Summary of an extracurricular lesson in elementary school on the topic: “My small Motherland. Vladimir city

This summary contains material for teaching a lesson on the topic “My Small Motherland.” Poems and texts about the Motherland were given, a presentation “Where the Motherland Begins” was given, during the lesson the parents gave a presentation about Pavlovsk and their family. I tried to convey to children that nurturing love for their small homeland begins with love for family, for their loved ones.



Lesson topic: "My little homeland"

Class hour in 3rd grade

Class teacher: Troitskaya L.S.

Lesson objectives:


1. contribute to the formation of students’ understanding of the concept of “Small Motherland”;

2. introduce students to famous people of Pavlovsk


1. promote logical thinking of students;

2. stimulate thought and interest in the subject


1. instill love for the native land;

2. instill in students a sense of pride in their compatriots;

3. to instill in students a sense of patriotism, respect, and pride for their Motherland

Equipment :

map of the Motherland

text handout

audio recording of the song “Where does the Motherland begin?”;

slide set

video clips of Pavlovsk,

presentation about the Klyuev family.

Lesson type: conversation lesson

During the classes:

(The song “Where does the Motherland Begin?” is played) presentation on the topic

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us,

Since in any test

Can't anyone take it from us?

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From that very birch tree in the field

In the wind, bending, growing...

Or maybe it's starting

From the cheerful song of a starling

And from this country road,

Which has no end in sight...

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the windows burning in the distance,

From my father's old budenovka,

What did we find somewhere in the closet...

Or maybe it's starting

From the sound of carriage wheels

And from the oath that in my youth,

You brought her in your heart...

Teacher :

Our lesson today will be about the Motherland, guys.

What is the name of our Motherland?

Who can say what our Motherland is like? (map)

And indeed, our Motherland is beautiful, rich, huge. We are just now sitting down at our desks, but in the Far East the first day of school has long ended, night will soon fall.

We can say that our Motherland is powerful and strong.


Russian squads, warriors of Prince Igor, and heroes of the Kulikovo field went into battle for the Motherland. The great word “Motherland” knocked in their hearts, it forced painters to take up their brushes, it sounds in the music of composers, in the words of poets.

Since ancient times, the theme of the Motherland has become the main theme of Russian literature. Pushkin and Lermontov, Nekrasov and Tyutchev, Prokofiev and Yesenin dedicated inspired lines to her.

Motherland...Listen and look closely at this word (the word “Motherland” is written on the board)

Please select words with the same root for the word Motherland.

Children's answers:

  • spring,
  • nature,
  • birth,
  • relatives,
  • native,
  • people,
  • give birth,
  • mole,
  • genus,
  • parents

Teacher :

Our sense of the Motherland also consists of different ideas: large and small, but equally dear to the heart.

Guys! On your tables there are cards with the words of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. What does he write about the Motherland? Let's read it.

Text No. 1.

“Our Fatherland, our Motherland, Motherland. We call our country Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it for a long time. We call it our homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us. We call her mother because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, taught us her language and, like a mother, protects and protects us from all enemies.

There are many in the world, and besides Russia, all sorts of good states and lands, but a person has one natural mother - he has one Motherland.”


And this is exactly what the Soviet poet Konstantin Simonov talks about.

Student :

Touching the three great oceans,

She lies, spreading out the cities,

Covered with a grid of meridians

Invincible, wide, proud...

This is where we were lucky to be born,

Where for life, until death, we found

That handful of earth that is suitable,

To see in it the signs of the whole earth...

Teacher :

When you listen to this poem, it seems that it is built on contrast: the Motherland on the geographical map, huge, powerful, stretching to three great oceans, and a tiny piece of land where you were born and where you live.

Guys, please tell me, what is the name of that small piece of land where we all live now?

Children's answers:


Which one of you was born here?

Where did your parents come here from?

From what places?

How long have they lived here?

Children's answers:

Video “St. Petersburg. Pavlovsk.

Part 1"


Every person has a homeland - the land where he was born and where everything seems special, beautiful, dear to him. Everything in it is painfully familiar, and every person has moments when his own home becomes more valuable than anything else in the world, and we associate the concept of human happiness with one’s father’s house, the street, the village, the city where you were born and raised. This is our “small homeland”.

