Portal of the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre. Making an appointment with Rosreestr - offices and reception areas

Imagine, you bought an apartment in a new building, accepted it from the developer, and received transfer and acceptance certificates. Next you need to register ownership of the apartment. This is where the very word “Rosreestr” comes to mind. In today’s article we will tell you what Rosreestr is, when and why it is needed.

What is Rosreestr

Rosreestr is the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. This is an executive body that organizes a unified system of cadastral registration of real estate, state registration of rights to property and transactions with it.

If you need to legalize a transaction, find data on real estate or land, everything can be done in Rosreestr. Main tasks and functions of the service:

  • maintain the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN);
  • Unified State Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations (GRSO);
  • State Real Estate Cadastre;
  • State catalog of geographical names;
  • consolidated state register of arbitration managers;
  • state fund of data obtained as a result of land management;
  • carry out state land supervision;
  • state geodetic supervision;
  • monitor lands (except for agricultural lands);
  • control the implementation of land management;
  • carry out examination of land management documentation.

Rosreestr stores information on more than 150 million real estate properties throughout Russia. These are residential buildings, apartments, summer cottages, agro-industrial farms and factories, roads, bridges, power grids, forests and nature reserves.

When you receive the keys to the apartment, your task as the future owner is to ensure that the state enters information about your new apartment into this register.

How is the Rosreestr useful?

A few years ago, you had to stand in line at a branch of Rosreestr, the Cadastral Chamber or the MFC in order to register an apartment as your property or to legalize a transaction with other real estate. Now everything can be solved on the Internet at rosreestr.ru.

The Rosreestr website is a convenient way to receive services related to real estate, a source of up-to-date information about services and objects, and a way to report changes in property rights.

All services for transactions with land and real estate are available on the portal for individuals and legal entities.

Registration of rights to real estate

To become the owner of an apartment, house, land plot and other real estate, you need to legalize your ownership. This is an inalienable right of a Russian citizen and the basis of a legal society. Without ownership rights, you will not be able to conduct any transactions with real estate and land.

Cadastral registration

Cadastral registration is a huge housing base. If an apartment or house is registered in the cadastral register, it means that they have documents and sales transactions can be made with them. Typically, the developer registers new buildings with the cadastral register before you receive ownership rights.

If you need to register a plot of land as your own, an apartment with redevelopment, or a house on the secondary market, then submit an application for cadastral registration on the website.

Last update: 09.27.2019

Registration process apartment purchase and sale transactions represents state registration transfer of ownership for an apartment in Rosreestr, with the corresponding entry being entered into a unified database of real estate rights throughout Russia - Unified State Register(since 2017 – EGRN).

To better understand what's what, let's give a few key definitions.

Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate. This is an electronic database into which all information about existing ( valid) and discontinued rights to real estate, information about copyright holders, and existing ones. Administrative and technical data about the real estate objects themselves are also stored there - their addresses, purpose ( residential/non-residential), data on the area of ​​premises, etc.

Unified State Register based ( put into effect) January 31, 1998, and was placed under the control of the federal body - "Rosreestr". Before this date registration occurred in local governments and territorial ones.

Since 2017 Unified State Register database merged with GKN base (State Real Estate Cadastre), and created unified database of the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

EGRN - Unified State Register of Real Estate. This system combined rights registration system (USRP) And real estate accounting system (GKN) into one common database.

"Rosreestr"(aka Registration Chamber) – full official name: Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. This is the parent organization of federal significance. Its territorial bodies are represented in each subject of the Russian Federation in the form Departments of Rosreestr (UFRS) and branch offices Cadastral Chamber (FKP Rosreestr).

UFRS (Office of the Federal Registration Service)= Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography = Office of Rosreestr ( territorial office). In particular, it is defined here registration procedure ownership rights to the apartment, and procedure for recording technical data about the apartment in State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN).

