Collective protective equipment at a hazardous production facility. When to use collective protective equipment

Mandatory for all enterprises and the need for availability of funds collective defense not an exception. These include devices to ensure the safety of all employees at the same time. We will explain below what collective means of protection are, how they should be used and why.

Scaffolding is a collective means of protection at height

Enterprises use:

  • facilities personal protection, that is, or RPE. They are issued to each employee;
  • collective protective equipment. Ensure the safety of the entire team at the same time.

What PPE is is intuitively clear, but the means of protecting the entire team should be understood in more detail.

Means for protecting the entire team from possible industrial hazards are divided into several classes.

These include:

  1. Specially provided technical devices for bringing the air environment of the room to the standard.
  2. Devices to ensure that all illumination levels in work areas are brought to standard levels.
  3. Means for normalizing ionizing, ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
  4. Normalization of the level of exposure to electromagnetic waves.
  5. Technical devices for bringing indicators from electromagnetic fields to standards.
  6. Remedies for laser exposure.
  7. Ensuring noise level standards.
  8. Means for protection against increased vibration levels.
  9. Technical devices for protection against electric current.
  10. Devices and devices that provide protection against temperature indicators.
  11. Technical devices against possible excess gas or dust levels in the air.
  12. Means of protection against possible mechanical factors, namely from the impact of production equipment, which can cause injury.
  13. Devices to prevent employees from falling from a height.
  14. Devices that provide protection against biological factors.

Everyone knows that without electric current it is now impossible to complete a single production task, since all work involves its use.

Double cable insulation protects against electric current

Current is dangerous to humans. To eliminate its dangerous effects, the following means are used:

Current protectionOperating principle
GroundingThis is done using a wire routed into the ground. That is, it turns out that a forced connection to the ground is provided. When the voltage begins to increase, it is automatically diverted to the ground, thereby ensuring the safety of employees.
ZeroingThis is also a connection made between the transformer neutral and non-current-carrying parts of the device. As a rule, it is performed on all electrical installations that produce current, that is, in electrical panels.
Forced shutdownIn all technical devices installed to convert electrical energy, it is necessary to have interlocking devices in case the voltage parameters exceed the norm.
Use of low voltagesIn technological equipment it is also possible to use a low voltage indicator, namely, a device is installed that provides such an action.
Providing double insulationSince wires and cables transmit electricity, they create high voltage, which poses a danger to life and health. They are insulated in two layers: if the first is damaged, the second remains intact and ensures safety.
Fencing device.In technological processes where high voltage is used and for some reason it is impossible to ensure physical safety measures, protective devices are used.
Locking devices and alarmsThey trigger as a sign of danger.
Safety signs, tape and postersThis is the simplest security measure. If they are posted at the production site, then workers are not allowed to visit these places.

When working at height

Working at heights involves a whole range of measures to protect workers.

Collective means of protection include:

  • installation of scaffolding in accordance with the approved project, including securing the scaffolding to durable structures of buildings or structures and installing grounding devices;
  • During the period of operation, forests are periodically inspected and records are kept.

Among other things, it is necessary to provide for the following safety criteria:

  1. When working at height, you should not be distracted.
  2. Do not distract other employees from their tasks.
  3. Should not be consumed narcotic drugs and alcoholic drinks.
  4. Blocking of passages is prohibited.
  5. All violations should be reported to the manager.

Work at height requires certain skills, so only certified employees are allowed to do it.

Remedies for injuries

Injury to employees can occur at any production site. This can only be eliminated by reducing the degree of influence hazardous factors per person.

The means of protecting the entire team include the following:

  1. Ensure that employees are not exposed to exposed live parts. It is necessary to create conditions so that a person in the process of work does not touch moving parts of the equipment, but can use other methods.
  2. Technical devices must comply state requirements and made from durable materials.
  3. There is no need to create additional hazards during work; even a small burr can cause injury.
  4. Work must be carried out in such a way that unauthorized persons do not interfere.

It is necessary to provide blocking, fencing and grounding devices in production equipment, and it is not allowed to block passages near it. Can be controlled remotely.

Ensuring a normal microclimate

Inside any production site, to create comfortable working conditions, it is necessary to ensure:

Microclimate elementsOptions
Normal modeIn this case, it is worth following regulatory documentation. For example, if the work is hard and requires a lot of energy, then it is enough to ensure a temperature of 17 0C. And if you have to spend the whole day on a PC, then the indicator increases to 20 0C. To bring these indicators up to the standard, it is necessary to install additional heating devices - in the cold season, and in the heat - air conditioners.
Air humidityAs a rule, the average is from 15 to 75%. To ensure standard indicators, air conditioners or heaters, as well as ventilation units, are installed. It all depends on the working conditions.
Increased gas or dust levels in the production buildingTo avoid such problems, you should install ventilation units and calculate the efficiency of their operation. Ventilation units must be switched on in parallel with production equipment.


