What benefits are available to children under 18 years of age? Child benefit: conditions for receiving, documents

A benefit until the age of 18 is one of the options for supporting a family whose income level is lower than the established one. Regional legislation allows you to receive monthly child benefits until the child reaches the age of 18. Provided that the woman went to work after the baby turned three years old and the total family income is below the established level living wage per child in this region.

Who is entitled to social benefits?

Today, the state is striving to improve the demographic picture of the country, while simultaneously reducing the number of people below the poverty line. This is expressed in supporting categories of the population with various benefits and payments. social nature. In particular, a program has been developed that allows you to obtain social payment a family that has a child under 18 years of age.

In this case, this benefit will be paid to the family until the child reaches 18 years of age, with a monthly transfer to a personal bank account.

A benefit should be understood as a payment of a material nature that helps alleviate the financial burden in a particular case regarding the maintenance of a child. Such benefits act as social support for mothers and fathers whose income is lower than the subsistence level.

Payments of such financial support do not depend on the number of children in the family. Thus, upon execution by the baby three years old, one of the parents is given the right to apply for monthly state aid for child support due to the low total family income.

The amount of such financial support from the state depends on many factors. The first of these is the budget, namely from which - local or federal - the payment comes. So, the amount directly depends on the parent’s place of residence.

In this case, the benefit should be divided into categories:

  • Federal.
  • Regional.

The same document also contains full list persons who can count on registration maternity leave and the corresponding cash benefit.

It is paid during the first one and a half years of the baby’s life. At the same time, you can count on this benefit even when the person who went on maternity leave works part-time, at home, or continues to receive education.

The amount of this benefit is determined by law as 40% of monthly official earnings. At the same time, the payment should not be lower than 2,194.34 rubles when the first baby was born, and not lower than 4,338.67 rubles when the second one was born.

To count on this type of support, you need to collect several documents in accordance with Law No. 255.

The list is as follows:

  • passport;
  • baby's birth certificate. It is issued at the registry office;
  • card or account number where the benefit should be transferred;
  • confirmation that your second parent is not currently on maternity leave and has not applied for this benefit;
  • application (in free form) for maternity leave to care for the baby. It must be issued in the name of your employer, with whom you are registered according to your work book.

Documents for benefits until the child turns 18 years old

You will be able to receive small financial assistance for the maintenance of your baby even after he reaches one and a half years old.

In order for funds to be paid to you regularly (monthly) until the child reaches adulthood, you must fit into one of the following categories of citizens:

  • a large family that has a third child and whose average income per person should not exceed the minimum wage in your region;
  • a single mother who doesn't have a job;
  • guardian or official custodian of the child who does not have permanent job, or having a lower income level.

To do this you need the following:

  • statement;
  • parental income certificates confirming income for the last year;
  • excerpt from work book;
  • passport;
  • documents confirming the birth of all minor children in the family.

The magnitude of this cash assistance Each subject of the federation has its own. As a rule, this is not a lot of money - from 150 to 1000 rubles per month.

Documents for receiving benefits for wives of military personnel

A special list of benefits is provided for young mothers whose husbands are conscript soldiers in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. The basis for this is Law No. 233.

To receive this support from the treasury, the mother and father must be married and apply for benefits no later than six months after the father completed his military service. At the same time, in order to count on receiving this benefit, the pregnancy must be 26 weeks.

The benefit is provided regularly by the state. Once a month from the moment your baby is born.

However, you should understand that you shouldn’t count on him before your father enters military service. Financial support ends as soon as the child turns three years old.

It should be noted that such benefits are mandatory, even if the mother is entitled to other types of financial support from the treasury.

Documents for one-time allowance:

  • application filled out in free form;
  • woman's passport;
  • a certificate from a gynecologist confirming timely registration;
  • certificate from the unit;
  • document confirming official marriage.

To obtain regular assistance, you also need a passport, an application and confirmation from the part about completing military service, a certificate of registration from a gynecologist and a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate.

An important point: if your military service has already ended, you can obtain supporting documents from the military commissariat. To apply for benefits, you need to contact the social support authorities.

So you can be sure that the institution of processing financial assistance for children in Russia is quite widely developed.

Help is provided both for all young mothers, as well as for large families and low-income citizens, who can count on small, but still tangible payments.

