Family budget: why you need a financial consultant. What is consulting? What is management and financial consulting? Financial consulting for individuals

In simple words about what financial consulting is, who provides this service and how, and when it is advisable to order it. Description of the main stages and main directions of modern financial consulting in Russia and the CIS.

What is financial consulting and who is a financial consultant

Financial consulting is a service of an advisory nature. It is aimed at improving the financial performance of a company or enterprise. Its essence lies in the fact that specialists from a consulting firm analyze the financial side of the customer’s business. And then, based on the collected data, they provide ready-made recommendations or solutions to existing problems.

Financial consulting allows business owners to find effective methods for managing their company's financial resources and create optimal financial policies. And also soberly assess investment projects and the prospects of the enterprise.

Consulting is also appropriate in cases where the business owner does not see further prospects in the development of the company. He needs to assess her financial condition and, based on the recommendations received, set some achievable goals.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the type of consulting described above is appropriate in any situation when financial problems arise in a business that need to be resolved quickly so as not to lead to a crisis. He will help you put things in order in your accounting, reporting, deal with capital, debts and find the most profitable investment options.

"Successful financial consultant"

Millions financial advisors around the world provide professional financial planning, investment and life insurance services and make money from it.

Hundreds of thousands people work successfully using proven technologies, have stable incomes above average, for them their profession is the main source of income.

Tens of thousands people have reached heights that they never even dreamed of before, they are financially independent and help others achieve this freedom, although they have long ago earned enough money to last for the rest of their lives, and will still have some left...

Why one people earn astronomical amounts with an income per person of 200,000 - 700,000 US dollars per year? They can be seen not only at annual meetings, international gatherings, where hotels are rented so expensive that the president of not every country decides to be so wasteful. They belong to the MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) club, and perhaps during business hours they advise you or your neighbors on how to manage money... in YOUR country, in YOUR city, on YOUR street. It’s just that, for some reason, you may not notice this - after all, all financial advice is strictly confidential and is not advertised in public.

And others everyone is still thinking whether it is worth combining their main job with the activity of a private financial consultant, whether this activity will bring returns. Somehow, magically, all the investment consultant’s fears and lack of faith in a financially stable future are transferred to all the people with whom he begins to start a conversation on this topic. As a result, no positive emotions, no recommendations, no sales of his services, no money, NOTHING .

Have you ever wondered what the secret is when in the same city, some people succeed and become leaders and others complain that everything around is dim, and no matter what they try, nothing works out for them?

Many believe that in order to become a successful financial consultant you need to work in the financial sector for a long time, be a banker at a large bank, have extensive investment experience and go through an incredible number of expensive investment seminars (preferably abroad or at least in the capital), get a financial education and a diploma or certificate as a consultant, achieve success in the stock market, get rich, become a millionaire and only after that... get the RIGHT to give recommendations to other people in order to earn your living...

Do you find yourself thinking that

· Now you are working, and you don’t even have time to learn a new profession

· You don't have the necessary skills to convince people of the value of your services

· You are insecure and afraid to meet potential clients

· You do not have enough knowledge and diploma to give recommendations to anyone

· You don’t even know what to offer your clients, because... don't know your “product”

· Your savings will not be enough for advertising, creating a website, renting an office and promoting

· And even if you decide to start something, you are still afraid that it won’t work out. Because your more experienced colleagues are tired of constant refusals, and so are you.

· You simply DO NOT know where to start, you lack INFORMATION on how to properly launch and start your business and succeed in it! There is simply no positive example near you...

Now that you know what the root of all problems is, you have two ways:

1. Leave everything as it is, continue to work “for someone else”, receive a pitiful salary, hang around in the office from 9 to 8, always carry out orders from the boss, and have no prospects other than a reduction in salary or even layoffs

2. Or subscribe to our newsletter and keep abreast of current events, how to properly start your own business as an independent financial consultant, so that in the near future you can begin this, albeit difficult, but quite interesting path.

Become a member of a large community - hundreds of people who have already put the proposed recommendations into practice, and now these people

They devote themselves completely to their favorite business - financial consulting.

They earn decent money from this, significantly exceeding the average income

They perfectly combine working on a flexible schedule with their work, while still having time to relax

What is their secret to being successful financial advisors?

...the story about Frank Bettger... is a prime example of this!

Frank Bettger is a person who has gone through a difficult journey and has not even received a secondary education. A person whose childhood cannot be called cloudless due to the difficult financial situation of the family. From the age of 14 he worked as a mechanic's assistant, and from the age of 18 he played professional baseball. He had to leave the sport due to an injury he received in one of the matches.

