How much vitamin C to take? Daily dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), benefits and harms

A caring wife and mother always keeps a bottle of ascorbic pills in her medicine cabinet. Just the slightest hint of a cold, and the little yellow pills are immediately used. Everything would be fine, but not everyone thinks about how dangerous ascorbic acid can be, an overdose of which is fraught with consequences.

Properties and features of vitamin C

The main reason for the massive uncontrolled use of vitamin C is that we are accustomed to considering it an excellent natural antioxidant and immunomodulator. In addition, ascorbic acid is a vital compound involved in removing unnecessary radicals from the body.

The difficulty is that this vitamin is not synthesized naturally within the body. The lack of vitamin C can be compensated in two ways: through food and with the help of medications. But any useful remedy, if used incorrectly, can cause significant damage to health. To prevent this from happening, you should understand how ascorbic acid tablets are taken. To do this, you need to understand what the norm is and how it changes depending on age.

Daily vitamin concentration

Everyone knows the tablets in which ascorbic acid is produced. Dragees are a little less popular, but in terms of effectiveness they are in no way inferior to them. Regardless of the form of release of the medicine, the daily dose of ascorbic acid for an adult should not exceed 100 mg. But at the same time, one should take into account the state of the body, previous diseases, physical and mental stress, psychological state, pregnancy and other important factors. In each specific case, the norm is established individually.

How to take ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid is especially necessary if you have:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • frequent colds and other infections;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • bad habits (smoking, for example);
  • frequent bleeding;
  • surgical intervention;
  • rehabilitation period after illnesses.

Is any of this list familiar? Then you just need ascorbic acid, the dose of which is determined as follows. For prevention:

  • adults - up to 100 mg per day or 1-2 tablets of 0.05 g each;
  • children - 50 mg or 1 tablet of 0.05 g;
  • pregnant women - at least 60 mg or 1 tablet of 0.05 g;
  • during lactation - up to 300 mg or 6 tablets of 0.05 g each.

For medicinal purposes:

  • adults - up to 500 mg or 5-10 tablets of 0.05 g each;
  • for children - up to 200 mg or 2-4 tablets of 0.05 g each.

Take the vitamin after meals in two or three doses. Ascorbic acid (dragees) is indicated for children starting from 5 years of age. For newborns, the dose of vitamin C should not exceed 30 mg in liquid form; from the age of one year, the dosage can be increased to 40 mg per day.

But it is worth remembering that the need for this vitamin in a child aged 1-3 years is much lower than in a younger child. So for prevention purposes, children under 5 years old need 25 mg per day.

The dosage is affected not only by age, but also by gender. Men require more ascorbic acid than women, and smokers should increase daily norm at 30 mg.

Benefits of ascorbic acid

Not everyone understands why ascorbic acid is needed. Many still consider it a simple delicacy, although in fact ascorbic acid has great benefits for the body:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improvement of dental condition;
  • stimulation of protective properties;
  • participation in collagen production;
  • getting rid of free radicals.

Foods that include vitamin C

To prevent vitamin C deficiency, you need to include in your diet foods that contain it in sufficient quantities. Here are some of them:

  • citrus fruits (for example, one orange includes a daily serving of the vitamin);
  • strawberries (daily value in a glass of berries);
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • melon;
  • Bell pepper;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • ripe tomatoes;
  • salad, parsley.

Causes of overdose

The most common cause of overdose is uncontrolled use of the drug in order to combat vitamin deficiency after winter vitamin deficiency and protect against frequent colds. Unlimited simultaneous intake of foods high in vitamin C, and in addition, ascorbic acid. Overdose in in this case very likely. The body is simply not able to absorb such an amount of vitamin. Consuming more than 1 gram (1000 mg) of ascorbic acid per day for a long time will certainly lead to disappointing consequences.

Ascorbic acid: overdose, symptoms

Any medicinal product may cause side effects. And ascorbic acid in tablets is no exception. But you need to be able to distinguish them from signs of an overdose. So, what you should pay attention to:

  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach);
  • headache;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased blood clotting, decreased capillary sensitivity;
  • allergic manifestations, skin rash;
  • irritation of genitourinary function;
  • changes in metabolic processes;
  • unnatural fatigue;
  • disruption of usual physiological functions;
  • excessive excitability, insomnia;
  • decreased vision;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle.

A lethal daily dose is considered to be more than 20-30 grams

What are the dangers of overdose?

Now let’s talk more specifically about why ascorbic acid is dangerous. An overdose during pregnancy can pose a threat to the health of the fetus, including miscarriage.