Light environment indicators must also meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

Adequate lighting in the workplace helps maintain eye health

The following indicators must be met:

Illumination of the production areaIf the illumination does not meet the standard, then it is necessary to make an engineering decision on the installation or installation of additional lamps. The lighting check is carried out with the lamps on, and all lighting devices must work, and they must also be wiped before measurements, only in this way the measurements will correspond to the norm.
Lamp flicker frequencyIt is measured with special devices. If the indicator exceeds the standard, then additional control valves are installed.
Natural light indicatorThe criterion for the area of ​​light openings, that is, there is a sufficient number of them to comply with the standards.
Illumination of the working surfaceLocal lighting together with general lighting.
BlindnessCharacterized by exposure to bright light.

It is worth considering that the problem of workplace illumination can be solved using local lighting.

Protection from increased noise and vibration

Noise is the mixing of sounds of all ranges. The maximum permissible noise level is no more than 80 dB. Vibration is an indicator of the impact on a person when performing work involving the use of tools, for example, pneumatic or electric.

Bringing the noise level up to the standard is ensured by:

  • execution of planning solutions from an acoustics perspective;
  • the use of special structures that act as fencing;
  • the use of special sound absorbers, for example, facing materials;
  • on particularly noisy units, special casings are used;
  • Sound mufflers are used in ventilation and air conditioning systems.

To prevent people from being exposed to increased noise levels in rooms such as auditoriums, palaces or cinemas, it is proposed to combat this phenomenon as follows:

  • choice of architectural solution, that is, the area and height of the building are calculated;
  • the use of materials to absorb sounds and reflect them;
  • the use of structures for fencing against increased sound levels.

Ultrasonic protection

Workers must be protected from exposure to ultrasound-generating equipment

Equipment used in technological process and generating ultrasound, must have the following characteristics:

  1. Individual choice of power, taking into account all technological requirements.
  2. During the design process, it is worth noting that the operating frequency should not exceed 22 kHz, this is the only way to reduce the impact of high frequency noise.
  3. Use of special insulating casings in installations. The structures should not have holes, and special absorbers will be effectively installed in the casing.
  4. Equipment that produces ultrasound is recommended to be installed in special rooms, and remote control must be provided.
  5. Locking systems should be installed in equipment if the casing is broken.
  6. In the process of washing individual parts, automation is used to reduce the ultrasonic level.
  7. To reduce the degree of ultrasound generated, special devices are made.
  8. Special handles are installed on the working tool to absorb the sound range of this characteristic.

Fighting infrasound

Exposure to infrasound is harmful to humans, so when using technological equipment the following measures must be taken:

  1. Even during the design process, it is necessary to take into account measures to combat the increased level of infrasound.
  2. If work is carried out in separate rooms, then such rooms must have special insulation.
  3. When performing work remotely, equipped observation booths are used, and a control panel can be used.
  4. Equipping production equipment with insulated casings.
  5. The surfaces of the premises must be finished with materials that ensure the absorption of this indicator.
  6. If vibration levels are elevated, it is necessary to reduce the vibration level.
  7. Installation of silencers on air intake shafts, on compressors and fans.
  8. Improving the sound insulation characteristics of structures using non-planar parts.
  9. In production premises, all cracks are sealed.
  10. Use of specialized mufflers.

Defensive structures

To ensure the safety of workers or citizens from possible dangers associated with military conflicts, as well as in the event of unforeseen emergency situations protective structures are used civil defense. They can be designed as free-standing buildings or in the basements of houses.

Underground protective structure

To maintain protective structures in proper condition, you must do the following:

  • constantly monitor their condition;
  • periodically perform routine and major repairs building structures, as well as all equipment located in it;
  • Ventilation systems are of no small importance, including the content of absorbent filters;
  • Life support systems, namely energy supply, water supply, heating and sewerage, must function properly.

For information on protection against electric current, see here:

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Individual and collective protective equipment can completely prevent or reduce the degree of exposure of workers to various types of harmful production factors. What they are and how to use them will be discussed in detail in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Personal and collective protective equipment for workers - what is it?

