How to quickly restore a birth certificate. How to restore the birth certificate of an adult and a child

Situations arise when a person loses, damages or is deprived of a form due to force majeure circumstances. In these cases, you will need to restore your birth certificate in 2019: the procedure is given in the article.

  1. How to recover a lost certificate?
  2. Reasons for contacting
  3. Where can I restore the certificate?
  4. What is needed to restore a birth certificate?
  5. Why are they refusing to issue a duplicate?

How to recover a lost certificate?

This document is required by a citizen to obtain a general civil document, when performing various legal transactions, as well as to confirm his identity. The legislation provides for the possibility of obtaining a duplicate if a birth certificate is lost.

After a person discovers that the form is missing or damaged, it is recommended to promptly contact the territorial registry office.

Law “On Acts civil status"contains certain rules and procedures for obtaining a duplicate. You can write an application:

  • adult citizens;
  • guardians, representatives of young children;
  • close family members of the deceased person;
  • employees of government agencies.

Parents can freely apply for a new certificate for their child. To do this, you will need to provide proof of the applicant’s identity and pay a state fee, where you must indicate the child’s full name as the payer.

To obtain a duplicate, adults will have to appear at the registry office in person. Citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad can use the help of a trusted person who will receive a new form for them.

The power of attorney is confirmed at the Russian consulate, after which it will be sent by registered mail to the representative.
To obtain a birth document for a deceased relative, immediate family members will need to go to the archives. After the data is found, it will be sent to the registry office. Based on this information, employees will issue a copy of the certificate.

Reasons for contacting

Regulatory acts provide grounds for citizens to apply for a new certificate. These include:

  • Damaged form. If it has become unusable and the records cannot be read, the person will need to contact the registry office, presenting the damaged copy.
  • Change of information. In case of changing the last name or first name, citizens write an application on form No. 18, where they indicate the circumstances for changing the data. Circumstances may arise due to marriage or own desire take a person new surname. In addition to the application, papers are provided confirming the need to correct personal data (certificate of marriage or divorce).
  • Judgment. In some cases, by court decision, the process of restoring the certificate occurs. To apply to the civil registry office, an application is filled out in accordance with form No. 18 and a package of documents is collected.

Where can I restore the certificate?

There are several structures authorized to issue copies of a lost birth certificate. The best way is to visit the registry office where the original form was issued, or to the department at the place of registration. Another option for document recovery is to use the State Services Internet resource.

Having completed the registration stage, the user fills out an application for a new certificate and sends it by mail to the appropriate government agencies. Restoration of the certificate is also carried out multifunctional centers, which are available in every city in the country.


When contacting the registry office, a citizen must collect all the necessary documents to restore the birth certificate. The list includes: application form No. 18, passport, receipt confirming payment of the state fee. The application indicates all the circumstances that forced the citizen to change the certificate. In case of damage, you must present the damaged form.
The package of documents can be expanded based on the reasons that forced the citizen to apply to the registry office.

A power of attorney is needed for representatives of a person who is away, and a death certificate will be required for the relatives of a deceased citizen.

For a number of reasons, the civil registry office may refuse to obtain a duplicate certificate. This may occur due to inability to verify identity. Such controversial situations are resolved through the court, where the person’s identity will be established through documentation.

Portal "Government Services"

The State Services website allows a person to remotely apply for the restoration of a birth certificate. This method is available to all citizens of the Russian Federation who have Personal Area with confirmed data on the portal.

Restoring a birth certificate through State Services significantly saves time. The user submits an application online and waits for a letter to email about an invitation to the registry office. It will indicate the exact date and time of the visit. To issue a second copy, you will need a passport and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Multifunctional Center

Restoration of documents through the MFC is available for adult residents, as well as for children over 14 years of age. There are two handling options: personal visit applicant or remote request via the MFC website. An online application implies an increase in the period for receiving a duplicate to 10 days, and it will be sent to your residential address. During a personal visit, a citizen can receive new document for one day.

Payment for services

A new certificate can be issued only after payment of the state fee provided for issuing the document. The amount to be paid is established by law and is 350 rubles. In addition to this payment, the applicant must pay a fee for obtaining a certificate from the registry office in the amount of 200 rubles.
The exact details are on the website of the State Services, the MFC, and are also provided by the civil registry office.