To receive help from the state treasury, as a rule, you need to go to the social security authorities at your place of registration, even if you actually live in another place, or to the place of your official service.

The package of necessary papers that needs to be collected is simple, so anyone can really receive benefits.

The list of documents for obtaining child benefits is discussed in detail in the video.

In contact with

In order to improve the standard of living of Muscovites with children, federal child benefits are paid in the capital, as well as a whole range of regional (city) measures of additional social support. Totally in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow "ABOUT social support families with children" Muscovites are paid more than 20 various types child benefits and compensation (one-time, monthly and annual). In accordance with the decision announced by the mayor of the city Sergei Sobyanin in October 2017, from January 1, 2018, child benefits in Moscow will be increased by 2 times or more(cm. ). In total, this increase will affect more than 2 million Muscovites - these are large families, low-income families and those raising a disabled child.

Unlike many other regions of the country, payment of regional maternity capital is not provided in Moscow, but instead there are so-called Luzhkov payments to residents of the capital region, the size of which is comparable to regional maternity certificates.

It is noteworthy that, unlike many other regions of the country, registration of child benefits in Moscow occurs via the Internet on the City Services Portal (CSP). To do this, you need to go through the registration procedure - get a special access code for “ Personal account" To be given out this code, you must enter personal information about the applicant (full name, SNILS, personal address Email and your phone number).

To receive benefits online you must:

  • fill out an electronic application form and upload a specific list of documents;
  • original documents (upon request) must be provided to a specialist of the Multifunctional Center (MFC) on any weekday from 8-00 to 20-00;
  • The calculation and payment of city benefits is carried out by the Moscow Social Security authorities at the place of permanent registration of one of the parents.

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Moscow

Based federal law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children”, Muscovites are paid the following types state benefits.

Name of state benefitAmount of payment in Moscow from 02/01/2018, rub.
workers are paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings, but not less than 43,615.65 (when calculated according to the minimum wage)
in the antenatal clinic628,47
(when placed in foster care with a family)16759,09
conscript service26539,76
  • working - 40% of average salary, minimum - 3788.33 rubles;
  • not working:
    • 3142.33 - for the first child;
    • 6284.65 - on subsequent

Regional children's benefits in Moscow

According to the MSC law of November 23, 2005 No. 60 “On social support for families with children in Moscow” and Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 24, 2006 No. 37-PP “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for assigning and providing cash payments to families with children” Muscovites are paid more than 20 types child benefits and compensations, which can be divided into three categories:

List of main documents required to apply for benefits:

  • applicant's passport, with permanent registration in Moscow;
  • passport of the second parent;
  • certificates of family composition;
  • birth certificate and registration of the child in the city;
  • other evidence:
    • about establishing paternity;
    • on registration (divorce) of marriage;
    • about a name change;
  • for single-parent families:
    • certificate of form No. 25 from the registry office (if the child’s certificate contains the father’s full name according to the mother’s words);
    • death certificate of one of the parents, or a court decision on his missing person;
    • court decision on deprivation (restriction) parental rights one of the parents;
  • a certificate from school for a student over 16 years of age;
  • details of the recipient's personal account (for transferring benefits).

Recipients of monthly and annual benefits obliged within a month notify the Social Security authorities about circumstances affecting the amount and right to receive. If he refuses to voluntarily reimburse the funds received unjustifiably, they will be recovered through the court.

If the recipient within a month did not notify the USZN authorities about the circumstances affecting the payment of benefits to him:

  • it will be necessary to reimburse in cash (through the bank) the amount received;
  • or from current accruals, the Social Security Department will deduct 20% of the due payment.

Social security authorities can refuse to receive payments for the following reasons:

  1. For one-time payments:
    • if the child is in state custody. provision (in the orphanage);
    • if parents are limited (deprived) of parental rights;
  2. For monthly The above cases are valid, and the following are also added:
    • if a child (disabled child) has registered a marriage or is recognized as fully capable;
    • assignment to the guardian of an allowance for the maintenance of the ward;
    • if payment is not received for 6 months in a row;
    • if the child died or was declared missing by the court;
    • provided that after 16 years of age the child did not continue studying at school;
    • the recipient or child moved for permanent residence outside the city;
  3. For annual The following is added to the previous paragraphs:
    • the condition regarding the number and age of children in the family is not met.

