Changes to the Coap. What is the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, abbreviation decoding

The basis of deposit resources are demand accounts (they are also called checking accounts, transaction accounts from the English transaction - operation). Demand accounts involve spending or issuing funds from them at the first request of the owner of such an account or a person authorized by the account owner to carry out transactions on the account. Demand accounts are opened so that their owners can freely receive and spend funds stored in the bank to settle commercial transactions and pay current expenses.
From their settlement and current accounts, enterprises and organizations pay their expenses related to settlements with suppliers, contractors, the budget and off-budget funds, withdraw money to pay salaries and travel allowances to employees, and make other necessary payments. These accounts receive revenue from the sale of products and services of enterprises, and other payments are made to legal entities- the owners of these accounts and the cash deposited by the enterprises is credited to their bank account. In addition, the settlement and current accounts of legal entities can be credited with the amounts of loans granted to them, contributions of shareholders (participants) of enterprises to their authorized capitals, amounts of deposits and interest paid by banks to enterprises for the use of borrowed funds, as well as fines, penalties and other cash receipts in non-cash and cash forms.
Opening a bank account for an individual, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of a corresponding application from this person and presentation of a passport or other document proving the identity of the applicant.
As a rule, demand accounts are the lowest-yielding ones, since banks either do not charge interest on them at all, or these interests are significantly lower than those paid when placing funds on certain period. In addition, the bank charges fees for account transactions in the form of a fixed monthly account maintenance fee or a certain amount (or percentage of the payment amount) charged for each account transaction (or each debit transaction on the account).
In order to provide bank account holders with higher returns and, accordingly, to interest them in storing funds in the bank, credit institutions are introducing other types of demand accounts into practice. For example, the so-called “NOW-accounts” (English: Negotial Order of Withdrawal, NOW-accounts), common in the USA, allow the account owner to issue settlement bills of exchange (drafts), which serve as a payment instrument (similar to bank checks ), and at the same time receive higher interest on your bank account balance. IN Russian practice“Nau-accounts” are not used due to the underdevelopment of the circulation of the corresponding transferable instruments.
Demand accounts with established minimum size balance of funds. In this case, the agreement concluded by the bank with the client sets a limit below which the amount of funds stored in his account cannot fall. If the funds in the account are depleted, the depositor must replenish it in order to carry out debit transactions from the account in the future.
To increase clients' interest in keeping the established minimum account balance, they may be offered preferential terms obtaining loans, reducing account maintenance fees, etc.
A type of demand accounts that is becoming increasingly widespread are special card accounts opened to holders bank cards. Spending of funds from a special card account is carried out within the spending limit (for payment cards) or within the credit line and spending limit provided to the account owner (for credit cards).
Another type of demand accounts is correspondent accounts. These accounts cannot be opened to individuals or enterprises; they are opened exclusively to credit organizations by the country's central bank - in its settlement network (in the RCC) or by other credit organizations. The concept of a correspondent account is essentially similar to the concept of an enterprise current account.

More on the topic of Demand Accounts:

  1. § 3. Liabilities of joint-stock commercial banks. - The role of equity capital, deposits, re-discounting and re-pledge, correspondent accounts. - Treasury funds in bank liabilities. - Foreign capital in banks' liabilities.
  2. 1. Demand deposits, their purpose and features
  3. Methodology for calculating adjustments for risks arising DURING operating activities when assessing the value of a commercial bank
  4. Bank account agreement as a civil legal means of ensuring non-cash payments using electronic means of payment

- Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antimonopoly and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Property law - State law and administration - Civil law and process - Monetary law circulation, finance and credit - Money - Diplomatic and consular law - Contract law - Housing law - Land law - Electoral law - Investment law - Information law - Enforcement proceedings - History of state and law - History of political and legal doctrines - Competition law - Constitutional law - Corporate law - Forensics -

The specificity of the work of banking institutions is such that the bulk of their resources are not their own, but borrowed funds.

Simply put, this is our money, which we bring to the bank in the form of deposits.

And the fight for them is serious.

Banks are forced to come up with more and more attractive offers, tariffs, and conditions.

It is very difficult to understand this variety of banks and deposits offered.

To begin with, the main thing is to decide what you need.

Thus, time deposits and demand deposits are often compared.

However, this is fundamentally wrong, because they have completely different purposes of use: earning money on interest in the first case, and convenient use of your money in the second.

Demand deposits are universal deposits that are not limited in amounts, terms, or management of funds on them.

Demand deposits are the most liquid deposits

Demand deposits enable the client to use the funds placed on it at any time at his request. The main advantage of these deposits is their high liquidity and the ability to use them as a means of payment. The disadvantage remains the rather low interest rates compared to time deposits.

The main features of demand deposits are:

  1. funds can be withdrawn partially or completely at any time;
  2. money can be withdrawn in both cash and non-cash forms;
  3. For such deposits, the bank is obliged to maintain a certain level of reserves with the Central Bank.

