How to get out of loans if you have nothing to pay. How to get out of debt wisely: useful tips

Let's look at a situation that is typical for many Russian citizens.

A certain pensioner took out a bank loan in the amount of 20 thousand rubles in 2008. The elderly woman simply activated the credit card that came to her in the mail. For two years in a row, she regularly paid the loan in accordance with the payment schedule that the bank approved for her. In 2010, the loan was closed, but the amount paid exceeded the original debt by 3 times. After 5 years, the woman received a copy of a court order requiring her to pay the collection company 25 thousand rubles of an unpaid loan, since this company bought the debt from the bank.

Considering that such situations are becoming more and more common, we wrote this article.

I took out a loan from a bank. What's next?

According to statistics, about 90% of Russians have taken out a bank loan at least once in their lives.

38 million people have debts to various types of credit institutions.

Half of this number has credit card debt. Approximately 2 million borrowers are potentially bankrupt. This means that they are confused and do not know how to pay off their debts.

Yuri Chaika, the Russian Prosecutor General, criticized banks for their “predatory lending schemes.” According to the official, because of microfinance organizations, people fall into debt bondage.

As of 2015, the share of bad loans was 10%. In monetary terms – more than 1 trillion rubles. Since July 15, 2016, if a person delays loan payments, banks have the right to turn to bailiffs without any trial. In this case, the legal basis for forced collection of debt is the notary’s signature on the person’s agreement with the bank.

Creditors can take advantage of this opportunity to collect debt if a condition on the role of the notary’s executive signature is included in the agreement itself or in the appendices to it. Interest may also be charged based on the notary's executive signature.

A “pretty wrapper” in the form of attractive loan terms can hide real bondage. How to recognize that they want to deceive you?

  • Advice one. Pay close attention to the contract itself. It is a bad sign if the contract test is written in small, almost unreadable font and/or contains a lot of footnotes. The lender thus wants to hide the real terms of the loan from you.
  • Tip two. A lot of papers is bad. If, instead of a loan agreement, you are asked to sign general lending conditions, a borrower’s questionnaire, etc., this means that the bank does not want you to know the real loan rate, the amount of the commission and the amount of penalties for failure to comply with the terms of the agreement.
  • Tip three. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. If a bank offers a loan without any conditions, from a consultant you hear the words “just sign”, “just activate your card” - be wary and think about whether you really need this loan?

Chasing super-profits, many financial organizations drive people into real bondage. The law has the concept of a “bondage deal.” Under certain conditions, the court may recognize it as void. However, the prevailing term is “freedom of contract”.

The person himself voluntarily agrees to the terms of the loan. And therefore he must pay.

To pay or not to pay?

What to do if you are already in debt? The biggest mistake is to let everything take its course, in the hope that everything will somehow “sort out.” Your debt may be sold to collectors who will talk to you much more harshly than bank employees. Intimidation and even threats of physical violence are used. After your death, your relatives may be liable for your debts (sometimes the debt is written off due to death). Therefore, do not sit idly by, but act.

The first thing to do is terminate the loan agreement. Send a corresponding application to the bank, ask the financial institution to provide copies of documents under the agreement (if this has not been done previously), indicate the amount of debt and the methodology for calculating it. By doing this, you will at least stop the growth of debt. The bank must respond within one month after the application.

If there is no answer, go to court. It is advisable to seek help from a lawyer.

If you don’t have money for a lawyer, you need to get a one-time legal consultation.

What to do if you are already paying off a loan to the bank? In this case, you can also contact the court. Try to reduce the amount of your monthly payment, defer the debt, or spread out the payment in installments. In the worst case scenario, you will have to go through bankruptcy proceedings.

What to do if you are not a debtor, but a guarantor for a loan?

From the point of view of the law, the guarantor is exactly the same debtor as the person who took out the loan.

Read the loan agreement carefully: if it does not specify a specific guarantee period and if the lender has not contacted you within a year after the conclusion of the agreement, there is nothing to worry about. In addition, banks turn to the guarantor only if all possible measures to collect the debt from the borrower have failed. The guarantor, having paid the money for the debtor, can appeal to him with a claim for reimbursement of the entire amount. If the debtor dies, his relatives (legal successors) will pay the bills.