FKP – Federal Cadastral Chamber- structural subdivision UFRS, which actually deals registration of rights and real estate transactions (performs technical work), and also leads cadastral registration all real estate objects ( incl. unfinished construction projects), making accounts in Unified State Register And GKN, respectively.

After creation unified real estate register EGRN, citizens have the opportunity to submit one application for two operations at once - to carry out registration of rights and for holding cadastral registration . Otherwise everything remains the same ( More details on the Rosreestr website -).

On registration of apartment purchase and sale transactions

According to the law ( Clause 6, Article 1 Opens in a new tab.">FZ-218 dated July 13, 2015 – “On state registration of real estate”) all transactions with apartments are subject to mandatory state registration– i.e. data on the transfer of ownership from the Seller to the Buyer as a result of the transaction are entered into the unified Rosreestr database ( EGRN).

Moreover, since 2013 registration real estate - . The only fact fixing the deal with the apartment on secondary market, only left registration of transfer of rights. In other words, Apartment purchase and sale agreement (APA) now comes into effect from the moment of its signing parties, and passes to the Buyer from the moment of state registration transfer of rights.

Simultaneously ( upon transfer of rights) is registered new ownership now to the Buyer.

Despite this, the concept remains in common use on the market - “ Registration of an apartment purchase and sale transaction", although it now means precisely registration of rights and transfer of rights according to the deal. At the same time, during the registration process, on PrEP they are still installed registration seal and stamp, indicating that transfer of rights under this agreement took place.

List of documents for registering a transaction for the purchase and sale of an apartment depends on the specific situation - for example, whether the transaction is registered on "primary" or at "secondary", what type of contract is for the existing ownership of the Seller, the Seller, whether he is among the owners or not, etc.

In this regard, there are a number mandatory documents for all situations, and additional documents - for special cases.

Not to be confused registration of rights of claim for an apartment in a building under construction on, and registration of property rights for a finished apartment ( which can be both on the primary and on).

Specific lists of documents for registration of transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments indicated in the corresponding steps INSTRUCTIONS (via the links - separately for each case):


  • Registration of rights of claim to an apartment in a house under construction (new building) - documents
    On primary rights of claim are registered either upon registration DDU share participation agreements (if the apartment is purchased directly from the Developer), or upon registration Agreements for the assignment of rights of claim under the DDU (if the apartment is purchased from a shareholder or co-investor of the construction).
    In the first case, registration DDU can do both Developer, and the shareholder himself; how this happens is described here -.
    In the second case, the participants themselves collect the documents transactions on assignment of rights , and a list of these documents is presented here -.
  • Registration of ownership rights to an apartment in a built house (new building) - documents
    Here the package of documents, as a rule, also forms Developer. He also handles registration. property rights for newly built apartments. But the Buyer can do this on his own: how to do this is described in INSTRUCTIONS for the Buyer here - .


  • Registration of property rights when purchasing an apartment on the secondary market - documents
    Here is the contents of the package of documents for registration differs from the composition of the package of documents apartments. In the first case, we have the documents necessary to complete registration actions, and in the second case, we have the documents that the Buyer personally needs to confirm legal information about the apartment, its owners and users. Both lists of documents can be seen at the corresponding steps INSTRUCTIONS for the Buyer here:
    — ;
    — .
  • Registration of property rights when selling an apartment on the secondary market - documents
    Here is a list of documents for registration – the same as when buying an apartment on the secondary market. Here is a general list of documents to check the “legal purity” The apartments may be smaller. The point here is in the placement of emphasis: if the Buyer turns out to be not very demanding, then the Seller can get by with a minimum set of documents that are necessary only for registering the transaction. This is discussed in more detail in INSTRUCTIONS for the Seller here - .

Directly for registration for an apartment purchase and sale transaction, the list of documents is slightly smaller than the one that is usually required from the Seller by other participants in the transaction - Buyer, realtors, notary, bank, etc. To register, you do not need a complete list, but only the essentials ( see video about it below).

By the way, since July 2016, new apartment owners ( For more details, see the link).

