Issuance of visas of your state to citizens of the host country. What types and categories of visas are there? Ordinary visa to enter the Russian Federation for the purpose of obtaining asylum

Visa relations have been established between the Russian Federation and other states of planet Earth. Although our country’s migration policy is quite loyal towards citizens of other countries, most of them require a visa to cross the border. Only its presence gives the right to enter and further stay within Russia. Depending on the nature of the trip and its purpose, there are several types Russian visas.

The list of states with which Russia has introduced simplified visa relations includes only a few dozen countries. Citizens of world powers not included in this list need an entry permit to cross the border of the Russian Federation. It is a special document that allows you to freely travel across the border and legally stay within our country. The validity period of such permits directly depends on their category and status.

The validity period of a transit entry permit for foreigners who arrived in Russia by air for the purpose of further travel to another state is only 3 days. However, if a foreign tourist does not plan to make transfers at an international airport, entry or exit permits are not issued.

Registration of entry permits for foreign nationals traveling through Russia to a destination outside its borders passenger car, produced in individually. The validity period of entry documents is calculated for each specific case separately. The basic criteria for calculation are: the length of the shortest route and the time required to overcome it. In this case, the basic parameter is the daily mileage of the car, which is equivalent to 500 km.

Foreigners transiting through the territory of Russia and having the status of a diplomat or other official are not required to apply for the appropriate visas. Diplomatic and official entry permits are intended for such categories of persons.

Official: categories of persons and subtleties of design

The issuance of service visa permits is carried out exclusively at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is sent to the diplomatic mission or consulate of our country. It is it that initiates the extradition process, subject to an application from the official structures of a foreign power. Unlike diplomatic permits, a service visa is intended for foreigners on duty.

  • official delegations in full and their families (receive single or double entry visas for up to 90 calendar days);
  • personnel carrying out support, as well as administrative or technical activities in relation to diplomatic missions, consulates and other international organizations (a single or double permit is issued for a period of up to 90 days);
  • representatives of foreign and international military blocs and their families crossing the Russian border outside the attaches of their countries or diplomatic missions (receive multiple visa document term up to 12 months).

In a situation where a foreigner does not have a service passport, but his status is recognized by the Russian government, he has the right to apply for a service visa.

However, in the opposite case, if a foreigner has a valid service passport, but his status is not confirmed by the Russian government, he has no right to apply for the appropriate document.

In this case, the visa is issued on general principles and is strictly limited to the ordinary type of visa permits.

Temporary residence in the Russian Federation

A citizen of another country who has obtained the appropriate permit for the specified period of stay in Russia has the right to obtain a multiple-entry visa. Its validity period is equal to the term of activity of the corresponding permit. A foreigner who did not meet the specified time frame, but retained legal grounds to obtain a visa, has the right to receive a document according to a written application. The updated permit documentation is considered valid for 2 months following the date of its registration.

Ordinary: subgroups and their characteristics

The ordinary type of visa is the most popular type of visa to Russia. Its issuance is carried out based on the direction of the trip and the intentions pursued by the foreigner. Today there are several subtypes of such permits:

  • tourist;
  • humanitarian.

All these types of visa permits are intended for ordinary people who do not have special status and those wishing to enter the Russian Federation to fulfill their personal needs.

Russian visa categories

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are the following categories of visa to Russia:

  • Service visa;
  • Diplomatic visa;
  • Ordinary visa to Russia;
  • Visa for temporary stay in Russia;
  • Transit.

Service visa

The decision on its extradition is made by the Russian Foreign Ministry, as a rule, at the request of official diplomatic missions. representative offices foreign countries.

In order to obtain a service visa to Russia, a foreigner must have a service passport.

Typically, employees of international organizations, foreign military personnel, representatives security forces, service and technical personnel of diplomatic missions and consulates. And also from their family members who accompany them.

Diplomatic visa to Russia

Diplomatic visas are issued to representatives of the highest ruling circles of foreign states, diplomats, consulate employees, official foreign delegations and members of their families.

In this case, foreign citizens must have a diplomatic passport.

Ordinary visa to the Russian Federation

The type of ordinary visa depends on the purpose of the trip and stay in Russia.

Exist the following types ordinary visa:

  • Tourist visa to the Russian Federation;
  • Humanitarian;
  • Private or guest;
  • Study visa to the Russian Federation;
  • Business visa to Russia;
  • Work Visa;

Tourist visa to Russia

The period of stay in Russia can be up to 30 days. A tourist visa can be single or double entry. The purpose of the trip in this case is tourism.

Humanitarian visa

A humanitarian visa is issued for a period of up to 90 days or up to 1 year. The basis for a humanitarian visa is an invitation. This visa can be single, double or multiple entry.

On an ordinary humanitarian visa, people travel for the purposes of pilgrimage, providing humanitarian assistance, or charity. Also under this type Visas can be obtained by foreigners who plan to engage in cultural, scientific, sports and political activities in Russia.

