Heart problems what are the symptoms. How to recognize the first signs of our heart disease

According to WHO statistics, 17 million people die from heart disease every year in the world. Moreover, diseases are getting younger every year. Today it is not uncommon for a heart attack to strike men barely over 30.

But after 50 years, women get sick even more often than men.

10 signs of a bad heart

Symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, abnormal heart rate, high blood pressure, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, and sometimes even loss of consciousness. But there are a number of signs of heart pathology that begin to appear several months or even years before a heart attack.

1.Pain. It happens not only in the chest, but also in the upper abdomen or neck, radiating to the shoulder, arm, back, jaw. It may occur suddenly or recur day after day for weeks. It is often confused with toothache, muscle pain, heartburn, intercostal neuralgia, and pinched nerves. It’s easy to check: if painful symptoms are noticeably relieved when taking nitroglycerin, it means they are associated with heart pathology.

2.Lack of air. Even mild shortness of breath should be a cause for alarm: this symptom accompanies heart disease in 90% of cases. And without physical activity, in a lying position. A few days before an attack, it often becomes more comfortable for a person to sleep while sitting.

3.Excessive fatigue. Fatigue can be associated with increased workload and stress, but these symptoms are also possible with the development of heart failure. If there really is a problem with the heart, the person feels more and more frustrated over time.

4. Edema. If the heart is not working full force, the blood does not have time to remove all the fluid, swelling occurs. They are easy to spot by their rings and shoes.

5. Increased heart rate. If the increase in heart rate is frequent and prolonged, we can talk about serious cardiac disorders.

6. Snoring and sleep disordered breathing. All this triples the risk of developing a heart attack within 5 years.

7. Sudden dizziness or loss of balance. In case of heart disease, they can signal vascular pathology and heart failure.

8. Fainting. A serious reason to visit a cardiologist.

9. Periodontitis and gingivitis. Inflammation and bleeding of the gums can also be associated with heart disease: with vascular and heart diseases, blood supply deteriorates and small arteries begin to suffer first.

10.Sexual problems. 65% of men who were diagnosed with ischemia had problems with erection for several years. This is also due to deterioration of blood supply due to pathologies with blood vessels.

Risk factors

Age - for men over 40 years old, for women - postmenopausal;

High blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm Hg) and high cholesterol in the blood (more than 5 mmol/l, or 200 mg/dl);


Smoking (one of the most significant risk factors), alcohol and drugs;

Obesity, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle;

Excessive emotional stress;


How can heart patients protect themselves from the heat?

Cardiologists advise those suffering from cardiovascular diseases not to go outside in the heat without medication, monitor their blood pressure, avoid the sun, drink more fluids and go to the doctor more often. Stay in cool rooms during the day and shower more often.

In the heat, a person's need for fluid increases, as does excessive sweating. As a result, the required content of potassium and magnesium in the blood decreases, and this can provoke heart rhythm disturbances. In older people, potassium levels are often already reduced, so cardiologists additionally prescribe potassium-containing medications during hot weather.

Dehydration leads to serious consequences in the heat, especially in the elderly: the blood thickens and there is a risk of blood clots. A blood clot is the most common cause of stroke or myocardial infarction. Cardiac aspirin is widely used throughout the world to reduce blood clotting. It's inexpensive.

In hot weather, do not drink tea, coffee, soda, and especially beer. Heart patients need to drink water, but not more than 1 liter per day if their weight is 60 - 80 kg. When going outside, don't forget to take a bottle of water with you.


Don't ignore these signs. They may indicate that your heart is not working properly.

Heart disease is one of the most common in the world and one of the most common reasons of death.

Very often the body gives signals that something is wrong with some organ. It is important not to miss clues indicating heart problems.

A weak heart is a heart that does not pump blood as efficiently. Unfortunately, a person can for a long time not noticing the symptoms and discovering the problem too late.

What signs may indicate heart weakness or heart failure?

Symptoms of heart failure

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One of the most common signs of heart failure is fatigue.

If you have a weak heart, we may feel tired even when relaxing at home. As you walk and do daily activities, you may feel even more exhausted.

