Niya how are you doing 0 ok. How to get free oks in Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki is like a state. There is even a coat of arms, although they haven’t yet invented an anthem, but they have acquired their own “currency”. These are the so-called OKs, for which you can exchange all sorts of goodies that operate within the social network. They can be used to purchase additional functions; they can be used to pay for gifts to your protégés or to buy hard-to-find bonuses in games.

Hunting for "OKami"

As a rule, “OKs” are bought for real money - by transfer from a mobile phone, from bank card or payment through terminals. The cost of one OK varies depending on the payment option and the number of units purchased. The average cost is from 1:1 (a ruble per “OK”) and almost up to two rubles per unit of currency.

But the Russians would not be Russians if they had not tried to circumvent the restrictions here too. Websites on the Internet are full of various options for earning OKs, but, unfortunately, the reality is much sadder. However, in order.

Download/buy/magic program (for suckers)

The number of people who supposedly managed to do this is absolutely equal to the number of people selling these same programs. In reality, in the best case, you will simply top up some account and in a week you will spit without waiting for the promised code or program. In a more unpleasant version, they will send you to email some kind of program that, if the anti-virus protection misses it, will drag so many spyware and virus modules into your computer that, at a minimum, you will pay by reinstalling the operating system, and at maximum you can say goodbye to all your data.

Option without programs: work as a moderator

You need to clearly understand that work is WORK and it must be paid. Indeed, a large community will pay for your work with real, living money, but will also demand full return from you. The amounts are relatively small, but they will exhaust you considerably; don’t expect to get away with the couple of hours a week promised when you were “employed.”

If the group is relatively small, then they may well pay with OKami, but think about it, is it worth even exchanging a couple of hours of your time for the equivalent of 50 rubles? Another short note. In reality, during two weeks of close observation, only 3 advertisements of this type flashed in the 61st community, and not a single one of my applications was approved. The groups on women's handicrafts required employees with an understanding of the topic, and the computer technology group presented requirements for qualifications with which one can safely become a chief specialist in any super company.

With OKami payment for work for any third-party company, the situation is approximately the same as in point “2” - it’s better to take on any other Internet business, receiving payment in real money.

The last of the voiced options – “earn OKs by moderating photos” – is a certain kind of deceit. It works, but... you won't get "OKs". However, this is the method we will consider, and here's why. What would you buy for OK if you got it? In 80% of cases, “OKs” are spent on gifts, emoticons and the function of distributing “5+” ratings. Acquiring game bonuses is not a rewarding task at all, then what is the point of the game? And you and I will actually earn the listed “goodies”, and without much effort. As they say: watch your hands.

Earn points for moderating photos

We believe you are familiar with the site interface. Blurry areas in illustrations are those areas that should not be posted publicly (names, portraits, etc.), including those images for which we will be awarded points for deleting them.

Scroll down the page a little and on the left find the line “Odnoklassniki Moderator” - it is circled and an arrow points to it:

By clicking on the line, a new application will open, designed in a typical style for the site:

The very first picture proposed for moderation had such content that it had to be hidden from prying eyes. To join the team of moderators, click the green button that says “Start moderating.” Your further work is extremely simple: you study the contents of the picture or video and, depending on what you see, either allow or disable the image. Two buttons in the lower right corner of the application serve this purpose.

Move the mouse cursor over them and you will be offered a selection menu: what it is for the “allowing” green button can be seen in the previous illustration. For “good” pictures, the menu is quite varied - you can not only allow the picture, but also immediately give a certain score. Each approved picture gives you 2 points, and the counter displaying their amount is located just below, on the right.

It would seem, what is this for anyway? But don’t rush: no one would sign you up for this lesson just like that. Unfortunately, the consciousness of some social network residents is, to put it mildly, not up to par. From such characters you now protect the site and its users.