Personal and collective protective equipment for workers are technical devices used to prevent or reduce exposure to harmful or hazardous production factors, as well as to prevent pollution. Compliance with labor safety standards, safe conditions in the workplace must be guaranteed by the employer, who, at his own expense, is obliged to provide all employees with ensuring their safety while performing their duties.

However, not only the employer, but also the staff are legally responsible for own safety at work. This is enshrined in the list of responsibilities approved by Part 1. The employee must comply with all requirements of labor protection standards, rules for the use of individual and collective protective equipment, and undergo regular and timely training.

An employer who has not provided an employee with certified protective equipment does not have the right to require him to comply with job responsibilities. Downtime that occurs for this reason, in accordance with Part 6, is paid at the expense of the employer.

Protective equipment, depending on the nature of use, is divided into two categories:

  • collective;
  • individual.

If necessary or at its own discretion, the employer has the right to replace one type of PPE provided for Model standards, if this allows us to guarantee equivalent protection from hazardous production factors, will not adversely affect the health of the employee.

PPE must match the employee’s gender, height, and size. It is unacceptable to use products that do not meet these parameters, as this may cause harm to health or an industrial accident. The choice of their type is determined by the conditions in the workplace and the specifics of work activity.

Collective protective equipment

SCPs are designed to simultaneously protect two or more workers from the negative influence of biological, chemical, and physical environmental factors.

According to their purpose, SKZ are divided into the following classes (clause 1.1 of GOST 12.4.011-89):

  • normalization of the air environment in industrial premises (devices for maintaining barometric pressure within normal limits, ventilation, air purification, etc.);
  • providing lighting production premises, workplaces (light sources, lighting devices, light openings, light protection devices, light filters);
  • protection against electric shock (fencing devices, automatic control devices, alarms, insulating devices, coatings, etc.);
  • (fences, safety nets, safety signs).

The List of main types of SCPs working (appendix to GOST 12.4.011-89 (ST SEV 1086-88)) is presented detailed list, which is used when equipping production areas.

Violations in the field of labor protection related to the lack of individual and collective protective equipment for employees of the organization

State labor safety inspectors often find violations related to the employer’s failure to fulfill its obligations to provide employees with regulated safety equipment. The employer's liability is established by the article, according to which an administrative fine is imposed on the violator:

  • 20-30 thousand rubles – for officials and for entrepreneurs operating without forming a legal entity;
  • 130-150 thousand rubles – for legal entities.

The employer is obliged to monitor that:

  • all collective and individual protective equipment for the organization’s employees had certificates of compliance with labor protection requirements;
  • proper accounting and control of their issuance was carried out;
  • complied with established order storage;
  • instructions on operating rules were provided;
  • timely replacement of faulty SKIZs was ensured before the end of their service life if they failed for reasons beyond the control of the employee, as well as washing, cleaning, and repairs.

Dangerous production factors in a company can have an impact individually on individual employees and en masse on entire staff units or the entire team as a whole. To reduce threats and negative impact various factors production or external damaging effects at every large enterprise in mandatory Collective protective equipment must be provided.

What are collective protective equipment

Harmful and dangerous factors of activity at enterprises not only have a negative impact on the work itself of workers, but can also pose an immediate danger to their life and health. To neutralize harmful and harmful effects, the company must necessarily provide PPE and SCP, which must be present in accordance with safety regulations.

Determination of means of protection against damaging factors as if available dangerous influence both internally and externally

Legislation on occupational safety and civil defense provides for a wide range of devices and items that provide protection from the harmful effects of various factors. a large number of of people. However, such devices should be used as part of an integrated approach in conjunction with individual safety items.

The organization's civilian personnel must undergo ongoing training to ensure they know the rules for using such items. Also, upon completion of the training, which is conducted by a labor protection specialist, all personnel must undergo special certification for knowledge of the basics and standards of using protective equipment. Such promotions on permanent basis are carried out at facilities with an increased threat of various emergency situations that relate to a wide range of legal relations, the use of weapons during terrorist attacks, various types of harmful radiation, the effects of which affect human breathing and other organs.

Distribution of special funds by type depending on goals and objectives

Collective means of protection include (in accordance with the legislation on civil defense and emergency situations, as well as labor standards on the structure) various types of shelter, special items that help preserve the lives of citizens, provide a certain class of protection from the harmful effects of pathogenic factors and neutralize the consequences of accidents, emergency situations and other events that may result in harm to the health or life of personnel.

Important! Depending on the nature of the enterprise’s activities, legislation provides for the availability of such items in constant readiness and in the required quantity, based on the number of production employees. During implementation state inspections Inspection bodies check the integrity of the structure, its care by full-time specialists, and if violations are detected, administrative fines are imposed.

