Documentation okud the document is assigned a code. Okud - all-Russian classifier of management documentation

. (Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299)

OKUD has adopted a hierarchical classification with three levels. Each document form is assigned a unique 8-digit code. The first 2 digits indicate the class of the form, the next 2 - the subclass, then 3 digits - the document serial number. The last digit is the check number.

For example: 09010046 09 - form class (Unified Documentation System of the Pension Fund) 01 - subclass (Documentation on accounting and distribution of funds) 004 - serial number (Settlement sheet for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund 6 - control number

OKUD is designed to solve the following problems:

  • registration of document forms;
  • streamlining information flows in national economy;
  • reducing the number of forms used;
  • exclusion from circulation of non-unified forms of documents;
  • ensuring accounting and systematization of unified forms of documents based on their registration;
  • control over the composition of document forms and elimination of duplication of information used in the field of management;
  • rational organization of control over the use of unified forms of documents.


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    See what "OKUD" is in other dictionaries: OKUD - All-Russian classifier management documentation Previously: All-Union Classifier of Management Documentation Gosstandart of Russia of the Russian Federation ...

    See what "OKUD" is in other dictionaries: - Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations all-Russian classifier management documentation...

    Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD) - is an integral part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical, Economic and social information and covers unified documentation systems and forms of documents approved for use in the national economy... Source: OK...

    Official terminology Objects of OKUD classification - The objects of classification in OKUD are all-Russian (intersectoral, interdepartmental) unified forms of documents approved by ministries (departments) Russian Federation and covers unified documentation systems and forms of documents approved for use in the national economy... Source: OK...

    - (abbreviated OKUD), OK 011 93 All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD) is an integral part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical, Economic and Social Information and covers unified systems... ... Wikipedia

    Financial (accounting) statements- (Financial accounting) - a structured presentation of information about the financial position and financial performance of an organization. Part common system reporting, which includes operational, statistical and accounting... ... Economic-mathematical dictionary

    financial statements- consists of preparing reports on the financial situation in the field of planning, organization and holding of the Games, as well as information on the legacy of the Games. [Department of Linguistic Services of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. Glossary of terms]… … Technical Translator's Guide

    A classifier adopted by the State Standard of Russia and mandatory for use in some areas of activity. QA is developed to ensure comparability of data across various areas and levels economic activity(intersectoral... ... Dictionary of business terms

    Jalaleddin (born in 1445 in the city of Usyut in Upper Egypt, died in 1505) famous Arab encyclopedist. He lived during the era of the rule of the so-called second Mamluk dynasty (Borjit), which was extremely detrimental to the well-being of Egypt, and... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    To improve this article, it is desirable?: Find and arrange in the form of footnotes links to authoritative sources confirming what has been written. Add information for other countries and regions... Wikipedia

  • Responsible for classifier support: Rostekhregulirovanie
  • Reason: Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299 07/01/1994
  • Approved: 06/08/2009
  • Entered into force: 09/01/2009
OKUD code Form name CC Index Periodicity
0500000 Unified system of budget financial, accounting and reporting documentation9
0300000 Unified system of primary accounting documentation1
1000000 Unified system of foreign trade documentation1
0400000 Unified system of banking documentation8
0900000 Unified documentation system for the pension fund of the Russian Federation7
0700000 Unified system of accounting and reporting documentation for enterprises
0600000 Unified system of reporting and statistical documentation1
0800000 Unified labor documentation system5
0200000 Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation2

What is OKUD

OKUD is the abbreviated name of the all-Russian classifier of management documentation included in Unified system coding and classification of technical, economic and social information. The classifier is designed to streamline information flows and unify the registration of forms. OKUN replaced the previously existing similar All-Union rubricator.

Developers of unified documentation systems are a variety of government Russian ministries and departments. They approve uniform forms of documents, which subsequently become objects of the all-Russian classifier of management documentation. OKUD uses a three-level hierarchy, where each position includes 2 blocks - object name and identification.

How objects are classified in OKUD

OKUD – component A unified system for coding and classification of social and technical and economic information, which covers unified forms and systems of documentation that are approved for use in the national economy. A classifier has been developed to solve problems such as:

  • Registration of document forms
  • Reducing the number of forms used
  • Streamlining information flows in the national economy
  • Exclusion of non-unified forms of documents from circulation
  • Ensuring systematization and accounting of unified forms of documents based on their registration
  • Rational organization of control over the use of unified forms of documents
  • Control over the composition of document forms
  • Elimination of duplication of information that is used in the field of management

Objects of the OKUD classification are interdepartmental and intersectoral unified forms of documents that are approved by departments and ministries of the Russian Federation. The classifier contains codes and names of unified forms of documents that are included in unified documentation systems.

What sections of OKUD codes exist and what is the structure of the code

The first block contains a check number and a code that have next view: XX XX XXX X, the last eighth digit is the control number, the first seven digits are the OKUD codes.