The figure of the girl in the previous photo is hidden, but, believe me, such a picture should not be shown to children, or particularly impressionable adults. Select the prohibiting red button:

We set the category “Pornography”. The file will be rejected as not having passed moderation. The second category – “Propaganda of violence and insult” – refers to images with obscenity, explicit scenes of violence, simply containing obscenities in the form of threats, indecent gestures, and the like. For each correctly rejected file you will receive 20 points.

Two notes in progress

First note: most porn pictures belong to so-called bots, simply pests, so going to their pages by clicking on the “Author” link is almost pointless. You won’t see real pages, with a probability of almost 100%, but there is still a point in such an action! Click on the author's name and you will see the following page:

Why is this? Here's why: for a non-existent page they will add... 200 points in the “Achievements” section! We don’t know how many times this trick can be used, check it yourself.

Second remark: with “pornography” the matter is not as simple as it seems, however, with the other blocked categories too. The fact is that moderators are people, and whether or not to recognize a photo as obscene is a matter of personal taste. The moderation process consists of sending the same frame to several different operators and, if the majority found it to be inconsistent with the site’s policies, the picture is deleted. The following funny variations are possible here:

  1. Poor image quality prevents you from carefully examining its contents. As a result, the file gets the go-ahead and porn leaks onto the site. Unfortunately, it didn’t occur to us to grab the image that was sent to the trash, which was an obvious still from an S&M porn film, but less attentive moderators missed it and a claim was filed for inattention.
  2. The following frame was rejected simply to demonstrate what would happen if an error occurred. The picture is from the complex category, and the result was this:

The forbidden shot is in the small window on the left. Well, yes, it seemed like nothing, but a few minutes later, for an almost 100% identical picture, another warning was received:

It’s a pity, but the forbidden photo was never shown; perhaps several more moderators blocked it. Nevertheless, the points are “gone” and you only have to blame your own carelessness. Well, or, if you want, the inattention of other moderators. The rules for moderating pictures are quite simple (managed by the administration) and can be found by clicking the “Rules” button at the top right of the application window.

The most difficult thing, of course, is to correctly understand whether a given file corresponds to a prohibited category or not. For example, photographs of works of art, whether antique, Renaissance, or modern, even if the statue or model is completely naked, will not fall into the category of porn. On the other hand, for example, in video files, a naked body may flash for a second and, if you overlook it, you can get into trouble.

We spend what we earn

Well, and, most importantly, for the sake of what it was worth doing the entire process described above - we convert the earned points into various useful things. In the lower right corner of the application window there is an orange button labeled “Auctions”. Yes, yes, that’s right - there is no clear cost for paid functions if you don’t buy them, but exchange them for points. Not the most pleasant thing, but what can you do?

Clicking on the button takes you to the current auctions page. There's not much to understand here:

An arrow and a circle highlight the button that we have already pressed, thereby placing a bet of 40 points for the right to give “5+” ratings for 2 days. The previous amount offered by another participant was 30 points, ours, accordingly, was 40. What do you need to know in order to work more effectively at the auction? Keep an eye on the ending auctions.

Remember: how many points, for what function and, most importantly, for how many days, the winner of the previous auction paid. Select the same auction, set the amount 150–200 points higher in advance, time it with a software or real stopwatch and last second bidding, click on the “Place a Bid” button. The chances of receiving the coveted bonus will increase significantly. Of course, you must have enough points and the cost must be at least more or less adequate to the desired prize.

One last note

I don’t know how to feel about this, but there are pictures on the site, and in considerable quantities:

The photo itself is quite decent, but what is written above it? Not everyone is a polyglot to read dozens of languages, are you? Don’t know what to do and don’t want to accidentally miss something obscene on the site? Then just refuse to moderate this picture. You can do this by clicking on the white arrow in the circle in the upper right corner of the application. Also act in all cases when your moral principles require you to act differently from the moderation rules - and you will not lose points, and your soul will be at peace.

