Bamboo in the apartment according to Feng Shui. Bamboo: how to care for a houseplant

Hello everyone!

On that New Year I was given this cute decorative one indoor bamboo. He's grown up a little now and I really like him.

I always thought that bamboo was a symbol of longevity and money, but it turns out I didn’t know much about it until I came across a book about plants in Chinese medicine.

Bamboo at home is simply a mega magical plant.

It can bring good changes into our lives, cleanse the energy aura of our home and maintain it in excellent condition, as well as improve our body and soul.

No wonder it is called the “bamboo of happiness”

Indoor bamboo - beneficial properties of the plant

Let's look at the magical properties of bamboo in more detail:

  • Indoor bamboo has a powerful energy field

From the physics course we know that everything that is on earth has its own. For some it is stronger, for others it is weaker.

Bamboo has a powerful energy field and is a natural energy conductor.

Ancient Chinese science recognized this a long time ago and has long used bamboo to release negative energy and stimulate energy flows in rooms.

The Chinese have noticed that people who often come into contact with bamboo have increased endurance and masculinity, as well as pronounced creative abilities.

  • Bamboo Gives Spiritual Healing

In the East, they believe that bamboo protects our body from negative energy, cleanses the heart, and lets go of past hardships and regrets.

If you have some kind of bamboo jewelry, it will strengthen your self-esteem and increase your self-esteem.

They will also clear your energy channels and improve your mood.

Today you can find bracelets, earrings, rings with bamboo inserts, as well as bamboo beads.

  • Bamboo increases mental activity

The Chinese believe that bamboo makes it possible to better absorb information, it removes all energy blocks, clears thoughts and facilitates learning and memorization.

  • Bamboo is the strongest antidepressant

According to Feng Shui, bamboo will help those who suffer from depression.

Due to its powerful energy field, it does not allow negative energy into your home, dissipating it.

It reduces chronic pain, protects against stress and anxiety.

Bamboo attracts love, joy, happiness and other positive emotions.

  • Bamboo purifies the air

As a houseplant, bamboo deodorizes indoor air and also neutralizes airborne toxins such as formaldehyde and xylene, absorbs unpleasant odors, and absorbs excess moisture, preventing the formation of mold.

Bamboo products - beneficial properties

Today, a lot of products are made from bamboo fiber.

  • For example, textiles.

It is difficult to find more delicate towels than those made from bamboo. In addition, bamboo bedding has the ability to protect against pests or bacterial infections.

And socks made from bamboo fiber are excellent at preventing foot odor.

  • Bamboo dishes

Also, I really like bamboo dishes.

Not only is it environmentally friendly, it is very light and pleasant to the touch.

It is a pleasure to cook and eat from it. She replaced all the harmful plastic in my kitchen.

I bought several cups and plates of various sizes at once.

The only disadvantage of such dishes is that you cannot pour or place too hot foods into them (more than 75C)

Of course, in addition to all these properties, bamboo is used internally to treat many diseases. But this is a separate big topic that I have not yet encountered personally.

It is very easy to care for, it grows slowly and is very pleasing to the eye.

Do you have bamboo at home?

Alena Yasneva was with you, Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Bamboo... Where does this amazing plant grow? Is it a tree or a grass? In fact, it is a cereal crop that has high strength and flexibility. It can reach a height of forty meters. The high growth rate of the plant amazes and delights at the same time.

What is this

Bamboo is a plant that in appearance resembles both tall grass and a tree. It has a straight stem and wedge-shaped leaves. This oriental cereal combines calm, soothing colors - yellow and green. There are many types of it. The plant is found not only in wildlife. It is actively used by people in landscape design, decorative gardening, for the production of furniture, interior items and even in cooking.

The stem has a fibrous structure. The roots and rhizomes are located horizontally underground. Buds form on the rhizome, which gradually turn into sprouts. Most bamboo species bloom once every sixty or one hundred and twenty years. The plant reproduces quickly - through rhizomes or seeds. IN the latter case this happens quite rarely. The bamboo stem is very strong, shoots with leaves extend from it. Thickenings form on the trunk where the shoots emerge. They are called nodes, and the part of the stem between them is called internodes.

