What are administrative checks? How can I find out about an upcoming administrative audit? What powers does the inspector have?

Administrative review is special procedure consideration of an application for a US visa, which may be assigned at the discretion of the visa officer on the day of the interview. After studying the questionnaire and personal communication with the applicant, the Embassy employee informs him that additional data is required to consider the case. Therefore, you must send your resume to English language on email US State Department, the address of which will be provided by the visa officer. The data provided will then undergo internal reviews (most of which take up to 60 days). Based on the results of the review, the Americans will inform whether the applicant can be approved for a visa.

Assigning an administrative check to the applicant

If you are receiving a visa for the first time, it is almost impossible to know in advance that an inspection will be scheduled. This is decided directly on the day of the interview at the US Embassy and is reported then. The main reason is the applicant’s field of activity. Most often, employees of research and production enterprises and research institutes, candidates and doctors of science, specializing in nuclear/quantum physics, nuclear and electric power engineering, biomedicine, chemistry, and materials science. This also includes workers in the military, defense industry and various high-tech and scientific developments.

The purpose of the check generally does not depend on the position held by the applicant. Americans are convinced that any employee of an organization whose field of activity has aroused their interest can have access to the information they are looking for. Therefore, if you work in one of the above-mentioned areas, before applying for a visa, you should ask your colleagues whether they have received American visas and whether they have been subject to such checks. If this has happened, then most likely you will not bypass this procedure either. However, even in this situation, exceptions are possible, and of two colleagues who were interviewed by different officers, the test can be assigned to only one, but both can be assigned.

What should you do if you seem to fall into the “audited” category? Unfortunately, this procedure cannot be avoided. At the same time, the purpose of your visit is not taken into account at all: even if you declare tourist intentions instead of business ones, you risk no less. The upcoming travel dates also have little influence on the Americans' decisions. Of course, they will try to consider the application promptly, but they will not be able to meet the stated dates, especially if the trip is planned in 5-7-10 days. You can reduce the review time by only 1-2 days if you bring a pre-written resume with you to the interview.

If the visa officer informs you that an administrative review is being ordered in your case, this will inevitably entail a request for representation. additional documents. In particular, Americans will be interested in your resume. It will be necessary to indicate information about education, availability academic degrees, work experience, scientific publications and areas of scientific interests. The resume must be in English and contain information describing your activities in detail (as far as possible). Resume must be sent to in electronic format after the interview (12 months are given for this) or immediately bring it to the interview and give it to the visa officer.

Example of a US visa after additional verification

Passport seizure and document status tracking

An important point related to the administrative check is the location of the foreign passport. As a rule, the visa officer takes the applicant's passport, as is the case with visa approval, and gives in return a list of documents that need to be sent. Sometimes by own initiative Embassy employees can return the passport, warning that the applicant will be notified of the decision by email and, if approved, he will be able to send his passport for a visa through the Pony Express courier service. However, the applicant has the right to ask the visa officer to return his passport or, conversely, to keep it.

When deciding on the location of your passport, it is worth considering its fate in advance. Administrative verification is an unpredictable procedure; it can last 20, 30, 60 or more days. Moreover, if you suddenly need your passport urgently, it is almost impossible to remove it from the Embassy, at least- in a short time. To do this, it is necessary to write an application no earlier than 11 days from the start of the procedure, the consideration of which takes from several days to a week. The passport is returned subject to return within 1 year. If after this period you have not sent your passport, the case is closed without issuing a visa.

No one can tell you exactly how the verification takes place. The US State Department does not advertise its sources of information and does not disclose all the specifics of the progress of the case. The only thing that is known for certain is that resumes and questionnaires are sent to Washington for detailed study. However, the administrative verification procedure for a US visa is not divided into any intermediate stages. Even if you write a request through your profile or call the hotline, the only answer you will most likely receive will be: “the case is under consideration, you will be informed personally about the completion of the review.”