Additional maternity benefit

This benefit is paid to women who have permanent place residence in Moscow, dismissed upon liquidation of an organization or upon termination of activities by an employer - an individual within 12 months preceding the day of acquisition of the “unemployed” status.

What regional law is installedArt. 6 of Moscow City Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005
Amount of additional benefitdetermined based on 1,500 rub. per month:
  • 7,000 rub. - in 140 days;
  • 7,800 rub.- in 156 days;
  • 9,700 rub. - in 194 days
Documents required for registration
  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • certificate of recognition of a woman as unemployed from the employment center (PEC);
  • solution from tax service about the state registration of termination individuals activities as an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer, etc.
Deadline for applying for paymentpaid for 70 (with multiple pregnancy- 84) days before birth and 70 (in case of difficult childbirth - 86, for the birth of two or more children - 110) after

This compensation is paid together with federal maternity benefits in minimum size(581.73 rubles per month in 2016) through the USZN of the city of Moscow.

One-time benefit for women registered with a doctor before 20 weeks of pregnancy

The benefit can be assigned only to women permanently residing in the capital.

One-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses at the birth of a child

One of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian) can apply for this compensation, subject to joint permanent residence with this child in Moscow.

When determining the priority of a child, children previously born to his mother and raised in a given family are taken into account.

If several children were born in a family at the same time, then this compensation is assigned for each child. This payment does not apply to a stillborn.

One-time compensation for the birth of three or more children at the same time

One of the parents can apply for benefits if the family has three or more live-born children at the same time.

Additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child for young families

Families in which the parents were under 30 years of age at the time of the child’s birth can apply for benefits. And at least one of them has Russian citizenship and permanent residence in the capital.

What is installed
  • Law of the city of Moscow dated September 30, 2009 No. 39 “On Youth”
  • by resolution of the city Government dated 04/06/2004 No. 199-PP
Benefit amount
  • for 1st child - fivefold the value of the Moscow subsistence minimum valid at the time of the birth of the child ;
  • for the 2nd child - sevenfold;
  • for the 3rd and subsequent children - tenfold
List of required documents
Period for applying for payment12 months

When determining the number of children raised in a family, not only children born to a given mother are taken into account, but also the husband’s children living with them - provided that the marriage between the spouses is officially registered before the baby is born.

Monthly child benefit

This payment is provided for children from 0 to 18 years of age from low-income families (if the total family income, per each member, is not higher than the minimum subsistence level established in the city). Eligibility must be verified annually. monthly allowance from January 1 to September 30 by providing certificates of family income for the previous calendar year (2-NDFL, for individual entrepreneurs - 3-NDFL).

What is regulated
  • Law of the city of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 67 “On monthly child benefits”
  • by Decree of the City Government dated December 28, 2004 No. 911-PP
Benefit amount
  • 1,500 rub.- for children under 1.5 years old and from 3 to 18 years old;
  • 2,500 rub.- from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • for children of single mothers:
    • 2,500 rub.
    • 4,500 rub.- from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • for children of military personnel and whose parents evade paying child support:
    • 1,900 rub.- up to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years;
    • 3,300 rub.- from 1.5 to 3 years
Required documents for appointment
Circulation perioduntil the child reaches the age of 18

In the absence of information about family income without good reason no benefits will be paid.

Monthly compensation payment for children under the age of one and a half years

Residents of Moscow who were fired due to the liquidation of an enterprise during pregnancy, as well as during maternity leave or care for up to 1.5 years.

What regional law providesArt. 8 of city law No. 60 of November 23, 2005
Payment amount1,500 rub.
Documents for granting benefits
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the city central employment center confirming non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • a copy of the order assigning care leave (if leave was granted);
  • certified extract from the employment record last place work;
  • decision from the tax service on state registration of termination of physical persons acting as individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, etc.
When to apply for paymentfrom the date of dismissal or after payment of all accrued benefits from the liquidated organization until the child turns 1.5 years old

Monthly compensation for reimbursement of expenses due to the rising cost of living for certain categories of families with children

Complete this compensation payment The following categories of families can:

  • single mothers;
  • large families;
  • families of military personnel serving in the army;
  • families in which one of the parents does not pay child support;
  • if the spouses are disabled or pensioners raising a child under 1.5 years old.

