An agreement with an individual to perform work. Work contract (with an individual; with detailed provisions on the confidentiality of the contract)

A written contract for construction work is a sample contract, one of the main types of such an agreement. Both parties agree on the execution of construction or repair work, determine the conditions and deadlines for delivery.

Let's take a closer look:

  • without which the construction contract will not be considered valid;
  • what points in the text need to be written;
  • what standards govern the contract?
  • design algorithm.

Read the article to the end - you will find expert advice on drawing up an agreement and the opportunity to download a standard agreement construction contract.

Types of contract agreements

Contract agreement - a type civil transaction. The parties to the sample contract for construction work are:

  • a person who needs a service or work performed. This is the customer;
  • the person who performs the work. This is the contractor (or performer).

Both parties can be legal entities and individuals. In this case, the agreement is concluded:

  • between citizens for the execution of repair, construction or installation work. It is important that a citizen who intends to carry out work according to a model contract has permission to do so;
  • between legal and an individual. For example, a citizen hires construction organization for the construction of walls of a private house;
  • transaction between legal entities - concluding an agreement for the construction of a production workshop;
  • sample construction contract between private individuals, one of which is individual entrepreneur. IP is hired for interior decoration an already built house, for example.

In general, the contract to perform construction work contract with individual entrepreneurs according to the 2019 standard model.

The main obligations in the transaction come down to the fact that one party orders and accepts finished work, the second one performs it and passes it.

According to the law, contract transactions are divided into:

  • execution of a household contract, one of the parties is a private individual, the work concerns the satisfaction of personal and household needs;
  • execution of a construction contract. The deal boils down to the fact that construction, installation, commissioning and repair work is performed for the customer (depending on the need);
  • contract for design and survey work - development order technical documentation, For example;
  • execution of work for the needs of the state and local authorities.

The difference between a work contract and an employment contract

The contract deal relates to civil contract and is not regulated Labor Code RF (TC RF). Therefore, the terms and definitions that are characteristic of an employment contract cannot be specified in the construction contract form.

In fact, a private person can become the executor of a contract document; personal income tax is also paid from the remuneration amount; in fact, such a citizen also earns money. But that's where the similarities end:

  • different legal regulations. Employment contract regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the contract falls within the scope of civil regulation;
  • a contract agreement implies a one-time construction work, performing a specific volume. After construction, installation, adjustment, the work is handed over according to the certificate and paid for. The sample agreement is considered executed;
  • the employee under the contract agreement is not provided with vacations (labor and social), and benefits are not paid for certificates of incapacity for work;
  • contracting is not regulated by local regulations of the customer organization;
  • in a contract transaction, both parties are equal, while the employment contract obliges the employee’s subordination in accordance with the organizational structure of the enterprise and its job responsibilities. If the execution of construction work according to the sample contract falls on a specialized team, this structure is not subordinate to the customer, it fulfills the terms of the contract;
  • a citizen is not affected by the benefits and compensation established in the organization.

A private individual does not have any length of service, and the employer does not insure him (unless this is provided for in the contract itself). The contract agreement itself is considered one-time: a start and completion date for the work is stipulated.

In addition, not every organization makes sense to have a construction team on staff. For certain works, it is better to conclude a contract agreement and draw up a sample of the corresponding agreement.

Regulatory regulation

A contract for construction work - as a sample civil agreement - is regulated by the following legal regulations:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Civil CodeRegulation of the drafting and execution of contracts in general (Chapters 27 to 29: concept and conditions, conclusion and termination of agreements) You can read about Construction Contracts, starting with Article 740 (third paragraph of the Civil Code) Legal regulation construction agreements (Chapter 37 in its entirety)
Town Planning CodePlanning, drawing up estimates and technical documentation, construction regulation, standardization, etc.
Federal Law “Law on Architectural Activities in the Russian Federation”Regulation of architectural activities, project development, rights to architectural activities, etc.
Regulations local authorities authoritiesRegulation of construction, installation and repairs relating to certain territorial features

Essential terms of a construction contract

The legislation does not define any standard sample of a contract. There is also no standard for a contract agreement. However, for a construction contract to be considered valid and have legal force, its sample must reflect the essential conditions:

  • subject of the agreement - what the transaction is for (what is required - repair, construction, installation or commissioning and commissioning of a new production, which is the object of construction);
  • the deadline set for the execution of work.