Private visa to Russia

The period of stay in Russia on a private visa is 90 days, no more. The visa can be a single or double entry visa. On a private visa they usually go to visit, for treatment or in case of illness of close relatives.

A guest invitation for a private visa to Russia can be issued by individual, a foreign citizen who permanently lives in Russia or a legal entity, having submitted a petition to the Federal Migration Service.

Ordinary study visa to Russia

This visa is also issued on the basis of an invitation. A student visa is obtained to study at educational institutions in Russia. It is issued for a period of up to 3 months.

In the future, it is possible to extend the student visa for up to 1 year without leaving Russia.

Business visa

The purpose of the trip with such a visa is clearly business: holding business meetings, negotiations, participation in exhibitions, conferences, participation in socio-political, economic events on Russian territory.

The period of stay in the Russian Federation on a business visa can be from 30 days to 365 days. A business visa to Russia can be multiple-entry, double-entry or single-entry.

Work visa to Russia

Issued initially for a period of up to 3 months. The work visa can be extended in the future. The basis for the extension is a contract with the employer, labor or administrative law.

A work visa without leaving Russia can be extended for up to 3 years. Further, also if there is a contract, it can be extended depending on the validity period employment contract.

Highly qualified specialists receive work visa to Russia immediately for a period of up to 3 years.

Family members of a foreigner working in Russia together with him/her receive a work visa to Russia.

Also, any foreigner can be issued an ordinary visa to Russia to obtain political asylum. It is issued for 90 days and can only have one entry.

Visa for temporary residence in the Russian Federation

The possible validity period of the visa is 120 days. If a foreign citizen has a temporary residence permit, the visa can be extended up to 1 year.

Transit visa

The purpose of issuing a transit visa is to facilitate the procedure of crossing the border with our country. Since transit does not require much time and in the case of transit, the territory of our country is used only so that the foreigner can get to another country.

A transit visa to Russia is issued depending on the vehicle in which the foreigner crosses the border with the Russian Federation.

For example, if he travels to Russia by car, then a transit visa to Russia is issued for the period during which the foreign citizen crosses the territory of the Russian Federation in order to get to another country.

At the same time, great importance is given to the fact that it is necessary to cross the territory of our country along the shortest possible route.

If you fly through Russia by plane without a transfer, you do not need a transit visa. In case of a layover, a transit visa is issued for 3 days.

Rules and deadlines for obtaining a visa to the Russian Federation

A visa to Russia gives you the opportunity to enter Russia, stay in Russia, as well as transit entry and exit from Russia.

You must also remember that you must pay a state fee for issuing a visa, extension and restoration.

After a foreigner has collected all the necessary documents for a visa to Russia, he must submit it to the Russian Consulate abroad. This day is considered the day of filing documents.

From this day the countdown for obtaining a visa begins. By law, it should not exceed 20 days.

18. Depending on the purpose of entry of foreign citizens into the Russian Federation and the purpose of their stay in Russian Federation Foreign citizens are issued visas of the following categories:

a) diplomatic (DP);

b) service (SL);

c) ordinary (O);

d) transit (TP1 or TP2);

e) visa of a temporary resident (TP).

19. A diplomatic visa is issued on the basis of a decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to a foreign citizen, sent to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation, in the presence of a corresponding request (note verbale) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a diplomatic mission or consular office of a foreign state or a representative office of an international organization in the Russian Federation, submitted to the authorized state body.

20. A diplomatic visa is issued to the following foreign citizens holding a diplomatic passport:

a) heads of foreign states, heads of government of foreign states, members of foreign official delegations, family members of these persons, traveling with them, and persons accompanying them - single or double entry for a period of up to 3 months, unless otherwise provided international treaty Russian Federation;

b) diplomatic agents of diplomatic missions and consular officials consular offices, employees of representative offices of international organizations in the Russian Federation, for whom the Russian Federation recognizes diplomatic status, family members of these persons - single or double entry for a period of up to 3 months with its subsequent extension for a period of up to 1 year by issuing a multiple-entry diplomatic visa, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation;

c) foreign diplomatic and consular couriers - single or double for a period of up to 3 months or multiple for a period of up to 1 year in accordance with the international treaty of the Russian Federation.

21. If a foreign citizen who does not have a diplomatic passport is recognized by the Russian Federation as having diplomatic status, he may be issued a diplomatic visa.

22. If a foreign citizen holding a diplomatic passport is not recognized by the Russian Federation as having diplomatic status, he may be issued an ordinary or service visa.

23. A service visa is issued on the basis of a decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to a foreign citizen, sent to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation, in the presence of an appropriate request (note verbale) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic mission or consular office of a foreign state or representative office international organization in the Russian Federation, submitted to the authorized state body.