The main danger is to the kidneys. Unabsorbed vitamin leaves the body in its pure form. In this case, the entire load falls on the kidneys, which can lead to such dire consequences as the formation of stones.

Frequent overdoses lead to increased sensitivity of the body to the vitamin. In this case, a negative reaction occurs to even the slightest ingestion of ascorbic acid into the body. The natural daily requirement of the vitamin decreases, and individual needs change. As a result, severe vitamin deficiency and weakening of the entire body.

Overdose in children

Ascorbic acid, an overdose of which is especially dangerous for expectant mothers, can cause irreparable harm to the child. When the baby is still in the womb, abuse of ascorbic acid can delay general development fetus Do not take vitamins without consulting your doctor.

Ascorbic acid is easily soluble in water, and when used correctly, minor excesses are excreted in the urine. In case of abuse, the kidneys are the first to suffer. Therefore, if sour tablets attract the child’s attention and the first symptoms of an overdose appear, you should immediately seek help. medical care. In order not to risk the baby’s health, it is better to focus on creating a suitable menu with a high concentration of the required vitamin, rather than on pharmacy products.

Precautionary measures

If any alarming symptoms appear, you should stop taking ascorbic acid and remove foods containing significant amounts of vitamin C from your diet.

To get rid of symptoms and get back to work internal organs after an overdose, fluid intake should be increased ( clean water) and include more high-calorie foods in the daily menu.

If you are taking medicinal vitamin C tablets, you should regularly monitor your blood pressure for sudden changes, as well as the condition of your pancreas. It is better to avoid taking additional ascorbic acid to avoid an overdose. Possible distortions in laboratory parameters general analysis blood.

While taking ascorbic acid, you should stop using aspirin. Well, it wouldn’t hurt for women to know that taking ascorbic acid in high doses reduces the effectiveness of contraceptive drugs.

Water-soluble vitamin C can be distributed in the body through normal fluids. It must be included in the daily diet, because it is not capable of being produced independently in our body, and its daily norm must be replenished. Vitamin C is vital for humans.

Products containing vitamin C

A significant content of ascorbic acid is found in products plant origin. These are vegetables, citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli. Also, if you eat strawberries, black currants, persimmons, peaches, sea buckthorn, ascorbic acid, you will be provided with the daily requirement. Vitamin C, among other things, is also found in tomatoes, bell peppers, and rowan berries. Ascorbic acid is also found in some herbs. For example, in peppermint, fennel, parsley, red pepper, nettle, plantain, raspberry leaves. Therefore, the norm of vitamin intake should consist of products of plant origin and be replenished daily.

How much vitamin C does a person need?

A person’s daily need for ascorbic acid is formed from a number of indicators. Gender, age, nature of work, climate, bad habits, pregnancy - the daily intake of vitamin C depends on all these factors. Stress, illness, and toxic effects on the body increase a person’s need for ascorbic acid. In the Far North and in hot climates, the need for vitamin C increases by 30-50%. In older people, ascorbic acid is absorbed worse than in young people, so in old age its daily intake increases. Vitamin C is reduced in the body when using oral contraceptives. Therefore, women taking such contraceptives need to increase the amount of foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.

The daily intake of vitamin C should be divided into several meals, since ascorbic acid is quickly consumed by the body. Therefore, it will be much more beneficial to maintain a relatively high concentration of the vitamin at all times. The daily requirement of vitamin C, from a classical point of view, for men is 90 mg, for women - 75. You can navigate by the daily loss of ascorbic acid. On average it ranges from 300 to 1500 mg. The required daily requirement is determined from the level of its consumption. It is advisable to consume vitamin C no more than 2000 mg per day. This is the norm for a healthy adult. The effect of vitamin C on the body lasts, as a rule, from 8 to 12 hours after it enters the organic sphere. After this time beneficial features ascorbic acid begin to weaken and disappear completely. And excess vitamin is removed from the body with ammonia.

Biological function of vitamin C

Vitamin C affects not only the state of human immunity, but also suppresses the activity of microbes and does not allow the development of viral diseases. Ascorbic acid prolongs youth and maintains attractiveness appearance, physical and mental health. Vitamin C allows the production of norepinephrine, which provides a person with a creative approach to business and the ability to make innovative decisions.

Benefits of Vitamin C

  • Ascorbic acid restores the health of teeth, gums and bone tissue.
  • Vitamin C promotes faster healing of wounds, bone fractures, and improves scarring of the skin.
  • Ascorbic acid increases the level of iron absorption by the body.
  • Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on strengthening blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid reduces the risk of diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, also speeds up their treatment, and improves immunity.

