Life cycle in personnel management. Life cycle of an organization in personnel management

The form of organization of the activity of an individual as an object of management is his life cycle, in which it is customary to distinguish pre-labor, labor and post-labor periods. Selection life cycle as an object of management is necessary not only for a wide range of different organizations - from family to employer, but also for every person. The individual himself, throughout his life cycle, acts as a single and constant subject of the development and implementation of a labor functioning program.

The employee life cycle is a sequence of main stages and phases labor activity, disclosed by the composition and content of official and professional changes, procedures and actions.

Detailing the composition and content of an employee’s life cycle, rationalizing and improving on this basis work with the organization’s personnel makes it possible to predict and plan career prospects for a long period of time. The potential of developing relationships between stages and periods of an employee’s life cycle determines the main management resources.

It is necessary to develop a clear understanding of the composition, content and interaction of the main elements of each period of the employee’s life cycle (Fig. 11.2.1).

An object-based approach to the development and presentation of an employee’s life cycle provides the most effective solution to the problems of managing his career development in an organization. The specific content of the process of planning and developing an employee’s career throughout the life cycle is determined not only by his own motivation, but also by the subjects, organizations and, above all, employers interested in this process. The creative labor potential of an individual objectively acts as the main source of purposeful development of society as a whole and each organization in particular. This situation interests employers in maintaining the employee’s life cycle and determines the need to participate in the formation of the employee’s qualities, skills, knowledge, and culture.

Rice. 11.2.1. Employee life cycle model

Traditional views on career growth, organization labor relations in general, they transfer the main volume of powers to the employer, who centralizes all the power, leaving at first glance no room for the employee himself. Meanwhile, an analysis of successful careers convincingly shows the advantages of delegating to an employee an increasing number and, most importantly, more significant content of career tasks being set and solved.

This is completely natural, since it reflects objective trends in the proactive development of the process of specialization and cooperation of professional, qualified and responsible labor. The most complete and effective use labor resources possible on the basis of the comprehensive development and implementation of the internal potential of a career-oriented employee in the labor period of his life cycle with the participation of the employee himself in the process of planning, building and developing his own career.

This approach can become the basis of a universal concept for building a career. It should be based on defining and presenting the place and role of participation of a variety of subjects in the process of planning and organizing vocational guidance and the activities of an individual throughout the entire life cycle.

Developing independently and proactively on the basis of constant self-improvement, the employee, in interaction with other subjects, plans career growth, implements his plans and, as a rule, achieves higher qualifications and professional excellence. Ultimately, this is expressed in an increase in the overall performance of the organization and society as a whole, administrative and public recognition of the employee’s personal contribution and, as a result, in his career growth.

For an organization, participation in employee life cycle management is of particular importance, since its results determine the level of mobilization. Already existing work motivation, results of professional diagnostics, orientation and training, formed and consolidated business and personal qualities of the employee

Analysis of the content of the stages of an employee’s life cycle directly indicates that in modern society almost all government, business and public organizations, are interested in participating in the formation and maintenance of the employee life cycle. Only the corporate participation of employers can ensure its formation and implementation as the main source, determining factor and implementing form of socio-economic development of society. This is confirmed by global trends in the ever-expanding participation of a wide variety of organizations and employers in the formation and development of the potential of an employee’s life cycle. Such participation is focused not only on the labor period, but also on the pre- and post-labor periods of the employee’s life cycle.

In practice, such participation is manifested in the education of the individual, the creation of conditions for professional diagnostics and orientation, the development of creative interests, interaction with vocational training centers, support for personal initiative, entrepreneurship, which ultimately ensures the realization of the employee’s labor potential. These tasks are objectively positioned and solved mainly in the pre-labor period of the employee’s life cycle, largely determining the prospects for his subsequent development. It is this employee resource that is formed, developed and implemented by the organization as the main tool for setting and achieving individual, group and public goals.

An example is the implementation of numerous modifications of the social partnership model by developed business structures that share responsibility for harmonization public relations. The content of the tasks set and solved in this case is determined by such traditional programs as:

national culture and moral education;

social initiative and work motivation;

professional diagnostics, orientation and training;

social Security and charity;

public recognition and development of cooperation.

Within the framework of the listed and many other programs, a decisive influence on the formation of the employee’s potential is formed and implemented, which is maximally realized in the labor period of the life cycle.

An effective solution for many production tasks determined by post positioning working period employee life cycle not only in the form of a directly predicted and assessed pension prospect for each employee, but also as a resource for education and mentoring. The traditional positioning of these processes is tied to family informal communication, but the most effective results are obtained by professionally organized programs. Unfortunately, the practice of mentoring, which ensured not so much successful mastery of a profession as the consolidation and development of work attitudes already formed in the employee, has been largely lost by domestic organizations. Effective use The post-employment period of the worker's life cycle can help restore lost forms of control.

Cyclicity, periodic repetition of the emerging and formed sequences of composition, content and interaction of the main elements of the life cycle is the most important characteristic not only of the organization of work with personnel as a whole, but also of the entire set of career management actions (see Fig. 11.2.1). She justifies the identification of such important components of this process as the employee’s career cycle and the career management cycle, which require separate research and consideration.

The life cycle of an employee as an object of management. Employee career management cycle. Therefore, the opportunity to develop in one’s own company is highly valued by employees and has a great influence on their decision to work in a particular organization, and investments in professional development help create a favorable climate and increase employee motivation and their dedication to the organization. Purpose of the work: to consider the personal development of an employee in an organization.

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1. Career. Types of career………………………………………………………..4

2. Life cycle of an employee as an object of management…………………………...7

3. Employee career management cycle………………………………………….13


List of references………………………………………………………...17


Personal development also has a positive impact on employees themselves. By improving their qualifications and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and receive additional features for professional growth both inside and outside your company.

