Documents for the form for families with many children. Annual compensation for a set of children's clothing for the period of study for children from a large family

In order to apply for one or another type of government support in a timely manner, it is worth studying what benefits are provided large families in 2018. One-time benefit by the beginning of the school year One-time benefit by the beginning of the school year - social payment for schoolchildren from low-income or large families. There is no legislation of the Russian Federation, so regional authorities independently determine the categories of recipients and the amount of benefits, so the amount of payments for preparing children for school in various areas is different. The average size benefits in the regions are 1500 - 2000 rubles, and in some it reaches 5000 (Moscow) and 7500 rubles (KhMAO). News and articles We draw the attention of parents with many children in the Moscow region to a significant change in the procedure for providing partial compensation for the cost school uniform.

List of benefits for large families in the Moscow region in 2018

Where to apply to receive compensation for school uniforms for families with many children? In most cases, you must apply for compensation at regional body social protection population, but sometimes you first need to get a recommendation from the administration of the educational institution. In any case, documents are submitted to certain period time - usually from February 1 to October 30 of the current academic year. Every year you will have to confirm your right to payment, since family income can change in a fairly short period of time, and compensation is only available to low-income families.

In addition to compensation for the purchase of a uniform, parents of a large family can apply for a one-time annual allowance to send their child to school, a targeted subsidy and some other benefits, the list of which will depend on the region of residence of the family.

Compensation for school uniforms for families with many children in 2018 Moscow region

Documents proving the purchase of a school uniform will not be required when applying for compensation for its purchase. Answers to common questions Question No. 1. How to understand exactly what amount of compensation a family registered in Moscow can receive? The amount will depend on the specific educational institution. All schools set their own requirements for school uniforms, and accordingly the cost of a set of clothes will vary.
Question No. 2. School uniforms for children were purchased last year for all students general decision parent committee. Do I need to buy a separate set of clothes for classes? No, if the purchased kit matches the local one normative act last year. Rate the quality of the article.

Compensation for the purchase of school uniforms for large families in 2018

The law allows large families to reduce their financial burden before the start of the school year by receiving compensation for the purchase of school uniforms. If a family has several children attending school at once, reimbursement of uniform costs is due to each of them. In some regions, clothing is provided by social security authorities, rather than compensation.
Let's find out how compensation for school uniforms is processed for families with many children. About how compensation is paid to families with many children for school uniforms. Compensation to families with many children for school uniforms is established at the federal level, but the procedure for paying compensation, the conditions for receiving it, the list of documents and the amount of reimbursement of expenses can be approved by the authorities local government. Compensation is not assigned annually, but only once every 2 years and, as a rule, amounts to 2-5 thousand rubles.

Compensation for school uniforms for families with many children in 2018

IN in this case This will become the main document. In some cases, when applying for benefits, you need to provide other documents in addition to your ID. For example, a housing and communal services benefit is issued upon presentation of:

  • civil passport;
  • several paid receipts;
  • Statement of the housing and communal services account (from the accounting department of the management company).

When they can refuse The issuance of a certificate and benefits is carried out in agreement with the local budget, therefore in this case it is important that the entire family is registered within one locality.
When moving to another region, citizens will lose all benefits and will have to apply for them again at their new place of residence.

What benefits can large families receive in the Moscow region?

If the family consumes a large number of electricity (as an example), then she will pay the greater cost for it herself. In addition, other types of support are provided to families, since the parents' income is also taken into account. Low-income families raising three or more children receive additional benefits.


The amount of one-time payments at the birth of the third and subsequent children in the Moscow region is 60 thousand rubles. If twins are born in a family, the authorities will allocate 70 thousand rubles for each baby, and if triplets and more children are born at the same time, the amount increases to 300 thousand for all. We advise residents of the Moscow region to additionally apply for a list of benefits from the administration of cities and villages, since they also provide large families additional measures support.