In addition, vitamin C promotes cell growth and healthy formation and improves proper calcium absorption. Ascorbic acid helps to minimize the potential formation of hematomas and blood clots. Vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of collagen, which takes part in the formation of ligaments, tendon branches, and blood vessels of the brain.

What are the signs that indicate you have hypovitaminosis?

Vitamin deficiency can be exogenous when the required amount of ascorbic acid does not enter the body. Or endogenous, meaning a violation of the absorption and digestibility of vitamin C by the human body. If ascorbic acid does not enter the body for a long time, a person may find the following signs of hypovitaminosis:

  • Lethargy.
  • Slow wound healing.
  • Tooth loss.
  • Hair loss.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Dry skin.
  • Joint pain.
  • Irritability, depression, general illness.

How to Preserve Vitamin C in Foods

The content of vitamin C in raw foods and in already prepared food are two completely different values. Due to improper cooking, up to 95% of ascorbic acid is lost. During long-term storage fresh fruit and vegetables, their vitamin C content is reduced by 70%. Ascorbic acid is destroyed especially quickly under the influence of oxygen, high temperature and the sun. From this fact it follows that it is preferable to store fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in a cool place in hermetically sealed bags.

Significant losses of vitamin C occur during cooking, especially in the presence of oxygen and in alkaline environment. That is, when cooking, it is better to keep the pan tightly closed in order to minimize contact with air, and it would be good to acidify soups, vegetable stews and other dishes with vinegar in advance, taking into account the compatibility of the products. Also, ascorbic acid is oxidized in the presence of iron and copper ions. This means that it is better not to cook food in pans made from these materials.

Vitamin C very effectively strengthens our immune system, in addition, it is simply necessary for the formation of mucous membranes, bones and connective tissues, and it is also involved in the detoxification of our body. This element protects all cells from destruction by destructive radicals and stimulates iron metabolism. It prevents the formation of nitrosamines, which cause cancer.

Vitamin C is very important component for the normal functioning of our psyche. It is involved in the synthesis in the pituitary gland of those hormones that help cope with stress. By necessity, this element, together with amino acids, is involved in the production of dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which has a positive effect not only on the state of a person’s psyche, but also on his intellectual performance.

The classic lack of vitamin C is manifested by the common cold, which occurs due to reduced functionality of the mucous membrane, which creates favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of viruses and bacteria. Deficiency can also manifest itself as too slow wound healing and a state of depression.

In the early childhood Vitamin C deficiency can cause changes in skeletal structure called Möller-Barlow disease. With severe deficiency, scurvy develops, which is manifested by increased fragility of blood vessels and tooth loss.

A diet rich in vitamin C is especially important during the cold season, as it is an excellent preventive measure against various colds. A runny nose will not stand a chance if you take one hundred milligrams of this element in powder form every day, combining such treatment with a healthy lifestyle and a properly balanced diet. Don't forget that vitamin C is water-soluble, and excessive amounts leave our body in urine. That is why it is recommended to take it in parts, distributing the dose into several doses throughout the day. But there is one thing!

It is known that if your daily requirement of vitamin C has become over a sufficiently long period of time (from 5g per day) and if you have a predisposition, you may encounter the formation of urinary stones or such a side effect as diarrhea. So in Sweden it has long been customary to take 1000 mg of this vitamin per day. So this, as scientists have found, definitely leads to kidney stones. Therefore, they recommend reducing the dose to a maximum of 500 mg. Soviet scientists have always said that the norm of vitamin C per day for the purpose of preventing various diseases is 100 mg per day, a one-time shock - 2 grams (4 tablets for adults, 500 mg each); during cold season – 500 mg per day. The American chemist Lowns Carl Polling, winner of 2 Nobel Prizes, consumed 19 g of ascorbic acid per day and lived to be 93 years old (1901-1994). Is it just for this reason...

One way or another, it was he who was the author of the theory of the special role of vitamin C. It was like this. In 1966, Dr. Irwin Stone suggested that Pauling take 3 grams of ascorbic acid every day. This resulted in Polling becoming healthier, and the colds that had plagued him all his life became rare. Pauling, who tested the power of ascorbic acid on himself, began to share information about this with everyone who attended his lectures. This caused discontent among the American medical community.

This vitamin is very sensitive to oxygen, light and heat. It is recommended to process fresh products quickly and gently (steam or stew).