Teacher :

And we are faced with a problematic task that we will have to solve, and it sounds like this: is the city of Pavlovsk, for most of us living here, a Little Motherland?

Teacher :

Why is this area called that?

Children's answers

Teacher :

Tell me, which streets in our city are named after famous people?

Children's answers:

Teacher :

What is our city famous for?

Children's answers:

Teacher :

What major industrial enterprises do you know?

Children's answers:

Teacher :

Tell me, what is the most valuable wealth of our region?

Without whom would our city not exist?

Name it in one word...

Children's answers:

  • People


What are the most important professions for the development of our city?

Children's answers:

Teacher :

Is it possible to single out 2-3 professions and say that they are the most important?

Children's answers:

Teacher :


Children's answers:

- (without doctors, teachers, sellers, etc., our city would not be able to function).

Teacher :

So, we can say that every profession is important and necessary.

Guys! What surrounds our city?

Children's answers

Teacher :

Do you like our nature?

Children's answers:

Teacher :

The nature that surrounds us is beautiful and unique

Tell me, please, why do we love our city, our region?

Children's answers:

Student. Reads M. Plyatskovsky’s poem “Motherland”

Can you hear the song of the stream?

This is my homeland!

This is my homeland!

Do you see the Kremlin stars?

This is my homeland!

School where my friends are

This is my homeland!

My mother's hands

The sound of rain

And the noise of the branches,

And in the forest there are currants -

All this is my Motherland!

Teacher :

What can you call a person who is devoted to his people, who loves his Motherland, who performs labor and heroic military exploits for its interests? Name it in one word...

Children's answers:

  • (patriot)

On the board patria - homeland, fatherland, Latin word.

Portraits of famous people of Pavlovsk.

Teacher .

Feats are performed by warriors, miners, doctors, and smelters in factories. And all of them are committed in the name of love for their Motherland, for their Fatherland.

I want you guys to all be patriots of your hometown, no matter where fate takes you. You must remember our city, your home, your school.

But love for one’s “small homeland” is impossible without love for family, for relatives, for parents. And it is in the family that love for the Motherland is born.

Presentation "The Klyuev Family".


Russia, Motherland, Fatherland. Native side. Such painfully familiar words. Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth. But no matter where we are, our small homeland will always be for us that bright light that will call us to our native lands with its bright light.

Teacher :

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What do you remember most?

What did you like?

Who is a patriot?

What does the word “Motherland” mean to you?

Children's answers:

Class hour: "Dear corner of the heart -

my small homeland"

Target: show the importance of the homeland in the life of every person.


    to help students develop an understanding of the meaning of the expression “small homeland”; generalize the concepts: Motherland, small homeland;

    promote a sense of respect, pride, patriotism, love for one’s country and small homeland;

    develop children's speech, creativity, and desire to learn more about their region.

Lesson type: lesson - conversation.

Equipment: text handout, audio recording of the song “Where does the Motherland Begin?”, set of slides.

Progress of the lesson.


For Russia, the village is a particle,
And for us it is our parental home.
And we are glad that we can be proud
Small Motherland, where we live.”

I . Class organization. Emotional mood.

Guys, I suggest you play first.

Unity game.

Students stand in a circle. Each participant, in turn, turns to his neighbor on the right, calls him by name and says what he likes about him. Then the same is done, but in relation to the neighbor on the left.

The guys go to their places.

(The song “Where does the Motherland Begin?” plays)

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us,

Since in any test

Can't anyone take it from us?

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From that very birch tree in the field

In the wind, bending, growing...

Or maybe it's starting

From the cheerful song of a starling

And from this country road,

Which has no end in sight...

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the windows burning in the distance,

From my father's old budenovka,

What did we find somewhere in the closet...

Or maybe it's starting

From the sound of carriage wheels

And from the oath that in my youth,

You brought her in your heart...

Tell me guys, what is this song about?

The children's answers are listened to.

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher. What do you think we will talk about today? (children formulate the topic of the lesson, the teacher summarizes)

Teacher. Today we will talk about our Motherland, or rather, about our small homeland.