At 29, he was an insurance agent with nothing. But over the next 12 years he was able to completely change that. Dale Carnegie's lecture on the power of enthusiasm and planning changed everything. It changed his attitude and his life. It all started with drawing up the first schedule, according to which he went door to door at a certain time, offering his insurance.

In ten weeks, he managed to sell $51,000 more than his entire previous activity. But after that, the rapid rise gave way to new disappointment - things weren’t going well. I had to stop and delve into myself. What is the reason? For a whole year Frank worked on himself, his enthusiasm, confidence and attitude towards life. The recording work schedule helped him make many discoveries - he saved time and increased the profitability of the business. They allowed us to find mistakes, organize ourselves and establish successful insurance sales.

During his entire life as a consultant, he closed 40,000 transactions, which is a colossal figure among the financial industry. All this is thanks to the ability to organize oneself and the great power of enthusiasm.

Success is, first of all, working on yourself!

This will be confirmed by hundreds of businessmen and financial consultants who have achieved success...

Only 1% of people achieve success, but you can get into this narrow layer of people...

But if you feel that you deserve better and are capable of achieving more...

It's time to move the needle!

Do you want to become a professional financial advisor? Then subscribe to the “Successful Financial Advisor” newsletter and step by step, you will receive all the necessary and sufficient information to master a new profession.

The “Successful Financial Advisor” newsletter is a flow of mega useful information to your inbox with a frequency of 1-2 times a week, stories from practicing people and information on how to build your own business.

· About the new profession of financial consultant

· What underlies the business model of a consultant?

· Is it possible to combine this activity with your main job?

· How much do financial advisors earn in their first year?

· How much can and do more experienced consultants earn?

· Where can you start your business and in what direction to develop?

· How to make this activity become the main source of income?

· Where and what can and should you study to become a financial consultant?

· How to learn to look for clients, overcome your fears and gain confidence?

· How to use the Internet to attract customers?

· Is it possible to work as financial consultants without leaving home at all?

· How to convince people to use your services and take action?

· What to tell clients, how to retain them, and launch the word of mouth effect?

· How to make people think about a future with you?

To finally take the first step and earn your first fee (and start your path to your first million) in the field of financial consulting on your own!

How was it for me? The story of Konstantin Ivanov

I became a financial advisor completely by accident... I didn’t even imagine that one person could earn about as much as a team of ten professional salespeople whom I was going to hire for my future business... And instead of the traditional buy-sell business, I started digging into topic of finance, money and investment.

First, again, quite by accident, I ended up on a week-long training course at the Russian representative office of one very large financial company (No. 3 in its segment, No. 11 among all financial organizations in the world according to the Fortune500 list of previous years), passed it, again by chance among my friends there were people ready to use their products (although I personally was the first anyway). After that, I began to receive a flood of offers from investment, insurance, financial and consulting organizations about the possibility of cooperation...

So step by step I gained experience. There were more and more clients wanting to use my services. But everything that happened next was no longer an element of chance, only a clearly planned activity with a step-by-step action plan, which I debugged at each stage very carefully, introducing new technologies, and continue to do so to this day.

In the past, it took me a year and a half to achieve the results I achieved over the past 6 months. In the next three months, I plan to double my income and accelerate my growth even further. Therefore, as usual, you have two roads - either follow most people, the usual pace of development is about 1 client per month for beginning consultants who decide to “reinvent” the wheel. In this case, subject to full employment (after all, with partial employment, there may be no clients at all, or temporary people once a quarter - that’s all you can count on). Or follow proven recommendations and increase the flow of clients many times, or even tens of times.

With experienced mentoring and following the training system, you will be able to achieve an income in the first 6 months that will allow you to completely give up working for someone else and cover your personal and family expenses.

Konstantin Ivanov + photo.

Newsletter for financial advisors is a collection of useful tips for people who want to become financial advisors or are simply interested in this topic. This newsletter consists of two parts.

In the first part You will find answers to the most popular questions that interest financial advisors, learn the secrets of success in this business, and learn how to draw up a personal financial plan. You will understand how to resolve all your financial problems and learn how to help other people become financially literate.

Second part- This is an example of financial advice. In practice, as you know, it is easier to understand the theory. Therefore, I decided to show how the secrets described in the first part work in life.