Obtaining new knowledge in the process of professional training contributes to the general intellectual development of a person, expands his erudition and social circle, and strengthens self-confidence. Therefore, the opportunity to develop in one’s own company is highly valued by employees and has a great influence on their decision to work in a particular organization, and investments in professional development help create a favorable climate, increase employee motivation and their dedication to the organization.

Benefits from in-house professional development of staff and society as a whole, receiving more qualified labor and higher productivity without additional costs.

Entering the market is connected not only and not so much with changes and adaptation to the conditions of market relations of the economic mechanism, but with the preparedness of personnel.

Purpose of the work: to consider the personal development of an employee in an organization.

Job objectives:

1. Explain the concept of a career, and what types of careers there are;

2. Explore the life cycle of an employee as an object of management;

3. Consider the employee career management cycle.

The scientific works of the following authors were used in the work: Glumakov V.N., Zaitsev L.G., Klyakhin V.N., Krasovsky Yu.D., Litvinyuk D.D., Spivak V.A., Papanova N.V. and etc.

1. Career. Types of career

Career is a hierarchical reflection of the employee’s career path throughout the entire working period or segment thereof. A career is determined by the time sequence and duration of positions held by an employee.

There are several types of careers:

Intra-organizational career - means that a specific employee in the process of his professional activity goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. A particular employee goes through these stages sequentially within the walls of one organization. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

An interorganizational career means that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through all stages of development: training, entry into work, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. A particular employee goes through these stages sequentially in different organizations. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

A specialized career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through various stages of development: training, entry into work, professional growth, support of individual professional abilities, retirement. A particular employee can go through these stages sequentially both in one and in different organizations, but within the framework of the profession and field of activity in which he specializes. For example, the head of the sales department of one organization became the head of the sales department of another organization. Such a transition is associated either with an increase in remuneration for work, or with a change in content, or with prospects for promotion. Another example, the head of the HR department is appointed to the position of deputy. Director of Human Resources of the organization where he works.

Non-specialized career - this type of career is widely developed in Japan. The Japanese are firmly of the opinion that a manager must be a specialist capable of working in any part of the company, and not in any particular function. When climbing the corporate ladder, a person should be able to look at the company from a different sides without staying in one position for more than 3 years. It is considered quite normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the head of the procurement department. Many Japanese executives worked in unions early in their careers. As a result of this policy, the Japanese manager has a significantly smaller amount of specialized knowledge (which in any case will lose its value after 5 years) and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, supported by personal experience. An employee can go through the stages of this career either in one or in different organizations.

A vertical career is the type of career with which the very concept of a business career is most often associated, since in this case the advancement is most visible. A vertical career is understood as a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion in position, which is accompanied by a higher level of pay).

Horizontal career - a type of career that involves either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain official role at a level that does not have a strict formal reinforcement in organizational structure(for example, fulfilling the role of head of a temporary task force, program, etc.) A horizontal career can also include expanding or complicating tasks at the previous level (usually with an adequate change in remuneration). The concept of a horizontal career does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy.

A hidden career is a type of career that is the least obvious to others. This type of career is available to a limited number of workers, usually those with extensive business connections outside the organization. A centripetal career means movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, the employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential requests, certain important instructions from management. Such an employee may hold an ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization. However, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position.

A stepped career is a type of career that combines elements of horizontal and vertical career types. Employee advancement can be carried out through alternating vertical and horizontal growth. This type of career is quite common and can take both intra- and inter-organizational forms.

The main task of career planning and implementation is to ensure the interaction of all types of careers. This interaction involves performing a number of specific tasks, namely:

Link the goals of the organization and the individual employee;

Plan the career of a specific employee, taking into account his specific needs and situations;

Ensure openness of the career management process;

Eliminate “career dead ends” in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

Improve the quality of the career planning process;

Form visual and perceptible criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;

Study the career potential of employees;

Use informed assessments of employees' career potential to reduce unrealistic expectations;

Determine career growth paths that will help satisfy the quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel at the right time and in in the right place.

Practice shows that employees often do not know their prospects in a given team. This indicates poor management of personnel, lack of planning and control of careers in the organization.

Planning and control of a business career lies in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize the systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the system of positions or jobs.

Thus, the employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

2. Life cycle of an employee as an object of management

An employee’s career can take on a wide variety of configurations, depending on regional, industry, organizational, professional, communication, corporate and other factors. All this reflects the possibilities of forming various trajectories for building an employee’s career and necessitates the study of the life cycle as an object of management.

The form of organization of the activity of an individual as an object of management is his life cycle, in which it is customary to distinguish pre-labor, labor and post-labor periods. Isolating the life cycle as an object of management is necessary not only for a wide range of different organizations - from family to employer, but also for every person. The individual himself, throughout his life cycle, acts as a single and constant subject of the development and implementation of a labor functioning program.

Employee life cyclerepresents a sequence of main stages and phases of labor activity, revealed by the composition and content of official and professional changes, procedures and actions.

Detailing the composition and content of an employee’s life cycle, rationalizing and improving on this basis work with the organization’s personnel makes it possible to predict and plan career prospects for a long period of time. The potential of developing relationships between stages and periods of an employee’s life cycle determines the main management resources.

It is necessary to develop a clear understanding of the composition, content and interaction of the main elements of each period of the employee’s life cycle.

An object-based approach to the development and presentation of an employee’s life cycle provides the most effective solution to the problems of managing his career development in an organization. The specific content of the process of planning and developing an employee’s career throughout the life cycle is determined not only by his own motivation, but also by the subjects, organizations and, above all, employers interested in this process.

