Who pays for maternity leave? employer or. Who pays the employee maternity benefits: the employer or the state? We prepare documents and calculate payment terms

Child care benefit up to 1.5 years in 2020 paid to persons who care for a child during the leave of the same name.

Please note that leave is provided until the child reaches three years of age, and benefits are paid only up to one and a half years.

Who is paid child care benefits up to 1.5 years of age?

Unlike the maternity benefit, which is paid only to the mother of the child, in 2020 other relatives can also receive a childcare benefit for up to 1.5 years: father, grandmother, etc., the main thing is that they actually care for the child and are therefore deprived of the opportunity to receive wages or other income. If the baby is cared for by two or more relatives, at their choice.

Amount of benefit for child care up to 1.5 years

By general rule,amount of child care benefit is . In some cases, payment is made in .

From January 1, 2020 minimum amount of care allowance for the first child is 4,852 rubles, from February 1, 2020 for the second and subsequent children - 6,751 rubles 54 kopecks, from January 1, 2020 maximum size care benefits - 27,984 rubles 66 kopecks. The following are entitled to benefits in the specified amount:

    mothers dismissed during pregnancy due to the liquidation of the organization

    mothers, fathers, guardians, students full-time

    relatives caring for a child in case of deprivation of mother and (or) father parental rights

Calculation of child care benefits up to 1.5 years

For convenience, we present the calculation algorithm child care benefits in 2020 in the form of a diagram:

Child care allowance

average earnings for the two previous calendar years (must not exceed for each year the maximum amount of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund: in 2018 - 815,000 rubles, in 2019 - 865,000 rubles, that is, for calculations we choose an amount that is less)
per number calendar days in the same period (excluding periods of temporary disability, maternity and child care leave, the period of release from work with retention of salary). We get the average daily earnings, which cannot be more than the control value (= the sum of the limit values ​​(see above) divided by 730)
by 30.4
by 40%

Payment terms for child care benefits up to 1.5 years

You can apply for child care benefits in 2020 no later than the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

Note: Regardless of the date of application, the benefit in 2020 will be from the date of provision of parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

During pregnancy and the first time after childbirth, the state continues to provide financial support to mothers in the form of maternity benefits. This kind social guarantee provided to working (employed) women during maternity leave, in a guaranteed minimum amount, a multiple of minimum size wages (the minimum wage from January 1, 2019 is 11,280 rubles).

  • dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On state benefits for citizens with children”;
  • dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”.

Maternity benefits are paid depending on social status recipient at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) by enterprises or from federal budget educational organizations or Departments of Social Protection of the Population (USPP).

Maternity payments are provided at a time:

  • expectant mothers who are studying full-time in institutions providing vocational, secondary specialized or higher education;
  • unemployed women dismissed as a result of the reduction or liquidation of the employer.

Amount of maternity benefit in 2019

Maternity pay since 2011 is calculated according to a certain procedure, which has the following features. During pregnancy, the employee must be provided with maternity leave, for all days of which benefits are paid. The legislation provides several options for its duration:

  • at the birth of one child, 70 days before and 70 days after birth are provided (in case of complications of childbirth, postpartum leave of 86 days is provided);
  • for the birth of 2 or more children, 84 days are provided before and 110 days after birth.


They include payment for all days of maternity leave in an amount equal to 100% of the woman’s average earnings for the last two full calendar years. For non-working mothers entitled to this benefit, regional USZNs accrue in the amount RUB 655.49 per month.

If a woman worked at several enterprises at the same time, then the accrued salaries for two years are summed up. If she continues to combine work in several organizations, then maternity benefits are paid at one enterprise of her choice.

If the average woman's earnings less than the current minimum wage at the time of going on maternity leave or the total insurance period is less than six months, then to calculate the benefit, the minimum wage is taken, the amount of which in 2019 is 11280 rub..

In addition, the maximum amount of payments has been established. It should not exceed the size maximum contribution base compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity, which are:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - 415,000 rubles;
  • in 2011 - 463,000 rubles;
  • in 2012 - 512,000 rubles;
  • in 2013 - 568,000 rubles;
  • in 2014 - 624,000 rubles;
  • in 2015 - 670,000 rubles;
  • in 2016 - 718,000 rubles;
  • in 2017 - 755,000 rubles;
  • in 2018 - 815,000 rubles;
  • in 2019 - 865,000 rubles.