The remaining points do not relate to essential conditions, but are prescribed in the contract. Moreover, since there are no restrictions by law, you can specify any conditions under which the transaction is concluded, and specify them in as much detail as possible. The main thing is that such conditions do not contradict the law.

Mandatory details and points

In principle, we can say that these are the points without which the contract for construction work will be considered incomplete. What conditions are required?


The subject of the contract may be the construction of a production workshop, Finishing work in a private house, construction of the foundation of a country house, start-up and adjustment of production, construction of an apartment building, etc.


The contract specifies at least two dates: completion and start of work. If the volume is very large or the parties wish, the deadlines provided for in the agreement can be broken down for intermediate work. For example, the foundation must be poured by March 2, 2020, the building frame must be erected by February 3, 2021, and construction must be completely completed by May 6, 2022.

Price of work and payment procedure

The price of work or services is determined by the text of the contract or is established in estimate documentation. Also, if several services were performed, you can attach an invoice with prices to the contract. Then you need to write in the agreement that the price corresponds to the application.

In addition to determining the cost of the transaction, the payment procedure is established:

  • one payment or several. If the deadline is divided into several dates, you can pay for each date upon completion;
  • by bank transfer to an account or in cash;
  • the procedure for granting installment plans or deferred payment for the execution of a sample construction or repair contract;
  • Possibility of advance payment for construction work.


The annexes to the agreement may include:

  • protocols for agreeing prices for work;
  • accounts;
  • design documentation;
  • estimate.

Rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement, contract price

A list of rights and obligations of the contractor and performer is prescribed. Here you can describe in detail everything related to the transaction. The more detailed the agreement, the fewer questions and problems in the future associated with their non-fulfillment.

The main right of the customer is related to the acceptance of a high-quality result of the work, and monitoring the execution of the sample construction contract, while the contractor is entitled to timely and full payment for his work.

Quality of work and responsibility of the parties

It is determined that the quality of materials and equipment used in a construction contract must comply with the standards.

The clause once again states what result of work is required from the contractor, and what quality characteristics, GOSTs and other standards it must comply with.

Responsibility of the parties means the occurrence of any sanctions for failure to fulfill the terms of the agreement. If the customer does not pay on time, every day of delay will cost him a fine; if the contractor has not completed something, he either works at his own expense or hires another company to complete the construction at his own expense.

Other terms of the construction contract

Or other conditions - this formulation is more common. It contains points that are also important for the parties, but none of them correspond to the main points of the agreement.

1. Any changes must be agreed upon and signed in writing.

2. The parties must notify about changes in details: addresses, accounts, company names, etc.

3. Permission or prohibition to use the services of subcontractors. A sample subcontract agreement for construction work is concluded if another contractor undertakes to perform part or all of the work.

By the way! There is also such a thing as a sub-subcontractor - this is an example of such cooperation in which the subcontractor is the customer for construction work. The agreement is concluded between them according to the established pattern.

Registration procedure and sample

Algorithm for obtaining a construction contract:

  1. Search for a team, company or specific person to conclude a sample contract. The choice depends on what specific work is required, who the customer is, and what budget is calculated for the contract.
  2. Discussion of the terms of the deal. For example, the contract stipulates that materials, equipment and auxiliary tools are provided by the contractor. It can be stated that all of the above is transferred by the customer, either in full or in part.
  3. Drawing up an agreement.
  4. Signing samples of a completed construction contract.
  5. Execution of all work in accordance with the contract.
  6. Completion of work, drawing up and signing a certificate of completion of work.
  7. Final payment under the contract (if it is determined upon the fact of full execution of the contract).

After one party completes the order in full and the other pays for it, the contract is considered fulfilled, except for the clause on warranty obligations. If the agreement determines guarantee period and the conditions for its implementation - then in this part the contract is still considered valid.

The form of a construction contract is always written, with the original signatures of the parties.

A sample contract for construction work can be downloaded from the website. Downloading is free.

1. Familiarize yourself with the legal standards that govern construction contracts.

2. Download an example of a construction contract, familiarize yourself with the main points, design, terms used, and prescribed conditions.

3. Draw up an agreement, specifying the points in as much detail as possible. A sample construction subcontract agreement is drawn up in the same manner as a regular contract.

4. If in doubt, consult a lawyer. On our website you can do this in a free chat.

5. Write down the mandatory clauses of the agreement.

Construction contracts are a common type of civil transactions. In order for the transaction to have legal force and be valid as part of the written agreement, follow the instructions mandatory items, no errors or false information. A sample construction contract in the word version can be downloaded for free on the website.