These features determine the procedure for using funds and calculating interest on this type of deposit. In practice, interest on demand deposits is accrued daily on the balance of funds in the account, which is fixed at the close of the banking day.

This means that if a client deposited $100 during the day and then withdrew $200, then interest will be charged on the amount that will be in the account at the close of the business day. Capitalization of interest on demand deposits is carried out according to the agreement, usually once a month.

This type of deposit is interesting because the contract does not contain such attributes as the amount of the deposit and the deposit repayment period. There is only an interest rate, a time base for calculating interest and a contract period after which it can be extended.

Example of calculation, accrual and capitalization of interest

Let's look at the procedure for calculating, accruing and capitalizing interest using an example.

Let’s say a client entered into an agreement on March 15 and placed $10,000 on a demand deposit.

According to the terms of the agreement, the bank charges the client interest on the account balance at an interest rate of 7% per annum, subject to monthly capitalization, the time base for calculating interest is 365 days, and the agreement expires on June 15.

Client transactions on the deposit account have next view:

  • On March 29, the client deposited $1,000 into the account,
  • 04/21 client deposited $1,500,
  • 12.05 withdrew $3,700 from the account,
  • 06/05 deposited $500.

Interest accrual and account balance will be as follows.

During the period from 15.03 to 28.03 (14 days), interest will be accrued on the account balance of $10,000 based on the daily interest rate equal to:

7% / 365 = 0,019178%

The amount of accrued interest for this period will be:

10000 * 14 * 0.00019178 = $26.85

In the period from March 29 to April 14 (17 days), the account balance will be $11,000 (10,000+1000).

The amount of interest for this period will be:

11000 * 17 * 0.00019178 = $35.86

On 4/15, interest accrued to date in the amount of (26.85 + 35.86) $62.71 will be capitalized and credited to the client's account.

Therefore, the balance will be $11,062.71. In the period from April 15 to April 20 (6 days), the amount of accrued interest will be:

11062.71 * 6 * 0.00019178 = $12.73

In the period from 21.04 to 11.05 (21 days), the account balance will be 12562.71 US dollars (11062.71+1500), and the amount of accrued interest for this period:

12562.71 * 21 * 0.00019178 = $50.59

From 12.05 to 14.05 (3 days), the account balance will be 8862.71 US dollars (12562.71 - 3700), and the amount of accrued interest:

8862.71 * 3 * 0.00019178 = $5.10

On 5/15, accrued interest of $68.42 (12.73+50.59+5.10) will be capitalized and the account balance will be $8931.13 (8862.71+68.42).

From May 15 to June 4 (21 days), the amount of accrued interest will be:

8931.13 * 21 * 0.00019178 = $35.97

In the period from 05.06 to 14.06 (10 days), the account balance will be 9431.13 US dollars (8931.13 + 500), and the amount of accrued interest:

9431.13 * 10 * 0.00019178 = $18.09

On June 15, the last capitalization of interest will occur, and the account balance will be:

9431.13 + 35.97 + 18.09 = $9485.19

Upon expiration of the contract for placement of a demand deposit, interest on the balance Money will not be credited to the account.

Source: ""

What is the demand rate on a deposit?

When choosing a profitable bank deposit for safe storage and increasing their own funds, investors rarely focus on the standard bank demand rate, but in vain. It is applied to deposits of the same name or is accrued upon early receipt of a term deposit.

You need to pay attention to the size of the demand rate close attention, because the profitability of your deposit depends on it in case you need to withdraw money urgently. You won’t even have to think about any of the promised 6-9% per year; interest will be recalculated from time deposits to demand deposits.

Why such a low percentage

The size of this rate is determined by banks independently, however, in most cases it is 0.01% per annum. This immediately begs the question why the percentage is so tiny.

Article 837 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that demand deposits have no restrictions on storage periods and are issued to the client upon first request. Banks do not like this situation at all, because when receiving funds as deposits, the bank must actively place them, invest them, and make a profit.

How can you invest a client’s money when he can come back for it at any moment? For this reason, the interest on demand is so low and differs so much from the interest on a time deposit, when the agreement specifies specific terms and the time period for storing funds.

Based on which, the bank decides how to invest funds to get maximum profit. The longer the deposit is opened for, the higher the interest will be. This is obvious, because the bank will be able to use the client’s money in the long term, and not for 6-12 months.

Moreover, according to Civil Code Russian Federation, banks have every right change the interest rate in unilaterally, raising or lowering its size. However, the banking organization must notify depositors about this.

The size of the demand rate is specified in all standard contracts to open a bank deposit. Applied for failure to comply with the conditions for storing funds in a bank.