It is worth noting that the debtor is not a flawed person at all. If you have a debt, you can still protect your rights and property in court. An example of such protection is the case of a pensioner, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article. The Court of Appeal overturned the court order, since the bank had already been refused and the loan agreement had been terminated.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of such stories. Not only banks work in the lending industry, but also “near-bank” scammers. But if the former comply with the law, the latter almost always go beyond the legal framework.

How to avoid becoming a victim of deception

What is the essence of fraud? Advertisements are widespread on the Internet and in the media: issuing loans without proof of income, with any credit history. If you contact such “dealers”, you will be asked to draw up a “false” income certificate, make an entry in your employment record that you allegedly worked, etc.

Next, you will be directed to the bank, where this company has “its own person.” You will be given a loan, but will be asked to come to their office again and pay for the mediation. They will first charge you 10-15% of the loan issued (for intermediary services), and then they will begin to blackmail you, demanding to pay 2-3 times more for “security”. The pretext is clear - so that neither the financial institution nor law enforcement officers find out that you used forged documents to obtain a loan. As a result, you will receive not one, but two loans and will significantly worsen your financial situation.

Therefore, if you have several loans, then another loan to pay off old debts is far from the best solution. But if you decide to take out a loan, then at least do not turn to intermediaries: your goal is not to worsen, but to improve your financial situation. The legal way out of this situation is to restructure the debt or declare the citizen bankrupt. This way you will avoid troubles with debt collectors and bailiffs.

Dependence on loans is not so much a financial problem as a psychological one.

By understanding yourself and changing yourself, you can ultimately become a successful person.

Accept your responsibility for your current financial situation. Nobody forced you to take out a loan - it was entirely your decision.

Do you want to be richer? Then change your stereotypes and behavior. Some people deny themselves something so as not to be at the mercy of loans. Others are ready to overpay all the time in order to receive economic benefits “here and now.” A credit card is certainly a very useful thing, but it needs to be managed more wisely.

Write down your income and expenses on paper (enter into a special computer program). This way you will see what you can refuse and what you can save on. There is a 50-20-30 rule. It literally means the following: you should spend 50% of your income on essentials, 20% on savings (paying off debts), 30% on entertainment and everything you can do without.

Before applying for a credit card (taking out a consumer loan), take a break of 1-2 days. Think about it, maybe your mood will change, and you will realize that you don’t really need this loan.

Get rid of debts- one of the first and important steps on the path to financial independence. I managed to do this. My method is suitable for those who simply have large debts (no more than 10-12 times your monthly income). Thank God, I didn’t get into huge debts - I started acting in time.

Step 1. Honestly admit to yourself that your difficult financial situation is your fault. Yes - exactly yours. The easiest way is to abdicate responsibility and complain to yourself and everyone around: “parents are poor, the country is poor, wages are low, there is no justice,” etc. and so on. Some people even enjoy it. Or repeat “money doesn’t buy happiness.”
It is difficult to take responsibility for your financial situation. But without this you cannot get out of the debt hole.

Step 2. Love money. Thought is material and we, without realizing it, attract to ourselves what we really love. And we push away what we don’t like.

Step 3. Write down all your debts - to the bank, friends, relatives. Set priorities and repayment deadlines. If it is possible to agree on a deferred payment, use this opportunity. If deadlines are running out, and you understand that you will soon not be able to pay, take out a loan from a bank. If your credit history is still clean, the bank will be happy to give you this loan. But take this issue seriously. You can find a loan calculator on the Internet and compare the conditions of different banks. Choose the optimal term and amount of monthly payment for you.