You can track the status of your documents using this link. At the same time, the choice of statuses is limited - there are only three options. Option one - "Ready"- signals that the documents have been received by the Americans and are awaiting consideration. Option two – "Administrative processing"– indicates that the applicant’s resume is being reviewed. Option three - "Issued"– reports that the procedure was completed successfully, and in a few working days the passport with visa will be delivered to the specified address. In theory, it is also possible "Refused"(visa refusal), but, as a rule, before this you will be contacted and invited for a second interview.

Negative aspects of such checks for the applicant

When the documents are ready, they are released from the Embassy and delivered to the recipient. Unfortunately, the increased interest of Americans in the applicant’s field of activity does not go unnoticed. Visa applicants who have passed the administrative check once find themselves in the zone close attention Americans and therefore are deprived of some of their “privileges”. First of all, after verification, a US visa will be issued not for 3 years, as is now the case with all applicants, but for only 1 year, but it will also be multi-entry. This rule is due to the fact that the United States wants to “keep its finger on the pulse” and learn as often as possible about changes in the lives of such applicants.

Second negative consequence administrative check will be marked “Clearance Received” with a date. On the visa it can be found below all the main data, in the “Annotation” section, to the left of the visa number. This means that the applicant was sent for additional consideration and, based on its results, received permission to enter America, and the date means the day of approval. It is this mark that will become an obstacle for re-receipt US visas without interview. Applicants placed under “control” by the State Department are forced to undergo an interview and procedure each time additional check, each time receiving a visa for a period of 1 year.

Support of your case by company specialists

The company's employees are well acquainted with the administrative verification procedure. Even at the stage of communicating by phone or filling out the DS-160 visa application form, we will warn you about the possibility of assigning additional consideration to your case. Our company has repeatedly worked with applicants from various fields of activity, employees of many sensitive, highly scientific and technological enterprises, so in some cases we can talk about the likelihood of ordering an inspection with a high degree of probability, in other cases we can assume such a possibility. Accordingly, you can adjust your plans and interview dates.

If you come under administrative control, you will not need to spend additional money on translating documents - you just need to inform that the Americans have assigned you an inspection and give us your resume in Russian. If you need a sample, we will provide it, and after receiving your version, we will translate it into English so that you can send it to the Americans. We always advise asking the visa officer to return your passport, as there may be an urgent need to travel to another country, and the verification may take longer. Upon completion of the review, you will be notified and we will send your passport to the Embassy.

Administrative inspections are carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological station, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the labor inspectorate, and municipal authorities etc. This can be either documentary control or an on-site inspection.

According to Federal Law No. 294-FZ, an enterprise cannot be subject to administrative inspections more than once every 3 years.

The basis for conducting an inspection is a plan drawn up by regulatory organizations and approved by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. No later than 3 days before the start of control activities, the head of the enterprise must receive a copy of the order of the department that will come with the inspection. The order must indicate the purpose of the inspection and its legal basis.

What can an inspector check?

Control measures and documents that may be required during the inspection are reflected in the Administrative Regulations of the relevant control organizations.

Sometimes regulatory organizations exceed their powers and require the submission of documents, product samples, environmental samples that are not related to the subject of administrative inspection. This is illegal. In addition, the inspector does not have the right to independently extend the inspection period and demand that the enterprise pay for control measures (Article 15 of Federal Law No. 294).

Based on the results of the administrative inspection, the inspector may draw up an order to eliminate the identified violations and set a deadline for the execution of this order. When this period expires, inspectors will come to check again. However, in this case, the powers of the inspectors are limited to monitoring the elimination of previously identified violations. He has no right to carry out other control measures.

What to do if your company is facing an audit?

First of all, carefully study Federal Law No. 294 and the Administrative Regulations of the state or municipal control body that will come to you with an inspection. These sources will help you understand what documents the inspector may require and what he will look for.

Put accounting and reporting documents in order, request missing information from counterparties, provide industrial premises in accordance with the requirements of the agency that will inspect your company. Typically, these requirements can be found on the websites of the relevant government agencies.

For example, on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the “Useful” / “To help small businesses” section, rules are given fire safety for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as specific characteristics that must be met by car repair shops, hotels, hairdressers and other facilities.

