Class hour on the topic: “Rules of conduct at a railway crossing. Rules of safe behavior on the railway Class hours about the railway

Class hour on the topic

"Rules of conduct for railway»

Target: to form in students an idea of ​​danger on the railway, to give an understanding of the equipment of railway crossings, the rules for crossing railway crossings.

Move class hour

Classroom teacher

The railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport, used by millions of people every day. In the capital region alone, commuter trains transport almost 500,000 people per day. Increasing speeds in transport has solved many problems, reducing the time passengers spend

Often a splash child injury falls in the summer, when many guys are left to their own devices. Another cause of tragedies is the careless, irresponsible attitude of adults towards children. In the absence of parental control and insufficient education in schools, children climb onto the roofs of carriages, wander carelessly along the railway tracks, ride on the running boards of carriages and simply seek entertainment on the railway.

- Why are injuries on the railway not decreasing?

The main causes of injury to citizens by railway rolling stock and electric shock to the contact network are ignorance and violation of safety rules when in the area of ​​railway tracks, unjustified haste and carelessness, reluctance to use crossing bridges, tunnels and decks, and sometimes mischief, hooliganism and games, like on railway tracks. tracks and in the surrounding area.

Children's pranks involving climbing onto a carriage to take a ride are well known. Imagine how they end. After all, the voltage in the wires of the contact network is extremely high: up to 27,500 volts.

Often people walk along the railway tracks, apparently wanting to shorten the time. It would seem that there is a visible area behind and in front of you, but there is still danger. Why?

Often the railway becomes “pedestrian”; walking along the railway tracks is always associated with risk and danger to life. There are frequent cases of injuries to people walking along railway tracks or in ruts. If you are crossing railroad tracks and see a train approaching, you will not be able to accurately determine which path it will take. Hoping to maneuver, you can end up right under the wheels. It's not easy to stop a moving train. Its braking distance, depending on weight and path profile, averages about a thousand meters. In addition, we must take into account that a train traveling at a speed of 100-120 km/h covers 30 meters in one second. And a pedestrian needs at least five to six seconds to cross the railway track. Moreover, young people love to listen to music and do not take off their headphones when crossing paths. They don’t even hear the train whistle, and their visual attention is focused on how best to cross the tracks. And what to expect in this case?

- Why can’t you cross the tracks when there is no traffic at all, and you can’t see the approaching train either?

Only at first glance are stationary carriages safe. You cannot come closer than five meters to them, or crawl under the cars: every car at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any second. And if any protrusion or lever of the carriage catches on the clothes of a gaping person, then the unfortunate person will certainly be pulled under the wheels.

- It is known that it is dangerous to get between two moving trains, why?

The force of the air flow created by two oncoming trains is 16 tons, with such a load a person can easily be pulled under the train. Therefore, you cannot cross railway tracks where it is convenient or in a desire to reduce time.

- What basic safety rules must be followed to avoid injuries?

The most important thing is that you need to cross and cross railway tracks only in specially designated areas. For safe crossing there are specially equipped pedestrian crossings, tunnels, bridges, railway crossings, overpasses. If you have to cross an unguarded crossing, pay close attention to the signals given technical means, make sure you don't see the train coming. It is strictly forbidden to pass through a railway crossing when the crossing traffic signal is prohibiting, regardless of the position and presence of the barrier.

There is nothing more important than human life. Be careful and vigilant, remember that the railway is not a place for games. Do not ride a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades on the platform - IT IS DANGEROUS TO LIFE! When approaching the railway, take off your headphones - you may not hear the train signals! Never cross railroad tracks at switch points. If you slip, you can get stuck in the grip of the switch, which moves directly in front of the moving train. Beware of the edge of the platform, do not stand on the line indicating danger! If you stumble, you can

Did you know that:

There are different trains: passenger, freight, short-distance and long-distance.

Trains consist of a locomotive (diesel or electric locomotive) and carriages.

The train is driven by the driver. He is guided by a special traffic light.Railroad crossing

If there is a barrier and a traffic light in front of the crossing deck (and there may also be a crossing person on duty), this is a controlled crossing. When a train approaches, two red traffic lights flash simultaneously. This means that you cannot cross or drive over railroad tracks.

Such a traffic light can be installed at a crossing without a barrier. If there is no barrier and traffic light, or the traffic light is not on and there is no person on duty at the crossing, such a railway crossing is called unregulated.