Representatives minor child When paying a receipt, in the “payer” column, indicate the surname, first name, and patronymic of the ward.

It is possible to pay the fee at branches of any bank, through payment terminals, as well as at the cash desk of the authorized body.

What is needed to restore a birth certificate?

To successfully contact the authorities, you will need to collect a package of necessary papers. An adult will need the following documents:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • Application (form No. 18);
  • Damaged previous certificate form (in case of damage);
  • Paid state duty for restoration.

Relatives who apply for a document of a deceased person enclose a death certificate. In case of changes in personal data - a certificate of marriage or divorce.
Parents renewing a document for a minor child must provide a copy of their passports and marriage certificate. Guardians attach to the application documents confirming the right to represent the interests of the child.

Restoring a certificate when moving

Citizens who have moved to another locality can contact the civil registry office at their address of residence. The authority's employees will send a corresponding request to provide data about the person. After which the applicant will be informed about the time and date of the visit to receive the completed duplicate.

Why are they refusing to issue a duplicate?

Certain circumstances may prevent you from obtaining a birth certificate. Refusal may be received:

  • limitation parental rights for a child who needs to restore a document;
  • it is impossible to establish the identity of the person who reported the loss of the document;
  • lack of a power of attorney or other documents to obtain a duplicate for another person;
  • unconfirmed information about the birth of a child.

The reason why a certificate is refused may be an incorrectly filled out restoration form. It must be issued in strict accordance with the rules established by the legislative authorities.


Contact the HR department at your place of work. The employees working there should know, they will definitely advise you in this situation. The restoration of a birth certificate can be carried out even without your participation - you will only need to write an application and submit it to the personnel department. This is, of course, the ideal option. Maybe you'll have to run around the authorities. However, do not be alarmed, there is nothing wrong with this.

If you are in this moment If you don’t work, or your HR department doesn’t want to deal with document restoration, you’ll have to do it yourself. If you have lived in the same city since birth, then you need to go to the district registry office, leave an application there and wait for the lost birth certificate to be restored. You will be called by call or notification by mail.

If you moved from city to city, then the scheme does not change too much and remains just as simple. Just as in the first case, you must go to the registry office of the city where you live and leave an application there with a request to restore the birth certificate and send you this important document. Civil registry office employees are required to make a request to the city where you were issued a certificate with a request to send a new birth certificate in place of the document you lost.

After you receive a notification by mail from the registry office with an invitation to receive a duplicate, all you have to do is take your passport and go to the registry office. No one can do this for you, not even the most close relative by proxy. A registered letter with a new certificate will be sent to the registry office that made the request to restore your birth certificate. When you show up and present your passport, the registry office employee will verify all your passport data, check your application and give you a brand new birth certificate. Try not to lose him again!


One of the urgent matters that a young father must take control of is to prepare documents for the newborn: a birth certificate, compulsory medical insurance policy and others. Let's find out where and how to do this. Child's birth certificate. Some insurance companies require a single housing document, which can be obtained from the accounting department of the EIRC, or an extract from the house register from the house management office or housing office.

Helpful advice

When people contact us with a question about restoring a birth certificate, we always ask: “Why do you need this?” The answer to this question will always determine how successful the process of obtaining a birth certificate will be. So, if a birth certificate has been lost, the first answer is probably clear to everyone: look for the registry office yourself, where the person’s birth was registered, and where to get the birth certificate again.

A birth certificate is a document issued immediately after birth and must be kept for life. When completing most papers, it is required to submit it to government agencies.

Over time, the certificate may become unusable, deteriorate, or get lost. To restore the metrics, you will have to collect a package of documents and fill out an application using a specialized form. You can contact the civil registry office, the MFC at your place of birth or in another city, but the procedure becomes much more complicated.

On what grounds can you apply for reinstatement of your certificate?