There can be a lot of requirements that must be met in order to successfully pass the test. And it is not always possible to satisfy them within the three days that the company has at its disposal from the moment of official notification of the inspection. A reasonable solution is to find out in advance what inspections await the company, since the consolidated inspection plan is approved for a year.

How can I find out about the inspection in advance?

You can find out whether your organization is facing an administrative audit using the Expert service from SKB Kontur.

Please note: searching for an organization in the list of scheduled inspections is available not only to paid users of Expert and subscribers to the Kontur-Extern system, but also to everyone.

To find out which departments will come to you with an inspection and when, follow the link 2013.site and register in the service, select the “Find an organization in the list of scheduled inspections” section, enter the TIN and the full name of the company.

Users of the paid version of the Expert service and subscribers of the Kontur-Extern system also have access to the consolidated inspection plan.

I would like to tell you how I was interviewed for a US student visa and was sent for administrative review. How and what documents I submitted was described in detail in the previous post.

My interview was scheduled for 10 am. I arrived there in 50 minutes and right next to the embassy on the street I saw a line at the entrance. I had to wait for about 10 minutes before I was able to go inside. When I left, there were no longer any queues. This is what the entrance to the embassy looks like.

Do not forget that you CANNOT bring anything other than documents into the embassy. Nothing in the literal sense: no headphones, no flash drives, no drinks, no laptops. Everything extraneous will have to be thrown away. But what made me happy is that for those who forget, there are people right next to the embassy building who offer to keep an eye on things for money. I think that everything is legal with them and they won’t deceive you, but it’s better not to take too much with you anyway. I created a special folder for documents and brought it in a regular package “from Auchan”.

Inside the embassy, ​​everyone hands over their phones to special cells. The phone also has size restrictions of approximately 15*10*3 cm. After all the searches and metal detectors, you get in line for the first registration. There you get a coupon, like at a bank, and wait for the second registration in the hall. At the second stage, you again give your passport to the window and you are directed to submit your fingerprints, if you are not already in the US database. After everything, you return to Hall 1 and wait for a person to come and call some people to the interview area. Everyone is sitting here and waiting to be called to the window. This is probably the most exciting stage because the fate of the visa is about to be decided. Everyone advises listening to what previous applicants say, but on the contrary, I tried to distract myself as this only increases the excitement. An interview at the US Embassy looks something like this.

US student visa interview

There was a friendly woman about 40 years old at my window who spoke English. He immediately handed her the F-1 and passport. The dialogue went something like this:
-Purpose of the trip?
-I want to study in a marketing program.
-What education do you have?
-I graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, rocket science. I understand that this is unusual, but my heart was not in engineering and I went into marketing.
-Who sponsors you?
-What does your brother’s company do?
-Produces construction materials.
-You studied for 5 years at a Russian institute?
-Five and a half.

There were pauses between questions and she would look at something for a minute and type on the computer. In the middle of the conversation, she asked something from a colleague and after my last answer, she took out a form and filled it out. Then she gave me my F-1 certificate and explained that I needed to go to special window number 9. This is the form she filled out and gave to me

All this meant that I was sent for administrative review by the United States. By the way, they didn’t ask me for any more documents. This is not the first time I have heard that they only ask for an F-1 form and a passport. I would like to note that everything happened in a very positive way and we both smiled, and the employee at the window even joked.

There was already a Russian woman sitting in window number 9, who asked me for my resume and an invitation letter from the university. I had all this with me because I was expecting the possibility of an administrative check due to my university. Where did I study? . The woman said that within 3 weeks I would be informed about the results of my US study visa. I want to say that the inspection was not a surprise. Many people with an engineering, chemist or physics background are sent to it. People who already work in similar professions will most likely also be referred for a similar procedure. I read that during verification, documents are sent to Washington in the USA and studied there through their American channels. Access to Russian base They dont have. Judging by the forums, for the majority, after an administrative check, the visa is approved. Well, will wait for the update! By the way, at the embassy I met a girl who needed tourist visa, and the guy who received the work (he is an acrobat). Both received without problems.