What does it look like

Bamboo (photo can be seen in the article) grows only in conditions of high humidity and warm climate. It is the climatic conditions that determine it appearance and active growth. The stem of this plant resembles grass and a tree trunk. Bamboo is very tall, its crown is branched. The shoots of the plant are hard inside and out. In the middle of the trunk, the bamboo has a bright yellow color and there are hollow areas.

The leaves of the grass are lanceolate, with short petioles. Spikelets with large inflorescences are attached to the branches. On the branches there are scale-shaped bamboo leaves. The root is well developed. It is capable of growing over long distances. The rhizome produces many powerful stems. Bamboo produces fruit only once every few decades due to rare but abundant flowering.


Bamboo. Where does it grow, what climatic conditions are comfortable for this crop? The tropics are considered to be the birthplace of bamboo. It can be found in Australia, America, Asia. It is thermophilic and is poorly affected by frost and cold winds. Some species feel comfortable in the cold. However, northern and temperate climates are not suitable for cereals, as is extreme heat. Frost-resistant varieties of the crop are unpretentious. Their rhizomes develop in any soil. The plant also takes root in Russia, but only as an indoor inhabitant.

Bamboo is evergreen. Life cycle long. Does not tolerate extreme heat, cold and drought. Able to survive in any conditions with proper care.


Is bamboo a grass or a tree? It is considered to be a plant or giant grass. There are about a thousand varieties of bamboo in the world. They all differ in height and width of the stem. Some species look like bushes. Absolutely all of them adapt to new living conditions over time. One of the most popular types is considered to be “lucky bamboo”. This is a small indoor plant that grows in soil or water. It cannot be called a direct relative of culture.

The plant requires careful care and does not tolerate cold weather. Bamboo does not like clayey, waterlogged soil. Keep this in mind if you want to grow the crop at home. If the crop grows at home in an indoor pot, it is important to provide it with moderate humidity and warmth, but keep it away from the heating system. It is recommended to wipe the stem and leaves with a damp cloth.


What features does bamboo have? Where does it grow and why is it able to quickly adapt to different climatic conditions? The most interesting and, perhaps, the main type of bamboo grows in the East Indies. Its trunk reaches a height of twenty-five meters and a diameter of thirty centimeters. The structural features of bamboo allow it to be used in construction. In addition, the old stems of the plant produce a sweet-tasting liquid that is used to make polishes and porcelain. Features include rapid growth, massiveness, and plant properties. Young crops are eaten, the stem is used in the interior, household, and industry, including textiles.

Areas of use

Where is bamboo used? Where does this crop grow and what is its significance for the economy? The scope of use of cereals is huge. Houses are built from the bases of trunks of large species and musical instruments are made. Bamboo is highly valued in the textile industry. Bamboo fiber is used to sew clothes, linen, blinds, wallpaper, carpets, blankets, pillows and much more. The material made from bamboo threads has amazing properties. It perfectly absorbs moisture, hypoallergenic, antibacterial and very soft. In addition, things made from it are durable, practical, and beautiful.

Today, bamboo is actively used in interior design. Decorative partitions, furniture, and accessories are made from it. It brings naturalness, environmental friendliness, and naturalness into the room. In countries with warm climates, durable dwellings are built from the crop, and the shoots of young plants are eaten. The popularity of bamboo is due to its resistance to climate change and mechanical stress. Bamboo is also used to make thick silk paper and tableware.

Growth rate

The fastest growing plant in the world is bamboo. A photo of this cereal shows what it looks like and how tall it reaches. Young bamboo can increase in length by ten centimeters per day. Some types of this crop grow fifty centimeters in 24 hours! The main difference between bamboo and wood is that the former grows to its final height in a season, while the latter takes years to do so. The reason for the high growth rate is the internodes. They simultaneously stretch, increasing in size. However, the growth rate is uneven and decreases from the root to the top. During the growth period, the plant not only grows upward. Its stem thickens and the nodes become larger. There is evidence that a babook can stretch one meter in just 24 hours!

Knowing how to care for a bamboo plant can preserve it for a long time. green color stems and visual appeal. Dracaena Sandera can symbolize prosperity and success. Feng Shui signs say that it attracts favorable chi energy, charging a person’s home with positive energy.