Download the contract

If you have not found the answer to your question or there are still misunderstandings, please contact free consultation contact a lawyer in chat on our website

Standard contract contract work

A contract with an individual is a fairly common agreement concluded between a citizen and another entity (individual or legal entity).

Subject and types of agreement

According to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the subject of the contract is the performance of specific work and the receipt of the direct product of labor. This condition is essential, that is, without its approval, the deal will be considered not concluded, and therefore it is worth indicating in the text detailed information about the scope of work, setting out the terms of reference.

It is impossible to consider a transaction completed if a condition on the start and end dates of the contract work has not been agreed upon. However, practice in this regard is varied. In a number of cases, courts recognize that the beginning of a period cannot, for example, be determined by the date of conclusion of an agreement between persons; an approximate date cannot be indicated; however, there are also opposite legal conclusions contained in decisions arbitration courts. For the convenience of the parties, in order to avoid further disputes, a work schedule is used, which, as a rule, includes intermediate deadlines.

At the same time, the law distinguishes between several types of contract:

  1. Household – designed to meet household needs;
  2. Construction – associated with the execution of work on the construction and installation of buildings;
  3. Agreement, the subject of which is survey work;
  4. Work on fulfilling orders of state and municipal authorities.

In relation to the second type of agreement prerequisite The main factor is the price, which is directly stipulated in specialized articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The difference between a work contract and other types of agreements

A distinctive feature of a contract agreement with a citizen is the contiguity of the specified civil law contract and the agreement on the performance of a labor function. In some cases, courts recognize work contracts as labor contracts, by concluding which the employer seeks to reduce costs.

The distinctive features of a civil transaction are:

  1. Performing work by a citizen that is largely determined by specific characteristics rather than generic ones (for example, repair of a specific object, and not just repair);
  2. The text of the agreement does not refer to the provisions of the Labor Code and does not indicate various types of benefits and guarantees provided by it;
  3. When fulfilling the terms of the contract, you should focus on two points - quality and deadlines;
  4. Reception of results occurs according to acts of acceptance and transfer, while the cost of services is determined by agreement;
  5. Value added tax is payable.

Related to the contract is also an agreement paid provision services, the main difference of which should be considered that, unlike the provision of services (for example, educational, clearing, legal), a contract always has a tangible result.

Important nuances

As already mentioned, in the agreement on contract work it is necessary to specify two essential conditions - the subject (the work itself) and the period during which the obligations must be fulfilled.

In addition, it is advisable to stipulate a number of other provisions in the contract:

  1. Distribution of costs for the purchase of materials, since contract work can be carried out at the expense of the contractor himself or the customer. Coordinating them will allow the latter not to worry about damage to the material, and the contractor will benefit from some savings;
  2. The possibility of transferring part or all of the work to third parties - subcontractors, as well as resolving issues of liability.
  3. Detailed requirements for the quality of work performed, taking into account various provisions of technical standards.
  4. Guarantee period for results.

Upon completion, a corresponding act is signed, which is drawn up in strict accordance with the original data. The act is signed on both sides.

Contract structure

Sample structure of the type of contract under consideration:

  • Preamble indicating the persons entering into the contract, legal basis their actions (Charter, power of attorney).
  • The subject of the agreement is the content of the work performed, its final result and volumes.
  • Timing (start and end date) for the contractor to perform his duties.
  • Contract price and payment procedure.
  • Quality of the result.
  • Guarantee period.
  • Acceptance and delivery of completed work.
  • Responsibility of participants.
  • Duration of the agreement.
  • Final provisions.

What are the rights and obligations of the parties?

Besides essential conditions, it is important to agree on the powers and responsibilities of each party to the contract.

The following may be included in the terms and conditions of the actions performed by the contractor:

  1. Carrying out work using our own materials, guaranteeing their quality;
  2. Obligation to provide information about increasing deadlines, quality of material, and the need to suspend work.

Among the risks of the performer are:

  1. Possible refusal of the other party to the result and non-payment of compensation;
  2. Inability to recover additional contractor costs;

The customer's responsibilities include:

  • Provide security for work;
  • Issue technical specifications in a timely manner;
  • Accept the results of the work and pay for it.

Risks on this side:

  • No deficiencies were identified during delivery;
  • Increased costs of implementing laws.