Both a natural parent and a stepmother or stepfather can apply for benefits for children under 16 years of age living with them (up to the age of majority - for a schoolchild).

Monthly compensation to reimburse the increase in food costs for certain categories of citizens for children under 3 years of age

The payment is intended for the following categories of needy families:

  • large families;
  • single mothers;
  • military families;
  • student families;
  • raising disabled children.

Monthly compensation for a person caring for a disabled child

  • one unemployed parent caring for a disabled child;
  • for a working parent caring for a disabled minor child:
    • single mother (father);
    • widow or widower;
    • who is divorced from the father (mother) of the child;
    • when establishing paternity of a child;
    • one of the parents with many children.

Monthly compensation for disabled children who have lost their breadwinner

Monthly payment for a child under 18 years of age with disabled parents

Compensation is provided for each child under 18 years of age from a family in which both (or the only parent) are unemployed and are disabled people of group I or II (or III or II).

Monthly payment for the purchase of children's goods for large families

Large families can take advantage of this compensation:

  • raising 5 or more children under 18 years of age;
  • Families of 10 children raising at least one minor child.

Monthly compensation for families with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation for mothers who have given birth to 10 or more children and receive a pension

The payment is additional to the pension of a mother with 10 or more children, regardless of the assigned pension.

Monthly payment to reimburse expenses for housing and utilities for large families

Compensation is paid to one of the spouses, regardless of receipt large family benefits for payment for housing and communal services and the number of housing.

Monthly reimbursement for telephone use for large families

Annual compensation for International Family Day

Annual cash payment for Knowledge Day

The family must be registered with the Social Security authorities at the beginning of each school year.

Child benefit up to 18 years of age is a type of material support for families with an income level lower than the subsistence level. The amount of such assistance is constantly changing; it is not fixed.

When is maternal assistance prescribed?

Who is entitled to child benefits under 18 years of age? The conditions of the program are:

  1. The income of a family with a child under eighteen years of age is less than the average per capita minimum in the region of residence.
  2. A child who has not yet turned eighteen years of age lives permanently with his or her parents.
  3. Financial assistance is paid to only one parent after submitting the full package established by law documentation.

If all conditions are met, then one of the parents has the right to submit a package of documentation to local authorities social protection. Child benefit under 18 years of age in 2019 may be canceled in the following situations:

  • the child is/was transferred to full state support;
  • parents have been deprived of parental rights by the court for various reasons;
  • if the guardians have other paid “children’s” funds.

If the decision on financial assistance is positive, then the first amount is credited to the applicant’s account the very next month after submitting the documentation. This type of benefit is regional and is paid from local budgets.

The question of how much child benefit under 18 years of age will be paid depends entirely on the needs and requirements of the region. On average, the amount is 100-800 rubles, but to find out the amount of social assistance, you need to call the local office social protection and find out what funds you can count on.

In 2019, low-income people can rely on the following amounts of financial assistance for children under 18 years of age:

  • from 1.5 to 7 years – 750 rubles;
  • from 7 to 16 or 18 years old – 700 rubles;
  • for a disabled child living with parents – 6 thousand rubles;
  • for a child raised by a single mother – 6 thousand rubles;
  • for a child whose parents are disabled (or one of them) – not less than 6 thousand rubles.

Deadlines and procedure for obtaining financial assistance

The question of how to receive child benefits until the age of 18 is resolved quite simply. The legislation establishes that it is necessary to collect a package of documentation, after which the application will be considered within ten days. Documentation is submitted to the local social security department; the review period can be extended to 30 days if an income verification is required.

In the event that the applicant is refused, the relevant authorities send a message with a package of documents provided earlier.

Attention: The benefit is paid upon reaching eighteen years of age only if the teenager continues to study after graduation, which is documented. In other cases, payments stop when the child reaches 16 years of age.

How to apply for child benefits under 18 years of age correctly? It should be remembered that such assistance is prescribed for 24 months, after which you must re-submit an application with documents to the local Social Security Administration. You must first clarify the amount of payments and collect a full package of documents, especially certificates confirming the low income for each family member.

What documents are required for registration?