How to grow bamboo at home

The plant is often called lucky, so many people try to plant it at home, creating an oriental style of apartment interior. Dracaena stems can survive in a pot with clean water or soil under a wide variety of conditions. They can easily be twisted into a spiral, bent, or made into decorative compositions. Laki bamboo is unpretentious, but it must be properly cared for so that the leaves do not turn yellow. Help to grow a healthy plant:

  1. proper watering;
  2. feeding;
  3. desired air temperature;
  4. correct form container.

Knowing how to care for bamboo in a container can help you grow a beautiful plant. Size and height directly depend on the root system. Since the area of ​​the pots is limited, the length of the stems will also be limited. In this case, they will be thinner and shorter. To completely limit the growth of dracaena, you should replant it every three years, changing the soil. You also need to remember that bamboo leaves are toxic, so they should not be stored in a place accessible to animals or small children.

The conditions and proper care for bamboo in a pot are as follows:

  1. The soil should always be moderately moist: dracaena does not like too wet or dry environments.
  2. Temperature is approximately 18-28 degrees.
  3. Good drainage.
  4. Soft light, no bright sunlight.
  5. Every month you need to feed your indoor plant.

Bamboo in water

Dracaena Sandera grows slowly. Her main feature is that it cannot bloom. However, with proper care, the plant will produce a large number of bright green leaves. You should first place the piece in a test tube with water, wait for the roots to appear, then transplant it into the ground. First, you should find out how to preserve bamboo in water at home:

  1. You should choose a container that is long and thin to keep the bamboo cuttings upright.
  2. Fill the container approximately three-quarters full with water.
  3. Change the water weekly.
  4. Fertilize the plant every 2 months.
  5. Place the planted cuttings on the windowsill, but protect them from too bright light.

Caring for bamboo at home

To attract good luck to your home by growing a solid plant, you should consider the following rules:

  • You can plant a houseplant in water or soil.
  • It is better to use a pot 5 cm wider than the stems.
  • Fertilize indoor bamboo periodically.
  • Don't forget to water, otherwise the stems may dry out.
  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Remove dead or yellow leaves regularly.


How to care for bamboos in an apartment? Regardless of where the growing takes place (in water or soil), the light requirements will be the same. The influence of light on plants is enormous: the color of the leaves, the height of the stems and their viability depend on it. Dracaena loves a lot of light, but suffers from the influence of bright sunlight, which causes leaf burn. If the lighting is dim, this contributes to slow growth. Deprived of sunlight, the plant reaches for it, the stems become deformed, become crooked and ugly. The leaves lose their rich color and quickly turn yellow.


Dracaena requires moderate air temperatures. The plant is afraid of drafts, so you should not place the pot next to doors or windows that open frequently. At what temperature does bamboo grow? It fluctuates between 18-30 degrees. However, it is not recommended to place the container under a heater or air conditioner to prevent the leaves from turning yellow.

Air humidity

House bamboo loves moderate humidity (about 35-50%), especially in hot weather. To provide him with comfortable conditions, you should use a humidifier, and also spray the leaves every couple of days using a spray can. By creating familiar indoor conditions for dracaena, you can avoid the appearance of cracks on the stems and extend the life of the indoor plant.

How to water bamboo

Dracaena loves regular watering, but the process must be correct. It all depends on where it grows - in soil or water. If the plant is in a container, the roots should be covered with water. This level must be constantly maintained by adding liquid to the vase. Every couple of weeks the water needs to be changed to fresh and clean. Only distilled or melt water should be used because dracaena is very sensitive to salts and chemicals, especially in moderately moist soil.

Watering bamboo should be done every few days, along with spraying the foliage from a special spray can. Sometimes the soil in the container is dry to the touch, but this does not mean that you should increase the amount of liquid. It should be remembered that overwatering can harm the plant: the tips of the leaves will turn brown and it will begin to dry out.

Feeding bamboo

Dracaena does not require large quantity fertilizers and maybe for a long time be in clean water. For the first 2 weeks, it is better not to feed the plant at all, because excess nutrients will harm the plant. How to fertilize bamboo at home? To feed Dracaena Sandera, you can use regular water from the aquarium (if the plant is in a vase) or a water-soluble fertilizer for indoor plants with a high nitrogen (N) content. It should be fed every month, starting with the arrival of spring.

