Regulatory and legal support. Regulatory and legal support for activities related to regulation and standardization of labor Lesson notes for sections of the program

Legal norm - an important and necessary tool for management activities.

In the “Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary” the term “norm” is interpreted as a legalized establishment, a recognized mandatory order, the construction of something, and “law” is interpreted as a set of generally binding rules (norms) established or sanctioned by the state.

G. Heine wrote: “Not to be subject to any law means to be deprived of the most life-saving protection, for laws must protect us not only from others, but also from ourselves.” Reliance on law and morality is one of the most important conditions for ensuring the safety of students and teachers in an educational institution.

What should be the normative legal support functioning and development educational institution? To answer this question, let us consider the legal and regulatory support of education from the perspective of a systematic approach at the federal, regional, municipal levels and at the level of an educational institution. In Fig. 13 graphically presents the system of regulatory support for education in the Russian Federation.

The meaning, content and application of any regulatory legal acts are primarily determined by the rights and freedoms of man and citizen established by the main law of the country - the Constitution. Therefore, the system-forming component in the system are the rights and obligations of citizens declared in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which the country’s current legislation operates.

When carrying out educational activities, an important role is played by the laws of the Russian Federation “On Education”, labor legislation, laws on business activities, laws included in the “Civil Code” Russian Federation", as well as laws, to one degree or another, related to administrative and criminal law.

TO regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation include resolutions of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, orders, instructional and methodological letters, instructions, regulations on various areas of educational activity. These documents regulate educational activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and are aimed at the legal and regulatory support of education within the framework of the unified educational space of the country.

Rice. 13. System of regulatory support for education in the Russian Federation

Rule-making activities at the federal level based on federal regulations, and the structure of the population regulatory documents repeats the federal one: resolutions of the regional body of the Education Administration, orders, instructional and methodological letters, instructions, regulations. These standards ensure the functioning of the regional education system within the framework of a single educational space of the country, taking into account the national and regional characteristics of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

On municipal level Based on the received federal and regional regulatory documents, resolutions of the municipal education management body, orders of its head, methodological letters and instructions, regulations on various issues of educational activity, taking into account its local specifics, are issued.

Talking about rule-making activities at the level of educational institutions, It should be noted that the obvious priority of federal, regional, municipal standards over intra-school standards, therefore, in its rule-making, an educational institution must take into account regulatory requirements all higher levels.

The main regulatory documents ensuring the functioning of an educational institution are:

Charter of a municipal educational institution;

Local acts that ensure its functioning (these may include documents such as regulations on a given educational institution, regulations on additional payments and allowances that stimulate the activities of employees, regulations on various structural divisions of the school, etc.);

Director's orders, various instructions developed by the administration (for example, internal labor regulations, descriptions job responsibilities workers, etc.).

In addition, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 2) includes within the competence of an educational institution not only the choice, but also the development and regulatory approval of educational programs, curricula, and programs of some newly introduced academic subjects in a given school.

These powers specify the declared principle of autonomy of educational institutions (Article 2).

It should be especially noted that increased competence ensured by the implementation of the principle of autonomy means increased responsibility of the manager for the results and consequences of the activities carried out by the educational institution. IN in this case An educational institution, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for:

For failure to perform functions within its competence;

For incomplete implementation of educational programs; - for the quality of education of its graduates;

For violation of the rights and freedoms of students, pupils and employees of an educational institution;

For the life and health of students and workers during the educational process.

In addition to regulatory documents at the federal, regional and municipal levels, for the implementation of rule-making activities of an educational institution, some international regulatory documents, for example, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the 44th session of the UN General Assembly on December 5, 1989 and ratified by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 13, 1990. This document, in addition to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, should be used when an educational institution develops the rights and responsibilities of a child in the educational process. This Convention provides for modern directions of secular education, which can be taken into account when developing innovative educational projects.

Regulatory support labor activity in an organization consists of using means and forms of legal influence on the bodies and objects of personnel management in order to achieve the effective functioning of the organization.

The main tasks of legal support for the personnel management system are: legal regulation labor relations between the employer and the employee, as well as the protection of rights and legitimate interests employees arising from the employment relationship.