Therefore, in 2019, maternity benefits were accrued and paid in amounts not exceeding the following values:

Read more about the amount and calculation of accruals on the page Amount of maternity benefits.

How are maternity benefits calculated?

To receive maternity benefits, a pregnant woman must meet following conditions:

  • be officially employed;
  • be registered with a doctor during pregnancy antenatal clinic or friend medical institution;
  • in accordance with the certificate of incapacity for work, to be on sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

The exceptions are the following categories of unemployed:

  • were laid off during the year due to reduction within no more than 12 previous months and were duly registered with the Employment Center;
  • study in an educational organization on a full-time basis.

If you belong to the category of citizens who are entitled to maternity benefits, then to receive it you must:

  1. Obtain from a antenatal clinic or other medical institution a certificate of registration for pregnancy, indicating the date of registration.
  2. Apply for maternity leave from your doctor.
  3. If you work, or two last year worked at several enterprises, it is necessary to obtain certificates from these organizations on the calculation of average earnings, for subsequent submission to the employer’s department, which will make the payment.
  4. Write an application addressed to the director of the enterprise - employer about going on maternity leave and receiving maternity benefits.
  5. All prepared documents must be submitted to the human resources department of the organization.


If during this period the management of the enterprise does not make any decision and does not make payments, then the woman has the right to apply for benefits to the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF).

Maternity payments for a non-working mother

Unemployed women in 2019 have the right to receive maternity benefit at the rate of RUB 655.49 per month, if they:

  • are registered with the Employment Service (ESS) as persons who have lost their jobs due to layoffs from an enterprise during its liquidation (or termination of activities in the form of individual entrepreneurs or self-employed people);
  • full-time students in educational organizations at various levels - paid in the form of a scholarship.
To apply for benefits in the first case, a woman must contact the territorial Administration of the Social Protection Service, and in the second case - in educational institution where she receives her education.

To receive payment unemployed woman must provide:

  • statement;
  • sick leave from a medical institution;
  • work book or extract with marks from last place work;
  • a certificate from the Employment Service confirming registration as unemployed.

The decision to receive benefits is made within 10 days from the date of application. You can apply for maternity benefits any day after receiving maternity leave, but no later than 6 months after its completion.


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414

Financial resources to pay for benefits come from the Social Insurance Fund, and are later reimbursed by this organization to the employer.

Money is paid to the expectant mother at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, even if the payment itself is made by the employer.

As a rule, the employer makes the transfer of money.

A woman can contact the FSS directly in two cases :

  • the employer refuses to pay money;
  • the woman lives in a region that is included in the pilot project of direct payments to the Social Insurance Fund.

For transfer Money The expectant mother must also provide an application at her place of work. After this, there must be a settlement between the employer and the Social Insurance Fund based on the actual payments.

As a rule, there are no obstacles to payment on the part of the employer.

However, problems may arise in the following cases:

  1. The company will soon be declared bankrupt.
  2. There is no money in the accounts.
  3. The leader is wanted.
  4. The organization ceased its work on the day of the request for payments.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to go to court and provide confirmation of non-payments. The expectant mother is not always able to do this; for this reason, she can go to court within a few months after the maternity leave.

Important! As soon as it is known court order, the young mother will be given financial resources through the Social Insurance Fund.

If an employee went on maternity leave within four weeks of dismissal, she must return to her previous place of work. This rule also applies to the following cases:

  1. Changing of the living place.
  2. My husband was transferred for work.
  3. An illness that makes further residence in a given area impossible.
  4. You need to take care of a sick or incapacitated relative.

If the child’s mother worked in two organizations at once, then she can count on payments in these places separately.

Who is entitled to payments?

According to the law, the right to benefits is:

  1. Employees who are entitled to social insurance in case of disability. These .
  2. Stay-at-home mothers who were fired due to the liquidation of the enterprise. These could also be full-time students or women passing.

If a girl works, studies or serves, then maternity benefits are due to her at her place of work, study or service, respectively.

Important! According to the law, many child benefits are entitled to be issued by the citizen who cares for the baby.

In most cases this is the mother, but sometimes other relatives. Only the mother of the child, who in fact was pregnant and gave birth, can count on maternity benefits.

If a baby under 3 months was adopted, then the accrual financial resources also only due to the mother. If the baby’s father works officially, but the mother does not, then payments to the child’s father are still not due. That is, this type of financial assistance from the state cannot.