In this case, you must cross the railway crossing, guided by the following rules:

Freight train

1. Go to the railroad tracks, concentrate and say to yourself mentally: “Be careful.”

2. Look in all directions and listen to see if you can hear the sound of an approaching train, look behind you to see if there are any cars, then again left and right, and only then cross the railway tracks. You must not cross the tracks if you can see an approaching train. It is prohibited to enter the crossing when the barrier is closed or starting to fall, regardless of the traffic light signal.

BY ELECTRIC TRAIN An electric train moves at high speed and has more cars than a tram. This means that it is difficult to stop it quickly. The braking distance of an electric train is much longer than that of a tram. Crossing railway tracks when an electric train is traveling along them is very dangerous and unacceptable! Electric trains stop at special landing sites - platforms. They are raised quite high above the ground. You must behave very carefully on the platform. It is prohibited to stand on the very edge of the platform or sit on its railings. You should not go to the edge of the platform to see if the train is coming. You may be accidentally pushed and fall onto the tracks. You should not run or play on the platform. You may accidentally push other people. They might push you. The consequences are very serious. Electric trains approach the platform at high speed, and those that do not stop at this platform pass by it very quickly. If you behave carelessly, the train will hit or knock you down. You need to be careful when boarding the train car and when leaving it. After all, there is space between the platform and the carriage. During the crowd, you can stumble and accidentally fall into this space. Also, doors that close automatically can tightly squeeze your leg or arm, and the train can move at that moment and drag you along with it. In a train car you must behave the same as in any other form. public transport. Get off the train calmly, without fuss, and always remember very important rule: You can cross railway tracks only via an overground or underground passage. You cannot stand near the tracks or walk along the railroad tracks. The train moves at such a speed that the air flow can pull a pedestrian under the carriage. When the train moves, stones fly and can hit a pedestrian.

Let's remember the rules for crossing the railway:

1. Look left, right, if there is no approaching train, you can cross

2. If a train has just passed, see if there is an oncoming train; you may not notice it due to the noise of the departing train.

3. Do not cross under the carriages, train. It can start moving at any moment.

4. Keep up with your parents.

5. Cross railway tracks along specially laid paths.

Control questions

1. Tell us about the rules of behavior on the railway.

2. Where can you cross the railway tracks?

3. What rules must be followed when crossing a guarded railway crossing?

4. What rules must be followed when crossing an unguarded railway crossing?

classroom teacher: Shpiller L.B.

Class hour: “Rules safe behavior on the railway"

Purpose of the event:test and consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior onobjects railway transport.


  • Consider the causes of childhood injuries in railway transport;
  • Discuss and consolidate rules of conduct at railway infrastructure facilities;
  • To instill in students a culture of behavior on the railway tracks.

Equipment: illustrations, cards.

Childhood injuries and their prevention are very important and serious problem, not only during school holidays when children have more free time which they often spend in places of increased danger, including near railway tracks, but also during the educational process, when children are forced to get to educational institutions by rail.

Main reasons accidents involving children at railway infrastructure facilities still remain:

Lack of control on the part of parents over the whereabouts of children;
- walking along railway tracks in undesignated places, as well as wearing headphones;
- outdoor games at the facilities of JSC "Russian Railways »;
- approaching the contact network at a distance closer than two meters;
- being in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Quite rightly calledrailway is a high-risk area.

Technical improvement of Russian railways also does not stand still; its rapid development has made it possible to significantly increase the weight and speed of trains.
On most sections of railways, train speeds reach up to 140 km/h . With huge volumes of traffic, high intensity and increased speeds of trains, railways arehigh danger zone.
However, very often, some of you, forgetting about the danger, allow yourself to play near railway tracks, stations, throw snowballs, stones and other objects at passing passenger trains, place foreign objects on the rails in front of a moving train, ride bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, sleds and snowboards. By arranging outdoor games on the territory of railway transport facilities, you endanger not only your life, but the life and health of those around you, the locomotive crew and passengers traveling on the train.
You are sure that when you hear the signal given by the driver, you will have time to retreat to a safe place. Alas, many of you are paying with your lives for such self-confidence, and the survivors receive severe injuries that make them disabled.
We remind you that being on railway tracks, crossing them in unauthorized places, mischief, hooliganism and rash actions are always associated with risk and danger to life, in order to avoid which you must strictly follow the rules of safe behavior established on the railways.