The creative labor potential of an individual objectively acts as the main source of purposeful development of society as a whole and each organization in particular. This situation interests employers in maintaining the employee’s life cycle and determines the need to participate in the formation of the employee’s qualities, skills, knowledge, and culture.

Traditional views on career growth and the organization of labor relations in general transfer the bulk of powers to the employer, who centralizes all the power, which at first glance leaves no room for the employee himself. Meanwhile, an analysis of successful careers convincingly shows the advantages of delegating to an employee an increasing number and, what is especially important, more significant content of career tasks being set and solved.

This is completely natural, since it reflects objective trends in the proactive development of the process of specialization and cooperation of professional, qualified and responsible labor. The most complete and effective use of labor resources is possible on the basis of the comprehensive development and implementation of the internal potential of a career-oriented employee in the labor period of his life cycle, with the participation of the employee himself in the process of planning, building and developing his own career.

This approach can become the basis of a universal concept for building a career. It should be based on defining and presenting the place and role of participation of a variety of subjects in the process of planning and organizing vocational guidance and the activities of an individual throughout the entire life cycle.

Developing independently and proactively on the basis of constant self-improvement, the employee, in interaction with other entities, plans career growth, implements his plans and, as a rule, achieves higher qualifications and professional excellence. Ultimately, this is expressed in an increase in the overall performance of the organization and society as a whole, administrative and public recognition of the employee’s personal contribution and, as a result, in his career growth.

For an organization, participation in employee life cycle management is of particular importance, since its results determine the level of mobilization. The already established work motivation, the results of professional diagnostics, orientation and training, the formed and consolidated business and personal qualities of the employee are used.

An analysis of the content of the stages of an employee’s life cycle directly indicates that in modern society almost all government, business and public organizations are interested in participating in the formation and maintenance of the employee’s life cycle.

Only the corporate participation of employers can ensure its formation and implementation as the main source, determining factor and implementing form of socio-economic development of society. This is confirmed by global trends in the ever-expanding participation of a wide variety of organizations and employers in the formation and development of the potential of an employee’s life cycle. Such participation is focused not only on labor, but also on the pre- and post-labor periods of the employee’s life cycle.

In practice, such participation is manifested in the education of the individual, the creation of conditions for professional diagnostics and orientation, the development of creative interests, interaction with vocational training centers, support for personal initiative, entrepreneurship, which ultimately ensures the realization of the employee’s labor potential. These tasks are objectively positioned and solved mainly in the pre-labor period of the employee’s life cycle, largely determining the prospects for his subsequent development. It is this employee resource that is formed, developed and implemented by the organization as the main tool for setting and achieving individual, group and social goals.

An example is the implementation of numerous modifications of the social partnership model by developed business structures that share responsibility for the harmonization of social relations.

  • national culture and moral education;
    • social initiative and work motivation;
    • professional diagnostics, orientation and training;
    • social welfare and charity;
    • public recognition and development of cooperation.

Within the framework of the listed and many other programs, a decisive influence on the formation of the employee’s potential is formed and implemented, which is maximally realized in the labor period of the life cycle.

The effective solution of many production problems is determined by positioning the post-work period of the employee’s life cycle not only in the form of the directly predicted and assessed retirement prospects of each employee, but also as a resource for education and mentoring. The traditional positioning of these processes is tied to family informal communication, but the most effective results are obtained by professionally organized programs.

Unfortunately, the practice of mentoring, which ensured not so much successful mastery of a profession as the consolidation and development of work attitudes already formed in the employee, has been largely lost by domestic organizations. Effective use of the post-employment period of the worker's life cycle can help restore lost forms of control.

Cyclicity, periodic repetition of the emerging and formed sequences of composition, content and interaction of the main elements of the life cycle is the most important characteristic not only of the organization of work with personnel as a whole, but also of the entire set of career management actions. She justifies the identification of such important components of this process as the employee’s career cycle and the career management cycle, which require separate research and consideration.

Building and researching a career involves establishing the basic concepts of an employee’s life cycle, identifying the constituent elements of a career, their relationships and interactions throughout the entire working period. These, first of all, include such elements as selection, preparation, placement, internship, actual work in the position, further promotion based on the education received and accumulated experience. It is in these elements that the qualities, skills, knowledge, culture, and art of a professional discussed above are realized and developed, which, in turn, determine his career advancement.

Planning the optimal career growth of an employee within the labor period of the life cycle allows you to most effectively plan the use of his potential and the development of job advancement, building a career in a real organization. Career growth reflects the direction, sequence and dynamics of the development of an employee’s career, substantiates the logic and prospects for professional-hierarchical advancement within the entire labor period of the life cycle. The period of career growth of a particular employee, as a rule, extends beyond the boundaries of one organization or the competence of its leaders, which leads to the identification of separate parts within it.

One of the defining characteristics of this multifaceted, specific and largely probabilistic process is cyclicity. Periodic repetition of such consistently implemented sequences as selection preparation arrangement, work assessment promotion, resource reserve composition, etc. largely determines not only the construction of the career process itself, but also the implementation of basic procedures for managing it.

Research at domestic enterprises and organizations shows that the career advancement of most employees from position to position reflects a repeating sequence of the main constituent elements and procedures. This indicates the need for cyclical planning of basic career procedures and leads to the introduction of such a concept as the employee’s career cycle, combining a periodically repeating sequence of stages of career advancement. The composition and content of the stages are given different names but, in essence, they form a clearly defined sequence that can be represented as a career cycle.