Amount of state duty for registration of rights is 2,000 rubles for individuals. Current price tags for state duty can be checked on the website Rosreestr – .

Where to submit documents to register a transaction with an apartment?

In Moscow, to register a transaction with an apartment, Sellers and Buyers submit documents to multifunctional public service centers (MFC) “My Documents”. Registration is also possible by phone or online. You can also clarify there composition of the package of documents to register ownership of an apartment.

Local branches of the Federal Registration Service in Moscow have not worked with individuals since 2014. ( confirmation -)

In other regions of Russia for registration of a transaction with an apartment (For registration of rights and transfer of rights for real estate), you can contact them as if they were local MFC "My Documents", and directly to territorial offices and receptions of Rosreestr.

In addition, Rosreestr provides on its website the opportunity to submit an application for registration of rights and transfer of rights - through the Internet (see link below).

The centers themselves MFC "My Documents" do not register transactions of purchase and sale of apartments. The MFC is just a convenient intermediary between the parties to the transaction and Rosreestr. Moreover, documents can be submitted not only to the MFC at the location of the apartment, but also to any other MFC, even in another city.

Employees are obliged just accept documents for registration, but are not required to carry them out legal expertise (those. they are not checked for authenticity and correctness of execution). This means that there may be cases of incorrectly prepared documents ( errors in contracts, lack of information in the package of documents, etc.), which lead to suspensions/delays in registration, or even registration refusals (see below about this).

To avoid this, it is better to contact ( which can then submit this package to registration ).

In particular, deadlines for registering ownership of an apartment make up ( from January 1, 2017):

  • for apartments V simple writing= 7 working days;
  • For Sales and purchase agreements (SPA) apartments in = 3 working days;
  • For Equity Participation Agreements (EPA) in construction = 7 working days;
  • For Mortgage agreements apartments = 5 working days.

At the same time, you need to keep in mind that if documents for registration are submitted through, then terms increase by about 2-4 days due to the time it takes to deliver documents from the MFC to the registration authority and back for issue.

This data from the state real estate register is the main and only evidence - who owns what and on what basis . Therefore, any verification of documents when purchasing an apartment usually begins with ordering such Extracts.

Order Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate possible both on the Rosreestr website and on our website - ( via the built-in Rosreestr API service).


The rules and sequence of preparing a transaction for the purchase and sale of an apartment - on the interactive map. Opens in a pop-up window."> "STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS" (will open in a pop-up window).

Registration of residential premises in the registration chamber is a mandatory procedure to confirm a citizen’s rights to an apartment and protect his legitimate interests from fraudsters.

The registration process consists of several simple sequential steps and does not take much time. For the convenience of citizens, there are several ways to register housing with the relevant government agencies.

Why is it necessary to register an apartment with the Companies House?

When carrying out any property transactions with certain real estate (for example, when selling an apartment), it is necessary to register the transfer of ownership from one owner to another. This information on the transfer of housing rights to another person must be entered into the unified civil service register.

Otherwise, the new owner of the residential premises will not be able to fully own and manage the purchased apartment.

The main transactions that must be registered with the relevant government agencies include:

  • completion of building construction;
  • receiving housing as a gift;
  • privatization of an apartment;
  • receiving property by inheritance;
  • acquisition of real estate;
  • making significant changes to the object (for example, changing the name of the street);
  • recognition of the right to an apartment in connection with a court order;
  • in other cases of emergence of property rights.

To carry out registration actions, a citizen should contact a special government agency - the registration chamber. The Registration Chamber, otherwise called the unified Rosreestr or the Unified State Register of Real Estate, is a government body responsible for registering the transfer of rights to various types of property and entering information about the owner of the property into a unified data register.

After completing the registration steps, the new owner of the apartment receives a standard certificate of ownership, which allows:

  • formalize a transaction with this property (sell housing, donate, bequeath, exchange);
  • register at the address of other citizens;
  • etc.