Regulatory and legal support for the personnel management system includes:

  • -execution, application and compliance with the norms of current legislation in the field of labor and labor relations;
  • -development and approval of local normative and non-normative acts of an organizational, economic, organizational and administrative nature;
  • -preparation of proposals for changing existing or repealing outdated and actually no longer valid regulations issued by the organization on labor and personnel issues.

The implementation of regulatory support in the organization is entrusted to its head, as well as other officials(within the limits of the powers and rights granted to them when they exercise organizational, administrative, labor, administrative, economic and other functions), including the head of the personnel management system and its employees on issues within their competence. Responsible department for maintaining normative work in area labor legislation is the legal department.

One of the specific working conditions personnel services is that their daily activities connected directly with people. Organize the work of hiring workers, ensure timely transfers to other jobs, make dismissals, prevent the emergence of conflict situations related to violations of hiring, dismissal, etc. - such measures are possible only on the basis of a clear regulation of the rights and responsibilities of all labor participants relationships.

This is achieved by establishing legal norms centralized or local. In labor legislation, the predominant place is occupied by acts of centralized regulation - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there are labor issues that can be resolved with the help of local legal norms adopted in each organization. In conditions of market relations, the scope of local regulation is steadily expanding. Such acts include: orders of the head of the organization on personnel issues (hiring, dismissal, transfers), regulations on departments, job descriptions, organization standards, etc.

Main goals legal department in this area are the following:

  • a) development of draft regulations of the organization;
  • b) legal expertise regulations developed in the personnel management system for compliance with legal requirements and their approval;
  • c) organization of systematic recording and storage of legislative and regulatory acts received by the organization and published by it;
  • d) informing departments and services about current labor legislation;
  • e) explanation of current labor legislation and the procedure for its application.

The system of labor regulations includes general, sectoral (tariff), special (regional) agreements, collective agreements and other legal acts applied directly in organizations.

Legislation regulates relations in the field of education. The rights of the child and the forms of his legal protection are enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation in the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” and the “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”. An important event was the fact that the peoples of the world (and, finally, our country) accepted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Attempts to draw up a document protecting and defining the rights of the child were made in different periods development of humanity (we will indicate only a few; the theory of J. A. Comenius - 17th century; Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child - 1924; Declaration of the Rights of the Child by N.K. Ventsel - 1914). UN General Assembly in; 1959 adopted this important document. It states that the child has important rights: the right to protection, social security, education, the love of parents, shelter, respect for his person, etc. In order to intensify the attention of the world community to the Convention and the protection of the rights of the child, the UN held a World Summit for Children, held on September 29–30, 1990 in New York. The World Meeting became a historic forum. 71 presidents and prime ministers of states and governments gathered at the UN to support with their authority the ideas of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The meeting participants adopted the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and the Action Plan for the implementation of this declaration in the 90s of the twentieth century.

Features of legal support for professional pedagogical activities of educational institutions; professional teaching activities are reflected in the Law “On Education”: special articles; state educational standards and educational programs. Regulatory and organizational foundations activities of educational institutions - this is mandatory licensing of an educational institution, its certification and accreditation, confirmed by regulatory legal acts in the management of an educational institution, which determine the organizational basis for the management of an educational institution. Legal regulation of relations in the system of continuing education and legal status participants in the educational process are reflected in the content of the documents of the Bologna process and in modern Russian practice as a reform of the educational system. In September 2003, Russia joined the “Declaration on a European Area for Higher Education” (Bologna Convention, 1999). The main goal of the Bologna process is to create a single, strong, competitive system of higher education throughout Europe that is attractive to all students in the world, to increase academic mobility between universities so that one can freely attend a course of lectures at any university. To fully participate in the Bologna Club, the Russian Federation will have to take a number of measures to modernize higher education by 2010: introduce multi-level higher education systems (bachelor - master) comparable to pan-European systems; introduce a credit system for accounting for the volume of disciplines studied; create a system that meets the requirements of the European Community state system quality control and certification (accreditation) of educational programs and universities; introduce the form of diploma supplement accepted in Europe higher education and etc.

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in Art. 5 establishes an equal opportunity for Russian citizens to receive education at any level, regardless of differences between people (gender, race, nationality, etc.).

Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 43 establishes the right of every person to education.

Relations in the field of education are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, namely the law “On Education” (Article 3).

