Laws coming into force from 01.03. Several new laws will come into force in Russia in March.

Since March 2017, laws and regulations regarding the ownership of areas adjacent to the forest, the sale of alcohol, and certification will come into force. technical systems and signaling equipment in transport, etc.

Living near a forest will become more expensive

From March 1, Russians who live near forests will be required to monitor the safety of the forest. According to the government decree, citizens must ensure fire safety in an area of ​​at least 10 meters from the forest.

After the snow melts, the owner of the plots will have to monitor the removal of dry branches and other flammable materials, or protect the forest from their property with a fire barrier at least 0.5 meters wide.

The authorities will also have to take care of the forest state power, organizations, etc. They will have to conduct aerial or space photography themselves, as well as attach data to the report on the use of forests.

Fines for violating forest legislation will also increase. Officials will pay from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, and legal entities- from 200 to 300 thousand rubles.

Free privatization has become unlimited

Starting from March 1, free privatization of housing will become unlimited: if you decide to privatize your home, you will not need to buy it back. This is reported in Federal law dated February 22, 2017 No. 14-FZ “On declaring invalid individual provisions legislative acts Russian Federation».

Free privatization of housing began in 1992 and was supposed to end in 2007 after the adoption of a new Housing Code. However, her sentence was extended five times.

Technical means will be safer

From March 30, rules for mandatory certification of technical equipment will be introduced. transport security. Certification will affect systems and means of signaling, access control, inspection, video surveillance, collection, reception and transmission of information, audio and video recordings, communications, and notification. Transport safety should therefore improve.

Alcohol trade under new rules

From March 31, to retail sell alcohol, entrepreneurs will have to obtain a new license for the retail sale of alcohol. And here's the sale alcoholic products in buildings owned or used by educational, medical and sports institutions will be prohibited.

Also with last day March sellers of any alcohol must use cash register equipment.

Loan for "Far Eastern Hectare"

From March 1, 2017, the acceptance of documents for the provision of preferential loan recipients " Far Eastern hectare" The Russians can take from credit institution the required amount at a reduced rate, the amount of which will be 8-10% per annum.

To implement such a mechanism for consumer lending from the Development Fund Far East 6 billion rubles will be allocated. The loan funds will be used to develop the allocated plot of land, which implies the acquisition of the necessary equipment, construction of country houses, greenhouses and other structures.

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From March 1, citizens who own territories adjacent to the forest will be obliged to monitor fire safety forest area. After the snow has completely melted, they will have to clear the area of ​​dry branches, dead wood and other flammable materials in a strip at least 10 meters wide from the forest. Or protect the forest from your property with a fire barrier at least 0.5 meters wide.

Taking care of the forest will also become the responsibility of government authorities, local government, institutions, organizations and so on. They will have to provide aerial or space photography themselves, as well as ground-based photo and video recording, and attach this data to a report on the use of forests (for example, when collecting firewood). This is already stated in the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts Russian Federation in terms of improving the regulation of forest relations." The document also significantly increases fines for violation of forestry legislation. Officials will have to fork out from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles, and legal entities - from 200 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

From March 1, you will not have to buy your home if you decide to privatize it. Free privatization made it permanent. So far, 78% of apartments in the country have been privatized. Let us remind you that privatization gives a person the opportunity to control his home one hundred percent. For example, sell, rent out an apartment or pass it on by inheritance. But owners also face new costs. After privatization they will have to pay property taxes.

From March 30, rules for mandatory certification of technical transport safety equipment will be introduced.. Mandatory certification concerns systems and means of alarm, access control, inspection, video surveillance, audio and video recordings, communications, notification, collection, processing, reception and transmission of information. This will raise the level of fair competition and, as a result, transport safety. Realize mandatory certification technical means will be provided by the FSB of Russia in relation to inspection systems and means, intelligent video surveillance. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - in regarding alarm systems and means, access control, video surveillance, audio and video recording. EMERCOM of Russia - in regarding technical means of warning. Rossvyaz will supervise the means of communication, reception and transmission of information, and the Ministry of Transport of Russia will supervise the systems for collecting and processing information.