Main risks

Inconsistency with the subject of the agreement:

  • In the absence of evidence of actual fulfillment of the terms of the contract, the contractor has no right to demand payment and will be obliged to return the advance, which is in in this case unjust enrichment;
  • If during the execution of the agreement the parties did not have any questions about the uncertainty of the subject matter, then the court may recognize it as concluded;
  • If the customer has actually accepted the work, then the conditions are considered agreed upon.

The parties did not reflect the characteristics of the item being processed:

  • Recognizing the contract as not concluded does not relieve the customer from payment.

If there is no materialized result:

  • The contract may be recognized as an agreement for the provision of services, then the contractor will not have the opportunity to sue for the funds actually spent on the work.

If the preparation of a task from the customer is agreed upon, which is not agreed upon further:

  • The transaction is recognized as not concluded;
  • The contractor cannot demand payment unless there is evidence of actual performance of the contract.

Thus, a contract agreement with an individual is concluded if it is necessary to perform specific types of work, while agreements of this type are often checked by tax authorities, and in case of violation of the rights of workers, they have the right to fine the customer. Any sample contract agreement must contain agreed terms on the subject - that is Full description the volume and nature of the work performed by the contractor.

Subcontract agreement with an individual used when formalizing relations between a subcontractor and a contractor, in which the subcontractor undertakes, on behalf of the contractor, to complete construction work within the time period established by the contract, and the contractor, in turn, undertakes the obligation to accept and pay for the work in the amount and manner established by the contract .

In relation to the subcontractor, the contractor acts as a customer, and the subcontractor acts as a contractor.

IN subcontract agreement template with an individual The following information must be included:

  • on the availability of permits, certificates and licenses to carry out certain construction and installation works;
  • on the subject of the agreement (the agreement must contain complete information about the object of the agreement and its location, as well as a list of the contractor’s works and technical information);
  • on the timing of the start and completion of construction work (information should be included on the possibility of changing the terms of the subcontract agreement for construction work in the event of circumstances arising that impede timely execution contractual obligations);
  • about the cost of the transaction (about the contract price and the possibilities of its adjustment);
  • on the possibility of the subcontractor engaging subcontractors (usually the involvement of third parties in the fulfillment of contractual obligations is possible only with prior written agreement with the contractor);
  • on the procedure for monitoring the quality of work;
  • on the procedure for developing and submitting design and technical documentation;
  • on the procedure for submitting and accepting work results;
  • O warranty obligations both sides of the transaction;
  • about troubleshooting conditions;
  • on the liability of the parties for violation of the terms of the contract;
  • and other information, depending on the circumstances of a particular transaction.

Structure and content of a standard sample subcontract agreement with an individual

  1. Date and place of conclusion of the contract.
  2. Name of the parties.
  3. Subject of the agreement. In accordance with the terms of the contract, the subcontractor undertakes, on the instructions of the contractor, to complete construction work within the period established by the contract (the type and object of work is indicated). Work schedule, which indicates the content, scope and work plan, Technical task and The list of materials and equipment necessary to perform the work is included in a separate document, which, after approval by the parties, becomes an integral part of the contract. The same paragraph specifies documents confirming the contractor’s right and permission to carry out work. Copies of documents are placed in a separate document and become an integral part of the contract. Documents confirming all necessary permits of the subcontractor to perform the work are also indicated here. When carrying out work, the parties are guided by the Work Regulations. Requirements for work are being clarified.
  4. Contract time. The dates (or events) of entry into force and expiration of the agreement are indicated.
  5. Rights and obligations of the parties. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the agreement is concluded.
  6. Technical documentation. The section specifies a list of technical documentation transferred by the contractor to the subcontractor. The transfer period and the rules for making changes are also indicated. You can avoid overloading the agreement with information and include the list of technical documentation in a separate document - List of technical documentation, which, after signing by the parties, becomes an integral part of the agreement.
  7. Deadline. The terms are determined in the annex to the contract - Schedule works The conditions for rescheduling work completion are also clarified in case the customer fails to comply with counter-obligations.
  8. The procedure for delivery and acceptance of work. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the contract is concluded and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  9. Cost of work and payment procedure. The cost of the work, the amount of the advance payment, the procedure, term, method and form of payment are indicated.
  10. Work quality guarantee. The clause defines the guaranteed quality of the work. The warranty period is indicated.
  11. Confidentiality. The list is indicated confidential information. In this regard, the parties undertake not to disclose and take the necessary measures to protect confidential information.
  12. Responsibility of the parties. The parties are liable for failure to perform or improper execution obligations under the agreement in accordance with the subcontract agreement with an individual and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  13. Grounds and procedure for termination of the contract. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the agreement is concluded and may describe in detail the conditions and procedure for terminating the contract. Also, the grounds for termination may be determined in accordance with the law, i.e. the agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties and in unilaterally By written request one of the parties.
  14. Dispute resolution. Claim procedure pre-trial settlement disputes are not binding on the subcontractor and the contractor. Legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  15. Force Majeure.
  16. Other conditions.
  17. List of applications.
  18. Addresses and details of the parties.
  19. Signatures of the parties.