III. Updating students' knowledge.

Teacher. Guys, what is the name of our country?

Children. Russia.

Teacher. What is our Russia like?

Children(one by one) Big, beautiful, huge, rich, strong.


And this is exactly what Konstantin Simonov is talking about.


Touching the three great oceans,

She lies, spreading out the cities,

Covered with a grid of meridians

Invincible, wide, proud...

This is where we were lucky to be born,

Where for life, until death, we found

That handful of earth that is suitable,

To see in it the signs of the whole earth...

Teacher. What is the name of the region in which you and I live?

Children. Bryansk region.

Teacher. Guys, if we tell you that we live in Russia, in the Bryansk region, then it will probably be very difficult to find our native corner, since the Bryansk region is large, so we need to clarify our address.

Who wants to continue, clarify our address, indicate in detail where we live?

Children. We live in the Gordeevsky district, in the village of Gordeevka.


Why is our district called Gordeevsky? (children's answers)

Teacher. Yes, the name of our district comes from the village of Gordeevka. The history of the village of Gordeevka goes back to ancient times.


Who knows how old our village is?

The history of Gordeevskaya land began in the 14th century; For more than three hundred years, the center of the region has existed - the village of Gordeevka. At the beginning of the 18th century, regimental clerk Gordey Nosikevich settled a settlement on the Pokonka River and gave it his name. Previously, there was the Buda of the Pole Chizh, and these lands, called Severskie, belonged to a large state at that time - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth / modern Poland /; After the Peace of Andrusovo, concluded between Poland and Russia in 1667, the Severskaya land went to the Russian state.

All this time, despite the border position, the difficulties of the economic and political situation, the Gordeevsky region has been growing and developing all the time. Nowadays, the district is one of the most developed in the Bryansk region, thanks to the work of local residents who have made a huge contribution to the development of their small homeland.


Our district, like all others, has its own symbol - the coat of arms. What does the coat of arms of our region look like?

Teacher. Look carefully at our coat of arms.

In a green field with a silver tip, on top of everything is a golden oak with roots changing color to scarlet at the tip, and accompanied in the upper corners by golden bees with silver wings.

The coat of arms can be reproduced in two equally acceptable versions: without a crown and with a status territorial crown.
The version of the coat of arms with the status territorial crown is used after the State Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation has approved the appropriate legislative framework for the inclusion of images of status territorial crowns in the coats of arms of municipalities.

Rationale for symbolism:
The symbolism of the figures of the coat of arms is multi-valued. All figures of the coat of arms symbolize the best features of the local residents.
The bee is a symbol of hard work, order, frugality and diligence.
Oak - a symbol of strength, longevity, civil courage and military valor shows that Gordeevites preserve and continue the glorious traditions laid down by many generations of ancestors. The oak tree also echoes the coat of arms of Starodub (Starodub Regiment), whose lands included the territory of the modern district in the 17th century.
Gold, a symbol of wealth, stability and harvest, allegorically points to agriculture, the economic basis of the region.
The silver tip as the “foundation” of the coat of arms symbolizes the historical roots, allegorically showing the Budas built at the beginning of the 18th century - the places where potash was mined, which was used to make glass, soap and gunpowder.
The rivers Pakona and Iput flowing through the region are shown in silver in the coat of arms
Silver is a symbol of purity, perfection, peace and mutual understanding.
Green color is a symbol of earth and grass.

IV. A conversation about the meaning of the word “homeland.”

Teacher. Guys, which of you have relatives and friends who live in other villages in our area? Do you go there often, do you know all the paths, every corner?

(children's answers)

Teacher. This is our native land, our small Motherland.

A student reads the poem “Small Motherland”

Small Motherland -
An island of land.
There are currants under the window,
The cherries have blossomed.
curly apple tree,
And under it there is a bench -
Affectionate little one
My motherland!

Teacher. Why do we call our region the Motherland?

Children.(answer options: we were born here, my home is here, my parents and relatives live here).

We call the house in which we grow up, the house where my family lives, homeland.