One of the reasons why people with heart failure feel constantly tired is problems with blood circulation.

A weak heart cannot pump blood effectively to all the organs and muscles of the body. They do not receive enough nutrition and oxygen, hence the fatigue.

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The average person can walk at a brisk pace for 20 minutes without taking a breath.

Someone with a weak heart can walk without being out of breath for less than 10 minutes.

Shortness of breath, especially if you wake up in the middle of the night, should alert you. In medicine this phenomenon is called paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea and is a classic symptom of a weak heart.

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When a person has a weak heart, blood circulation to the peripheries of the body is impaired. Fluids begin to seep and accumulate under the skin, especially noticeable on the legs. This happens because gravity pulls the liquid down.

Swelling is usually observed in both legs. It may disappear in the morning and reappear in the evening.

A slight swelling of the legs in itself is not dangerous. But if the condition worsens and the swelling increases, you may have difficulty walking. Edema is usually treated with diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the body.

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Fluid accumulation may not be limited to just the legs. Fluid can also accumulate in the lungs, which can cause difficulty breathing and coughing.

This cough can be persistent and irritating. Some people notice that the cough lasts throughout the day, while others only experience it when lying down.

Sometimes the cough may be accompanied by the discharge of pink, frothy mucus. You should also pay attention to wheezing, which is often mistaken for an allergic cough.

In any case, if you have a long, persistent cough, this is already a reason to consult a doctor.

Signs of heart failure

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A person with a weak heart often loses appetite or interest in food. The explanation may be due to the fact that fluid in the stomach gives a feeling of fullness and interferes with normal digestion.

It is worth noting that loss of appetite does not always indicate a weak heart and there are many other diseases that are characterized by weak appetite.

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When the heart does not work properly, men most often experience pain in the left arm, while women may experience pain in one or both arms. Moreover, many women reported unusual shoulder pain shortly before their heart attack.

This is due to the fact that heart pain spreads throughout spinal cord, where pain receptors and many other nerve endings are located. The brain may confuse these sensations and cause pain in one or both arms.

© Isabella Antonelli

Several studies have shown that people who suffer from anxiety from an early age are more likely to develop coronary heart disease.

Anxiety itself can be a symptom of many diseases and arise due to stress, frequent panic attacks, severe phobias and other disorders.

Constant anxiety can lead to tachycardia and high blood pressure, which over time leads to coronary heart disease.

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It is worth noting that people who are born with pale skin do not necessarily suffer from heart disease.

However, if the skin becomes unusually pale, it may indicate decreased blood flow due to a weak heart that is unable to pump blood properly throughout the body. Tissues, not receiving sufficient blood supply, lose color.

Often a person may turn pale due to shock, which occurs when there is insufficient blood circulation. It is for this reason that people suffering from a heart attack or heart failure turn pale.

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People who suffer from eczema or shingles have an increased risk of developing heart disease.

Thus, researchers found that patients with eczema suffered from hypertension in 48% of cases, and high cholesterol in 29% of cases. At the same time, shingles increases the risk of heart attack by 59%.

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An elevated heart rate often indicates a weak heart. This is because the heart is working as hard as it can, which further wears out the heart muscle.

Imagine a horse pulling a cart. If the horse is weak and fragile, it will be able to pull the cart to the maximum of its capabilities, but for a short distance, and after that its strength will run out.

The same can happen with a weak heart, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor in time for timely treatment.

Check how your heart works

Hello friends!

Everyone must be modern world knows how dangerous heart disease is. And I will not open America if I say that they occupy first place among all causes of mortality. These statistics terrify me. I try to take care of myself and my loved ones; I believe that it is easiest to prevent illness and start treatment at the earliest stages. Therefore, today I became thoroughly familiar with what the first signs of heart disease are, and what you should always pay attention to. I'm sharing with you!

The enemy crept up unnoticed

What makes heart and vascular diseases so insidious is their quiet, imperceptible onset. A heart attack takes a very long time to develop, and then it can suddenly die out. And it’s good if you meet your family in a hospital room, and not somewhere else.

