Constitution Day of the Russian Federation in the USSR. Constitution day

Chief regulatory legal act our country, Constitution Russian Federation, was adopted on December 12, 1993. On this day, a national referendum was held, which was attended by about 58.2 million Russians (54.8% of the total number of voters). They were asked to vote for or against the draft basic law.

The text of the Constitution proposed for the referendum was developed by more than a thousand authors for a total of 3.5 years, or 42 months, or 168 weeks. About a month before the vote, the draft was signed by the then Russian President Boris Yeltsin. This happened on November 8, 1993, at 15:15, and the head of state also made several amendments to the document. Two days later, the final text was published in the country's largest newspapers so that citizens could familiarize themselves with it in advance.

The Constitution was adopted by a majority vote, published two weeks later and officially came into force. From that moment on, a new one was installed in Russia political system- the country became a mixed presidential-parliamentary republic with federal structure. The basis of government was the principle of division of power into three branches - executive, legislative and judicial.

A year later, the date December 12 was established public holiday- Constitution Day.

Meanwhile, the holiday itself in honor of the fundamental law of the country was not an invention of the new authorities. Constitution Day was also celebrated in the USSR, and the date was also timed to coincide with the day of adoption of different editions of the document. So, until 1977 it was December 5, later the holiday was moved to October 7.

What does the basic law of the state say?

The Constitution is the highest legal act, which secures government structure of our country, regulates the formation of all government bodies and the public administration system, and also determines the rights and freedoms of man and citizen of the Russian Federation. The document has the highest legal force. This means that all laws that are adopted in the country cannot contradict the Constitution. Moreover, it is applied throughout the territory and in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The guarantor of the Constitution and the provisions spelled out in it is the President of the Russian Federation. By the way, the text of the oath that the head of state pronounces at the inauguration is also written in the Basic Law (Article 82). And Russian leaders also swear on the Constitution - for this there is a special copy with a silver coat of arms.

Behind last years Several changes were made to the Constitution. The most significant are the increase in the presidential term to six years from four, as well as the entry of Crimea and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation.

Is Constitution Day a holiday?

For twelve years from the date of adoption, December 12 was a day off. Constitution Day became a working day in 2005, but in the same year the holiday was included in the memorable dates of the state.

How Russia celebrates Constitution Day

On Constitution Day, patriotic events, ceremonial rallies and round tables. Also dedicated to this day is the All-Russian Reception of Citizens, during which government officials answer questions from residents of the state.

Constitution Day is also celebrated with concerts. Among other things, they award honorary diplomas to distinguished lawyers and judges. The holiday also has its own tradition - on December 12, Russians who have reached the age of 14 are solemnly presented with passports.

A national holiday is approaching, which is of great importance for the Russian Federation and is celebrated annually. Many Russians don’t know for sure whether December 12, 2017 is a day off or not? Let us help you resolve this issue. Let's talk about the origin of this significant event and why such uncertainty arose.

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation | history of the holiday

Constitution Day is one of the most significant public holidays in Russia and is celebrated annually on December 12.

On this day in 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular vote in our country. The full text of the Constitution was published in " Rossiyskaya newspaper"December 25, 1993. Since 1994, according to the Decrees of the President of Russia (“On Constitution Day of the Russian Federation” and “On non-working day December 12"), December 12 was declared a public holiday.

The Constitution - the fundamental law of the state - is the core of the entire legal system Russia and determines the meaning and content of other laws.

Since the first adoption of the Constitution, a number of amendments have been made to the document, one of the most recent being the provisions that “The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of six years by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal equal and direct voting rights by secret ballot" (previously - for 4 years) and that " The State Duma elected for a term of five years" (previously - for 4 years) (Law of the Russian Federation on Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation No. 6-FKZ of December 30, 2008).

At the end of the 1990s, the Russian Constitution experienced at least two political crises, from which it emerged with honor and dignity. It was preceded by the Constitution of the RSFSR adopted in 1918 and the first Constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1924 and consolidating the victory of socialism in the Soviet space. Then they were replaced by the Constitution of 1936 and the so-called “stagnant” Constitution of 1977, which was in force until the collapse Soviet Union.