Types of collective protective equipment

In addition to regulating the availability of such items in constant readiness, also depending on the characteristics of the damaging factors, VCS are divided into certain types:

  • items to preserve life under various types of irradiation, such as laser, ion radiation, radiation damage, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The massive nature of this type of irradiation can negatively affect the health of personnel, therefore organizations should provide shelters with a special coating with reflective elements, which should neutralize the harmful effects of such particles, since they can quite strongly affect the surface of the skin and disrupt the functioning of the human respiratory tract;
  • SCP includes protective items that are anti-chemical in nature and capable of sheltering personnel during leaks and spread of toxic substances. Trauma from exposure to such poisons causes permanent impairment of the victim's health. The purpose of such shelters is to prevent citizens from interacting with vapors of toxic substances. They are closed rooms with a separate ventilation system. Such devices are designed to normalize airspace indoors;

Definition of the concept and types of collective and individual security items

  • Shelters from fire can also be classified as this type. Fire is considered the most problematic and common cause of emergency situations, therefore, companies with specific interactions with explosive substances should have special rooms with a fire-resistant coating and the presence of primary extinguishing agents, as well as breathing masks;
  • Shelters from mechanical destruction and background radiation are provided at strategic enterprises to protect against harmful influences. Such buildings must have a certain engineering protection class and reliably neutralize any mechanical impacts on the premises. The method of protecting the population is to equip special places with durable concrete structures and durable hermetic doors in separate rooms with their own life support system.

The latter type is found quite rarely, mainly at state-owned defense enterprises and is used for protection in the event of war or other cataclysm of a national scale.

Important! The main purpose of all types of protection is to minimize the danger to citizens. Also, in the future, such buildings can serve to provide assistance to victims of disasters.

What do collective means of protection protect against?

Various buildings and structures are protected from certain hazards. Only universal bunkers and super-protected buildings can save you from the complex effects of many negative factors. The law lists a list of hazardous factors that can be classified as harmful to the health of citizens:

  • various types of harmful radiation that harm others at the cellular level - ionic, radiation, infrared, ultrasound;
  • significant increase in noise and vibrations in the premises;
  • exposure to electric current over large areas;

Classification of special structures depending on the specifics of the activity

  • danger of chemical and bacteriological contamination;
  • danger of fire and release of combustion products;
  • danger of mechanical collapse of structures;
  • man-made factor as a result of equipment breakdowns and the danger of flooding.

What applies to collective protective equipment for labor protection

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, there is a certain list of funds that should be used in the event of emergency situation:

  • premises and shelters with special external and internal coating of walls, floors and ceilings, which should protect against damaging factors of production;
  • automatic ventilation systems and maintaining a certain composition of the indoor air environment;
  • means for treating waste water to drinking water;
  • premises for providing medical care to the victims;
  • automatic devices to reduce noise and vibration levels;
  • special compounds to repel negative effects different types radiation;
  • structures for protection against radiation damage and mechanical effects of weapons.

Requirements for VCS in production

In production, there are certain legal requirements for such items and structures. Regular protective items must be in proper condition and not lose their properties, and be maintained in sufficient quantity.

Illustration of typical structures for ensuring collective security

In addition, it is not allowed to use items that have expired, and in the case of buildings and structures - with obvious signs of unusability. Automatic systems must be checked on an ongoing basis.

Important! Ventilation shafts must be cleaned in accordance with maintenance schedules, and the premises must have a set of additional means of protecting the population in a standard quantity.

Use of collective protective equipment

The use of such devices must be subject to special regulations and internal instructions. They must protect against various threats that may arise at the enterprise, and accordingly regulate the use of VCS. In addition, during the training process, the employee must know the location of all devices, as well as be able to work with them in the event of an emergency. Responsible labor protection specialists must ensure the proper condition of the equipment and, in the event of an emergency, manage the procedure for their use.

Types of protective items depending on the damage factor and danger

As a result, personal and collective protective equipment is a key means in terms of ensuring the safety of life and health of a team of employees and citizens in the event of emergency situations, accidents of both an intra-production nature and a national scale. Proper preservation, inventory and care of such buildings and structures is the direct responsibility of both officials and the entire management of the enterprise as a whole.

Collective protective equipment - protective equipment that is structurally and functionally related to the production process, production equipment, premises, building, structure, production site.