From March 31, a new license will appear that entrepreneurs will have to obtain for the retail sale of alcohol when providing services Catering.

A ban is also introduced on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages when providing catering services in buildings, structures, structures, and premises owned and used by educational, medical and sports institutions. In addition, from March 31, sellers of any alcohol must begin using cash register equipment. And this applies to everyone, including individual entrepreneurs and organizations on UTII, simplified tax system and PSN.

Living next to a forest will become more expensive

From March 1, citizens who own territories adjacent to the forest will be required to monitor the fire safety of the forest area. This is stated in Government Decree No. 807 dated August 18, 2016. After the snow has completely melted, they will have to clear the area of ​​dry branches, dead wood and other flammable materials on a strip at least 10 meters wide from the forest. Or protect the forest from your property with a fire barrier at least 0.5 meters wide.

Caring for the forest will become the responsibility of state authorities, local governments, institutions, organizations, and so on. They will have to provide aerial or space photography themselves, as well as ground-based photo and video recording, and attach this data to a report on the use of forests (for example, when collecting firewood). This is already stated in the Federal Law of June 23, 2016 N 218-FZ “On amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of improving the regulation of forest relations.”

The document also significantly increases fines for violation of forestry legislation. Officials will have to fork out from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles, and legal entities - from 200 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

Free privatization of housing made indefinite

From March 1, you will no longer have to buy your home if you decide to privatize it. Free privatization was made indefinite. This is stated in the Federal Law of February 22, 2017 No. 14-FZ “On the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

As RG has already written, on this moment 78 percent of apartments in the country have been privatized. Let us remind you that privatization gives a person the opportunity to control his home one hundred percent. For example, sell, rent out an apartment or pass it on by inheritance. But owners also face new costs. After privatization they will have to pay property taxes.

Transport will be safer

From March 30, rules for mandatory certification of technical transport safety equipment will be introduced. This is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 2016 N 969.

Mandatory certification concerns systems and means of alarm, access control, inspection, video surveillance, audio and video recordings, communications, notification, collection, processing, reception and transmission of information. This will raise the level of fair competition and, as a result, transport safety.

The FSB of Russia will carry out mandatory certification of technical equipment in relation to inspection systems and means, intelligent video surveillance. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - in relation to alarm systems and means, access control, video surveillance, audio and video recording. EMERCOM of Russia - regarding technical means of warning. Rossvyaz will supervise the means of communication, reception and transmission of information, and the Ministry of Transport of Russia will supervise the systems for collecting and processing information.

There are new orders in the alcohol market

From March 31, a new license will appear that entrepreneurs will be required to obtain for the retail sale of alcohol when providing public catering services.

A ban is also introduced on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages when providing catering services in buildings, structures, structures, and premises owned and used by educational, medical and sports institutions. This is stated in the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 261-FZ.

In addition, from March 31, sellers of any alcohol must begin using cash register equipment. And this applies to everyone, including individual entrepreneurs and organizations on UTII, simplified tax system and PSN. This is stated in the letter of the Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated January 31, 2017 N 2148/03-04 and on the website

132 adopted so far come into force this month. federal act. The GARANT.RU portal summarized innovations that are important both for all Russians and for business representatives.

Pharmacists were prohibited from hiding information about the availability of drug analogues and their prices

They began to operate on March 1. They are mandatory for use by all pharmacies, individual entrepreneurs and departments of medical organizations that dispense medications. Thus, it has become illegal to conceal information about analogues medicines and their prices. In addition, pharmacies will no longer be able to refuse customers to familiarize themselves with the accompanying documentation for drugs and medical products. Also, in accordance with the Rules, pharmacists will have to place price tags indicating the name, dosage, number of doses in the package, country of origin and expiration date (if available) in a place convenient for viewing. Please note that administrative liability is not provided for violation of the Rules.

Supervision of compliance with labor laws will become risk-based

From the beginning of the month, the Federal State Information system pricing in construction, which will store the information necessary to determine estimated cost construction. Thus, in addition to estimated standards, it will include methods for determining estimated prices of construction resources, estimated prices of construction resources and other information. Note that the estimated standards included in federal register, and estimated prices of construction resources should be used when determining the estimated cost of construction of facilities financed using budget funds.