In addition, when people talk about their homeland, many think about their yard, the street where they played with friends. About your favorite corner of nature, where you are used to relaxing.

The city or village in which your house is located and your fellow countrymen live is also called homeland.

A person calls his homeland the country in which he was born.

Our country is great and beautiful. At different times it was called differently: Rus', Russia, Soviet Union, Russian Federation. But for other countries and peoples, our country has always been Russia. She still bears this name today.

Russia... Motherland... This is the region where we were born, where we live, this is our home, this is everything that surrounds us...

V. Proverbs about the Motherland.

Teacher. What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?

Work in groups.

The class is divided into 2 groups. Each group is given 2 envelopes with a proverb cut into pieces. Students must collect proverbs and explain their meaning.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live - to serve the Motherland

On the other side is like a nightingale without a song.

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

Physical exercise.

Write the word “Russia” with your left elbow, the word “homeland” with your right toe, the word “home” with your right elbow, and the word “home” with your left toe.

VI. Sights of our small Motherland.


Among the vastness of our big country there is a region where you live, where is your home, your native land.

Guys, what sights of our village do you know?

The children's answers are listened to.


Each village has its own traditions. What folk traditions are there in our village?

The children's answers are listened to.


Every year in the village of Gordeevka on September 27, events are held dedicated to the Day of Liberation of the Gordeevsky District from the Nazi invaders.

The Sergeiki fair takes place on the central square. The fair is held on October 20 and lasts one day.

From the chronicle of the village of Gordeevka it is known that in the old days the fair took place from October 25 to November 1, and from November 2 it continued in the village of Petrova Buda, Gordeevsky district, then in the neighboring Krasnogorsk region in the village of Vereshchaki and other villages.


Why is the fair called “Sergeiki”?

It turns out that it was named so not in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh, but in honor of the birthday of the Gordeevsky landowner Sergei Bulatsel. He approved this fair and named it after himself.

The fair coincided with the end of the harvest. People from all over the region and nearby regions brought surplus goods for exchange or sale.

Tents, marquees, and wagons were pitched along the streets. They also sold directly from carts. Confectionery products were sold from trays attached to the chest. The most efficient sellers came all night to get a better place.

In the square, in the shopping arcades, maters gathered who weaved baskets, made wooden toys, and also sharpened knives and axes. They wove baskets and bast shoes from birch bark, and carved spoons.

The fair trade was held for one day; on this day, an improvised stage was set up, where Russian folk songs and ditties were sung, and dancing was performed to the accordion. Competitions for strength, speed and agility were held on the square.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher. What words would you choose to describe your small homeland?

(which she?)

The children's answers are listened to.

Teacher. Now go to the table and choose a card with the word that you like best to describe our small homeland and attach it to the board.

(beloved, beautiful, clean, interesting, green, birch, amazing, magnificent, sunny, light, colorful, wonderful, kind)

(Children choose cards to describe their small homeland and attach them to the board)

Teacher. Guys, you called your homeland beautiful, beloved, interesting, green, amazing.

What do you think is needed for it to remain that way and prosper?

The children's answers are listened to.

I really want you to be proud of your homeland. And for this you need to love and take care of her very much.

Teacher. Our class hour has come to an end.
Russia, Motherland, small homeland. Such painfully familiar words.
Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth.
But no matter where we are, your native land will always be that bright light for us, which will call us to our native land with its bright light.
Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his family.


About my homeland I speak quietly:
After all, there is no need to shout about great love.
She is my joy and reward,
I’ll say about her and say a prayer:
“Be forever in prosperity and glory,
Give you strength, Almighty, to preserve peace,
Give us strength to live without further ado
And I won’t let myself down in front of you!”

Guys! Let's smile at each other! May today's lesson bring us the joy of communication.

Watching the presentation and listening to the song “My Russia has long braids”

Did you like the presentation?

Which slides do you remember?

Did you like the song?

What words were repeated in the song?

What do you think we will talk about today?

What is Russia?

I was lucky once in my life:
I was once born in Russia -
In that land where there is light from the birches,
On a land that is not more beautiful.
My love is my land
My beautiful Russia.
Its lakes and fields,
Birches, willows and aspens.
All this is with me forever
Both in happiness and in bad times.
There is no other like this in the world,
And why would she need another one?