Depending on the purpose there are:

Means for normalizing the air environment of industrial premises and workplaces, localization harmful factors, heating, ventilation;

Means for normalizing lighting of rooms and workplaces (light sources, lighting devices, etc.);

Means of protection against ionizing radiation(fencing, sealing devices, safety signs, etc.);

Means of protection against infrared radiation (protective, sealing, heat-insulating devices, etc.);

Means of protection against ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation (protective, for air ventilation, remote control, etc.);

Means of protection against laser radiation (fencing, safety signs);

Means of protection against noise and ultrasound (fencing, noise mufflers);

Vibration protection means (vibration isolating, vibration damping, vibration absorbing devices, etc.);

Means of protection against electric shock (fencing, alarms, insulating devices, grounding, grounding, etc.);

Means of protection against high and low temperatures (fences, thermal insulating devices, heating and cooling);

Means of protection against mechanical factors (fencing, safety and braking devices, safety signs);

Means of protection against exposure to chemical factors (devices for sealing, ventilation and air purification, remote control, etc.).

Means of protection against the influence of biological factors (fencing, ventilation, safety signs, etc.)

Collective remedies are divided into: protective, safety, braking devices, automatic control and alarm devices, remote control, safety signs.

Fencing devices are designed to prevent a person from accidentally entering the danger zone. They are used to isolate moving parts of machines, processing areas of machine tools, presses, impact elements of machines from working area. Devices are divided into stationary, mobile and portable.

Safety devices used to automatically shut down machines and equipment when they deviate from normal operating modes or when a person enters a dangerous zone. These devices can be blocking and restrictive. Depending on the operating principle, blocking devices can be: electromechanical, photoelectric, electromagnetic, radiation, mechanical.

Widely used braking devices, which can be divided into block, disc, conical and wedge. The most commonly used brakes are shoe and disc brakes. Braking systems can be manual, foot, semi-automatic and automatic.

To provide Information, warning, emergency automatic control and alarm devices are very important for the safe and reliable operation of equipment. Control devices are instruments for measuring pressure, temperature, static and dynamic loads that characterize the operation of machines and equipment. Alarm systems can be: sound, light, color, symbol, combined.

To protect against damage electric shock, various technical measures are used. These are low voltages; electrical network separation; control and prevention of insulation damage; protection against accidental contact with live parts; protective grounding; protective shutdown; individual means protection.

Individual protection means— means that are used by workers to protect themselves from harmful and dangerous factors production process and also for protection against contamination. PPE is used in cases where the safety of work cannot be fully ensured by the organization of production, the design of equipment, and collective protective equipment.

Provision of workers personal protective equipment must comply with the Model Industry Standards for free distribution to workers and employees special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 25, 1997 No. 66.

Depending on the purpose there are:

- insulating suits - pneumatic suits; waterproof suits; spacesuits;

Respiratory protection - gas masks; respirators; air helmets; pneumatic masks;

Special clothing - overalls, overalls; jackets; trousers; costumes; robes; raincoats; short fur coats, sheepskin coats; aprons; vests; sleeves

Special footwear - boots, over the knee boots, ankle boots, boots, low shoes, slippers, galoshes, boots, shoe covers;

Hand protection - mittens, gloves;

Head protection - helmets; helmets, balaclavas; caps, berets, hats;

Face protection - protective masks; protective shields;

Hearing protection - anti-noise helmets; headphones; inserts;

Eye protection - safety glasses;

Safety devices - safety belts; dielectric mats; hand grips; manipulators; knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads;

Protective, dermatological products - detergents; pastes; creams; ointments.

The use of PPE must ensure maximum safety, and the inconvenience associated with their use should be kept to a minimum.

Basics of organization and conduct rescue and other urgent work(SiDNR). Purpose, content and conditions for conducting SiDNR. Forces and means attracted to carry them out.

Natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes at business facilities, as well as the use by the enemy modern means lesions lead to destruction of buildings and structures, fires, radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination, damage to people and animals.

To eliminate the consequences of an emergency, the use of modern weapons in civil defense activities provides for rescue and other emergency operations (S&DNR).

Rescue work - actions in an emergency zone to save people, material and cultural values, protect environment, its localization and suppression or bringing to the minimum possible level of exposure to its characteristic hazardous factors (Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers”, March 27, 1997).

