Why do you dream about a praying mantis sitting on your shoulder? What does a dream about a praying mantis promise?

Information about why a praying mantis dreams can be found in any dream book. Insects, as images, are very symbolic. And if you dreamed about this, then you should familiarize yourself with the interpretations offered by popular dream books. They may have some interesting things to say.

Miller's Interpreter

An unusual set of circumstances that will bring a lot of grief - this is what the praying mantis dreams about. After such a vision, it is worth gaining strength, because you will need it to withstand the blows of fate. However, if you manage to kill an insect in a dream, there is no need to worry. In reality, you will be able to miraculously avoid all problems.

The dreamer did not kill the creature, but caught it and then put it in a jar? This is even better! Such a vision portends receiving a decent reward for your work.

But if a person dreams of a whole swarm of praying mantises hovering around him, this means a lot of unfinished business. You need to get back to work as soon as possible, otherwise troubles will accumulate.

But it’s even worse if the insect bites. This dream says - it’s time to immediately make a decision that a person has been thinking about for too long.

Dream book of the 21st century

This popular interpreter is also able to talk about why a praying mantis dreams. The insect portends the following:

  • This is bad news for a young girl.
  • A woman has problems because of someone else's secret.
  • Every person in a relationship has a quarrel with her other half.
  • For a man - problems in work and business.

But again, if the dreamer, regardless of gender, crushes the beetle, he will be able to cope with any obstacles in reality.

What was the insect like?

This needs to be remembered. Otherwise, it will be difficult to say why the praying mantis is dreaming. Here's how the nuances of its appearance influence the interpretation of the vision:

  • A huge and bright green beetle symbolizes obvious danger. Perhaps the person will soon be threatened dangerous situations and bad news.
  • A dark, dim beetle dreams of troubles that, although they will cause inconvenience, will be quickly forgotten.
  • A dried out, dull, dead mantis, despite its unattractiveness, does not bode well. On the contrary, his image suggests that everything that happens around the dreamer will not affect him in any way.
  • A dark, almost black beetle warns that in the dreamer’s immediate circle there is someone who wishes him harm.

The main thing is that in the vision this insect does not end up in a person’s house. Because in this case, no matter what color it is, you will only have to wait for conflicts, scandals and everyday problems.

Psychological interpreter

Something interesting can be learned from this praying mantis? The answer to this question depends on the details:

  • Did the person hold it in their hands or just touch it? This means that in reality he is overly trusting. Maybe you shouldn’t tell everyone so much about yourself?
  • Did the dreamer kill an insect? This means that someone else will soon pay for the mistakes he has made.
  • Did he make the strange decision to eat the praying mantis? Such a vision usually indicates health problems.
  • Did the dreamer catch a beetle and put it in a jar? New acquaintances.
  • Have you ever fed and cared for an insect? To unexpected guests.
  • Did you see a giant mantis as tall as a man? This means that in the dreamer’s life there is a person on whom he strongly depends emotionally.
  • The beetle was unwell, and therefore the person decided to start treating it? This promises recovery. Either him or someone close to you.
  • Did a man dream of drawing a praying mantis? This means that very soon he will discover his hidden talents.
  • Was the dreamer so scared that he even started running away from the insect? This vision suggests that something will frighten him in reality.

Why a praying mantis somehow ended up in bed with a person is also worth knowing. This is the personification of his tense relationship with the opposite sex. But maybe you shouldn’t place all the blame on the shoulders of your significant other, but rather pay attention to your own behavior?

And sometimes you may see something outlandish. For example, a conversation with this creature. And if a person happened to have a conversation with a praying mantis in a dream, it means that in reality he will learn someone’s secret.

But best of all is the vision in which the dreamer sat with the beetle at the same table. Such a strange dream foreshadows that very soon a person will experience a feeling of pride in his achievements. It is quite possible that he will also be deservedly rewarded.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about the Praying Mantis?

If a man dreams about a praying mantis, it means big trouble. If a man saw a praying mantis briefly in a dream, for a short time - to some news.

If a woman dreams of a praying mantis, in reality she has offended or caused harm to someone. It is worth analyzing all your actions.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

If you dream about this insect, then you will have to bend your back to ungrateful people.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing a praying mantis beetle in a dream means unexpected news.

For those born in September, October, November, December

The praying mantis is a bad omen, signifying negativity in life, bad news. Pay attention to everything around you to avoid problems. Such a dream can also mean that you will become more dependent on some person.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

An animal bite in a dream foreshadows a quarrel or resentment. Feeling a bite in a dream means losses and worries. Such a dream often predicts domestic troubles and scandals. If you dream that you were bitten by some person, then do not hope to win in some controversial matter.