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Often it is necessary to prove that the parents’ earnings are not enough for a decent living for the family - when the average per capita income is less than the regional one living wage per each family member. If all conditions are met, the family will receive compensation not only for purchasing a uniform for attending school, but also for physical education lessons. Read also the article: → “The procedure and timing for calculating payments for the fourth child.”
The amount of the allowance for the purchase of clothes for school The amount of compensation depends on the decision of the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The amount is influenced by the socio-economic indicators of the family’s region of residence, as well as the state of the local budget. On average in the regions, the amount of monetary allowance is 1.5 - 14.7 thousand rubles. Payment in Moscow and Moscow Region is provided in the amount of 2 thousand to 4250 rubles.

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  • What benefits can large families receive in the Moscow region?
  • for all other children - birth certificates;
  • marriage certificate (or divorce), if such a document is available;
  • color photos of parents without frames on a light background, size 3x4 cm (in some MFC procedure photographs are taken on site - this information can be clarified when making an appointment);
  • certificate of family composition (to be ordered in advance);
  • if children in the family are adopted or guardianship has been issued for them, the corresponding document is provided;
  • if children in the family are studying full-time, a document confirming this fact is provided.

We remind you that if the children’s parents are divorced, a consent document is drawn up for them to live at a specific address. It is necessary to attach it to the package of papers. After issuing the certificate, you will need to apply for benefits and receive benefits.

  • 10 School uniforms for a large family: new payment rules

Attention parents with many children! In 2018, we are open to accepting applications for payment for school uniforms. We remind you that in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated June 27, 2017 No. 529/22 “On approval of the procedure for providing payment per student, provided to a large family for the purchase of clothes for a child to attend classes at the period of his studies in the state educational organization Moscow region or a municipal educational organization in the Moscow region that carries out educational activities By educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary general education" in the current 2018 calendar year, applications for payment for a student from a large family for the purchase of clothing (hereinafter referred to as the Payment) are open.

When a baby is born, family expenses increase. If we are talking about raising three or more children, then a significant part of the budget is spent on their maintenance. And families are in need of additional financial resources.

This article will discuss compensation for large families for the purchase of school uniforms, their procedure for receiving them and their amount. According to the law, large families have the right to reimbursement of expenses, but regional authorities are amending the conditions and amount of compensation.

Grounds for reimbursement of expenses

Parents with many children receive benefits for the purchase of school uniforms. Parents should have Russian passports, because foreigners and stateless persons are not eligible to apply for this benefit. Children for whom the uniform is intended must study in public educational institutions.

Only one parent receives the benefit and no more than once a year.

The child has the right to visit:

  • gymnasium;
  • lyceum;
  • school;
  • technical College.

On the day the parents submit the application, their children must be minors. If it comes to a student, he must be a full-time student and be no older than twenty-three years old.

Subjects Russian Federation compensate parents for the cost of the purchased uniform on the basis of Part 3 of Article 38 of the Law on Education No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.

Terms of payment

Payment is provided on different conditions, depending on the region of the Russian Federation. For this reason, those that are characteristic of a particular region are often added to the main conditions. It is often necessary to draw up an application for compensation with the participation of the school director.

They usually provide evidence of the fact that the parents’ salary does not allow the family to live with dignity. This can be proven if the average income per person is less than the subsistence level in the region. If all confirmations are accepted, then children will be provided with not only uniforms for classes and physical education lessons.

Benefit amount

The amount of the benefit will depend entirely on the decision local authorities. The size also depends on economic condition region and its budget. The amount of compensation varies from one and a half thousand to fourteen thousand rubles. If the family did not use the compensation opportunity in the previous year, then this amount cannot be spent the next year. In St. Petersburg, for example, they allocate 3,768 rubles per person, and in Moscow – 10,000 rubles.

When to apply

It is recommended to submit all necessary documents to the authorized body by mail or in person. If the parent decides to use the post office, they will first have to contact a notary to certify the documents.

Typically, documents that allow you to receive compensation were required to be submitted to the Social Insurance Fund at your place of residence by the end of August. But new regulations indicate that this needs to be done before December. Social security authorities in some regions ask you to complete important papers from the beginning of February to the end of October.