Download a standard template of a subcontract agreement with an individual available on our website along with the following applications:

  • Certificate of acceptance of completed work;
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of materials;
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment;
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of technical documentation;
  • Additional agreement;
  • Calendar plan;
  • List of materials;
  • Equipment list;
  • List of technical documentation;
  • Protocol of disagreements;
  • Protocol for reconciliation of disagreements;
  • Work regulations;
  • Estimate;
  • Certificate of cost of work and expenses;
  • Technical task.

There are many different contracts. Probably only lawyers can understand all their subtleties and intricacies. One type of contract is work contract(construction, installation, painting, etc.). It can be concluded with an individual (one person) and a legal entity (several people). This type of contract refers to civil law type contracts. The subject of such an agreement is the final result of the work. The parties to the contract are the customer and the contractor.
The contract specifies in detail the contractor's obligations, that is, a specific work or service that is performed for the customer. Describe it step by step, without being shy about the details; it is better not to use various abbreviations. You must also, of course, indicate the deadline for completing the work. You can also indicate intermediate deadlines for completing the work. Indicate in the contract everything that you consider necessary, following the approximate diagram contract agreements.
When drawing up a contract, the contractor has the right to choose the conditions for performing the work. All this is discussed and changes are made to the contract if you reach an agreement.
Payment is made after all work is completed by the contractor and after acceptance of this work by the customer. Below is an example sample contract for work performance.

Work contract(with an individual; detailed provisions on confidentiality of the contract)

g. ___________ "___" ___________ ____g.

Represented by ____________________________, acting
on the basis of _____________, hereinafter referred to as “Customer”, with one
parties, and citizen of the Russian Federation _________________________, referred to as__
hereinafter “Contractor”, on the other hand, have entered into this
Agreement on the following:


1.1. The Customer instructs and the Contractor assumes
obligation to perform the following work: ___________________________

(accurate and detailed description of the work)
within the period from “___” _________ 200_ to “___” __________ 200_ (According to
upon expiration of the specified period, the Agreement is terminated.)
1.2. The work must meet the following requirements: ______________
1.3. The customer is obliged to accept and pay for the work in a timely manner.
1.4. This Agreement is a civil contract, to
to which the rules apply civil legislation RF.


2.1. This Agreement, information and documentation received during implementation
The agreements will be considered confidential, and the Contractor undertakes not to disclose them without
consent of the Company. The Contractor will not at any time without prior
written consent of the Company to disclose directly or indirectly to any third party
any confidential information about the Company, including information about
________________________________ Company, financial and other conditions of suppliers,
customers, clients, landlords and tenants, sources and methods of obtaining new
types of activities or methods of conducting and managing relevant activities
The Company and its affiliates. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “confidential
information" includes, without limitation, any information directly or indirectly affecting
Company obtained or developed by the Contractor in the course of fulfilling its obligations
under contract.
2.2. All confidential information remains the property of the Company. Contractor for
upon the Company's request, immediately returns to the Company all documents (including without
restrictions on printed, handwritten, computer and other software media),
provided by the Company or any of its representatives to the Contractor or developed
by the Contractor in the course of fulfilling its obligations under the Contract, and does not retain
no copies, excerpts or other copies reproduced in whole or in part
confidential information. If such a request is received, all documents
memos, notes, computer floppy disks, CD ROMs or other materials,
compiled by the Contractor on the basis of confidential information must be
immediately transferred to the Company.
2.3. Despite the return of confidential information and materials prepared at
its basis, the Contractor's obligations regarding confidentiality, and
other obligations under this Agreement remain in force even after termination


3.1. The Customer pays the Contractor a remuneration for the work performed
___________________________ monthly based on the work acceptance certificate.


4.1. The parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance
obligations assigned to them in accordance with current legislation.