Extract from the Rules for the presence of citizens at railway transport infrastructure facilities

Go to railway tracks are possibleonly in designated places, using pedestrian bridges, tunnels, crossings.

At stations where there are no bridges or tunnels, citizens should move on railways on floorings , as well as in places where signs are installed"Crossing the Paths"

Prohibited cross the tracks at railway crossingswhen the barrier is closed or the traffic light shows a red signalcrossing alarm.

When crossing railroad tracks, you mustmake sure there is no moving train, locomotive or carriages.

Walking on railway tracks is strictly prohibited!

Go to and run across the railroad tracksin front of a nearby train,if the distance to itless than 400 m - prohibited I.

Prohibited cross the railway tracksin less than 10 minutes before the high-speed train passes.

It is prohibited to passalong the railway tracks closer than 5 meters from the outer rail

Prohibited in security zones of contact networksThrow foreign objects onto overhead wires, supports and bring foreign objects closer to them, and also climb onto supports.

Do not use headphones or Cell phones when crossing the railway tracks!


Do not go beyond the safety line at the edge of the passenger platform!

Don't jump from the passenger platform onto the train tracks!

Don't climb onto the roofs of train cars!

Some facts

To stop the train, moving at a speed of 60-70 km/h,600-700 metro requiredV. The weight of the locomotive exceeds 500 tons, and the weight of the freight train is 5 thousand tons!

The voltage in the overhead wires is extremely high: up to 27500 volts

A train traveling at a speed of 100-120 km/htravels 30 meters in one second. And a pedestrian needs at least five to six seconds to cross the railway track

Only at first glance are stationary carriages safe. You cannot come closer than five meters to them; you cannot crawl under the carriages.: every car at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any second. And if any protrusion or lever of the carriage catches on the clothes of a gaping person, then the unfortunate person will certainly be pulled under the wheels

The force of the air flow created by two oncoming trains is 16 tons, with such a load a person can easily be pulled under a train. Therefore, you cannot cross railway tracks where it is convenient or in a desire to reduce time


  • walk along the railway tracks;
  • cross and run across railway tracks in front of a nearby train, if the distance to it is less than 400 meters;
  • at stations and stages, crawl under cars and climb over automatic couplers to cross the track;
  • walk along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail;
  • crawl under a closed barrier at a railway crossing, and also go out to the crossing when the barrier begins to close;
  • go beyond the safety line at the edge of the passenger platform.

Rules for safe behavior on railway transport:

  1. Cross railway tracks only in designated places, cross railway tracks on decks, as well as in places where “Crossing the tracks” signs are installed.
  2. Before crossing the tracks on the pedestrian deck, you must make sure that there is no moving train, locomotive, or cars.
  3. When a train, locomotive or cars approaches, you should stop, let them pass and, making sure that there is no moving rolling stock on adjacent tracks, continue crossing.
  4. When approaching a railway crossing, carefully monitor the light and sound alarms, as well as the position of the barrier. You can cross the tracks only when the barrier is open, and if there is no barrier, before crossing the tracks, you need to make sure that a train, locomotive or carriage is not approaching the crossing.

Slide captions:

Rules for safe behavior on railway transport

Rail transport is a convenient, safe, fast and affordable form of land transport.

The first railway in Russia was opened in 1837. It connected St. Petersburg, Tsarskoe Selo and Pavlovsk.

Do not lean out of the carriage while the train is moving. Don't block the aisles with things. Hold onto the handrails while the train is moving.

Cross the railway track only in designated places. Don't go close to the edge of the platform. Don't jump onto the tracks from the platform.

Don't play on the paths or walk on them. Do not place objects under the rails. Do not carry dangerous items that could injure passengers.

Don't try to cross to the other track under the carriages. At stops, do not leave the train. Don't climb on power lines.

Do not touch the stop valve unless necessary. Do not open external doors while the train is moving. Be polite to passengers and train employees. If there is an emergency in the carriage, do not panic, follow the conductor’s instructions.

HORIZONTAL: Power traction unit. Elevated seating area for passengers. Uncontrolled combustion process. The city is the beginning of the railway in Russia. 5. The electric train is not long-distance. Crossing the railway and highways. He's making a trip. VERTICAL: Taking people to a safe place. Train waiting room. Railway transport worker. A train of wagons and a locomotive. Part of the railway track. A room in a train carriage. Road. Non-self-propelled vehicle, moving on rails. A path along a specific route.