Now think about what it means for

you homeland?

Russia is our big Motherland. But each of us has our own

Small Motherland is the corner where we

We were born, where our parents and friends live, where our home is. Small for some

R Rodina - hometown. For some - a native street or a cozy courtyard with

to the swing. The homeland does not have to be big. This is our history and every person should know the history of their land, its people. In this there is a piece of our happiness Our small Motherland is ours

d Afanasieva village. Listen

with a poem that is dedicated specifically to the village that we

We call it our small homeland. (children read poems about their village)

(- And in what area is it located?

our village?

What other villages?

Do you know the Tulun district?

Who is the mayor of our area?

What do you know about your native village?

What does our village have? Where would you take your friend who came to visit you for the first time?

We have a large, comfortable school, a cultural center, shops, a first-aid post, a kindergarten, a post office, and a dairy farm.

What river flows through our village?

In the center of our village there is a sacred place - this is a monument to the soldiers, our fellow countrymen, who fought with the Nazis for our Motherland during the Second World War.

Why is our village named like that? Let's turn to history.

Afanasyevskoye rural settlement includes three settlements: the village of Afanasyeva, the village of Ermaki, and the village of Nikitaevo. The village of Afanasyev is named after the first settler who settled here more than two hundred years ago. This is how old your village is. Later, families from Belarus, Ukraine, Chuvash, and Mordovians began to come here. There were 24 households in total.

The war years were a difficult test for the residents. All the men went to the front, leaving only women and children. Young girls worked in the fields on tractors and combines. And in the summer of 1943 there was a fire in the village, half the village burned down.

After the war, the village began to come to life, schools, hospitals, shops, cultural centers, and kindergartens were built.

A big event in Afanasv’s life was the construction of the secondary school where you are now studying. Previously, to get a secondary education you had to go to Tulun.

In 1992, a modern House of Culture was built, where a library is located, clubs work, holidays, competitions, and concerts are held.

This year all residents of our area have a big holiday. Our district is turning 90 years old. As a rule, only good words are said to birthday people. And our workers deserve them. Our region, our village is rich in wonderful people, hard workers, their names make us proud of our fellow countrymen.

Today our guest is an honorary resident of our village, a cultural worker, a master of his craft and simply a wonderful person, Maria Vasilievna Kazakevich.

What should we do to make your Motherland proud of you?

Experiment (I propose to break the blades of grass from a broom) And now in my hands is a broom, in which there are many of these blades and they are all tightly connected to each other. Try to break them. Does not work. So the homeland will be strong and invincible if all the inhabitants of our country live in peace and friendship.

That's the end of our lesson.

What new things have you learned about your village?

Each of you has your own path in life, your own path, but let love for your native land, for your native land, for your native village live in everyone’s heart. May love for your small HOMELAND live in the heart of each of you.

Lesson on the topic: "My small homeland"

in 3rd grade MAOU "Secondary School No. 12 SUIOP"

city ​​of Gubkin, Belgorod region

Teacher: Golovacheva Raisa Vladimirovna

Lesson Objectives : clarify the concepts of “Motherland”, “small homeland”, expand children’s knowledge about their hometown, its past, the history of its formation, the sights of the city.


To develop feelings of patriotism, love for their native land, and educate students as citizens of their homeland who know and respect their roots;

To promote the development of cognitive interests, interest in the history of the native land, one’s country;

develop children’s speech, creative abilities, and the ability to present material coherently and emotionally;

Instill search research skills;

Equipment: computer, projector, lesson presentation

Formed UUD :


The ability to determine and formulate the purpose of the lesson.


To promote the development of interest in art, to form aesthetic feelings, to form the motivational basis of educational activities, i.e. children's desire to learn more about their region.


the ability to process received information, compare objects, make comparisons, construct an oral statement, develop observation skills, and develop the ability to find information in dictionaries.


control your actions in collective work, take initiative, listen and engage in dialogue, formulate your own opinion and position.

During the classes.