It should also be noted that by entering information about the transfer of rights to housing into the unified Rosreestr, the interests of the legal owners of real estate are protected, since their rights are documented.

In the event of loss of title documents for an apartment, the owner only needs to submit a corresponding application to the Unified State Register office that issued the original certificate of ownership (copies of all necessary documents are stored in the civil service archive).

In addition, registration of the purchase and sale of an apartment in the registration chamber can be carried out only once, which prevents fraudulent transactions and double sales of property.

Registration procedure

To register a residential premises in the Unified State Register, the owner must follow the procedure below:

  1. collect the required documentation package;
  2. apply with these papers to the Unified State Register and fill out an application requesting registration actions;
  3. receive a corresponding receipt from the registration chamber employee with the date of readiness of the certificate;
  4. pick up a certificate of the established form within the agreed time frame.

Where is the certificate issued?

Registration actions and preparation of a certificate of ownership of an apartment take place at the Unified State Register office.

However, the owner of the premises or his legal representative can contact the MFC branch, send documentation by mail or register an application through the Rosreestr Internet portal (http://rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/cc_ib_electronic_state_rights#/).

Required Documentation

A citizen must provide a civil service employee with the documents listed below to register an apartment in the registration chamber:

  • the applicant’s passport (if the basis for the emergence of rights was the alienation of housing, when submitting papers to the Unified State Register, identity cards of both parties to the transaction are presented);
  • a receipt with the paid fee (the amount for citizens is 2,000 rubles when issuing a certificate for an apartment, in accordance with clause 22, part 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • , the form of which is issued by an employee of the registration authority (if the apartment was transferred from one citizen to another as a result of alienation, each party to the transaction must provide an application requesting re-registration of ownership rights to the property);
  • cadastral passport of the premises;
  • title papers;
  • power of attorney addressed to the representative (if required).

Additional documentation may include permission from the seller’s spouse, other co-owners, OOP or (depending on the situation), a loan agreement, etc.

The exact list of documentation depends on many factors (type of property, the basis due to which a person has rights to housing, etc.), therefore it is recommended to clarify the list of papers provided to the government agency from an employee of the MFC or Unified State Register.

After the documents are accepted by the employee of the registration authority, the applicant is given a corresponding receipt indicating the date when the certificate will be ready for issue.

The deadline for registering an apartment with the registration chamber is about 10 working days from the date of acceptance of the application and other documents.

To obtain a certificate, a citizen should contact the same branch of the MFC or Unified State Register on the agreed date with a passport and a receipt (a power of attorney will also be required for the representative).

Certificate issued by the Unified State Register

Since the beginning of 2015, the form of this document has changed. Now the certificate is issued on a paper form of the Unified State Register with the official seal of the civil service, but without the corresponding watermarks and other degrees of protection.

The registration number must be indicated on the back of the document. It should be noted that replacement of “old” type certificates is not required; they have not lost their legal force.

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→ List of documents

We present to your attention a list of documents submitted for state registration of property rights.

1. Application for state registration of property rights. Filled out by the buyer directly at the desk of the registration chamber employee. The application form is issued by him.

2. A power of attorney drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by law to conclude an agreement, if the party to the agreement is a person acting on the basis of the power of attorney, and (or) a notarized power of attorney to represent the interests of the party to the agreement during state registration. Done by a notary. The original and a copy of the document are provided.

3. Payment document confirming payment of the state fee for state registration of the agreement and (or) right. Receipt for payment of state duty. Provided by the buyer and seller of real estate. See details and payment procedure. Originals and copies of these documents.

4. A document of title confirming the seller’s ownership of the alienated real estate. Title documents: purchase and sale agreement or donation agreement, or agreement for the transfer of an apartment into the ownership of citizens, or a certificate of inheritance, or an equity participation agreement, an apartment acceptance and transfer agreement, or an assignment agreement, an apartment acceptance and transfer agreement, etc. . Provided by the real estate seller in original.