The first level of the hierarchy is the first and second symbols; it denotes a class of forms. In other words, at this stage of classification, the belonging of a specific form of document to a specific USD will be revealed. The second level of the OKUD hierarchy is indicated by the third and fourth symbols; it means a subclass of forms. The third stage includes registration number document forms.

The second block includes the name of the object, which is the name of the document form itself, specific or general for various stages of classification.

IN mandatory codes of the all-Russian classifier of management documentation are entered in unified forms documents. In some classes of forms, in addition to the specified blocks, sometimes, for example, an index, periodicity, etc. are indicated. This is due to the continuity of designations adopted by state statistics bodies.

It is legal to create new forms primary documentation competent authorities. But then they are required to maintain an industry classifier created on the basis of OKUD. Specific series of codes must be used in the relevant classes and subclasses.

It should be added that the classes that relate to the control system of the RF Armed Forces were excluded from the classifier.

42. All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD) and state standards to unified documentation systems as normative documents.

Plan:- All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD), OK 011-93 as an integral part of the “Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical, Economic and Social Information of the Russian Federation (ESKK)” (brief structure); - purpose of OKUD - state standards for documentation as regulations: prerequisites for appearance, history, features of content. - GOST R 6.30-2003: structure, content, differences from previously existing ones.

All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation is an integral part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical, Economic and Social Information and covers unified documentation systems and forms of documents approved for use in the national economy.

OKUD is designed to solve the following problems: registration of document forms; streamlining information flows; reducing the number of document forms used;

exclusion from circulation of non-unified forms of documents; ensuring accounting and systematization of unified forms of documents based on their registration; control over the composition of document forms and elimination of duplication of information used in the field of management; rational organization of control over the use of unified forms of documents.

The classifier contains the names of types of management documents and their codes - identifiers of document forms.

Uniform requirements for the preparation of documents are fixed in the State Standard (GOST). History: The beginning of the development of standardization in our country should be considered the introduction of the metric system of weights and measures. In 1925, the first central body for standardization was created - the Committee on Standardization under the Council of Labor and Defense. The main tasks of the Committee were to organize the management of the work of departments in developing departmental standards, as well as the approval and publication of standards. A category of standards was introduced - OS * T (all-Union standard). In 1940, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, by the Resolution of July 9, abolished the procedure for approving standards by the People's Commissariats, and the All-Union Committee for Standardization was created under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Instead of OS * Tov and various industry standards a category was introduced - the state all-Union standard (GOST). A definite milestone in the development of standardization was the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 7, 1985 “On the organization of standardization work in the USSR.” In this resolution, the main task of standardization was the development of a system of normative and technical documentation that defines progressive requirements for products, rules ensuring their development, production and use, as well as monitoring the correct use of this documentation.

If we talk about modern standards for documentation, then GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems” is important. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." Its structure: scope; composition of document details; requirements for the preparation of document details; requirements for document forms; Applications.

Its main difference from previously existing GOSTs is that it is advisory in nature. New details have appeared, including: Main state registration number; Taxpayer identification number/registration code.

All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation is included in the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Social and Technical and Economic Information, including USD and approved document forms; streamlines information flows, unifies registration of forms, and removes non-unified and duplicative forms from circulation. It replaced the previously existing similar All-Union rubricator.

The developers of UDS (unified documentation systems) are various Russian government departments and ministries. It is they who approve uniform forms of documents, which then become objects of OKUD. This classifier uses a three-level hierarchy, with each position including 2 blocks - identification and name of the object.

OKUD code structure

The first block represents the code and check number (CN) and has the following form: XX XX XXX X, where the last (8th) digit is the CN, and the first seven are the OKUD codes. The first level of the hierarchy is shown by 1 and 2 symbols and denotes a class of forms. In other words, at this stage of classification, the belonging of a specific document form to a specific USD is revealed. The second level of the OKUD hierarchy is indicated by 3 and 4 symbols and means a subclass of forms.

OKUD hierarchy

Here comes to light general content various forms and their scope. The third level of the hierarchy (5, 6 and 7 characters) determines the registration number of the document form. The exception is documentation for the accounting of agricultural products and raw materials, where the 5th character is the general one for all operations, and the registration number is indicated by the characters 6 and 7. The second block - the name of the object - is the name of the document form itself, general or specific for different levels of classification.

OKUD codes must be entered in standardized document forms. In addition to the specified blocks (code, control number and name of the object), in some classes of forms the “Index” (for grades 3 and 6) and “Frequency” (for grade 6) are also indicated, for example, annual, quarterly, etc. This is related with continuity of designations adopted by state statistics bodies.

The law allows the creation of new forms of primary documentation by competent authorities in organizations under their jurisdiction. However, they must maintain an industry classifier based on OKUD and use certain series of codes in the corresponding subclasses and classes.

It should be added that in the classifier the classes relating to the USD of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were excluded, and the registration of their forms was transferred to the department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. And finally, it is necessary to remember that all new forms of documents must be registered with the VNIIKI of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation by including them in the all-Russian classifier of management documentation.