Some banks resort to tricks that benefit clients. For example, when opening a time deposit for 1 year, the agreement may contain a clause on the calculation of the demand rate upon early receipt of the deposit up to 181 days. After 181 days, interest may not be recalculated. All nuances are individual and depend on the offers of specific banks.

So it is better to clarify whether there are any similar advantages, such as the accrual of interest on demand until a certain time period of keeping funds on deposit.

Average interest rate in large banks of the Russian Federation

Let's look at the interest rates on deposits of the same type in various banks, and also find out the size of the "Demand" rate that threatens in case of early closure of the deposit:

Despite the differences in interest on time deposits, the demand interest is fixed and minimal in all 4 banking organizations.

However, there are banks that offer very favorable rates on demand deposits of 5% and even 7% per annum, but whether it is safe to store money in them is another question. Banks offering higher rates include MDM Bank, IntechBank, Mosstroyeconombank, etc.

How to calculate income by day

An example of calculating demand income in Sberbank of Russia. Let’s imagine a situation: you opened a “Top up” deposit with interest capitalization, deposited 100,000 rubles into a deposit account for a period of 1 year at 6.43% per annum. The money has been on deposit for 150 days, and you urgently need the entire amount. You go to Sberbank of Russia, terminate the contract unilaterally and demand a refund.

According to the terms of this deposit, any early withdrawal of funds during the first 6 months of the term is satisfied with the accrual of the demand rate, that is, 0.01% per annum. In this case, interest is recalculated without capitalization.

To find out the exact amount of funds to be received after 150 days, you need to calculate them using the formula:

(A x B x C) /D = income

where A is the deposit amount,
B - percentage divided by 100,
C – number of days of placement in the deposit,
D – number of days in a year.

Substituting the necessary data into the table, we get that income = (100,000 x 0.0001 x 150) / 365.

Having made some mathematical calculations, we get the amount of 4 rubles 10 kopecks.

This is exactly the income you will receive if you return the money early at the demand rate accrued for 150 days of keeping funds on deposit.

You can check your calculations using the deposit calculator on our website. You just need to enter the demand interest as the interest and the start and end date of the investment.

If you took such a deposit after 6 months, then the interest rate on the deposit would be more significant and would be 2/3 of the standard deposit rate, taking into account the amount and term of the deposit.

If we start from the original rate of 6.43% per annum, then 2/3 of this figure will be 4.286% per annum. It is at this percentage that the interest on the deposit would be recalculated after 181 days of storing funds in the bank.

The total amount payable after 200 days of deposit will be 102,348 rubles, of which 2,348 rubles are interest. The calculations were made using the same formula, only the percentages and the number of days of deposit changed.

Agree, a phenomenal difference compared to 4.10 rubles. To avoid getting into trouble, it is better to choose deposits with favorable conditions early termination agreement. It’s even better to choose banks with a high demand rate.

Source: ""

Demand deposit, also known as a current bank account

A demand deposit is a type of bank deposit that the depositor can close (take back from the bank) in whole or in part at any time convenient for him upon his first request.

This key point is convenient for the depositor, but not convenient for the bank. Therefore, unlike deposits, banks either do not pay interest on demand deposits at all or keep them at a minimum level: from a fraction of a percent to 1-3%.

And bank clients understand this, so they open a demand deposit not to earn money on it in the form of interest. They need it purely as a current (settlement) bank account for technical transactions with the money on it.

So, it can be used simply to store money in a bank, transfer money to (and from) other accounts (for example, deposits), to pay utilities, for online shopping, etc.

According to terminology established in banking practice, a demand deposit for individuals can also be called a current bank account, and for legal entities, firms, organizations, societies, etc. - This is a current bank account.

How a current bank account can be useful to an individual (ordinary depositor):

  1. To avoid keeping your money at home.
  2. To make bank transfers to (and from) him/her to other accounts of the same or other banks.
  3. You can top up your current bank account at any time.
  4. From such an account you can withdraw part of the money or even all the money at any convenient and necessary time. That’s why, by the way, the deposit is called: “On demand”.
  5. Interest may accrue on the balance of money on such a deposit. Even if they are tiny, they are still nice.
  6. Banks may issue a plastic card for demand deposits.
    Thanks to this, you can withdraw money from your current account at an ATM, rather than going to the bank specifically for this purpose every time.

    In addition, from a security point of view, it is better to carry a plastic card with you (as a means of accessing your current bank account) than a large sum of money in cash.

Source: ""

Bank deposit “On demand”: advantages and features

The issue of profitable investment of funds has been and will be relevant in a situation with unstable market economy. Many banks offer a large number of deposit programs, differing in interest rates, deposit terms, the ability to withdraw funds from the deposit account ahead of schedule, the minimum deposit amount, etc.

An important point in the deposit agreement is the possibility of early withdrawal of money from the account in case of emergency.