Such diseases mask the symptoms for a long time so that a simple worker will have no idea that he is not only tired and does not get enough sleep, but needs to run to the doctor. After all, most often a heart attack can be avoided if a person pays attention to his well-being in time.

So let's get started.

  • Are you tired. One day we didn’t get enough sleep, the next. OK. Well, the week turned out to be stressful, as it happens to everyone. But if you feel weak every day, and, it would seem, you try to sleep normally, and you don’t drag bags of cement at night - this is the very first call. Is there something wrong. If, just getting out of bed, you dream about the moment when you come home in the evening and lie down, this may indicate circulatory failure, and heart disease may develop. Typically, this diagnosis is made in men over 40 years of age and in women over 45. Problems in the blood supply to the brain and lungs may also appear at first; these are also worth checking.
  • You have mood swings. Yes, you can be the calmest and most balanced person, but with a gradually increasing heart attack, severe agitation, panic attacks, and fear of death appear. And that doesn't mean you've turned hysterical. The problem is much deeper.
  • You have shortness of breath, arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is a disturbance in the rhythm of the heart, most often manifested (fast pulse). These signs (shortness of breath + tachycardia) usually go hand in hand. They can also appear after completely insignificant loads that were previously easy for you. For example, going up the stairs. Or walk up a small hill. They can also appear at night and wake you up during sleep. Sometimes there may be bradycardia (pulse slow, weak), and then the person may not even feel the problems that have arisen on their own.
  • You are worried about chest discomfort. Perhaps this is the most obvious manifestation of heart problems. Anyone here will suspect something is wrong. The pain can be either mild, tingling, or quite sharp, with a feeling of severe weakness, when it is difficult to even lift a mug. This may make itself felt by angina, and the transition to a pre-infarction state may begin. And here emergency assistance may be required.
    It is important to know the difference between angina pectoris and a heart attack. For angina pectoris, pain can be relieved with nitroglycerin. In case of a heart attack - no.
  • You feel numb. This feeling can spread to the arms (usually the left), chest, and jaw. Yes, similar symptoms can also occur in the spine. However, this feeling of coldness in the chest or abdomen may be a sign of an aortic aneurysm or the onset of a heart attack.
  • You have swelling. Often, with morning swelling of the face, heart problems can be blamed, and evening swelling of the legs can be attributed to. There is such a criterion: what swells is what is further from the problem organ, to which the blood takes longer and worse. In the case of the heart, blood reaches the legs more slowly. Therefore, the lower extremities swell first. This can be noticed by the appearance of marks from socks, stockings, or cutting into shoes. Your hands may also swell, for example, if it is difficult to clench your fingers into a fist or remove a ring.
  • Dizzy. Dizziness may be accompanied, and the condition may even include fainting. Often these symptoms appear with high blood pressure. And this increases the chance of heart disease and stroke.
  • Fever, bluish cheeks. And so, in combination with chest pain, inflammatory heart disease can manifest itself. For example, chronic, in which, after suffering acute inflammation, the heart valves seem to become welded together.
  • Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle in children. Sometimes this can happen after a long period of crying in babies. Or simply the skin on your face is thin and pale. However, if the area around the lips and nose has a pronounced bluish color, perhaps even in a calm state, this may indicate problems with the heart or respiratory system. Therefore, be extremely vigilant.

What to do?

Of course, if you notice one of the symptoms, the first thing you should do is go to the doctor. However, what should you do if acute pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness, nausea, numbness, and dizziness appear simultaneously? How to help a loved one or yourself if you have a heart attack?

  1. We call an ambulance.
  2. We seat the person. Or we put her in a half-sitting position, raising her head. This way we will reduce the load on the heart and reduce the affected area.
  3. We provide air access. We open the window, unbutton the shirt, the constricting clothes, even the bra for women.
  4. Aspirin + Nitroglycerin. It is advisable to crush Aspirin and mix it with a spoon of water, and Nitroglycerin is placed under the tongue and dissolved. If after this there is no relief, everything points to a heart attack.