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as those ladies who take contraceptives, need vitamin C the most. Large dosages are necessary for alcoholics, smokers and those people who are exposed to negative environmental influences.

This element helps the body absorb iron from plant foods. That is why, after foods high in this mineral, it is recommended to eat a vegetable or fruit rich in vitamin C. There is especially a lot of it in black currants, kiwi, sea buckthorn, oranges, strawberries, papaya and grapefruits, as well as in vegetables such as capsicums , fennel and all types of cabbage.

If you regularly catch colds during the cold season, and in early spring you feel strange weakness and fatigue, adjust your diet and saturate it with enough vitamin C. If you do not have the opportunity to eat a varied diet, take vitamin complexes artificially created by pharmacists. But you should not swallow them indiscriminately, as some elements can accumulate in the body and negatively affect it. Before purchasing such a complex, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

A healthy adult needs from 45 to 70 milligrams of vitamin C per day. Let me clarify - this is a physiological, but not a preventive norm. Those. These are average numbers reflecting his daily needs. For pregnant women, this amount increases to 90 mg, and for nursing women - to 100 mg. In childhood, you should not consume more than 50 mg of this element, and for infants only 35 mg.

In cases of illness and severe stress, as well as in old age and changes in climatic conditions, our body’s need for vitamin C increases markedly.

There is scientific evidence that consuming this element is an excellent preventive measure. oncological diseases esophagus, colon, endometrium and Bladder. Vitamin C helps our body absorb not only iron, but also calcium, and it also helps remove harmful toxins such as mercury, lead and copper.

Proper consumption of vitamin C enhances the stability of vitamins E, A, B1 and B2, as well as folic and pantothenic acids. In addition, it protects the walls of blood vessels from the deposition of oxidized forms of cholesterol on them.

Unfortunately, our bodies cannot store vitamin C, so we need to get it daily. To prevent hypovitaminosis, it is recommended to take an infusion of rose hips. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of berries and pour one glass of boiling water over them. Place the container in a water bath and keep it for a quarter of an hour, then remove and cool for forty minutes. The strained infusion must be diluted with cold, pre-boiled water to its original volume. Take half a glass of this drink twice a day.

Vitamin C is necessary element for the normal functioning of all systems of our body.

Did you know that the human body, unlike most terrestrial fauna, can independently synthesize vitamin C only in the first two months of life? Next, we must replenish its reserves only from the outside, with food.

Why do we need vitamin C? Everyone knows the fact that ascorbic acid helps strengthen the immune system and helps the body fight infections. Therefore, during the cold season, fresh fruits, vegetables and juices with ascorbic acid should always be present in the diet of adults and children. Vitamin C will help not only prevent you from getting sick, but also prevent stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.

Ascorbic acid, as a powerful antioxidant, slows down the aging process of the body, prevents the accumulation of free radicals, and takes part in the synthesis of collagen (it is what makes our skin elastic).

Vitamin C neutralizes toxins from viruses, bacteria, and... tobacco smoke. By the way, one smoked cigarette burns about 20 mg of ascorbic acid in the body. If we have a vitamin C deficiency, then the harm from a cigarette increases many times over!

The beneficial properties of ascorbic acid do not end there. Vitamin C increases a person’s vital energy, participates in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, hemoglobin, and has a beneficial effect on nervous system, stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands.

How much vitamin C do you need per day?

The daily intake of vitamin C depends on age and gender. So, for adults the daily norm is 70-100 mg. You can easily replenish your daily requirement by drinking a glass of orange or grapefruit juice.

For pregnant women and nursing mothers, the dose of vitamin C increases by 80-130 mg, for children it is 30-75 mg per day. However, any changes in their diet must be agreed with a specialist.

By the way, during colds, the body’s need for vitamin C increases - it should be consumed in larger quantities (up to 500-1500 mg per day). But in such cases it is better to consult a doctor.

If you are often nervous, remember that strong emotions and stress instantly burn up your entire supply of vitamin C, so make sure your diet contains this essential vitamin.

How do you know if you have enough vitamin C?

A lack of ascorbic acid in the body can be noticed by fatigue, weakness, decreased appetite, and frequent colds. The skin color becomes dull, and with the slightest injury, bruises appear (the walls of small vessels become more fragile).


Since childhood, many people have been given vitamin C pills or tablets by their parents. This element is responsible for important biochemical and biological processes. Externally, the drug appears as light-colored crystals with a lemon flavor. However, not every person knows about all the properties of this substance.

