There is a destroyed house on the ground, how to take the ground. Rules for free receipt of land from the state

There is probably no person in our country who would not dream of owning their own home. Of course there are different ways By receiving it, for example, you can purchase a ready-made apartment. However, many people dream of their own home with a plot on which they can plant a garden or vegetable garden. How to get one step closer to your dream? To do this you will need land plot for the construction of a residential building.

Special purpose

Before starting construction, you need to figure out whether it will be legal. That is, not all plots are intended for construction. There are the following types of intended use of land:

  • for animal breeding;
  • agricultural;
  • for industry;
  • areas intended for forest plantations;
  • for gardening;
  • the area on which the dacha will be located.

If you are purchasing a plot of land for construction office center, store or warehouse, then its intended purpose will be commercial use.

How to make the right choice?

Now let's look at the criteria that will allow you to build a house in the most suitable place. A plot of land for construction of a residential building should be selected taking into account the following factors:

1. The size of the site, the presence of access to it, shape and geological qualities (soil density, its fertility and composition).

2. Remoteness of utilities: electricity, gas, telephone lines, water supply and sewerage.

3. Appearance surroundings.

4. Availability and remoteness of operating companies, post offices, waste removal organizations.

5. Proximity to a hospital, shops, gardens, schools, transport interchange.

6. Ecological situation.

7. Purpose of the site.

8. Cost of the territory.

9. Availability of municipal engineering systems on the site.

Naturally, a land plot for the construction of a residential building must have an impeccable legal reputation. That is, it should not be controversial or mortgaged. It must also be an object and have the appropriate legal status. Now you know how to choose a residential building for construction.

How to get a plot from the state for free?

In this article we will consider two options for obtaining territory for the construction of structures. First, you will learn how you can obtain a plot of land for the construction of a residential building from the local authorities. Both individuals and legal entities. In this case, the plot is allocated from the land fund that is at the disposal of the municipal or state administration. Usually they are formed with preliminary approval of the places where the objects will be located. In the second case, the plot is provided through bidding or auctions.

The process of providing a person with a plot consists of two steps:

  • making a decision on the implementation of the process;
  • registration of rights to it by the owner.

The formation of the territory should include the determination of the permitted type of its use, cadastral registration, and technical conditions.

Purchase Features

A plot of land for the construction of a residential building can also be purchased. This option is the most likely and in a fast way receiving it. You have the right to buy a plot from an individual or a real estate agency. In this case, huge possibilities for choice open up before you, and it all depends on your financial situation and preferences.

Before purchasing, you need to find out not only the type of permitted use of the land, but also its category. It is better to give preference to plots for individual housing construction or

After purchase, you are obliged to do with the territory only what it is intended for. IN otherwise you may be fined. When purchasing several plots, make sure that they have the same status, otherwise it will be difficult to combine them.

What documents are needed to officially register a territory?

This question is very important. Before you buy a plot of land for the construction of a residential building, you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to run through government agencies. To register the territory you will need the following documents:

  • plot;
  • land survey report;
  • boundary and technical plans;
  • personal documents of the future owner;
  • documents establishing the right to the site;
  • agreement confirming the purchase;
  • application submitted to local administration.

Each region can supplement this list with other necessary papers.

Stages of registration

A land plot for the construction of an office center or residential building must be correctly registered. To do this you will need to complete several steps:

1. Find and check the site. Please note that you should carefully read the cadastral passport, which contains all the information about the presented territory. The boundaries of the site must be removed.

2. Buy land.

3. Contact the administration with an application for registration and provide a list of required documents. After checking all the papers within no more than twenty days, the State Register will issue you a paper confirming your ownership.

4. Receive For this you will also have to contact the municipality or local administration. If all documents are in order, then you can begin construction of the building. In this case, the construction project must be agreed upon with government agencies.

In this simple way, you can register a plot of land for the construction and maintenance of a residential building.

Features of territory privatization

In order not to worry that your property may be taken away from you, you should privatize your garden plots for construction. However, there is one caveat here. If the plot is not privatized, then it cannot be sold. The purchase procedure is only possible if the former owner transfers the rights to privatization to you.