Class hour railway safety and rules traffic in the 3rd -th grade


1) to form schoolchildren’s ideas about road safety when moving along streets, roads and railways;

2) repeat the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road, on railway tracks;

3) develop in children the ability to find the safest route from home to school;

4) To develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior of students on the street and road in order to prevent children’s road traffic injuries. Foster the need to comply with road safety rules .

Equipment: sheets with tasks, “traffic light”, children’s drawings, presentation.

Class progress

I.Organizational moment


We have named many polite words, they help us in life.

Let's remember what rules exist that help people live.

Rules of conduct, rules of good manners, rules of good manners.

And what rules we will talk about today, you can guess by watching the video clip.

II. Updating knowledge

Look carefully at the slide.

(viewing a fragment of the cartoon “Rescuer Zholdos”)

Why did the main character of the cartoon Zholdos have to save people?

What rules did they break?

Guys, what did Zholdos ask you to do?

How can we help Zholdos?

(Observe traffic rules)

III. Communicating the Topic and Goals

Almost every morning you leave the house and go to school. Today in class we will repeat the rules for schoolchildren to move along the street and road, so that such troubles do not happen to you as with cartoon characters.

IV.Work on the topic

    Review of traffic rules .

All people, as soon as they go outside, become pedestrians. A real pedestrian behaves confidently on the street, and drivers treat him with respect. Cars drive according to strict rules. There are also rules for pedestrians. If you don't know them, you will never become a good pedestrian.

The game “Allowed and prohibited” will help us remember and repeat the rules of the road. I say the beginning of a sentence, and you give the correct answer.

Play on the pavement...(prohibited)

Crossing streets when the traffic light is green...(allowed)

Crossing the street in front of nearby vehicles...(prohibited)

Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...(allowed)

Crossing the street using an underground passage...(allowed)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow...(prohibited)

Helping old men and women cross the street...(allowed)

Cyclists clinging to passing cars...(prohibited)

Walking around vehicles parked on the sidewalk from the front...(prohibited)

Walk on the sidewalk on the left...(prohibited)

Running onto the roadway...(prohibited)

Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars...(prohibited)

Chatting and laughing loudly in public transport...(prohibited)

Respect traffic rules...(allowed)

Well done!

There are sheets of paper on your desks. Look carefully and find the first task in them.

What do you see?

The words fell apart.

Place numbers above the words on each line to make sentences.

These sentences will help us remember the rules.

Let's read them.

(frontal check using slides)

Rule 1

walk, only, Pedestrians, on the sidewalk. must

Pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk.

Rule 2:

towards, pedestrians, along the roadsides, transport. are coming

Pedestrians walk towards traffic on the side of the road.

Rule 3:

streets, When crossing, first, you need to look to the left, and then to the right.

When crossing the street, you first need to look left and then right.

Rule 4: At an intersection, cross the road, traffic light. right, it helps

At an intersection, a traffic light helps you cross the road correctly.

V. Physical education minute

We have reviewed the basic rules of the road, and now let's play.

Game "Traffic Light". In this game, all students are pedestrians.

When I show a yellow light at a traffic light, you line up and get ready to move; when the green light turns on, you can walk, run, jump; when the light is red, everyone freezes in place.

2. Safe path from home to school.

Tell us about the features of our school's location.

What street is it located on, are there any pedestrian crossings or traffic lights nearby?

At home you did the drawings “My safest route to school”, tell us about the safest route.

(children's stories about a safe way to school)

Well done, remember the safest path and try to stick to it so that trouble does not happen.

VI. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Now we will complete the following task and remember the basic concepts of the road alphabet.

Find task number 2 on the sheet.

I will ask you riddles, you guess them and complete the tasks, be careful.

1) Striped horse,

Her name is zebra.

But not the one in the zoo -

People keep walking along it. (CROSSWALK)

-Shade the answer with a simple pencil, choose the type of shading yourself.

2) Not alive, but walking.

Motionless, but leading. (ROAD)

3) On the side of the road

They stand like soldiers.

You and I are doing everything

Whatever they tell us. (SIGNS)

-Color in the correct answer.

4) Cars are rushing through the streets,

Tires are in charge there.

We went down into the passage,

The owner is there... (pedestrian)

-Draw a balloon next to the answer.

5) Doesn’t fly, doesn’t buzz -

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights.

The plant gave him this:

And the lights look into the darkness,

And the wheels and the engine,

Rush at full speed. (AUTOMOBILE)

-Complete the answer with an inscription.