It must be remembered that, according to Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation,.

Are payments due to an unemployed woman?

An unemployed or relatively unemployed woman who is entitled to receive benefits is considered to be:

  1. The child's mother, who is considered unemployed according to documents due to the liquidation of the organization.
  2. If she entered into a contract and performed any service.
  3. A full-time student at an educational institution.

All these women are entitled to maternity leave, which will be fully paid.

If future mom lives in the territory belonging to the contaminated zone of Chernobyl, then she is entitled to a vacation of three weeks longer than the standard one.

If she did not serve, she is not entitled to payment. Also, financial resources are not paid to girls who quit due to at will, or study at the correspondence department.

Important! If a woman is entitled to this payment, then she can apply for it at the same time. According to the law, this amount can be paid along with maternity benefits.

Thus, specific groups of unemployed mothers have the right to receive two social benefits at once. In order for payments to be accrued, it is necessary to fill out an application and attach to it a certificate stating that she went to the antenatal clinic and was registered before three months of pregnancy.

Is the husband and father of the child entitled to receive payments?

Only the mother of the child can receive the BiR benefit.

But other maternity payments on the occasion of the birth of a child and care for him (and monthly payments until the baby is 1.5 years old) the husband has the right to receive it instead of the wife.

He can do this at his place of work or in social protection. The child's father can receive these financial resources, regardless of whether the baby's mother is officially employed or unemployed.

You can apply for funds in certain places:

  • At the place of employment, if the man works officially.
  • In the social security authorities at the place of registration, if he is unemployed.

They are due to the child’s father only in a situation where he takes leave to care for the baby. In this case, his work activity must be completely stopped.

There is also an option when he has the right to work at an incomplete exhibition. In both cases, the vacation lasts until the baby is one and a half years old. The vacation period cannot be interrupted and benefits are paid monthly.

To apply for maternity payments to the father of a child, you need to:

  1. Submit a completed application to your manager or social security.
  2. A birth certificate must be provided along with the application.
  3. The spouse is required to provide a certificate stating that she did not take advantage of this leave, and she is not entitled to accrual. A woman has the right to receive a document at her job if she is officially employed or in social security if she is a housewife.

Such documents are necessary for calculating maternity benefits for the baby and subsequent payments.

It must be borne in mind that by law Both parents can go on maternity leave at the same time. This is possible if the spouses have two or more children at once.

The question of how to pay for maternity leave probably worries every employee, even if she doesn’t plan anything like that in the near future. But information is never superfluous and is useful at least in general outline imagine what and how to do if you become pregnant. Our article is just about this.


Before we talk about how much they pay on maternity leave, let's define the terms. We should start with the fact that the concept of “maternity leave” as such does not exist - it is a “popular” name for maternity leave and parental leave until the child reaches an age sufficient to be transferred to a preschool educational institution. It is believed that this age begins at one and a half years.

At the request of a young mother, child care can be extended up to three years, but then the time period from one and a half to three years will not work. seniority for calculating pensions.

Who pays for maternity leave?

Since release from work related to maternity is considered an insured event, benefits are paid by the Population Social Insurance Fund, to which contributions are made from wages employees. Therefore, of course, the unemployed and not registered with public service for employment cannot count on benefits - in order to receive it, you first need to create some kind of base for this, because the Fund’s funds are formed precisely from contributions from workers and social benefits on unemployment.

In practice, the payment scheme for the period of temporary disability associated with maternity looks like this: the employer calculates the amount of the benefit and transmits the data to the Fund, from there the company receives a transfer, from which the benefit is issued directly to the hands or to a bank account. Regardless of who pays maternity leave, the calculation is always made at the enterprise - since that is where all the necessary data is located: about billing period and about payments issued to employees.

Delays in maternity payments

Maternity benefits are issued once and in full, and payment must be made within ten days after you have provided the employer with the necessary documents:

  • temporary disability certificate with the expected date of birth;
  • application for leave with clearly marked start and end dates.

The child care allowance is paid monthly and is issued together with wages. It happens that benefits are delayed, explaining this by the fact that the one who pays maternity benefits - the Fund - has not yet transferred the funds. In fact, the management of the enterprise is obliged first of all to settle accounts with its employee, using own funds, which can then be reimbursed from what is transferred by the Fund.

