Cat Bayun infusion instructions for use. Cat Bayun for animals: instructions for use

Today you can see Kot Bayun drops in veterinary pharmacies. The drug Kot Bayun is a tincture based on medicinal herbs, which is intended for the treatment of any behavioral disorders in cats or dogs. The composition of medicinal drops includes many different herbs, such as:

  • oregano 0.45%;
  • valerian roots 0.23%;
  • sweet clover grass 0.23%;
  • motherwort;
  • ivy-shaped budra;
  • nettle;
  • hawthorn;
  • Melissa;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort;
  • catnip;
  • hop cones;
  • peppermint;
  • meadowsweet;
  • hill solyanka;
  • roots of peony evading;
  • swamp grass;
  • water 100%.

Cat Bayun drops have light yellow or Brown color , and have a light herbal scent. It is worth noting that sediment is acceptable, which easily disappears with shaking. The drops are available in 10 ml bottles and are packaged in cardboard boxes of three bottles.

Description of the drug and instructions

Pharmacological properties

The mechanism of action of the drops is determined by the fact that in their composition all the biological substances of plants have a sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Thanks to the drug, the animal’s body receives important plant substances that have general strengthening properties and are intended for stable and balanced behavior of the pet. This leads to the animal’s behavior being corrected and the risk of developing mental disorder. Kot Bayun drops do not have embryotoxic, cumulative or teratogenic properties.


Kot Bayun should be used upon the animal reaching 10 months of age. Drops are also used for cats screaming during heat, aggression towards the owner, licking, aggression during the struggle for leadership, imitation of covering, aggression due to fear or phobia, hyperactivity, marking indoors, sexual aggression, barking for no reason, hypersexuality and aggression against this background, strong excitement, fear.

Mode of application

Copley should be given to the animal internally, but be sure to shake the bottle before doing so. For cats, 2 ml or 0.5 teaspoon is enough, and dogs should be given 4 ml or 1 teaspoon. For 5-7 days, give drops 3-4 times a day. If necessary, the course of taking the drug should be repeated. Duration of use The drug does not affect the health of the animal in any way. Therefore, treatment can be done every month depending on the pet’s behavior.

Kot Bayun does not contain preservatives, so before use you must adhere to some requirements:

  • carefully open the bottle;
  • put a dropper cap (which is in the box) on the neck;
  • Using light pressure on the pipette, the drug should be injected directly into the oral cavity;
  • if necessary, you can pour the drops into a teaspoon and give to the animal;
  • Store leftover drops in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days;
  • Before each use, shake the bottle and warm the drops.

Drops can also be add to animal's drinking water.

Side effects

As a rule, Kot Bayun drops do not have side effects if they are used according to the instructions for use.

There is no information on the use of drops with other medications.

No contraindications have been identified. But it should be noted that hypersensitive animals may experience allergic reactions.

Precautionary measures

While working with medicine It is worth adhering to some safety and personal hygiene rules; do not forget that this is a drug for animals, not for humans.

The drug should be stored in the refrigerator out of the reach of children. Shelf life 7 days.

Clinical experience and benefits of the drug

People who keep cats or dogs always face the problem of animal contraception. In order to somehow solve this problem, new contraceptive drugs appear on the market every year that help calm pets. After all, ill-mannered and aggressive animals can destroy all perceptions about a cute pet. In this case, one can understand the owners of cats and dogs who always stain carpets or furniture.

Another unpleasant aspect during the period of sexual desire is emotional upsurge or, in other words, stress. In cats, this is manifested by licking, especially in Abyssonian, Siamese and Himalayan cats, as well as in many dog ​​breeds. The main symptom is hair loss on the back or tail. If the animal constantly engages in licking, then the hair begins to fall out on the stomach and limbs. And during puberty, cats begin to mark their territory, and this brings a lot of trouble to their owners.

To get rid of cat screams, owners usually progestogens are used who are capable of for a long time stop the heat and this is an excellent alternative to castration for them. At the same time, rarely does anyone think about the consequences, which can be different. From simple diseases, pyometra, hyperplasia or mucometra can develop, which ultimately requires removal of the ovaries and uterus. Then a tumor of the mammary gland may appear, the coat changes, diabetes and bulging eyes form.

It is worth noting that Kot Bayun is on this moment It is considered an excellent replacement for hormonal drugs, as well as tranquilizers that contain chemicals. The main components of the drops are only plant phytosterols, and they considered parahormonal substances, which are capable of simulating the action of a real analogue.

By using herbal drops, the animal’s hormonal balance is not disturbed, even during long-term use. Flavonoids can have a sedative and slightly hypnotic effect, but they do not block the cerebral cortex.

In addition, the drug is able to cleanse the blood and liver of the animal, as well as the intestines and stomach. In other words, this is a ready-made home pharmacy in one bottle.

Cat Bayun tablets The instructions are exactly the same as the drops, only using them in liquid form is much more convenient and safer for the animal itself. The tablets are white and packaged in a plastic bottle, each contains 50 tablets.