How to transplant bamboo from water to soil

Dracaena can grow in water or vases with hydrogel, but it behaves best in soil. Planting lucky bamboo in a suitable container and new soil will improve the health and prolong the life of the plant. How to plant bamboo in a pot:

  1. You need to choose a container whose diameter is several cm larger than the base of the bamboo stems. Replanting in a deep, wide pot works best. The container must have at least one drainage hole.
  2. Fill the container with moistened soil to 1-2 cm. There should be no fertilizers in the soil.
  3. How to transplant bamboo from water to land? You should:
    • Grab the stems at the base and pull them out. Gently shake the roots if necessary.
    • Place the dracaena in the prepared pot.
    • Add more soil, filling most of the container.
  4. You can water the plant until moisture begins to flow out from the bottom of the pot. Once this happens, the drain pan should be emptied.

Pruning Dracaena Sandera

The plant can reach enormous sizes. If the lucky bamboo is too tall for the room, it is worth trimming the stems by removing 1/4 of the length. It is better to plant the cuttings in a pot to grow young dracaena. The plant is very tolerant of pruning, so its height can be easily adjusted. How to trim bamboo:

  1. It is necessary to remove dried or small shoots at soil level.
  2. To prevent the stem from growing, you should trim it above the branching point.
  3. Regular removal of thin branches promotes vertical growth.
  4. You can trim the lower branches for aesthetics.

Why does bamboo turn yellow?

Dracaena – evergreen, which periodically sheds its leaves. At first they turn yellow, then fall off, and this is an absolutely normal process. The greatest loss of foliage occurs in spring. However, there are other reasons why bamboo leaves turn yellow:

  • low content nutrients in the soil;
  • excessive feeding;
  • lack of water, light;
  • poor drainage;
  • low air temperature;
  • low humidity;
  • drafts;
  • presence of harmful chemicals in water.

Reproduction of bamboo at home

Dracaena is one of the fastest growing plants. It can reproduce by seeds, rhizomes or cuttings. How to grow bamboo from a cutting? Need to:

  1. Water the plant the day before pruning.
  2. Choose a suitable escape. It should be long and green.
  3. Remove the foliage from the cutting, leaving a few mature leaves at the top. This promotes the formation of new roots.
  4. Remove escape. A very sharp knife or scissors should be used to make a 1cm cut from where the shoot meets the stem. The smoother the cut, the less likely it is for a bacterial infection to occur.
  5. To save the stem, it will also have to be cut 1 cm below the area where it connected to the shoot.
  6. Treat the cut area with candle wax to prevent bacterial growth.
  7. Place the cutting in water (it stimulates root growth better than soil).
  8. Place the vase away from light, as direct sunlight can damage the plant. After 1-2 months, the dracaena should produce several roots. After this, it can be planted in a pot with soil.

Diseases and pests

A healthy dracaena stem is surprisingly resistant to pests and diseases. If spots appear on it, this may indicate a variety of problems. Some bamboo diseases and pests are spread by stores that sell infected plants. For this reason, you should not buy it online, focusing only on the photo. It is better to ask the seller whether special treatment was carried out, and also inspect the dracaena yourself. There should be no spots or yellow leaves on it.

Without knowing how to care for bamboo, you can various diseases. What problems may arise:

  • the appearance of spots;
  • fungus;
  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • mold on the stem;
  • Root rotting.

Video: How to care for a Dracaena sandera flower

The teachings of Feng Shui claim that bamboo in the house attracts good luck and prosperity. It is believed that this plant symbolizes longevity, vitality and help in difficult situations. That is why Feng Shui practitioners call it “lucky bamboo.”

Bamboo - Feng Shui meaning

The plant has very strong stems, which is why it personifies vitality and perseverance. Bamboo gives a person a sense of purpose, which many people sometimes lack.

In addition, it grows quite quickly, and therefore in the teachings of Feng Shui it also symbolizes accelerated growth in all areas of life, be it a career, improving personal life, achieving wealth or improving health. Even paintings depicting bamboo can harmonize a person’s life.

If you pay attention to the stem of the plant, you will notice that each subsequent part is longer than the previous one. This also plays an important role when interpreting the meaning of bamboo. This feature symbolizes harmonious and gradual development, when a person goes through it step by step.

Bamboo also protects the house and its owners from negative forces from the outside, and is capable of accelerating the fulfillment of desires.

If you decide to purchase bamboo for your home, choose a living plant and pay attention to the number of stems, each of which carries a special meaning.