Transfers are indeed often delayed or transferred in parts, and replenishing the funds issued for benefits can be difficult, but this should in no case become a problem for the employee. Keep in mind what you have every right complain to the labor commission, the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund, and even to the prosecutor's office if disagreements cannot be resolved in any other way.

Payment amount

Maternity benefits are calculated based on the following:

  • billing period;
  • average daily earnings;
  • total duration of vacation.

This procedure is indicated in Federal law No. 255 of December 29, 2006, the provisions of which are in force to this day.

Billing period

This term refers to the last two calendar years worked immediately before the vacation. That is, if you are going to give birth in 2018, your calculation period will be 2016 and 2017. In this case, only fully worked days will be taken into account, on which you received full wages, on which all taxes and social contributions. That is, for example, periods of business trips, illness, previous maternity leave will not be taken into account. Changing the billing period, as was possible before, will no longer be possible - according to the new rules, this is prohibited.

Average daily earnings

Payment for maternity leave is made according to the average daily earnings, which in turn is calculated from payments issued to the employee during the pay period.

Of course, all non-taxable funds and contributions are excluded from the calculation, as well as payments for any one-time work, payments for anniversaries, and the like. The total amount of all money issued over two years is divided by 730 or 731 - the total number of days for two years - and gets average daily earnings. But this is only if the employee did not take sick leave or there were no other excluded periods in the billing period.

Total duration of maternity leave

How much maternity leave is paid directly depends on its duration. According to labor legislation, is issued:

  • 140 days in general case;
  • 140 + 16 days if childbirth is complicated;
  • 140 + 54 days if two or more children are born.

But these terms can be reduced if the employee wants to return to labor activity earlier or go on vacation later. The employer, for its part, does not have the right to demand this from her, especially by threatening to fire her.

How much is maternity pay for child care?

The period of stay at home for child care is paid at the rate of forty percent of the average salary. In this case, average earnings are calculated for the last year worked.

Unlike maternity benefits, benefits for this period are issued monthly and part-time work is not taken into account. That is, if before pregnancy you worked for two different employers, then you can receive maternity benefits from both, but child care benefits - only from one, of your choice. But on the other hand, your husband or your parents can also receive such an exemption from work - provided, of course, that the rest of the family members work during this period.

How many years have maternity pay been paid?

Payments of forty percent stop as soon as the child turns one and a half years old - counting from the date indicated on the birth certificate. In the future, if you want to stay at home, you will be given fifty rubles every month until the baby reaches three years old.

You can stay at home even after this if you agree with the employer that you will retain your position and salary, but you will not be paid anything, and these days and years will not be counted in your work experience. It is generally considered that a stay at home period of up to three years is intended for two children. That is, the scheme is approximately this: the first sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, then the second, taken during the period of caring for a child up to one and a half years, and after that a new (last) time period for caring for a child up to one and a half years.

New bill

Currently, they are going to reconsider the issue of how much maternity leave is paid and extend this period to four and a half years. It is assumed that the benefit between one and a half years and a further period will be higher than what is paid now, and the years spent on vacation will be counted towards the work and pension experience. But this improvement will primarily affect families with three children. In addition, the project itself is still only at the consideration stage.

Payment of maternity sick leave

If you get sick while you are at home for maternity or child care, you will be given sick leave, and you can even take it to your company, but it will not be paid. In this case, the same rules apply as when paying for a period of temporary disability that coincides with a calendar vacation. The only difference is that you cannot reschedule your maternity leave until another time.

We hope our article helped you understand how much maternity leave is paid and what rights you have during such leave.

One-time benefit for pregnancy and childbirth (B&C) is provided in order to compensate for lost earnings for women during the birth of a child, therefore it is primarily due to those who are officially employed. But some categories of unemployed women, as well as employees, are also paid. In this article we look in detail at who is entitled to benefits and how to apply for them.

Payment of benefits is ensured by the following regulations:

  • Federal laws:
    • No. 81-FZ dated 05/19/1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children”(vv. 6-8);
    • No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”(Chapter 3 and Chapter 4);
  • By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1012n dated December 23, 2009 “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children”.

Women are entitled to maternity benefits not only Russian citizenship, but also with foreigners, permanently or temporarily residing in Russia and working employment contracts. This rule does not apply to those temporarily staying in the country.

Who is entitled to payment?