The following documents for child benefits up to 18 years of age are provided with the application:

  • an application indicating the bank account number (issued in the name of one of the parents);
  • copies of passports of both parents;
  • a certificate indicating that the child lives together with his parents (guardians, adoptive parents);
  • a copy of the birth certificate for a teenager;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate for the parents;
  • a certificate confirming income for the last three months or copies of work records, a certificate stating that both parents or one of them are registered with the labor exchange;
  • for a teenager over fourteen, you must provide a copy of your passport; for children over sixteen, a certificate of continued education, if such a fact exists.

The question of how to receive child benefits under 18 years of age, in some cases, also concerns other “special” groups:

  • children under 18 living with one parent who is a disabled person of group 1-2 or unemployed (a basic allowance of 6 thousand rubles is assigned);
  • for disabled children under 18 and 23 years of age who are raised by single mothers (the amount of compensation is 6 thousand rubles).

Documents must be submitted to the local Pension Fund authorities; certificates confirming disability and the presence of only one parent are added to the already specified package (issued in local government social security). Additionally, a medical examination is required for a child or parent with a disability.

You can receive cash benefits for children under 18 years of age by submitting the appropriate documents and an application to the regional social protection authorities. But such payments are assigned only to low-income groups of the population with certificates confirming income below the minimum.

In accordance with the government decree, all women who are on leave to care for a small child can count on receiving financial subsidies for children under eighteen years of age when the child turns three years old.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate that this type financial benefits for children can be provided only in some regions of the country, because this subsidy refers to payments that are issued for regional level and are paid from the local (regional) budget. Read tips on how to get maternal capital in Crimea .

Monthly child benefits up to 18 years of age are a material payment that is provided to families with low-income status, i.e. We are talking specifically about those “cells of society” whose total family income per family member is below the subsistence level.

In accordance with the law Russian Federation benefits for a child under eighteen years of age can be assigned only to one of the child’s parents. Due to the fact that the benefit has regional status, its size will differ depending on each separate region countries. As for the basic indicator, today the amount of this child benefit is 300 rubles. Read how to apply for compensation for kindergarten in 2018, who is eligible and what size.

Parents should understand that there are a number of conditions that may qualify them for additional benefits:

  • Firstly, this includes the status of a large family.
  • Secondly, adoption of a child.
  • Thirdly, the availability special status on health (disability).

In accordance with legal norms, every group of disabled people in the country is provided with financial support.

Who is eligible and the conditions for receiving it?

Today, categories of citizens who meet the following requirements can count on receiving financial benefits of this type:

  1. Firstly, the family must have the status of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. Secondly, it will be necessary to meet the age criterion.
  3. Thirdly, the total family income cannot be higher than the average minimum wage for the region.
  4. Fourthly, if married couple expects to receive benefits for children of this category, it will be necessary to have registration in the region.

It is also necessary to understand that there are a number of certain conditions that suggest the presence of additional measures material support. For example, today this includes the child’s health status. Thus, children under the age of eighteen who live directly with one of the parents, who have the status of a disabled person of group I or II or are actually unemployed, are entitled to receive a benefit in the amount of 6,000 rubles.

In the event that we are talking about a child benefit for a single mother who is caring for a disabled child or disabled person from childhood to 23 years old, then she is guaranteed a benefit payment in the amount of 6,000 rubles. In this case, you must apply for such payment directly to Pension Fund. Find out more about whether it is possible to extend maternity leave, conditions and registration details here: .

How are child benefits calculated under 18 years of age?

To accrue child benefits to a child under the age of eighteen, you will need to contact social security and provide a package of documents + an application for the benefit.

If verification is required financial situation family and parents' income, you will need to wait for the accrual Money for one month.

The amount of child benefits per child varies from 300 to 6,000 rubles. It all depends on the status of the family. But everything regarding the calculation of financial benefits for a child under the age of 18 years, then it is worth relying on the average minimum wage in the region and the level of family earnings.

How to receive child benefits under 18 years of age?

As mentioned earlier, get financial allowance for a child under eighteen years of age is possible if a certain package of documents is submitted. IN mandatory This package should include the following items:

  • Application for child benefit for a child under eighteen years of age.
  • The parent who is preparing the documents must have his own passport and photocopies of his passport and the passport of the second parent.
  • A certificate confirming the amount of family income for the last three months.
  • In the event that children are studying at school and are in the age category from sixteen to eighteen years, it will be necessary to provide a corresponding supporting certificate.
  • Birth certificate small child. In the case of children who are over the age of fourteen years, it will be necessary to provide a copy of their passport.