Rescue work includes:

Conducting reconnaissance of formation routes and work areas (objects);

Localization and extinguishing of fires at work sites (objects) and on exit routes to them;

Search for the injured and extract them from the rubble, damaged and burning buildings, gas-filled and smoke-filled premises;

Opening destroyed, damaged, littered protective structures and rescuing people in them;

Search and rescue of drowning people during mudslides, floods, inundations;

Air supply to littered protective structures with a damaged filter-ventilation system;

Providing first medical and first aid affected people and evacuate them to medical institutions;

Withdrawal (removal) of the population from dangerous places to safe areas;

Sanitary treatment of people and disinfection of their clothing, degassing and decontamination of equipment, transport, personal protective equipment (PPE), disinfection of territories and structures, food, food raw materials, water and fodder;

Delivery of water, food and clothing to the victims;

Providing victims with tents, inflatables and other temporary structures;

Search and rescue of pets;

Collection and protection material assets and important objects;

Cordoning off and protecting the territory in order to ensure quarantine and other measures;

Identification, registration and burial of the dead in the prescribed manner.

Other urgent work are carried out in order to create conditions for successful and safe conduct rescue work, ensuring the livelihoods of the population in emergency zones, areas of damage and occurrence secondary factors defeats.

Urgent work during emergency response - activities to comprehensively ensure rescue operations, provide medical and other types of assistance to the population affected by emergencies, create conditions necessary to preserve the life and health of people, maintain their performance (Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Emergency Rescue Services and the Status of Rescuers ", March 27, 1997).

Urgent work includes:

Short-term restoration of roads and road-bridge structures for the movement of rescuers to areas natural Disasters and accidents;

Laying column tracks and constructing passages in rubble and in areas contaminated with radioactive substances (SDYAV or OV);

Localization of accidents on gas, energy and other networks;

Short-term restoration of damaged and destroyed communication lines, power transmission lines and utility networks in order to ensure rescue operations;

Strengthening or collapsing unstable structures that threaten collapse and impede safe movement and carrying out rescue operations;

Temporary restoration of water intakes and water purification.

Tactics and Sequence The implementation of S&DNR depends on the degree and nature of destruction of buildings and structures, the structure of rubble, accidents on utility and energy networks and technological lines, the nature of contamination with SDYAV, OM or RV, fires and other conditions affecting the conduct of work.

The sequence of measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters:

Studying the road network of disaster-affected areas, settlements and economic objects according to maps and descriptions;

Aerial photography of affected areas;

- reconnaissance facilities where it is necessary to carry out S&D;

Engineering and rescue work;

Detailed inspection of the facility and preparation of simplified documentation for the organization of work;

Freeing objects from rubble and other obstacles, cleaning broken equipment, eliminating flooding;

Organization of commandant service in the area of ​​the accident and in the surrounding area;

Other activities aimed at ensuring the successful completion of liquidation operations.

S&DNR must be deployed immediately upon the arrival of rescuers at the affected area, simultaneously with reconnaissance. They must be carried out continuously day and night, in any weather, in conditions of destruction, fires, contamination of the atmosphere and terrain, flooding of the territory and under the influence of other unfavorable conditions. In order to achieve the greatest success in saving people and material assets, S&DNR must be organized and carried out within a limited time frame.

Related to saving people, are carried out continuously until they are completed. If necessary, shifts and rest of rescuers, meals are organized at the work site or in designated areas.

Grouping of forces and means to carry out rescue and other urgent work.

For rescue and other urgent work (S&DNR) in areas of damage, chemical, radiation, bacteriological (biological) contamination, in emergency zones in peacetime and war, a group of forces and means is created, which usually includes:

a) Civil Defense Forces:

Military units of civil defense;

Territorial and object formations of civil defense;

Formation of civil defense and emergency services;

Republican and regional rescue teams.

For the period of rescue operations, by decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, units of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, departmental specialized rescue, emergency recovery, paramilitary and other formations may be allocated, which are part of the general grouping of forces and means and carry out work under the operational leadership of the head of rescue operations .

b) Funds for carrying out SiDNR.

Civil defense equipment includes all types and brands of construction and road machinery and mechanisms available in organizations, as well as city municipal equipment.

Depending on their purpose, machines and mechanisms are divided into the following groups:

Machines and mechanisms for making passages, dismantling and clearing rubble, lifting, moving and transporting goods (bulldozers, excavators, graders, scrapers, tractors, tractors, truck cranes);

Machines and mechanisms for disinfecting contaminated surfaces (watering machines, street sweepers, fire engines, graders, bulldozers);

Mechanisms and tools for punching openings in walls, holes in the ceilings of protective structures to supply air into them (mechanical, pneumatic, electrical, compressor stations with drilling and jackhammers) and equipment for cutting metal (kerosene cutters and gasoline cutters);

Mechanisms for pumping water (pumps, motor pumps).

Based decision taken to carry out rescue and other urgent work, the creation of a group of forces and the possible order of its use (actions) at predetermined areas (facilities) of work in the affected areas are planned in advance.