So, to carry out the procedure you will need to collect a list of documents, which includes:

  • ownership rights to the site;
  • personal documents;
  • boundary and ;
  • other papers (receipt for payment of state duty, etc.).

All these documents must be submitted to the municipal privatization department. It is there that you will be given a certificate of your ownership after a complete check of all papers. This procedure usually takes several weeks.

Now you know how to obtain a plot of land for the construction of a residential building. It remains to consider some of the nuances of this procedure.

  1. There is absolutely no need to buy land; you can rent it for a long period with the right to build. Subsequently, you will have the opportunity to extend the lease or buy the plot.
  2. If you decide to purchase the selected territory, then keep in mind that at the stage of its registration you must be given boundaries on the ground. That is, employees of the geodetic organization are required to put marks that will show which part of the land belongs to you.
  3. Please note that both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners can equally become owners of an allotment. However, for the latter there are certain restrictions provided for by law.
  4. In our country, a building plot can be obtained free of charge for the birth of a third child. You will be provided with 15 acres.

In principle, these are all the nuances of acquiring a plot of land on which a house will be built. If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with the registration on your own, you can enlist the support of a specialist in land law.

It is possible to build a house on land received free of charge in Russia. It is enough to belong to a certain category of persons or fulfill certain requirements.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

How to get a free plot of land to build a house? Russian citizens can receive land plots for individual development for rent or ownership.

Alternatively, you can get land urgently free use.

But in any case, such offers are available to a certain circle of people. How to get land for free to build a house in Russia?

What you need to know

We are talking about renting land for a period of several decades, at a meager cost (about 300 rubles/year). Moreover, in different regions there may be various conditions to obtain land for rent.

All of the methods described above allow you to obtain land, if not free of charge, then at a low cost. But there are also options in which you can get land absolutely free.

This applies to some groups of the population classified as preferential. The list is approved at the regional level and may change or be modified.

The legislative framework

At this time, free land can be provided to Russian citizens in cases predetermined by the Land Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws or laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of Article 28 of the Land Code).

Thus, according to the Land Code, the right to free land acquisition arises for citizens of the Russian Federation:

From 1.09. In 2006, citizens who acquired land after 1990 also received the right to register ownership of actually used land plots with individual housing construction objects. The procedure is prescribed in Article 36 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

The opportunity to obtain free land is also provided individual categories citizens on the basis of federal legislation.

How to get a plot of land for building a house for free

Interest in the opportunity to obtain free land for individual housing construction has again become relevant after Federal Law No. 171 came into force on March 1, 2015. The law introduced amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and some other legislative acts.

B defined new order gratuitous transfer land plots into the property of citizens.

At the same time, the intended purpose of such land is clearly defined. This is individual housing construction.

Plots of land on preferential terms are allocated from state or municipal property based on a decision of the local authorized body.

Among other things new law approved the legislative definition of a land plot, established the procedure for the formation of plots and their transfer to private individuals.

The area of ​​the allocated plot is fifteen hundred square meters. The location is determined at the discretion of the municipality. Opportunity free receipt is given only once.

When there are several reasons for receiving land for free, you can only use one.

That is, the land plot is not allocated again, even on a different basis and in a different region of Russia.

How the program works

You can get land for free only from the fund of state and municipal lands.

Land owned by individuals and legal entities can only be purchased, accepted as a gift or inherited.

Free land can be provided not only for the construction of a private house. Also, the intended purpose may be to maintain a personal subsidiary plot or create a summer cottage.

How can a disabled person or mother of many children get land for building a house for free? To receive free land you must belong to preferential category citizens.

Moreover, the list of beneficiaries should be clarified upon the fact of the application. The list may have changed regional authorities.

Applying for a plot begins with submitting an application to the MFC. Next, the application is reviewed by the local administration and a decision is made whether to provide the land or refuse.

In case of refusal, the reasons are substantiated, such as the applicant’s non-compliance with the requirements, lack of suitable land, etc.

It should be clarified that usually free land plots are provided outside the city limits. Most often this is the land of various garden societies.

If an applicant wishes to obtain a plot of land in the city, he will have to look for one on his own and then apply for its provision.