24. A service visa is issued to the following foreign citizens who have service passports:

a) members of official foreign delegations, family members of these persons, traveling with them, and persons accompanying them - single or double entry for a period of up to 3 months, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation;

b) employees of administrative, technical and service personnel of diplomatic missions, consular officers and employees of service personnel of consular offices of foreign states in the Russian Federation, representative offices of international organizations in the Russian Federation and family members of these persons - single or double for a period of up to 3 months with its subsequent extension for a period of up to 1 year by issuing a multiple-entry business visa, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation;

c) military personnel of the armed forces of foreign states and members of their families traveling to the Russian Federation not through the military attaches of diplomatic missions of foreign states, multiple times for a period of up to 1 year.

25. If a foreign citizen who does not have a service passport is recognized by the Russian Federation as having official status, he may be issued a service visa.

26. If a foreign citizen who has a service passport is not recognized by the Russian Federation as having official status, he may be issued an ordinary visa.

27. Depending on the purpose of entry foreign citizen to the Russian Federation and the purpose of his stay in the Russian Federation, an ordinary visa has the following types:

a) private (P);

b) business (D);

c) tourist (T), including group (TG);

d) educational (U);

e) working (P);

f) humanitarian (D);

g) to enter the Russian Federation for the purpose of obtaining asylum (A);

h) to enter the Russian Federation for the purpose of obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation (RF);

i) to enter the Russian Federation in order to obtain a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation (PR).

28. An ordinary private visa is issued for a period of up to 3 months to foreign citizens entering the Russian Federation on a guest visit on the basis of an invitation to enter the Russian Federation issued at the request of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen who has received a residence permit in the Russian Federation, or legal entity or on the basis of a decision of the head of a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to a foreign citizen, accepted upon application to writing a citizen of the Russian Federation on the joint entry into the Russian Federation of members of his family (spouse, minor children, disabled adult children) who are foreign citizens. An ordinary private visa is also issued to a foreign citizen in connection with the need to enter the Russian Federation for emergency treatment or due to serious illness or death close relative. An ordinary private visa can be single or double entry.

29. An ordinary business visa is issued to a foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation for business purposes. An ordinary business visa can be single or double entry for up to 3 months or multiple entry for up to 1 year. The total period of stay of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation on a multiple-entry business visa is established in accordance with paragraph three of clause 17 of these Regulations.

An ordinary business visa is issued on the basis of an invitation to enter the Russian Federation, issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as an invitation), a decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to a foreign citizen, sent to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation, or decisions of the head of a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation in connection with the need to enter the Russian Federation to participate in international and domestic official, economic, socio-political and scientific events upon a written application from a foreign citizen.

(see text in the previous edition)

29(1). A foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation as a highly qualified specialist for the purpose of negotiating with an employer or customer of work (services) and concluding an employment contract or a civil contract for the performance of work (rendering services), information about whom as a highly qualified specialist is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a single-entry ordinary business visa is issued for a period of up to 30 days on the basis of a written proposal from the employer or customer of work (services) to enter the Russian Federation to conduct relevant negotiations upon confirmation of the availability of funds for residence in the Russian Federation and departure from the Russian Federation Federation upon expiration of the permitted period of stay.

(see text in the previous edition)

If the request of the employer or customer of work (services) to engage this foreign citizen as a highly qualified specialist is satisfied, the single-entry ordinary business visa issued to such a foreign citizen is canceled and at the same time he is issued an ordinary work visa for the duration of the employment contract or civil contract for the performance of works (provision of services), but no more than 3 years from the date of entry of this foreign citizen into the Russian Federation, with subsequent extension of the validity period of the said visa by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of migration registration at the place of stay for the period of validity of the labor contract or civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services), but not more than 3 years for each such extension.

(see text in the previous edition)

30. Ordinary tourist visa for a period of up to 1 month is issued to a foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation as a tourist. An ordinary tourist visa can be single or double entry.

31. An ordinary tourist group visa for a period of up to 1 month is issued to foreign citizens entering the Russian Federation as tourists as part of an organized tourist group (at least 5 people, but not more than 50). The prerequisites for issuing such a visa are: all members of the group must travel on the same vehicle, simultaneous arrival of all members of the group at the border crossing point when entering and leaving the Russian Federation, staying at any point and moving around the territory of the Russian Federation only as part of a group. An ordinary tourist group visa can be single or double entry.

32. An ordinary tourist group visa is issued by diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation upon organized entry into the Russian Federation of foreign tourists in exceptional cases due to difficulties in obtaining individual visas, and only with permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

33. An ordinary tourist visa, including a group visa, is issued on the basis of a properly executed contract for the provision of tourism services and confirmation of the reception of a foreign tourist by an organization engaged in tour operator activities (hereinafter referred to as a tourist organization), executed in accordance with Appendix No. 5 .