Restoring a birth certificate requires stating the reasons for obtaining a duplicate. The main ones include:

  • Changing personal data specified in the certificate, such as last name, first name, patronymic. If they change, contact authorized bodies for replacement is required. To do this, it is important, when filling out the form in a legal form, to indicate the reason why you changed your personal data.
  • Lost or stolen birth certificate also provides for the submission of a specialized application. There is no fine, but you will have to pay state fee in the prescribed amount.
  • Order from judicial or administrative authorities. For a specific number of reasons, the court may make a legislative decision to replace or restore the birth certificate. In this case, the civil registry office or MFC are required to issue the required metrics. The applicant should draw up an application with a list of reasons for the restoration of documents.
  • Damage or dilapidation. Once it becomes unusable, it is usually difficult to reliably recognize all the information. In these circumstances, the damaged original must be presented to the authorized government official.

For all of the above grounds, the legislation provides for separate application forms on a specially established form. The differences between the restoration of a certificate issued to a person born in the USSR and in Russian Federation, does not exist. Civil registry offices have been storing information in archives since the existence of the Soviet Union.

Who can do this?

According to regulations, which regulate legal relations in the field of civil status, the restored form can be issued to the following persons:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of majority;
  • official representatives of minor children;
  • trustees, trustees, guardians and adoptive parents;
  • legal representatives of government agencies.

Other citizens, including parents, who have ever limited or deprived parental rights to a child, do not have the right to receive a certificate. Lying and concealing these facts from employees may result in criminal liability.

List of forms and certificates

A birth certificate is the first important document in the life of every citizen of the Russian Federation. Receipt of a passport does not end in demand official paper about birth - some legal actions obligated to present it.

To obtain a duplicate birth certificate, you will need a standard package of legal documents required by the applicant:

  1. in a specially established form with a duplicate;
  2. documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. receipt of payment of state duty;
  4. power of attorney to receive documents (if the principal applies);

Rules for drawing up an application in form No. 18

An application for a duplicate in Form No. 18 requires the following data:

  1. name of the registering authority and its details;
  2. FULL NAME. applicant, passport data: indication number and series;
  3. date, place of birth and city of receipt of the original certificate;
  4. information about next of kin;
  5. list of submitted documentation and applications;
  6. date of completion and signature.

Please note: the application form must only be completed by hand in neat, legible handwriting. The ink must be black or blue. When filling out the columns, you should not use abbreviations or make corrections. All information provided must exactly match the information on the identity card.

Government duty

When applying for a duplicate birth certificate, you cannot do without a state fee. The MFC and Civil Registry Offices issue not only certificates. These are different papers, so their cost varies, but is fixed and established by law.

In 2018, the state duty is:

  • certificate – 200 rubles;
  • duplicate – 350 rub.

Procedure for paying state duty

Payment of state duty is also regulated. To do this you will need to perform several steps:

  1. Obtain in advance from the registration authorities the details of the payment form with which you will subsequently need to visit the bank. Also check with the organization for all information about the complete composition of the package.
  2. Pay the fee.
  3. Take the receipt confirming the transfer of funds to the registry office.

You can pay the state fee in the following ways:

  • At the cash desk of any nearest bank. To do this, just contact the department specialist with a receipt.
  • Via mail - any Postal office will accept payment.
  • By payment terminal: following the instructions, select the desired section and enter the exact details.
  • Online – you can use one of the options: online banking, electronic wallets, government services portal.

Attention: You can pay the state fee at the terminal or the registry office cash desk. Participants of the Great Patriotic War, heroes of Russia and the USSR, disabled people are exempt from paying it.

Where should I contact? Recovery procedure

If you live in the same place where you were born

The state structure authorized to restore and issue birth certificates for citizens of the Russian Federation are civil registry offices or multifunctional public service centers.

To get a duplicate, follow the algorithm:

  1. Collect everyone's folder necessary certificates, copies and forms together. If the original birth certificate has not been lost, you need to take it too.
  2. Pay the state fee.
  3. Submit the documentation to the civil registry office or MFC in person by filling out a form through State Services or sending forms by registered mail (in this case, only copies).
  4. Wait for a response that the duplicate is ready for issue.
  5. On the specified date, appear at the registry office or MFC to receive it.