The search can be carried out using a public cadastral map, accessible to any citizen of the Russian Federation.

Who can access the land?

Theoretically, any Russian can get land for free. You just need to find reasons for this.

Another question is how long it will take to wait for the land to be allocated, and how long it will take to complete the paperwork.

  • large families;
  • families with disabled children;
  • citizens who have the status of needing housing or improvement living conditions and living in a specific locality not less than five years;
  • young specialists no older than thirty-five years old with higher or secondary specialized education, working in rural areas;
  • persons living and working in rural areas for five years or more;
  • pensioners living in rural areas for five years or more, with local registration;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR, Socialist Labor and persons equated to them;
  • disabled family members of a deceased combatant or WWII participant;
  • WWII participants, war veterans, blockade survivors, combat veterans;
  • contract military personnel.

The list is conditional and is defined as an approximate sample. Depending on regional legislation, it may decrease or expand.

But in almost every region this list includes the following categories.

Young family

A young family is a family where the spouses are not older than thirty-five years. At the same time, in order to receive free land from the state, several more requirements must be met:

Large family

In the Russian Federation, families with three or more children are recognized as having many children. Moreover, all children must be dependent on their parents at the time of application.

That is, children must be minors or receive full-time education in educational institutions or have a disability group that requires guardianship.

From special conditions The following should be noted:

Land plot large families can be provided only once and in an amount of no more than fifteen acres.

Subjects of the Russian Federation may nominate Additional requirements. For example, registration as persons in need of improved living conditions.

Video: how to get land for free

Alternative options may be installed. For example, instead of free land, the opportunity to improve living conditions is provided.

Heroes of Labor

The allocation of free land plots to heroes of labor is carried out on the basis of previously adopted laws.

At the same time, citizens with labor awards are allocated eight acres in urban areas and twenty-five acres in rural areas.

  • Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Heroes of Russia and the USSR;
  • awarded the Order of Labor Glory;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory.

In principle, a citizen who is a hero of labor can also apply for land under the new law.

But the previous laws do not deprive these citizens, and sometimes allow them to obtain a significantly larger plot.

Other categories

  • specialists who, after receiving their education, went to work in the village;
  • persons on the waiting list for municipal housing;
  • disabled people of the first and second groups, etc.

Lead full list beneficiaries is not possible. Regional authorities independently approve this list, guided by the number of different population groups and the area of ​​available land.

At the same time, regional authorities may provide for certain conditions. So belonging to an approved category may not be enough.

Before submitting an application for land allocation, it is worth checking the local legislation.

Registration procedure

The process of obtaining free land begins with checking whether you belong to preferential categories. If this fact occurs, an application is submitted to the MFC or to the authorities local government.

The application is considered and, if a suitable plot is available, it is provided to the applicant on a lease basis.

Subsequently, he will only have to transfer the land into ownership. Valid in different regions different period, after which it is possible to register ownership of the land.

Important point! The resulting plot of land must be used as soon as possible for its intended purpose.

If the goal was to build a house, then you need to at least lay the foundation. If, when checking the land, it is discovered that the site is not being used in any way, then it can be withdrawn back to the state fund.

When a plot of land is selected independently, the process looks like this:

Find the land plot of interest on the public cadastral map After hovering the cursor over the selected object, the system will provide information about the cadastral number and cost, area, permitted use, restrictions and encumbrances
In the “Services” tab, create a request to receive information from the Unified State Register The absence of restrictions and encumbrances means that the site is free
Submit an application to the MFC, district administration or on the State Services website Indicating your own data, the essence of the application and information about the selected site. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the right to preferential receipt of land. Within thirty days, the application is considered and a decision is made whether to grant the request or refuse
If the verdict is positive, enter into a land lease agreement with the local administration The term is determined by the category
Register your rental right In Rosreestr
After the expiration of the period approved by the regional authorities Register ownership

Many Russians dream of living in their own country house. But to build housing, you need a plot of land on which the house is located. There are two ways to acquire it - purchase or obtain it for individual construction from the state free of charge.

Of course, the second method is much more attractive, since it allows you to save the full amount that would be spent on purchasing a plot of land.