A dream in which you bit someone foreshadows a serious illness or nervous shock. If you dream that you were bitten by a cat or dog, then be afraid of betrayal or quarrels with a loved one. If in a dream you are bitten by a person whom you knew before, then you will be haunted by difficult memories. See interpretation: animals, beasts, teeth.

The mark of teeth left behind after a bite means that the insult inflicted on you will be etched in your memory for a long time. If you see blood at the site of the bite, then you will be very worried about what happened. See interpretation: blood.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Bite, bite

If in a dream you bit someone, this speaks of a dream living in the depths of your soul to subjugate some person.

The obsession with this idea is such that you can literally do anything to achieve it.

It is not yet known whether you will be able to achieve your goal or not, but now we can say that even for good purposes, enslaving the will of others is a bad step that will lead to suffering for both the enslaved and the enslaver.

You were bitten in a dream - in this case you risk finding yourself completely dependent on the will of another person.

The bites were not too painful and did not even attract much attention to themselves - such a dream suggests that forcing you to deviate from the right path is a rather difficult undertaking.

Most likely, you will remain in your positions.

If the bites greatly annoyed you and caused unbearable pain, all your attempts to weaken someone else’s influence will be useless.

So you will have to submit to this state of affairs for some time, waiting for a favorable moment for liberation from captivity (possibly love).

Some kind of passion may push you to recklessness and unnecessary sacrifices, but later, having assessed the object of your feelings impartially, you will be very disappointed in both him and your behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from

In a dream a person can see anything. Even what real life he never encountered.

For example, a praying mantis. Why do you dream about a praying mantis? What events will this insect that appears in your night dreams bring?

An ordinary green mantis sitting on a branch is a statement of the fact that everything in your life is smooth and measured. The dream book says that no changes are expected in the near future. You can relax and enjoy the tranquility.

A dream in which the praying mantis was huge foreshadows good news or a bright, memorable event. Usually, after such a dream, something happens that you have been waiting for a long time, but you no longer hoped that it would happen.

The dream book interprets a jumping insect in a dream as your desire to act. You have accumulated enough internal energy to carry out your plans. Now is the right time for this.

  • Praying mantis in a glass jar - you will “get away with it.”
  • Seeing him there is a sign of stability in business.
  • Several - concentrate on work.
  • They fight among themselves - they talk about you behind your back.
  • A dead mantis means success in work or business.

If you had a dream in which an insect flies, then rest assured that good luck will smile on you soon. The dream book also promises a lot of pleasant moments, a good mood and a joyful pastime.

You and the insect

Holding a praying mantis in your hands or simply touching it means being too trusting. Think about it, are you telling too much about yourself to practically strangers?

As the dream book says, killing an insect in a dream means avoiding troubles that arose through your fault. Most likely, a stranger will pay for your mistakes.

A dream in which you ate a praying mantis warns of possible problems with health. This is especially true for people who abuse bad habits. Try to give them up, at least partially.

  • Catching him and putting him in a jar means a new acquaintance.
  • Feeding an insect means waiting for guests.
  • Treating it means recovery.
  • praying mantis - to discover previously unknown talents.
  • To run away from it is to be afraid of something.

The dream where a praying mantis appeared in your home is explained by the dream book as a tense relationship with the opposite sex. Experts advise not to place all the blame on your partner, but to pay attention to your behavior.

Often our dreams are characterized by unrealistic, fantastic events. For example, with a praying mantis, according to the dream book, it means finding out someone’s secret. And sitting at the same table with an insect means feeling proud of your achievements.

Each dream is individual, so you need to approach its decoding responsibly. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the details and nuances of your night dreams.

2. Why do you dream about a praying mantis? (description by day of the week)
3. Why do you dream about being bitten by a praying mantis?
4. anecdote in the dark.))

I think it’s no secret that “Heroes of Might and Magic 4” is the best turn-based strategy. However, hello. I'm a big fan of the sword and sorcery games. The toys are already about ten years old, but nevertheless I continue to spend my nights playing this gorgeous game. Castle Nature is my favorite among the others. Play as a marksman or druid, develop into a general. Fairies, wolves, elves, griffins, phoenixes. Yes, I love all this.

You may ask, what does this have to do with the topic of the article? This is exactly what I'm getting at. People familiar with the series know that after purchasing a building called a “portal,” a number of bonus creatures, all kinds of elementals, leprechauns, satyrs, and the like become available for hire. The strongest of this set of bonus creatures is the giant Mantis. It was this strange, huge, but extremely agile creature that visited me in a dream. Actually, after this event, I decided to write about my dream and its meaning.

