State subsidy for children's health. How to get a ticket to a camp for a child and a sanatorium for an adult? Documentary evidence of entitlement to benefits

In 2016, the RPO "Association large families of the city of Moscow" submitted for discussion by city authorities a draft introduction compensation payments for recipients of discounted vouchers who, for various reasons, were unable to take advantage of the proposed vacation options. Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 56 dated February 22, 2017 “On organizing recreation and health care for children in difficult life situations” establishes a rule according to which a discount on a voucher can be obtained in monetary equivalent and organize holidays for children yourself. The payment amount is 30 thousand rubles.

To receive the payment, you will first need to submit an application for a preferential voucher during the period from March 10 to March 24 on the website. If the vacation options offered during the period from April 18 to May 2 do not suit you, you can apply for cash payment. On hotline Mosgortur reports that the final procedure for receiving monetary compensation will be established in April.

At the same time, the system of partial compensation for independently purchased vouchers continues to operate for low-income families. To receive compensation, an application is submitted in person to the State Autonomous Institution “Mosgortur”. The amount of compensation is 50% of the cost of the trip, but not more than 5 thousand rubles for each child.

The RPO "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow" believes that not only the poor, but all children from large families should receive preferential vouchers, and continues the dialogue with the city authorities in this direction.

Hot days remind you of an imminent vacation. Despite the fact that preferential health care is available to Belarusians all year round, the topic becomes relevant on the eve of summer. The head of the representative office of the Brest Regional Department of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium Treatment of the Population, Nina CHOPCHITS, will tell you how to improve your health with the help of the state.

Holidays in the camp

Nina Pavlovna, the press reports the amount of state subsidies for children’s health in the summer of 2017. Can you confirm these numbers?

The amount of state subsidy for a trip to a health camp with a round-the-clock stay will be 175 rubles, with a day stay - 72 rubles. The share of the subsidy in the total price of the trip is approximately 60 percent. Prices for tours have not yet been determined; they will be known at the end of April - beginning of May. Each camp has its own ticket price, depending on the duration of the shift, comfort and other factors.

Can parents count on compensation for the remaining amount and from what sources?

There is such a possibility. A person can turn to the management of his enterprise - perhaps in collective agreement employee support is provided. You can also contact the trade union committee, which has its own budget. But we must understand that such additional payments are not regulated or controlled by the state.

Benefit for travel

When income levels decline, the population is always looking for an opportunity to take advantage of government assistance. What amount of health benefits can working people expect?

The state provides benefits only for sanatorium-resort treatment in Belarusian sanatoriums, which is established depending on wages and ranges from 15 to 100 percent of the cost of the trip. Funding for rehabilitation comes from state funds social insurance. The higher the salary, the greater the percentage of repayment by the recipient of the voucher. And from May 1, 2017, the tariff schedule will change - payment for the voucher will be made from 20 percent of earnings.

What is the procedure for obtaining a discounted voucher?

Wherever a person applies for benefits, no matter what authorities he visits, he will receive a voucher at the place where wages are issued, and non-working pensioners will receive a voucher at their place of residence from specialist representative offices in cities and regions. If a pensioner moves, he notifies our specialists about his new place of residence, and a queue is maintained for him at the new address.

Every enterprise in our country - budgetary, self-supporting, private - should create a health improvement commission. Even if the list of employees is 10 people, the commission must be created and have contact with specialists from the representative office in cities and districts. A person applies to the commission at his place of work with an application for a preferential voucher, enclosing a medical certificate regarding the disease. He MUST be put on a waiting list for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Often people, counting on state benefit, they think that they have the right to choose a sanatorium - “Brestagrozdravnitsa”, Druskininkai or Sochi. In reality, the possibilities of satisfying all desires are small. The main reason for the restrictions: the distribution of preferential vouchers is based on the principle of medical indications. Regardless of where the sanatorium is located, you will be sent to a health resort according to the profile of your disease.

Hurry up with your vacation

What is the Wellness Center’s quota for vouchers to Belarusian sanatoriums?