5.1. In case of violation of obligations under the Agreement by one of the parties, the other party has the right
terminate it unilaterally.
5.2. The Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally at his own discretion
Anytime. In this case, the Customer will pay the Contractor the amount of remuneration,
proportional to the actual work performed at the time of termination.


Customer: Contractor:
______________________ __________________________
(signature) (signature)

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows you to enter into contracts with an individual civil contracts to perform various works. Such agreements also include contract agreements. Relations between the parties can be regulated with its help when the customer is an organization, and a contract agreement can also be concluded between individuals. We will consider the features of concluding such agreements in this article.

Contract agreement with an individual

As mentioned above, the procedure for concluding a work contract is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 37), which distinguishes several types of it, including household, construction, and for survey and design work.

For a construction contract, the contract is concluded according to general rules paragraphs 1 and 3 of Chapter 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulate the main provisions, as well as the features of such agreements.

A construction contract is concluded to perform the following work:

  • construction or reconstruction of an object (residential building, office building, premises, etc.),
  • major renovation of the facility,
  • commissioning, installation and other work related to the construction project.

A contract agreement assumes that, on the instructions of the customer, the contractor undertakes to complete the relevant work within a specified period, and the customer creates the conditions necessary for the work, accepts the result and pays for it, after which the contract is terminated.

Please note that the GPC agreement cannot formalize actual labor Relations with a citizen. We talked in more detail about the differences between labor and GPC contracts earlier in our article.

An individual under a contract may act as:

  • By the customer. As a rule, the object of the contract becomes residential premises (construction, renovation) or other real estate owned by the customer, and the rules for household contracts are applied to the contract.
  • Contractor. In this case, a person provides services for the construction or repair of an object to another individual or organization.

Organizations and entrepreneurs entering into GPC agreements with individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, you need to remember the following:

  • Personal income tax must be withheld from the amount of remuneration paid to an individual. It does not matter whether this obligation of the customer is specified in the contract or not - in relation to the contractor, he is a tax agent, and therefore is obliged to withhold and transfer to the budget tax on income paid to an individual (Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  • For the amount of remuneration, the contractor must calculate and pay insurance premiums: 22% Pension Fund and 5.1% Compulsory Medical Insurance (Article 420 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Construction contract with an individual: sample

The construction contract must cover the following issues:

  • Parties to the contract. If this is an individual, then his full name is indicated. Other data may not be indicated in the preamble of the agreement, but rather written in the final chapter, where the signatures of the parties will be placed. A similar situation is if one of the parties to the contract is an organization - at the beginning of the contract indicate the full name, and who, and on what basis, represents its interests. IN final position indicate other data: TIN, checkpoint, legal address etc.
  • Subject of the agreement. It is necessary to indicate the exact list of work that the contractor must perform on behalf of the customer. All work must be carried out in accordance with the technical documentation (scope, content of work and other requirements) and the estimate (it determines the cost of the work), which are annexed to the main contract. If the contractor discovers the need to carry out work that is not taken into account in the estimate or technical documentation, he informs the customer about this, and he is obliged to make appropriate changes to the estimate or documentation within 10 days, otherwise the contractor has the right to suspend work.
  • The contract must indicate the start and completion dates of the work. It is also possible to provide for phased delivery of work and penalties in case of violation of established deadlines.
  • The order of payment for the work by the customer: are other expenses necessary to complete the work included in the payment, is a one-time payment or stage-by-stage payment made, when will the final payment be made, etc. The cost of work is indicated in numbers and words.
  • The procedure for providing materials for work: at whose expense and by whose efforts they will be purchased. If this is done by a contractor, then it is necessary to stipulate the list of materials, their quality and the procedure for reporting costs to the customer.
  • Work acceptance procedure. Here it is important to provide not only for the acceptance period of the completed work, but, if necessary, to determine the procedure for its verification (testing). This item is mainly necessary if the object is commissioning work. Having accepted the entire work, or a certain stage of it, the customer signs an acceptance certificate.
  • It is imperative to reflect the responsibilities of the customer and the contractor, as well as the liability of the parties for violation of the terms of the contract.

If any of the points is not specified in the contract agreement, if any controversial situations they will be resolved in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It is also necessary to take into account that if the terms of the contract contradict Russian legislation, they may be declared invalid.

A contract agreement with an individual, a sample of which is given below, is concluded for the performance of construction or installation work. Most often, the object of the contract is real estate, owned by the customer. The contract is governed by Civil Code RF, regardless of who its parties are, individuals or legal entities.

You can download the contract agreement with an individual here.