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

34. An ordinary study visa is issued to a foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation to study in an organization that carries out educational activities, diplomatic mission or a consular office of the Russian Federation for a period of up to 3 months with the possibility of its subsequent extension by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of migration registration at the place of residence of a foreign citizen by issuing a multiple-entry visa for the period of study in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education, but for no more than one year for each subsequent visa.

The purpose of a foreign citizen’s trip when extending an ordinary study visa may be changed if the foreign citizen is admitted to educational organization to receive full-time or part-time education in the main professional educational program that has state accreditation, after completing training in a federal state educational organization at a preparatory department or preparatory faculty in an additional general education program that ensures the preparation of foreign citizens for mastering basic professional educational programs in Russian, as well as in the case of admission of a foreign citizen to an educational organization to receive full-time or part-time education in a basic professional educational program of another level that has state accreditation.

An ordinary study visa is issued on the basis of an invitation or on the basis of a decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to a foreign citizen, sent to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

35. An ordinary work visa is issued to a foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation for the purpose of carrying out labor activity, on the basis of an invitation from a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation for a period of up to 3 months with the possibility of its subsequent extension by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of migration registration at the place of residence of a foreign citizen by issuing a multiple-entry visa for the period of validity of the prisoner in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation, an employment or civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services), but for no more than 1 year for each subsequent visa.

(see text in the previous edition)

35(1). A multiple-entry ordinary work visa is issued:

(see text in the previous edition)

a foreign citizen who is a highly qualified specialist and enters the Russian Federation for the purpose of carrying out work activities in this capacity on the basis of an invitation - a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation;

(see text in the previous edition)

For a foreign citizen who is a highly qualified specialist and carries out labor activities in this capacity on the territory of the Russian Federation - by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of migration registration at the place of residence of the foreign citizen.

(see text in the previous edition)

The specified visa is issued for the duration of the employment contract or civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services), but for no more than 3 years, with a subsequent extension of its validity for the duration of the employment contract or civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services). services), but not more than 3 years for each such extension.

(see text in the previous edition)

Foreign citizens and stateless persons - family members of the specified foreign citizen are issued multiple-entry ordinary work visas for the duration of the visa issued to this foreign citizen, with the right to carry out work, study, as well as other activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with a subsequent extension of the period validity of such visas in case of extension of the visa validity period for the specified foreign citizen.

(see text in the previous edition)

36. An ordinary humanitarian visa is issued to a foreign citizen entering the Russian Federation for the purpose of scientific, cultural, socio-political, sports or religious ties and contacts, pilgrimage, charitable activities or delivery of humanitarian aid. An ordinary humanitarian visa can be single or double entry for up to 3 months or multiple entry for up to 1 year. The total period of stay of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation on a multiple-entry humanitarian visa is established in accordance with paragraph three of clause 17 of these Regulations.

An ordinary humanitarian visa is issued on the basis of an invitation or decision of the head of a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation in connection with the need to enter the Russian Federation to participate in international and domestic official, socio-political, scientific, cultural, sports and religious events upon the written application of a foreign citizen for a period of up to 3 months (single or double entry) or for a period of up to 1 year (multiple entry), as well as on the basis of a decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to a foreign citizen sent to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation for a period of up to 90 days (single or double).

Article 33.1 Federal Law"On citizenship of the Russian Federation". This type of visa can only be issued multiple times.

37(2). An ordinary visa to enter the Russian Federation in order to obtain a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation is issued to a foreign citizen for a period of up to 4 months by a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation, subject to a decision territorial body Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to issue this foreign citizen a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation. This visa can only be valid for a single entry.

38. A transit visa is issued to a foreign citizen for the purpose of transit through the territory of the Russian Federation or for the purpose of evacuation of a foreign citizen who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa (passengers of cruise ships, foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation for tourist purposes on ferries who have permits for passenger transportation, citizens of countries with which the Russian Federation has agreements on visa-free entry, and passengers making visa-free transit up to 24 hours). A transit visa is issued for a period of up to 10 days.

41. A transit visa with code TP1 can only be single-entry, a transit visa with code TP2 can be single or double-entry. A transit visa is issued on the basis of travel tickets valid for leaving the Russian Federation or a confirmed guarantee of their acquisition on the territory of the Russian Federation in the presence of an entry visa to a state adjacent to the Russian Federation along the route, or a visa of the destination state, or a passport of this state, or a reasoned request and documents confirming the need to stop, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation. The latter basis can be used when issuing a transit visa, which gives the right to stop or evacuate a foreign citizen who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa.

(see text in the previous edition)

45. The period of stay of a foreign citizen on an ordinary business or humanitarian single, double or multiple visa is established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in agreement with the competent authorities federal authorities executive power.

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What is the process for obtaining and issuing a Russian visa?

In order to enter the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons must obtain a visa in advance. Citizens of some states, if there is an appropriate agreement between the Russian Federation and their country.