Russian Constitution - solid foundation democratic development Russian state. This is not just a declaration of good intentions, it is a really working document direct action. The Constitution for a citizen of any country is the Law, which he must know first of all, because knowledge and competent application of laws is the norm of civilized life, a powerful lever for improving its quality.

A binding made of the finest red leather, an applied silver coat of arms of Russia and a gold-embossed inscription “The Constitution of the Russian Federation” - this is what “copy number one” of the country’s basic law looks like. The so-called inaugural edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is kept in the library of the head of state in the Kremlin.

For more than ten years, December 12 was an official holiday. However, in December 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, changing the Russian holiday calendar. The law provides for the abolition of the day off on Constitution Day, and the holiday itself is included in the memorable dates of Russia.

Despite this, on this day various events are held throughout the country dedicated to this memorable date in honor of the main law of the country. Especially many events take place in educational and cultural institutions of Russian cities - these are law lessons, round tables, thematic presentations and exhibitions, holiday concerts, mass events, rallies, flash mobs, etc.

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation | Importance for Russians

Many schools introduce basic laws, so children know what holiday is December 12 in Russia.

The document under consideration is of great importance for the country, since it acts as a kind of foundation for the formation of the rest legislative framework. It is aimed at stabilizing economic and government institutions.

The possibility of making amendments to the Constitution is provided. The Federation Council, the State Duma, the Government, and the President of the Russian Federation himself are involved in this process. But this happens extremely rarely, so in general the content does not change.

Residents of Russia should remember what a holiday December 12 is, because the Constitution is the primary law for citizens. It contains key rights and responsibilities, providing protection from illegal actions officials (limit the sphere of influence of power structures).

Basic state document valid in different countries:

Great Britain;
Argentina, etc.
For example, the Constitution of San Marino is one of the oldest and most current. It was adopted in 1600 on the basis of the city charter, created already in 1300.

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation | Day off or not

In 1994, the Government recognized this day as a non-working day. This was the case for many years, but in December 2004, Law No. 201-FZ was issued, which made adjustments to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which contains a list of non-working days. As a result, significant changes took place in the holiday calendar: the date of adoption of the Constitution was excluded.

In 2017, the holiday falls on Tuesday, so many people have a question: do you need to go to work on December 12? So: from the official point of view production calendar The day of adoption of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation has not been a day off since 2005. For Russians, it has become a working weekday.

This change in legislation led to confusion: older people are accustomed to relaxing on Constitution Day, but most young people completely forget about it. It is difficult to adapt to a different solution, even after more than 20 years.


On the basis of Federal Law No. 32-FZ of 1995, the day of adoption of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation was classified as a memorable date. There are no specific explanations. As a result, after the cancellation of the day off, the significance of the holiday gradually began to be lost and changed.

There is a position that the cancellation of the December 12 holiday is a kind of provocation against the current government. Some people think this way: “The government does not want to remember the Constitution, because it violates the norms prescribed in it. It is beneficial for him that people do not attach importance to the Basic Law of the Russian Federation.”

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation | As noted

Residents of our country remember December 12 - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation - as a solemn holiday. And now it is celebrated with numerous actions, rallies and social movements who are vocal about violation constitutional rights. Thanks to such events, citizens learn and remember about this holiday. Although not everyone considers it important.

Most countries in the world continue to celebrate their constitution days. For example, this is a day off in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Norway, Azerbaijan, Japan, etc.

On pre-holiday days, lectures are held on the meaning of a democratic and pacifist constitution. Printed buildings remind people of their rights, and some parliament buildings are open to visitors.

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation | Importance of the Constitution

This document is of great importance for the country. So big that this issue is studied even in school. And the Presidential Decree issued in 1994 confirms this idea. And, of course, children should know the answer to the question: December 12 – what is a holiday in Russia? The Constitution is a complex and voluminous document. Respect for the state and the law in general begins with respect for the main document. Why do you need to study it? Knowledge of the Constitution makes it possible for every person permanently residing in the country to feel not like a stranger, but a citizen who has not only responsibilities to the state, but also rights.

On the one hand, the Constitution protects citizens from the permissiveness of the Government. The relevant sections of the document define the scope of activity not only of the President, but also of the parliament and government. The authority is limited to what is stated in this document and cannot extend further. On the other hand, the Constitution recognizes and also protects the rights and freedoms of every citizen of the country.