1. Motivation for learning activities.

Guys! Let's smile at each other! May today's lesson bring us the joy of communication. A student reads a poem.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us,

Since in any test

Can't anyone take it from us?

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From that very birch tree in the field

In the wind, bending, growing...

Or maybe it's starting

From the cheerful song of a starling

And from this country road,

Which has no end in sight...

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the windows burning in the distance,

From my father's old budenovka,

What did we find somewhere in the closet...

Or maybe it's starting

From the sound of carriage wheels

And from the oath that in my youth,

You brought her in your heart...

2 . Formulating the topic of the lesson, setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Which of you children guessed what we will talk about in class? What is the topic of our lesson?

(about the Motherland)

3. Updating students' knowledge.

Motherland...Listen and look closely at this word. What does it mean?!

Please select synonyms for the word Motherland.

Teacher :

Our sense of the Motherland also consists of different ideas: large and small, but equally dear to the heart.

Guys! On your tables there are cards with the words of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. What does he write about the Motherland? Let's read it.

Text No. 1.

“Our Fatherland, our Motherland, Motherland. We call our country Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it for a long time. We call it our homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us. We call her mother because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, taught us her language and, like a mother, protects and protects us from all enemies.

There are many in the world, and besides Russia, all sorts of good states and lands, but a person has one natural mother - he has one Motherland.”

Teacher :

What does the word “Motherland” mean to you guys?

What is the name of our country?

Where is it?

What seas wash our country?

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spreads freely from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields.


And this is exactly what Konstantin Simonov is talking about.

Student :

Touching the three great oceans,

She lies, spreading out the cities,

Covered with a grid of meridians

Invincible, wide, proud...

This is where we were lucky to be born,

Where for life, until death, we found

That handful of earth that is suitable,

To see in it the signs of the whole earth...

Teacher :

When you listen to this poem, it seems that it is built on contrast: the Motherland on the geographical map, huge, powerful, stretching to three great oceans, and a tiny piece of land where you were born and where you live.

Guys, please tell me, what is the name of that small piece of land where we all live now?

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

- small homeland. What is the name of our small homeland?

Raise your hand, who was born here?

Where did your parents come here from?

From what places?

How long have they lived here?

Why is our city called that?

How old is our city?

Tell me, which streets in our city are named after famous people?

- What is our city famous for?

- What major industrial enterprises do you know?

Tell me, what is the most valuable wealth of our region?

Without whom would our city not exist?

Name in one word...(people)

- What are the most important professions for the development of our city?

- Is it possible to single out 2-3 professions and say that they are the most important?


- (without doctors, teachers, sellers, etc., our city would not be able to function).

Teacher :

So, we can say that every profession is important and necessary.

Let's now read the words of Vasily Peskov, which have a very deep meaning.

Text No. 2.

“From what does enormous human love for everything that fits into one word – Motherland – grow? Homeland is a lot. The homeland is like a huge tree on which you can’t count the leaves. And everything we do good adds strength to him. But every tree has roots. Without roots, even a slight wind would have knocked it down.”

Physical exercise. (Sofia Rotaru “My Motherland”)

We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Small Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, their small homeland is a small town or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with a swing, a sandbox and a wooden slide.

In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

And we should never forget that when we are together, when we are friends, love and understand each other, the homeland of each of us will prosper, and people will be happy.

Teacher: now guys, I suggest you complete three sentences:

My little homeland is...

I love her for...

I want to wish her...

The Small Motherland is different for each person, but the main thing is that he loves it, does not forget it and brings only benefit to it!

Everything in the world is not endless -

From the ocean to the stream

But if something in the world is eternal,

This is my homeland.

5. Creative break. Children work in groups.

- Draw the beautiful corners of your small homeland, your favorite corners.

Draw what you would like your homeland to look like in the future.

Write wishes to your homeland.

6. Events in Ukraine. A minute of silence in memory of those killed in Ukraine.

7. Lesson summary.

About my homeland I speak quietly:After all, there is no need to shout about great love.She is my joy and reward,I’ll say about her and say a prayer:Be forever in prosperity and glory,Give you strength, Almighty, to preserve peace,Give us strength to live without further adoAnd I won’t let myself down in front of you!”A. Prokofiev “Motherland?”