Legal relations arise in a very specific way. The child can participate in concluding the contract together with his parents. If the student is an adult, he has the right to enter into an agreement with the educational institution. According to Article 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” adult citizens have the right to choose an educational institution and form of education.

Article 46 clause 3 - relationships between non-state educational institutions are regulated by agreement.

In Art. 19 clause 8 - for carrying out in primary school vocational training it is necessary to obtain the consent of the students.

Relations between an educational institution, a student and his parents can be of other types: command-administrative (parents formalize the child’s admission on the basis of unilateral rules established by the school) and contractual, in which the parties enter as equal partners, participating in the formation of the content of the agreement, adjusting the training program and raising your child.

The rights of the child and the forms of his legal protection are determined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 50, Article 51), the charter of the educational institution and other local acts.

Educational activities are regulated by the following documents:

State educational standards - the main normative legal act, establishing the basic government requirements to the structure, content and organization of education in Russia. Standard

determines the mandatory minimum content of programs, the maximum volume of teaching load, etc. The concept of “state educational standard” was first introduced by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Educational programs are a local regulatory legal act that determines, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education,” the content of education at certain levels and orientations, which

accepted by every educational institution.

The curriculum is a local regulatory legal act in which the content is broken down educational program by training courses, by disciplines and by years of study.

The work program of the training course and discipline is a local regulatory legal act.

The annual calendar educational schedule is a local regulatory legal act.

Schedule is a local regulatory legal act in which the distribution of classes and breaks between classes is carried out during the day, week, semester, year.

Regulatory support includes the development of effective legal norms and mechanisms that allow in practice to implement the protection and protection of the personality, health and rights of the child, review and streamline legal framework social and legal protection of family and childhood, as well as to create a more advanced judicial and penitentiary system for juvenile offenders. Personnel provision involves the introduction and training of personnel new to our country social workers, social educators, rehabilitators, practical psychologists capable of providing professional social, psychological and socio-pedagogical assistance primarily to families, children and adolescents at risk. Along with the opening of new specializations, it is important to conduct more in-depth professional psychological, pedagogical and legal ¬training and retraining of teachers, educators, employees of juvenile affairs inspectorates, other persons engaged in preventive practice, problems of preventing deviant behavior. In turn, solving the problem of complex organizational, managerial, socio-pedagogical, psychological, normative- legal, financial, material and personnel support for the prevention of deviant behavior of minors is impossible without an in-depth study of the nature of deviant behavior and ways to prevent it, as well as active practical activities and specific measures from the government and municipal authorities authorities. Both scientific study and practical solution to the problems of restructuring preventive practice are significantly complicated by the fact that at present a paradoxical situation has developed in domestic preventive science and practice. On the one hand, a significant number of social institutions and public organizations are involved in participation in educational and preventive work. Thus, according to criminologists, in one administrative region there are up to 40 different bodies dealing with the problems of preventing juvenile delinquency and in dire need of scientific support for their activities. On the other hand, the study of the problem of deviant behavior of children and adolescents is carried out by numerous representatives of related fields of knowledge: psychology, pedagogy, medicine, criminology, etc. At the same time, at present there is a noticeable gap between established preventive practice and theory , which primarily negatively affects the effectiveness and efficiency of educational and preventive work of the entire system of bodies for social prevention of deviant behavior of minors. This state of affairs did not arise by chance, since the application in educational and preventive practice of the results of research conducted in various highly specialized branches of scientific knowledge and not directly related to the activities of actually operating institutions and social institutions turns out to be very difficult for practical use. Therefore, today there is an urgent need to combine and systematize the results of various numerous studies on the problems of deviant behavior and its prevention within the framework of a single applied psychological knowledge, to evaluate the information accumulated on this problem in social, legal, developmental and educational psychology, and in other related branches of science , first of all, in relation to educational and preventive activities, it is realistic current system early prevention.


The essence of labor regulation

Regulatory and legal support for labor regulation and standardization activities

1 Classification of legal support for labor regulation and standardization activities



The relevance of the topic of this work is determined by the social importance of labor regulation tasks. Determine your place in public organization labor is possible only through a specific division of labor. The optimal level of cooperation and division of labor between workers can be found and justified through labor regulation.