To apply for a visa, a foreign citizen must apply to, which is located in the country where he lives. There is a list of countries for whose citizens there are exceptions: they can apply for Russian visas while not in the countries of which they are citizens, but in those in which they are actually located.

Russian consular offices issue various types of visas, which differ depending on the purpose of the foreign citizen’s trip and the planned period of stay in Russia. Depending on the type of visa, a different package of documents is required:

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a visa to Russia

The processes for obtaining different types of visas are very similar, but each individual type of visa has its own nuances.

General package of documents

Regardless of what type of visa a foreign citizen needs, he must provide the following documents to the Russian consular office:

    valid international passport (this can be an ordinary passport, official or diplomatic) or other identification document that is recognized by the Russian Federation.

    This document should not raise doubts about its authenticity; it should not contain corrections or erasures, extraneous entries or marks, embroidered or torn pages. This passport must expire no less than 6 months later after the visa expires. Moreover, in The passport must have at least 2 blank pages, which are intended for visas. When applying for a study or work visa, the foreign citizen’s passport must expire no earlier than in 1.5 years after the visa is valid.

    There are exceptions, for example, when a foreign citizen applies for a Russian visa to undergo emergency treatment or in the event of the death of his close relative, he may be issued an ordinary private visa. In this case, the passport must expire no earlier than the visa expires (but a period of 6 months is not required here).

    one color or black and white photo(the size of which is 3.5x4.5 cm) with a clear image of the face of a foreign citizen from the front. At the same time, foreign citizens in the photograph should not be wearing glasses with tinted lenses or wearing a headdress (except for those cases when constant wearing of a headdress is mandatory due to nationality or religious affiliation, and in their passport the foreign citizen is depicted wearing the same headdress) .

    documents confirming payment of the consular fee, you can view the tariffs on the website of the Russian consular office where the foreign citizen plans to apply for a visa.

    other documents that depend on the type of visa, needed by a foreign citizen (this could be tickets, hotel reservation confirmation, medical certificates, financial documents, letters of guarantee, etc.).

In order to obtain a Russian visa, a foreign citizen must submit a complete set of documents to the Russian consular office. He must apply for a visa either personally or through his legal representative.

After payment After completing the consular fee and submitting a package of documents, a receipt will be issued, which will indicate the date of readiness of the visa. This receipt will need to be presented when obtaining your visa.

After receiving When applying for a visa, you must immediately check the correctness of the data entered into it, such as last name, passport number, date of birth of the foreign citizen and the timing of his trip. If any errors were made in these data, the visa must be returned to make the appropriate corrections.

Regardless of the number of entries a visa has, a foreign citizen has the right to stay in the Russian Federation for no more than . An exception is made for foreign citizens entering on study or work visas: they can stay in the Russian Federation for the entire duration of the visa.

The Russian consulate has the right to a foreign citizen (usually there are serious reasons for this). If a visa is refused, the consular fee paid by the applicant when submitting documents is not refunded.

Package of documents by visa type

Let's look at what documents are required to obtain a specific type of visa.

To obtain a tourist visa, the applicant must provide the Russian consulate with:

  • copy of passport;
  • completed visa application form;
  • 2 photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • documents confirming payment of the fee;
  • tourist invitation to Russia, which consists of 2 parts:
    • tourist voucher from the travel company that hosts the tourist;
    • confirmation of admission of a foreign tourist.

The maximum validity period for a Russian tourist visa is 30 days. Such visas can be single or double entry.

When applying for a tourist visa, it is mandatory to have a tourist invitation. Confirmation of a hotel room reservation is not grounds for issuing a tourist visa.

Issue a tourist invitation to Russia for foreign citizens

To apply for a business document, the applicant must submit to the Russian consulate:

  • copy of passport;
  • completed visa application form;
  • 2 photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • documents confirming payment of the consular fee;
  • An invitation to Russia, which can be issued at a branch of the Federal Migration Service or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation or issued commercial organization accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Federal Migration Service.

Business visas can be single or double entry with a validity period of up to 3 months or multiple entry visas with a validity period of up to 1 year or even up to 5 years.

Issue a business invitation to Russia for foreign citizens

To apply for a private visa, a foreign citizen must submit the following package of documents to the Russian consulate:

  • copy of passport;
  • completed visa application form;
  • 2 photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • original invitation issued by the Russian Federal Migration Service.

The maximum validity period for private visas is 3 months. They are single and double.

To obtain a study visa, the applicant must submit to the Russian consulate:

  • copy of passport;
  • completed visa application form;
  • two photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • a document confirming payment of the consular fee;
  • the original invitation that was issued for this foreign citizen by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate confirming that the citizen does not have HIV (it must be issued no later than 3 months ago).

When submitting a package of documents for a study visa, you need to take into account that the passport must be valid for at least 1.5 years.

Do you need help preparing an educational invitation?