On this moment vouchers to each sanatorium have already been purchased, and no foreigners, including Russians, can influence this process. The number of vouchers is purchased evenly from January to December of the calendar year. Let me explain: if 300 vouchers per quarter were purchased for the Brestagrozdravnitsa sanatorium, this means that 300 vouchers were purchased for the first, second, third and fourth quarters - that is, an equal number of vouchers to this sanatorium. As for the vouchers that a person buys himself, the sooner he takes care of his health, the more chances get where you want. I always advise people: if you get on the waiting list, do it in January, and buy a ticket no later than March. Moreover, during this period almost all health resorts give a discount.

Depending on the activity of the season, the purchase quota for vouchers may change?

During the state procurement of vouchers, all sanatoriums participate in the tender. There are rules for purchasing. Priorities for preferential treatment are given to children and the elderly. People often ask me: why can’t I get a discount at the Ruzhansky or Magistralny sanatoriums, which have gained fame as the best health resorts in Belarus? Because these sanatoriums, like many others with increased comfort, do not participate in the tender public procurement. Firstly, they do not need government help and are able to independently sell their vouchers. Secondly, government agencies would not buy their tours because of the high cost. We are fulfilling a social task and are obliged to use funds allocated from the budget to improve the health of as many people as possible. What will be our choice if the sanatorium offers a price for a voucher for which we can improve the health of two people in another institution?

Who are the sanatoriums waiting for?

Now Belarusians pin many hopes on the 5 visa-free days given to foreigners from 80 countries. The press has received information that sanatoriums are developing a short holiday program for foreign guests. Will this revive the economy of health resorts?

In general, for now this may only be relevant for the Minsk region. But from my point of view, no self-respecting person would rest in a sanatorium for 2-3 days, it’s a waste of time. Although many domestic health resorts have created SPA procedures and entire SPA centers on their premises. But the manager needs to work a lot to ensure that the reception of a person who has arrived for 3-4 days coincides with the holiday regime. If the health resort’s capacity is sufficient, then spa treatments and beauty salons are also scheduled. But these 5 days can be used differently: it is necessary to create excursion tours with a stop at a sanatorium, so that foreigners know that there are wonderful places for recovery in Belarus.

How do you predict the upcoming summer for Belarusian health resorts?

I think our sanatoriums will be full in the summer. Today, the occupancy rate in sanatoriums in the Brest region is 83 percent. Of these, about 40 percent are discounted vouchers, the rest of the sanatoriums were sold independently. If anyone wants to buy tickets today, they need to hurry. A sanatorium is a self-supporting enterprise, its activities are subject to market relations, and the health resort sells a voucher to anyone who is willing to pay. Whether it is a foreigner or a Belarusian citizen does not matter for the sanatorium. He needs to earn money in the summer so that in the off-season, when the number of vacationers declines, he can continue to operate. After all, there are countries where health resorts operate only in the summer. Thanks to government programs Belarusian health resort institutions are open all year round.

Vacation by the sea

Is it possible to get vouchers to Belarusian sanatoriums abroad?

There is such an opportunity, but interest in them has dropped significantly. The reason is the high cost of travel, which the holidaymaker pays on their own. For example, in November-December last year we monitored the demand for our sanatorium in Miskhor (Crimea). I was upset - the demand turned out to be sporadic. Today, crossing the border with Crimea through Ukraine for foreign citizens is seriously limited, and the road through Moscow costs about $600 round trip. It is clear that people are looking for more affordable ways to improve their health.

10 years ago, Belarusian health resorts became independent. Do you think this decision is justified?

A very good decision. Over the years, not a single health resort in our region has operated at a loss. It was necessary to switch to self-sufficiency earlier. We would quickly become modern, successful and comfortable. People need motivation to move forward and develop.

Summer campaign 2019

In the summer, children have the right to receive vouchers using state social insurance funds and the republican budget:

  • to a 24-hour camp (18 days);
  • to a 24-hour camp (9 days);
  • to a day camp.