In order for people to have the opportunity to remember this, the holiday of December 12 was established in Russia, which previously for many was nothing more than an additional day off, and now it goes completely unnoticed if they don’t remind you of it on TV or radio. To be a citizen means to have not only some rights, but also guarantees that these rights will be respected. The state gives guarantees to a person. Now you know the answer to the question: December 12 – what holiday is it in Russia?


One of the holidays is approaching, which during the existence of the Soviet Union and then the Russian Federation wandered around the calendar so much that many still do not know when to celebrate it. Of course, you guessed that this holiday is Constitution Day.

When is Constitution Day of the Russian Federation celebrated?

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation is celebrated 12 December, it is not a day off in Russia.

history of the holiday

The basic law by which our country lives today was adopted by popular vote December 12, 1993 under the president Boris Yeltsin, which is why the current constitution is sometimes called Yeltsin’s.

Constitution Day, December 12, has become not only a holiday, but also a day off since 1994. Then Boris Yeltsin adopted two decrees: “On the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation” and “On the non-working day of December 12.”

Alas, since 2005, December 12 has ceased to be a day off. This happened after the State Duma adopted corresponding amendments to the Labor Code of Russia in December 2004.

The first Russian constitution

With the constitution in Russian Empire things were always so-so. Repeated attempts by advanced political forces to limit the power of the monarch by law, as a rule, remained only intentions, which for various reasons could not be realized (despite the fact that the Kingdom of Poland, which was part of the Russian Empire, had a constitution).

The first Russian constitution, in fact, was the Basic state laws Russian Empire, adopted in 1905-1906 by the will of the emperor NicholasII. This document was granted by the monarch and was not approved either by popular vote or by the then Duma.

Lenin, Stalin and Brezhnev constitutions

After October revolution the monarchy was abolished, and Russia became first a bourgeois and then a Soviet republic.

In 1918 it was adopted the first Constitution of Soviet Russia.

Then it was accepted Constitution of the USSR 1924. This document was approved by the Second Congress of Soviets of the USSR and became the first fundamental law of the newly formed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Constitution of 1924 consolidated the state structure of the USSR on the basis Soviet power and the dictatorship of the proletariat and reflected the multinational character of the Soviet Union.

The Constitution of 1924 was replaced by the famous "Stalin's Constitution", which existed with minor changes from 1336 to 1977. The Constitution of the USSR of 1936 (it was also called the “Constitution of victorious socialism”) was adopted by the VIII All-Union Extraordinary Congress of Soviets on December 5, 1936. Therefore, in the Soviet Union, Constitution Day was celebrated 5th of December and it was a day off.

In 1977, the “Stalinist” one was replaced by "Brezhnev Constitution", which was officially called the “Constitution of Developed Socialism.” She was accepted Supreme Council USSR on October 7, 1977, so the Constitution Day holiday moved from December 5 to October 7th.

The “Brezhnev Constitution” lasted from 1977 to 1991, losing its force with the disappearance of the Soviet Union.

Congratulations on Constitution Day, December 12

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
For anyone and everyone in the country.
An opportunity for everyone to get together
Learn for both you and me.

Have children and build a house,
Create, work and breathe.
Think freely, argue freely...
What else can you dream about?

Happy Constitution Day, friends!
May this holiday be in every home
Brings order and freedom,
And faith in the Basic Law.

Constitution Day - what kind of holiday is it?
A holiday of laws, a holiday of freedoms.
Constitution Day is an important holiday,
A day when all the Russian people are happy.

The highest value is you, man!
On Constitution Day, always and forever.
On this holiday we honor our Basic Law,
It became a memorable date for us.

Constitution Day is a big holiday,
All Russians will celebrate with all their hearts.
We celebrate this day not in vain,
This day is December 12th!