What is OK in Odnoklassniki

Oki is a unique internal currency of the Odnoklassniki social network. Thanks to it, you can get advanced features on the resource. Without OKs, the user can easily communicate with friends online, look at photos, listen to music, join communities, and create their own groups. But the following functions will not be available:

  • Rating photos and posts of other users with a maximum score (5+).
  • Sending virtual gifts to friends.

Attention! Odnoklassniki often holds promotions and sales, the conditions of which make it possible to send completely free gifts.

  • "Invisibility" service. Thanks to her, you can “go on a visit” and remain unnoticed.
  • Receiving bonuses in various games and applications.

That is, the presence of classmate rubles allows account owners to spend time on the Internet more intensely and use the expanded capabilities of the Internet resource.

So, where can I get OKi? The fastest and easiest way to get them into your social network account is to pay with real money.

Important! It will no longer be possible to convert OKs into money.

1 OK costs 1 ruble. Sometimes they are a little cheaper, depending on the payment method. Now let's take a closer look at how to buy Oki:

Via phone

Using the number mobile phone. This method is considered the fastest, simplest and most convenient, but completely unprofitable. The purchase costs one and a half times more due to operator commissions. To buy OKi via phone, you need to do the following:

  • log into your Odnoklassniki account;
  • at the top of the page, in the drop-down panel, click on the “Top up account” link;
  • in the window that opens, select “Pay by phone”;
  • indicate how many OKs you need to buy (by default, the system suggests purchasing 100 OKs):

Attention! It is impossible to buy less than 20 OK.

  • enter your phone number (the one from which the charge will be made Money);
  • Click the “Order OK” button.

After these steps, an SMS message with a unique code will be sent to the specified number, which will need to be entered in the window that opens on the Internet page.

Bank card

This method of purchasing OKs is more profitable, since the cost ratio is 1:1. If the user has a bank card, then the purchase of virtual money can be made as follows:

  • log in to your page after authorization;
  • go to the “Top up your account” section, which can be found in the drop-down menu at the top of the page;
  • select “Bank card” from the list provided;
  • indicate the amount of OKs that need to be purchased;
  • In the form that opens, enter all the information requested by the system and click on the “Pay” button.

Using the terminal

  • log in and get to your Odnoklassniki page;
  • go to the “Top up account” section;
  • click on the “Terminals” link and select the most suitable item;
  • Then it is enough to follow the instructions offered by the system.

Attention! Terminals charge a commission for conducting transactions.

Electronic money

How to get Oki in Odnoklassniki for free

On the Internet you can see a large number of offers of unique software that promise unlimited receipt large quantity OKov is completely free. This information distributed by scammers. Their main goal is to gain access to the computer, after the recommendation to download the cheat for Oki without viruses, and, accordingly, to personal data.

Important! You should not install dubious applications on your device. Cheating shackles on Odnoklassniki for free is a scam.

But this does not mean that OKI is impossible to obtain without real money. So how to earn OKs in Odnoklassniki for free without programs? Let's consider all the methods:

Participation in promotions and competitions on the Odnoklassniki website

This way you can collect a decent amount of virtual rubles without downloading any utilities. You can find them through the resource’s search engine, after entering the query “get free OKs”. In the list that appears, you need to select the group you like and read the conditions. In most cases, admins offer to add friends to their community in exchange for increased grades, classes, or OKs.

If the promised OKs did not arrive, then all questions should be asked to the organizers of the action.


You will need to enter the query “moderator” in the search bar at the top of the page and follow the link “Oklassniki moderator.” After this, the application will launch, where users are asked to determine the topics of photos and videos posted on the resource.

The work is quite simple. You need to click the green checkmark if the content is acceptable for posting on the network (does not contain prohibited information various kinds) and red, if not allowed. When choosing to ban content, you will have to indicate the reason why the information should be blocked.

Here are some examples of reasons:

  • advertising;
  • spam;
  • popular personality;
  • offensive information;
  • erotic content.

The awarding of points does not depend on the choice of moderators. The final decision is made after receiving ratings from several moderators.