The all-Russian classifier of management documentation has the abbreviation OKUD. Generally accepted document models and ordered systems of various documentation that are recommended for use on the farm were combined into certain OKUD codes for the orderly recording of socio-economic information.

This classifier was released in 1993 and adopted by all business entities.

Concept of OKUD code

Regulatory regulation

In 2017, a new OKUD in an updated version was published and put into effect on June 1, 2017. Currently, OKUD 011-93 is used in economics with amendment No. 97 dated May 4, 2017.


This classifier is used by farms of various types of property. OKUD is designed to perform the following functions:

  • Reduce the number of previously used forms;
  • Streamline the flow of information;
  • Provide systematic accounting of standardized samples of documents based on their recording;
  • Provide supervision over the composition of forms and eliminate repetition of information possible in the management sphere;
  • Monitor the use of standardized forms.

The all-Russian classifier is used in accounting for various economic activities.

It is developed by USD (unified documentation systems) specialists and approved by ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

Where can I get it?

Each organization uses different standard forms. These forms are designed specifically for recording and generating information. OKUD codes are already indicated on each form and there is no need to take them specifically.

How to find out the code

To find out exactly what codes information and documentation need to be taken into account, you need to contact the statistical authorities. There, for each enterprise or when opening an activity, certain codes must be assigned, including OKUD.

If you need to find out the TIN code of an enterprise, entrepreneur or any counterparty, you can use the following methods:

  1. Send a request to the State Statistics Service at the place of registration of the requested agent;
  2. Contact the mediation legal organization, which provides similar services:
  3. Obtain information on the Internet through the online service of the State Statistics Service where the company or entrepreneur was registered.

In the first two options, please note that obtaining information will take some time. By using the Internet service, you can obtain information much faster.

Important! The State Statistics Service online service may not be available on weekends.

Document forms

Code structure

For each process, a single form has been approved that employees are required to fill out. It has its own codes, consisting of seven digits and a check number, where

  • Initial two digits– this is the correspondence of the type of document to the required class of documentation;
  • Next two signs– the direction of use of these forms and their combination;
  • Last three digits indicate the registration number of this type of document, which is noted within the subclass;
  • Subsequent trailing digit in the code indicates a check number.

Every document drawn up legal entity or privately, belongs to one or another class of subordination or affiliation. Accordingly, it must be taken into account according to the classifier with a certain frequency. This is required to regularly update data in order to register it with statistical authorities.

  • For example, the Armed Forces have developed their own codes, which are not included in the general list and are subject to internal regulations.
  • While any document can be classified as official and personal.

The official group, depending on the application, includes:

  • Management documents;
  • Scientific, technical or design;
  • Production documents;
  • Technological and others.

Management documents in this group occupy a leading role, since they are the core of the entire document flow in the economy. Thanks to its function, it is possible to manage the activities of objects both within the borders of the state and an individual farm.


If we take a closer look at each form, we can say the following:

  • Under code 0200000 The unified system of organizational and administrative information contains thirteen more explanatory codes. They contain documentation on information and regulatory coordination of activities, privatization, creation, and reorganization of farms. As well as documentation necessary for hiring, dismissal, transfer to another place of work, fixing bonuses, punishments, etc.
  • Code 0300000 denotes a system of primary documentation for accounting. It also has eleven explanatory codes underneath it. They include a set of documents on accounting at enterprises, payment and labor control, implementation cash discipline, control over materials, inventory results, work during repairs and construction, including capital ones, safety material assets, use of construction equipment and vehicles.
  • Code 0400000 refers to Unified system banking documentation, is established by the Bank of Russia and has an additional eight codes. They imply types of forms for accounting, matching and control of settlements with advice notes, cash flow, currency control, reporting and accounting of deposits.
  • Code 0500000 belongs to the budget financial sector and has five codes under it. They contain information and forms on finances, budget reporting, information submitted to Accounts Chamber and the Russian government,
  • IN code 0600000 includes eighteen more explanatory codes that carry information on reports and statistics. Documents on population income, demographics, wholesale and retail trade, agriculture, construction, investment, as well as a crime report are included in these codes.
  • Code 0700000 belongs accounting documentation economic objects. There are only five child codes that are responsible for accounting registers, documents strict reporting, tourist packages.
  • The labor documentation system refers to code 0800000. Contains an additional six codes, which contain all the documentation on markets and labor protection, labor relations and statements to the labor inspectorate, as well as the lowest consumer budgets.
  • All information related to the documentation system pension fund, is under code 0900000. It also contains three explanatory codes. These include a set of documents on controlling, planned economic work, as well as a set of forms on accounting and distribution of finances.
  • Final code 1000000 taken into account as a standardized system foreign trade documents. Seven additional codes can be found here. They include a full set of documentation necessary for registration and accounting of foreign trade transactions.

Thanks to the use of All-Russian classifiers, it is possible to streamline the flow of information received and gain the opportunity to manage the economic process both in an individual enterprise and in the whole state.