Important notes on this item:

  • When agreeing on a deferred payment, you must know the deadline by which you will definitely be able to repay the debt. You can calculate this with an error of 2-3 months if you read this article to the end and follow the recommendations.
  • The amount of the new loan should in no case exceed the amount of today's debts. It is better if it is 10 - 20% less. Don’t fall into the trap “I’ll take out a loan to pay off debts (for the last time! - honestly) and to buy a vacation package, a car, a fur coat...”. This is a snowball and you won’t be able to get out from under it.
  • The date of the monthly loan payment should be 1-2 days after the salary or advance payment. If you are used to living from paycheck to paycheck, it’s easier to pay.
  • You take out this loan in order to pay off all current debts, reduce the amount of the monthly payment and delay the final payment date.
  • in the terms of the loan agreement there must be a clause on the possibility of early repayment of the debt without penalties.

Step 4. Take control of your expenses. There is no need to deny yourself everything and tremble over every penny. Such savings increase depression and self-pity.
There are many home accounting programs available. But I do not recommend spending a lot of time searching, installing, studying. If you have minimal experience with Excel, a simple table is enough. My file can be downloaded. The main thing is to learn not to throw away receipts and write down expenses every day for a month. I described how to work with the file in the article.
The priority payments every month are utilities and credit. Within the remaining amount, buy everything as usual (we are talking about food and basic necessities - there is no money for larger purchases).
Step 5. At the end of the month, allocate 3-4 hours to analyze expenses and draw up a budget for the next month. Think about what you can give up, what you need to buy in the next 6-12 months (refrigerator, boots, coat, suit, etc.) and highlight a new column in the “purchase” expense.
You can make a plan from the first day, but I advise starting from payday. It's easier to plan this way.
After one or two months, you will find that you make purchases less and less on the principle of “and I’ll take this just in case.” And at the same time you don’t feel deprived, you just start to exercise healthy control over your expenses.
Step 6. After 3-4 months, open a savings account in a bank. Don't be surprised - it's cumulative. The point is that you will pay off your debts.
But that's not the main thing. The main thing is financial independence. Getting rid of debt is only the first step. From this moment on, you have one more priority monthly payment - “For yourself”. Not to be confused with the “to buy” column. These are different things. Usually they advise 10% of income. You can start with 5%. But definitely every month. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a deposit can be read in my article.
Step 7 Constantly improve your financial literacy. Books, Internet, trainings, webinars, experiences of successful people.

This article is entirely based on my personal experience. Two years ago, my debts were 10 times my monthly income. Now there are no debts, and the positive balance is several times (I won’t specify how much exactly - this is my trade secret) more than the monthly income.
Before developing my personal plan to overcome the financial crisis, I read a lot of literature. In the next article I will tell you which books helped me.
If you have experience getting out of debt, share it in the comments.
Good luck and prosperity to you!

Controlling expenses is not an easy task, especially when you have several loans on hand. There are often cases when a person, due to his own indifference, drives himself into a financial trap from which he can no longer get out. It turns life into a series of endless calls from debt collectors, debt payment reminders and constant loan payments.

Step-by-step instructions from Platiza will tell you how to get out of the debt hole and start the path to financial freedom.

Remember what prompted you to take out loans and at what stage it became difficult for you to make payments on time. What would you do then to improve the situation?

Reason #1. Borrowers allow delays due to unforeseen circumstances that require financial investments and lack of free money in a critical situation.

Reason #2. Living beyond your means. A person spends more than he earns, unable to deny himself pleasures. Today he does not deny himself anything, and tomorrow he receives overdue loans.

You can live a happy life if you have loans if you follow the 50/20/30 distribution rule for income and expenses. Read more about him.

2. Calculate the total amount of debt

You can do this in several ways:

    Write down on paper how much money you owe in total. This way you can see the full picture of your financial situation and draw conclusions.

    Download the mobile app. With the help of special applications, you can keep track of all your debts. You can contact them at any time, and the notification system will warn you about the approaching payment date.

Mobile applications for debt accounting:

  • “Repay your debt” from Alfa Bank
  • "Debt accounting"
  • "Debtors"

3. Don’t get into conflict with debt collectors

Having a delay is stressful in itself. Communicating with collectors and bank representatives in a raised voice causes a blow to your psyche and does not relieve you of debt. Agree on payment dates and demonstrate your intent to repay the debt. If you pay off your debt according to the established plan, collectors will not bother you again.