According to this point, two types of deposit can be distinguished:

  • time deposit (for a certain period without the possibility of withdrawal),
  • demand deposit.

What it is

A demand deposit is one of the most popular savings deposits, which allows you to withdraw your funds from the deposit account at any time without notifying the bank and use them for your needs.

In this case, it is possible to withdraw both the entire deposit amount and a certain part of it. According to the terms of the deposit agreement, it may be possible to withdraw both the entire deposit amount and the presence of a mandatory balance on the deposit account in a certain amount.

This type of deposit will be most optimal if you are not sure when exactly you may need funds, or you are simply afraid for the safety of your money and are not confident in the stability of the bank. In addition, the investor can react more flexibly to any changes in the country’s market situation by withdrawing money from the account and investing it in a currency with a rising rate or a promising industry.

A characteristic feature of a demand deposit is the interest rate is lower than that of other types of deposits.

If the bank is certified that it can manage the depositor’s funds for a certain period of time, then these funds can be used to carry out profitable financial transactions without the risk of their immediate withdrawal from circulation.

Accordingly, in this case, the rate on the deposit will be significantly higher than on a demand deposit, when the risk of money being withdrawn from circulation is quite high.


  1. Possibility of opening a deposit in national currency, US dollars, Euros or a multi-currency deposit.
  2. The minimum deposit amount is 10 monetary units of the currency in which the deposit is made.
  3. Either the full amount of the deposit or part of it can be withdrawn from the account at any time. In this case, funds can be withdrawn in cash or non-cash form without any penalties. There is also the possibility of replenishing your account.
  4. Interest will be accrued on the entire deposit amount, taking into account the replenishment amount from the time of replenishment.
  5. Capitalization of interest is provided, that is, the addition of interest to the deposit amount, after which interest will be accrued on the increased deposit amount.
  6. Interest on the deposit is calculated monthly and amounts to 0.1% of the deposit amount for the current period.
  7. The deposit account can also be used for other purposes: for current payments, money transfers, receiving benefits, compensation, pension payments and other operations. The validity period of a demand deposit is unlimited.
  8. If the bank is a participant in the deposit insurance program, all deposits in it are guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Association, which compensates depositors for the amount of deposits in the event of revocation of the license or bankruptcy of the bank.

To create a deposit account with a bank, you need to fill out a deposit agreement and deposit funds into the account.

Source: ""

Deposit deposit on demand - benefits and disadvantages

Today, no one can be surprised by having a loan or a deposit bank account. Diversity various conditions receipts, interest rates, terms can turn your head. Everyone can choose a bank or account of their choice, and the various bonuses promised are mouth watering.

The only drawback, for example, of an ordinary deposit account is the impossibility of withdrawing money from the account before the end of the term.

The exception is the so-called demand deposit. This is what we will talk about.

A demand deposit is a regular bank deposit that can be obtained at credit institution at any convenient time. You can get your money back from the bank through a money order, check, or cash.

What is the benefit

The undeniable advantages of a demand deposit are the absence of restrictions on the terms of the deposit and the ability to withdraw funds at any time at the request of the client. Such a deposit is convenient for non-cash payments, money transfers and in general for doing business. The ease of opening and using such a deposit is obvious

Unlike classic deposit accounts, in in this case The client will not be required to provide a minimum deposit amount, and the number of subsequent cash contributions is unlimited.

Thus, this deposit can become an incredibly convenient financial instrument, a kind of electronic wallet for non-cash payments at any time, just at the request of its owner.

The only problem

For such a convenient way to store funds, the bank client will have to pay one inconvenience. The disadvantage of demand deposits is the extremely low interest rate, which brings virtually no significant changes on its owner's account.

Therefore, when opening a deposit account, you should decide on the purpose of placing the money. If the goal is to accumulate funds, then a rate of 0.1% per annum is not the best solution. Even though some banks are ready to provide the client with a high interest rate, it is still significantly lower than that of an ordinary deposit.

However, this drawback is more than offset by the convenience and high flexibility of the account, which have already been mentioned. As a conclusion, it can be argued that despite its shortcomings, a demand deposit regularly serves as a settlement instrument or a convenient way to store money.

But in general, there is no point in comparing a classic deposit and a demand deposit. Both types of deposits serve different purposes.

Demand deposits of Sberbank of Russia

Having analyzed the many available deposit offers by rating and consumption among Russian residents, we came to the conclusion that one of the best options would be a demand deposit.

Exclusively among the other options offered by Sberbank, it is the demand deposit that is in greatest demand among depositors. The advantage of such deposit investment is that it allows investors to not only save, but also accumulate monetary profits.

Deposit on demand

To apply to Sberbank to create a demand deposit, the depositor must have only one passport with him. In one of the regional branches of Sberbank, the future depositor draws up the necessary application form, and then, through the bank’s cash desk, replenishes the newly opened account with a minimum amount.