Currently, in the context of the emergence of new economic relations in connection with the development private property, free enterprise, reform of state-owned enterprises, structural and investment reforms, reform social security And civil service increasing the level of management of an organization is determined not only by the level of their technical equipment and technology innovations, but also by the presence of regulations for all components of the organizational and economic management mechanism, the purpose of which is to use scientific foundations, theoretical and methodological provisions, as well as practical experience in the field of regulation and standardization of labor of enterprise personnel in the formation of socio-economic relations in the conditions market economy.

The problems of labor standardization are given enough attention in foreign and domestic literature; the works of the following authors can be noted: L.I. Abalkina, G.Ya. Kiperman, V.P. Moskalenko, V.M., Fedotochkina, N.V. Kochkina, M.E. Pankina, N.A. Ivanov, Fayol A., Robert G. Guest, Henry Mintzberg and others.

The purpose of this work: to study the legal support for activities related to regulation and standardization of labor

The objectives defined by this goal are as follows:

) study of the essence and mechanisms of regulation and standardization of labor at the enterprise;

) study of regulation and standardization of labor as the basis for the formation economic conditions growth of labor efficiency.

1. The essence of labor regulation

Labor regulation is the establishment of rules, regulations, instructions, norms that determine the procedure for the activities of workers in the performance of their labor functions.

The basis of regulation is “regulation” (from the French reglament - rule) - a set of rules, provisions that determine internal organization and operating procedure government agency, organizations, enterprises (as well as the procedure for holding meetings and conferences).

In the context of the formation of economic relations in connection with the development of private property, free enterprise, reform of state enterprises, structural and investment transformations, reform of social security and civil service, increasing the level of control of an organization largely depends on the availability of regulations for all components of the organizational and economic management mechanism. One of the effective elements of such a mechanism is the regulation of workers' labor.

In a market economy, labor regulation of organizational personnel is mainly of a local nature and is regulated by documents developed within a specific organization. At the same time, regulation in general is based on a number of laws, regulations, and recommendations. These include Civil Code RF, the federal law"About joint stock companies", Labor Code of the Russian Federation, etc.

Thus, a regulation is a set of rules that determine the procedure for the activities of an enterprise. At the same time, labor regulation requires the determination of a set of regulatory documentation. The problem of determining the forms of labor regulation is determined, on the one hand, by the specifics of labor, and on the other, by the uncertainty of the boundaries of divisibility of the constituent processes. In the next chapter we will look at the legal framework for labor regulations.

2. Legal support for activities related to regulation and standardization of labor

1 Classification of legal support for labor regulation and standardization activities

Effective management enterprise, firm, etc., the close interaction of all departments and services, the elimination of duplication of work is facilitated by the development of normative documents regulating activities, clearly defining the functions, rights, responsibilities of each department, as well as individual performers, taking into account the specific features of their activities.

In the practice of regulating labor relations and labor organization, the regulation of the work activities of employees, a clear formalized description of the job responsibilities of employees and the means of ensuring these responsibilities are extremely important.

The whole variety of labor regulations can be presented as a system, the purpose of which is to streamline the work of personnel. Within this system, various forms of labor regulation are distinguished - i.e. a specific representation of labor regulations in the form of a set of documents, diagrams, graphs, tables, etc., which can be divided into documented and undocumented.

These include: the charter of the organization, regulations on the unit, job descriptions, personal specifications, diagrams of organizational management structures, various norms: time, number, controllability; internal labor regulations, etc.

Labor regulations occupy a key place in the system of management regulations as a whole and are developed within the framework of all elements of the organization’s management system: management functions, organizational structure, management technology, personnel, methodological, technical support and etc.

The regulations that regulate the activities of workers directly performing production labor functions include: The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions (UTKS) or similar industry directories, All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories, route and technological maps of the production process, models of workplaces, employment contract etc.

Labor activity of employees employed in bodies government controlled, is a specific area of ​​human activity, isolated in the course of the division and cooperation of social labor. At its core, this is management work aimed at solving those tasks that are assigned to a specific management body and are documented by legislation or regulation.

To implement the assigned tasks, the targeted work of the employees of the apparatus of the relevant management body (managing entity) is required, organized in such a way that each employee (manager) structural unit, specialist, employee) contributed to their decision in accordance with his role and status.

