Mandatory and voluntary certification in Russia. What is certification? Analysis of the state of production

In conditions market economy, no manufacturer can succeed without competitive, and therefore high-quality, products. However, not all products presented on the Russian market meet the requirements of Russian and international quality standards. International experience shows that a reliable tool state control that can guarantee the conformity of goods to accepted standards is the certification procedure.

Thus, product certification is a process of documentary confirmation of the compliance of products with the requirements of domestic and international standards, which are enshrined in specialized legal acts, the execution of which is mandatory for all manufacturers, as well as sellers of products that are in circulation on the territory of Russia.

How is product certification carried out?

The procedure for mandatory confirmation of conformity of product quality is established in relation to goods that can harm human life and health, as well as environment. In accordance with 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 "On technical regulation", the implementation of this procedure is entrusted to accredited in in due course certification bodies. They analyze products that are subject to mandatory certification, and, based on the results of the research, draw up the required permits - certificates or declarations of conformity.

The most common certification systems that regulate the quality of goods in the territory Russian Federation, are technical regulations Customs Union, as well as the GOST R system. It is these regulations determine specifications, which the objects of technical regulation of a particular standard must comply with.

In order to obtain the necessary permit, the applicant must submit the following package of documents to the certification center:

  • Application for product certification;
  • Copies constituent documents the applicant;
  • Product test reports (if any);
  • Technical documentation on the basis of which products are manufactured (TU, GOST, Quality Certificate).

The above list of documents may vary depending on the type of product for which an application for certification is submitted.

The cost of product certification:

  • Declaration of conformity with TR TS for 1 year from 7,000 rubles;
  • Declaration of Conformity TR CU for 3 years from 9,000 rubles;
  • Declaration of Conformity TR CU for 5 years from 11,000 rubles;
  • Certificate of conformity TR CU for 1 year from 15,000 rubles;
  • Certificate of conformity TR TS for 3 years from 19,000 rubles.

Important! The cost of certification depends on the type and scope of products.

Voluntary product certification

Except mandatory certification goods, the legislation provides for the possibility of issuing a voluntary certificate of conformity for manufactured products. The voluntary certification procedure is carried out at the initiative of the applicant, and with its help, the manufacturer can emphasize the necessary characteristics that are the result of his developments and innovative implementations. Also, if there is a voluntary certificate of conformity for manufactured products, the manufacturer receives additional competitive advantages because consumers most often pay attention to certified products.

For all questions related to product certification, you can contact the specialists of the LSM Certification Center, who will help you promptly issue the necessary permits.

1. Mandatory certification is carried out by the certification body on the basis of an agreement with the applicant. Certification schemes used for certification certain types products are established by the relevant technical regulations. The range of applicants is established by the relevant technical regulations.

2. Compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations is confirmed by a certificate of conformity issued to the applicant by the certification body.

The certificate of conformity includes:

Name and location of the applicant;

name and location of the manufacturer of the certified products;

name and location of the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity;

information about the object of certification, allowing to identify this object;

the name of the technical regulation for compliance with the requirements of which certification was carried out;

information about the conducted studies (tests) and measurements;

information about the documents submitted by the applicant to the certification body as evidence of product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations;

validity period of the certificate of conformity;

Information about the use or non-use by the applicant of the national standards of the Russian Federation included in the list of standardization documents, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation is ensured.

(see text in previous edition)

The certificate of conformity is issued for mass-produced products, for a separately supplied batch of products or for a single copy of the product.

The validity period of the certificate of conformity is determined by the relevant technical regulations and is calculated from the date of entering information about the certificate of conformity in the unified register of certificates of conformity.

(see text in previous edition)

The form of the certificate of conformity is approved federal agency executive power for technical regulation.

3. In the event that in relation to products put into circulation for the first time, there are no or cannot be applied standardization documents, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation is ensured, and such products belong to the type, type of products subject to mandatory certification, the manufacturer (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) has the right to declare its conformity on the basis of its own evidence. When declaring the conformity of such products, the manufacturer (a person acting as a foreign manufacturer) indicates in the declaration of conformity, in the accompanying documentation and when marking such products, information that the mandatory certification of such products was not carried out.

(see text in previous edition)

In the event that in relation to products put into circulation for the first time, there are no or cannot be applied standardization documents, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation is ensured, and such products belong to the type, type of products in respect of which a declaration of conformity is provided on the basis of evidence obtained with the participation of a third party, the manufacturer (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) has the right to declare its conformity on the basis of its own evidence. When declaring the conformity of such products, the manufacturer (a person acting as a foreign manufacturer) indicates in the declaration of conformity, in the accompanying documentation and when labeling such products, information about the absence of evidence obtained with the participation of a third party.

Product certification- is a process established by law, which confirms the conformity of the product to the established requirements. Product certification is mandatory for most of its types.

The main certification of goods is carried out according to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. After receiving the certificate of conformity of the Customs Union, the products are considered safe and can be sold throughout the territory of the Customs Union. Some products require certification fire safety FZ-123, in the system of Russian certification Gost R.

Product certificate.

Certification of products differs, depending on its specific type, scope or purpose, materials used in production and regulations, which apply to the territory of the Customs Union. Any enterprise has the right to issue a certificate for products, but observing the certification schemes provided for by the regulations, decree and law.

If you are planning to manufacture / supply any products or you already need a certificate for a product, you can find out the details of certification if you follow the link of the section you need:



TR TS 004/2011

TR CU 005/2011

TR CU 007/2011

TR CU 008/2011

TR TS 009/2011

TR CU 010/2011

TR CU 011/2011

TR CU 012/2011

TR CU 013/2011

TR CU 014/2011

TR TS 015/2011

TR CU 016/2011

TR TS 017/2011

TR TS 018/2011

TR CU 019/2011

TR CU 020/2011

TR TS 021/2011

TR TS 023/2011

TR CU 024/2011

TR TS 025/2012

TR TS 029/2012

TR CU 030/2012

TR TS 031/2012

TR TS 032/2013

TR TS 033/2013

TR CU 034/2013

TR EAEU 036/2016

TR EAEU 037/2016

TR EAEU 038/2016

TR EAEU 039/2016

TR EAEU 040/2016

TR EAEU 042/2017

Fire safety and fire fighting equipment

TR EAEU 043/2017

Packaged drinking water, including natural mineral water

TR EAEU 044/2017

The difference between product certification and product certification.

A product conformity certificate is required for domestic manufacturers, and a product conformity certificate is required for companies that are engaged in importing and importing ready-made goods for sale into the Customs Union. But for products and goods, a single form of certification has been established, which means that the procedure for issuing a certificate does not differ from whether it is imported or domestic.

Certification of conformity of domestic products.

Product Conformity Certification is required for manufacturers who produce finished product for exploitation, use, consumption by citizens. Certification is not required unless the product is intended for independent work, but has an appointment as components or spare parts for a specific type of other product. Example: “Buttons for a shirt”, “Engine for a chainsaw”, “Knives and replaceable nozzles for a meat grinder”, from the above, mandatory certification will be subject to: a shirt, a chainsaw, a meat grinder. The manufacturer, before releasing its products into circulation, carries out a number of measures to confirm compliance, both for personal purposes and for the purposes of state control. For personal purposes, as a rule, the manufacturer conducts his factory tests, which show the quality characteristics finished products, while the plant evaluates the achievement of the goals and objectives that were set for the release of this product. For the purposes of state control, this is product certification, which shows product safety characteristics, and only a disinterested person can carry out product certification, i.e. accredited certification body.

Certification of conformity of products takes place in several stages:

The manufacturer submits an application and technical design documentation (passport, manual / instructions for use, specifications or organization standard, safety justification, factory test reports, drawings, product descriptions, etc., depending on the product) to the certification center. After considering the application, a decision is made on certification and sampling for testing.

2. Product testing.

After sampling, an application is sent to the testing laboratory for testing in order to certify products. Based on the test results, an accredited expert decides whether the product meets the established requirements or not.

3. Analysis of the state of production.

After successful test results, with serial certification of products, the expert goes to the production, for its inspection and analysis in relation to the state of production. This is necessary for a general understanding of the stability of products. If the production is certified according to ISO 9001 Quality Management System, then under some regulations it is allowed not to analyze the state of production in order to issue a certificate for mass-produced products.

4. Registration of the certificate of conformity.

Almost the final stage of product certification is the issuance of a certificate of conformity with the entry of information into the state register. The presence of a certificate of conformity now allows the manufacturer to sell products in full.

5. Inspection control over certified products.

Inspection control (IC) is a mandatory procedure for products that are mass-produced. Only the certification body that issued the certificate can conduct QI. The number of ICs is established depending on the regulations and on the internal procedures of the QMS of the certification body. IC can be planned and unscheduled. The scheduled one takes place once a year or every two years, the unscheduled one, depending on the situation (a violation is detected, citizens appeal on product quality, etc.). After the IC is carried out, the certification body decides to extend the validity of the certificate or suspend or cancel it. An enterprise may not pass the IC if this product is no longer manufactured. In this case, a written notification from the manufacturer is required, and the certification body, in turn, revokes the certificate.

Certification of conformity of imported goods.

Certification of conformity of goods imported from other countries is mandatory. The reason is that the Customs Union has its own technical regulations, hygiene indicators and requirements for goods in order to protect the health of citizens and their property from low-quality products. The procedure for certification of imported goods does not differ from the certification of products of a domestic manufacturer. Often, imported goods come to Russia in certain batches, depending on its demand in our markets, therefore, technical regulation has developed a certification scheme for a “consignment of goods”, which simplifies the certification process for importing companies.

Certification of conformity of a batch of goods occurs in the following stages:

1. Analysis of products according to technical documentation.

The importing company provides a technical description of the goods in Russian and technical documentation(passport, instructions for use, operation manual, safety case and other documents depending on the product) to the certification center for consideration and decision.

2. Product testing.

The importing company provides samples from the batch of goods received by the vehicle for testing. After the tests, the laboratory records the results in the test report.

3. Issuance of a certificate.

After analyzing the test results, the expert of the certification body decides to issue a certificate of conformity. The certificate of conformity is registered in state register and issued to the applicant. Information on the availability of a certificate is also provided to the customs services when registering a CTD. CCT is a cargo customs declaration, which is the main document for the movement of goods across customs borders.

Often, certification of imported goods is issued for mass production. In this case, an analysis of the manufacturer's production is carried out, regardless of its territorial location, and inspection control as required by the regulations.

Certification is a procedure for confirming the compliance of the quality and safety of products (services) with the requirements established for this type of product (service). An organization independent of the manufacturer and consumer is entitled to carry out this procedure - a certification body that has the appropriate accreditation (field of activity, the right to certify products of certain types). At the same time, confirmation of compliance is carried out in a written (documentary) form, with the issuance of an appropriate document - a certificate. A certificate for products (services) is issued based on the results of certification tests conducted by special testing laboratories.

Should be distinguished certification from various kinds of examinations, acceptance commissions, inventory commissions, audits carried out according to fundamentally different rules. It is also important to note that certification(conformity assessment) are subject only to those parameters of products (services) that can be objectively measured or evaluated. Therefore, it is not possible to certify works of art. Since no one can objectively assess their quality.

To the benefits that can give your company certification products (services), include the ability to release products to more expensive markets, easier customs clearance, the ability to participate in tenders, including those for obtaining state and departmental orders.

After the procedure certification products (services), your company receives greater investment attractiveness, greater confidence in the authorities, various regulatory authorities and other market participants. And your products will gain more consumer confidence.

In the Certification Center "Certification" your company can order the execution of many types of certificates and related documents. You can get from our specialists free consultation for all questions regarding the issuance of certificates. Here you can order a mandatory and voluntary certificate of conformity, hygienic certificates, fire certificate, refusal letter, ozone certificate and many other types of documents you need.

  1. Certification is a procedure for confirming the conformity of the quality and safety of products (services, business processes) ...

Certification also means the procedure for obtaining a certificate.

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Objects of certification

The objects of certification are:

  • products;
  • works (services);
  • management systems;
  • staff.

Product certification

Product certification- quality assurance procedure, by means of which an organization independent of the manufacturer (seller, performer) and consumer (buyer) certifies the writing that the product meets the specified requirements.

The rules for certification of products are regulated by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of September 21, 1994 N 15 "On Approval of the Procedure for Carrying out Certification of Products in the Russian Federation".

The requirements for product certification may include:

Certification of services (works)

Certification of services (works)- this is an independent confirmation of compliance with the approved requirements in order to comply with the "Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights" by the supplier of works and services on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The rules for certification of services (works) are regulated by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 08/05/1997 N 17 "On the adoption and implementation of the Certification Rules".

As requirements for mandatory certification of services (works) may be:

  • technical regulations customs union, technical regulations of the EurAsEC, technical regulations of the Russian Federation;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • execution rules certain types works and provision of certain types of services, approved by the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • state standards, sanitary rules and norms, building codes and regulations and other documents that, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, establish mandatory requirements for works and services.

Management system certifications

Management systems certification- this is a procedure for confirming the degree of compliance and effectiveness of a certain management system with the requirements of the standard for this system management.

Main certified management systems:

Mandatory and voluntary certification

Certification can be mandatory or voluntary.

The object of mandatory certification there can only be products put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of article 23 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation").

The list of products subject to mandatory certification is regulated by Government Decree No. 982 dated 01.12.2009 “On approval single list products subject to mandatory certification and a unified list of products whose conformity is confirmed in the form of a declaration of conformity.

Voluntary certification objects may be products (including those subject to mandatory certification), works (services), management systems, personnel. Voluntary certification of products subject to mandatory certification does not cancel its mandatory certification.

Voluntary certification is carried out by certification bodies accredited in certification systems in the prescribed manner. Voluntary certification is carried out at the initiative of the applicant under the terms of an agreement between the applicant and the certification body.

Certification systems

Activity Russian systems certification in the Russian Federation is regulated federal law dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation". Registration of Russian systems of voluntary certification is assigned to federal agency on technical regulation and metrology. When registering voluntary certification systems, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology issues a certificate of registration in single register registered voluntary certification systems, and enters the voluntary certification system into the register.

Registered voluntary certification systems recognize testing centers and certification bodies, which, in turn, carry out procedures for confirming the conformity of certification objects.

Each system has its own hallmark of conformity of the system and approved forms of certificates.

Certification bodies providing mandatory certification

The activities of certification bodies that carry out mandatory certification in Russia are regulated by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” and the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of May 30, 2014 N 326 “On Approval of the Accreditation Criteria, the list of documents confirming the compliance of the applicant, accredited person to the accreditation criteria, and a list of documents in the field of standardization, compliance with the requirements of which by applicants, accredited persons ensures their compliance with the accreditation criteria ”(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 30, 2014 N 33362).

Until 2012, accreditation of certification bodies and testing centers participating in mandatory certification was assigned to the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart); to date, accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories carries out federal Service for accreditation (Rosakkreditatsiya).