It is important to know that Kot Bayun tablets and drops have no downsides at all. The only thing is that he is not able to cope with severe stress in a pet, so in this case it is necessary to buy potent drugs at an expensive price. But it has many advantages:

  • convenient use;
  • inexpensive price;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • effective;
  • no side effects.

Description Kot Bayun infusion fl. 10 ml No. 3:

Cat Bayun, thanks to the extracts of motherwort, hawthorn, licorice and horsetail included in its composition, helps to correct aggressive conditions in animals. The effectiveness of its use has also been proven:

  • Aggression associated with a state of false puppyhood;
  • Aggressive behavior of animals at the time of sexual hunting;
  • Intensifying attempts to mark the territory of a house or apartment;
  • Simulation of the coating condition;
  • Stress associated with changing owners or moving, etc.

Cat Bayun is indispensable for cats during the hunting period, as it reduces the intensity of screams and has a sedative effect. The animal becomes more balanced and its behavior is as close as possible to the normal rhythm of life.

How to give Kot Bayun drops correctly? The instructions say that 2 ml is enough for cats, i.e. 0.5 teaspoon three or four times a day. For dogs, it is recommended to double the dosage. The bottle should be shaken thoroughly before use.

ATTENTION! The given description of the drug is not an instruction.


on the use of dietary supplement Kot Bayun (infusion)

The dietary supplement contains an aqueous decoction of medicinal herbs (motherwort herb - 4%, plantain leaves - 3%, peppermint leaves - 2%, marshweed herb - 2%, horsetail herb - 1%, licorice root - 1%, hawthorn flowers - 1%) and auxiliary components. It is a sterile liquid of yellow-brown color with a slight herbal odor. They are produced in 10 ml bottles, which are packaged in 3 bottles together with a dropper cap in cardboard boxes.

The dietary supplement includes components that have sedative, analgesic, anxiolytic (relieving the feeling of fear), antispasmodic properties. It is a low-toxic drug for warm-blooded animals and does not have cumulative, embryotoxic, teratogenic or allergenic properties. Compatible with chemotherapy and biological drugs.

For behavior correction in cats and dogs, starting from 10 months of age: cats scream during sexual heat, obsessive licking, aggression towards the owner, imitation of covering, aggression due to the struggle for dominance, aggression due to fear or phobia, sexual aggression , hyperactivity, constant barking for no reason, violation of the marking instinct, marking in the apartment, excessive anxiety during false pregnancy, aggressiveness due to hypersexuality, a state of fear and excitement.

Apply orally (shaking before use) to cats 2 ml (0.5 teaspoon), dogs 4 ml (1 teaspoon) 3 - 4 times a day for 5 - 7 days. If necessary, the course of administering the drug is repeated. Cat Bayun does not contain preservatives, therefore, when using it, the following requirements must be observed: uncork the bottle, put a dropper cap on its neck and introduce the drug into the animal’s oral cavity by pressing on the pipette in accordance with the graduation scale on the label, or pour the drug into a teaspoon in according to dosage. The remaining drug is stored in the refrigerator for 7 days without removing the dropper cap. Before use, the drug should be warmed to room temperature and shaken.

Allergic reactions are possible in hypersensitive animals.

Increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

No special precautions are required.

In a dry, cool place, protected from light and out of reach of children and animals at a temperature of 12 to 25 ºС. Shelf life: 1 year.

This drug consists only of natural ingredients (herbs): oregano, valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, St. John's wort, nettle, peony, lemon balm, hop cones. This biologically active supplement is necessary to change the animal’s behavior in a positive direction during sexual activity.

Release forms

There are two forms of release: infusion and tablets for oral use.

The composition includes an extract from plants. Has a characteristic herbal smell. The color of the tincture ranges from light yellow to dark brown. There may be a slight sediment at the bottom of the bottle, which, when shaken, forms a homogeneous cloudy liquid. The amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin is about 0.007%. Valeric acid exceeds 0.025%.


The bioactive supplement includes extracts from plant materials. The tablets have a biconvex shape. Color ranges from white to yellowish. Sometimes you can see minor inclusions and marbling.


The cat Bayun has sedative property which will help get rid of feelings of anxiety, nervousness and aggression.

This effect of the drug is due to the presence of active substances in it that have sedative and antispasmodic properties. When using the drug, the animal’s body receives the required amount of micronutrients that have adaptogenic properties. This is important to ensure calm, stable behavior of your pet.
The drug is non-toxic and does not have teratogenic properties.

Indications for use

The drug should be used if the following symptoms appear:

  • Incessant licking.
  • Unreasonable aggression towards the owner.
  • Barking for no reason.
  • Manifestation of feelings of anxiety and anxiety.
  • Constantly stalking around the apartment.