The following categories of children may be sent to a camp with 24-hour, day-time stay no more than twice a calendar year:

  • orphans and children left without parental care, raised in guardianship and foster families, children's boarding institutions, family-type orphanages, children's villages and social shelters;
  • children studying in specialized educational and sports institutions and Olympic reserve schools, when sent to a sports and recreation camp of specialized educational and sports institutions;
  • children from large and single-parent families;
  • children of non-working pensioners.

Children's age: from 6 to 18 years.

To register a child for camp, you must have following documents:

  • statement legal representative minor;
  • health certificate (3 days before departure to the camp);
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • travel package;
  • a certificate from the parents’ place of work (stating that subsidies from state social insurance funds were not used during the summer period).

In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for organizing the health of children in health camps, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 2, 2004 No. 662, as amended by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 15, 2017 No. 140, vouchers and subsidies to camps with round-the-clock stay for children are issued at the place of work of one of the parents based on the decision of the commission for health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment. If there is no commission at the place of work, parents independently purchase vouchers from the camp owners.

Citizens also have the right to government subsidies. It is allocated to the children of all employees of state and private enterprises; children of individual entrepreneurs and artisans who pay taxes; children of unemployed citizens registered as unemployed; children of pensioners. Parents do not receive subsidized money in their hands, since the regional recreation office transfers the funds directly to the camp account. The camp issues an invoice to parents, on the basis of which payment is made. Some organizations undertake to pay for the entire trip; in this case, parents only need to make an additional payment of at least 10% established by law.

Subsidy(officially this money is called state social insurance funds to reduce the cost of travel) is due to the children of all employees of state and private enterprises, for whom employers pay mandatory insurance premiums to the Foundation social protection population; children of mothers on maternity leave; children of individual entrepreneurs who pay insurance premiums; children of unemployed citizens registered with the employment office; children of non-working pensioners.

The subsidy covers on average 40% of the cost of the trip. Some organizations may pay for the entire trip, but by law parents will still need to pay at least 10%. Subsidy money is not given out in person; it is transferred by the representative offices of the Republican Health Center directly to the accounts of the camps.

Amounts of funds to reduce the cost of one trip to health camps with round-the-clock stay for children for a period of 18 days in the summer of 2019 in the amount of:

  • republican budget - 196.00 rubles;
  • at the expense of the district administration - 105 .00 rubles.

Providing budget subsidies for employees of budgetary organizations of the Moscow region, whose property is municipal property:

  1. A trip to the selected camp is booked.
  2. The employee obtains a letter of guarantee from the Education Department (office 209) to pay for the budget subsidy to be provided to the camp.
  3. Based on the letter of guarantee, the camp accounting department provides the employee with a package of documents: an agreement in 2 copies, an invoice and a TTN for the subsidy. (for submission to the Education Department).
  4. Also, the accountant of the education department is required to provide the following documents: a copy of the child’s birth certificate, a certificate from the institution of general secondary education about training, a certificate from the parent’s place of work (employee budgetary organization), a certificate from the second parent’s place of work confirming that no other subsidies are provided in the current calendar year.
  5. Within 5 working days financial compensation(subsidy) is transferred to the camp account and the accounting department of the education department issues payment order employee to confirm the paid subsidy.
  6. The camp provides a voucher to the employee’s child only after the cost of the voucher has been fully repaid.

We asked - we answer

Three subsidies over the summer?

In the summer, a child can go once to a country camp, once to a school camp, and once to a specialized camp, which is organized by the education department or the department of culture and sports (environmental, sports, etc.). In this case, he will receive a subsidy for rest three times. If a child wants to go, for example, to a country camp twice, then the second time the parents will have to pay for the trip in full. After the first shift, commission members monitor all subsidies for children.

How to get a ticket?

Option 1. The company has its own camp

Contact the health improvement commission at the enterprise and write an application, then pay the required part of the cost of the voucher.

Option 2. The enterprise does not have a camp

Every organization, including private ones, must create a commission for health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment, which organizes summer holidays for children. Usually the commissions have established some kind of connections, that is, they traditionally buy tickets to certain camps. But if an employee wants to send a child to a completely different camp, he can indicate this in the application, and the commission will try to order a trip to the desired vacation spot.