In this regard, the main types of labor regulation for civil servants are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On State civil service of the Russian Federation", laws on the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Regulations "On the certification of a federal civil servant", Regulations "On the procedure for assigning and maintaining qualification ranks to federal civil servants", Regulations "On holding a competition to fill a vacant public position in the federal civil service", regulations on structural units, job descriptions, etc.

Labor regulation is characterized by not only qualitative, but also quantitative indicators of labor activity, although the degree of formalization of these processes still remains problematic. In this regard, special attention is paid to labor standardization - establishing standards for working time spent on the production of a product or performing a certain job, as well as staffing standards. That is, regulation and standardization of labor are essentially two facets of the same process, namely, improving the work of the organization’s personnel. At the same time, standardization is characterized by the development and establishment of strictly quantitative parameters of labor processes, and regulation involves the development of not only quantitative, but also qualitative parameters of labor processes.

Labor regulation is usually considered in the following areas.

) Organizational and legal regulation is reflected in a number of documents that have:

regulatory nature (for example, Regulations on a structural unit, Regulations on an organization, Procedure for drawing up company policies, job descriptions, etc.;

the nature of the administrative instruction, which is mandatory, addressed to specific managed objects or persons (for example, order, instruction, instruction);

) Economic regulation determines the boundaries and order of economic relations in labor process. These include: Regulations on remuneration, Regulations on material incentives for employees of the organization, Regulations on bonuses, etc.

) Socio-psychological regulation establishes a certain order of socio-psychological relations (for example, the Code of Business Ethics). And this, in turn, contributes to the strengthening and clear use of organizational, legal and economic forms labor regulation.

These documents have varying degrees of regulation and detail, but what they have in common is a clear discipline of execution and administrative responsibility, which are possible only when vesting the rights and responsibilities of a management body and a specific official.

The result of regulating labor and other related relations between employer and employee is a set of documents (personnel documentation).

Creating the necessary legal conditions to harmonize the interests of the parties to labor relations, the interests of the state, as well as the legal regulation of labor relations, including relations in the organization of labor and labor management, are among the main tasks of labor legislation, namely Labor Code RF dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ.

The provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating labor relations are mandatory for every employer:

Thus, Article 190. The procedure for approving internal labor regulations. Internal labor regulations are approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the employees' representative body, in a manner that, as a rule, is an annex to the collective agreement.

Shift schedule. When working in shifts, each group of workers must work during the established working hours in accordance with the shift schedule (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Annual basic paid leave is provided to employees for 28 calendar days.

Labor protection rules and instructions. The employer is obliged to provide safe conditions and labor protection, rules and instructions on labor protection must be drawn up and brought to the attention of workers under signature (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the employer’s obligation to document labor relations with an employee:

the employment contract must be concluded in writing(Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

hiring and dismissal are formalized by order (instruction) of the employer, which the employee must familiarize himself with under his signature (Articles 68, 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

It is mandatory to issue an order (instruction) on the application disciplinary action(Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

for all employees are carried out work books(Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, the entire complex of documents can be divided into:

Mandatory documents, the availability of which is directly provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for all employers ( legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);

The employer determines the optional personnel documents that the employer can accept as part of local rule-making, their list, and the procedure for maintaining them independently.

At the same time, optional personnel documents are advisory in nature; they also contain standards labor law and are necessary to regulate labor relations. To optional personnel documents may include, for example, regulations on structural units, personnel regulations, job descriptions.

Let's consider the content of some types of regulatory documentation.

The personnel regulations reflect issues of professional and social development of the workforce, its relationship with the administration, security of employment of personnel, etc.

The regulations are developed mainly in commercial organizations. It is recommended to include the following sections in the text of the personnel regulations: general provisions; concept of personnel; principles of relations between administration and staff; personnel development program; contract system hiring staff; staff development; the right of personnel to choose forms of labor organization; job security for staff; social guarantees personnel; staff participation in profits; administration, personnel and trade union; responsibility of administration and staff; final provisions; application: for example, rules of business conduct for personnel.

Regulations on the unit - a document regulating the activities of any structural unit of the organization (department, service, bureau, group, etc.) - its tasks, functions, rights, responsibilities.