Attention! For incorrect assessments, some points will be deducted.

When you manage to collect several thousand points on your account, you need to click on the “Auctions” button, where you can actually buy such necessary OKs.

How to check OK

Find out how many OKs are in this moment on your personal account in Odnoklassniki, you can quickly and easily. You will need to click on the “Buy OKI” button, which is located directly below the main photo. A window will appear with a choice of purchase method, and on the left side you will see Current state accounts.

Also on the website you can find out where the OKs went and what they were spent on.

How to spend bonus OKs in Odnoklassniki

Bonus Eyes are spent in the same way as those purchased for real money. That is, you can purchase the following extensions on them:

  • Invisible. This is a fairly useful feature that allows you to walk around the expanses of Odnoklassniki and remain unnoticed. This opportunity will cost 60 OK (unless there is a promotion or sale). Even your friends won't know that you came to visit them. “Invisibility” is purchased for 30 days. If you disable extensions, you will not be able to return OKs to your account.
  • Closed profile. If the user doesn’t like the fact that everyone can view his notes, photos in albums, and profile information, then this service is an excellent solution to the problem. The profile will be closed to those with whom its owner is not friends.
  • Increased rating (5+). Only five-point system ratings and classes are available to users for free, but if there is a desire to set an increased score - 5+, then Okami will have to pay for the service. Its price changes frequently, but you can use it within one month. The 5+ rating appears directly on the rated photo, which is very original and attracts everyone's attention.
  • Present. The site allows you to give virtual gifts. They are bright pictures and inscriptions on various topics. They can be supplemented with music tracks and packaged in wrappers. The gift is attached to the recipient's photo and is stored for several days (depending on the cost of the selected gift). Prices can vary (from 1 to 80 OK), they depend on a number of factors.
  • Emoticons and stickers. They will make communication more vivid and emotional. You can use the purchase within 45 days.


The use of virtual rubles in the Odnoklassniki social network significantly expands the capabilities of users. If the OKs suddenly “gone” somewhere, you can look at the history of your acquisitions or contact technical support with a question.

Hello, friends! If you are an active user of the Odnoklassniki social network, then you have probably seen that you need to pay to use some additional functions. For this, a special internal currency of the site itself, called OKami, is used.

You can get them in Odnoklassniki without any problems and quite officially. All you have to do is buy them for real money by clicking on the button under the main photo of your profile. Enter the required amount of OK and select the payment method convenient for you. 1 OK is approximately equal to 1 ruble.

In this same article, we will figure out whether there are any ways by which you can get OKs in Odnoklassniki for free.

What can you buy for OKi

First, let's look at why they are needed on this social network. As I already said, you can buy additional options for them. And, of course, these are the options that most users would like to purchase.

Having a certain amount in your Odnoklassniki account, you can do the following:

– Buy a 5+ rating. Photos of friends can be rated on a five-point scale. The highest rating is 5+ and you have to pay for it. It differs in appearance from other ratings and appears in the upper right corner of the photo you rate.

– Enable Stealth mode. At the same time, other users, including your friends, will not see you in the “Guests” list when you visit their page.

– Send emoticons and stickers. An interesting way to diversify a conversation with a person is to send him an animation.

– Select All Inclusive mode. You will have the opportunity to give gifts for free.

– You will have the opportunity to give a gift you like to a friend by paying a certain number of Shackles for it.

– Leveling up games in Odnoklassniki. You will be able to buy various items in games, increase levels, change characters, and more.

How to earn OKs in Odnoklassniki for free

As you can see, you can buy a lot of interesting things for such a currency, and on Odnoklassniki there are ways in which you can earn them for free.

In order to receive OKs for free, you can join any group in which you are rewarded for completing various tasks they will be charged. The tasks can be different: repost, invite friends, etc. Alas, there is no 100 percent guarantee that after completing the tasks, your earnings will be transferred to you, but you have nothing to lose, and it’s worth a try. Finding detailed groups is not difficult, you just need to enter “get OKi for free” in the search bar in the “Groups” menu.