You can also use the multifunctional center to submit a package of documents.

Terms of assistance

The executive body will open a case and attach all submitted documents to it. In a week and a half, a decision will be made and a positive or negative verdict will be issued. If the result is negative, parents will receive a detailed explanation.

If the situation is positive, compensation will be transferred within a week from the moment the authorities issue funds for the needs of the region.

When payments stop

Parents will not receive compensation in the following cases:

  1. If the family has left the region in which this program operates.
  2. An incomplete package of documents or inaccurate information was provided.
  3. Parents were deprived of payments for certain reasons.
  4. In case of death of compensation recipients.

Necessary documents for obtaining a regional benefit

To receive compensation, certain documents are required with your application. It is recommended to prepare the following important papers:

  1. Identity card of the Russian Federation and its photocopy.
  2. Certificate of a large family.
  3. A unified document from an educational institution stating that the child is studying. It can be taken at school, gymnasium, lyceum or vocational school.
  4. Children's passport with registration mark. Instead of a passport, a certificate may be suitable, which proves the presence of registration in this area. This certificate can be a document on family composition, which is drawn up at the housing department, passport office or settlement administration.
  5. Account number or photocopy of the book to transfer funds.
  6. A document that confirms that a citizen is a student, he is not older than 23 years old and is in full-time study. This document must be provided from the educational institution. (in case a family has lost its status as a large family due to the coming of age of one of the children who is a full-time student).
  7. A document from Social Security that confirms the fact that compensation was not provided at the place of registration of the child’s parent. This proof is necessary for those families where the father or mother of the child has a residence permit in another region.

Errors when drawing up an application

When filling out an application, the following errors are sometimes encountered:

  1. The mother of three (or more) children in the document asks for double compensation for purchasing a school uniform. She justifies this request by the fact that in the previous year she did not take advantage of reimbursement for purchases. This is considered a mistake, because the compensation amounts for two years do not add up. Only the current year is taken into account.
  2. The parents attached sales receipts for the purchase of clothing to the documents in order to receive a refund. When submitting an application and necessary documents no need to include receipts for purchasing the form.

It is also necessary to take into account that the amount of payments will depend on the educational institution. Each educational institution has individual criteria for school uniforms. This means that prices per set will vary.

When studying laws on assistance to large families (including compensation for the purchase of school uniforms), you need to take into account that both parents, or each one separately, can implement it. The only condition is to have three or more children. It does not matter whether the mother or father is claiming financial compensation for the purchase of a school uniform. The payment is due in any case if an application has been submitted and the family meets specific characteristics.

Useful video

In Russia, the law allows large families to reduce their financial burden before the start of the school year, using the opportunity to compensate for the purchase of a school uniform. If a family has several children going to school at the same time, the state undertakes to reimburse the cost of uniforms for each child.

In the capital and the Moscow region, parents of large families apply for compensation, and you can count on it, even if the family has recently lost this status (one of the children has reached the age of majority), and in some regions, social welfare authorities issue clothing, not compensation.

In Moscow and the region there are special rules for processing compensation for the purchase of a school uniform. Here it is allowed to apply for payment not only to large families, but also to families that have recently lost this status. This happens when one of the children becomes an adult. In this case, the only condition for providing compensation applies: adult child must be a full-time student and must not yet be 23 years old.

Application for reimbursement of expenses must be submitted before December 5th Multifunctional Center. The amount of compensation in the Moscow region is 3 thousand rubles. In this case, you do not need to bring a receipt for payment of the form - all applicants will be paid the above amount.

The amount of compensation for large families for school uniforms is established at the federal level, but local governments retain the right to regulate the conditions for receiving it, the list of required documents and the amount of compensation itself.

Compensation in the amount of 2-5 thousand rubles is prescribed once every 2 years.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the criteria for assigning the status of a family with many children are determined locally: in some places, the presence of three children in a family is a sufficient condition, in others, adopted and warded children or stepchildren and stepdaughters are not taken into account, etc.