To obtain a work visa, a foreign citizen must provide to the consular office:

  • copy of passport;
  • completed visa application form;
  • two photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • a document confirming payment of the consular fee;
  • original invitation issued by the employer to the Federal Migration Service;
  • a certificate confirming that the citizen does not have HIV (such a certificate is considered valid for 3 months from the date of its issue).

When applying for a work visa, the passport of a foreign citizen must be valid for at least 1.5 years.

Applying for a work visa to Russia for foreign citizens

Applying for a work visa is a complex process that begins with finding an employer. Perhaps you should apply for an in-person interview with the employer and then the employer, having hired you, will request an invitation to the Federal Migration Service of Russia. Remember! It is impossible to buy such invitations!

To register transit visa, a foreign citizen must provide to the Russian consular office:

  • copy of passport;
  • completed visa application form;
  • two photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • travel tickets for routes through the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of the visa required to enter a state neighboring the Russian Federation, a visa of the destination state or a passport of a citizen of this state.

A foreign citizen who travels through the territory of Russia to the country of destination for air transport, issue a transit visa, the validity of which is limited to three days. At the same time, if a foreigner makes a direct flight through Russia by air, then he does not need to apply for a transit visa.

Visa to Russia for a foreigner - required condition to enter the Russian Federation. Special agreements have been concluded with many countries that exempt their citizens from obtaining an entry document to Russia, but these are in the minority. The work visa to Russia is especially popular, but tourism is also in Lately gained momentum.

Permission to enter the Russian Federation can be obtained through Russian Embassies and Consulates; Russian visa centers have begun to open where registration is also available. There is another way to obtain a visa to Russia - through a travel company authorized and accredited at the Russian Embassy, ​​which is a commercial intermediary and provides such services.

Without a visa invitation you will not be able to submit documents.

In case of short-term visits, we always recommend issuing a tourist invitation.

For comparison: if you want to issue a private invitation for a foreigner on your own behalf, you will need to document that you can support it - provide a 2-NDFL certificate, bank statement and pay a state fee of 800 rubles. Responsibility for the actions of a foreign citizen falls on you. Registration time - up to 3 months + standing in queues.

Therefore, the easiest way is to issue a tourist invitation for a short-term stay and a business visa for a long-term stay.

A visa to Russia can only be obtained by invitation.

Who needs a visa

According to federal law, a Russian visa is required for all foreign citizens who plan to cross the border, regardless of their purpose. Even citizens of states with which Russia at one time introduced visa-free regime, for the purposes of work/study, you need to apply for either a work or study visa. Without a visa, such citizens can only come for tourist or private purposes by invitation.

Types of visas to Russia

Types of visas to Russia for foreigners are divided into several groups. Each category of documents is responsible for its own purposes of staying in the country and has its own rules and deadlines. In order to understand what type of visa to Russia a foreigner needs, you first need to decide on the main purpose of the trip, and then receive the document.

Russian visa photo

Tourist visa

In the Russian Federation, besides Moscow, there are many tourist places that you can see. Mostly foreign citizens go, of course, to St. Petersburg and Moscow, some go on tours along the Golden Ring, and only a few travel beyond the Urals or to the south of the country. All these trips require a Russian tourist visa for foreigners. It is issued for a short period of time; doing it without the participation of commercial intermediaries is problematic, but possible.

The Russian Federation is mainly visited by tourists from Western countries at a fairly advanced age, as well as Chinese tourists. For all these people, intermediary companies provide tourist visas to Russia for foreigners. To visit the Russian Federation for tourism purposes, you need to contact Visa Center Russia, which provides support (if any), or to the Embassy or Consulate.

Guest visa to Russia by invitation

The result of the outflow of Russian citizens in the 90s was the fact that now they are all foreign citizens and to visit their relatives in the Russian Federation they also need an entry permit. This is a guest visa to Russia for foreigners, which is issued upon a guest invitation. With such a document, you can come to visit your relatives or friends who remain here, and you can also invite your foreign spouse to meet your Russian parents.

A visitor visa for foreigners, like a tourist visa, is not required for citizens of those states with which there is an agreement on visa-free entry.

Study visa to Russia

There are a number of excellent universities in the Russian Federation, many foreign students They come specifically for educational purposes - to get an education, to become specialists. They will need the appropriate Russian study visa for foreigners. It provides an opportunity to study at higher/secondary educational institution. There are even special programs for inviting students from other countries, especially from large leading universities.

Work visa to Russia, work permit

One of the most popular documents is a work visa for a foreigner in Russia. The state is fighting illegal workers and trying to legalize their stay by introducing new laws for employers that simplify the procedure for obtaining visas and work permits.

In addition to migrants, there is a certain number of hired expats - foreign specialists working in Russian representative offices their companies by invitation or Russian companies who are business partners. They also require a Russian work visa for a foreigner.

Business/humanitarian visa

A special business visa to Russia is required if you are planning a business trip, arriving as part of an official delegation, visiting business partners for negotiations, resolving any issues related specifically to business activity in business. This document should not be confused with a work permit. A business visa to Russia is issued only if you have a business invitation.