Each of the selected procedures can take place in various forms, ensuring the effective achievement of results in a particular case. For example, training can be carried out both during general or special education, and directly in the workplace according to a program specially developed for specific conditions, and adaptationin the form of internship, performance of duties, probationary period, temporary position replacement.

Thus, the name of each element is only in the very general view indicates its focus, focuses on content and results. At the same time, the employee’s career cycle presents a fairly clear sequence that reveals the essence, content and continuity of the main activities throughout its entire length.

3. Employee career management cycle

Employee career management, to a certain extent, is a natural continuation and result of all the activities of the personnel management service. This process begins already at the hiring stage, during which the applicant must be provided with complete and reliable information about the opportunities and prospects for working in the company. A well-thought-out and organized program for training and advanced training of employees determines the implementation of career plans: promotion, relocation, etc.

Organization of work on planning and implementing employees’ careers includes:

  • familiarizing employees with the promotion opportunities available in the company in the form of training programs and consultations on individual plans advanced training;
    • regular information and advice on training opportunities and vacancies opening in the company;
    • development of support and psychological counseling programs to counteract career crises;
    • movement of workers in three directions:

1) advancement up the levels of qualification or career growth;

2) horizontal movement (rotation);

3) reduction.

Forecasting, planning, organization and support of an employee’s career cycle are carried out by the organization’s personnel management service together with the employee and his immediate supervisor. The composition and content of this activity are defined, quite stable and repeated many times, which ultimately determines the formation of the corresponding management cycle. Its basis is periodically repeated sequences, dependencies, relationships and, most importantly, the professional content of actions that reflect the procedure for managing the career development of an employee within one position.

Career management cyclehow a periodically repeating sequence of influences from the manager and the personnel management service on an employee’s career reflects the structure and sequence of management tasks for a specific employee, successful solution which are provided not so much by the manager or the personnel management service, but by the employee himself. This determines the close relationship and need for constructive interaction between the career management cycle and the employee’s career cycle. The development, presentation and optimization of a comprehensive model of such interaction largely ensures the effectiveness of career work in the organization as a whole.

The sequence and interaction of the elements of this model reflect the procedure of transformations occurring with a manager or a specific employee, the stages and content of the tasks he solves, the forms of his self-organization and professional management of it.

Thus, the leading factor in the development of personnel in an organization is fundamental changes in the content of labor caused by the use of new equipment, technologies and methods of production activity. Personnel development and training become necessary in these conditions.

Employee development is any type of activity undertaken by an organization to help employees achieve professional success by increasing their knowledge and skills in their field of work and removing barriers to success.

The concept of employee development focuses on self-development, which ideally occurs at three levels: individual, group and organizational. Employee development activities are divided into three categories: career development, personal counseling and improving knowledge and skills (training).


Post-industrial society is characterized by the massive spread of creative and intellectual work, a qualitatively increased volume of scientific knowledge and information used in production, the predominance of the service sector, science, education, culture over industry and agriculture, change in social structure.

Personnel training, the main way to obtain vocational education is a purposefully organized, systematically and systematically carried out process of mastering knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, specialists, managers, etc.

There are three types of training: training, advanced training and retraining. Domestic and foreign experience has developed three concepts for training qualified personnel: the concept of specialized training, the concept of multidisciplinary training and the concept of personality-oriented training.

Characteristics of types of training include professional training, professional development (advanced training) and professional retraining(retraining).

Vocational training can be carried out both on the job and outside the job. Depending on the place of study and the pursued learning goals, teaching methods that are adequate to them are used.

Training of qualified personnel is effective if the costs associated with it will in the future be lower than the organization's costs of increasing labor productivity due to other factors or costs associated with errors in hiring labor.

Training of qualified personnel also affects important factors of social efficiency.

List of used literature

  1. Glumakov V.N. Organizational behavior. Textbook. M.: University textbook, 2012. 352 p.
  2. Zaitsev L.G. Organizational behavior. Textbook. M.: Master, 2011. 460 p.
  3. Klyakhin V.N. Organizational behavior. M.: Strategy of the Future, 2010. 273 p.
  4. Krasovsky Yu.D. Organizational behavior. A textbook for university students studying in the direction of “Management” and specialty “Sociology”. M.: Unity-Dana, 2012. 487 p.
  5. Kudryavtsev E.M. Organization planning and enterprise management. M.: ASV, 2011. 416 p.
  6. Litvinyuk A.A. Organizational behavior: Textbook for bachelors. - M.: Yurayt, 2012. 505 p.
  7. Organizational behavior: Textbook / L.V. Kartashova, T.V. Nikonova, T.O. Solomanidina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Infra-M, 2011. 384 p.
  8. Organizational behavior (workshop: business games, tests, specific situations): Textbook allowance / S.D. Reznik, I.A. Igoshina, O.I. Gear; Ed. S.D. Reznik. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Infra-M, 2012. 320 p.
  9. Skobkin S.S. Enterprise development strategy. - M.: Master, 2010. 432 p.
  10. Spivak V.A. Organizational behavior and personnel management. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. 341 p.
  11. Papanova N.E. Training of company personnel. Practical guide. M.: Business and Service, 2011. 176 p.
  12. Organization management: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Porshnev and others - 4th ed., revised. and additional M.: Infra-M, 2012. 736 p.

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As you know, everything in our world is subject to certain life cycles, including organizations and the people in them. What is the life cycle of an organization, what elements does it contain, what should be expected from each stage of this cycle, and - most importantly - what should a manager do during these processes? We are talking about this with Tatyana Naumovich, coach, trainer-consultant for sales, negotiations and management at Trainings For Business.

"T":Tatyana, tell us more about the life cycle of the organization. What he really is?