What are the benefits of ascorbic acid?

Many people take vitamin C without thinking about how it affects the human body. First of all, ascorbic acid is a very powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free oxygen atoms that cause harm to the human body. A lack of vitamin C leads to a weakened immune system. Taking the drug in tablets, ampoules or powder strengthens natural protection human body of any age. The action of ascorbic acid includes the neutralization of poisoning.

What are the benefits of vitamin C:

  1. All skin cosmetics with collagen contain this substance. Ascorbic acid stimulates the production of fibroblast cells, which contribute to the formation of epithelial and connective tissue.
  2. It is very important to remember why vitamin C is needed in the hematopoietic system. Without it, proper exchange of folic acid and iron is impossible. A lack of this vitamin can cause the development of anemia.
  3. The use of ascorbic acid suppresses inflammatory reactions and reduces the risk of developing allergies.
  4. Ascorbic acid can affect the production of steroid hormones and catecholamines, so it is important to consume this substance for the normal functioning of the nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems.
  5. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, accelerates blood clotting, prevents the development of edema in women (during menstruation).
  6. The use of tablets, ampoules, powder or dragees of this drug helps to overcome stress. In addition, this substance prevents the development of infectious diseases that attack the human body during stress, depression, and weakened immunity.

Daily dose of ascorbic acid

Before you start using the drug, it is recommended to find out the need of the adult and child’s body for this substance. How much ascorbic acid can you eat per day? Under normal conditions – no more than 50-100 mg. The dosage increases significantly (one-time - up to 1 g per day) if the body is subject to high physical and mental stress, frequent exposure to low and high temperatures. In addition, the following need to use ascorbic acid in an increased volume:

  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • athletes interested in bodybuilding;
  • patients during treatment.

How to take ascorbic acid

If indicated, the patient may be prescribed intravenous or intramuscular injections, an effervescent powder solution or tablets. It is recommended to obtain individual instructions from your doctor on how to take ascorbic acid to avoid side effects. The dosage and form of administration depend on what function of the human body needs support.

How to take ascorbic acid in tablets correctly? The substance must be taken after meals in the following quantities:

  1. Children - 25-75 mg (prevention), 50-100 mg daily three times (treatment).
  2. Adults - 50-100 mg (prevention); during treatment, the indicated dose is increased to 200-400 mg, divided into several doses.
  3. During pregnancy, you need to take 300 mg for 2 weeks, then reduce the dosage by three times.

They may prescribe injections with glucose - 1-5 ml of sodium ascorbate solution up to three times daily. To treat vitamin deficiency, children are prescribed powder in sachets of 0.05-0.1 g. It is important to follow the instructions. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment individually for each patient according to indications. The maximum daily volume of the substance is no more than 0.5 g (for an adult patient), for children - 30-50 mg (depending on the age of the child and individual instructions for using the drug).

Price for ascorbic acid

You can purchase this drug inexpensively at any pharmacy, or order and buy it in an online store. Manufacturers' catalogs contain many different options for vitamin C. As a rule, the price varies from 13 to 45 rubles. The cost is affected by the manufacturer's brand and release form. The price of ascorbic acid (dragees) in jars of 200 pieces (50 mg) does not differ much from different pharmaceutical companies. However, a significant difference can be found when purchasing ascorbic acid tablets. Manufacturers are raising prices for bright packaging and flavorings.

How to choose ascorbic acid

Experts recommend getting vitamin C from natural foods. It can be found in vegetables, herbs, and fruits. If there is a severe shortage of the element, you can buy ascorbic acid in powder. The most common form of prevention is pills or chewable tablets. Injections are usually prescribed by a doctor for severe poisoning or for pregnant women to maintain the body.

What happens from an overdose of ascorbic acid?

Some people are mistaken in thinking that ascorbic acid can be consumed in unlimited doses and not cause diseases. There are maximum daily amounts of this substance that cannot be exceeded. When asked whether it is possible to eat a lot of ascorbic acid, doctors will answer in the affirmative - you can’t! IN otherwise waiting for the patient:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract system;
  • insomnia;
  • increased excitability;
  • nausea.

Contraindications for taking ascorbic acid

Like any drug, ascorbic acid has a number of contraindications. For example, you should not get carried away with vitamins if you have diabetes, urolithiasis, sideroblastic anemia, or oxalosis. Can pregnant women take ascorbic acid? For this category of patients, vitamin C is very important, but it is not recommended to consume it more than the established norm, so as not to harm the unborn child and yourself.