Who is entitled to a free plot of land?

Of course, not everyone can get a plot of land to build a residential building. In accordance with this, only certain categories of citizens are identified who are entitled to so-called benefits.

You can get a free plot if you belong to the following categories of people:

  1. Persons who have been using land for a long time.
  2. The large family. Large families include families that have three or more children, while the children are dependent on their parents. This means that they have not reached the age of 18, have a disability group, or are receiving higher education.
  3. A young family has the right to free land, but there are conditions. Thus, receipt is possible if a man and a woman have officially registered their relationship and do not own land or other real estate.

A young family can receive a plot to build a house only if all family members have been registered in the same living area for more than five years, the size of which is less than 15 square meters for one person.

  1. Heroes of Labor. In urban settlements it is possible to obtain a plot of land from eight acres, and in rural settlements from 25 acres. This group of people includes heroes of the USSR, Russia, Labor of the Russian Federation, etc.

Free plots are available for WWII veterans, disabled people of the first and second groups, and families who have lost their breadwinner.

This list of beneficiaries cannot be called complete, since each region has its own characteristics, and accordingly, the list may be more extensive.

Ways to obtain land from the state

Only state or municipal land funds have the right to provide free land to a preferential category of citizens. Land that is owned by a legal or natural person can only be purchased, donated or inherited.

Land can be obtained for free only once, and the goals are as follows:

  • to build your own home;
  • for running a personal household;
  • for a summer cottage and the construction of an object that corresponds to the intended purposes of the land plot.

Thus, there are only three ways to obtain a plot from the state. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. When you are a beneficiary, you need to go to the MFC and write an application there. The staff will provide a form for it, they will also tell you how to spell it correctly, and tell you your next steps.
  2. If a regional program is taking place in the city in which you have a residence permit, then you have the right to land on the same basis as beneficiaries. You need to go to the MFC, write an application in which you ask to release the land from public ownership. The process is not quick, the approximate waiting period is five years or longer.
  3. More often free plots They are provided by gardening partnerships, and even outside the city limits. If you want a plot of land within the city, you will have to look for the plot yourself. When you find it, you need to write an application to receive it.

All information relating to land plots in the third case is contained on the cadastral map, available for public viewing.

Conditions for receiving a free site

The first condition is that in order to obtain land it is necessary to find a plot that is suitable for the existing purposes. We talked about this above. In addition, you have the right to free land under the following conditions:

  • Russian citizenship or permanent registration at least five years;
  • the property does not own a plot of land, and never has had one;
  • living in a private house, but not as an owner;
  • general living space families are smaller than the norms established by law (in other words, people need improved housing conditions).

Different regions use and apply their own regional programs to provide people with land and improve their living conditions.

For example, land is provided to young professionals who decide to move to countryside and work in budgetary organizations education or health care. The condition in this case is the conclusion of an open-ended employment contract.

Algorithm of actions

The subject of transfer can only be the plot that is registered in the cadastral register. If there is no such thing in the selected area, then first you will have to go through the land surveying procedure - the process involves determining the boundaries and marking the plan. You also need to enter data in State Register real estate. It takes time and money.

General algorithm of actions:

  1. Contact your local administration. They write a statement asking for the allocation of land.
  2. Wait for a response from the administration.
  3. If the answer is positive, order cadastral plan or put the plot on cadastral registration. These two services are paid.
  4. Application for verification utility networks that take place on the site.
  5. Obtaining a communications plan.
  6. Approval of the plan.
  7. Obtaining permission to carry out construction.
  8. Signing the act of free transfer land for individual construction.
  9. Registration of property rights.

You can get a land plot for individual housing construction not only as a property. Often a plot of land is leased free of charge to certain period. After building a house and putting it into use, you can already go through the privatization process.

Your right to free land must be confirmed with documentation:

  • The application to the administration is written in any form. It indicates a request for the allocation of land;
  • passport (it must have a registration mark);
  • passports of other family members over 18 years of age;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • a certificate determining the composition of the family;
  • real estate document (if any);
  • a certificate indicating that the living space is this moment does not comply with regulations.