5. Plan of the object, certified by the organization (body) for registration of real estate and (or) carrying out activities for maintaining the state land cadastre (technical passport, cadastral plan, etc.). Submission of said plan is not required if a plan for the relevant real property has previously been submitted and placed in the appropriate title file. A technical or cadastral passport and a copy thereof are provided by the seller if the property being sold was purchased by him before 1997, and the documents were not provided to the registration chamber before the sale; accordingly, the seller does not have a certificate of state registration of ownership. A technical and cadastral passport can be ordered from the BTI.

6. The purchase and sale agreement in at least three original copies, if the agreement is made in simple written form, the originals.

8. Certificate of persons having the right to use residential premises, certified by the official responsible for registering citizens at the place of stay and place of residence. A certificate of registered persons in the property being sold or an extract from the house register. This certificate is obtained from the housing and communal services management company (MUP, HOA). Provided by the seller. Original and copy of the document.

9. Permission (consent) of the guardianship and trusteeship authority:

  • when buying and selling real estate owned by minors, incompetent, or partially capable persons;
  • when buying or selling real estate in which members of the owner’s family who are under guardianship or trusteeship live, or minor members of the owner’s family left without parental care, if this affects the rights or interests protected by law of these persons;
  • for the legal representative to give consent to a minor aged 14 to 18 years to waive the right of pre-emption of a share in the right of common ownership of property or for the legal representatives of a minor under the age of 14 to waive this right;
  • in other cases established by law;

If real estate (apartment, room, share in an apartment) is owned by minors, incapacitated persons, or persons with limited legal capacity, then official permission (consent) of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities is required for its sale. The document is provided by the seller in original and a copy. You must keep in mind that such permission will be issued to you by the guardianship authorities if they are sure that other real estate will be provided to this category of owners in exchange for the property being sold. At the same time, the rights of minors, incapacitated, and partially capable persons will be respected. Read more.

10. Written consent of parents, adoptive parents or guardians, if the seller or buyer is a minor aged 14 to 18 years;

11. Written consent of the trustee, if the seller or buyer is a person with limited legal capacity;

The document in paragraphs 10 and 11 is provided by the seller and/or buyer if the seller and/or buyer of the apartment, room or share in the apartment is a minor citizen aged 14 to 18 years or a person with limited legal capacity. These persons have the right to dispose of their property and the right to sign. These persons, along with the other participants in the transaction, sign the real estate purchase and sale agreement and other related documents. In order not to provide such permission, you can add a couple of lines about the consent of parents and/or guardians in the preamble and when signing the purchase and sale agreement. For example:


Moscow, September 4, 2011

We, the undersigned:
Ivanova Lyudmila Alekseevna, date of birth 08/17/1965, passport 56 02 111222 issued by the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Penza on 06/21/2001, registered at the address: Penza, Pobedy Street, building 11, apt. 50, hereinafter referred to as "Seller" on the one hand, and
Petrova Nadezhda Alekseevna, date of birth 01/02/1965, passport 56 00 222111 issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia in Penza, registered at the address: Penza, Fabrichnaya street, building 14, apt. 23, Petrova Natalia Alexandrovna, date of birth 06/05/1996, passport 56 00 222333, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Penza on 10/16/20010 registered at the address: Penza, Fabrichnaya street, building 14, apt. 23, acting with the consent of her mother Petrova Nadezhda Alekseevna, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyers”, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as follows:


Signatures of the parties:

Ivanova Marfa Vasilievna (Signature)

Petrova Nadezhda Alekseevna (Signature)
Petrova Natalya Aleksandrovna (Signature), acting with the consent of her mother Petrova Nadezhda Aleksevna.
Mother agrees. Petrova Nadezhda Alekseevna (Signature)

As I already said, the participants in the transaction, when signing the purchase and sale agreement, write their full last name, first name, patronymic in their own hand and put a signature. This also applies to writing the so-called consent of parents and/or guardians directly in the agreement itself, when signing it.