Updated 06/23/2017

So, 40 days after the interview, I received my student visa. It was the most nervous and difficult wait. 30 days after the start of the administrative check, I wrote to the embassy to clarify the status of my case. The answer was: “... you are under administrative review, this process cannot be accelerated or canceled. It takes 60 days or more. We will contact you as soon as there are changes...” That is, in essence, they said that you need to sit and wait for an unknown amount of time. And here I could not stand it and started looking for information on the forums. Here's what I learned interesting about administrative checks at the US Embassy:

Well, today I received a passport with a visa and my story with the USA is just beginning.

In a month I'm flying to Philadelphia to study for a master's degree. By the way, exactly a year ago on this day, to try to go to Canada...

In 2019, due to the refusal of an American visa, Russia returned to the level of 2010-2011. In 2014, US visa denials accounted for 7.8% of the total number of applications. After 12 months, this figure increased to 10.24%. Let's figure out why the embassy prohibits Russians from entering the States, and what to do after the refusal.

Refusal of a US visa is always justified by the American side. The diplomatic mission explains why the verification of the candidate’s documents and a successful interview did not lead to the issuance of an entry document. However, consular officers never verbally explain the reason for the refusal.

Refusal form under Article 214

They only voice their decision to issue/non-issue a visa. If the answer is negative, after the interview the foreigner is given official paper with refusal of the embassy.

In 2019, Section 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act became a common cause of nonimmigrant visa denial. Over 2 million applicants were not admitted to the United States on its basis.

All “refuseniks” were given a standard response from the consular officer. The diplomatic mission is required to give a form with an explanation to everyone who has been denied a US visa due to this article.

Responsibility for the issuance or non-issuance of entry documents lies with diplomatic mission employees. All visa decisions are solely within their competence. In some cases, additional administrative verification is required. Then consideration of the issue is delegated to Washington.

In addition, the US State Department has the right to review consular decisions. But this right is limited by the interpretation of the law. It does not extend to the establishment of facts.

Visa statistics

Features of Section 214(b)

Section 214(b) is part of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This document (among others) is used by the consular officer during the interview. Section 214(b) states that any alien is considered a potential immigrant.

It is from this perspective – a potential immigrant – that all visa applicants are viewed. Applicants will have to prove otherwise on their own. The diplomatic mission officer needs strong evidence that the candidate has the right to apply for non-immigrant status. And the burden of providing these guarantees falls on the applicant, otherwise he will be denied a US visa.

No immigration intentions

Paradoxically, denial of a US visa is a consequence of politics open society. The movement of visitors within the state is not controlled by the American side. Thus, foreign visitors do not need to register with the authorities local government. Therefore, the country has strict immigration laws.

Applicants certify that they intend to leave the United States upon expiration of their entry document. This is the only way they can obtain a student or visitor visa and move freely around the country. IN otherwise candidates will be denied a US visa under Section 214(b). After that, they will have to make a second request.

Two main visa stages

Typically, the decision to issue or not issue an entry permit is made after 2 main procedures:

  1. Checking documents confirming the foreign tourist’s connections with the country of residence (primarily the online visa application form DS-160).
  2. Brief interview.

Administrative check

As a rule, the visa officer makes the decision to grant or refuse a visa directly during the interview. In some cases, an administrative audit is ordered. This will be discussed at the interview. In this case, the candidate is allowed to pick up the passport from the consulate.

Maximum duration additional procedure is six months. But usually the administrative review lasts from 10 to 60 days. It means:

  • Requiring the applicant to provide additional information (CV and list of publications).
  • The visa decision is sent to Washington.

Administrative inspection is assigned:

  • Scientific figures.
  • Employees of scientific institutions (especially applied ones).
  • Applicants who work or have worked in professions that require additional verification. The list is presented in a document from the US Department of State Security.

Important! If the previous visa was issued according to an administrative procedure, a new application for an entry document without an interview is impossible. In some cases, the candidate will face a repeat administrative check.