Transit visa to Russia

A permit for transit through the territory of the Russian Federation is also required. A Russian transit visa is issued even if there is a transfer at an international airport without leaving it. The transit document has different validity periods, they depend on the route the foreigner is following: by plane or by land transport (for example, by car).

A Russian visa for a foreigner in case of transit is issued upon availability of tickets to a third country, as well as upon availability visa stamp third country if needed.

Features of entry

There is one point that a foreign citizen needs to take into account upon arrival in the Russian Federation. Within three days you need to come to the internal affairs authorities at your residence address and register. Moreover, you need to come there with the person who sent the invitation. When, for example, a business visa to Russia is issued for foreigners, there are no problems, since the host party, which is a business partner, takes care of everything and provides visa support. But private visitors sometimes forget about the rule of mandatory registration.

If registration is not completed, then legal liability applies to both: the inviting party and the foreigner himself. To submit an application for registration to the migration service, you need to bring two forms in Russian and two photographs.

Required documents

According to official information Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the list of documents for a Russian visa is not very long and is practically the same for all types of entry visas. The permit is issued upon submission of the following package of documents:

  1. A current foreign passport issued in the name of the foreign visa applicant, it must have two blank pages and be valid for another six months after the expiration of the requested visa. When long-term visas– work or study, the validity period must be another one and a half years from the date of validity of the visa;
  2. Duly completed visa application form;
  3. It is possible to fill out these forms electronically.

  4. One photograph 35 by 45 mm, color or black and white, without headdresses (they are allowed only for religious reasons and if the photograph in the foreign citizen’s passport itself is also taken with a headdress);
  5. Document confirming payment of the consular visa fee;
  6. Certificate of absence of HIV, if a foreigner requests a long-term visa.

Additional documents for a tourist visa to Russia

  1. Confirmation of tourist acceptance issued by an accredited organization that has the right to carry out tourism activities.

It should also be noted that simply providing plane tickets and hotel reservations will not be the basis for a tourist visa to Russia to be issued, so it is quite difficult for travelers to get here.

The hotel itself registers the arriving foreign citizen and submits an application to the migration service.

Additional documents for obtaining a Russian visa by private invitation

  1. Original invitation from a relative or friend, issued at the FMS office.

Additional documents for a business visa to Russia

  1. The original business invitation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation or the corresponding decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Additional documents for a study visa to Russia for foreigners

  1. Original invitation issued at the FMS office;
  2. An educational invitation addressed to a foreign citizen, requested and issued in advance.

Additional documents for a business visa to Russia

  1. Petitions migration service about the need to hire a foreign citizen - it is submitted by the future employer;
  2. Conclusion that the company's business really needs to hire a foreign citizen;
  3. Work permits – this is also issued by the employer;
  4. Work invitation addressed to a foreign citizen.

It should be said that on this moment obtaining a business/work visa to Russia for foreigners is a labor-intensive process. The visa process itself is only the last step after receiving all necessary papers from the necessary authorities. It is impossible to get a work visa, if you only have plans to find a job in the Russian Federation, they simply will not give you the document.

Copies of invitations for all types of entry documents are not considered.

Obtaining a visa to Russia

It is hardly possible to obtain a visa to Russia entirely on your own; this will still require resorting to mediation. Moreover, if there are relatives/acquaintances/friends in the Russian Federation, then it is easier for a foreigner to obtain a visa to Russia than if he is simply planning a tourist trip.

A foreign tourist needs to remember that booking hotels and tickets to Russia is not enough, no one will give him a visa on their basis. According to visa rules, someone still has to invite him. How a foreigner can obtain a visa to Russia with the least financial losses is up to him. You can choose a company with affordable prices, or you can join a group of tourists.

The procedure for obtaining a visa is as follows:

  1. Decide on the category of visa you need to obtain;
  2. Find a company/individual who will take care of the invitation and submit an application to the relevant authorities, conclude an agreement;
  3. Receive the original invitation;
  4. Collect a package of documents and submit to the Russian Embassy or Consulate;
  5. Get an answer.

We recommend using the following step-by-step instructions to obtain a Russian visa. With the help of this instruction you will receive comprehensive information about what needs to be done to invite a foreign guest to Russia.

An invitation is a mandatory document for obtaining a visa. It can be issued either travel agency, or FMS. We do not recommend making an invitation yourself through the Federal Migration Service, as this is associated with many procedural problems - it is simply not profitable!

We recommend that you issue an invitation online using the following form from our partners You will spend only 5 minutes, and the invitation will come to you email: no extra actions or calls are required, but everything procedural problems our partners undertake.

Receipt through intermediaries

Russian visas for foreigners in Moscow are issued by many organizations. They take into account all the nuances: whether the state from which the applicant wishes to come is included in the migration risk zone, how friendly it is (this criterion is also taken into account), what are the purposes of the foreign citizen’s visit, ensure receipt of an invitation, and so on.