12. A document confirming the powers of the legal representatives of minors, persons with limited legal capacity, incompetent persons (a court decision declaring a citizen incompetent, a resolution of local government bodies on the appointment of a guardian, etc.). Provided by the buyer and/or seller in the original and a copy if the party to the transaction is a minor, with limited legal capacity, or an incapacitated citizen. For minor citizens, this document will be a birth certificate. Original and copy.

13. Notarized consent of the seller’s spouse, if the seller is one of the spouses, and the property is in common joint ownership of the spouses. Done by a notary. The document is provided by the seller in original and a copy.

14. Notarized consent of the buyer’s spouse, if the buyer is one of the spouses, and the real estate is acquired as a common joint property of the spouses, and the transaction is subject to state registration; marriage certificate or divorce certificate. Done by a notary. The consent of the spouse and the marriage certificate are provided by the buyer in the original and a copy.

When purchasing residential premises using credit (borrowed) funds, the following must be additionally submitted:

1. Loan agreement or targeted loan agreement;
2. Mortgage note (when a mortgage is certified by a mortgage note), documents specified in the mortgage note as an attachment;
3. Report of an independent appraiser on the assessment of residential premises, when certifying the mortgage;
4. Consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to the alienation and (or) mortgage of residential premises in which the family members of the owner of this residential premises who are under guardianship or trusteeship live, or minor members of the owner’s family left without parental care, if this does not affect the rights or legally protected interests of these persons;
5. Consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to mortgage a residential premises in the event of acquiring property in the name of a minor, incapacitated or limited in legal capacity person;

The buyer must obtain a credit agreement or a targeted loan agreement, a mortgage from the lending organization that provides him with funds for the purchase of real estate. The independent appraiser's report is provided by the buyer in original and copy. Consents from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities are provided by the seller/buyer in original and copy.

And lastly, all participants in a real estate purchase and sale transaction must present identification documents (passport, birth certificate, etc.) when submitting documents for registration of the purchase and sale agreement and transfer of ownership.

On the territory of Moscow, the functions of organizing a unified system of state cadastral registration of real estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as spatial data infrastructure are carried out by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for Moscow (Rosreestr Office for Moscow).

The functions of the cadastral registration body in the region are performed by the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography" in Moscow (branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in Moscow). The main task of the branch is to maintain and provide information from the state real estate cadastre in Moscow. The branch also exercises the powers of Rosreestr in Moscow to provide public services in the field of registration of rights to real estate transactions and provision of information from the Unified State Register of Rights and Real Estate Transactions.

Agreement on interaction between the State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow "Multifunctional centers for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow", the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for Moscow and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography"


Maidanov Igor Ivanovich Supervisor
Borisov Alexander Vladimirovich

Ismunts Sergey Vyacheslavovich

Deputy Head of the Department
Levchenkov Alexander Yurievich Deputy Head of the Department
Makarova Maria Sergeevna Deputy Head of the Department
Matevosyan Vitaly Artakovich Acting Deputy Head of the Department


Office of the Federal State Registration Service,

cadastre and cartography for Moscow


Department name

I Manual

Head of Department

Deputy Head

Assistant Manager

II Administration Apparatus

General Support Department

Logistics Department

Public Procurement Department

Legal support department

Department of Civil Service and Personnel

Department for the Protection of State Secrets and Mobilization Preparation

Financial and economic department

Organization and Control Department

Department of Operation of Information Systems, Hardware and Communication Channels

Department for Coordination and Analysis of Activities in the Accounting and Registration Sphere

Department of State Land Supervision

Department of Land Management and Land Monitoring

Department of Geodesy and Cartography

Department for control (supervision) in the field of self-regulatory organizations

USRN Data Quality Improvement Department

Department for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate

III Territorial departments

Department of Real Estate Registration for the Central Administrative District of Moscow

Intermunicipal Department of Real Estate Registration for the Northern, North-Eastern and Zelenograd Administrative Districts of Moscow