Option 3. In a small private company no health commission

In this case, the employee turns to the company management, and they turn directly to the owner of the camp. To order vouchers, a private individual must issue a letter of guarantee signed by the head of the enterprise: “We ask you to allocate so many vouchers to such and such a health camp for our employees. We guarantee payment (using state social insurance funds to reduce the cost of the trip).” The owner will issue an invoice to the organization minus the amount of the state subsidy, the organization will pay it by bank transfer and receive a voucher on the invoice.

Option 4. You don't have a job

In the event that both parents are individual entrepreneurs, artisans, unemployed, pensioners, one of them should contact a specialist at the regional representative office of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium Treatment ( There they will check your eligibility to receive a subsidy and issue a confirmation certificate. The person who wishes provides this certificate to the owner of the camp and is sold a ticket using state subsidies.

Summer holidays are a time for vacations, holidays at a resort, treatment in a sanatorium and other travel. For minor citizens In our country, in all its corners there are special institutions - camps. In them, children play sports, go hiking, organize various events, undergo various types of health procedures, etc. A shift in them lasts on average three weeks, they can be located both within the city and within the region. In addition, you can send your child to relax in summer camp located in another city or even in another country. An excellent opportunity is complemented by a wonderful bonus - compensation for the cost of a sanatorium-resort holiday.

Subsidizing children's vouchers to health camps has been practiced in Russia for a very long time. The state reimburses citizens some part of the cost of a child’s vacation, sometimes even the full amount. Legislatures at the local level, the average cost of daily stay in such institutions is established annually, taking into account constant inflation. The parent’s place of employment is taken into account: a budget organization, a municipal or state enterprise. But even those registered in other places and even the unemployed are still entitled to such compensation in accordance with the law.

Who is entitled to

This issue is regulated by regional legislation, as well as Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 138n dated March 27, 2009, which determines the procedure for the provision of social support services separate categories population.

Order of the Ministry of Health dated December 15, 2014 No. 834n approved the sample medical certificate required for presentation by the child’s parents (form 079/у). In addition, a form for the sanatorium-resort card (form 076/u) was established, along with the procedure for filling them out.

In addition to these papers, a certificate from the place of residence established by Government Decree dated July 17, 1995 No. 713. And among other things, you will need proof of citizenship of the applicant or a child over 14 years of age. The basis is Presidential Decree No. 444 dated April 13, 2011.

In 2019 free trips Children's camps provide:

  • children from ;
  • seriously ill children;
  • children from families where one or both parents are disabled of group 1 or 2;
  • children;
  • children from 6 to 15 years old who are raised in single-parent families;
  • children of persons who lost their ability to work while performing official duties;
  • child of an employee of a budget organization;
  • children of internally displaced persons.

Concerning partial compensation, then a citizen who has paid for it himself has the right to count on it own funds child's holiday in a health camp. There is a caveat here: the duration of stay in this institution cannot be longer than 21 calendar day, and only once a year. In addition, the state compensates expenses for organizations that provide vouchers to the camp for their employees. The employee is usually required to pay from 5 to 15% of the trip price.

Many regions pay for children’s holidays from their own budgets, and employees of absolutely any organization will receive only a fraction of the amount to be transferred.

Calculation of the amount

The camp itself can also be chosen at will. Created single State Register registration legal entities Russian Federation, where a list of accredited camps has been compiled. A parent can send his child to absolutely any sanatorium-resort institution, health, sports, etc. It can be located in a forest, on the water, outside the city or within its boundaries, as well as in a completely different region or in a foreign country. It is important that a given camp, health complex, or sanatorium-resort establishment has the appropriate license. Here only the cost of the trip will differ; it will determine the amount of compensation.

So, now about the calculations. Every year local authorities, if the region operates this program, install tariffs for subsidies. The cost of one day of travel must fit within the fixed amount of payments. If a more expensive camp was chosen, then the refund will still be based on the established tariff.

Maximum compensation is 90% of the price of a child's vacation, but a citizen has the right to expect a refund of approximately half of the amount. The administration of the city or region stipulates which employees of which organizations apply and to what extent.