Refinancing allows you to combine several loans into one. This is convenient because one loan is easier to control than several. When refinancing, banks are ready to offer a lower interest rate on the loan. Contact a banking specialist for advice and he will offer you options for refinancing your debt.

5. Build savings

    When you close the loans, you will break even and you will have no free money. At this moment, there is a high risk of taking out a new loan. If you have previously saved money, then there will be no need for a loan.

    You will form a good saving habit. You will always have free money and there will be no need to borrow. The most important thing is that you will have confidence in the future.

6. Increase your income

The higher the income, the easier it is to repay debts. Several ways to start earning more:

    Ask your employer for a salary increase. Show him your performance, back up your words with numbers. If the employer values ​​you, he will reward your work.

    Consider changing jobs. Use the services of the popular job site Perhaps there are companies on the market that are willing to pay more for your work.

    Find an extra job. If you are in a bad financial situation, allow yourself to work more than usual. Take a weekend or second shift job. Temporary difficulties will make you stronger, and after getting rid of loans, you will be able to return to a measured rhythm of life.

7. Do not trust the services of “Anti-collection agencies”

In emergency situations, the mind turns off, and the person is ready to pay for any solution to the problem. Fraudsters know this and actively take advantage of it. They promise to get rid of credit, write off fines and even clean up your credit history. But this is impossible. The debt will always remain with you, and there is no escape from it until you return the money. Instead of paying for a miracle that obviously will not happen, it is better to use this money to pay off the loan and solve the problem on your own.

Platiza advises its clients to take a responsible approach to applying for a loan. We are against debt overload of the population. Before you take out a loan, consider whether you can repay the loan on time.

Have you ever encountered situations when you needed to repay several loans at the same time? How did you deal with them? Share your tips in the comments to the article.

Today it is very easy to get a loan: banks are ready to issue them even without certificates and guarantors. This attracts more and more clients who are ready to take out a cash loan. Unfortunately, soon the moment of reckoning for their rash actions comes, and citizens begin to look for all possible options to repay their loans. However, it is not at all necessary to go to the bank. The passion to borrow money from friends and acquaintances also does not leave its mark on the family budget. This article will tell you how to get out of debt.

Assessing the situation

First of all, when the question of debt arises, it is necessary to correctly assess the current situation. Depending on who you borrowed from - the bank or your family, your further actions will depend. For example, if you have debts to relatives or friends, the problem is much easier to solve. By requesting a deferred payment, you can find a part-time job and pay off in the near future.

If there is a debt to a creditor, then action must be taken immediately. For example, having taken out a loan, a person relies on his own strengths and capabilities, but unforeseen situations can always happen, and at the most inopportune moment. That is why, when faced with financial difficulties, you should immediately contact the bank with a request for a deferred payment. As a rule, credit institutions meet halfway and do not charge a fine for a small delay.

Where can we get help?

Having asked the question “how to get out of debts and loans,” the debtor should know that they can always help him. For example, in the case of debt to friends or family, you can always turn to someone else for help, re-borrow money and repay the debt. Of course, such a step is a last resort, because in any case it does not solve the problem. You still remain financially dependent.

If the lender is a bank, then guarantors can come to the rescue. Most often, financial institutions insure loans issued and issue loans only if the borrower has a guarantor. This, of course, applies to large amounts and not small consumer loans. In this case, the guarantor now acts as the main solvent person and repays the debt for the main borrower.

In addition to these options, you can often see advertisements: “I’ll help you get out of debt.” The assistants here are individuals or microcredit organizations, which, having paid off your debt, will issue a new one, only at huge interest rates. A real disservice. That is why it is better to avoid such help.

Action plan

First of all, you need to get rid of small loans. So, having paid off small debts, it will be easier to focus on larger ones. To make decisions easier, you should put your financial affairs in order. It is precisely because there is complete chaos in home accounting that credit debts appear. Thus, having taken control of all your income and expenses, you will be able to further navigate in which direction to move. If your income level allows you to pay your bills on time, but some budget items do not allow you to do this, then it would be best to temporarily or completely remove them from the list of necessary items.