· find out where to start your business

· start developing in this direction

· you can create your personal website on the Internet

· learn how and where best to look for clients

· get motivated to move forward

· learn a lot about the financial market

· study international standards

· understand how to make money in this profession

· Finally, you will understand your personal finances...










You will be interested in subscribing to our newsletter if you

· Do you want to develop in the field of financial planning?

You are interested in this topic, you really understand that the opportunities that have opened up for you are not a farce, but the key to a new life.

· Do you want to change your life and have been waiting for such an opportunity?

You are not satisfied with your job, expenses exceed income, there are frequent quarrels in the family due to lack of money. You understand all this and have not yet come to terms with such a life!

· Serious about achieving your goals

A serious attitude is one of the main rules of success. Only with a serious attitude to business can you become a professional financial consultant and build your own business on it.

· Believe in success, are confident and purposeful

Without this, you better not start! If from the very beginning you do not believe in yourself, in the business, in the reality of generating income, this is a premature failure!

· Ready to learn and work to achieve success

Financial advice is also a job. Interesting, exciting, but work! Therefore, you will have to work hard here too. But only well-deserved results bring real satisfaction and make you proud of yourself and the work done.

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You are already a professional consultant who does not require advice or new experience. Then we simply will not be able to teach you anything new.

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In addition, high-quality financial advice allows you to optimize costs and make your company more profitable.

Range of services provided

Financial advisory specialists provide a wide range of services that cover all aspects of running a business. Analysts and experts at CRESCO Finance will help you:

  • Conduct high-quality financial planning based on the customer’s business plan.

  • Analyze the success of the enterprise, assessing the profitability of various types of products or services provided by the enterprise, as well as assess the financial stability of the company and the state of its equity capital.

Additionally, the company’s specialists analyze the financial condition of the enterprise, its solvency, and also provide forecasts of potential profits.

Consulting results

Financial advice is an extremely important aspect of doing business, and a qualitative analysis will help the entrepreneur obtain only reliable and up-to-date data regarding the state of the company’s finances. By turning to CRESCO Finance analysts for help, you are guaranteed to receive:

  • Detailed information about the economic condition of the company. If the analyst manages to discover shortcomings in the financial system, he will definitely make recommendations to correct the situation.

  • Answers to any questions regarding the management of the company's financial affairs.

This service is popular not only among business owners. Financial advice for individuals is also in great demand, since the correct distribution of monetary assets helps to effectively calculate one’s own budget and avoid miscalculations. In addition, consulting specialists will help you understand the economic situation, eliminate the shortcomings of managing your own capital and choose the right investment option.

Annual budget up to 1 million rubles - 5 000

Annual budget up to 10 million rubles - 7 500

Annual budget up to 50 million rubles - 15 000

Annual budget over 50 million rubles - 30 000

You can order personal financial planning services from us and receive financial advice.

When is Personal Financial Advice Required?

If you have free cash or other assets that you want to preserve or increase, we are ready to offer you our experience in this area.

If you have a crisis situation, you are tormented by creditors and you cannot pay off your debts, the most important thing is to pull yourself together and make a plan to get out of the situation. There are no hopeless situations. We will help you restructure your debt, identify holes in your budget, sources of savings and increased income, or competently carry out the bankruptcy procedure. You can not only pay off your debts, but also reach a new level.

If you need to plan to achieve certain financial goals, a major purchase or significant savings, we will help you plan your income and expenses wisely, so that you can achieve your desired goals without stress.

Financial advice includes

1. Determine your current assets and liabilities. This is a very stressful part of the job for clients. However, it is extremely necessary. Clients often forget about their less-needed and liquid assets, which may well become a good source of free cash.

2. Formation of a diversified investment portfolio in accordance with your goals. Here we can offer you investments in business, purchase of securities or currency, and making a deposit in a bank. It all depends on your goals, risk tolerance, planned income and expenses.

3. Identifying opportunities for debt restructuring or determining the feasibility of introducing bankruptcy proceedings in a critical condition. If the bankruptcy procedure is carried out in a controlled manner, it may well turn out to be a good way out of the situation.

4. Planning of income, expenses and sources of their optimization. This is a very important point. We will look for opportunities to increase income while maintaining a normal quality of life. We will also be engaged in optimizing irrational expenses.

5. Savings planning. Only competent planning of savings from your income will help you really achieve your financial goals.

Result of financial consultation

2. If necessary, changes are made to it

Support after financial advice

For clients in a favorable financial situation, we offer an investment portfolio management service.

If necessary, we can offer you bankruptcy proceedings.