8. Reflection.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Middle School of General education

Pyatidorozhnoye village"

(MBOU "Secondary school in Pyatidorozhnoye")

Lesson summary

on the subject “the world around us”,

Lesson topic: "My little homeland."

Teacher of the MBOU "Secondary school in Pyatidorozhnoye": Elena Andreevna Selivanova.

Lesson topic: “My small homeland.”

Goals: consolidate the concepts of “Motherland”, “small homeland”, expand children’s knowledge about their native region, its past, the history of its education.


To form feelings of patriotism, love for their native land, educating students as citizens of their homeland, who know and respect their roots;

To promote the development of cognitive interests, interest in the history of the native land, one’s country;

Develop children’s speech, creative abilities, and the ability to present material coherently and emotionally;

Instill search research skills;

Express your emotions and feelings.

Formed UUD:


The ability to determine and formulate the purpose of the lesson.


To contribute to the development of interest in art, to form aesthetic feelings, to form the motivational basis of educational activities, i.e. children's desire to learn more about their region.


The ability to process received information, compare objects, make comparisons, construct an oral statement, develop observation skills, and develop the ability to find information.


Control your actions in collective work, take initiative, listen and engage in dialogue, formulate your own opinion and position.

1. O.N.U. Greetings

2.Updating knowledge

Video “My Russia” (1 verse and chorus)

Watch a fragment of the video, think about what this film is about?

Guys, what is this movie about?

What is Russia for all of us? (Motherland)

What is the Motherland?

We all live in a country called Russia. This is our Motherland. And we are Russians! Russia is a huge country. Russia has high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, swamps and fields. It spreads freely from the snow and ice of the Far North to the Black and Azov Seas in the south. We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its talented people, its riches.

Look at the pictures and photographs that are located on the board. Select everything that you associate with Russia.

3. Setting a learning task

Learning new material

In such a large country as Russia, each of us has that place, that corner where we were born, where our parents and friends live, where our home is located, school, where there are so many acquaintances and already dear friends.

Guys, what can you call this place, this corner? (My small homeland)

Let's figure out what my small homeland is?

What does the word “mine” mean?

MINE - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...

SMALL - because it is a small part of my vast country.

HOMELAND - because people close to my heart live here.

And for you and me, what is a small homeland?

In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

Working with the map. The Kaliningrad region is the westernmost point of our Country.

Name the topic of today's lesson.

Determine the goals and objectives of the lesson based on the table.

Let’s learn the concept of “small homeland” and expand knowledge about Kaliningrad region.

Let's learn how to draw up a business card of the Kaliningrad region.

Who knows what a business card is?

Business card is a representation of someone or something. We will represent the Kaliningrad region.

Physical education minute:

Hands raised and shook

These are birches in the forest,

Arms bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly,

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit down.

The arms were bent back.

4. Research work in groups.

I invite us all to learn more about our small homeland - the Kaliningrad region.

To do this, we will work in groups in order to draw up a business card of the Kaliningrad region.

Distribution into groups (by rows)

Group 1 - working with text.

Group 2 - working with a map.

Group 3 - work with handouts.

Each group must fill out its route sheets, and group speakers present the results of the research to the entire group.

5. Presentation of group work.

Scientist and linguist Dmitry Likhachev wrote this: “Love for your native land, native culture, native speech begins small - love for your family, for your home, for your school.”

Imagine that you and I are one big family. To make everyone in our house feel good, let's collect what we need for this. I need kindness in my family, what about you?



So we built a house in which love and warmth reign. Collect your warmth in your palms. Let there be a lot of it. Feel this warmth. Share your warmth with each other.

6. Game "Shooting Star".

There is a popular belief that if you make a wish on a shooting star, it will definitely come true. I would wish that our small homeland would prosper, that guests from other countries would come to us and admire it.

What wish would you make for our small homeland - the Kaliningrad region.

7. Reflection.

Guys, what did we talk about in class today?

What did you learn to compose?

Game "Burning Chair".

8. Homework.

Make a business card of the street where you live.