The train is one of the safest modes of transport. But it will be safe only when you follow the safety rules on the railway.

Here are just a few numbers: every year more than 2,000 people are injured by railway transport. Every second of them receives injuries incompatible with life. This once again proves that the railway is a safe mode of transport, if, again, you follow the rules.

Underage children are the most injured by trains. And there are several reasons for this, the main one of which is riding trains outside the carriage. Remember, when the train picks up speed, you can jump off it without injury, fractures or deaths impossible! Just like quickly stopping a train that has reached full speed. Plus, if someone decided to ride on the roof of a carriage, he could get an electric shock, because trains move using electricity and are connected to high-voltage wires. You can also simply fall from the roof, or rather, the wind will blow you away from there. And another danger is tunnels. If the train enters a tunnel, there are simply no places to ride on the roof, since the tunnels are not designed for this.

Conclusion - you shouldn’t ride trains outside the carriage if you value your life and the lives of your loved ones!

Another type that leads to injuries is crossing the rails in the wrong place. Sometimes you are so lazy to go around the railway and get to a specially equipped crossing that people run across the railway even when the train is coming towards them and there is a minimum distance between them. Also, people do not wait for the train to leave to cross the railway, but crawl under the carriage. In this case, the train can leave suddenly and at any minute. And then the person will remain under the carriage and under the heavy wheels, which cut everything that falls on the rails

Conclusion - you need to cross the railway only where there are facilities for this. You should not climb under a stationary train; it is better to wait until it leaves. And there is also no need to try to carry heavy objects across the railway alone or in a group. There is a high probability that you will not have time to move it, and a train will come towards you, which will sweep both you and the object out of its way.

The railroad is not a place to play. The railway is a place for trains that, despite all the precautions and new ideas, cannot stop quickly. When getting on the railway, you need to be careful and listen to the noise of the trains. And if you hear the noise of an approaching train, you should move as far away from the railway as possible.

There is no need to throw stones at a passing train, as they fly away from the cars and return to you with even greater force, which can lead not only to injury, but also to death.

Do not place foreign objects on the railway. Even though the train is heavy, it can derail if it hits a foreign object. Then there will be a big disaster that can destroy houses and take the lives of hundreds of people!

Avoid the railway and use it only for its intended purpose!

Show the drawings you made.

VII. Summarizing.

What is the name of the hero who asked you for help?

How can each of you help him?

What rules did we repeat today?

What should be your route from home to school?


On the sheets in which you have already completed the task, find task No. 2.

What else do you see?

Traffic light.

If today after our lesson you are still in a sunny mood and you have successfully completed all the tasks, color the green signal of your traffic light.

And those guys who are in a sad mood after our lesson or have difficulties completing tasks - color the yellow signal of your traffic light.

- Thank you for the lesson.

On September 18, 2013, in the assembly hall of the Tula Economic College, an open class hour was held for students of all courses, at which instructions were given on safety rules on roads and railway transport facilities. The class hour was prepared and conducted by a teacher - organizer of life safety Vasiliev Evgeniy Efremovich.

College Principal Makarova Alla Viktorovna in her speech pointed out the importance of this issue. Addressing the students, she said that railway transport is a high-risk zone and, using its services, every person is obliged to follow generally accepted rules of personal safety.

Class hour scenario

Class topic: Rules for safe behavior at railway transport facilities

The purpose of the class hour:

Explore: rules of safe behavior at railway transport facilities.

Know and execute rules while in these areas

Introductory part
1. What mistakes do we make while on the railway?
2. Rules of conduct at railway transport facilities
Final part

Introductory part.

The importance of the topic (speech by the director of the college Makarova A.V.).

People die every year at Russian railway transport facilities. We are all, directly or indirectly, road users. Road accidents are a disaster that can happen to anyone. A frivolous attitude towards traffic rules, unnecessary bravado on the roads and ignorance of transport discipline lead to tragic consequences, which, unfortunately, are often impossible to correct. (Examples of tragic incidents)
Be careful, follow the traffic rules, and don’t repeat the mistakes of others!

Main part.

Railway- a convenient and popular type of transport that is used by millions of people every day. Increasing speeds in transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and the delivery of goods, and at the same time created a lot of dangers for humans.