Next, having understood your financial capabilities, you can move on to action. In a situation where there is clearly not enough money and the credit limit has been exceeded, you should look for new sources of income. This may be an additional part-time job or a new type of business, or you will need to take overtime. But under no circumstances should you apply for a new loan.

Having allocated your money for the month, you can move on to planning the next one. This way you will see where there are still problems, which means you can move on to solving them.

Ways to pay off debt

The best way to become a debt-free person is to refuse them in the future. That is, after paying off all debts, you should avoid the temptation to purchase any item on credit.

Having a debt to the bank, you can ask it to reduce the interest rate or achieve restructuring. At first glance, this seems too complicated, because financial organizations do not intend to simply lose their profits. But in fact, creditors are interested in at least returning the money given out: this is better than declaring the debtor bankrupt and losing all their funds. That is why, by contacting the manager with a request to change payments, you can get a chance to pay off your debts in a more convenient form for you.

If this method does not help, then the insolvent citizen may ask for a deferment. During the time that the bank or creditor allocates for not paying the debt, the debtor must put his financial situation in order.

How to quickly get out of debt

If there is no opportunity or desire to wait a long time and constantly worry about your financial situation, then there are two options left. In the first case, sell the collateral and pay off the debt. Then the lender will write it off immediately, and the borrower will have no credit obligations. If the loan was taken not from a credit institution, but from friends or acquaintances, then you can also sell some valuable item. The proceeds will be used to repay the loan.

The second answer to the question “how to get out of debt” is to declare yourself bankrupt. This is an extreme measure leading to the fact that in the near future a person will no longer be able to take out loans. The court declares the insolvent citizen bankrupt and writes off his debt to the bank.

How to get out of credit debts

In the case where the borrower does not want to appear on the black list of banking organizations, you can try several more options to solve the problem. For example, some people apply for several loans at once. In this situation, a good solution would be to ask for deferred payments from banks with lower interest rates. Thus, by paying off the entire debt to the organization with high interest rates with the proceeds, the borrower frees himself from more urgent obligations. After this, the remaining loans should be repaid in order (also in full). When there is only one debt left, you can pay it off as usual or, if circumstances permit, close it completely.

Magic to help

Finding themselves in a difficult financial situation, people begin to look for unconventional ways to solve the problem. For example, those who believe in magic try to read a conspiracy. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get out of debt this way, but it will help instill confidence in your abilities and give you hope. Folk signs regarding money can also help. There is a superstition that you should not take the trash out of the house at night, otherwise you will no longer have money. Perhaps someone tested this method on themselves, it really helped and answered the question of how to get out of debt. However, the whole point here is not about magic, but about revising a person’s attitude towards his income and expenses. Financial discipline and increased productivity can work real miracles.

Many citizens who take out loans do not even read the terms of the agreement. But in vain! There are several ways to save money and not pay extra. For example, with early repayment you can save more than one thousand rubles, but when using bank cards, on the contrary, you can spend extra money.

Some debtors sometimes even hope for a miracle. There is an opinion that there are rich Muscovites who help people get out of debt. Of course, theoretically, you can imagine a situation where a kind uncle decides to repay your loan. However, what will he ask in return? Taking on new debt? Or work at his company? Before looking for information about such options for solving a problem, think: do you need it? As practice shows, it is better not to believe rumors and various fables, but to try to pay off your debts yourself.

Let's sum it up

The reasons that lead us to a debt trap can be very different. Sometimes the only chance to get out of a difficult situation is to take out a bank loan. Then, to insure yourself, you should turn to the help of guarantors. Thoughtless and unreasonable processing of loans may soon turn into a problem, and then another question will need to be addressed: how to get out of debt? Prayer will not help much in this situation. You can only strengthen your faith in a quick solution to the problem, but in reality, all that is required is to attract additional income and reduce expenses. In order not to become a hostage to eternal obligations, you need to stop using easy loans.