2 stems. Favorable for building happy harmonious relations, in which mutual respect, mutual support and unconditional love reign.

3 stems. If you want to find spiritual harmony and find happiness within yourself, which will not depend on external circumstances, buy bamboo consisting of three stems.

5 stems symbolize material well-being. The flow of money into your home will increase if you get a plant with five stems.


7 stems. They will help you and your loved ones gain what no amount of money can buy - excellent health, excellent well-being and long life.

8 stems. They activate energy flows that are responsible for continuous development and growth in any area of ​​life. After all, the inverted number eight represents infinity.

9 stems. This is a symbol of good luck. If you want to become luckier and be surprised every time that the events and circumstances of your life work out the best way, 9 stalks of bamboo is what you need.

20 stems are suitable for those who want to make family relationships more pleasant, warm and friendly. The effect of bamboo will be enhanced if you tie these stems with a red satin ribbon.

21 bamboo stalks are able to activate positive energies that you can direct into any area you wish - it all depends on what zone you place the plant in.

Where to put bamboo at home

Bamboo will have a beneficial effect on the circulation of positive energies in any corner of your home. However, if you feel that some area of ​​your life is significantly “lame,” then place the plant in a certain zone.

Eastern zone. This sector of your apartment is responsible for family happiness. If you place twenty stems of bamboo tied with a red ribbon here (this composition is called the “Tower of Love”), you will very soon notice how much your relationship with your family has improved.

South-eastern zone. A plant placed in this part of the house will lead you to financial well-being. Since the element of this sector is water, it would not be amiss to install here, next to the bamboo, photographs depicting water or talismans that personify the water element.

Southwestern zone. If you want to improve your relationship with your significant other or meet your love, buy a bamboo with two stems and place it in the southwestern sector of your apartment.

Follow the rules of caring for the plant, and then it will thank you generously.

First, monitor the quality of the water you feed your bamboo. It is advisable to purchase a special filter that will purify running water from chemical impurities. If this is not possible, pour water into a container and leave it for a day, preferably so that it receives sunlight during the day.

Secondly, promptly cut off stems that have turned yellow, darkened or begun to rot. Otherwise, they can infect their healthy “neighbors.”

Third, sunlight may adversely affect the plant, because its natural growing conditions are dense shade in tropical forests. Place the bamboo in the room where it falls minimal amount sunlight.

Fourth, remember that the water in the vase in which your bamboo grows should be changed weekly. If there are stones or pebbles in the vase, make sure that they are perfectly clean.


Bamboo is a traditional plant for tropical and subtropical forests in the Asian region. This member of the Poaceae family is actually a grass. However, thanks to its incredible growth rate, ability to adapt to any conditions and surprisingly strong stem, it very quickly turns into a real tree, forming a humid jungle.

Common bamboo is widespread in the south and east of Asia, Africa and Madagascar. However, for all other places this plant is considered exotic. And therefore, since the 19th century, it has been used with pleasure by designers to decorate the interiors of offices and residential premises.

At the same time, bamboo is always popular not only among decorators, but also among superstitious people who consider it a symbol of perseverance, prosperity and constant movement forward. It is worth noting that all the positive signs listed below are associated specifically with bamboo, and not with a very similar ornamental plant - Sander's dracaena.

Bamboo in the house

Almost all signs speak very favorably of the presence of this unpretentious and strong plant in the home. It can and even should be grown by single and family people, chosen as a gift and received as a gift.

  • Bamboo stems growing on the windowsill have a very beneficial effect on the family atmosphere, harmonizing and organizing not only the space, but also the feelings and relationships between household members.
  • Actively growing shoots rapidly increase the owner’s well-being, and also contribute to his consistently positive mood, excellent health and psychological comfort.
  • A strong and hardy plant helps the inhabitants of the home not only gain physical strength, but also strengthen their spirit. His presence helps to overcome any illness and adversity, and cope more effectively with difficult life situations and professional problems.
  • Bamboo is necessary for people who are in the stage of active career growth or intensive training. Its presence on the desktop of a student or schoolchild stimulates memory and attention, and activates mental activity. A green pet will help an adult acquire new knowledge and skills, awaken creativity and the ability to generate ideas.
  • Everyone knows about the incredible ability of bamboo to grow quickly. That is why the appearance of this plant in the house adds purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal to the inhabitants of the home, strengthens willpower and self-discipline.
  • Amazing grass can survive in the most unfavorable conditions. Such a thirst for life is contagious and adds optimism, mental vigor and a positive attitude to household members.
  • An interior decorated with bamboo has a great effect on the health of the inhabitants of the house. Its shoots relieve accumulated fatigue and depression, and increase immunity.
  • Asian herb is valued by esotericists. They recommend growing it near door and window openings in order to insure against leaks of positive energy and protect the aura of the home from dark external influences.