It is worth noting that only low-income family, and such status is also assigned individually for each region.

Families entitled to reimbursement of costs when purchasing school uniforms

In some regions, the cost of purchasing a school uniform is reimbursed to the family in full; in others, the reimbursement may be symbolic and may not cover even half of the costs.

Families that meet all of the following conditions are entitled to a refund for the purchase of a school uniform:

  • the family has the status of large;
  • the family has low-income status (average income per family member is below the regional subsistence level);
  • families where children study at school, lyceum, vocational school or gymnasium;
  • children study in state educational institutions or municipal educational organizations;
  • The age of children for whom compensation can be issued does not exceed 18 years (in some regions - 23 years, subject to full-time education).

If parents buy a school uniform at their own expense or through compensation, such clothing is considered the property of this family. And if the uniform is purchased at the expense of the budget of the gymnasium or school, then such clothing is subject to accounting on the school’s balance sheet. In this case, the purchased sets of clothing must be registered, after which a document is drawn up confirming the fact that the uniform was issued to students. Over time, this batch of clothes will be written off, according to the resolution of the special commission on the wear and tear of school uniforms. In normal secondary school, due to the impossibility of controlling this type of property, the form can be written off as expenses immediately after it is issued to students.

The catalogs that are sent to schools contain samples of school clothing in sets. Parents can buy sets presented by regional manufacturers or assemble the entire set of school clothing items for their child themselves. Local producers, however, have a number of advantages. For example, they can sew clothes to order, alter uniforms for children with non-standard figures.

Large families in Moscow will be reimbursed for school uniform expenses

For large families in Moscow it is provided compensation payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles for each child attending school ( educational institution, implementing basic educational programs of primary, basic and secondary general education).

The new school year is starting soon, which means it’s time to buy school uniforms for both those who are just starting to study and those who have grown up over the summer and are going to the next grade. The Moscow government helps large families in this matter by annually providing monetary compensation of 5,000 rubles per student, and it is not at all necessary to document purchases, that is, provide receipts for purchases made.

Compensation for school uniform

Officially this benefit It’s called “an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children’s clothing for attending classes.” It applies to large families with three or more children who are registered in Moscow at their place of permanent residence and study in educational institutions with general education programs. Payments are made for children aged 6-8 to 16-18 years and do not depend on the departmental affiliation of the educational institution in which the child is studying.

Calculation, assignment and transfer of compensation for school uniforms in accordance with Article 5 of the same law are carried out by authorized bodies executive power cities of Moscow - currently they are territorial bodies social protection of the population.

Gymnasium No. 2

1.1.This Payment Procedure monetary compensation large families (hereinafter referred to as compensation) for the purchase of a school uniform or a replacement set of children's clothing, as well as sports uniforms for attending school classes (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed for the purpose of implementing Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.1992 N 431 on the territory of the Chekhovsky district On measures for social support for large families,” Resolution of the Head of the Moscow Region Administration dated July 29, 1992 No. 168 “On measures for social support for large families.”

1.3. The right to receive compensation has one of the parents of a large family, permanently or predominantly residing in the territory of the Chekhovsky district as an owner, under a lease (sublease) agreement, lease agreement or free use, whose child is a student of a municipal educational institution in the Chekhov municipal district.

Compensation for the purchase of school uniforms for large families in 2019

IN established by law deadline, you must submit the required documents to the authority authorized to consider this issue (in person or by mail). If papers are sent through Postal office, there must be an inventory of the attachments, and copies of documents will also have to be notarized.

Applicants wishing to receive an allowance for the purchase of uniforms for school must have the status of parents of many children. In addition, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; this benefit is not provided to foreigners and stateless persons. Children for whom the uniform was purchased must study in state educational institutions in Moscow or municipal educational organizations Moscow region. Read also the article: → “Features of processing payments and benefits for a third child.”