Russian Constitution Day, which is celebrated annually on December 12, is one of the main public holidays in our country. The Constitution is the legal foundation of the state, the basis on which the legislative and executive branch. The Constitution determines the direction of development of the state and defines the rights and responsibilities of every citizen of the country. U Russian constitution long story. She survived different times, sometimes, not entirely kind. The Constitution that is in force in Russia now is fundamentally new law, based on the principles of democracy and designed to protect the interests of every person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Constitution Day in the USSR

The first constitution of the USSR was adopted on January 31, 1924. It was there that the victory of socialism was proclaimed. In fact, the constitution of '24 legislated the formation of the USSR: a state that included union republics. The next Soviet constitution, the “Stalinist” one, was adopted on December 5, 1936. It is curious that it not only defined a fairly wide range of socio-political issues facing the country, but also proclaimed the end of the main stage in the construction of socialism in the USSR. In the period from 1937 to 1977, Constitution Day of the USSR was celebrated on December 5.

The “Stalinist” constitution was in effect for quite a long time, until 1977, when it was replaced by the “Brezhnev” constitution, popularly known as the “stagnant” one. Constitution Day was moved to December 7, the date of its adoption. In fact, a “stagnant” constitution was in force until 1993.

Constitution Day in modern Russia

On December 12, 1993, the new Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted. This day became an official state holiday of the Russian constitution. By decree of President B.N. Yeltsin declared it a non-working day. Unfortunately, in 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a number of amendments to the Labor Code of Russia and made changes to the calendar of holidays. Constitution Day has ceased to be a day off; now it is simply a memorable date in honor of the main law of the country.

Traditions of Russian Constitution Day

Despite the fact that Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, December 12, is an ordinary weekday, the holiday is celebrated quite widely. Ceremonial meetings at the highest level must be held state level. Meetings are also organized in work collectives and educational institutions. Law lessons are held in schools, where children get acquainted with the basic provisions and fundamental laws of the constitution modern Russia.

Is December 12 a day off or a working day? Unfortunately, for the past 15 years this date will not be marked in red in the production calendar (unless it falls on a Saturday or Sunday).


Since 1994, the whole country has been celebrating Constitution Day on this date. And many experienced workers remember what a holiday in Russia is December 12th. Initially, when the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1994 No. 1926 was issued and the holiday date appeared in the Russian calendar, this day was designated as a day off. On this day, but a year earlier, in a popular vote on December 12, 1993, Basic Law of Russia.

The previous Constitution was still Soviet: it was adopted back in 1977 under Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. It is noteworthy that at that time all Soviet citizens had a rest on this occasion (the date of Constitution Day was October 7, the day was a holiday). In modern Russia, Federal Law No. 32-FZ dated March 13, 1995 classifies December 12, a holiday in honor of the Basic Law, as a memorable event.

Are we resting or not?

For eleven years on this day workers were freed from work, but in 2004 Law No. 201-FZ was issued, which adjusted Labor Code, containing a list of non-working holidays. As a result, the date of adoption of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation was excluded from the list of holidays. Since 2005, HR officers and accountants have had to answer workers’ questions whether December 12 is a holiday, a day off or not, in the negative. Thus, starting from this time, Russians have to celebrate this holiday at their workplaces. Now the list of official holiday reasons that make it possible not to go to work, from this article looks like this:

  • from January 1 to January 8 - New Year holidays;
  • January 7—Christmas Day;
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8—International Women's Day;
  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • June 12—Russia Day;
  • November 4 is National Unity Day.

Obviously, the list does not include such a holiday as Constitution Day: whether a day off or not on this day is “decided” solely by the calendar (if December 12 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then you can rest, but if it doesn’t, you will have to go to work). This year, December 12 falls on Thursday, which means there will be no day off; all employed citizens will have to work.

However, if employees of a commercial company believe that this event is worthy of becoming a holiday and day off for the team, they have the right to ask management to arrange this. Including making it non-working. If such a decision is enshrined in collective agreement and internal regulations organizations, then the rest will have legal grounds. And pay wages to salaried employees for extra rest you still have to: this is determined by the norms of the same article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. By the way, in government organizations this method does not work, since they adhere exclusively to the production calendar approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Separately, it should be noted that regional legislators have the right to establish holidays for the subject of the Federation, different from federal ones, by adopting relevant laws: for example, Law dated October 26, 2005 No. 555-78 “On holidays and memorable dates in St. Petersburg.” But in it, as in federal legislation, December 12 is not among the holidays: whether it is a day off or not, therefore, there is no doubt. And at the local level, the day is not a day off, and citizens are required to report for duty.