Civil registry office or MFC

The basis for replacing a document through the civil registry office or MFC is to submit an application directly to a department employee. To do this, you must fill out an application form No. 18 by hand with a request to replace the damaged or lost certificate. A sample form to fill out will be provided by a civil registry office specialist. The form indicates the exact reason for restoration and current passport data.

Attached to the application are certificates, copies of identity documents, a receipt for payment of state fees and others. established by law forms. Depending on the situation, the authorized bodies may require a power of attorney from the citizen’s representative, papers confirming guardianship rights over the child, and a death certificate (only for a duplicate of the birth certificate of a deceased person).

If there is a lack of time, the most common and reliable way is the Public Services portal. To use it, you will first have to register and confirm your personal data. Through it, you can immediately apply for reinstatement. Having processed the request, the system will set a date on which you must appear for a duplicate of the original.

Despite the fact that most people avoid Internet resources, their personal data will not fall into the hands of scammers. The State Services website is equipped modern technologies protection that allows you to save personal data from prying eyes. Use the site public services to restore the metric is recommended in cases where there is no urgency, since the procedure will take longer. At the same time, public services have many advantages. The main thing is that all documents can be generated without leaving home. In addition, you won’t have to stand in queues and look for the right offices.

It’s easy to fill out the form on the website, you need to read detailed instructions. There you can also see a list of required documents, the cost of the state duty for your request and answers to questions that you may have.

If you live in another city

If your place of permanent residence has changed, you can apply for the restoration of a duplicate at permanent place registration. Based on your application, an employee of local government authorities will send a corresponding request to the civil registry office at the place of birth.

Within a few weeks, the applicant should receive a notification by mail or SMS with a request to come to the registry office of the city of residence. There, a duplicate birth certificate will be issued, sent by the department of registration authorities to which the request was sent.

This recovery method takes a long time. Therefore, if a person’s hometown is located in sufficient proximity, the best solution would be to travel with a prepared package of certificates to that registry office. By asking employees to speed up the process due to living in another city, you can receive a certificate immediately.

Restoring the birth certificate of a deceased person

When restoring the documents of a deceased person, you should contact the authorized bodies at the place of his permanent registration or the registration authorities in which he registered them. This can be done either in person or by mail. Another excellent solution is to contact the multifunctional city center, this will make issuing a duplicate easier.

In these cases, it is also possible to apply through the government services website.

Deadlines for issuing a certificate (for all cases)

The period within which a duplicate is issued through the registry office is from 5 working days. This information can be obtained in more detail from the center’s specialists when submitting a package of documents. If you live in another city, the process may take up to 2 weeks. In any case, you must be informed about the readiness of the duplicate at the postal address specified in the application form or telephone number.

If you contact the multifunctional centers of your city, the requested copy will be ready for issue immediately.

When applying through the State Services portal, you will wait at least 10 days.

If the application to the MFC was remote, the deadline for production and issuance of the document will be extended by 10 days and sent by mail to the address specified by the applicant.

Why can they refuse to issue a document and what to do in this case?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in some cases, government authorities may refuse to issue a duplicate birth certificate.

Among the main reasons:

  • Absence or loss of a birth record. According to Federal laws, citizens need to contact empowered organs executive power located in locality, where the fact of the birth of the child was registered.
  • Lack of authority. Persons who are not officially authorized to apply for the issuance of documents in the name of a specific person cannot obtain a duplicate certificate.
  • Deprivation of the applicant's parental rights to his child.
  • Lack of identification documents that could confirm a person’s personal data and citizenship. Moreover, if a citizen’s passport does not contain a record of the presence of children, this does not affect the possibility of obtaining a duplicate certificate.

Regardless of the above circumstances, if they refuse to issue a duplicate, the Civil Registry Office or MFC departments are required to clearly formulate and explain the reason to the applicant. They are also required to issue a written refusal for further proceedings. Any disputes should be resolved through judiciary authorities.

What to do if you don’t have a passport?

The most difficult situation when requesting a duplicate birth certificate is the absence of a passport. Without it, government agencies cannot even accept an application. In this case, the citizen will have to go to court to establish his identity, for which it is necessary to draw up and file a claim.