Another way to get them for free is to become a group administrator. Some users are looking for a serious active person to support and promote the group on the social network. Responsibilities include clearing comments of spam, reviewing applications to be added to the group, publishing interesting notes, videos, photos and more. Offer yourself for this position, and perhaps you will be offered not only virtual currency, but also very real money.

Also pay attention to various surveys conducted by the Odnoklassniki administration. This happens rarely, but you can also get OK for participating in them.

Well, perhaps the last way is to use the Moderator application in Odnoklassniki. I’ll note right away that you can’t earn free OKs here, but you can collect points and exchange them at auctions by buying various functions that are usually sold: 5+ rating, invisibility, free gifts. In the application you need to rate photos and videos, for this you will be awarded a certain number of points. You can read more about the application and participation in auctions in the article.

Please note that various programs that offer free OKs in Odnoklassniki are a scam. There is a risk of downloading a virus, or by entering your login and password, the data will end up in the hands of attackers. They may also ask you to send a message, and a considerable amount will be withdrawn from your account.

I will end here. We figured out what OKs are, what you can buy with them, and how to get virtual currency in Odnoklassniki, including for free.

Is it possible to get Oki in Odnoklassniki for free or earn them? Oki in this social network is the internal currency that is used in all games.

Newbies who came to Odnoklassniki may not know what oki is, but old users with experience have already encountered them.

To answer the question of how to get classmates’ currency or earn it, let’s move on to consider the issue in essence.

free oki in Odnoklassniki

You will immediately say that OKs are sold in Odnoklassniki only for money and free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap, but this is not so.

There are many ways to get them completely free, that is, without spending real money on them.

I'll tell you more. Anyone can give you OK. To do this, just buy a certificate and indicate its number or send a transfer to any social media user. networks. You can simply transfer them.

To make money on Odnoklassniki, you can become a photo moderator. You will check whether the photo matches the description. Often people upload photos that are not their own, images of objects with a different description. You will check them and block them. It's a tedious task, but we can earn the OK we need and spend it at our discretion.

You will need to delete images containing;

  • advertising;
  • spam;
  • photos of popular personalities;
  • offensive information;
  • erotic content.

The flow of information is very large. Network administrators cannot cope with large volumes of information from users, so they are willing to pay fees for verification.

Often on social media networks are holding promotions. You can ask a friend to borrow money and use it to buy OKs at a discount. Keep the amount of the discount for yourself, and return the money back to him, transfer it within classmates. When you top up by 1000 rubles, your bonus will be 600 free OKs to your account.

Below I will consider and talk about all the options. free receipt OK.

Why are OKs in Odnoklassniki needed?

Any user of the Odnoklassniki social network has access to many free functions. You can safely look at photos, give ratings, give free gifts for the holidays, listen to music, chat with friends, create chats and groups, and even run a business.

For money you can buy OK and activate paid functions that will increase your capabilities in Odnoklassniki.

You will be able to rate 5+ to your friends. Send virtual gifts you like to your acquaintances and friends, not free ones, of which there are very few.

What is the value of the “invisibility” function, when you can look at the pages of any people and remain unnoticed. These people won't know that you looked at their profile.

For OKI, you can close your profile from all people except family and close friends.

In all social games. On the Odnoklassniki network, purchases are available for them that will help you gain an advantage over other players.

In dating for OK, you can activate VIP status.

There are many more paid features, but that's not what we're talking about.

How to get Oki

The easiest way to receive OKs is to buy them for real money at a rate of 1 to 1. That is, for 1 ruble you will receive 1 OK to your profile account.

You can pay via cell phone. This is not the most profitable way to top up. Cellular operators charge a commission of 30%. Paying from your phone is a quick way, but the worst way.