What makes an impression, however, is not so much the article itself as the comments to it. Some of them made me shudder and shiver. I saved something under the cut to give to those who do not yet understand the dangers of loans to read.

Svetlana says:
Help! Two years ago, I borrowed a car from my ex-husband and paid it myself. Now he refuses to pay, he takes a foreign car, also with a loan, but on himself. Where and how can I inform him so that they don’t give him loans? My children and I are forced to rent a house, and 12 thousand. I can’t pay for a car a month + insurance. Someone please tell me.

Vlad says:
I have small debts and a loan that one close person took out for me, there may be a lot of ideas, but I don’t see any real ones. Today I filled out 10 applications and sent them to banks for review, one has already been rejected. And what else did I notice: when I received less than now, everything was fine with me, it wasn’t enough, of course, but I didn’t worry about such problems, and now my needs just keep growing, I don’t know what the reason is. AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

Olga says:
I thought I was the only one who suffered terribly, as someone said, I don’t want to live, I envy people who don’t have these problems, I keep my image, but I don’t think I’ve tried all the options for long, we work with the whole family and the debts are only increasing, I can’t sleep. You should try this article

Alex says:
My debt is over $500,000. Everything you don't take hold of collapses. The plan looks reasonable, but not for me.....

Elena says:
Interest and payments exceed my salary three times. My husband left an inheritance, and now I am paying for it. I work and work and nothing. In short, I give everything I have and then borrow for a living and the debts are already through the roof. In short, there was only one chance left, I tried everything. The chance is such a rope around the neck and complete freedom. Soon they will come to shake me to complete shame. :-(

Anastasia says:
I have a very critical situation. Dead end. Due to delays in banks where there are loans, they do not give another amount to pay off these... What to wish for? Don't know.

Valery says:
Yes, loans are a rope around your neck. I played on the machines for a long time, when I finally gave up, I was stunned by debts and loans, about 1 million, so I had already prepared the rope, and then my wife announced that she was pregnant, and I put the rope aside. I don’t know what to do. I tried everything, but the money just won’t come. But the creditors are right there. I'll try the article.

Valentina says:
Oh, thank you so much for giving a living example of how to deal with debts, I have a debt of 2,500,000, I sold my car, my husband and I sleep on the floor with a bedroom set, unfortunately, while doing business, I encountered dishonest people and miscalculated my capabilities and strengths, which led to total bankruptcy. Now, while I’m sitting without work, there are lawsuits going on one after another regarding my loans, and the worst thing is that I also took goods for sale from people, so they don’t want to take the goods back, they demand money, I had to give this goods to the banks for debts, now I have to pay for the goods as well. Serious people, I'm afraid of them. God grant that everything works out.

Anna says:
The article is certainly not bad, but now I REALLY don’t know what to do. I have HUGE debts, and they suck me in like a swamp. I can’t contact my relatives and friends. I can’t imagine how to get out of this, there’s only one thought - a noose(.

Dmitry says:
Yeah...I see the situation is not easy for many (((Thank you for the article, I’ve been thinking for a long time that it’s time to count money!!! Friends in misfortune.....I wish you all to get out of this difficult situation. P.S. Not I know how it is with others.....but for some reason I manage to get into debt, suffer from it, then get out of it, and after a while get back into debt ((((And this has been going on for 7 years now..... the situation is really serious, because of debts I am losing friends and letting my close people live in peace;(((I’m starting to hate myself for this.....

Natalie says:
The best option is to take out a loan from one bank for a large amount and for a long period. and repay all the small loans in banks that exist. But this is unrealistic. I tried and it doesn’t work. So I’m sitting in a hole of debt. And if they gave it honestly, I would pay only to one bank

Irina says:
And I took out loans to give my son an education, I know that someday he will pay it back in full, but for now I don’t know how to get out of debt. I want to hang myself out of helplessness. No one will ever increase my salary, although I love my job. Teach me how to really make money. After all, there must be some way out!