After the court makes a decision, the citizen will be issued new passport. Only after this can you apply for restoration of your birth certificate.

A birth certificate is the first and therefore the most important document in a person’s life. All subsequent certificates and papers are issued on its basis. It does not lose its relevance even as a person grows up. Design of internal and foreign passport impossible without this document, which is why it is so important to always have it at hand.

Read about the fine for losing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

How to restore an adult's birth certificate

If an adult's ID is lost, or if it has been stolen or damaged in some way, it can always be restored. This is not at all difficult to do; you just need to personally contact the nearest registry office with a statement of loss. The application can be submitted in person, with presentation of an identification document. In addition, you will need to pay a state fee for its restoration.

Remember that any document can be restored by a power of attorney certified by a notary.

The restoration period depends on where the application for a duplicate is submitted. If an adult applies to the registry office at the place of birth, then such a certificate is issued on the same day. If you need to send requests to another city, you will have to wait a little longer. The final deadline depends on the remoteness of the “native” registry office department.

Read about how to restore your passport if lost and what fine you will have to pay.

Where to restore a birth certificate

The most common way to recover is to contact the registry office with an application. However, this is not the only opportunity for a person to restore a duplicate if lost.
Let's look at other ways to get a duplicate:

  • Duplicate via MFC. This service is not yet available in all regions, so you should first inquire about the possibility of receiving it in a particular city. If available, an application is written, a copy of the passport is attached, and the state fee is paid. The duplicate will be issued within 7-30 days;
  • Restoring a birth certificate through government services. The Internet portal of State Services offers a wide range of services and invites you to fill out an application for a duplicate on the website. To do this, you should register on the official State Services service and fill out an application to receive a document. Take finished document You can do it in person by visiting the registry office or by authorizing a proxy.

This person can be any person to whom a power of attorney has been issued.

You can choose the recovery method at your own discretion, it all depends on the desired speed of obtaining a duplicate.

How to restore a child's birth certificate

A child’s primary ID must be restored more often than an adult’s ID. This happens because a child’s ID is a more in-demand document, which is why it is more likely to be lost or become unusable.

If a child’s birth certificate is lost, you can restore it in the same ways as described for adults. For getting re-certification You can contact the registry office, MFC or the State Services website about the birth.

At the registry office, restoration will take very little time, and a person will be able to restore it within half an hour.

How to get a child's birth certificate

Restoring a child’s lost certificate differs in its procedure from obtaining a similar certificate for an adult. The child should not be present when writing the application or purchasing a duplicate. His rights are represented by one of the adults - a parent or guardian. Moreover, it does not matter which of the official representatives comes for restoration.

It is important that the absence of an entry in an adult’s passport about the presence of a child is not grounds for refusing to accept an application. Data registration books in the registry office store all the necessary information.

Documents for obtaining a certificate

The package of documents does not change in any way when receiving a duplicate of an adult or child.
The list of documents required to obtain a certificate includes:

  • An application filled out on a special form. The form can be taken freely from the registry office or downloaded in advance on the State Services portal;
  • Passport of the person who has lost the document or of one of the parents to obtain a duplicate of the child;
  • Paid state duty.

State duty for birth certificate 2018

A primary identity card issued after the birth of a child is not subject to state duty. However, obtaining a duplicate if the document is lost is a paid procedure.
In 2018, it will be possible to obtain a document important for life by paying 200 rubles. The state duty can be paid at the bank’s cash desk, and in some cases, at the registry office itself, provided that there is a cash register in the department. When paying in banking institutions You must first obtain payment details.

It doesn’t matter whether a person uses an innovative method of recovery through State Services, or prefers to act according to a long-known scheme, receiving a duplicate will not take much time.

A person needs a birth certificate throughout his life, since the document is the first identity document, on the basis of which subsequent ones are issued - a passport, foreign visa, social insurance policy, etc. In case of loss, the certificate must be restored urgently. We will tell you how to do this in the article.

Who has the right to apply for document restoration?