To top up your gaming account in this way, you need to go to the payments and subscriptions section - top up your account - via phone. You will see how much money will be debited from your balance on your phone and how much OK you will receive to your Odnoklassniki account.

Enter your number. You will receive an SMS with a code that you need to send back.

A good way to buy oki using a bank card. You will receive currency at a rate of 1 to 1. This is the easiest way for car bank owners.

To receive oks using a card, you need to go to the payments and subscriptions section - top up your account - bank card. Then enter the card number, expiration date and CVC code on the back.

For convenience, you can set up automatic top-up from your card if your game balance drops below 100 approx.

If you don’t trust your classmates and don’t want to enter your card details, you can use payment terminals.

The system tops up cash using QIWI, RunPay, Paynet terminals. To replenish in this way, you need to find a terminal and enter the replenishment amount and social profile number into it. networks. Terminals charge a commission for replenishments, but many give out nice bonuses.

This method is not convenient because you need to leave home and look for these terminals in stores or shopping centers.

A more convenient way is to top up through electronic wallets of payment systems. Odnoklassniki works with Qiwi, PayPal, Sberbank online, Megafon, MTS, Tele2, Yandex money and Webmoney. These methods are convenient for those who conduct business on the Internet or make payments through electronic wallets.

Regular users know almost nothing about them, so this is not a universal way to get OK for everyone.

There are other ways - gift Certificate, OK for thanks from Sberbank.

In the first method, you can buy a certificate and give it to a friend, and in the second, you can simply write off bonuses by exchanging them for OK.

Get ok for free using programs

On the Internet you can find advertisements for the sale of a special program that can increase OKs, increase game currency in games, and increase resources. There is even a video with an example of how your account is replenished before your eyes. I immediately want to buy a program to receive ok for free and immediately top up my account with 1,000,000.

All such programs are a scam. At best, they will be dummies, in other cases they will turn out to be spyware that will download viruses or mine bitcoins for strangers without your knowledge.

Here is an example of how to earn 1,000,000 ok using the program. In fact, it's just a dummy. Your account data is taken from Odnoklassniki servers, which are well protected.

How to check OKs in Odnoklassniki

To find out how much OK you have accumulated or how much you have after replenishing your account, you need to go to the payments and subscriptions section.

On the left you will see how many OKs you have in your account and nearby there will be ways to replenish them.

To find the moderator application and earn OKs for free, follow the link Read the rules and start earning money.

You will not be able to find out how much money your classmates have accumulated. You can’t look at OK in someone else’s profile either, because this is private information.

Views: 3671
Added: 08/08/2018

Odnoklassniki is the 2nd largest social network, which is very famous not only in Russian Federation both Ukraine and other countries.

Users of this social network Networks are friendly and sociable, have a good sense of humor and are ready to correspond.

All main functions social network Odnoklassniki is easily accessible to any registered user in free mode. The list includes: personal correspondence, photo evaluation, sample surveys, various voting, publishing your statuses, listening to music, watching videos.

The most special functions and services are provided only on a paid basis.

Any average Odnoklassniki user has information about these functions and uses them from time to time.

The most common of them are:

  • Give gifts to friends
  • Hide Online status
  • Enable the “Invisible” function, which allows you to hide your visit to the page
  • Rate “5+” to photos
  • Access to beautiful emoticons

From the above it follows that within the social. The network operates its own monetary unit - Oki, for which you can use additional services service. Oki in Odnoklassniki can be given to a friend. We will try to explain where to get these Okas in Odnoklassniki in this article. At this moment in Odnoklassniki there are 4 paid ways to purchase them. To find out how much one ok costs in Odnoklassniki and to buy it, click on the “replenish your account” link.

Paid ways to purchase Shackles:

  • Mobile phone;
  • Bank cards;
  • Electronic money;
  • Payment terminals.

We buy via mobile phone

To pay for this service on the portal using an SMS message:

  1. Select a payment method by phone;
  2. Choose your country;
  3. If we use the mobile version, you need to select your operator
  4. We send an SMS message with the provided code to the already specified number.