Dmitry says:
I fell into a debt trap with almost the entire bank, what should I do? One and a half million rubles, if I work all day long, I won’t pay off, but if I sell all my debts to one bank and pay in one place, but such a scheme probably doesn’t exist, kind people, tell me what to do, I’m not laughing anymore two years and I really want to live and enjoy life

Elena says:
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to enter into direct communication with you “friends in misfortune”, but I would really like to... if you know, write [email protected] I’ve been in debt for 10 years now... I found myself in a crisis with the dollar... I was engaged in a serious business.... for a year out of 50 thousand dollars. created a debt of 500 thousand dollars. there was everything: panic and loss of interest in life.... I stewed in my own juice for a very long time...

Anna says:
I was more reassured by the comments that I was not the only one. The amount is 300,000 rubles but in 6 banks... I can’t pay. Banks are ringing, salaries are not enough. On the verge of climbing into a noose. I want one big loan and they just won’t let me pay it... But I want to live. But this is probably the end...

Oleg says:
Thank you for the article, I thought I was the only one like this, I have major problems with banks, so far I’m holding on, trying everything possible and impossible to solve them, it turns out to be some kind of unequal battle, already on the brink. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Tatyana says:
My debt exceeds more than 500,000, I borrow from one bank, pay off from another, but the debt keeps increasing, I don’t know how to get out of this situation.

Tatyana says:
Thank you all for the answers, I read it with rapture. It turns out we are not alone. Only our debts are almost all connected not with the bank, but with people giving at interest rates. And they demand everything back - someone buys an apartment, someone goes on vacation. And we don’t have an apartment (we’ve been renting for 10 years now) and have two small children. We want to slow down, since my husband doesn’t earn that much, although he has his own production. I'm on maternity leave. And we got into debt without my knowledge - my husband played slot machines and finished the game, the amount of debt is almost 3,000,000. I’m afraid for him, lest he get into a loop. And for some reason the work is worthwhile, it seems there are orders, but there is no money. A “freeze” of interest would save us, but I’m afraid creditors won’t agree to that. What should we do? Tell! I’m just in despair, although my husband abandoned all these machines, how can I sort everything out now? Write to me and support: [email protected]. Thanks for reading. All the best! Tatiana.

Svetlana says:
In a terrible debt hole, I don’t even know what to do. Two children, when I think that if something happens to me because of my debts, I feel bad

Alexander says:
Hello everyone! I was involved in real estate and I had a debt of 280,000 euros, and now I don’t have the slightest income, there’s no place to borrow either, while the banks are taking away the apartment, the car is also mortgaged! All that remains is faith, will and courage! Maybe someone can tell me how to rise from such knees, maybe someone knows how to earn serious money without money in a short period of time. Write to [email protected]

nata says:
It’s clear with banks, you can come to an agreement, but if you borrow from a friend and have nothing to give back, because the friend with whom he was doing business cheated. I understand that no one will tell you where to go, but where to earn 3,000,000 rubles. Share quickly and without cheating! [email protected]

Diana says:
Good afternoon to all of you! While walking around the Internet, I came across a very important site for me, namely yours. I live in Estonia, but the problem is like everyone else, due to its stupidity I have accumulated all sorts of debts, and even more so here it is very easy to be seduced by advertising on TV , in the radio, you just need to send an SMS, fill out a form and the money is in your bank account in 5 minutes, in this easy way I found myself in a debt hole, the amount of debt exceeds 200,000 rubles, (transferred our crowns to rubles) when I took this ill-fated loan, I couldn’t even think that in 2!!! I will be left without work for a day, the company just closed the doors and we all received the status of unemployed... I live alone in a huge apartment, after thinking I decided that I needed to sell, pay off my debts, I thought that I would easily get out of the situation with debts, but again there was an obstacle, no one He’s buying real estate now, even though I’m not asking much for it, so I’m sitting here and don’t know what to do, and the debt is growing every day... and suicide won’t solve this problem, so I’ll look for a way out and I advise you!!! Good luck to all!!

And that's not all, I've only reached half of the comments.