Any Russian visas for foreigners in Moscow should be obtained only with the help of reliable companies that have the right to conduct such activities. Before becoming their client and concluding an agreement, you need to find out additional information about the selected company.

Invitation for a visa to Russia

As can be seen from the lists of papers, for all types of visas, the central place among all documents is occupied by a business/private/tourist invitation. Whether the foreigner will receive the right to enter the Russian Federation or not depends on the correctness of the invitation form. No type of visa can be issued without an appropriate invitation., even transit, so many questions arise about how to fill out this form correctly.

The sample invitation for a Russian visa depends on who is inviting. In any case, it must be done on the letterhead of the organization that is the inviting party. Accordingly, a sample invitation for a Russian visa in case of a private trip can be viewed at the Federal Migration Service or on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Companies issue business invitation forms themselves.

Before issuing an invitation for a visa to Russia, the receiving party must submit a certain set of documents to the Federal Migration Service. Only after this is an invitation letter for a visa to Russia created according to the sample, which contains detailed information about the foreign citizen, the purposes of his visit, financial support for his visit, place of residence, route, and so on. Along with the invitation form, letters of guarantee and documents confirming the availability of sufficient financial resources to support the residence of a foreigner.

Financial support for a foreign citizen is fully borne by the inviting party. Russian side. In the case of work and business visas, this is a company, in the case of a tourist trip, this is a tour operator, and in the case of a private visit, this is a friend, relative or acquaintance.

A foreigner does not need a sample invitation letter for a visa to Russia, since he does not fill out the letter himself. This document is required Russian citizens in order to arrange everything correctly. The form can be issued by the Federal Migration Service or the Department of Internal Affairs. Important point - the completed invitation must be handed over to the foreign citizen. Only the original is valid, so it must be sent by mail or courier delivery.

The situation is greatly simplified by the possibility of issuing an invitation form by electronic telex. Telex to in this case– an electronic instruction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, issued for certain categories of entry documents; you can use it to obtain a visa.

Receipt cost

Russian visas have different consular fee costs for citizens different states. For the USA and Great Britain, for example, this is more than 7,000 rubles, for India – more than 4,000 rubles. The current price should be checked on the websites of the Embassies (Consulates) of the Russian Federation in the relevant countries.

Also, receiving business, private and tourist invitations from the Russian Federation has a separate cost for clients of intermediaries. As a rule, this is an amount of 1000 rubles and above, depending on the country from which the traveler is coming.

Validity periods

Different categories of visas have and different terms during which the document is valid. They are always individual depending on the situation. The current validity periods of a Russian visa can be seen in the table.

Type of visa Number of permitted entries (multiplicity) Validity
Business/humanitarian Single-entry, double-entry, multiple entry visa From three months to one year
Tourist Single, double 30 days
Private Single, double Up to three months
Educational Multiple Depends on the duration of study
Working Multiple Depends on the contract term
Transit Double 3 days

There is such a thing as the total number of permitted days of stay. The total number of days of stay on a Russian visa should not exceed 90 days in each half-year.

Extension of a visa to Russia

A foreign citizen has the opportunity to extend his entry permit without leaving the Russian Federation. How to extend a visa for a foreigner in Russia is an important question. According to official information, an extension is possible in the following cases:

  • If a foreigner cannot leave the Russian Federation on time due to illness, death of a relative or for another reason;
  • If there is another need for an extension.
A visa extension is allowed only for 10 days, provided that the total period of stay of the foreigner in the Russian Federation is no more than three months over the last six months, this threshold cannot be exceeded.

A foreigner can extend a visa in Russia by applying to the Federal Migration Service at the place of his registration. If he applies to other authorities: to the border checkpoint, to the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the border area, then they issue a document on an extension for only three days.

Receipt times

The time frame for obtaining Russian visas depends on the country in which the Russian Embassy or Consulate is located. They must be clarified on the website of the Russian Embassy in the country from which the applicant is applying. In any case, the application is made in advance, before the trip, and first you need to receive an invitation for a visa, and this also takes time.


Applying for a visa and crossing the border of the Russian Federation is not so easy: there are many specific issues related to the invitation. There is a lot of bureaucracy, and you have to wait quite a long time. But for a tourist who does not have connections in the Russian Federation, there are not many options to get to Russia for the purpose of tourism if he does not want to use the services of intermediaries and wants to save money. Perhaps something will change in the future, but as long as this invitation procedure is in effect, tourism in Russia will be at a fairly low level.

For the inviting party, the arrival of a foreign citizen is associated with hassle, because all legal responsibility for the guest under federal immigration law falls on him. That is, before inviting a foreign guest, you need to prepare well.

Denial of Russian visa You can also get it, especially if the foreign citizen has had violations of federal law.

Video: how to get a visa to Russia