T.N.: Like any other system, the organization goes through different periods“life”: it originates, develops, experiences periods of formation, prosperity, then decline, after which it is completely reborn or replaced by other companies.

If we imagine the life cycle model of an organization as a chain of elements, then the sequence will be like this:

The life cycle of each individual organization may differ significantly from others: for example, rapid growth / short period of stability / rapid decline or slow growth / long period of stability / sharp decline, etc.

The life cycle of an organization is influenced not only by internal factors, but also by the external environment, competition, economic and political situation and a number of other important factors.

“T”: Is the life cycle of an employee somehow different from the cycle of an organization? What should you pay attention to when analyzing an employee’s behavior?

T.N.: In addition to the life cycle of an organization, there is also the life cycle of an employee within that organization, and it works on a similar principle.

These are the stages of an employee’s behavior and feeling at work in different time periods from the moment of hiring to dismissal.

In many ways, the work cycle depends on a person’s expectations, his level of education, his ability to take responsibility, his desire to achieve any goals, the quality of his professional training and other personal characteristics.

There are many different approaches to describing the employee life cycle. I am personally close to the approach, the basis of which is the interaction of an employee with a manager at each stage of a person’s stay in the organization.

According to statistics, people are satisfied with their salary for approximately the first three months of work, the next three months they consider their salary satisfactory, and after six months they would like a financial increase

Selection of a candidate, adaptation, his training and development, motivation, organization of the employee’s work, management of his culture - crises are possible at each of these stages, and the success of overcoming them depends on three components.

Conventionally, they can be designated as the “Three Cs”.

According to this formula,

C1 is the employee himself, his level of stress resistance, personal maturity, professional qualifications, the ability to draw conclusions, learn from mistakes, etc.

C2 - collaboration in a team. This concerns relationships with colleagues, the work atmosphere, support and assistance from other employees in overcoming professional barriers, as well as solving work problems.

C3 - assistance from the manager, on whom, of course, the atmosphere in the team and the organization of mutual assistance depend (the second “C”).

Head of in this case acts as a source of quality. Quality of execution, decision-making, relationships in the team, etc.

"T": If we talk about the key role of the manager in this process, what pitfalls can await the manager at different stages of interaction with the employee?

T.N.: I propose here to highlight several key stages in the process of a person’s “life activity” in an organization, to consider typical mistakes manager, and also pay attention to the manager’s memos at each stage.

Selection of candidates

At this stage, we can talk about the following mistakes of the manager.

Most often, managers fear that the candidate does not have sufficient experience, knowledge and qualities for the vacant position. And to avoid possible problems, as well as to save on training and mentoring, managers select a candidate whose personal qualities significantly exceed the required level of competencies. This often happens in times of crisis, when many highly qualified specialists find themselves unemployed at the same time.

Don't be happy if this is how you get a candidate who has much more experience and knowledge than he assumes open vacancy. From experience I can say that for a person this is, as a rule, an internal compromise and this position is considered by him as temporary. Most likely, such an employee will not be satisfied with the content of the activity and will not stay in the company for long.

Another common mistake when recruiting new employees is not knowing their intrinsic motivation. At this stage, it is important to remember that, in addition to monetary, there are dozens of other, intangible forms of motivation that can be extremely important for a candidate. Surprisingly, knowing this, many managers still believe that if an employee is satisfied with the salary, then he will work with full dedication.

During trainings, I often cite statistics as an example, according to which people are satisfied with their salary for approximately the first three months of work, for the next three months they consider their salary satisfactory, and after six months they would like a financial increase.

Memo to the manager

So, when selecting candidates, a well-defined job profile is of great importance. This means that the manager must clearly understand what he wants the candidate to be like: what experience, knowledge and personal qualities he should have.

To understand how much a given position and the nature of the work will bring pleasure to the employee and satisfy his needs, I recommend drawing up motivation card for the position. That is, describe the dominant motives that will be satisfied in this position. Examples of such motives:

  • — communication with professionals in their field;
  • — independent decision-making;
  • — involvement in personnel management;
  • - absence of exciting, tense situations, etc.

Probation period, adaptation

What mistakes can a manager make at this stage?

Remember how difficult it can be in the first days in a new team! The adaptation stage is one of the most important. The future fate of a person in the organization, the effectiveness of his work and the duration of the employee’s “life cycle” largely depend on him.

It happens that a manager does not have enough time to adapt an employee, or he does not know how to properly behave with a newly arrived subordinate. Then the manager chooses “not to behave in any way”: he avoids communicating with the newcomer, leaves the employee’s acquaintance with the team to chance, is afraid to give feedback regarding work, does not explain functional responsibilities etc.

All this is an additional stress factor for a new person, and can even cause constant staff turnover.

Memo to the manager

In order to make the adaptation period as comfortable and quick as possible, the manager should prepare a so-called “adaptation sheet”. It may include the following items:

  • — Tasks for probation;
  • — Adaptation measures;
  • — Implementation control.

Such a sheet will be most useful to those managers who have little experience in onboarding employees or do not have enough time. In addition, this list will also help the newest employee, remove a number of questions, and serve as a short-term action plan for the first time.

Human resource development helps to increase the company's attractiveness to potential employees and increase the satisfaction/loyalty of existing ones

Also, such popular and effective adaptation measures as: “welcome training”, training in training center, working with a mentor, etc.

Education and development

As one modern wisdom says, the illiterate in the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Consequently, training and development of personnel has long been one of the priorities of the HR department of almost any organization.

We should not neglect the fact that for many modern specialists the opportunity to undergo training and improve their skills within the company is one of the important motives, ignoring which a manager risks losing his team.