The application review period is 30 days. After this time, the administration gives a positive or negative answer. IN the latter case the reason may be: an incomplete list of documentation, the inconsistency of the given plot of land for the purpose of obtaining, the lack of grounds allowing to obtain the plot for free.

Almost every person in our country dreams of acquiring their own home. And many can only dream about building their own home.

But in fact, everything is not so hopeless. You will learn how to get land to build your own house for free by reading this material.

Legislative aspect of the issue

In the early 90s of the last century, a new Land Code, which establishes the rights of citizens to private property to the ground.

More than a quarter of a century has passed since then, but “things are still there.” Namely: weak legal framework, the vast expanses of the country, and the historically established mentality hinder the development of land circulation, which has an extremely low development criterion.

New Land Code, accepted and joined legal force March 1, 2015, is intended to take into account previous mistakes and shortcomings and ensure that Russians meet their needs for their own housing. It is the new law that is legal document, developed on November 25, 2001 and adopted into final version On 03/01/2015, new articles 35.9 and 39.10 appeared, providing the right to receive it free of charge.

Regional programs for providing citizens with land plots, in addition, have objectives for development in certain sparsely populated areas of the country. For example, on Far East The local municipality allocates 1 hectare of land free of charge.

Get land for free possible only from a state or municipal fund. A site already owned by legal or individuals, you can only receive or receive in the form of a gift.

Free land allocation is made only once. This is done for the construction of one’s own residential building, the construction of household plots, as well as for the construction of objects that have a purpose.

Who can apply to receive

There are ways to obtain a plot of land or allotment for free. Unless, of course, you want to take advantage of unauthorized seizure, go the route and conclude a certain period with local administration authorities.

These methods of obtaining land ownership cause them to fall into the category of citizens for whom current legislation provides preferential terms.

The above list is not exhaustive, since in each region, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, it may vary by local municipality.

Design rules

So, if you are lucky enough to fall under preferential conditions for obtaining land plots, you should immediately start preparing the necessary documents.

Procedure in all subjects Russian Federation almost the same.

To get a plot of land you need select it from those already registered, or coordinate with the local administration the location of the plot you need. Coordination is mandatory because the subject of transfer can only be the land that is placed on. To search for a site, you can visit the official website of Rosreestr, contact the local municipality, or the cadastral department.

If the plot you like is not included in the cadastral register, you will have to carry out a series of works to plot and distribute the boundaries and area of ​​the plot, followed by entering the necessary data into the State Cadastral Registry. We should not forget that this takes a certain amount of time and requires additional financial investments.

Once you have selected a site, you should submit application to the district administration in the name of the mayor, or in Multifunctional Center provision of state and municipal services (MFC). When submitting an application you need attach full list documents, which it is advisable to coordinate in advance with the public department of the local chancellery (by phone, via the Internet).

Usually, in the statement indicate:

An important component is the availability of documents that serve as proof of your ownership of the land. When you submit a complete package of documents, you will be given a receipt of acceptance, or an administration employee will provide you with an incoming application number. In case of registration with the involvement of third parties, a notarized power of attorney is required.

Get decision on the allocation of land, or a justified refusal, you can do so within 30 days. The solution is sent to in writing. The refusal may be motivated by incorrect preparation or submission of inadequate documentation, or the absence of the required land plot or citizen in the preferential list of the local municipality. The decision to refuse can be appealed to judicial procedure and further in higher authorities.

If your application is successful, you will be invited to the local administration to conclude a lease agreement(for a period of 3 to 49 years, depending on the benefit regime) on the transfer of an appropriate land plot into your ownership.

In rare cases, auctions are also held among preferential participants on the same basis. IN in this case the owner is determined by drawing lots.

Here we should not forget that the owner and owner are not the same person. In this regard, you need to take care of transferring your land from lease to ownership.

When can construction start

You can and should start building a house and farmstead right away upon receipt of the relevant documents.

Otherwise, after the calendar year has passed, local authorities has the right to reconsider the decision to allocate land to you.

The state reserves the right to transfer your plot to another interested party. Of course, this cannot apply to some benefit groups (orphans, WWII participants and others).

For information on the rules for allocating land plots for private construction of residential buildings, see the following video: