surprisingly, the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt remains the hottest topic for several days. The latest news appears literally every hour and instantly spreads across information portals. At the same time, it is no longer possible to understand where the truth ends and the journalists’ imagination begins. After all, just a month ago, no one could have imagined that “exclusive details” about the scandals between Jolie and Pitt, published in “yellow” publications based on the stories of faceless informants, could turn out to be true.

So what's now? Just watch what is happening and sigh, because the most beautiful Hollywood story turned out to be a made-up fairy tale. The play is over. There are cutlets and flies left, which no one, it seems, is going to separate.

Over the past 24 hours, another fat portion of details of the family life of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt has appeared in the media. We invite you to discuss last news about the beginning of the divorce process.

Brad Pitt - alcoholic, drug addict, tyrant

Yes, that's how it turns out. Remember the house manager from The Diamond Arm?

« - And what, for all ten years he drank, became rowdy, and, so to speak, became morally corrupt?

“Well, no, you know, all this time he skillfully disguised himself as a decent person!”

Having begun the divorce procedure, Angelina is going to reserve the right to sole custody of the children, of which the couple has six in total. How to win the court on your side? That's right, prove (or declare) that the father of the children is a monster from whom the heirs should be kept away.

Yesterday the media reported that during a recent family flight on a private jet, Pitt, under the influence of drugs and alcohol, raised his hand against the children. The allegedly distraught Brad shouted, insulted the children and even spread his hands.

So far, no evidence of Pitt's aggression has been provided. However, the story of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard showed that an interesting video of the scandal could appear at any moment...

The Western press hastened to report that the Los Angeles police have already begun an investigation into Pitt's inappropriate behavior and even opened a case against the actor. Police representatives had to give a refutation this morning:

“The police are not investigating Brad Pitt for child abuse. Detectives are not investigating the Hollywood actor. We have no statements or evidence against him."

Brad Pitt himself admits that he really could afford to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana, but the actor categorically denies that he was a “bad father” for his children. According to close friends of Pitt, he is not going to give up custody of the children to Angelina.

Another one a new version Jolie and Pitt's divorce concerns political activity actresses. Over the past few years, Angelina has been more concerned not with cinema, but with politics.

Comedy residents and their beautiful wives

Our article is for those who still doubt that girls simply adore guys with a sense of humor. Just look at the beauties the Comedy Club residents are married to. Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva...

Having become a UN ambassador, Jolie travels around the world on charitable missions. The actress is a frequent visitor to hot spots and can often be seen in refugee camps. Jolie increasingly meets with politicians to discuss world problems and speaks at the UN.

There are persistent rumors that Angelina plans to give up creativity in favor of a political career.

Now it has become clear what social activities Jolie are standing specific people. The actress discusses all her endeavors with her faithful assistant friends - Lady Arminka Helik and Chloe Dalton. Both ladies at one time worked as assistants to former British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

The women are practically inseparable: all of Angie’s charity events and political speeches take place after discussions with her companions.

Insiders claim that the relationship between Brad Pitt and Lady Arminka is more than strained, so the latter is doing everything to turn her friend against her own husband:

“Brad thinks Angie's friends are real witches. He doesn’t like how Arminka influences his wife, he doesn’t like the advice she gives her. Previously, Brad and Angelina always made all decisions together, but now she no longer takes into account his opinion, her friends run everything!”

Pitt, seeing his wife’s obsession with political life, is sure that her friends are brainwashing Angelina, turning her against him.

Divorce of Pitt and Jolie: battle of lawyers

The spouses realize that a peaceful and civilized divorce will not work. Neither Brad nor Angie are going to give in to each other.

To win the judges over to their side, everyone hired not just lawyers, but real legal sharks! Jolie is already represented by Laura Wasser. It was she who managed to help Johnny Depp get out of the high-profile, scandalous divorce proceedings with Amber Heard with virtually no losses.

An equally eminent lawyer, Lance Spiegel, undertook to represent Brad’s interests. The human rights activist has successfully defended Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen and the divorce of Eva Longoria.

Each of the lawyers has their own win-win methods for handling stellar cases, so those who already stocked up on popcorn at the beginning of the week, expecting spectacles, will have an exciting and unpredictable continuation of the story ahead...

Why Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are getting divorced: new details updated: April 20, 2019 by: lenny_lenny

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on September 19, 2016. But now Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are going to save the family- By at least, so say sources of the American publication Hollywood Life. Relationships between ex-spouses warmed up so much that Angelina and Brad decided to give them a second chance. Pitt and Jolie regularly communicate not only by phone, but also in person.

– They see each other several times a week. Little by little, old feelings are returning again, says the source. “They have become more open with each other, which has not been the case for years. It was as if they had started dating again.

According to people around, Brad and Angelina still love each other- although recent months they did not spend time together. But now everything can change, because they are very attracted to each other. They say that the actress has looked for a house in the suburbs of Los Angeles not far from Brad's house - so that the children can regularly see their father.

The fact that Brad Pitt still loves Angelina very much became clear when the actor's interview was published in GQ magazine. Brad spoke very frankly about their divorce, calling himself the main culprit, and admitted that his addiction to drinking destroyed their family.

As it turns out, Pitt was suffering all this time. alcohol addiction- and over time the situation only got worse.

“I can’t remember a day that I haven’t had a drink since I graduated from college. I gave up all my bad habits when I started my family... except one. I drank a lot, and it became a problem in our marriage,” the father of many children frankly said.

By his own admission, Brad has not touched alcohol at all for several months now - he is being treated for addiction, consulting with psychologists. The divorce came as a complete surprise to him, but Brad did not forcibly keep his wife, although, in his own words, their separation was comparable to death for him.

“It was like I won the lottery, but I threw away the lucky ticket,” he says. – I wasted my time on completely empty things.

In the first days after Angelina took the children and left (the actress filed for divorce on September 19 last year), Brad was supported by friends. He was too crushed by the loss of his family to be alone.

“I just couldn’t return to our empty house, I felt very bad.” So I slept on the floor of my friends house in Santa Monica for six weeks,” Pitt recalls.

Talking about breaking up with Angelina, Brad says that he is very sorry and admits that at first he hoped to get his wife back.

“The first desire was to try to maintain this relationship. But then the well-known phrase comes to mind: “If you love, let go,” he says. “Now I understand from my experience what this means.” This means loving without the right to possess.

Perhaps the frank interview touched Angelina, and she decided to try everything from the beginning. Moreover, Brad underwent a course of psychotherapy and completely gave up alcohol - the actor now drinks only water and cranberry juice. He has made peace with his eldest sons and sees all the children constantly.

– This divorce seemed to give me a slap in the face: I have to become different. “I have to show them that I’ve changed,” Pitt says.

And now this happy moment has come. It should be noted that Brad and Angie decided to give their relationship a second chance, but they are not going to stop the divorce process. Celebrities are sure that it was marriage that ruined their union.

“Angie thinks everything went wrong as soon as they got married. Their relationship changed, they became bored. Brad started drinking more. Heavy work schedules also took their toll, and they constantly traveled, never staying anywhere for long. Tensions grew. Today, they both view divorce as not the worst thing that can happen. This is just a piece of paper, and they feel that with a divorce they will be able to start life from scratch,” the Daily Mail quotes Galperin.

The famous biographer Ian Halperin has collected a lot of evidence that the couple is back together and has now presented it to the public. Reconciliation has occurred and there is no doubt about it, he is sure. Ian said that the couple managed to meet and discuss everything without conflict for the first time about seven weeks ago. Then they went together to see a psychotherapist. The specialist correctly moved the conversation in the right direction, as a result, both Jolie and Pitt realized that mutual accusations and insults were no longer necessary. The couple burst into tears, and then they sat and discussed the future for a long time, made plans, called each other affectionate names.

Jolie appreciated Pitt's complete abstinence from alcohol. He also began to spend a lot of time with the children. Those around her also noted that the actress began to behave much calmer. And the most important thing, which all the friends and acquaintances of the couple are sure of, is that during the year of separation, neither Pitt nor Jolie began dating other partners. They refrained from sex life. Ian also learned about the couple’s plans for the future: Jolie decided to travel less, and Pitt agreed with her.

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