Out of democratic views, the bank's management decided not to set a high figure for the minimum investment. For example, initially 10 Russian rubles will be enough, but if you need to invest in foreign currency, then the minimum amount for you will be 5 dollars.

It is important to note that the bank will freeze the minimum amount so that it can be permanently present in the account until the expiration of the deposit agreement.

Sberbank creates demand deposit accounts in any currency desired by the client.

At the same time, the client can use the account to perform various financial transactions. They can be calculations and payments made for various services, as well as receiving funds from various sources and carrying out all kinds of monetary transactions.

This offer from Sberbank in the past was a replacement for plastic cards. The validity period of a demand deposit has no boundaries in time and, if there is a savings card, then its owner has the opportunity to use it for ten subsequent years, which begin counting from the moment of its issuance.

It was this property that became the main distinctive feature from another offer from the bank - the “Universal” deposit. Interest declared on the deposit will be accrued quarterly on the amount available at that time.

Universal deposit

When discussing the popularity of deposits, we should not forget that the Russian Sberbank has shown extraordinary achievements. The services that the bank provides are actively and successfully in demand among the population. This also applies to the “Universal” deposit. On this moment– this is the most famous deposit offer from the bank.

To open a “Universal” deposit, any interested client can contact a bank branch with a passport. The process of opening a deposit is free and as soon as possible.

Again we return to the fact that the investor is able to carry out any monetary transactions in his account.

The deposit rate on this deposit is only 0.01% per annum. It is clearly noticeable here that this is the worst option for capital accumulation. Therefore, a demand deposit that “Universal” will be a good solution only for storing existing finances, which can be considered as a comfortable tool for residents of Russia.

So the main advantage of these deposit methods is the preservation of capital and its use when needed. In addition, Sberbank sacredly supports old traditions, which can guarantee this bank a high level of reputation and reliability.

By creating a “Universal” deposit, a Sberbank depositor can withdraw the desired amount of funds at the right time. The contract is valid for 5 years from the date of its execution.

If the client wishes to extend the term of the contract, the deposit can be extended.

It is important that the bank does not charge commissions for the services provided. There is only one condition: if the client’s account receives funds from another bank from other persons, then when funds are received into the account, 1% of the amount received will be withdrawn.

Source: ""

Advantages of demand deposit

For many of our compatriots, it has already become customary to trust their accumulated savings to financial institutions. They offer their clients a variety of varied and interesting offers.

Often, with such an abundance of financial products offered, the problem of choice arises. You can’t choose something specific, your eyes just run wild - interest rates, regular accruals, any valuable gifts, capitalization and much more.

A traditional deposit is an investment of funds for a strictly established period, during which money cannot be withdrawn. otherwise all profits are lost.

With such deposits everything is quite clear - they have been on the market for a long time and many financial articles have been written about them, so they do not require detailed consideration. We'll talk about another product today financial market- about demand deposits.

Who is it suitable for?

Let's determine who is suitable this type savings, and also highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of these deposits.

Let's start with the fact that a demand deposit does not have any significant restrictions imposed on the timing of placement of funds. According to the terms of investing funds, the financial institution issues a deposit upon the first request of the investor.

Banks use money placed on demand deposits for various transfers to time deposits, card accounts, non-cash transfers, crediting dividends, wages, transfers, making exchange transactions, and more.

It should also be emphasized that financial organizations have the right to change the interest rate on such deposits without agreeing with the depositor, that is, unilaterally. You need to remember this when opening a demand deposit.

Financial market experts note that the interest rates on such deposits are very low - the rate is always low, often it is minimal, approximately 0.1% per annum.

IN Lately There has been a tendency to increase interest rates on demand deposits. Many banks charge quite significant interest on these types of deposits, and the rates are still significantly lower than on traditional time deposits.

In addition, interest is accrued either at the end of the current month or on the day the deposit is closed. Certain conditions for calculating interest in mandatory are specified in the contract.

Experts advise opening this type of deposit to those people who want to freely use the deposit funds without various restrictions - at any time during the placement period.

A demand deposit is a kind of universal deposit-wallet, which has no restrictions on the size of the initial contribution, on certain amounts, as well as on the timing of making any additional contributions and on the use of funds from the deposit.


  • In case of termination of the contract and closure of the deposit, the depositor under any circumstances receives accrued interest. A fairly low interest rate is the explanation for all the options listed.
  • Experts also emphasize that demand deposits have very flexible conditions.
  • When opening these deposits, a certain minimum amount of money is not required, unlike classic time deposits, in addition, there are no restrictions on the amount of additional contributions - any amounts are accepted, and there is also no limitation on the frequency of making these contributions - you can make them at your own discretion.
  • All debit transactions are carried out within the remaining amount of the deposit, which is listed in the account at the current time of payment. This circumstance speaks in favor of these deposits compared to most time deposits, in which debit transactions are carried out only after termination of the contract.
  • The depositor can receive funds upon request, regardless of how much time has passed since the date of opening the deposit.
  • A demand deposit can be opened in many financial institutions in Russia.
  • Sberbank offers to arrange such a deposit not only in Russian rubles, but also in dollars, pounds, euros and the currencies of other countries.
  • To open a deposit, you need to make an entrance fee, the amount of which is purely symbolic and amounts to approximately ten rubles. The contribution can also be made in another currency.
  • The non-cash form of account replenishment has no restrictions on depositing additional funds.