Main reasons for refusals

The main reasons for Section 214(b) denials are failure to meet US visa requirements and lack of “close ties” to the home country.

The presence of such connections will force the foreigner to leave the States after a certain time. In addition, a potential guest of America is required to confirm the purpose of the trip. The applicant demonstrates that their travel is suitable for the type of visa requested.

How to confirm “close ties”

Visa sample

This concept is not a constant. It depends on the state, city and person of the candidate for entry into America. “Close ties” are aspects of life that tie the applicant to his place of residence. Examples of such connections could be:

  • Family (presence of closely related ties, marriage).
  • Property (primarily residential real estate owned or rented).
  • Bank account.
  • Employment (permanent and official place work).
  • Public relations.

It is not necessary to do anything specifically to strengthen “close ties.” The consular officer considers each case individually, comprehensively and guided by the law.

Repeated appeal

A denial under section 214(b) is not permanent. Russians can apply for an entry document again the very next day after the first attempt. Of course, if they have time to go through all the necessary procedures again:

  1. Complete the online form DS-160.
  2. Double-check and supplement the package of documents (if necessary).
  3. Set a date for the interview.
  4. Pay the consular fee.

Important! The consular fee is not refundable, regardless of the issue/non-issuance of the entry document. For each subsequent application you will have to pay again.

A diplomatic mission employee will review any case again. The applicant must provide additional evidence of “close ties” outside the United States. In addition, it is useful to analyze the documents provided to the consulate. It wouldn’t hurt to check the data entered in the visa application form.

What to pay attention to after a refusal

Refusal of a US visa does not stop applicants after the first fiasco. Before your next contact, it is recommended to answer the following questions for yourself:

  • Did the citizen correctly explain his situation to the visa officer?
  • Did the diplomatic mission worker miss anything?
  • Is there additional evidence of “close ties” with the homeland?

It is important to realistically assess your chances after the first failure. In some cases, the applicant does not meet the criteria for a nonimmigrant visa. And the situation will be changed not by the number of requests, but by a change in one or all of the following circumstances:

Sample of canceled visa

  • Personal.
  • Professional.
  • Financial.

Other possible reasons failures

  1. Violation visa regime or American legislation during previous trips.
  2. Pre-purchased tickets, completed tour and hotel reservation:
    • Considered as pressure on the visa officer.
    • It is advisable not to advertise this information.
    • It’s even better not to take any hasty actions until you receive a visa.
  3. Entry may be denied to a pregnant woman.
  4. Having relatives who immigrated to the United States.
  5. Excessively long duration of the planned trip.
  6. Lack of visa history (primarily, we are talking about trips to the Schengen zone, from where the applicant regularly returned after traveling).
  7. Behavior at the interview:
    • Insincerity.
    • Uncertainty.
    • Nervousness.
    • Discrepancies in information provided orally and in writing, etc.
  8. Providing false information, suspicion of fraud:
    • Questionable bank statements.
    • Fake employment certificates, etc.
  9. Questionable invitations from the host:
    • Distorted English.
    • Abundance of common phrases, etc.
  10. “Pitfalls” in obtaining a student visa:
    • Poor academic performance during the year of study on a previous visa.
    • Lack of “close ties” with the homeland due to young age.
    • Insufficient language skills.
    • Abrupt change of vector professional activity.
    • Studying at a little-known university/college.

This stamp means the cancellation of the entry document by good reason, namely, as unnecessary. A stamp is affixed to the first visa if the papers for the second are submitted before its expiration date.

The Canceled Without Prejudice stamp does not affect subsequent entry permits. Its presence in the international passport is not the reason for the visa refusal, which is represented by the black Application Received stamp.

A refusal of a US visa does not mean that the document applicant will never be able to visit America. More than once an entry document was issued on the 5th, 8th and even 10th attempt. The main thing is not to try to submit papers to the diplomatic mission, which is supposedly more loyal to applicants.

All 4 institutions - the embassy in Moscow and the consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok - are objective towards candidates. And attempts to complete papers in a consular district other than your own will lead to denial of entry.