So, for example, in Omsk region rest for minors is paid from regional budget in the amount of 80% of the cost of the voucher, if one of the parents is an employee of a budgetary organization, municipal enterprise, government agency or the agro-industrial complex of a given region. And for employees of enterprises of other forms of ownership, 40% of the total price is due. That is, all residents of Omsk are entitled to compensation for children’s holidays, no matter where they work, and not just state employees. 40% will not be calculated from the full cost of the entire ticket to the camp, but from a limited amount.

IN Perm You can return half the cost of a trip purchased with your own money, but at the same time, the amount should not exceed 8,600 rubles.

And in Krasnodar region for the current year 2019, the local Ministry of Labor and Social Development has determined the average size payment for one day of rest in child care institutions to calculate compensation for parents who purchased vouchers at their own expense. The order approved the figure of 1,200 rubles. When a child is in a sanatorium with third parties (parents, etc.), it increases to 2,200 rubles. For a country camp, health center, base, complex, the amount is 1000 rubles. Tent camps - 780 rubles, and stay in water and mud baths - 750 rubles. with meals and 570 rub. without turning on the power.

Registration procedure

Exists several ways receiving part Money spent on your child’s vacation. They vary depending on which institution the parent applies to.

The list of documents for each case is also different:

Concerning partial compensation voucher previously purchased with your own money, then by August 31, the application, documents of the applicant and the child, the camp license, the original payment receipt and the bank account number where the compensation will be received must be submitted to the social protection authority according to the registration status. The documents are checked for three weeks, and then the money is transferred until the 15th of the next month.

What is a holiday certificate

In many regions of Russia there is a system of holiday certificates. They are named and unnamed. Personal certificate issued to a specific child for recreation during any holiday period: summer, winter, autumn, spring. With its help, you can partially or fully compensate for the cost of children's seasonal holidays. The list of covered institutions is limited. Each subject has its own list.

Certificate size determines the type of vacation, the amount of the federal quota, the family income in conjunction with its social status. The contents of the package of documents and the application are identical to those required when receiving compensation for the cost of a trip. For a certificate contact the MFC or local authority social protection population. When it is completed, you can select a camp from a fixed list. The voucher is purchased taking into account the equivalent of the certificate, and this will be the discount.

The ticket must be purchased no later than certain period after issuance of the certificate stated in the attached conditions, depends on the place of residence. IN otherwise the paper will be automatically canceled.

About the rules for receiving compensation for trips to Kid `s camp in Kaliningrad is described in the following video:

As of June 2017, you can count on 170 Belarusian rubles.

Moreover, the total cost of a trip to the camp for 1 shift averages BYN400-450.

How to get a subsidy for a child’s trip to camp?

In order to receive help from the state for a child’s holiday in a health camp, you need to take some steps on your own.

1. Parents should independently call camps that seem interesting to them and find out where they can buy a subsidized voucher. Institutions themselves set the number of subsidized vouchers, and not everywhere they can be “free” and not purchased in advance by other fathers and mothers. Therefore, finding a voucher for a child is the task of the parents; no one is obliged to come to you and offer vouchers.

2. Found a camp with subsidized vouchers? The next step is to contact the accounting department of the enterprise or company where one of the child’s parents works. At the same time, the company itself will not bear any costs when applying for subsidies, but only acts as an intermediary.

3. Accounting sends data to the social protection fund. You deposit the missing amount into the cash register. And through the accounting department, the camp of your choice receives a non-cash invoice for payment for your child’s stay in the camp.

What document regulates the issuance of state subsidies for children's health?

Additional bonuses

In addition to standard subsidies, which are determined by the state at the level local authorities, parents can receive other bonuses when registering their children for vacation in camps.

Thus, many enterprises and organizations, through trade unions or independently, can help their employees pay for the cost of trips to camps for children.

And some of them, for example, the NDC “Zubrenok”, invite children who have achieved high levels of academic and social activities. Parents of such children pay 60% of the trip. Orphans, children without parental care, and disabled children are provided with vouchers free of charge.

Were you able to receive a subsidy?