It is impossible to make a profit on such a deposit, since the interest rate is 0.01 percent per annum, regardless of the deposit currency.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can highlight the existing disadvantages and advantages of demand deposits. The main disadvantage of these deposits is the interest rate, which is close to zero.

But such a deposit is not used to accumulate funds; it has a slightly different purpose.

This financial product is perfect for people who prefer not to keep their accumulated funds at home and who cannot say exactly when they will need this money. Such a client will appreciate all the listed advantages of a demand deposit.

Source: ""

Demand deposits: purpose, types

Deposit operations are operations to attract funds to deposit accounts.

During a deposit operation, the following operations are performed:

  1. opening and registration of a deposit account,
  2. raising funds for deposit,
  3. withdrawal of funds from the deposit,
  4. calculation of interest on the deposit and its payment by the client,
  5. return of deposit funds,
  6. closing a deposit account.

Attracted resources are one of the components of the basis on which banks develop and achieve success.

Deposit operations are a special item on the bank's balance sheet. The ability to attract a significant amount of resources indicates the professionalism of management and the trust of clients in the bank.

It is on the basis of deposit operations of commercial banks that the overwhelming majority of their resources are formed, used for the purpose of short-term and long-term lending to business entities and the population.

The formation of a deposit base on a broad structural basis using various instruments and sources of raising funds allows us to maintain the bank’s potential in terms of conducting active operations at an adequate level, as well as flexibly respond to the financial needs of its clients.

Demand deposits are funds that can be called at any time without prior notification to the bank by the client.

Demand accounts for legal entities

Demand accounts are opened so that their owners can freely receive and spend funds stored in the bank to settle commercial transactions and pay current expenses.

They are classified depending on the nature and ownership of the funds stored in the accounts into:

  • funds in settlement, current, budget accounts of enterprises and organizations different forms property;
  • funds in special accounts for storing funds of various economic purposes;
  • own funds enterprises intended for capital investments and stored in separate accounts;
  • funds in settlements;
  • credit balances on correspondent accounts for settlements with other banks;
  • funds from local budgets;
  • credit balances in the accounts of foreign correspondent banks.

From your settlement and current accounts of enterprises and organizations:

  1. pay their expenses related to settlements with suppliers, contractors, the budget and extra-budgetary funds,
  2. withdraw money to pay salaries and travel allowances to employees,
  3. make other necessary payments.

To these accounts:

  • revenue comes from the sale of products and services of enterprises,
  • other payments are made to legal entities - owners of these accounts,
  • cash deposited by businesses is credited to their bank account.

In addition, the following can be credited to settlement and current accounts of legal entities:

  1. the amount of loans provided to them,
  2. contributions of shareholders (participants) of enterprises to their authorized capitals,
  3. amounts of deposits and interest paid by banks to enterprises for the use of borrowed funds,
  4. fines, penalties and other cash receipts in non-cash and cash forms.

Demand deposits include:

  • A current account is a single account on which all transactions of the bank with the client are recorded.
    This account reflects:
    1. on the one hand, bank loans and all payments on behalf of the client,
    2. on the other hand, funds received into the account in the form of transfers, deposits, loan repayments, and others.

    Such accounts are opened to reliable clients, first-class borrowers as a sign of special trust.

  • Correspondent account - they cannot be opened to individuals or enterprises, they are opened exclusively to credit institutions by the country's central bank or other credit institutions.
    They are divided into:
    1. LORO accounts (accounts opened with this bank),
    2. NOSTRO (opened in correspondent banks).
  • Special card accounts are opened to holders of bank plastic cards.
    Spending of funds from a special card account is carried out:
    1. within the spending limit (for payment bank plastic cards),
    2. or within the limits of the credit line and spending limit provided to the account owner (for credit bank plastic cards).

The main advantage of this group of deposits is their high liquidity. Their owners can use the money in demand accounts at any time.

Features of a demand deposit account:

  • firstly, money can be deposited or withdrawn into this account both in parts and in full, without restrictions;
  • secondly, it is allowed to take from this account in in the prescribed manner cash.

The main disadvantages of demand deposits:

  1. firstly, for their owners - no interest on the account (or a very small percentage);
  2. secondly, for the bank - the need to have a higher operational reserve to maintain liquidity (due to the potential possibility of withdrawing money from accounts on demand).