Allowance for large families to prepare children for school

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides cash payments to prepare children for school for large families - households with 3 or more children. The purpose of the benefit for preparing children for school is to provide assistance regional authorities in purchasing a school uniform or a set of clothing that replaces it, as well as other goods necessary for visiting training sessions.

All documents are provided in originals and copies. Their list may vary between regions, so in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a certificate of a mother (family) with many children is not required to apply for benefits. If there are no documents confirming the joint residence of the child and the applicant, then you will need to draw up an act confirming this fact.

Compensation for school uniforms for families with many children 2015

As already mentioned, the benefit for paying for clothes for school is regional, which means that the procedure for compensation in each region or region is different. The payment is made for each student once a year - for one academic year. You can apply for compensation for the cost of uniforms for the new academic year as early as May. All applications submitted before December are considered an application for compensation for the current year.

Compensation for school uniforms for families with many children remains the same in most regions of the country in 2015. The essence of the benefit is as follows: a large family purchases clothes at its own expense for the child to attend school and presents receipts for these clothes for compensation. Each region independently sets the amount of compensation and payment procedure.

On partial compensation of the cost of school uniforms for large families

  • a copy of a passport or other identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of a document confirming the child’s place of residence in the Moscow region;
  • a copy of the certificate of a large family (mother of many children, father of many children);
  • certificate for payment of compensation;
  • documents confirming payment for the student’s clothing (commodity or cash receipt, a receipt for a cash receipt order, payment order with a note from the bank or other credit organization regarding its execution).

– In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 08.08.2019 No. 568/26, applications from parents with many children for partial compensation for the cost of school uniforms will be accepted from September 1 to October 31 of the current year.

Compensation for school uniforms for large families

A measure has been established in St. Petersburg social support in the form of an annual compensation payment for children from large families studying in educational organizations of general education (schools) and secondary vocational education under training programs for skilled workers (employees).

The annual compensation payment for children from large families is assigned and paid once during the academic year for each child studying in an educational organization, if the application was made between September 1 and June 30 of the current year.

How can a large family receive compensation for school uniforms?

5) a certificate confirming the child’s education in a state educational organization of the Moscow region or a municipal educational organization of the Moscow region, carrying out educational activities according to educational programs of general, basic general, secondary general education (form attached);

23 Jul 2018 446

Parents with many children and schoolchildren are entitled to compensation for the purchase of uniforms. Experts tell us how to get financial assistance and what documents are needed.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of a number of benefits to large and low-income families, including an allowance for the purchase of school uniforms. Note that in Russia there is currently no uniform sample school uniform, as it was in Soviet times: the question of what students should look like is decided by the administration of a particular educational institution together with the parent committee. In any case, large families and low-income families, preparing their children for the next school season, have the right to count on state support.

What can large families expect when purchasing a school uniform?

The amount of assistance for purchasing school uniforms varies in each region, however, there are general rules: financial assistance is allocated once every 2 years, it is provided only if the children study in government institutions primary and secondary education. In 2018, the authorities of some constituent entities of the federation announced that schoolchildren from large families would be provided with uniforms free of charge ( Sverdlovsk region), in others the amount of financial assistance ranges from 2000-5000 rubles, and in Moscow they plan to allocate 10,000 rubles to large families.

How can I receive compensation for purchasing a school uniform?

Social security authorities accept applications for compensation for school uniforms from February 1 to October 30 of each year. The following documents must be attached to the application:

  1. mother's or father's passport (or other identity document);
  2. documents for the child (birth certificate, passport);
  3. a receipt confirming the amount of purchase of school clothes;
  4. a certificate from the school where the child is studying;
  5. a certificate confirming the status of a large family;
  6. information about all family members.

The package of documents also needs to include information about the account to which the money will be transferred.

Please note that some schools themselves purchase uniforms for their students. In such cases, compensation for uniforms for large families is paid educational institutions, and benefit schoolchildren receive it for free.

Russian legislation also provides for other benefits for large families: they can apply for lump sum payments by the beginning of the school year, for targeted subsidies and other types of assistance - each region has its own.