Upon receipt birth certificates, A newborn baby acquires civil status, rights and responsibilities. The paper is drawn up on the basis of the birth certificate issued at the maternity hospital. Parents' ID and marriage certificate will also be required. The child’s data is entered into the register at the civil registry office at the place of residence. The document is filled out from the words of the child’s mother or father and contains the following information:

  • name of the registering government agency MARRIAGE REGISTRY;
  • identification number, series;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the newborn baby;
  • date of birth, year, and city;
  • passport details of the child's mother;
  • Full name of the newborn's father;
  • date of recording the act and issuing it to the owner;
  • registrar's signature;
  • official seal of the institution.

Until the age of 14, the birth certificate is the only legal document of the child. Along with other documents, a birth certificate requires careful handling. In case of loss or damage, it is necessary to restore the certificate urgently, since otherwise it will be impossible to take the baby abroad, obtain child benefit from the state, enroll in kindergarten, conduct medical checkup, get a passport at 14 years old and much more.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular Federal Law-143 “On Acts of Civil Status”, the following can apply to government agencies for document restoration:

  • parents of a minor citizen;
  • official guardian or trustee;
  • a first-degree relative of the owner of the lost certificate (in the event of the death of the parents. For this, you must provide certificates of title);
  • an official representative of a minor, with a power of attorney from a notary;
  • child under 14 years old with parents;
  • adult owner of a lost birth certificate.

The head of the human resources department at the place of work can also prepare documentation and fill out a request for a duplicate, but the birth certificate is issued personally to the owner against signature.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to issue a duplicate of a child’s birth certificate to parents who are deprived or temporarily limited in parental rights by decision of the judicial chamber.

Where to contact?

How to restore a child's certificate?

A child's birth certificate is the most necessary document, without which parents will not be able to:

  • enroll the baby in kindergarten or educational institution;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • get maternal capital or other benefit from the state that is due to a minor;
  • travel abroad with your baby, etc.

In addition, the child will not be able to obtain a passport at the age of 14 until he restores his birth certificate.

The procedure for restoring a duplicate of a child’s birth is not much different from the procedure that adults undergo. However, a minor does not have the right to fill out an application independently. This requires the presence of a parent or legal guardian.

List of documents for restoring a child’s birth certificate:

  • parents' ID card;
  • marriage registration certificate;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

All documents, except the receipt, must be attached to the application in original. When sending an application by mail or through the State Services website, electronic copies must be notarized. The original documents are presented at the time the duplicate is issued.

Deceased relative

According to Federal Law No. 143, a birth certificate can be issued again both during the life and after the death of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In the second case, the interested party may be:

  • first-degree relatives of the deceased (parents, children, spouse);
  • a notary who holds the testamentary document;
  • outsiders entitled to contact the registry office to obtain a duplicate.

The procedure for document restoration may take a long time, especially if the applicant lives in another region or state. You will also need to collect a large number of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a document confirming blood relationship (birth certificate of a child, marriage registration, for example);
  • will (if applied by third parties);
  • Identity documents of the deceased:
    • passport;
    • death certificate;
    • military ID, etc.
  • application for the issuance of a duplicate in two copies.

A certificate of a deceased citizen may be required in the following cases:

  • for registration of inheritance (for example, to confirm the family ties of the testator and heirs);
  • when establishing paternity in court;
  • to receive a pension on the death of the breadwinner;
  • for registration state benefit for burial, etc.

In order to restore archival data and obtain a duplicate of the birth certificate of the deceased, you need to send an application to the regional MFC.

In most cases, the issuance of a duplicate occurs without any difficulties, especially if the citizen has a copy of the deceased relative's birth certificate.

Can they refuse?

Every third citizen is faced with the need to restore documents, since cases of theft are not uncommon these days. If such a circumstance arises, it is required to indicate in the application the reason why the document is being restored. Basically, issuing a repeated duplicate is not difficult, however, there are a number of reasons why registration authorities may refuse reinstatement birth certificates.

Reasons for refusal :

  • the absence of any information about a citizen of the Russian Federation in the archival data of a government institution;
  • expiration of the main documents (for example, the applicant’s passport);
  • incorrectly completed application (error in the specified personal data);
  • lack of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the birth certificate holder's parents have been deprived of parental rights or are divorced.