A demand deposit is a unique banking offer that allows you to withdraw funds from your account at any time without restrictions on terms and amount. Thus, the bank client has constant access to the money placed on deposit.

To provide such conditions to the client, the bank offers a minimum interest rate on demand deposits, which most often amounts to only 0.01%. The rate is minimal and it is not possible to make money on such a deposit. The question arises, what is the benefit of such a deposit for the bank and for the depositor? Let's take it in order.

How profitable are demand deposits?

To understand how profitable a demand deposit can be, let’s first look at its essence. Demand deposits in banks have the following features:

  • funds are absolutely liquid and can be withdrawn in parts or in full at the client’s request at any time convenient time;
  • funds can be cashed out or transferred to another account;
  • This type of deposit obliges the bank to maintain a reserve at a certain level with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Another feature of a demand deposit is the method of calculating interest. This procedure is carried out regularly and interest is calculated on the balance of funds in the deposit account at the end of the banking day. Thus, if during the day funds were first deposited into the account, and then part of it was withdrawn, interest is accrued only on the balance of the amount that is in the account at the close of the business day.

The frequency of capitalization of accrued interest on a deposit is determined individually depending on the bank’s offer. Capitalization can be carried out monthly, quarterly or annually. Some banks give the client the opportunity to choose the frequency independently; in some financial institutions there is no such choice and the conditions are the same for all depositors. On our website there is deposit income calculator, where you can calculate the percentage of the total deposit amount.

Taking into account the features of the deposit, we will determine the benefits for the depositor and for the bank, which are different for each party.

Benefits for the investor

The main benefit for the depositor is complete liquidity of funds and the ability to use finance at any time without warning the bank.

The advantages of this type of deposit include:

  1. Simplified procedure for opening a deposit. For registration, you only need an identification document, a statement of the established form and funds, provided that there are restrictions on the down payment.
  2. There are practically no restrictions on the deposit amount. Some banks set a minimum threshold for opening an account; there are offers without restrictions.
  3. Possibility to open an account in any currency that suits the client (US dollars, euros, Swedish kronor, pounds sterling, Swiss francs, Japanese yen, Danish kroner, Canadian dollars). Some banks have a limited choice of currencies, find out in advance.
  4. Free account management and the ability to independently decide when and how much money to transfer to or withdraw from the account.

Benefits of the bank

Taking into account the specifics of the activities of banks, the main benefit for a financial and credit organization is the receipt of funds in the form of deposits, which can later be used for investment and increasing the return on capital.

A demand deposit for a bank is the cheapest source of funds, which accrues minimal interest. Despite the risks of the client withdrawing money from the account at any time, the bank still benefits from such a transaction. Moreover, according to statistics, investors still leave money in the account for quite a long time, during which the bank manages to increase capital and receive its benefits. Banks direct liquid deposits to:

  • generation of cash;
  • purchase of short-term government securities;
  • short-term loans or overdrafts.

Which banks have demand deposits? Bank interest rates

Most banks Russian Federation offer opening a demand deposit. As a rule, the interest rate for everyone is set at a minimum level of 0.01%. Other bank conditions for deposits differ slightly.

We have chosen for comparison the largest banks in the Russian Federation, which are reliable and trusted by customers. The table shows that the interest rate on deposits is the same for all financial institutions. Some banks may set limits on the initial deposit amount for opening a deposit. Also note that banks take different approaches to capitalizing interest accrued on the deposit amount.

Bank Minimum amount, rubles Interest accrual Interest rate, %
Sberbank of Russia no limits quarterly 0,01
VTB 100 000 quarterly 0,01
Sovcombank no limits annually 0,01
Tinkoff 50 000 monthly 0,01
Eastern Bank 50 000 monthly/quarterly/annually 0,01
Alfa Bank no limits quarterly 0,01

Deposit "On demand" in Sberbank

Sberbank offers to open a “Demand Deposit” deposit in any currency convenient for the client. There are no restrictions on the initial deposit amount, but the minimum balance on the account must be at least 10 rubles or 5 US dollars. Interest is calculated quarterly.

To open a deposit, you need to contact any bank branch in your region. You need to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you to conclude an agreement and the amount of money that needs to be deposited into the account. If desired, the account can be replenished without restrictions at any time, just like withdrawing funds.

Please note that the “Demand” deposit in foreign currency may not be open in all bank branches, so it is recommended to check in advance the availability of the service at the branch located in your region.

Demand deposit at VTB

VTB opened a demand deposit in an amount of 100 thousand rubles, subject to quarterly capitalization and interest payment for 91 days. Terms of deposit and possibility of replenishment without restrictions.

At the moment, there is no information on the deposit on the bank’s official website. To clarify the terms of registration and receive advice, please contact the nearest VTB branch or call the hotline number.