Based on my own observations, I can safely say that the development of human resources helps to increase the company’s attractiveness to potential employees and increase the satisfaction/loyalty of existing ones.

Memo to the manager

To develop an employee development strategy, it is necessary to assess the current situation by answering the questions proposed in the book “Human Resource Development”, D. Joy-Matthews:

  • — What new skills and abilities are needed to improve the performance of individual employees?
  • — What reserves are currently being used to increase labor productivity?
  • — What institutional transformations (introduction of new technologies, production processes, etc.) require appropriate development of human resources?
  • — What opportunities does the company have for personnel development and training?
  • — What changes in the behavior of managers and employees will improve their performance?


At one time, the German psychologist Karl Büchler first pointed out that people can get pleasure not because they need this or that thing, but from the very process of creating something. Accordingly, remaining unsatisfied, this motive can lead to disastrous results.

What mistakes can a manager make at this stage?

Actually, as at the stage of employee selection, here one of the serious mistakes of the manager is neglecting the individual motives of a person.

Unfortunately, many consider satisfactory primary factors such as salary, place of work and paid leave to be sufficient for an employee to be fully committed. In fact, this is not true.

Memoto the manager

Having found out the personal motives of employees, try to ensure their implementation:

  • - Give employees work that would allow them to communicate;
  • — Create a team spirit in the workplace;
  • — Do not break up informal groups that have arisen if they do not harm the organization real damage;
  • — Create conditions for social activity of members of the organization outside its framework;
  • — Provide staff with positive feedback on the results achieved;
  • — Highly appreciate and encourage the results achieved by subordinates;
  • — Involve subordinates in formulating goals and making decisions;
  • — Delegate to subordinates additional rights and powers;
  • — Promote subordinates up the career ladder;
  • — Provide training and retraining that improves employee competence.

Professional stagestagnation and dismissal

Unfortunately, today there is no tool to prevent emotional burnout.

Even if the organization as a whole and the manager in particular manage to take into account the leading motives of the employee and meet his expectations, sooner or later the person faces the syndrome of fatigue and dissatisfaction.

Having diagnosed burnout at initial stages, the situation can not only be controlled, but also corrected quite quickly. However, if signs of employee burnout are revealed too late, it comes to dismissal.

So, the manager's mistakes.

  • — Start a conversation about dismissal before weekends or holidays.
  • — Spontaneously inform an employee about your dismissal while in a bad mood.
  • — Conduct such a conversation right at the workplace of the person being dismissed, in the presence of other employees.
  • — Announce dismissal for more than 20 minutes; reproach the employee and transfer responsibility for the current situation to him.
  • — Communicate the upcoming dismissal to the employee with the help of third parties.

Memo to the manager

It is within the power of the manager to make the release of an employee from his position constructive. For example, you can offer a person another position within the company or find an interesting vacancy on the labor market.

It is considered the height of unprofessionalism to suddenly announce to a person: “You haven’t coped with your responsibilities, look for another job.” Especially if the manager has not previously given negative feedback about the quality of work.

Treat people the same way you want them to treat you. This age-old postulate comes in handy when dismissing subordinates.

Remember that dismissal is one of the most painful procedures for both the person being fired and the team.

Even if the organization as a whole and the manager in particular manage to take into account the leading motives of the employee and meet his expectations, sooner or later the person faces the syndrome of fatigue and dissatisfaction

In such a situation, the manager’s task is to correctly explain to the dismissed employee and his colleagues the objective reasons for the dismissal, without affecting the person’s personal characteristics. And, if possible, thank you for the contribution that the employee made during his work in the company. This will not only help partially relieve tension in the team, but will also support the leader’s reputation.

"T":Tatyana, are there any general recommendations for extending the work cycle of employees in an organization?

T.N.: The participation of a manager is important and necessary at all stages of a subordinate’s life cycle, and following simple rules will help retain a valuable employee in the company:

  • — Set and monitor work goals, clearly formulate expectations.
  • — Stimulate initiative (brainstorming: group, together, asking for opinions, engaging in the development of creative solutions).
  • — Study the individual characteristics and needs of your subordinates (observe, conduct interviews, have heart-to-heart conversations).
  • — Try to understand the needs of your subordinates to choose ways of individual motivation.
  • — Give constructive feedback: tell us what the development areas are, explain what can be improved and, of course, encourage success and effort!

"T": How can you get specific management tools for establishing business processes, mutual understanding and improving the microclimate in the team?

T.N.: Specific management tools can be obtained in the two most common ways: from personal life experience and/or by attending business training.

Trainers at Trainings For Business have practical management experience. Therefore, in our trainings, we share with participants only proven tools that have proven their effectiveness and applicability in the realities of domestic business.

In addition, in preparation for training the customer’s personnel, we do not prepare abstract examples, but select individual cases and exercises that illustrate real situations in the lives of managers.

After all, your result is our reputation in the market!

As you know, everything is born and dies at some point. These are the laws of nature - they govern the life of cultures and civilizations, as well as the life of any organization and, of course, the people working in it.
What is the so-called life cycle of an organization, what elements does it contain, what should be expected from each stage of this cycle, and - most importantly - what should a manager do during these processes? Talks about this Tatiana Naumovich, coach-trainer-consultant for sales, negotiations and management of the company “Trainings For Business”.

Tatyana, tell us more about the life cycle of the organization. What he really is?

“T.N.”: Like any other system, an organization goes through different periods of “life”: it originates, develops, experiences periods of formation, prosperity, then decline, after which it is completely degenerated or replaced by other companies.