Instructions for use of the drug

From the age of ten months it is possible to use this medicine. This drug will relieve aggression and phobias. Sometimes animals have fear from loud noises, during transportation, or when participating in exhibition events. You can also sometimes observe disturbances in sexual behavior and hyperactivity.

Application of tincture

The medicine is given orally. Dose: 1 teaspoon 3 – 4 times a day. Must be used within a week. If necessary, it is possible to repeat this course again. The bottle must be placed in the refrigerator and stored directly there. Before use, shake thoroughly and bring to room temperature.

Use of tablets

The medicine must be taken orally 20 minutes before eating. Dose: 3 tablets 3 – 4 times a day. No symptoms due to overdose were found.

Side effects of the drug

During the studies, no side effects were found. There are no complications from the drug Kot Bayun. The drug is not addictive.

If one or two doses are missed, treatment must be started as soon as possible and strict instructions must be followed. It is necessary to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the animal’s body. You may experience increased sensitivity to certain herbs or supplements. Against this background, side effects may occur that will negatively affect the health of the pet. In this scenario, you should stop taking this drug and determine the cause (get tested). An alternative option is desensitization therapy.

The drug Kot Bayun showed positive results in studies. It is compatible with all medications.

Personal prevention

When interacting with this medicine, you must adhere to certain rules. After using the drug Be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap. If contact occurs on the skin or mucous membrane of the eyes, then immediately rinse the damaged area with plenty of water. If people are hypersensitive to the components, it is better to avoid this drug. But if an allergic reaction occurs, you need to contact medical institution for help. You should not leave instructions for the drug you used.

Kot Bayun is a sedative drug intended to correct the behavior of cats and dogs. It has a calming effect and helps overcome stressful situations. The medicine is created on the basis of plant materials, therefore it is low-toxic and safe.

The use of the drug Kot Bayun in pets promotes stable, adequate, balanced behavior, eliminates anxiety and aggressiveness, including during estrus, and under stress.

Pharmachologic effect:

  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-anxiety

In addition, the medicine normalizes activity nervous system, increases immunity and strengthens the body.

Composition and release form of the drug

Cat Bayun is included in the group of sedatives. The active ingredients are medicinal herbs. Composition of the drug Kot Bayun:

  • swamp grass;
  • oregano;
  • sweet clover;
  • St. John's wort;
  • motherwort;
  • ivy-shaped budra;
  • Melissa;
  • thyme;
  • hill solyanka;
  • peppermint;
  • nettle;
  • valerian (root);
  • peony (roots and grass);
  • meadowsweet (flowers);
  • hawthorn (flowers and fruits);
  • hops (cones).

The drug is produced in 2 forms: tablets and aqueous tincture. Tablets of 0.2 g are packaged in plastic jars of 50 pieces.

The tincture has a yellow-brown color, sedimentation is allowed. It is produced in glass bottles of 10 or 16 ml. The kit includes a dosing syringe or a pipette cap. Each package contains 2-3 bottles.

Indications for use

Cat Bayun is a safe alternative to hormonal medications used during estrus.

The product perfectly corrects the behavior of cats and dogs during sexual hunting without causing any harmful effects on the body.

Other indications:

  • aggressive behavior;
  • fear, overexcitement before exhibitions, during transportation;
  • sexual behavior disorder (anxiety, sexual aggression);
  • increased activity;
  • compulsive licking;
  • coprophagia (eating feces).

Kot Bayun tablets and drops are also used if animals shit in in the wrong places, leave marks in the apartment. The drug is prescribed to dogs when they try to dominate a person or bark for no reason.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using the Kot Bayun infusion in cats provide the following procedure:

  1. Warm the drops to room temperature.
  2. Shake several times.
  3. Uncork the bottle and put on the dropper cap.
  4. Pour the infusion into a teaspoon. The recommended dose for cats is 2 ml (1/2 teaspoon) 3-4 times daily.
  5. Add the solution to drinking water or drink it undiluted.
  6. The drug does not contain preservatives, so store the opened bottle only in the refrigerator for no longer than a week. The dispenser lid does not need to be removed.

According to the instructions, Kot Bayun tablets need to be crushed into crumbs and mixed with wet food. The drug is given to the cat 20 minutes before feeding or an hour after it. The recommended dose is 2 tablets 3-4 times a day.

The course of treatment is 5-7 days, it can be repeated every month. If you are planning a trip, start using the medicine 2-3 days before it.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindication for use: hypersensitivity to the components of the product. Cat Bayun should not be used before the age of 10 months.

There are no side effects, however, the development of allergic reactions is possible. In this case, stop using the product and consult a veterinarian.

When working with medicine, follow general rules personal hygiene. Wash your hands with soap after contact with the animal. Dispose of empty bottles with household waste.

Cost of the drug

Price of 1 package of Kot Bayun: tablets (50 pcs.) - from 80 rubles, infusion (3 bottles) - from 110 rubles.

Analogs of the drug are: Fitex, Phosphorus-Gomaccord, Sanal Relax.