Deposit "On demand" in Sovcombank

Sovcombank issues a “Demand Deposit” deposit only in the state currency of the Russian Federation. There are no restrictions on the initial deposit amount. Interest is accrued from the moment the deposit is made until the day the funds are withdrawn by the owner. Interest is paid once a year on the last banking day. It is also possible to pay interest on the day of withdrawal of money with recalculation of the actual time of storage of funds.

Having understood the features of the Demand Deposit and knowing the advantages and disadvantages, you can confidently decide whether you personally need this type of deposit. Please note that you will have to sacrifice high interest rates on the deposit.

When choosing a banking institution to open a deposit, pay attention to the conditions that the bank imposes, since they may differ in different financial institutions.

The concept of cash on demand

Definition 1

Cash on demand is funds that are in settlement, current, budget and other accounts associated with making settlements. Such funds also include demand deposits of individuals and legal entities, which can be used by investors at any time, partially or in full.

Enterprises from their current demand accounts pay expenses related to settlements with suppliers, contractors, as well as extra-budgetary funds, withdraw funds to pay salaries to employees and make other necessary payments.

Demand accounts are credited with proceeds from the sale of the organization's products, payments are made to legal entities, and cash is also credited, which is deposited by enterprises into their own bank accounts.

In addition, credit funds, contributions of shareholders to their authorized capital, deposits and interest on them, as well as penalties, fines and other cash receipts, both in cash and non-cash form, are credited to demand accounts of legal entities.

The most popular type of demand accounts are bank card accounts, which are opened by plastic card holders. Withdrawal of funds from the card account is carried out within the established limit. Debit cards have a settlement limit, while credit cards have a spending limit and a credit line.

Often, demand accounts are the lowest-yielding ones in banking sector, since they pay minimal interest on the balance of funds, or not at all.

How do banks benefit from demand accounts?

Any financial institution is created in order to make a profit, the size of which directly depends on the speed of turnover of cash and non-cash funds.

Note 1

Taking into account statistical data, all funds that are saved in demand accounts turn over from 25 to 50 times a year. This is the highest circulation rate to date.

Russian commercial banks direct all funds on demand to financial transactions that have maximum liquidity.

The distribution of funds is carried out as follows:

  • the largest part of the funds is intended for settlement and cash services (a banking organization can transfer these funds to its correspondent accounts opened in other banks);
  • a small amount of money is invested in short-term securities, which are issued by the state;
  • a minimal part of the investment is used for lending to the population.

Note 2

Based on the above, demand funds are the most effective tool for obtaining cheap investments. Banks use clients' funds at the lowest interest rates - from 0.001% to 6% per annum. At minimum costs banking institutions receive maximum benefits, while fixed assets are in circulation and generate stable income.

Do not forget that banks that take funds on demand from client accounts are at risk. For example, a client unexpectedly contacts a branch in order to withdraw all savings. This option is no exception, since the contracts do not stipulate the procedure for prior notification. In such a situation, banks are forced to withdraw investments from various financial instruments.

What conditions are established for demand accounts?

Definition 2

Deposit agreements “On demand” are perpetual accounts on which individuals place unlimited amounts of funds in national or foreign currency.

The following conditions may be established for demand accounts:

  1. There is no subscription fee for servicing the deposit agreement.
  2. The deposit can be replenished without restrictions.
  3. Since this account does not have a minimum balance, individuals can withdraw unlimited amounts of funds.
  4. The accrued interest can be added to the principal amount of the deposit (capitalization).

Note 3

According to statistics, Russian financial institutions form up to 18% of their loan portfolios precisely thanks to the funds that are in demand accounts.

How do individuals benefit from demand accounts?

If an individual opens a demand deposit in any financial institution, he receives the following benefits:

  1. All client savings held in demand accounts are under reliable protection. Most banking institutions are participants in the Deposit Guarantee and Insurance Fund, therefore, in the event of liquidation and bankruptcy of an enterprise, all clients are paid investments that do not exceed 1,400,000 Russian rubles.
  2. Demand deposits can be used as current and current accounts, since they allow cash and settlement transactions.
  3. Most citizens use demand accounts not only for saving, but also for accumulating funds. By regularly replenishing your deposit account, you can accumulate a large sum of money. Do not forget that such deposits can be inherited.
  4. As a rule, minimum minimum balance amounts can be established for demand deposits. This allows individuals to withdraw all of their savings without having to close their checking account.
  5. To demand accounts Russian citizens may receive different payments. Such income may include scholarships, pensions, social benefits, wage, all kinds of compensation and other social payments.
  6. During cash settlement services, demand account holders are charged a minimum commission, which exists in a commercial bank.
  7. As a gift, the owner of this account may be given a plastic card a premium card or a card with a credit balance is absolutely free.

Figure 1. Demand deposits. Avtor24 - online exchange of student works