However, if you decide to help completely to a stranger unconscious, you must be 100% sure that he has high blood pressure.

If you are not sure, Nitroglycerin should not be given because it lowers the blood pressure and can make things worse, even death. That's why we're waiting for an ambulance.

If you are just beginning to experience the first symptoms of heart disease, it is very important at this moment to contact a competent specialist. It will be very helpful if you undergo treatment in a special clinic with a cardiological focus.

Periodic trips to cardiology sanatoriums are also good for maintaining your condition.
And, of course, we need to start looking for provoking factors.

Give up bad habits, eat right, rest well, don’t get nervous over trifles, make sure there is enough in your life.

See you soon!

Panic attacks have long been common: they are the leading cause of treatment, psychotherapists admit. What does it look like? A person is seized by a sudden, uncontrollable fear for life without a real threat to life: you begin to choke, your heart rate quickens, you feel nauseous, dizzy, your legs are sluggish, you are about to faint, and it seems that you are going to die. How to distinguish a panic attack from heart problems and other diseases under which the attack is disguised, and - most importantly - exercises to stop panic attacks - in the material Passion.ru

What is a panic attack

Panic attacks can occur in a completely healthy person - healthy both physically and mentally. However, when this symptom appears, the sufferer is overcome with horror that he is seriously ill and will either die from cardiac arrest/suffocation, etc., or go crazy. Let’s make a reservation right away: neither one nor the other will happen.

A panic attack is a strong fear that results in increased production of adrenaline. We have already written in more detail about the causes of panic attacks.

A typical scenario: during the first attack of fear, a person calls an ambulance, then the attacks are repeated, he is examined, but no somatic diseases are found. In a favorable scenario, one of the doctors examining the patient refers him to a psychotherapist, and the person finally learns that he is not alone, he has panic attacks, a fairly common problem. It is worse if the attacks become regular, and the person begins to limit himself in activities or movements in order to avoid repeated attacks (some are afraid to ride the subway, others are afraid to leave the apartment altogether). Panic disorder affects up to 5% of the population.

Signs of a panic attack

First, it is important to understand what happens in the body during a panic attack.

A distinctive feature of PA from the disease is its unpredictability and avalanche-like growth. In addition to the physiological symptoms, psychological ones are added, Irina Khvingia lists:

Confusion or narrowing of consciousness. - Feeling of a “lump in the throat.” - Derealization: the feeling that everything around is unreal or is happening somewhere far from the person. - Depersonalization: the patient’s own actions are perceived as if “from the outside.” - Fear of death. - Fear of going crazy or doing something inappropriate (screaming, fainting, throwing yourself at a person, wetting yourself, etc.). - Obsessive thoughts. After an attack, a person thinks about the danger for a long time and does not part with disturbing thoughts.

Most often, patients suffering from panic attacks are referred to cardiologists - with suspected problems with the heart or blood vessels. Cardiologist at the MEDSI Clinic in Khoroshevsky Proezd, Ivan Efremkin, cited 9 facts that may be useful to people with panic attacks.

Age. Patients under 30 years of age are very rarely susceptible to acute coronary events (myocardial infarction, stroke, aortic rupture (aneurysm), thromboembolism). Yes, this can happen at a young age, but as a rule, there are prerequisites for this (previously established diagnoses). Panic attacks occur without previous diagnoses.

Floor. Panic attacks occur 2-4 times more often in women than in men. And mostly in young women. At the same time, arrhythmia is rarely common in women before the onset of menopause (men suffer from arrhythmia more often), unless, again, they have a burdened history of arrhythmia.

Pressure. During a panic attack, blood pressure usually rises. But if anxiety and fear are accompanied by a sharp drop in blood pressure below the normal limit (generally accepted norms are 120 to 80, but the values ​​can be individually higher or lower), this is an alarming signal. In this case, there may be problems more serious than a panic attack.

Stroke. Many people fear a stroke during a panic attack. But do not forget that with a stroke there are clear neurological symptoms: a person moves his tongue and cannot say anything, one half of the body or face goes numb, an unbearable headache that does not raise any doubts about the need for an ambulance. During a panic attack, your hands may become slightly (!) numb, your feet may become cold and sweaty, and if the headache seems unbearable, it is only from excitement; in fact, it is not.