Standard regulations on divisions are contained in specialized literature, but they require adaptation and clarification in relation to each specific enterprise and division.

The staffing table describes the totality of employee positions. The staffing table is a document approved by the head of the organization and containing information on the number of employees of the relevant categories (staffing units) for each position, job titles, official salaries and their allowances.

The staffing table is drawn up in accordance with the unified form T-3, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval unified forms primary accounting documentation on accounting of labor and its payment."

A job description is not only a guide to action for the employee himself, but also the basis for assessing the results of his work activity, making decisions about his further internal movement and retraining. The job description contains information for conducting a reasonable selection of employees when hiring, assessing the level of suitability of candidates for vacant positions.

A job description must be developed for each position contained in the staffing table, it is drawn up on the basis of the regulations on the division, qualification characteristics, as well as the analysis of the job (or workplace, position) and the compiled description of the job (workplace, position). The job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of each employee holding a certain position, starting with the deputy heads of the unit. The activities of the organization's top officials and their deputies are regulated by its charter, and the heads of departments are regulated by the regulations on them.

Thus, the organization and regulation of labor contributes to solving the problems of qualitative improvement of systems and methods of leadership and personnel management, the fullest use of the professional and creative potential of workers, the rational organization of their work and increasing its efficiency, as well as competence, discipline, and exactingness.

2 The importance of regulating the labor of personnel in an organization

regulation labor rationing

Incentives should be aimed at increasing volume, expanding the range, improving the technical level and quality of products, taking into account the achievements of scientific and technological progress. In turn, effective and quality work entails a reduction in costs and an increase in production profitability, which makes it possible to provide additional financial incentives to workers. Speaking of incentives employees, we mean all employees of the enterprise. The efficiency of workers’ labor depends entirely on themselves, on their personal qualities and abilities, all other things being equal.

Thus, incentives for employees at an enterprise are closely related to scientific organization labor, which includes labor standardization, which is clear definition circle labor responsibilities the employee and the qualitative and quantitative results of labor that are required of him.

At the same time, regulation involves the establishment of a certain order in the form of instructions, rules, standards and monitoring their implementation. In this regard, it is important to distinguish between those areas of employee activity that require strict adherence to instructions and control over their implementation, from those areas in which the employee must be free in his actions and can take initiative.

Regulation of the content of work performed by enterprise employees should solve the following tasks:

determining the work and operations that should be assigned to workers;

providing employees with the information they need to perform their assigned tasks;

distribution of work and operations between divisions of the enterprise according to the principle of rationality;

establishing specific job responsibilities for each employee in accordance with his qualifications and level of education.

Regulation of the content of work serves to increase the efficiency of the work performed, therefore, from the point of view of stimulating the work performed, regulation of the results of the work performed plays a very important role. It includes:

determination of a number of indicators characterizing the activities of the divisions of the enterprise and each employee separately, which would take into account the contribution of the divisions and individual workers in the overall result of the enterprise’s activities;

determination of quantitative assessment for each of the indicators;

Thus, regulation plays a very important role in the activities of the organization, since its effective work cannot be achieved without regulatory documents with the help of which the effective work of personnel is carried out. The success of the organization directly depends on properly developed labor regulations for personnel.


Thus, concluding the work, let us briefly note the following:

Regulations are a set of rules that determine the procedure for the activities of a government body, enterprise, institution and organization.

Regulation of activities is the establishment of unambiguous rules of behavior within the framework of certain activities. For personnel, these are primarily models for performing work.

There are three ways to purposefully manage employee behavior patterns depending on the rigidity of regulation: rules, norms and traditions.

Regulatory and legal activities for regulating and rationing labor can be classified into:

regulating the activities of the enterprise (charter, constituent agreement);

on information support: document forms - office work;

regulating the procedure for working with control equipment (passport, operating instructions, placement);

standardization of the management process - organizational processes, production schedules;

regulating the work of personnel - regulations on departments, workplace models, job descriptions, labor contracts. If these provisions are absent, then there is an extremely high risk for the mercenary.

The organization and regulation of labor contributes to solving the problems of qualitative improvement of systems and methods of leadership and personnel management, the fullest use of the professional and creative potential of workers, the rational organization of their work and increasing its efficiency, as well as competence, discipline, and exactingness.

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