To ensure continuous rescue and other urgent work until their complete completion, increasing efforts, expanding the scope of work, as well as replacing forces and means, groups of Civil Defense forces can consist of one, two, three echelons and a reserve. Based on the possible situation, each echelon may consist of several shifts. The number of shifts in the echelons is determined depending on the availability of forces and means, their capabilities, the situation at the work site, the upcoming volume of work, transport capabilities and time of arrival at the work areas.

In the first echelon includes the most mobile, staffed, trained and equipped forces capable of short time(usually within the first 24 hours) arrive in emergency zones, hot spots and begin work.

Second echelon designed to increase efforts and expand the front of rescue operations, as well as to replace units and formations of the first echelon.

Military units and formations included in the echelons are distributed among shifts in compliance with the integrity and organizational structure.

Reserves are intended to solve sudden problems during rescue and other urgent work and to increase efforts at the most important areas and facilities in order to reduce the completion time of work, replace forces, as well as transfer the efforts of forces and resources to new areas (facilities) of work.

Main literature: 2 .

Control questions:

1. What do S&DNRs include?

2. What is the sequence of activities to eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters?

3. What are the forces and means to carry out SiDNR?

4. What are the features of organizing and conducting SiDNR?

Collective defense means are protective engineering structures of civil defense. They are the most reliable means of protecting the population from weapons mass destruction and other modern means of attack. Defensive structures Depending on their protective properties, they are divided into shelters and anti-radiation shelters (PRU). In addition, simple shelters can be used to protect people.

Shelters are special structures designed to protect people sheltering in them from all damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, toxic substances, biological agents, as well as high temperatures and harmful gases generated during fires. The shelter plan is shown in Fig. eleven.

The shelter consists of main and auxiliary premises. In the main room, intended to accommodate those being sheltered, two- or three-tier bunks-benches for sitting and shelves for lying down are equipped. The auxiliary premises of the shelter are a sanitary unit, a filter-ventilation chamber, and in large-capacity buildings - a medical room, a food pantry, premises for an artesian well and a diesel power plant.

As a rule, the shelter has at least two entrances; in low-capacity shelters - entrance and emergency exit. In built-in shelters, entrances can be made from stairwells or directly from the street. The emergency exit is equipped in the form of an underground

Rice. eleven.

1 - protective-hermetic doors; 2 - airlock chambers (vestibules); 3 - sanitary compartments; 4 - main room for accommodating people; 5 - gallery and head of emergency exit; 6 - filter-ventilation chamber; 7 - pantry for food; 8 - medical room (rooms 7 and 8 may not be arranged)

a walkway ending in a shaft with a head or hatch in a non-collapsible area. The outer door is made protective and hermetic, the inner door is made hermetic. Between them there is a vestibule. In buildings with a large capacity (more than 300 people), a vestibule-gate is equipped at one of the entrances, which is closed on the outside and inside with protective-hermetic doors, which makes it possible to exit the shelter without violating the protective properties of the entrance.

The air supply system, as a rule, operates in two modes: clean ventilation (cleaning the air of dust) and filter ventilation. In shelters located in fire-hazardous areas, a complete isolation mode with air regeneration inside the shelter is additionally provided.

The power, water supply, heating and sewage systems of the shelters are connected to the corresponding external networks. In case of damage, the shelter has portable electric lights, tanks for storing emergency water supplies, as well as containers for collecting sewage.

Heating of shelters is provided from the general heating network.

In addition, the shelter premises contain a set of means for conducting reconnaissance, protective clothing, fire extinguishing equipment, and an emergency supply of tools.

Anti-radiation shelters (RAS) provide protection for people from ionizing radiation in the event of radioactive contamination of the area. In addition, they protect from light radiation, penetrating radiation (including from neutron flux) and partly from shock waves, as well as from direct contact of radioactive, toxic substances and biological agents on the skin and clothing of people.

PRUs are installed primarily in the basement floors of buildings and structures. In some cases, it is possible to build free-standing, prefabricated anti-radiation shelters, for which industrial (prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, bricks, rolled products) or local (timber, stones, brushwood, etc.) building materials are used.

All buried premises suitable for this purpose are adapted for anti-radiation shelters: basements and cellars (Fig. 12), vegetable storehouses, underground workings and caves, as well as

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premises in above-ground buildings with walls made of materials that have the necessary protective properties.