  • In a dream, a praying mantis is a symbol of a number of events that, one way or another, will lead to disappointment.
  • If you manage to kill a praying mantis in a dream, then you have a chance to neutralize the effect of failure.
  • If you don’t kill the praying mantis, but cleverly catch it and put it in a jar or somewhere else, then this is a sign that you will get what you deserve for your efforts.
  • However, a dream with a praying mantis or praying mantises can also be interpreted according to their living nature. That is, eating a partner. Of course not physically, but rather mentally. It is more likely that, as in nature, the female will mentally eat the male.
  • If you are a man, this may concern your wife, mother, sister, anyone from your female circle.
  • If you are a woman, then this dream is a hint that you are behaving incorrectly towards your partner. You should hide your saw and start being more peaceful.

Here, in a nutshell, are the meanings of a dream with a praying mantis, without reference to the days of the week and other events. As for the description by day of the week, now we will go through these points more specifically.

(description by day of the week)

  • If you see a praying mantis in a dream you had from Monday night to Tuesday morning . Such a dream means that in the next few days or even hours, a system of events or situations built by someone awaits you. They will make you look bad one way or another. Again, if in a dream you dream that you were able to defeat a praying mantis or caught it, then everything will be ok. All traps placed on your path will have no effect on you. Catch praying mantises, don't be afraid of them.
  • If you dream about a praying mantis from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning. This dream means that suddenly, maybe today or maybe in a year, trials will fall on your head. These tests most likely do not come from your difficult fate, these are someone’s treacherous machinations, which for one reason or another cannot influence you right now, in this moment. Also, such a dream is a warning. If you are a man, such a dream means that your significant other may suddenly become such a praying mantis, with a frantic desire to bite off your head or something else. Keep your woman in line, but don't forget that you must comply too. If you are a woman, then such a dream may mean that you can harm yourself, and this will also happen suddenly.
  • If you dream about a praying mantis night from Wednesday to Thursday. Such a dream means that the upcoming events represent the quintessence of the events of previous dreams. There will even be a small adjustment for the enormous risk and enormous seriousness. Catching a praying mantis in such a dream means making a huge profit.
  • Thursday – if you had a dream with a praying mantis on Thursday night, this means that your guesses that intrigues and conspiracies are being woven against you may well turn out to be true. Thursday's dream has greater power than all other days of the week. Therefore, caution is what you should take as your middle name. By at least, for the next few days, maybe a week. And of course, any conflict can be resolved using simple, verbal methods. Talk to your surroundings, calmly and kindly. Perhaps in simple, human language you will kill the conflict in the bud.
  • If you had a dream in which you see a praying mantis in Friday night to Saturday morning . That dream means that fate has prepared a number of strange and unusual adventures for you. In essence, the meaning of dreams has not undergone any change, but this dream, with strange events, helps you overcome everything. For a woman, this dream can mean infidelity, from which you should stay away. Higher power They will punish you for treason, for this is an abomination both in the eyes of people and in the eyes of the gods.
  • When a praying mantis comes to you in a dream you had from Saturday to Sunday. Such a dream, on this very night, can indicate the structure and sequence of events in your life. You are also subject to attacks from envious people and enemies. However, you risk getting into a disgusting performance, all acts of which will be directed against you. Of course, these are bad news and signs, but it is still worth warning you.
  • Sunday - Well, the last day of the week. On this day, or rather on this night, the curse of the praying mantis bypasses almost all dreamers. Since this night is not charged with fulfilling and making dreams come true. Whether it’s a praying mantis or something else, it’s unlikely that you should worry at all about this dream.

3. Why do you dream about being bitten by a praying mantis?

These are the meanings of a dream from a praying mantis, depending on the night of the week. In addition, a separate caste is occupied by a dream in which a praying mantis bites you. A dream in which you were bitten by a praying mantis means that extremely unpleasant news awaits you. They will be connected with people who are dear to you, or with yourself. This dream is very nasty because the effect of the mantis bite is lingering. It can last you a very long time, in some cases even for life.

That's all I wanted to tell you. What can I add?

Play good games, read good books, live a full life, and do not live exclusively in the world of dreams.

As for me, I try to stick to the golden mean. Dreams are of course very important and so on, but still our fate is in our hands. All the best.

4. anecdote in the dark.))

Female mantis and after mating, he kills his boyfriend, so as not to be nervous about whether this creature will call back or not.

However, for a more accurate interpretation of the dream and answer the question: why do you dream of a praying mantis? I need to remember one small detail...