The right to receive benefits in accordance with Art. 6 of Law No. 81-FZ have:

  • Women subject to social insurance in case of incapacity:
    • working officially under an employment contract;
    • working as civilian personnel in military formations of the Russian Federation on the territory of other states.
  • Stay-at-home moms:
    • those dismissed due to the liquidation of an enterprise (as well as women who ceased their activities as individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers) and officially recognized as unemployed by the employment service for 12 months after this;
    • female contract soldiers and employees in the internal affairs department, at customs, in fire service and so on.;
    • full-time students in educational and scientific organizations(on a paid and free basis).

Pilot project “Direct payments”

Employees sometimes have conflict situations with the employer when, by law, he must pay benefits, but does not do so. This happens especially often during an economic crisis.

Women are most protected from such situations in regions where there is pilot project"Direct payments". It provides that the benefit will be paid to the woman directly through the Social Insurance Fund. The project has been operating since 2011. Several regions join it every six months.


Since January 1, 2020, the initiative has been operating in 68 constituent entities of Russia. And from July 1, 2020, the Republic of Bashkortostan and Dagestan, Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol Territories, Volgograd, Leningrad, Tyumen and Yaroslavl regions will join the project.

  • In accordance with the terms of the project, usually the employer himself submits documents (sick leave and salary data) to the Social Insurance Fund.
  • In some cases, a woman will be able to do this herself - then she needs to contact the Social Insurance Fund at the place of registration of the employer company.

This opportunity makes life easier for the woman, the company’s accounting department, and the Social Insurance Fund employees themselves. Accountants do not need to calculate the amounts of offsets with the Social Insurance Fund. And a woman on maternity leave, regardless of how her employer’s financial affairs are, will receive the following payment:

  • in a timely manner;
  • correctly calculated;
  • in the required amount.

How to get maternity benefits

The benefit is paid for the number of days that the woman actually spends on leave under the BiR. The right to go on maternity leave and at the same time to receive benefits arises within the following period:

  • 30 weeks (7 months) in a normal pregnancy;
  • 28 weeks - with multiple births;
  • 27 weeks - for women living or working in an area contaminated after the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant or PA "Mayak";
  • upon the occurrence of premature birth - in the period between 22 and 30 obstetric weeks.

Photo pixabay.com

An important point is that a woman must apply for maternity benefits within a maximum of six months after the end of her leave under the BiR. It happens that for some reason beyond the employee’s control, it is not possible to apply within such a period. Then, if there is a good reason, you can apply for benefits later and immediately to the Social Insurance Fund.

Good reasons are:

  • insurmountable obstacle ( disaster, fire);
  • long-term illness for more than 6 months;
  • moving to another locality;
  • illegal dismissal and related forced absence;
  • death of a loved one.

If the deadline is missed for another reason, you can apply to the court with a request to recognize it as valid.

Procedure for appointment and payment

First, a pregnant employee must contact the antenatal clinic, where she will be given a sick leave sheet indicating the timing of maternity leave. This certificate of incapacity for work is presented to the accounting department of the enterprise or directly to the Social Insurance Fund.

An application for benefits is usually submitted on the same day as maternity leave. This may happen:

  • On the day indicated on the sick leave- this is done most often. Then the benefit will be assigned in general from the 30th week.
  • Any other day after the start of the maternity period stipulated in the sick leave - this makes sense if the woman feels well and wants to continue working. Then, for the days of vacation during which the woman worked, she will receive a salary, and benefits will be assigned from the day specified in her application.
  • Any day after giving birth, within the period established by law - the money will be accrued from the date of actual maternity leave (in case of premature birth, the benefit is assigned for the full period).


In general, benefits are accrued for the standard period of sick leave. If, for example, complications related to childbirth occur, the employee is given additional sick leave, on the basis of which the payment is recalculated. An additional amount is transferred to the woman’s account.

Terms of payment and transfer of money

The law stipulates that when applying for benefits from an employer, maternity benefits:

  • appointed within 10 calendar days after submission and registration of the application;
  • transferred on the day closest to the appointment, on which the salary is usually paid (the benefit itself is transferred to the salary card).

When applying for benefits through the Social Insurance Fund, sometimes you have to wait a little longer:

  • the application is also considered within 10 days;
  • in case of a positive decision, the money can be paid until the 26th day of the month following the month of application (then the payment is transferred to the woman’s bank account or credited by postal order).