In the context of the development of the current financial and economic market, financial literacy is vital for an ordinary person. The profession of a financial consultant is becoming increasingly in demand. If at the dawn of the formation of a market economy in Russia the services of such specialists were actively used by business owners and managers, today ordinary people increasingly need the help of a competent financial consultant.

Features of the profession

The emergence of the financial advisor profession is a requirement of the times. It is simply impossible to understand the intricacies of this type of activity without special education and experience. The emergence of new opportunities, primarily related to investment, opens up certain prospects for individuals and legal entities. The help of a professional in the investment market is the key to a successful investment.

How great is the real need for this kind of specialists? For legal entities, financial consultants are truly necessary, and their task goes far beyond investing. As for individuals, it all depends on how active the person is in the services market, whether he is interested in increasing capital, and whether he has serious problems with budgeting.

The state is interested in improving citizens' financial literacy. Hence the support for relevant programs to increase the level of knowledge in this area, training of students, development of legislative norms regulating the activities of financier-managers.

The format for providing consultation services can be different:

  • financial analyst, full-time employee of the company;
  • independent financial consultant;
  • a law firm providing consulting services in the field of finance and economics.

It is convenient for ordinary people to work with independent specialists who have undergone appropriate training. However, choosing them is not so easy. The profession of a financial consultant is becoming increasingly popular, and the problem of training professionals naturally arises. In public and private universities there is no such specialty as a financial consultant. Training takes place in basic specialties at economics departments in higher educational institutions.

A trained financial consultant must have excellent knowledge of the specifics, theory and practice of the services he provides:

  • financial, economic, tax and legal legislation;
  • development trends and structure of the financial market;
  • basics of accounting;
  • principles of financial control;
  • financial planning methods;
  • methods for assessing tangible assets from a risk/return perspective.

In addition, a diploma of completed training is not enough. The consultant must be a practitioner, that is, have real experience in employment in the specialty in the main or related areas: accounting, insurance, business process analytics, lending, audit, etc.

Family financial advisor

Involving third-party specialists in managing the family budget is one of the demands of the time. Even with a basic economic education and knowledge of legal legislation, a person may simply not have enough time to analyze the situation and study the most advantageous offers.

Hence the need for this kind of specialists. A personal financial advisor is the person who will solve problems with money and other assets, suggest the most profitable and safe course of action, and help you make the right decision.

What does he do?

A professional can really help an ordinary person, and the areas of cooperation can be different.

A financial consultant for individuals provides the following services:

  • development of personal financial plan - personal financial plan;
  • budget planning;
  • selection of the most profitable lending option;
  • selection of a reliable and profitable pension program;
  • selection of the optimal insurance savings program;
  • assistance in choosing the most profitable options for placing deposits;
  • assistance in preparing tax and accounting documentation (the service is also of interest to individual entrepreneurs);
  • assistance in the field of investment (purchase of bonds, shares, purchase of gold, etc.);
  • management of personal finances on an ongoing basis.

The most common service is drawing up physical forms. A financial consultant develops a set of measures that help improve the well-being of a family or one person. Other types of assistance can be aimed both at the future and at a momentary resolution of the current problem. Thus, consultation with a financial consultant will help ensure a comfortable old age, accumulate money by a certain date, and receive income from existing capital without serious risks.

If a person has any problems with a bank loan or needs help submitting a return to the tax authority, then a personal financial consultant can take care of all the issues.

Requirements for a specialist

Lack of experience in the field of financial and legal activities can lead to fundamental mistakes and worsen the client’s well-being.

A family financial consultant must meet the requirements for specialists in this field:

  • have a diploma of higher legal or financial and economic education;
  • work in your specialty for at least a year;
  • possess the necessary practical skills and techniques;
  • have a specialization in the area that interests the client;
  • know about all legislative changes that affect the area of ​​interest to the client;
  • have a reputation as a reliable specialist who really helps people;
  • have personal material success.

In some cases, specialists need knowledge of a foreign language, experience in communicating with government agencies, experience in personal sales, and psychology.

How to find a financial advisor? The easiest way is to use advertising. However, it is important to understand that reviews on sites may be paid, and the information may be unreliable. Therefore, the safest thing to do is talk to a specialist, make sure that he has a diploma, recommendations from real clients and personal success in the field of financial management.

What the law says

Since a financial and legal consultant has full access to the client’s money, legislative regulation of the relationship between them is necessary. When entrusting your well-being to a stranger, you need to be, firstly, confident in his competence, and secondly, have legal protection in case problems arise.