Heartache. Not all people know that when there is a stabbing sensation in the left hypochondrium, it is most often not heart pain, but intercostal neuralgia. True heart pain is diffuse, its localization is difficult to determine, as a rule, it is behind the sternum. But in this place above the solar plexus, where the heart is actually located, not only it can hurt: it can hurt with stomach diseases, cholecystitis, esophagitis, thromboembolism or diseases of the spine. In any case, pain is a reason to see a doctor, but not a sign of approaching death and not a reason to panic.

Suffocation. If you feel like you can't breathe, you need to look at your face. With actual hypoxia, the lips and upper part of the face turn blue, and the person turns significantly pale. During a panic attack, only slight pallor may occur, but not blueness. Choking can also be an attack of bronchial asthma, but in this case wheezing is clearly audible, the person cannot exhale - this does not happen during a panic attack. To control your breathing, you can use a paper bag: this way you will see that everything is fine with the amount of air you inhale and exhale.

Sedative. If you give the patient a sedative during a panic attack, the attack gradually ends; even without a sedative, the patient gradually becomes better. On average, an attack lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. In a patient with arrhythmia, the condition will not improve over time even with sedatives - it will only worsen.

Treatment of panic attacks

Some people, realizing that there is no real danger to health, cease to feel fear. Others are aware of what is happening, but still cannot control the process. Then you need to see a psychotherapist.

Exercises to stop a panic attack

To stop a panic attack, you need to stop hyperventilating. There is no need to frantically open the window or run out onto the balcony. On the contrary, you need to hold your breath.

Breathing techniques can be different:

Inhale for five counts, exhale for five counts, hold for five counts. - “square breathing”: inhale for 5 counts, hold for 5, exhale for 5, hold for 5. - you can slow down your breathing and stretch out your exhalation: inhale for 5 counts, exhale for 7 counts (the exhalation gradually stretches to 10 counts).

The most important thing is to understand that you are not dying and have not gone crazy, you are not in danger, and you are not alone in your problem. Don't give up and return to a normal, fulfilling life.

Valve defects, arrhythmias, circulatory failure - all these and other problems related to the heart can significantly disrupt the quality of life of each person and make significant adjustments to the usual daily rhythm. For several decades now, the world has seen a steady increase in the incidence of these diseases, and the modern rhythm of life constantly contributes to this. The only way out of this situation may be measures to prevent heart disease and timely consultation with a doctor when the first symptoms of problems with this vital organ appear.

According to WHO statistics, for many years it is pathologies of the heart and blood vessels that occupy the sad leading position among the causes of deaths. The facts are also undeniable that many heart diseases can respond well to treatment with initial stages their development, and many cardiologist patients could have avoided disability and death if they had consulted a doctor on time and followed all his recommendations. Taking into account the global nature of this problem and the need for every person to “know the enemy by sight,” in this article we will introduce you to the main first alarm signals with which our heart signals us about approaching danger.

7 Symptoms of Heart Problems You Shouldn't Ignore

Symptoms of heart pathologies can be different, and in the initial stages of the disease they can be easily confused with signs of diseases of other organs. Their appearance should not cause panic, but it should not become a reason for postponing a visit to the doctor “for later” or relying on hopes that “maybe it will go away on its own.”

If you notice or feel one of the symptoms described in our article in your loved ones, then you have a reason to make an appointment with a therapist or cardiologist.

Increased fatigue and severe weakness

These general symptoms may indicate pathologies of various organs and increased stress, but this should not be a reason to attribute them to a “hard day” or other existing ailments. The causes of increased fatigue and worsened general weakness should always be a reason to consult a therapist, since they may be the “first bells” or the progression of other ailments. If necessary, after examining and studying all the data from the patient’s medical history, the general practitioner will prescribe additional tests and refer you for a consultation with a cardiologist.