If you imagine organization life cycle model in the form of a chain of elements, then the sequence will be like this:

The life cycle of each individual organization may differ significantly from other organizations: for example, rapid growth / short period of stability / rapid decline or slow growth / long period of stability / sharp decline, etc.
The life cycle of an organization is influenced not only by internal factors, but also by the external environment, competition, economic and political situation and a number of other important factors.

Is the employee life cycle different from the organizational cycle? What should you pay attention to when analyzing an employee’s behavior?

“T.N.”: In addition to the life cycle of an organization, there is also the life cycle of an employee within this organization, and it works on a similar principle.
These are the stages of an employee’s behavior and feeling at work in different time periods from the moment of hiring to dismissal. In many ways, the work cycle depends on a person’s expectations, his level of education, his ability to take responsibility, his desire to achieve any goals, the quality of his professional training and other personal characteristics.

There are many different approaches to describing the employee life cycle. I am personally close to the approach, the basis of which is the interaction of an employee with a manager at each stage of a person’s stay in the organization.

Selection of a candidate, adaptation, his training and development, motivation, organization of the employee’s work, management of his culture - crises are possible at each of these stages, and the success of overcoming them depends on three components.

Conventionally, they can be designated as the “Three Cs”:
According to this formula, C1 is the employee himself, his level of stress resistance, personal maturity, professional qualifications, ability to draw conclusions and learn from mistakes, etc.
C2 – collaboration in a team. This concerns relationships with colleagues, the work atmosphere, support and assistance from other employees in overcoming professional barriers and solving work problems.
C3 – assistance from the manager, on whom, of course, the atmosphere in the team and the organization of mutual assistance depend (the second “C”).
The manager in this case acts as a source of quality. Quality of execution, decision making, relationships in the team, etc.

If we talk about the key role of the manager in this process, what pitfalls can await the manager at different stages of interaction with the employee?

“T.N.”: Here I propose to highlight several key stages in the process of a person’s “life activity” in an organization, consider the typical mistakes of a manager, and also pay attention to the manager’s memos at each stage.

Selection of candidates

Manager's mistakes
Most often, managers fear that the candidate does not have sufficient experience, knowledge and qualities for the vacant position. And, in order to avoid possible problems, as well as to save on training and mentoring, managers choose a candidate whose personal qualities significantly exceed the required level of competencies. This often happens in times of crisis, when many highly qualified specialists find themselves unemployed at the same time.

You should not be happy if in this way you got a candidate who has much more experience and knowledge than the open vacancy suggests. From experience I can say that for a person this is, as a rule, an internal compromise and this position is considered by him as temporary. Most likely, such an employee will not be satisfied with the content of the activity and will not stay in the company for long.

Another common mistake when recruiting new employees is not knowing their intrinsic motivation. At this stage, it is important to remember that, in addition to monetary, there are dozens of other, intangible forms of motivation that can be extremely important for a candidate. Surprisingly, knowing this, many managers still believe that if an employee is satisfied with the salary, then he will work with full dedication.

During trainings, I often cite statistics as an example, according to which people are satisfied with their salary for approximately the first three months of work, for the next three months they consider their salary satisfactory, and after six months they would like a financial increase.

Memo to the manager
So, when selecting candidates, a well-defined job profile is of great importance. This means that the manager must clearly understand what he wants the candidate to be like: what experience, knowledge and personal qualities he should have.
To understand how much a given position and the nature of the work will bring pleasure to the employee and satisfy his needs, I recommend drawing up a motivational map for the position. That is, describe the dominant motives that will be satisfied in this position. Examples of such motives:

  • communication with professionals in your field;
  • independent decision making;
  • involvement in personnel management;
  • absence of exciting, tense situations, etc.

Probation period, adaptation

Manager's mistakes
Remember how difficult it can be in the first days in a new team! The adaptation stage is one of the most important. The further “fate” of a person in the organization, the effectiveness of his work and the duration of the employee’s “life cycle” largely depend on him.
It happens that a manager does not have enough time to adapt an employee or does not know how to properly behave with a newly arrived subordinate. Then the manager chooses “not to behave in any way”: he avoids communicating with the newcomer, leaves the employee’s acquaintance with the team to chance, is afraid to give feedback on the work, does not explain functional responsibilities, etc. All this is an additional stress factor for a new person, and can even cause constant staff turnover.

Memo to the manager
In order to make the adaptation period as comfortable and quick as possible, the manager should prepare a so-called “adaptation sheet”. It may include the following items:

  • Tasks for the probationary period;
  • Adaptation measures;
  • Execution control.

Such a sheet will be most useful to those managers who have little experience in onboarding employees or do not have enough time. In addition, this list will also help the newest employee, remove a number of questions, and serve as a short-term action plan for the first time.
Also, such popular and effective adaptation measures as: “welcome training”, training at a training center, working with a mentor, etc. can come to the aid of the manager.

Education and development

Manager's mistakes
As one modern wisdom says, the illiterate in the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Consequently, training and development of personnel has long been one of the priorities of the HR department of almost any organization.

We should not neglect the fact that for many modern specialists the opportunity to undergo training and improve their skills within the company is one of the important motives, ignoring which a manager risks losing his team.
Based on my own observations, I can safely say that the development of human resources helps to increase the company’s attractiveness to potential employees and increase the satisfaction/loyalty of existing ones.

Memo to the manager
To develop an employee development strategy, it is necessary to assess the current situation by answering the questions proposed in the book “Human Resource Development”, D. Joy-Matthews:

  • What new skills and abilities are needed to improve the performance of individual employees?
  • What reserves are currently being used to increase labor productivity?
  • What institutional changes (introduction of new technologies, production processes, etc.) require corresponding development of human resources?
  • What opportunities does the company have for staff development and training?
  • What changes in the behavior of managers and employees will improve their performance?