Persons whose land plot adjacent to the forest, must take care of its fire safety

Patients' ability to work will be assessed based on special rules

The document defines the procedure for sending and lists of documents submitted to the tax authorities. Yes, it was developed new form applications for deferment, installment payment of taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties and fines or investment tax credit. In addition, the form of obligation on compliance by the interested party with the conditions under which the decision to grant a deferment is made has been updated. Note that new order changes in the deadline for payment of taxes, fees, insurance premiums, as well as penalties and fines by tax authorities developed in connection with the transfer tax authorities powers to administer insurance premiums to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. A deferment or installment plan for tax payment may be granted for a period not exceeding one year, with a one-time or phased payment of the debt amount, and upon payment federal taxes in the part credited to federal budget, – for a period not exceeding three years. Installment plans may be provided for one or more taxes or fees and if there are grounds provided for.

Workers of pulp and paper, hydrolysis, timber chemical and woodworking industries will receive special clothing and equipment personal protection according to new standards

New Model standards The free distribution of protective clothing and personal protective equipment to workers in some hazardous industries will complement a number of industry standards currently in force in the woodworking, pulp and paper, hydrolysis and forest chemical industries. In particular, the document provides for the provision of special clothing and protective equipment to specialists not specified in the current regulations on labor protection (,). For example, semi-automatic glue machine operators, chemical engineers, installers and other specialists will be provided with free clothing and protective equipment. And by decision of the employer, employees performing their duties in difficult climatic conditions may be additionally issued, among other things, clothing with heating elements. Let us recall that labor legislation imposes on the employer the obligation to provide workers performing work with hazardous and dangerous conditions labor, as well as work in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, personal protective equipment that has passed mandatory certification or declaration of conformity (). The procedure for issuing and using personal protective equipment, as well as the responsibility and organization of control over the provision of personal protective equipment to workers, have been established.

Internet providers will be attracted to administrative responsibility for providing access to blocked sites

In accordance with the amendments to, on officials For telecom operators, regulatory authorities will impose a fine in the amount of 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs - from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.

will appear the new kind licenses for retail sale of alcoholic beverages when providing catering services

The legislator has eliminated legal uncertainty regarding the issue of mixing different types alcohol in cocktails in restaurants and other catering establishments. In accordance with the amendments, such activities are not recognized as the production of alcoholic beverages. Thus, from this date, separate licenses will be issued for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages and the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the provision of public catering services.

To confirm the age of the buyer, sellers of alcoholic beverages may be allowed to require any document that allows them to establish age.

Thus, from March 1, summer residents whose plots are located next to the forest will be forced to monitor the fire safety of the forest area.

According to government decree, after the snow has melted, it is necessary to clear your area of ​​dry branches, dead wood and any other flammable materials in a strip of at least 10 m from the forest.

If you don’t want to clean up, you can protect the forest from your property with a fire barrier at least 0.5 m wide.

This document also increases fines for violation of forestry legislation.

Officials will have to pay from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, and legal entities - from 200 to 300 thousand rubles.

Punishment will follow if it becomes known that officials or legal entities did not notice the violation in time and did not try to correct it.

From March 1, 2017, housing privatization officially became unlimited. This means that there will be no need to buy out your home if you need to privatize it.

Let us note that according to statistics, currently 22% of apartments in Russia have not been privatized.

Another innovation concerns transport safety. Now, according to the document, from March 30 everything technical means who assist operatives must undergo mandatory certification.

We are talking, for example, about cameras that measure speed, as well as other video surveillance. Metal detector frames and CCTV cameras, for example in train stations, fall into the same category.

It turns out that now these technical means have not undergone any certification. Five departments are required to monitor this at once: the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rossvyaz and the Ministry of Transport.

From March 31, changes will also affect the alcohol market. Firstly, there will be a new license for the sale of alcoholic beverages for those who sell them in public catering.

Secondly, it is now prohibited to sell alcohol in canteens, cafes and restaurants located on premises belonging to educational, medical and sports institutions.

In addition, from March 31, absolutely all entrepreneurs, regardless of their form of ownership, must start using cash register equipment.