Railways are a high-risk area. To stop a train moving at a speed of 60-70 km/h, it is necessary 600-700 meters. The voltage in the overhead wires is extremely high: up to 27500 volt. A train traveling at a speed of 100-120 km/h travels in one second 30 meters. And a pedestrian needs at least five to six seconds to cross the railway track. Simple calculation: 5*30=150 meters.

Conclusion: If the train is 150-200 meters from the pedestrian crossing, stop and let it pass

By arranging deadly games on the territory of railway transport, you endanger not only your life, but the life and health of the surrounding people, the locomotive crew and passengers traveling on the train.

There is nothing more important than human life, and children's lives are the most valuable. Be careful and vigilant, remember that the railway is not a place for games. Do not ride a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades on the platform - THIS IS LIFE DANGEROUS!

When approaching the railway, take off your headphones - you may not hear the train signals!

Never cross railway tracks at switch points! If you slip, you can get stuck in the grip of the arrow, which moves directly in front of the moving train.

Beware of the edge of the platform, do not stand on the line indicating danger! If you stumble, you could fall onto the tracks in front of an oncoming train.. Take care of yourself!

Extract from the Rules

  • Go to railway tracks are only possible in designated places, using pedestrian bridges, tunnels, crossings.
  • At stations where there are no bridges or tunnels, citizens must cross the railway tracks on floorings, as well as in places where signs are installed "Crossing the paths».
  • Prohibited cross the tracks at railway crossings when closed barrier or indication red traffic light crossing alarm.
  • When crossing railroad tracks, you must make sureno moving train, locomotive or carriages.
  • Walking on railway tracks is strictly prohibited!
  • Go to and run across the railroad tracks in front of closegoing by train, if the distance to it less than 400 m - prohibited I.
  • Prohibited cross the railway tracks in less than 10minutes to the aisle expressway trains.
  • Do not use headphones or mobile phonesphones when crossing the railway tracks!
  • Strictly prohibited P crawl under the carriages and climb over automatic couplers to get across the path.
  • It is prohibited to pass along the railway tracks closer 5meters from the extreme rail.
  • Prohibited in overhead contact areas throw on the wires andbring foreign objects closer to them, and also climb onto supports.
  • Don't go beyond the safety line at the edgepassenger platform!
  • Do not jump from the passenger platform ontorailways!
  • Don't climb onto the roofs of train cars!

Final part:

Conclusion: By observing these basic rules of personal safety, which require only attention and caution from you, you will save your life, the lives of your relatives and loved ones!!!

Classroom teacher

The railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport, used by millions of people every day. In the metropolitan region alone, commuter trains transport almost people per day. Increasing speeds in transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and delivering goods, and at the same time created a lot of dangers for people.

Often, a surge in child injuries occurs in the summer, when many children are left to their own devices. Another cause of tragedies is the careless, irresponsible attitude of adults towards children. In the absence of parental control and insufficient education in schools, children climb onto the roofs of carriages, wander carelessly along the railway tracks, ride on the running boards of carriages and simply seek entertainment on the railway.

Why are injuries on the railway not decreasing?

The main causes of injury to citizens by railway rolling stock and electric shock to the contact network are ignorance and violation of safety rules when in the area of ​​railway tracks, unjustified haste and carelessness, reluctance to use crossing bridges, tunnels and decks, and sometimes mischief, hooliganism and games, like on railway tracks. tracks and in the surrounding area.

Children's pranks involving climbing onto a carriage to take a ride are well known. Imagine how they end. After all, the voltage in the wires of the contact network is extremely high: up to 27,500 volts.

People often walk along the railway tracks, apparently wanting to shorten the time. It would seem that there is a visible area behind and in front of you, but there is still danger. Why?

Often the railway becomes “pedestrian”; walking along the railway tracks is always associated with risk and danger to life. There are frequent cases of injuries to people walking along railway tracks or in ruts. If you are crossing railroad tracks and see a train approaching, you will not be able to accurately determine which path it will take. Hoping to maneuver, you can end up right under the wheels. It's not easy to stop a moving train. Its braking distance, depending on weight and path profile, averages about a thousand meters. In addition, we must take into account that a train traveling at a speed of 100-120 km/h covers 30 meters in one second. And a pedestrian needs at least five to six seconds to cross the railway track. Moreover, young people love to listen to music and do not take off their headphones when crossing paths. They don’t even hear the train whistle, and their visual attention is focused on how best to cross the tracks. And what to expect in this case?

-Why can't you cross the tracks when there is no traffic at all, and you can't see the approaching train either?