To increase the protective properties of the room, window and excess doorways are sealed, a layer of soil is poured onto the ceiling and, if necessary, soil bedding is made outside near the walls protruding above the surface of the ground. Sealing of premises is achieved by carefully sealing cracks, crevices and holes in the walls and ceiling, at the junction of window and door openings, the entry of heating and water pipes, by fitting doors and upholstering them with felt, sealing the narthex with a felt roller or other soft dense fabric.

Shelters with a capacity of up to 30 people are ventilated by natural ventilation through the supply and exhaust ducts. To create draft, the exhaust duct is installed 1.5-2 m above the supply duct. Visors are made at the outer terminals of the ventilation ducts, and at the exits to the room there are tightly fitted dampers that are closed during the fallout. radioactive fallout. The internal equipment of the shelters is similar to that of the shelter.

In rooms adapted for shelters that are not equipped with running water and sewerage, water tanks are installed at the rate of 3-4 liters per person per day, and the toilet is equipped with a portable container or a backlash closet with a cesspool, or a dry closet is installed. In addition, bunks (benches), racks or chests for food are installed in the shelter. Lighting is provided from an external power supply or portable electric lanterns.

The protective properties of anti-radiation shelters from the effects of radioactive radiation are assessed by the protection coefficient (radiation attenuation), which shows how many times the radiation dose in an open area is greater than the radiation dose in the shelter, that is, how many times the PRU weaken the effect of radiation, and, consequently, the radiation dose of people . The protective properties of some premises are given below (Table 2).

table 2

Protective properties of premises

Retrofitting the basement floors and interiors of buildings increases their protective properties several times. Thus, the protection factor of equipped basements of wooden houses increases to approximately 100, of stone houses - to 800-1,000. Unequipped cellars attenuate radiation by 7-12 times, and equipped ones - by 350-400 times.

The simplest shelters include open and covered cracks (Fig. 13). The cracks are built by the population themselves using locally available materials.

The simplest shelters have reliable protective properties. Thus, an open shell reduces the likelihood of damage by a shock wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation by 1.2-2 times, and reduces the possibility of exposure in a radioactive contamination zone by 2-3 times. The blocked gap protects from light radiation completely, from a shock wave - 2.5-3 times, from penetrating radiation and radioactive radiation - 200-300 times. It also protects against direct contact with clothing and skin of radioactive, toxic substances and biological agents.

The location for the construction of cracks is chosen in a non-fillable area, that is, the distance to ground buildings should exceed their height, in areas not flooded by melt and rainwater.

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The gap is initially arranged open. The length of the gap is determined at the rate of 0.5-0.6 m per person. The normal capacity of the slot is 10-15 people, the largest is 50 people.

The construction of the gap begins with laying out and tracing - indicating its plan on the ground. First, a base line is drawn and the total length of the slot is plotted on it. Then half the width of the slot along the top is laid off to the left and right. Pegs are driven in at the fracture points, tracing cords are pulled between them and grooves 5-7 cm deep are torn off.

The passage does not begin across the entire width, but slightly retreating inward from the tracing line. As you deepen, gradually trim the slopes of the crack and bring it to the required size. Subsequently, the walls of the crack are reinforced with boards, poles, reeds or other available materials. Then the gap is covered with logs, sleepers or small reinforced concrete slabs. A layer of waterproofing is made on top of the coating using roofing felt, roofing felt, vinyl chloride film, or a layer of crumpled clay is laid, and then a layer of soil 50-60 cm thick.

The entrance is made on one or both sides at right angles to the gap and is equipped with a hermetic door and vestibule, separating the room for those being sheltered with a curtain made of thick fabric. An exhaust duct is installed for ventilation. A drainage ditch is dug along the floor with a drainage well located at the entrance to the gap.

Questions and tasks

  • 1. What refers to respiratory protection?
  • 2. How to choose the correct size of gas mask helmet?
  • 3. How to put on a gas mask correctly?
  • 4. Work out the standard for putting a gas mask on yourself.
  • 5. Which gas masks are filtering and which are insulating? What is the principle of their operation?
  • 6. What skin protection products do you know? What is included in these products?
  • 7. Work out the standards for putting on OZK.
  • 8. What applies to medical supplies personal protection?
  • 9. What are collective protective equipment?
  • 10. How is the shelter constructed (anti-radiation shelter, gap)?
  • 11. What rooms can be adapted for shelters and anti-radiation shelters?
  • 12. How many times do the internal (basement) rooms of one- and two-story wooden (stone) buildings weaken the effect of radiation?
  • 13. How many times does an open (closed) slit reduce the probability of injury from a shock wave (light radiation, penetrating radiation)?
  • 14. What is an open (closed) gap?