At one time, the German psychologist Karl Büchler first pointed out that people can get pleasure not because they need this or that thing, but from the process itself
creating something. Accordingly, remaining unsatisfied, this motive can lead to disastrous results.

Manager's mistakes
Actually, as at the stage of employee selection, here one of the serious mistakes of the manager is neglecting the individual motives of a person.
Unfortunately, many consider satisfactory primary factors such as salary, location and paid leave to be sufficient for an employee to be fully committed. In fact, this is not true.

Memo to the manager
Having found out the personal motives of employees, try to ensure their implementation:

  • Give employees jobs that allow them to communicate;
  • Create a team spirit in the workplace;
  • Do not break up informal groups that have arisen unless they cause real damage to the organization;
  • Create conditions for social activity of members of the organization outside its framework;
  • Provide staff with positive feedback on the results achieved;
  • Appreciate and reward the results achieved by subordinates;
  • Involve subordinates in formulating goals and making decisions;
  • Delegate additional rights and powers to subordinates;
  • Promote your subordinates up the career ladder;
  • Provide training and retraining that improves employee competency.

Stage of professional stagnation and dismissal

Unfortunately, today there is no tool to prevent emotional burnout. Even if the organization as a whole and the manager in particular manage to take into account the leading motives of the employee and meet the employee’s expectations, sooner or later the person faces the syndrome of fatigue and dissatisfaction.
By “diagnosing” burnout in the initial stages, the situation can not only be controlled, but also corrected quite quickly. However, if signs of employee burnout are revealed too late, it comes to dismissal.

Manager's mistakes

  • Start a conversation about dismissal before weekends or holidays;
  • Spontaneously inform an employee about your dismissal while in a bad mood;
  • Conduct such a conversation directly at the workplace of the dismissed person, in the presence of other employees;
  • Report dismissal for more than 20 minutes; reproach the employee and transfer responsibility for the current situation to him;
  • Communicate the upcoming dismissal to the employee with the help of third parties.

Memo to the manager
It is within the power of the manager to make the release of an employee from his position constructive. For example, you can offer a person another position within the company or find an interesting vacancy on the labor market.
It is considered the height of unprofessionalism to suddenly announce to a person: “You haven’t coped with your responsibilities, look for another job.” Especially if the manager has not previously given negative feedback about the quality of work.

Treat people the same way you want them to treat you. This age-old postulate comes in handy when dismissing subordinates. Remember that dismissal is one of the most painful procedures for both the person being fired and the team. In such a situation, the manager’s task is to correctly explain to the dismissed employee and his colleagues the objective reasons for the dismissal, without affecting the person’s personal characteristics. And, if possible, thank you for the contribution that the employee made during his work in the company. This will not only help partially relieve tension in the team, but will also support the leader’s reputation.

Tatyana, are there any general recommendations for “extending” the work cycle of employees in an organization? How can you get specific management tools for establishing business processes, mutual understanding and improving the microclimate in the team?

“T.N.”: The participation of a manager is important and necessary at all stages of a subordinate’s life cycle, and following simple rules will help retain a valuable employee in the company:

  • Set and monitor work goals, clearly formulate expectations;
  • Stimulate initiative (brainstorming: group, together, asking for opinions, engaging in the development of creative solutions);
  • Study the individual characteristics and needs of your subordinates (observe, conduct interviews, have heart-to-heart conversations);
  • Use your understanding of the needs of your subordinates to choose ways to motivate you individually;
  • Give constructive feedback: tell us what areas of development are, explain what can be improved and, of course, encourage success and effort!

Specific management tools can be obtained in the two most common ways: from personal life experience and/or by attending business training.
Trainers at Trainings For Business have practical management experience, so in our trainings we share with participants only proven tools that have proven their effectiveness and applicability in the realities of domestic business. In addition, in preparation for training the Customer’s personnel, we do not prepare abstract examples, but select individual cases and exercises that illustrate real situations in the lives of managers. After all, Your result is our reputation in the market!

VITAL EMPLOYEE (EMPLOYEE) CYCLE- a theory about employee behavior, according to which it changes depending on the “maturity of the employee,” that is, on the level of his education, ability to take responsibility, desire to achieve any goals, quality of professional training, etc.


1. As a sequence of the main stages of an employee’s work activity: beginner, specialist, professional, consultant

2. As a system for developing a “ladder” for career and professional growth, creating a procedure for assessing the professionalism of employees, their readiness to “move” up the career ladder, as well as planning the growth (or reduction) of their wages.

3. As a sequence of certain stages-actions in relation to an employee: recruitment and selection, assessment, training and development, organization of his work, management of his culture, management of communications in which he is involved, motivation, dismissal.

EMPLOYEE LIFE CYCLE management is a technique for managing the development of an employee, which allows, as a result of systemic influence on him, to change the level of his “professional maturity.” The methodology is used to build a career chart. The uniqueness of the methodology lies in the possibility of its application, both from the organization (and in this case we are talking about a life cycle management system) and for the personal construction of a career chart by an employee. At the same time, it can be used both to build an intra-organizational and (or) professional career, as well as a tool for vertical or horizontal movement

Professional career - characterized by the fact that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through various stages of development: training, entry to work, professional growth, support of individual professional abilities, retirement. A specific employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations;

Intra-organizational career - covers the successive change of stages of employee development within one organization; is implemented in three main directions: Vertical - it is with this direction that the very concept of a career is often associated, i.e. in this case the progress is most noticeable. The vertical direction refers to the rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy; horizontal - this means either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain official role at a level that does not have a strict formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, fulfilling the role of head of a temporary task force, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include expanding or complicating tasks at the previous level (usually with an adequate change in remuneration).