Only at first glance are stationary carriages safe. You cannot come closer than five meters to them, or crawl under the cars: every car at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any second. And if any protrusion or lever of the carriage catches on the clothes of a gaping person, then the unfortunate person will certainly be pulled under the wheels.

- It is known that it is dangerous to get between two moving trains, why?

The force of the air flow created by two oncoming trains is 16 tons, with such a load a person can easily be pulled under the train. Therefore, you cannot cross railway tracks where it is convenient or in a desire to reduce time.

- What basic safety rules must be followed to avoid injuries?

The most important thing is that you need to cross and cross railway tracks only in specially designated areas. For safe crossing, there are specially equipped pedestrian crossings, tunnels, bridges, railway crossings, and overpasses. If you have to cross an unguarded crossing, carefully monitor the signals given by technical means, make sure that you do not see the approaching train. It is strictly forbidden to pass through a railway crossing when the crossing traffic signal is prohibiting, regardless of the position and presence of the barrier.

There is nothing more important than human life. Be careful and vigilant, remember that the railway is not a place for games. Do not ride a bicycle, skateboard or roller skate on the platform - IT IS DANGEROUS TO LIFE! When approaching the railway, take off your headphones - you may not hear the train signals! Never cross railroad tracks at switch points. If you slip, you can get stuck in the grip of the switch, which moves directly in front of the moving train. Beware of the edge of the platform, do not stand on the line indicating danger! If you stumble, you can

Did you know that: There are different trains: passenger, freight, short-distance and long-distance.
Trains consist of a locomotive (diesel or electric locomotive) and carriages.
The train is driven by the driver. He is guided by a special traffic light.
Railroad crossing
If there is a barrier and a traffic light in front of the crossing deck (and there may also be a crossing person on duty), this is a controlled crossing. When a train approaches, two red traffic lights flash simultaneously. This means that you cannot cross or drive over railroad tracks.
Such a traffic light can be installed at a crossing without a barrier. If there is no barrier and traffic light, or the traffic light is not on and there is no person on duty at the crossing, such a railway crossing is called unregulated.
In this case, you must cross the railway crossing, guided by the following rules:
Freight train
2. Go to the railroad tracks, concentrate and say to yourself mentally: “Be careful.”
2. Look in all directions and listen to see if you can hear the sound of an approaching train, look behind you to see if there are any cars, then again left and right, and only then cross the railway tracks.
You should not cross the tracks if you can see an approaching train. It is prohibited to enter the crossing when the barrier is closed or starting to fall, regardless of the traffic light signal.
An electric train moves at high speed and has more cars than a tram. This means that it is difficult to stop it quickly. The braking distance of an electric train is much longer than that of a tram. Crossing railway tracks when an electric train is traveling along them is very dangerous and unacceptable! Electric trains stop at special landing sites - platforms. They are raised quite high above the ground.
You must behave very carefully on the platform. It is prohibited to stand on the very edge of the platform or sit on its railings. You should not go to the edge of the platform to see if the train is coming. You may be accidentally pushed and fall onto the tracks.
You should not run or play on the platform. You may accidentally push other people. They might push you. The consequences are very serious.
Electric trains approach the platform at high speed, and those that do not stop at this platform pass by it very quickly. If you behave carelessly, the train will hit or knock you down.
You need to be careful when boarding the train car and when leaving it. After all, there is space between the platform and the carriage. During the crowd, you can stumble and accidentally fall into this space. Also, doors that close automatically can tightly squeeze your leg or arm, and the train can move at that moment and drag you along with it.
In a train car you must behave the same way as in any other type of public transport. Get off the train calmly, without fuss, and always remember a very important rule: You can only cross railway tracks via an overground or underground passage.
You cannot stand near the tracks or walk along the railroad tracks. The train moves at such a speed that the air flow can pull a pedestrian under the carriage. When the train moves, stones fly and can hit a pedestrian.
Let's remember the rules for crossing the railway:
1. Look left, right, if there is no approaching train, you can cross
2. If a train has just passed, see if there is an oncoming train; you may not notice it due to the noise of the departing train.
2. Do not cross under the carriages, train. It can start moving at any moment.
2. Keep up with your parents.
2. Cross railway tracks along specially laid paths.

Control questions

Tell us about the rules of conduct on the railway.

Where can you cross railroad tracks?

What rules must be followed when crossing a guarded railway crossing?

What rules must be followed when crossing an unguarded railway crossing?