How to calculate maternity benefits

The B&R benefit is paid in the amount of 100% of average salary for two calendar years of work preceding going on maternity leave. In 2020, these years will be 2018 and 2019.

Photo pixabay.com

The benefit is equal to the average daily earnings for the previous two-year period multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave. We get the average daily salary if we divide the total amount of earnings for the two indicated years by the number of days in the billing period. The number of days will be 730 or 731 (if there was leap year), minus sick leave and earlier maternity leave.

The payment is accrued for the entire period of maternity leave, which by default is:

  • 140 days for a normal pregnancy with one child (70 days before birth and 70 after).
  • 156 days in case of birth complications (70 before and 86 after).
  • 194 days for twins (84 before and 110 after).

When adopting an infant, the payment is accrued from the date of adoption until the end of:

  • 70 days from the birth of one child;
  • 110 days from the birth of two or more children.

The amount of benefit in 2020 is limited established by law frames. For working women, if the duration of maternity leave is 140 days, it cannot be:

  • less than the minimum amount - RUB 55,830.60;
  • more than the maximum - RUB 322,191.80.


For those who work for less than six months, the benefit amount will take the minimum value regardless of the woman’s current salary. The specified minimum is calculated from the current minimum wage (minimum wage).

What documents are needed to receive benefits?

The basis for calculating benefits is sick leave issued at the antenatal clinic. The woman should contact the accounting department of the company where she works.

Typically, the application for benefits is combined with the application for maternity leave. A woman writes one application for going on maternity leave and for receiving maternity benefits. Registration of leave under the BiR is prerequisite in order to obtain the appropriate allowance.


Mandatory documents for assigning payment from the employer are an application and a sick leave certificate.

In some cases, other documents may be needed:

You need to apply to the FSS with a passport or other identification document. It is important for a woman to have time to change her documents in time if she changes her last name upon marriage, otherwise her application will be returned to the Social Insurance Fund.

Application for maternity benefits in 2020 (sample)

The application for benefits must include the following mandatory information:

  • the name of the organization to which it is submitted (name of the employer, branch of the Social Insurance Fund);
  • Full name of the applicant and his passport details;
  • information about the place of registration and place of actual residence;
  • request to provide maternity leave (dates from sick leave are indicated) and accrue benefits;
  • method of receipt (by mail, bank transfer);
  • grounds for appeal (in in this case- maternity sick leave);
  • applicant's signature, date.

The application can be submitted in person, through legal representative By notarized power of attorney or sent by mail. In it, the woman declares her desire to go on maternity leave and apply for benefits according to BiR. No. 182n dated April 30, 2013. The order number gave the generally accepted name to the document. In addition to other data (details of the employing organization, full name of the pregnant woman, etc.), the certificate indicates:

  • The amount of salaries, other remunerations and payments for which accrued insurance premiums, two years before the year of maternity leave.
  • The number of days during these periods during which the woman was on sick leave, maternity or child care leave.

If necessary, the certificate is issued by the employer on the employee’s last working day. If the organization in which the woman worked has ceased to exist, or the certificate cannot be obtained for other reasons, salary data is requested independently by FSS employees from the Pension Fund.

Order on the assignment of maternity benefits (sample)

There is no approved order form. The document is published in any form. The organization order usually contains the same information as the woman’s application:

  • the head of the organization orders the woman to be sent on labor and employment leave and assigned an allowance;
  • the document is drawn up on the basis of an application and sick leave.
An example of an employer's order to provide maternity leave

In the accounting department, organizations know how such orders are made, and there are usually no problems with paperwork. A copy of the order is given to the woman against a written signature on the main copy.


Maternity benefits are available to working, office workers, and full-time students. The payment is made on the basis of sick leave according to the BiR at the place of work, service or study. Unemployed people who were laid off due to the liquidation of an enterprise need to apply for benefits from social security.

Many regions have a direct payment program for B&R benefits, which is very convenient to use.

  • It has many advantages for all participants: the woman, the employer and the Social Insurance Fund.
  • The only drawback of the project is the lack of awareness among the population that payment can be received in this way.

The payment is accrued for the entire period of maternity leave. Under normal conditions, this is 140 days (70 days before and 70 after birth). In general, the payment will be equal to 100% of average monthly earnings.


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414