Many social media users Odnoklassniki networks can also use the PBC payment system. To do this, simply:

  1. Select a payment method by phone;
  2. Choose your country;
  3. Enter your phone number and click on the “Get code” button;
  4. After receiving a message with a code, enter it into the form on the portal;
  5. Click the “Confirm” button.

The confirmation code will only be required for the first payment. In the future, to order this service it will be enough to click the “Order” button.

We use a bank card

In order to pay for services using a bank card, payment instructions indicate:

  • Your card number, without a single space (the numbers are on the front side);
  • Expiration date of your card;
  • CVV (3 digits indicated on the back of the bank card);

Especially for convenient use of the site, it is possible to “remember” all the data of your entered bank card.

For this purpose, you need to put a “tick” in the provided form “Remember card” next to the “Pay” button.

If you do not want your card information to be saved, simply uncheck this box from the appropriate box.

Using a terminal

In order to top up your social network account using a payment terminal:

  1. Select the “Payment for services” item on the terminal;
  2. Select “Other services” or “Social networks”;
  3. Choose a method to replenish your account;
  4. Press the “Odnoklassniki” button;
  5. Enter your profile login;
  6. We top up our account.

Using an electronic wallet

In order to pay for services or top up your account using electronic money:

  • Select the payment method “Electronic money”;
  • Choose the appropriate type of electronic currency for yourself;
  • We note the number of all Shackles;
  • Depending on the type of your electronic currency, indicate your email or phone number in the address line;
  • Simply click on the “Top up account” button.

If your Okies have disappeared for reasons completely unknown to you, you should contact support.

Services and programs for free shackles

There are a considerable number of ways to get free Oki on Odnoklassniki.

More often than not, these services and programs are under the control of scammers, therefore, if you are not confident in these services or programs, it is better not to use them.

Let's look at how to add Oki to Odnoklassniki for free and legally.

Free ways to purchase Shackles

To earn extra money Oki in Odnoklassniki without investing money, try these methods. There are not as many of them as we would like, but they are all effective.

  • Work as a photo moderator on the portal. This feature is available. To become a moderator, you must enable the Odnoklassniki Moderator application and, following the guidelines, allow or reject recently uploaded user photos. In this way, you will receive points that you can spend on purchasing paid functions of the portal.
  • Complete tasks in “Groups” or take part in competitions. If you were a member of any “Groups”, you saw similar instructions from the administrators. They are designed to invite comrades to the “Group” and purchase a reward for this: “5+” for the photo, Okie and, in addition, the “Class” rating for your status. Not all of these proposals are considered blameless, but you have nothing to lose. You can find these offers by searching on the portal. The search must be done in groups.
  • You need to get a job as an administrator in a large community. Creators need assistants - group admins. Often, responsibilities include neutralizing comment spam, approving membership requests, and maintaining activity in the group. If you are confident in yourself, propose a personal candidacy for the position of administrator in personal messages. You will get Oki for free, and maybe even real money, with which you can buy Oki.

The most well-known methods for acquiring Shackles in Odnoklassniki were outlined above.

Try not to fall for the tricks of scammers, do not use suspicious and unverified programs and services to obtain Shackles. Follow the information on the official group.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that I hope this article has simplified your work with the “ok” currency in Odnoklassniki.

New ways to get Shackles

There are several ways:

  • Photo moderation;
  • Attracting users to communities;
  • Community administration;
  • Earning Shackles from online services;
  • Receive additional Shackles upon purchase.


You can get Oki by trying your hand at the Odnoklassniki Moderator application.. You need to find it by typing the name into the search bar on the site and install it.

How does this method work?

you open the app and access new photos that users upload. Your task is to approve them (click on the green checkmark) if they comply with the site rules. If the photo contains prohibited content (pornography, famous personalities), this image must be rejected. For these actions you will receive points that you can spend in the same application on various paid services.