Attention! Child benefit for a child who has not reached the age of eighteen is paid until the child reaches the age of 16.

As for the immediate order of registration, it consists of three stages:

  1. You will need to contact the public protection service help center. There you can obtain information regarding the amount of benefits and the required package of documents.
  2. Then you will need to collect all the documents and draw up an application.
  3. After this, the package of documents is taken directly to the local social welfare office. They go through confirmation and wait for the transfer.


Watch the video instructions on how to receive benefits for older children from 3 to 18 years old:

It is very important to understand that local authorities are not obliged to run after parents and provide their services. Indeed, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all material payments and subsidies are provided only after filing the appropriate will and collecting the necessary package of documents. Otherwise, financial support will not be provided.

However, I would like to talk in more detail about a slightly different topic, for example, what kind of benefit is given to children under 18 years of age, in what life situations, and what is its amount? There are a lot of questions, so let's start in order.


So, if a family has one or more minor children (the number in in this case does not matter), then after the expiration of leave to care for a child under 3 years old, a woman can write an application for further receipt of benefits for a child under 18 years of age.

This is a real payment that she will receive monthly, but only under the following conditions:

  1. Child benefit up to 18 years of age can be paid only one of the parents.
  2. Payments are due only if the applicant parent lives with the child.
  3. Family income must be less than the specified subsistence level.
  4. An application and the required package of documents have been sent to the social protection office of your city.

Only in such a situation the application will be reviewed and approved in favor of the applicant, and next month the first amount will be credited to your account.

Who can receive the increased amount?

If the average income in a family is less than the minimum subsistence level established by the state, then one of the parents has every right write an application for payment of benefits for a child under 18 years of age.

As has already become clear, there is not a lot of money, but there are those categories of citizens who can safely count on an increased monthly benefit.

These include the following persons:

  • single mothers, the amount of benefits for which has been doubled;
  • children of alimony defaulters have had their allowance increased by 50%;
  • for children of military personnel, the amount of the increased benefit is negotiated individually (read about what kind of child care benefit the wife of a conscripted soldier is entitled to);
  • other categories of parents by region.

To increase the monthly benefit, you must additionally submit documents confirming your right to preferential payments to the Social Security Administration.


If a family applies to receive benefits for children under 18 years of age, it must act in three stages to achieve its goal.

First of all, You must collect the following package of documents and submit it to the Social Security Administration. This:

  1. A standard application for one parent of a strictly established form.
  2. Parents' passports and photocopy of completed pages.
  3. Certificate of birth of the child for whom payments will be accrued, and a photocopy of it.
  4. Certificates of income of two parents, including an interval of three past months.
  5. A photocopy of the completed pages of the work book, certified by the personnel department at the place of official employment.
  6. Parents' marriage certificate and its photocopy.
  7. Certificate of family composition at the child’s place of registration.

It’s worth clarifying right away that in cases where parents have different registrations, it is necessary to submit a certificate from another district social protection department stating that this type of state benefit was not accrued.

This is important because Only one parent of the child is entitled to receive payments– it doesn’t matter who.

When the required package of documents has been prepared, it must be brought to an appointment with a specialist in the social protection authorities.

An accepted application will be considered within 10 days, after which a final decision will be made.

Sometimes required additional verification family income, so you can receive a decision on payments within 30 days from the date of application.

If the documents are in order, then the answer will be clearly positive - in favor of the applicant.

However There are cases where an application was followed by a categorical refusal to pay. In this case, it should be drawn up official letter and sent to the place of registration of the parents with a detailed explanation of why this type of payment is not due to the child and the specific family.

It is worth recalling that the parent or guardian may lose the right to receive this child benefit.

This can happen in the following situations:

  • parent in judicial procedure lost parental rights;
  • the guardian receives another benefit for the maintenance of the adopted child;
  • the child is fully supported by the state.

It is important to know and understand all these nuances, not to violate the law and strictly follow all regional regulations in a given direction. Financial assistance, of course, is not great, but for low-income families will be a stable source of income that you can always count on.