Pain in the heart area (behind the sternum, to the left of the sternum, in the area of ​​the left nipple or the upper third of the abdomen)

Painful sensations can occur after physical or mental stress, and in advanced stages of the disease - suddenly or for no apparent reason. They can vary in intensity and be pressing, squeezing or burning in nature. Sometimes they radiate to the right half of the body (arm, shoulder, jaw, etc.), manifest as sensations of discomfort in the chest or are absent altogether.

The development of a heart attack may be indicated by prolonged, sharp, intensifying or frequent pain in the heart area over the course of a week. If they are eliminated by taking Nitroglycerin, but this fact should not become a reason for refusing to visit a doctor.

Particularly dangerous and intense are heart pains that cannot be relieved by taking nitrate-containing drugs. They indicate the development of myocardial infarction, and without timely assistance, the patient may experience coronary death.

Sudden dizziness, lightheadedness, headache or fainting.

These symptoms may indicate poor circulation or surges in blood pressure, which are common in many. With these signs of pathologies of the cardiovascular system can lead to the onset. That is why they should not be left without due attention and become the reason for a detailed examination of the patient, which will allow us to find out the true reason for their appearance.


This symptom is often the first harbinger of pathologies of the heart or blood vessels. The palpitations felt by the patient may appear after emotional or physical stress, overeating or drinking alcohol. Such attacks may be accompanied by weakness, fainting, discomfort in the chest or pain in the heart, slowing or increased heart rate and always indicate a circulatory disorder in the heart, blood vessels or in the body as a whole. The felt beats of the heart can be rhythmic or irregular (in such cases they indicate development). Sometimes patients with severe forms of heart failure get used to this symptom, do not rush to see a specialist and do not complain about it to the doctor during examination. Such an attitude towards one’s health can lead to serious consequences, and that is why the doctor should always warn the patient about possible consequences alarm signal such as heartbeat.


In case of heart disease, it indicates the development of cardiovascular failure, which often complicates the course of many pathologies of this vital organ. At the beginning of the disease, shortness of breath appears only after physical or emotional stress, but as the pathology progresses, it can also occur at rest. This symptom may be accompanied by attacks of sensations of lack of air or suffocation (). It increases with increasing physical or emotional stress and is accompanied by the involvement of additional muscles in the breathing process - flaring of the wings of the nose or raising the shoulders when inhaling. In some cases, shortness of breath can become a sign of lung pathologies, and that is why, in order to find out the reasons for its occurrence, the patient must undergo a series of examinations from a doctor.

Increased or slow heart rate, arrhythmias

In some cases, heart rhythm disturbances, expressed in the form of tachycardia, bradycardia or arrhythmias, can become a sign of heart pathologies. To find out the cause of their development, the patient needs a detailed examination, which may include instrumental or laboratory techniques. Such symptoms may indicate abnormalities in the anatomical structure of the heart or pathology of other organs. And their accidental detection during self-examination or during routine examinations should always be a reason to consult a doctor.

Fluctuations in blood pressure

Often, patients with heart or vascular diseases learn about their illness when obvious deviations in blood pressure are detected. Symptoms such as hypertension or hypotension may indicate impaired cardiac output or systemic vascular resistance. Blood pressure readings should be determined individually for each person. And alarming signals can be deviations in the “working pressure” indicators of plus or minus 20 mm. Hg Art. If you do not know your normal blood pressure, then your attending physician will help you determine it, or you can focus on the average optimal blood pressure - 110-120/65-80 mm. Hg Art. (for persons 20-40 years old). It should be noted that average statistical indicators change with age and often due to various pathologies. That is why most specialists urge their patients to regularly monitor their “working pressure” readings.

Remember that all of the above symptoms are a reason to see a doctor and get examined! Only a doctor will be able to make a differential diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment and monitoring plan for the patient.

Such measures will help you prevent the progression of heart and vascular diseases, and you can avoid the dangerous complications that they can cause. Be healthy!

Which doctor should I contact?

First, you should visit a general practitioner or family doctor. He will conduct an initial diagnosis and determine what disease caused the patient’s complaints. They are not always associated with heart disease; often patients have been unsuccessfully treated by a cardiologist for years, having another disease.