Healing Ability

The impact of the powerful energy of bamboo on sick people is extremely undesirable, and therefore the plant is not placed in the same room with the sick person. At the same time, his medicinal properties undeniable.

  • Traditional healers use a decoction of bamboo fiber to combat a variety of respiratory problems.
  • In traditional Chinese medicine, tea made from bamboo stems is used as an antipyretic.
  • The more delicate parts of the plant (leaves, shoots) are used to combat cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders and intimate problems.

Before using bamboo as medicine, you should remember that its stems contain poisonous toxins. They disappear only after special heat treatment.

Bamboo and feng shui

Feng Shui experts treat overgrown grass with special sympathy. They are confident that its appearance in a particular sector of the home contributes to the prosperity of the inhabitants. If you place a pot with bamboo in the east of the apartment, family well-being will come to the house, in the south - fame and recognition of the professional merits of the owner, in the southeast - wealth.

However, in order for the plant to “work” correctly, it must be turned into the main element of a special composition. The ensemble should include five main symbols that ensure a harmonious connection between the home aura and the external space of the world.

  • The center of the quintet should be a tree, whose role is played by the plant itself.
  • The second most important component is water. Its presence ensures regular watering.
  • Full growth and development of a plant is impossible without soil, which plays the role of the third component - earth.
  • Fire is an indispensable addition to the composition. Naturally, it is present only in the form of a symbol - a scarlet ribbon entwining grassy stems.
  • Complete harmony is unattainable without the last element - metal. Its function is performed by any small coins hidden in a pot or tied to a red ribbon.

When creating a bamboo composition, the number of plant stems plays an important role. It is unacceptable to keep 4 shoots in one container, since this number symbolizes death. But other numbers contribute to positive changes.

  • 2 stems placed in the zone of love and marriage (in the southwest of the home) guarantee married couple complete harmony, for lovers - passion and fidelity, and for lonely people - a meeting with their soul mate.
  • Do you wish your family happiness and prosperity? Place a pot with 3 shoots in the family area, that is, in the eastern sector of the apartment.
  • Are you experiencing financial difficulties? It is enough to place 5 sprouts in the wealth zone in the southeast.
  • The magic number 7 in the form of bamboo branches, located in the very center of the home, guarantees good health to all household members.
  • If you want to attract Lady Luck to your side, then place a pot with bamboo anywhere in the apartment, but do not forget that the plant must have exactly 8 stems.
  • If you dream of the favor of fortune in a specific area, then ensure the presence of 9 shoots in the desired sector: in the north - for a successful career, in the northeast - for success in studies and making informed decisions. The east is suitable for solving family problems, and the southwest sector will help you find love. The southeast guarantees a salary increase or winning the lottery, while the south quickly brings you closer to fame and universal respect.

If you purchased a bamboo product

Signs convey a lot of positive things about the impact on the quality of life of a living plant. But what about souvenirs and decorative items made from materials such as bamboo? Doesn't its wood lose its wonderful abilities after processing?

  • If you become the happy owner of bamboo sticks, then be sure to hang them in the house near the ceiling near the door or window opening. And don’t forget to tie it with scarlet braid! Such a talisman will protect your home from external negativity and harmonize the internal space.
  • A bamboo flute in the house is a great way to dispel negative energy flows and concentrate all the positive energy that exists. To do this, you just need to hang musical instrument on a red thread in long sections upward in a selected area: above the head of the bed, in the center of the kitchen or living room, next to the front door.
  • A bamboo product, which has received the nickname “breeze” in our country, would be best placed on the street in front of the entrance to the home. After all, it has an amazing ability to “sift through” the surrounding energy, delaying all negative influences, concentrating and enhancing the positive ones.